Scientific and practical work on the topic of minerals. Research project "minerals". Cullinan Diamond - Africa's Small Star

Competition« Project activities of primary schoolchildren»


I chose this topic because I have been collecting stones for 3 years, it is very interesting for me to discover the properties of stones and minerals. Traveling to the world of stone is a very exciting experience. When I look at stones, it’s as if I’m going to the distant past of our planet and the area where I live.

On Earth, countless different stones: beautiful and not very, different colors and shapes. Beauty! I admire the stones and think: after all, in each of them there is some secret and one hundred riddles. And not all of them are probably revealed and solved. And how many have seen these stones in their lifetime!

So I wanted to know what secrets they hold in themselves. How many of them, how do they differ from each other, are there edible stones, the history of their appearance on Earth, and what benefits do stones bring to people?

Purpose of the study   - study of the diversity of the world of stones and minerals of the Perm region.

Research Objectives:

1. To identify features of the appearance, properties and variety of stones and minerals.
2. Systematize information on stones and minerals obtained from libraries, museums and other sources.
3. Gather a collection of minerals.

Object of study   - are stones and minerals.

Subject   - properties of stones and minerals.

Hypotheses:Assumption 1: Assume that the shape of the crystal is directly dependent on the internal structure. Assumption 2: If crystals exist in nature, then there is a mention of them in the literature.

In my work, the following research methods were used: studying literature and Internet information, observing, watching documentaries.

Chapter 1. What is a stone?

Where does the history of stone begin? Academician A.E. Fersman said that the history of stone begins with the most distant eras of human existence. But didn’t stone exist on the Earth before the appearance of man? Existed. And this is confirmed by geology. The stone is as old as our Earth. It is an integral part of the Earth and especially its upper part - the earth's crust. The stone is inseparable from the Earth and participates in its geological history.

Stone is a natural material and rock used in many areas of industry, including construction. The most common types of minerals and rocks in the form of building and finishing stones:

  • Granite - a natural stone of igneous origin, which consists of quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar and mica. Colors: gray, red, burgundy red, red-pink, pink, brown-red, gray-green, black-green with large bright spots. One of the densest, hardest and strongest rocks. It is used in construction as a facing material.
  • Limestone   - a natural stone of sedimentary origin, white, consisting of calcium carbonate (calcite).
  • Marble   is the most popular and elite stone among natural stones.
  • Quartzito Sandstone   - natural stone, a monolith of sedimentary origin, the rock-forming mineral of which is quartz. Colors: yellow, beige, gray natural shades with a pronounced pattern.
  • Sandstone - a natural stone of sedimentary origin, consisting mainly of quartz particles. Color scale: yellow, tan, gray, gray-green natural shades.
  • Quartzite   - natural stone, which refers to metamorphic rocks, consisting mainly of quartz and mica. Colors: gray-green and tan natural shades, with silver interspersed with mica.
  • Slate   - the generalized name of various rocks with parallel stratification and the ability to split into separate plates; natural stone of dark green, gray, brown, yellow, red and other shades.
  • Porphyry   - natural stone, which refers to a crystalline igneous rock with large inclusions of quartz crystals. Color scale: dark red, brown natural shades, with black splashes.
  • Dolomite - a natural stone of sedimentary origin, consisting entirely of the mineral dolomite. Color scale: pink, yellow natural shades.
  • Onyx is a decorative and ornamental stone. This stone has an unusual color, beautiful and thin stripes give it an unusual beauty.

Natural stone is one of the oldest materials used by people to build houses, bridges or cladding facades. Due to its beauty, strength and durability, natural stone can become an adornment of palaces, temples, estates or ordinary houses.

In modern construction, natural stones are most often used for external and internal cladding of buildings. For interior cladding, special marble or granite wallpapers are used.

The combination of mosaic patterns and patterned structures give the appearance a beauty and richness. Natural stone is wear-resistant, frost-resistant and almost does not absorb moisture.

Conclusion.I found out that stone is a natural material and rock. The most common types of minerals and forge rocks in the form of building and decoration stones.

Natural stone is wear-resistant, frost-resistant and almost does not absorb moisture. Stone is used in many areas of industry, including construction.

Chapter 2. The history of minerals

Minerals appeared at an early stage in the development of the Earth as a planet. They are the very first witnesses to the geological history of the Earth.

The modern definition is as follows: a mineral is a solid body of natural inorganic origin, having a crystalline structure and composition, which can be expressed by the chemical formula. That is, minerals are crystals (or crystals), they can be felt, measured, weighed, or at least seen, even with a magnifying glass or microscope. the concept of "mineral" arose relatively recently.

Of course, it was completely unfamiliar to primitive man. He did not know anything about chemical compositions and crystalline structures. Around he saw just stones, and it was enough for him to know those properties that were important in the manufacture of primitive tools and structures. But the findings of archaeologists indicate the curious fact that certain minerals (as we would call them today) were interesting to ancient people, regardless of their practical use.

