My family project is my fortress assistance program. My pedigree. My family is my castle. And in life you leave the family


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 2 "Ladushki" of the municipality Starominsky district. Project on the topic: “My house is my fortress”. The author of the project is the teacher of the preparatory group: Ruban Lyudmila Arkadevna st. Starominskaya, 2017

2 Topic: “My home is my castle” Project author: RubanL.A.- educator Explanatory note. The family is the source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. This is the first social institution with which the child meets in life, of which he is a part. The family occupies a central place in the upbringing of the child, and plays a major role in shaping the worldview, moral standards of behavior, social and moral appearance and the position of the child. Unfortunately, at present, for many reasons, family ties are weakening in our country, and traditional family education is becoming a thing of the past. Relevance: Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. These are close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take an example, whom we care for, to whom we wish happiness and good. The family always comes first in every person. Work in the context of the implementation of the new FSES requires the integration of family upbringing and preschool education, changing the style and forms of interaction between the preschool institution and the family, which will ultimately contribute to the development of general principles in the development of the personality of the preschool child. In order to study the family, to clarify the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to coordinate educational impacts on the child, we had an idea: to create a project “My home is my fortress”, which will help children understand the importance of the family, instill love and respect in children to its members, instill a sense of affection for family and home. Problem. Children do not have clear ideas about such concepts as “family”, “family members”. Children do not know the history of their kind and family. Family values \u200b\u200bare underestimated; interest in studying and maintaining family customs and traditions is unstable. Many children cannot explain the importance of the family to humans. Of course, not every parent is fully aware of the relevance of the problem being discussed and is hardly familiar with the methods and means of solving it. The need to create and implement the project “My home is my fortress” was due to the above factors. Project goal: to form a conscious understanding of the importance of the family in the child’s life. Type of project: 1 month Type of project: research, teaching, creative. Project participants: children, educators, parents of pupils. Age of children: 6-7 years Project objectives: For children. 1. Educational:

3 a) to form in children ideas about the family, about family traditions, kinship, about the distribution of family responsibilities. b) expand and consolidate ideas about people (knowledge of names, surnames of parents, grandparents, professional activities of family members). c) to attach to the process of cognition. d) stimulate interest in the proposed activity. 2. Developing: a) to develop the cognitive interest of children in the existing problem; b) to develop cognitive-search activity of children. c) develop speech skills: d) exchange information (dialogical speech) e) talk about yourself and your family (monologue, connected speech) 3. Educators: a) cultivate a respectful attitude and love for family and friends; b) cultivate respect for the employment of family members. For educators. 1. Conduct a search and research work with children on the topic "My Family". 2. To create a developmental environment conducive to the development of children's interest on the project topic. 3. Organize joint activities of children and parents on the topic of the project. For parents: b) to expand knowledge about the age characteristics of children. c) form family values \u200b\u200b(establishing family rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions) a) promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in the family and kindergarten, as well as maintaining and strengthening family values. In accordance with the GEF, the project is based on the scientific principles of its construction: 1. Comfort: the atmosphere of goodwill, faith in the strength of the child, creating success for each situation. 2. Reliance on intrinsic motivation: taking into account the child’s experience, creating his emotional involvement in the creative process, which provides a natural increase in working capacity. 3. Variability: creating conditions for the child to independently choose working methods, types of creative tasks, materials, equipment, etc. 4. Person-oriented interaction: creating a relaxed atmosphere in the creative process that stimulates the child’s creative activity. Expected Result. 1. Enhanced understanding of children about family relationships, their parents. 2. The establishment of trusting parent-child relationships. 3. Respect and care for all family members. 4. The ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about the family. 5. Understanding the importance of the family in the life of every person. 6. The interest of parents in continuing cooperation

4 The novelty of the project lies in the development of new approaches for introducing children to family traditions and values. Relying on the principles of preschool education, we try to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. Preliminary work: -Search work on the selection of illustrative material on the theme "Family"; - selection of literary works; - identification of the initial knowledge of children about the family; -selection and procurement of material for creative activities; - involvement of parents in the upcoming activities; -selection of poems about the family. Stages of the project implementation and implementation: 1.Information-storage. Definition of the project topic, tasks. Collection of information on this topic. Creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project. Survey of children: “What do I know about family”; Selection of reference and children's literature on the topic of the project. Discussion with the parents of the project, finding out the possibilities, means necessary for the implementation of the project, determining the content of the activities of all project participants. 2. Organizational and practical Implementation in the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschool children about the family. Block 1. "My family" Purpose: the formation of children's ideas about the world of the family, the education of love and attachment to the family, home. Conversation: “My family”. Role-playing games. Family, Daughters and mothers. Drawing on the theme “Our friendly family.” Exhibition of drawings. Reading works: V. Oseeva “Sons” D / A “How we help our family” Memorizing and reading poems about the family Exercise Does mother feel sad if; Making gifts for parents;

5 Review family photos. Work with parents. 1. Consultation "My family - what could be more expensive!" Block 2. “Names” Purpose: to help understand the meaning, history of names, patronymics, last names. Conversation: "Names, patronymic, last names and their meaning." Didactic game “Call by name” Work with parents: design of the newspaper “we all come from childhood”

6 Block 3. “My family tree. Family tree". Purpose: to introduce children to the concepts of "parents", "family tree", the family tree. To form ideas about the family; grandparents as part of a family. Conversation: “Nearby or Together” Didactic game “Compare - Who is Older? Who is younger? ” Exercise games Who are your parents ?, Who are you for grandmother? Creation of the family symbol “Coat of arms of my family”.

7 Design of newspapers “My Family Tree” The Tokarev family happiness house Family tree of the Shvetsov family Creating a gift for the beloved grandmother “Bird of happiness” (origami) Work with parents. Creation of a family coat of arms. Block 4. “Traditions of our family” Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about family traditions, holidays and household responsibilities of each family member; to develop the love and pride of the child’s family relationships. Conversation: “Our family holiday” Writing stories with children, “Traditions of our family” Conversations: “A day off in my family” Fun relay races “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”

8 Work with parents. Photo newspaper “A day off in my family” Block 5. “Professions in our family” Purpose: to expand ideas about professions, clarify children's ideas about military professions Conversation: “Where are my relatives working” Conversation: “Defenders of the Fatherland” Didactic game “Who, what need for work ”Excursion to the catering department. “Acquaintance with the profession of a cook”

9 Role-playing games "Hospital", "Atelier" Work with parents. Design of the album of drawings “My Family” Block 6. “My home is my fortress” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of your home address, teach children not to panic and explain where and to whom you should turn first if you get lost; to consolidate the skills of safe behavior at home, on the street. Conversation: “My house, my apartment, my room” Conversation: “What to do if you get lost” Conversation: “Safety at home” Theatrical activity based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

10 Conversation: "Rules of conduct on the street" Exhibition of works "My Home" Work with parents. Participation in a family competition. III. Final stage Presentation of the project “My home is my fortress” Processing of the results of the project implementation Project products: Exhibition of products of children's activities. "My Family" album design

11 Presentation of the project “My house is my fortress” “My house is my fortress” Teacher of a speech therapy group: Ruban L.A. IV. Control and reflexive project results. As a result of the activities that were carried out during the project: conversations, exhibitions, a holiday, joint activities of children and parents, we received a positive result. Children have increased knowledge about the family, parents have become more actively involved in activities held in kindergarten. Interaction with the family in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard allowed to provide optimal conditions for educational activities in the conditions of pre-school education, where parents, becoming active participants in public life and the process of teaching their children, feel more confident in their educational abilities, as they contribute and acquire new skills . Conclusion: Thus, as a result of the project activity, the children generalized and systematized their knowledge about the family. During the implementation of the project “My Home is My Fortress,” the level of children's knowledge about the family has increased significantly. Children learned more about their family, about family members, traditions, about the life of grandparents. Thanks

12 this project strengthened parent-child relationships, broadened their horizons and enriched the vocabulary of children. Prospects. 1. Continue to maintain partnerships between kindergarten and family. 2. Improve the culture of pedagogical literacy of the family. 3. Create conditions for the active participation of parents in the life of the group. List of references. 1. Veraksa N. E., Vasilieva M. A., Komarova T. S. The program of education and training in kindergarten "From birth to school" M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014 2. Gorshenina V. V., Samoshkina I.V., Cherkasova N.P. The system of work of the kindergarten on family education. M.: Globus, Volgograd: Panorama, Davydova O. I., Mayer A. A., Theologian L. G. "Projects in working with the family" methodical manual. LLC “TC Sphere”, 2012 (Library of the journal “Management of the preschool educational institution”) 4. Kozlova A. V., Deshulina R. P. “Working with the family”: - M.: T. U. Sphere, Kolentyev O. O., Kalemullina S. S. “Holidays in kindergarten ": - M.: Education, For presentation, sources: pictures are taken on the site \u200b\u200bAppendix 1 - synopsis of conversations, finger games, physical notes Appendix 2- Presentation of the project" My home is my castle "