Why, for example, did he need a cube of galena, tens of thousands of years later, in 1986, found by American archaeologists during excavations of the Paleolithic mounds of the Mississippi Valley? After all, galenites, as you know, do not roll under your feet anywhere. An ancient person could pick it up no closer than a hundred kilometers from the excavation site, where the ore deposit of the Weybernum strip - Trend comes to the surface of the earth. There are no witnesses to this event, and it remains for us to assume that the galena crystal interested a person in an unusual form - brilliance, heaviness.

Until the beginning of the 16th century, they still did not know the difference between minerals as such and rocks, fossils, ores, and also artificial products.

The term "mineral", as far as is known, was first used by a learned monk of the 13th century. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great). In medieval Latin, it meant "what is from the mine," "fossil." A hint of a practical attitude towards minerals was a reflection of a more mature stage of the division of labor and, accordingly, differentiation of knowledge: artificial bodies were excluded from the concept of mineral. But minerals were still attributed to any mineral: rock fragments, and petrified remains of animals and plants, as well as water, oil, coal. The need to separate the concepts is not yet ripe.

During the Renaissance, the heyday of industrial production and trade increased demand for metals, especially non-ferrous and noble. Demand caused intensive development of ore deposits, the development of mining and metallurgy. New questions arose for science, first of all, regarding ore minerals and their companions in ore veins and deposits. From this began mineralogy as a science.

40-60 new minerals are discovered annually. In our time, these are usually some sort of raids or individual grains, because the minerals that form large crystals and large clusters have already been noticed and discovered in the past.

With the development of human society and the development of nature, new useful properties of stone were revealed, its use expanded, and its history became more complicated. Therefore, modern life is unthinkable without a stone.

Conclusion.Minerals appeared at an early stage in the development of the Earth as a planet. The term "mineral" was first used by a learned monk of the 13th century. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great). In medieval Latin, it meant "what is from the mine," "fossil." 40-60 new minerals are discovered annually. Modern life is unthinkable without a stone.

Chapter 3. Useful stones

Halite- a natural mineral of the halogen class, a subclass of sodium chloride. For an ordinary person, this is rock salt, which is consumed daily by him. The history of the mineral goes back to the era of the origin of life on the planet, when water in the world's oceans was already salty. That is why the ancient Greeks called it “halite”, which means “sea”, “salt”.

The chemical formula of halite is NaCl, it includes 60.6% chlorine and 39.4% sodium. A pure mineral is transparent, opaque or translucent, colorless or white with a glass sheen. Depending on additional impurities, it can have shades: with iron oxide - yellow and red tones, organic inclusions - colors from brown to black, clay admixtures - gray shades. An interesting blue and lilac color gives the halite an admixture of sylvin (potassium chloride).

Large halite deposits were formed hundreds of millions of years ago in North America and Eurasia during the Permian period, when these territories had a hot and dry climate.

In modern times, rock salt is produced in large quantities in Russia - in the Solikamsk and Sol-Iletsk deposits of the Urals, the Usolye-Siberian basin, located in the vicinity of Irkutsk, the districts of Iletsk, the Orenburg region, the Solvychegod deposit in the Arkhangelsk region, as well as the Verkhnekamsk district located in the vicinity of Perm. Self-sustaining halite is being developed in the Lower Volga region and in the coastal areas of Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan Region.

Coal.Coal is a sedimentary rock, which is formed as a result of decomposition of the remains of vegetation (ferns, horsetails, seed plants). The main types of coal according to the classification are: coal anthracite, brown coal, coal. Coal mining is carried out in open (open pit) and closed (mine) methods. Coal is used for heating, energy, agricultural (in the form of fertilizers) and other industries. Coal was the first fossil fuel used by humans. He allowed the industrial revolution to take place, which in turn contributed to the development of the coal industry, providing it with more modern technology.

Granite.Granite is a common crystalline rock whose deposits are located all over the planet. Translated from Latin, "granite" means "grain", which characterizes the structure of the stone. This is a frozen intrusive magma that did not have time to rise to the earth's surface, and formed coarse-grained granite crystals.

The main share of the mineral composition of granite in the amount of 60-65% is occupied by feldspars. 25-30% of inclusions accounted for quartz, and a small percentage is assigned to dark-colored minerals - hornblende and biorite.

Granite has high rates of hardness, strength and density. The stone is 2 times stronger than marble, and its density reaches 2600 kg / m³. It is resistant to low temperatures, moisture and pollution. The stone is subject to melting at temperatures from + 700 ° C.

The chemical composition of granite is an acidic rock, the acidity of which can be determined by the amount of silicon dioxide. The higher the percentage of silicon dioxide in granite, the brighter the color of the mineral. The deposits of granite are world-wide, and are located throughout the planet. More than 50 deposits of different types of granite are located in Russia. Mineral deposits are rich in Khabarovsk Territory and Transbaikalia, Voronezh, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk Regions, the Karelian Isthmus and the Urals.

A piece of chalk.Which of us does not know chalk? Whose pockets and fingers did not get dirty a piece of light stone the color of snow? Who does not know the happiness of artistic creation of the “Cretaceous” period? Who, as a teenager, did not study the properties of chalk in "bubbling" experiments, did not examine the chalk smear under a microscope?

Mineral chalk is a witness of eras past tens of millions of years ago. Awareness of this fact changes the perception of familiar material. Having a biological origin, the stone obtained its chalk properties from organisms that lived in time immemorial.

The Cretaceous period refers to a period of time spanning about 80 million years during the reign of dinosaurs. The warm and shallow (30-500 meters deep) seas of that time gave shelter to a myriad of tiny mollusks that built their skeletons and shells from calcium extracted from water.

The remains of these creatures, accumulated in the bottom sediments by multi-meter strata, turned into a well-known chalk. In percentage terms, the mineral chalk is divided into the following parts:
  fragments of skeletons - about 10%. This is not only about simple creatures, but also about multicellular animals, endowed with the ability to extract and concentration of calcium salts in tissues.

Conclusion.I learned that there are useful stones, such as: halite - a natural mineral; rock salt, which is consumed daily by him; coal was the first fossil fuel used by man; granite has high rates of hardness, strength and density; familiar to us, chalk.

Chapter 4. Gems

Gemstones represent the beauty that nature presents to us. Day after day, year after year, she grows in her bowels a fabulous splendor that appears before us in the form of marvelous lines and fancy colors and shades of gem stones.

Nature has a huge number of colored, semiprecious and precious stones, about 160 species, but only about thirty species are especially valuable among them - diamond and sapphire, ruby \u200b\u200band emerald, tourmaline, topaz, alexandrite, opal, amethyst, turquoise, pearls - these stones especially appreciated.

The first mention of gems was found on the clay tablets of Babylon, which were created about six millennia ago, and spoke of the sacred amulets - talismans made of carnelian, jade and lapis lazuli. In ancient Egypt, the love of precious stones was just huge - they were used to decorate clothes, buildings, furniture and even kitchen utensils. The Egyptians knew almost all the gems.

During the Middle Ages, many scientists were carried away by the study of the magical properties of stones, minerals and their healing and magical properties were described.

But it was not the magical properties that attracted people, but the beauty of the stones - rings, earrings, necklaces made by jewelers adorned kings, kings, and legends go about the decoration of caliphs and rajas, they still have no analogues.

Recently, I learned about the healing effects of stones (minerals) on the human body. This section is called lithotherapy. Lithotherapy is the therapeutic effect of stones (minerals) on the human body.

Modern pharmacology uses more than 50 different minerals to prepare various medicines. It is believed that minerals coordinate the circulatory system of blood vessels and brain activity.

  • Aventurine - balances emotions, maintains a joyful mood, clarity of mind.
  • Aquamarine - relieves stress, eliminates phobias.
  • Alexandrite - calms, promotes openness, communication.
  • Diamond - improves brain function, enhances the energy of abstract thinking, increases contact.
  • Amethyst - relieves headache, insomnia, strengthens the endocrine system, increases the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain.
  • Turquoise - balances emotions, strengthens a sense of mutual understanding.
  • Pearls - strengthens memory, brings peace and tranquility.
  • Emerald - eliminates affects.
  • Corals - strengthen memory, relieve ticks, control emotions.
  • Lapis lazuli - improves visual acuity, reduces pain.
  • Malachite - stimulates the work of the heart, blood vessels, lungs.
  • Jade - stimulates the kidneys.
  • Opal - enhances the feeling of intuition.
  • Sapphire - helps in the treatment of diabetes, bone system disorders, relieves insomnia.
  • Carnelian - strengthens teeth, stimulates speech.
  • Topaz - affects the thyroid gland.
  • Crystal - improves blood, stimulates the pituitary and pineal gland.
  • Amber - stimulates the nervous system, improves the respiratory system, increases hemoglobin in the blood.

Conclusion.Nature has a huge number of colored, semiprecious and precious stones, about 160 species, which attracted people with its magical properties, healing effects and the beauty of the stones.

Chapter 5. How to become a collector

I was very young when I first noticed Voskresenskoye on the roads of the village, where I went to my grandparents in summer for a stone of extraordinary beauty. It shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, had a strange shape. As my grandfather explained to me, it was slag, a waste by-product from copper production, which was smelted almost 300 years ago at the local Voskresensky smelter.

I became very interested in what stones are, what they are. I became interested in them, collect them, I had a desire to know more about them and of course every time to replenish my collection of stones and minerals.

You can just collect beautiful attractive samples, but the collection of minerals and rocks, which shows how the minerals were formed or what geological structure they have and the collection takes on the features of scientific research.

There are several approaches to building a collection. It is possible to collect minerals according to classes according to the directory, by deposits and regions, by the geological processes of their formation, by the principle of use in industry. An interesting collection according to the periodic table, where most of the elements would correspond to minerals in the form that they exist in nature.