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Project activities in the middle group “My family is my fortress”

  Happy is he who is happy at home. / L.N. Tolstoy /
  Family is a place where we feel happy. Family is the most important thing in our life, because it is in it that we grow, learn certain values. Society and entire countries begin precisely with the family. A. N. Ostrogorsky also wrote: “Family life for a child is the same as public life for us. His soul is fed by the impressions received in the family. Here the child learns to love one thing, to hate the other, here he gets used to work or idleness, gets the first ... aesthetic tastes, all his interests, affections and authorities are concentrated here. ” And today, when parents spend a lot of time at work, it is difficult to invest in the child the value of family relationships.
  Objective of the project:  introducing children to family values.
Project Objectives:  to acquaint children with the history of the holiday of family, love and fidelity; to educate children in their desire to help their loved ones, to make them happy and spend more time with family; create conditions for participation and involvement of parents in educational activities.
Type of project:  in terms of duration - short-term, in terms of the composition of project participants - group, in terms of focus of activities of project participants - creative.
Expected results:  the work turned out both cognitive and creative. The project activity is planned taking into account the integration of areas, helping children learn and comprehend the new. The children realized that their relatives and friends should be cherished and valued and their work was given with concrete examples. Children became friendlier. Parents became interested in the results and products of the project.
Stage I - preliminary:  definition of a problem; setting goals and objectives; collection and preparation of material; drawing up a long-term work plan.
II stage - the main:  work according to plan with children, parents, teachers.
  “At the roots of history” (The story of a difficult life and great love of Peter and Fevronia). (Appendix No. 1)
  Listening to the anthem of the family.
  Interaction with parents: compiling a family tree.
  “Who is the head of the family?” (reading the fairy tale "The Wise Father" and a conversation on what has been read). (Appendix No. 2)
  Interaction with parents: drawings "My family"
  “Mommy, my beloved” (memorizing the poem “Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...” by E. Blaginina, conversation during the day about our help in mother’s household affairs) (Appendix No. 3)
  Production of photo frames.
“A gift to the most expensive” (making sweets, taking care of your near and dear ones)

   Here are such surprises, sweets, every child could take home.
   Entertainment "Day of family, love and fidelity."
   Interaction with parents: master class "Guardian angel of the family hearth." (Appendix No. 4)
   These are the crafts each child took with him (photo frame, angel and daisy emblem):

  Stage III - final:  entertainment for family day, love and fidelity; joint work with parents "guardian angel of the family hearth."

Appendix No. 1:

The story of a difficult life and great love of Peter and Fevronia
  Prince Peter, who was the son of Murom Prince Yuri, was struck by terrible leprosy. All attempts to cure the unfortunate from the disease ended in failure, no one could restore Peter's health. Almost reconciled with his fate, the man saw an unusual dream in which he discovered that there was a girl in the world who could heal the affected body. In a prophetic dream, the name of the savior, Fevronia, was revealed to Peter.
  Fevronia was a peasant from a Ryazan village, the daughter of an ordinary beekeeper. From childhood, the girl studied herbs and had the gift of healing, even wild animals obeyed her and did not dare to show aggression. An amazingly kind and beautiful young lady immediately liked the young prince, and he promised that he would marry the beauty immediately after recovery. Fevronia put the man on his feet, but he did not keep his promise and did not lead the village girl down the aisle. Most likely, this was the reason that leprosy fell on the prince's head with great force.
  The messengers went for the second time to heal, and Fevronia did not refuse to deceive the treatment and again gave him health. After this, Peter married a savior and until the end of his days did not regret what he had done. According to legend, the couple lived in love, harmony and respect, never fooled each other and always flattered about their halves.
  After the death of his elder brother, Peter was destined to take city power into his own hands. The boyars approved the respected ruler with approval, but the simple peasant woman did not give them rest - no one wanted to see a representative of the lower class in power. Noble wives constantly slandered Fevronia, persuading their husbands to squeeze the world out of their mind that was clever and beautiful. One day the prince was given an ultimatum - either to drive his beloved wife out of the house, or to leave the post of ruler. Peter did not hesitate for a long time, but chose to renounce power and decided to leave Murom altogether.
In exile, the young wise princess strongly supported her saddened spouse. When there were difficulties with food and money in the house, she always found a wonderful way out. Peter still idolized his betrothed and never once rebuked his beloved that for her sake he had to leave a high post and live in hardship.
  However, the deprivation of the princely couple did not last long, soon the Murom boyars realized that without a competent ruler in the city it would be difficult to maintain order. Having thought it over, they sent messengers for the prince and asked him to return with his wife to his hometown and again take the post of mayor. Peter consulted with Fevronia and the couple, not becoming opposed, returned home.
  In love and harmony, the faithful spouses Peter and Fevronia lived to an old age, and having lived to gray hair, they adopted monasticism under the names of Euphrosyne and David. As monks, dearly loving spouses prayed to God for death on the same day. Dreaming of being together in heaven, they prepared for themselves one for two coffin, where only a thin partition was to separate the two bodies.
  The legend says that the elderly monks really departed to another world on the same day - it happened on June 25, 1228 according to the strom style, which corresponds to July 8 according to the current calendar. Living, as befits the monks, in different cells, they died in one hour.
  The monks were afraid of the wrath of the Lord and did not put the deceased in one coffin - there have never been such burials in Christianity. The bodies of the deceased were in different temples, but in some miraculous way they were nearby. After such a miracle happened a second time, the monks decided to bury the loving spouses together near the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  Only 300 years after his death, Prince Peter of Murom and his wife Fevronia were canonized. The Orthodox Church declared them the patrons of the family, and the relics of the saints found peace in the Holy Trinity Convent in the city of Murom. July 8 is considered the Day of Peter and Fevronia in the Orthodox calendar.
  In the nineties, the inhabitants of Murom, where they always revered the holy spouses, decided to combine City Day with an Orthodox holiday. So by chance a new Russian holiday was born, singing love and devotion.
In 2008, the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was officially approved, and soon approved by the Interreligious Council of Russia. The symbol of the holiday of pure and selfless love has become a chamomile - a flower that is especially popular with all lovers. Later, Family Day appeared its own medal, on one side of which is a chamomile, and on the other - the faces of Peter and Fevronia. The medal is traditionally awarded to married couples in which love and mutual understanding reign.
  Now the Orthodox holiday is celebrated in forty countries of the world, but the main celebrations are held in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region.

Appendix No. 2:

Wise father. (Russian fairy tale)
  Whether it was so, I don’t know, but as I heard it, I’m telling you so. There was one peasant. He had a son. When the guy grew up and began to help with the housework, his father said:
  “I look at you and see that you are well taken on all things.” Time passes, the young grows, the old grows old. Soon you mature and marry and you yourself become a household.
  So remember my words:
  Live so that in every village you have your own home.
  And may you have new boots every day.
  And live so that people bow to you.
  Then you will be the reference owner.
  The son was surprised at such speeches and asks:
  - Something I do not understand you: how can I put a house in every village? And how can you manage to buy new boots for every day? And how can I live so that people bow to me? - Father smiled and said:
  - Do not bother, son. My advice is easy to follow. If you want to be at home in every village, make a faithful, reliable friend in every village, and you will have your own house there. And so that you have new boots every day, you need to wash and clean your boots well in the evening, never forget this, that’s how they will be like new the next day. Well, so that people bow to you first, get up before everyone else, go to work first, then everyone who comes out later will say hello to you, bow to you.
  As you can see, there is nothing difficult in my order.
  And so when the time came and the son himself stood up to run the household, he heeded the advice of his father and lived well.