Each sample must certainly be accompanied by a label that indicates the name of the mineral, deposit, date of collection, catalog number. In general, I advise you not to rely on memory, but to carefully catalog your collection, when over the years it will number hundreds or thousands of samples, it is no wonder that you get completely confused without keeping records.

The number should be applied with mascara on a small piece of adhesive tape or on white nitro enamel on the not very attractive part of the mineral.

A little bit about storage. Of course, organizing a museum showcase at home is not always possible, but you should take care that the samples do not dust, do not beat against each other, do not fall to the floor. Do not keep minerals on open shelves that may discolor when exposed to sunlight (such as amethysts). For not too fragile samples, zip packages are convenient, others should be kept in individual boxes with a label attached.

Most minerals can be washed with plain water, but still look in the directory, others may require specific cleaning. Say, carbonates are covered with a coating when washing with soap, easily soluble minerals, of course, do not rinse in water.

Sulfides are prone to oxidation, the edges become dull, a characteristic odor appears. It is advisable to cover hygroscopic and dehydrated minerals with a protective colorless varnish. Opals become cloudy and destroyed over time, their periodic immersion in water is necessary.

Conclusion.There are several approaches to building a collection.

It is possible to collect minerals by classes, by deposits and regions, by the geological processes of their formation, by the principle of use in industry, according to the periodic table. Minerals need to be stored in stones, given their properties.


After conducting my research, I found that:

  • from stones, like from bricks, the world of inanimate nature surrounding us consists;
  • about 3,500 types of minerals are known;
  • the formation of minerals takes place deep in the bowels of the earth;
  • the only mineral that can be eaten is halite, or table salt;
  • minerals are widely used in construction and industry;
  • you can search for minerals for the collection everywhere!

Based on the data I received, we can conclude that our life without minerals would be much more complicated, the world of minerals has not been fully explored and is fraught with many mysteries, right under our feet you can find both minerals known to science and discover new ones.

Minerals and stones are very interesting to me and I will continue to collect a collection of minerals.

List of references

1. A large series of knowledge. Planet Earth. - M .: LLC “Book World”, 2004.
2. Klenov A.S. Kids about minerals. - M.: “Pedagogy-Press”, 1996.
3. Carol Warley, Lisa Miles. World geography. Encyclopedia. - M .: ROSMAN, 1997.
4. I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Georaphy / Auth. V.A. Markin. - M.: Publishing House AST-LTD, 1997.
5. Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. - LLC “De Agostini”, 2009.
6. Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. Multimedia Encyclopedia. - LLC Cyril and Methodius, 2007.
7.http: //

Performed by: Anichin Alexander, a student of 4 "B" class, Perm. Academic Supervisor: E. Oborina, class teacher of grade 4 “B”.

Presentation. Stones and minerals of the Perm region

  Olga Kirova
  The project “This wonderful world of stones and minerals” is an older age.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution.

Kindergarten "Glowworm". P. Uralsky, Nytvensky District, Perm Territory.


« This amazing world of stones and minerals»

First qualification category

Kirova O.S. 2014.

A type the project: cognitive research.

the participants the project   - children of the middle group, teacher, parents.

Duration: June-July 2014

Subject of study - objects of non-living nature - the stones, mineralscrystals

Main directions the project:

Cognitive research

Relevance the project:

Living in a country rich in minerals, children do not have knowledge about those around us stones and minerals. Introducing children to diversity stones   helps to get acquainted with the nature of the native land and country. Over the centuries, our region has been famous for minerals, with which children and even adults, unfortunately, are not familiar.

Direct communication with stones   it has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, contributes to the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, promotes the harmonious development of personality. Involving children in research is a means of forming their curiosity, interest and respect for natural wealth.

In preschool age   Of particular importance for the development of a child’s personality is the assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment, expands the child’s worldview, his personal growth. Therefore, it is necessary to form the ability of a preschooler to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of the world and to independently apply knowledge in practical activities. To help preschoolers to establish causal relationships in animate and inanimate nature, forming a careful attitude towards the world around them.

goal the project:

Creation of conditions in joint and independent activity. The development of cognitive and research abilities of children, the formation of logical thinking of children.


Promote children's knowledge of properties and features stones and minerals;

Develop cognitive activity.

To expand the vocabulary of children, to form coherent speech

To foster a sense of beauty to see the diversity of the world.

Expected Result:

children have learned to distinguish minerals and crystals,

be able to name their features;

learned to work with a magnifier, tweezers.

Work with parents:

Introduce project.

Assistance in collecting material about stones

Help in the design of the mini-museum « the stones»

Action plan:

Organization of a developing, cognitive, subject environment;

Determining the directions of cognitive practical activity;

Organization of joint creative cognitive practical activity.

Plan project activities

Stages Teacher and children working together

1. Information for parents about upcoming activities.

Selection of demo material on this topic.

Selection of fiction.

"Minerals"   Children's Encyclopedia;

"How they live the stones»   E. Chuyko. Broaden parental awareness of diversity stones and minerals of our region. Interest in the upcoming project /

2. "Amazing stones"

goal: introduce children to the diversity of the world stones. Consider and identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials

3.“We are geologists”

Goals: develop tactile sensations. Learn “touch” properties substance: hardness, softness, buoyancy.

To learn to compare and distinguish substances according to their state.

To develop the ability to independently build a hypothesis before experimenting and compare it with the result.

4. "Minerals"

goal: Summarize knowledge about minerals; to give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of magnets and how to use them in industry; to develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions; to cultivate the ability to work in a team.

Design drawing "Turning Pebbles"

goal: Teach children to create artistic images based on natural forms. Introduce different drawing techniques to stones of various shapes. Improve the visual technique. Develop imagination.

Reading fiction

Tale of I. N. Ryzhova "What were the pebbles whispering about"

P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", Silver hoof, "Mistress of Copper Mountain"

Poems, proverbs and sayings about stones.

goal: introduce children to the work of Pavel Bazhov. Emotionally include children in the atmosphere "Tale", in listening to his lively dialogues evoking good feelings. To develop children's imagination, the ability to imagine a fairy-tale hero and describe him.

Watching cartoons;

Based on the tales of P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower"

goal: Continue to acquaint with the work of P. Bazhov, his literary heroes.

Outdoor games: “We are climbers”, "King of the hill", “Find your stone”

goal: Develop motor skills of children, learn and memorize the rules of the game. Play by yourself

View presentations: "World stones» , "Precious the stones»

goal: Develop cognitive interest. Get to know the names minerals, stones

Didactic games with stones   on the development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills

What is superfluous? "

- "Find a couple"

- "Continue the row" "

Board and Printed Games

- "Living, inanimate nature"

Role-playing game

“In search of treasure”

goal: To develop logical thinking, attention, visual perception, the ability to select an object by color, To cultivate perseverance, patience, to train to put the material in place.

Decorated mini museum « Amazing stones»

Had a quiz "What do we know about stones»

Exhibition "Products from stone»

goal: Identify acquired knowledge about the proposed topic. To form independence in the choice of a topic you like, the ability to talk coherently.

Minerals and rocks of Russia and the USSR

Part 1. Minerals. What are minerals

  The history of the concept of "mineral"

Define the term “mineral,” or, in scientific terms, definitionis not very simple. Indeed, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat should be understood as the name “mineral” has repeatedly changed over the years, developing and deepening as the methods for studying mineral substances improve and, in close connection with this, the theoretical foundations of the science of minerals - mineralogy; in turn, as is always the case in science, the further development and improvement of the theory in many respects contributed to an increasingly correct understanding of new experimental data, an increasingly adequate interpretation of empirical observations.

Particularly dramatic changes in views on minerals have occurred over the past quarter century; in many respects they are fundamental and essentially mean radical breaking   previous representations that prevailed from the middle of the XIX to the middle of the XX century. Therefore, the definition of the term "mineral" is best tried to give in its historical development.

Along the way, it will be necessary to touch at least in the most general terms phenomenadirectly related to the world of minerals - such as isomorphism and solid solutions, polymorphism and polytype, order-disorder in crystals, mixed-layer and metamict minerals and others. Without understanding all this, it is impossible to understand the modern scientific approach to minerals as a very complex natural objects. In addition, an introduction is introduced about mineral and paragenetic associations, as well as typomorphism of minerals.

The term "mineral" going on   from the middle Latin word "minera", which means "piece of ore", "the stone from which the metal is obtained, and its appearance is lost in the distance of centuries. Who, when, where and under what circumstances coined the word "mineral" - is unknown. It is most likely that it was born in the late Middle Ages   or at the dawn of the Renaissance somewhere in Saxony or Bohemia: there, from ancient times, mining of tin, lead, silver and other metals was carried out there; and Latin remained the international language of science until the turn of the 18th-19th centuries.

In Russian language   the word "mineral", like many other foreign words, came from the time of Peter I; most likely, it was then borrowed from the German language, representing the "tracing-paper" of the German word "Mineral".

For many hundreds of years minerals are not distinguished from rocks; for the first time, he tried to differentiate them - although he did not complete this attempt - the "father of German geology" A.G. Werner (1749-1817) at the end of the XVIII - the very beginning of the XIX centuries. The actual separation of minerals from rocks occurred in the middle of the XIX century - at the same time when an independent rock science was born in the depths of mineralogy and then separated from it - petrography. The distinction between rocks and minerals was based on a clear the criteria: internal heterogeneity (heterogeneity) of the former and homogeneity (homogeneity) of the latter. After all, all rocks are composed of minerals, and only in rare cases any one mineral sharply prevails in their composition; then they are called anchimonomineral, i.e. almost monomineral (but still - almost, but not quite).