Appendix No. 3:

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ... (E. Blaginina)
  Mom is sleeping, she’s tired ...
  But I did not play!
  I don’t make a spinning top,
  But I sat down and sat.
  My toys don't make noise
  Quiet in the room is empty.
  And on my mother’s pillow
  The beam is sneaking golden.
  And I said to the ray:
   - I want to move too!
  I would like a lot:
  Read aloud and roll the ball,
  I would sing a song
  I could laugh
  Yes, I don’t want what!
But mom is sleeping, and I am silent.
  A beam darted across the wall
  And then he slipped towards me.
   “Nothing,” he whispered as if, “
  We’ll sit in silence! ..

  Elena Eliseeva
  The project “My family is my fortress” in the middle group

Project"My family is my castle»

in middle group

Methodical passport the project:

Title the project: "My a family»

Members the project:children middle group, parents, educator.

Supervisor the project: Eliseeva E.V.

A type proeka:creative, medium term,collective.

Location: MBDOU d. No. 58, gr. Number 10 "Ezhata".

Dates: November 1 - November 28, 2018

Relevance: Thing is project  helps children gain more knowledge about the family. To form a conscious idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to take care of your family. Exactly a family  can create an atmosphere of spiritual comfort for your child, help you to feel your security, self-confidence, teach him to relate to others. In the process of organizing design  activities there is a unique opportunity for rapprochement of children and their parents through joint activities.

goal: introducing children to family values.

Tasks: form a concept « a family» to educate children in love and respect for members familiesinstill a sense of affection for children family and home. Raise a desire to take care of loved ones.

To form ideas about the family, how about people who live together. Develop a sense of pride in your the family.

Expected results the project:

Children: nurturing pride in your family and love for its members, expanding children's knowledge of their the family: about members families, traditions, about the life of grandparents.

Parents: improving the pedagogical culture of parents, establish trusting and partnerships with them.

Planned Products the project:

Art Exhibitions creativity:

Modeling “Flowers to my beloved mom”application “Handkerchief for grandmother”,

Painting "Our friendly a family» ,"My house".

Presentation of the photo exhibition "My happy days"

Work distribution by stages the project:

1. Preparatory:

Creation of conditions for implementation the project.

Defining goals and objectives.

Introducing parents to projectcollecting material for a photo exhibition.

Consultation preparation for of parents:"How to spend a day off with your child", "My family is my castle» .

2. Practical:

Familiarity with the materials the project.

Finding a solution to a problem.

Organization of work through various activities

Involvement of parents in joint cognitive, creative activities (joint rest of parents with children)  and design of the photo exhibition "My happy days"

Consultation preparation for of parents: "How to spend a day off with a child," "My home is mine fortress».

3. Final:

Presentation the project  through an exhibition of children's works, a photo exhibition.

Volume and content of work:

Examination of paintings, illustrations on the topic;

Reading works "Swan geese" “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, "Cuckoo", "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "Mom's work","Wise father"  and reading conversations;

Reading proverbs and sayings; memorizing art. "Mom is sleeping, she is tired";

Individual and collective conversations with children about members families, "My house", "My a family» , the game "Make up the family» exercise game "Finish the sentence","My pet","How is my weekend?";

“Problem situations”; “Exclusion of excess”;

View animated of films: "A bag of apples", "Northern tale"

"Peppa Pig", "Swan geese", video presentations on the topic;

Role-playing games:« A family» "Mother Daughters", "Score", "Meeting with guests", "At the doctor";

Didactic games: "Sweet words", “Mom’s helpers”, “Who is who?”, "Whose? Whose? Whose?", Guess Who It Is, "Who is whose baby?",the game Jug of Kindness;

Finger games:« a family» , "Our Baby", "Names", "Who arrived", "grandmother", "For work";

Physical minutes:« a family» , "grandmother", "Shoes", "mom and daughter";

Art:Modeling “Beautiful sweetie - I’m blinding Mom.”,

applique “Handkerchief for grandmother”,Painting "Our friendly a family» , "My house"construction "Frame for family photography".

Related Publications:

Long-term project in the middle group “My family”  The project in the middle group “Pochemuchki” “My Family” Relevance: Family is of paramount importance in the life of every person. It is a family.

Summaries of the final lesson "My family is my castle"  Objectives: to consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe family as people who live together; foster a desire to care for loved ones, instill a sense of respect.

Program content: To attract children and adults to the visual arts using non-traditional image techniques; Acquaintance.

The educational project "My family" in the middle group  Annotation. This project was developed by the teachers of the group of the average "Fidget", and is implemented with the participation of parents of pupils, musical.