Examples such almost monomineral formations are known among igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks: dunites and olivinites, composed mainly of olivine; some pyroxenites, consisting predominantly (more than 90%) of one type of pyroxene; anorthosites and labradorites containing almost 100% of the main plagioclase; quartzites and quartz sandstones are essentially quartz rocks; carbonate (substantially calcite) rocks: limestones, marbles, carbonatites, etc .; anchimonomineral albite and microcline rocks - albitites (up to 96% albite) and microcline (up to 95% microcline). But even in such rocks there is always at least a small amount (in total - from the first to 10-15%) of other minerals, called in such cases secondary or accessory.

The absolute majority of rocks contain simultaneously 4-5 (and even more) rock-forming minerals, i.e. they are obviously heterogeneous (heterogeneous) in their composition and structure. Moreover, some breeds characterized by   relative constancy of the qualitative and quantitative mineral as well as chemical composition, while others, on the contrary, its great spatial variability.

As if starting from the fact of heterogeneity and polyminerality of the vast majority of rocks mixed not so long ago with minerals, which have now passed into the "possession" of petrographs, mineralogists, in search of a reliable criterion for distinguishing between "spheres of influence" and petrographs, have highlighted statement   that they then study natural crystalline substances of a very definite (in each case) and constant composition, - chemical compounds, the homogeneity (homogeneity) of which is beyond doubt. In any definitions of the concept of “mineral”, until very recently, both seemingly inherent properties of minerals have been postulated and very persistently emphasized: the constancy and certainty of their chemical composition, as well as the inextricably linked internal homogeneity.

There are also   another version, according to which the word "mineral" is derived from the Latin mina - underground passage, adit; it is possible, however, that the word minera itself is also associated with mina. By the way, the Russian word "ore", also appeared in the Middle Ages, is derived from the ancient Slavic "ore", or "ore", meaning red, red-brown, dark and hot red color (according to V.I.Dal ); swamp ores of Karelia are painted in such colors, from which iron was first smelted in Russia. In a number of Western Slavic languages, the word "ore" means "blood"; one can, therefore, understand the deep meaning of the mining term “ore” as “blood of mountain (ore) veins”.

As if starting from the fact of the heterogeneity and polyminerality of the vast majority of rocks mixed not so long ago with minerals, which have now passed into the "possession" of petrographs, mineralogists, in search of a reliable criterion for distinguishing "spheres of influence" from petrographs, they have highlighted the statement that they are already studying natural crystalline substances of a well-defined (in each case) and constant composition, - chemical compoundswhose homogeneity is not in doubt. In any definitions of the concept of “mineral”, until very recently, both seemingly inherent properties of minerals have been postulated and very persistently emphasized: the constancy and certainty of their chemical composition, as well as the inextricably linked internal homogeneity.

V.I. Vernadsky   as early as the beginning of the 20th century, he defined minerals as products of natural chemical reactions taking place in the earth's crust and in the bowels of the earth. This completely correct definition remains valid even now, but in view of its too general nature, it needs additional refinement and concretization.

Meanwhile, the application of radiography to the study of minerals (since 1915) not only did not shake the general confidence in their homogeneity, but, paradoxically as it sounds, even strengthened it by establishing the individuality of the crystal structure of various minerals (for more details on the crystal structure of minerals, see chapter 2A). The fact is that radiography   - an integral and not very sensitive method; she “does not notice” either finely dispersed mineral secretions or impurities present in low concentrations.

True, the combination of X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis revealed many minerals in the world   isomorphic series and series (for isomorphism, see subsection 1.12 below), the chemical composition of the intermediate members of which naturally varies within the framework determined by the composition of the final members of the series (for example, olivine series: forsterite Mg 2 SiO 4 - fayalite Fe 2 SiO 4). But this, although very important, position was, rather, general in nature, i.e. concerned mainly mineralogical systematics, its ordering and further development of the classification of minerals on a crystallochemical basis. In relation to individual crystals or other mineral deposits, the traditional view of mineralogens rooted in the minds of mineralogists as internally homogeneous substances of constant composition remained unshakable, apparently, up to the turn of the 60-70s. XX century.

It was to this time that an ever wider penetration of mineralogical research new methodsmainly borrowed from the arsenal of solid-state physics and based on the use of high-resolution equipment - first of all, an electron microscope, including high resolution (which sometimes allows you to directly see and distinguish between individual molecules of a substance and even the nodes of the crystal lattice), and an electron microprobe that makes it possible to conduct local X-ray microanalysis of minerals, i.e. determine their elemental composition "at a point".

The two named methods should be add   neutron and electron diffraction (coupled with electron microscopy), which contribute to the refinement of the crystal structures of minerals, infrared (IR) spectroscopy - a method for studying the composition and structure of matter at the level of molecules and radicals, luminescence spectroscopy, resonance spectroscopy methods (electron paramagnetic resonance - EPR, nuclear magnetic resonance — NMR, nuclear gamma resonance — NGR based on the Mossbauer effect), “sensing” individual “point” impurity and radiation defects in crystals, as well as fixation uyuschie character "settling" of the atoms and ions in the crystal structure (i.e., transform the study of its fine features on the atomic and even at the level of electron-nuclear).

Mass application   Over the past 25 years, these and other physical methods in the mineralogical laboratories of all developed countries of the world have led to a radical revision of previous ideas about real minerals.

See images and descriptions of others nature objects   Russia and neighboring countries -

MOU "Katayskaya Secondary School No. 1"


The world    Minerals

Student 4 "b" class

Panov Maxim


  Galunchikova Elena


  Kataysk 2010

1. Introduction

2. Minerals

2.1. Variety of minerals

2.2. The origin of minerals

2.2. Minerals around us

3. Interesting about minerals

3.1. The beginning of the collection

3.2. Minerals of the Urals

4. Conclusion

5. List of references

1. Introduction

The theme of my research work is Minerals.

I chose this topic because I always liked stones. When I was little, I gathered their full pockets and carried them home. I put them in boxes, examined them for a long time, and played with them. In the sand, by the river or on the road, all the time I was looking for beautiful and unusual stones. I was very interested in why all the stones are different, not like each other? Where do the stones come from? Where to find the real mineral, and is it possible to find it underfoot? What if there are no minerals on Earth? Are there edible minerals? I used to think that some kind of volcano throws stones out when I sleep. Or some force pushes them out of the ground.

Purpose of my research   - Find out the answers to your questions.

Tasks of work:

· Study the literature on minerals;

· Find out how minerals formed on Earth;

· How many different minerals exist;

· Establish where you can find minerals for the collection.

Research methods :

Poll other people

Study of literature,

Computer access

Museum visits


Examination of samples from the collection.

2. Minerals

2.1. Variety of minerals

If you carefully examine the pebble, you will notice that it is often multi-colored - either in a strip due to piercing veins, or spotted, or with irregular-shaped stains. This is because the pebble is made up of different minerals. Minerals are distinguished by color, hardness, weight and composition. Of them, like bricks, the world of inanimate nature surrounding us consists of huge boulders and fine sand. Beautiful "ornamental" and precious stones (jade, agate, turquoise, garnet, diamond, sapphire) are also minerals.

By definition, a mineral is a solid body of natural inorganic origin, having a crystalline structure and composition, which can be expressed by the chemical formula. That is, minerals are crystals (or crystals), they can be felt, measured, weighed, or at least seen, even through a magnifying glass or through a microscope. The term "mineral", as far as is known, was first used by a learned monk of the 13th century. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great). In medieval Latin, it meant "what is from the mine," "fossil."

Today, about 3,500 types of minerals are known, but only a few dozen are distributed on the surface of the earth.

Pomegranate Sapphire

2.2. The origin of minerals

In nature, minerals are found in pure form, but more often they form compounds with other minerals. Such natural compounds of minerals are called rocks. For example, granite consists of quartz, mica, and feldspar. On our planet, there are several thousand rocks. By the method of origin, rocks and minerals are divided into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

When an eruption from the bowels of the earth molten rocks are formed igneous rocks   . These are granite, andesite, basalt, gabbro, peridotite. The hot mass rises along natural cracks, gradually cools and hardens. Sometimes molten rocks spill onto the Earth's surface in the form of lava (during volcanic eruptions) and also freeze.

Granite Basalt

From the fragments of ancient rocks, destroyed by the wind and sudden changes in temperature, sedimentary rocks   . Such fragments and grains of sand often accumulate along with the remains of plants and animals at the bottom of the oceans and seas. This process is very long and continuous, therefore the following layers are gradually applied to the already settled debris and particles, under the weight of which the lower layers are compacted. Limestone, sandstone, gypsum are formed.

If sedimentary or igneous rocks fall to a great depth, then under the influence of high temperatures and pressure they change greatly and turn into new rocks - metamorphic.    In this way, hard marble is formed from soft and friable limestone.

Thus, the Earth in its depths bears, and then creates a phenomenal creation - stones. This process is hidden from our observations, as it occurs deep in the bowels of the Earth. As a result of processes associated with the Earth’s internal heat, the bulk of the minerals are formed under tremendous pressure.

2.3. Minerals around us

With many minerals we really deal in everyday life. And literally every day - with the most vital, irreplaceable mineral No. 1 - ordinary table salt (rock), halite. The common salt we eat is a mineral that geologists call halite. Salt is not only dissolved in seawater. It is found in the mountains in the form of crystals. Such rock salt is called halite. This is the only mineral that can be eaten. The name comes from the Greek "gallos" - sea salt. It is predominantly white in color; it is colorless. Sometimes, due to impurities of other minerals, it acquires an intensely blue or red color.

One can live without the rest of the minerals; although what kind of life, for example, without feldspar, from which porcelain, faience and toothpastes are made; or, all the more, without minerals - precious stones? Natural stones used in construction also consist of minerals. Some minerals serve as sources of metals, from which they make nails and clockwork, wires, microcircuits, computers and many other necessary things. One of the most common minerals is quartz. It is from it that the sand on the beach and in the quarry mainly consists.