The project "My home is my castle"  If a person does not like to look at old photos of his parents at least occasionally, he does not appreciate the memory of them left in the garden, which.

Project in the middle group “My Family” Video  Gurbanova Elena. Project. Theme: "My family." Middle group. Project goal: Expanding children's ideas about their family, family tree, family.

Class hour script “My home is my castle”

(The event was held as part of the city competition "The coolest classroom")

goalclassroom: the formation of a value attitude to the family, the revival of moral and ethical standards, values \u200b\u200band traditions of the family lifestyle.


Promote the education of patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in relatives and ancestors;

Formation of students' ideas about the family, as about people who love each other, care about each other, the formation of moral duty to parents;

Rallying a class team;

Development of family creativity and family-school collaboration.

The form: Themed class hour with parents.

Mmethods:   verbal methods: story-talk; visual methods: visual clarity, slide show; practical; partially search.

Forms of organization of activity :   frontal, group and steam room.

Organizational work:
Parent meeting held. Parents, together with the children, prepared for the event family coats of arms, a photo exhibition on the topic: “Look into the family album”; compositions were written where the children talked about the hobbies of each family member, their customs and traditions; children drew drawings on the theme: "Together - a friendly family."

The participants:  class teacher, parents and students in grade 4.

Event time  - 45 minutes.

Writing on the board "My home is my castle"

Photo exhibition “Look at the family album”;

Exhibition of drawings “Together - A Friendly Family”;

Compositions “My Family”.

Children and parents sit for 6 people in groups.


4 sheets of whatman paper, markers

4 envelopes with cards: “memory”, “love”, “understanding”.

The melody of the song “Anthem to the family” sounds.

Teacher:Good afternoon, dear parents, guests, guys! It’s good that you and I have come together today. You, dear mothers, undoubtedly have many urgent matters, but leave all the worries and affairs at home and try to relax today with your children.

Guys, I have a question for you, what is a family? How do you understand this word? (Family - a group of people consisting of parents, children, grandchildren and close relatives living together. Dictionary of D. Ushakov)

Family ... The word is understandable to everyone as "bread" and "water." The family is the house, this is dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother, brother and sister. This is love and care, work and joy, unhappiness and sadness, habits and traditions.

(Slides 1-3)

- (I show a tablet with the letter D) This letter in modern Russian is called simply - "de", in Old Slavonic - "good". And outwardly, what does it look like? Right, at home. Russian peasants called this letter “home.” (I show a sign with the letter O)

The letter O is like a circle, round dance. People will join hands and get a round dance. Friendly people who love each other take up hands. It's you, your dad and mom, sisters and brothers, your family. (Showing a plate with the letter M)

The letter M is like a fence. After all, you need to protect the house, protect the family. You can live peacefully behind the fence. Now in the word "house" each letter in its place. Why do we need a house?

Houseprotects people from animals, evil people, all sorts of troubles. It gives comfort, warmth, peace. Saves from the cold, rain, wind. In it we sleep, eat, work, babysit children, pray to God, sing songs, tell tales.

The man came up with many proverbs about home and family. What proverbs do you know? (Answers)

Guys, and who guessed what we will talk about today? (About family, about home)

I also know the proverb "My home is my castle."

That’s what our class hour is called. (Slide 4)

And why do you say so, you will answer me a little later. I will tell you one legend. (Slide No. 5)

“In ancient times, one family lived and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Rumors about this reached the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family:

How do you manage to live without ever quarreling, without offending each other.

The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised: the same word was written a hundred times on the sheet ”

What word do you think the old man could write? ("Understanding".)

What does understanding mean? (To understand means, without a word, or without words at all, to know what the interlocutor feels and wants to say or do.)

And how to make sure that you understand your loved ones and be understood, that you are trusted, and you trusted others?

What does that require? (Feelings.)

What kind? (Love. Respect. Consent.)