3. Interesting about minerals

3.1. The beginning of the collection

When I was little, I got the first mineral - agate. It was like that :    my grandfather and I went to the village of Borovoe. My grandfather's friend gave me agate. He told me :    “This stone is called agate. I will give it to you, it protects against disease. " This stone always lies on my table. I really like him. It has a unique beautiful pattern and color. On the one hand, it is polished.

  My agate

Mineral agate is a beautiful ornamental stone, it is considered semi-precious. Agate is bluish-gray, dark gray, white and brown. There is an agate deposit in the Kataysky district. Agate is found near the Sinara River near the village of Zyryansk. Here is the Zyryansky quarry. In the summer I was there and watched the work of technology in my career. My dad told me that they are mining the mineral - granite. It is crushed and crushed stone is obtained, which is used in the construction of roads. In the summer I want to go to the Sinara River, and perhaps find minerals for my collection.

  Zyryansky quarry

I collect stones for collection by the river, lake, in the mountains, in the forest and just on the road. The De Agostini publishing house is now publishing the magazine Minerals and Treasures of the Earth. It is interesting in that with each issue of the magazine I get a sample of some mineral for the collection.

I also like the mineral Aragonite. He is interested in my form.

Aragonite from my collection

After calcite, aragonite is the most famous calcium carbonate. It is formed at low temperatures, for example, in caves. Aragonite's calling card is hexagonal prismatic tees, that is, three crystals grow together. Aragonite is found in Spain, Morocco, as well as in Russia in the Urals.

3.2. Minerals of the Urals

I learned from the Internet that the Urals is the area from which the mineralogical glory of Russia began. Today in this area there are many interesting minerals for collections. Almost all known minerals, gold, platinum, topaz, hematite, emerald, pyrite, chrysolite and others are found in the Urals. Perhaps not a single country, not a single corner of our planet can compare with our gray Urals in the richness and diversity of mineral resources.

Especially a lot of different minerals are found in the Ilmen mountains, in the Chelyabinsk region, near the city of Chebarkul. There is the famous Ilmensky reserve. I visited this reserve. The museum presents samples of rocks and minerals of the Ilmen mountains .    There, 764 mineral species and their varieties are represented. I was also at an exhibition of minerals in the Museum of Local Lore in Chelyabinsk. I really enjoyed these shows. There I saw a lot of stones, various minerals, very beautiful and varied. I found out that some of the stones I found are minerals, such as rock crystal.
  Rhinestone is found almost everywhere in the Urals. Colored varieties of rock crystal have their own names. Rhinestone, crystalline quartz, is one of the most abundant minerals on earth.

I learned from the Internet that you can search for minerals for a collection everywhere! First of all, of course, in various mines and quarries, as well as in rocks, screes, river canyons, river pebbles. Stones for collections are found even on the slopes of railways and roads, in construction pits, in various ditches.

A bright rainbow lives in the pebbles of rock crystal of one of the Ural rivers

Separate crystals and inclusions of pyrite in vein quartz, gold mountains. It is found in the mountains of the Urals almost everywhere.

Cave onyx, stalagmite in section. Caves of the Middle Urals

4. Conclusion

After conducting my research, I found that:

5. List of references

1. Planet Earth. Encyclopedia. - M .: Publishing house "ROSMEN", 1997.

2. Riley P., Oliver K. Earth and oceans. - CJSC Publishing House ROSMEN-PRESS, 2005.

3. Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. - LLC “De Agostini”, 2009.

4. Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. Multimedia Encyclopedia. - LLC Cyril and Methodius, 2007.

5. The Internet.

Work Protection Report

The theme of my research work is Minerals. I chose this topic because I always liked stones. I was very interested in why all the stones are different, not like each other? Where do the stones come from? Where to find the real mineral, and is it possible to find it underfoot? What if there are no minerals on Earth? Are there edible minerals?

I assumed that some kind of volcano throws stones out when I sleep. Or some force pushes them out of the ground.

Purpose of my research    - Find out the answers to your questions.

Tasks of my work :

Study the literature on minerals;

Find out how minerals formed on Earth;

How many different minerals are there;

Set where you can find the minerals for the collection.

The following research methods were used: interviewing other people, studying literature, accessing a computer, visiting museums, observation, researching samples from the collection.

Research plan    was like this:

1. To study the origin of minerals and rocks, the properties of minerals, their application in everyday life.

2. Find out what minerals are found in the Urals. How can I replenish the collection of minerals.

Having done my research, i found that :

Minerals, like bricks, comprise the world of inanimate nature that surrounds us;

About 3,500 types of minerals are known;

The process of mineral formation takes place deep in the bowels of the earth;

The only mineral that can be eaten is halite, or table salt;

Minerals are widely used in construction and industry;

In the Urals, you can find almost all known minerals;

You can search for minerals for a collection everywhere!

Based on the data I received, we can conclude that our life without minerals would be much more complicated, the world of minerals has not been fully explored and is fraught with many mysteries, right under our feet you can find both minerals known to science and discover new ones.

I really want to visit the Ural mountains, Ilmen mountains, Kungur caves. Minerals and stones are very interesting to me. I will continue to collect a collection of minerals.