That's right guys, each of these words could be written by an old man. Only respect, love, understanding, consent should be in your family, in your home.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the family consisted of more than one generation. They lived together, helped each other. Some kept up with the housework, others worked in the field, older brothers and sisters defended the younger ones. They lived merrily, respected old age, guarded the young. Families were large and strong. Yes, it’s not easy for one person to live. And no matter what they say, the family is the main wealth in life. Nowadays, families are small, they often have 1-2 children each. But I wonder what family is easier to live in the world! (Answers)

I totally agree with you. I think it is easier for that family where they do not lose heart, do not lose heart, enjoy life. And judging by the bright drawings and touching compositions of the guys, you have just such families. Reading essays.(Slide №6)

Teacher: Each house has old photographs. Native faces look at us from them. We repeat their features. We are their continuation. The old is leaving, but you need to know and take care of it.

At our exhibition you can see family photos.

(Stories of family members about school family photographs) (Slide No. 7)

Many families have military and labor orders, expensive relics and souvenirs. We have already heard an amazing story about the grandmother of Loktionova Nastya, who volunteered for the front at the age of 16. (Slide No. 8) Today Seryozha Kopytin will talk about her great-grandmother.

It’s great that memory lives in your homes and families …….

We must remember, be interested in the lives of our close relatives. How not to know who we were, what we dreamed about, what our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought and fought for and why.

Teacher:In ancient times, there was a beautiful custom - each family, the family was supposed to have its own family coat of arms. Symbols depicted important moments in the history of the family, its traditions and values.

There are no identical children and parents in the world, each family is interesting in its own way. Let's make sure of this. (Family appearances). (Slide №9)

Teacher: Our class hour is called "My home is my castle." Friends, you wondered why they say so: “My house is my fortress?” (Answers) (Slide 10)

Home is the whole world. It is very important to have your own home. Without it, a person cannot be happy. Undoubtedly, each person should have not just a roof over his head, but a place where he is loved and expected, understood, accepted as he is, this is a place where a person is warm and comfortable. Today we will try to build our dream home, where everyone will live together, in love and harmony. But we will build it from special material. Let each group be a construction team. I suggest you these envelopes in which building bricks. (I distribute the envelopes "bricks") On the three bricks you already have the words: "understanding", "memory", "love". The rest must be signed. Think of what bricks you will take to build your wonderful, happy home. The roof can be given its name. (Families - brigades carry out the task. Next is the protection of the projects "House of my dreams").

Teacher:Thanks to all the builders. The houses of each group turned out to be beautiful. You have chosen durable building material. Each of you gave a piece of soul during the construction. So, we have completed the construction of our houses, and what can we conclude?

- What is most important should be in the houseso that each of you with firm confidence could say “My home is my fortress” (Peace, comfort, kindness, understanding, love, health, etc.).

And how strong this house is depends on each of us who lives in this house. That is why the proverb “My home is my castle” was put in the name of our classroom hour. This is a fortress for the soul of a person, because nothing supports a person in such a way, does not create a support for him in life as a home.

Guys, pay attention to what else is missing in our homes. (Light) It is true, so let us light the light in the window, and let it burn in the house with love and warmth and be open to any kind companion. (Slide 11)

Teacher:   I have a daisy in my hand with one petal. Remember the tale "Flower-seven-flower." (Slide №12) If you had this magic flower and had one desire, what would you make?

(Parents and children take a petal and say desire )

Teacher:  And I would ask for peace on the entire planet.

“My house is my fortress” ... .. (Slide No. 13) It turns out that this wise saying has a deeper meaning than we thought. Difficult and uncomfortable in today's world. Ideals crumble, powers collapse, monuments fly from pedestals ... But there are values \u200b\u200bthat remain eternal and unshakable, and the family belongs to them.

Family, home - this is a fortress that does not succumb to the unrest of the worst times. This is a world where selflessness, devotion, self-sacrifice reigned and reign in people's relations. This is a life buoy that helps us not to drown in the ocean of chaos and lawlessness, with the help of which every evening we nail into a calm and reliable harbor, where there is cosiness, joy, peace of mind.

And if, peace, comfort, kindness, understanding, love, health will be in our homes, then our families will be strong.

And if each family is strong, then the whole state in which we live will be strong, prosperous, reliable.

Family joy Kind and joyful
Happy faces! A holiday for everyone!
I wish all families Love is booming
Shine with love! Around the Earth! ..
May Families Have Fun Peace in Your Home
Sounds of children's laughter, And in every family!

I wish you good luck in all matters, family happiness and prosperity in the house. Take care of yourself and take care of your loved ones! Sounds music "Parental home."