How to make piñata out of paper. Making piñata for the holiday with your own hands. How to make a pinata: materials and tools

Piñatas became loved not only by Mexicans during the celebration of Cinco de Mayo, but also far beyond the borders of the country. Piñatas have become an integral part of children's birthdays. But at Western weddings I see a new trend - the widespread use of colorful pinyats for the decor of a wedding banquet, as gifts and compliments for guests, as well as for a photo shoot. Not to mention the fact that piñata boxes can be used to collect wishes for newlyweds from happy guests as seed cards, and the piny backing for a wedding venue always won me over with creative simplicity. I suggest you look at 25 creative ways to use piñatas at a wedding!

Let your exit ceremony be different from others. You can, of course, use fresh flowers, but they are so pathetic, all this is thrown in black bags to the trash .... But you can add brightness to the wedding ceremony with the help of pinata of gigantic sizes and different shapes. Do not forget about silk ribbons, which will make an excellent candelabrum, and your favorite pompons. Definitely everyone will remember the moment when you swore to each other in love and fidelity for many years under the pinyat arch.

Click on the title link to get a master class on creating pinyata in the form of lipstick, it is very easy to do. Every girlfriend at the wedding will get a cool Instagram photo with giant lipstick - a fun dream! And note to all the girls who work in cosmetic companies.

If you don’t have time to make 150 kicks for each guest, do it yourself. The mini-heart is not only a colorful and non-standard seating card, but it is also an excellent personalized gift for your guests at a wedding.

How many different ways we saw that decorators come up with to collect wishes from guests at a wedding: recording on a video camera, creating a tree with fingerprints, a collective picture, recordings on a surfboard, and much more. But all wishes can be collected in a piñata box, especially if you personalize this idea to the color and style of your wedding. Follow the link above in the title and see the master class on how to make a pinata with your own hands.

Incredible creative ways to personalize your wedding. For example, a fresh trend is put your portraits on chairs for the newlyweds   . If you like more fun options, then make a piñata letter. Of course, these must be the initials of your name. And if you make the letter in italics, then the pinata will look very avant-garde. Link to the master class in the title.

Everything that is small in size most often causes emotion and admiration. Take advantage of this trick and create mini-piñatas for decorating the guest table in bright neon colors, for example, like these dogs next to a funny composition of cacti. I respect, when the newlyweds can be ironic about the wedding day!

Using the link in the title, you can easily figure out how to make a pinata in the shape of a heart with your own hands. Phrases like Be Mine / Mine will help your guests converse during an aperitif. And these piñatas are a great way to surprise your beloved on Valentine's Day, save up ideas in advance :)

Vintage tea cups, homemade cookies and preserves, a bare cake with fresh flowers and a pinata in the shape of a heart of pale pink color, just such a shade that no one would suspect that you like the color of barbie. By the way, a tea bar with a heart-kicked is perfect if not for a wedding, then for a bachelorette party. Do everything with style.

L amour, Love, Amor, Amore - no matter how the word love sounds, in any language it means something beautiful. As well as giant piñata letters can paint your photo shoot in nature. Please note that the letter O in any language can be replaced with a heart, as in this picture.

Bring some sparkle to your wedding with a golden pinata. As we remember, geometry in all its manifestations is extremely popular in this wedding season, so create a piñata in the form of a rhombus, a cube, etc. Piñata needs to be filled with confetti and arrange entertainment at the wedding so that all guests, and maybe the bride herself, will break the piñata under the common the buzz and funny cries of the guests.

Indicate the date of your wedding on the pinata, let it serve as a decoration in the photo, which you will use for thank you cards or magnets. Do not forget to add the word thank you in Photoshop :)

Maracas, fans and hot Spanish dances will not spoil your Spanish-style wedding at all, and if you add a pinata in the form of a white shining star, a beautiful decor element is provided. Golden brushes on this six-pointed star look especially cute.

Red, white, blue, these cheerful colors on a piñata balloon charge with vivacity and joy. If you are planning a wedding with carnival elements, then this idea was created for you!

I still remember the moment when I passed a funny test from Cosmopolitan magazine and the editor asked what an ampersand is, and I was so confused because I completely forgot that this is the same character in English that combines the names of the newlyweds (not only in this case, of course). So You & Me \u003d Beautiful Family. Pinata in the form of an ampersand will look great at any wedding, you can hang it on the chairs of the newlyweds, on the front door, put it on the dance floor, use in the photo zone, etc.

High-quality paper looks so natural that sometimes you can’t tell, these are real flowers or craftsmen are so skillful. I am sure you will like paper roses with paper roses instead of fringe strips, this is at least romantic. By the link in the title you will find a master class.

You can’t eat this cake, but it looks nice and tasty. A large one can be used for a photo shoot, and a small option as a topper on a real wedding cake. Notice how great the ombre effect looks! By clicking on the link in the title, you will find a master class for creating your own piñata cake.

If you are too lazy to cut crepe fringe, use a wedding life hack. Yellow and multi-colored stickers from the office will perfectly replace paper, thanks to its adhesive side. By the link in the title you will find a master class of this cool sticker heart.

You can make a very stylish beautiful decoration for your wedding with your own hands. Metallic paper adds urban chic, and round edges instead of standard fringe add elegance and refinement to this heart-shaped pinata. I’m sure you can’t resist and want to make this beauty yourself, a master class in the title.

Often, newlyweds in the West leave their weddings in some kind of retro car or in a vintage minivan similar to this pinata. The inscription Just Married and the flowers on board confirm that this is a wedding procession.

At summer picnic weddings, this pinata in the form of ice cream will be especially popular, it will give coolness, as well as excellent photographs as a keepsake. By reference in the title there is a master class.

Pinata will help make your holiday fun and vibrant! Pinata   - This is a Mexican holiday toy for children and adults, made of papier - machev in the form of various animals, other people. Pinata itself contains various sweets, notes and other surprises.

To surprise your guests with this funny game, you don’t have to buy a pinata - you can make it yourself.

How to make a piñata with your own hands?

In order to make a pinata, we need:

1 balloon;
- unnecessary newspapers;
- PVA glue;
- strong rope;
- corrugated paper;
- paper sticky tape.

1. We glue the inflated balloon with newspaper pieces in 3-4 layers, if it is piñata for children, and in 5-6 layers, if piñata is intended for adults.

Tip:   before applying a new layer, it is necessary to dry the previous one.

We leave the pinata to dry for 6-8 hours until it dries completely (preferably in a warm place).

2.   When your pinata is completely dry and hardens, make a small hole and let the air out. Then cut the circle and pull out the bursting ball. In the opposite place, pierce the hole with the knife through which you drag the rope with a double knot at the end.

Tip:   if the pinata is too strong, you need to slightly pierce it with a knife in different places.

3.   Now you need to fill the piata with pleasant surprises: sweets, small toys. Then seal the hole with adhesive paper tape and stick tape for strength.

4.   Fold the corrugated paper into several layers and make small cuts. Glue the paper in layers from the base of the pinata.

The most unusual hand-made gift for the New Year is piñata.

As the story goes, piñata first appeared in Mexico. A hollow ball of papier-mâché was decorated with colorful bright ribbons, paper and filled with sweets, sweets, nuts. And the Spaniards themselves, supposedly adopted the image of piñata from the Chinese voluminous lanterns and the dancing dragon. So, the game of piñatu has become very popular in Europe, Russia, and now in Kazakhstan. So piñatu can be called international fun.

Most often, piñata is an integral attribute of a children's birthday. But in recent years, we really love to have fun with a kick for the New Year. We stuff piñata in the form of a snowman, Christmas ball, Christmas tree or just in the form of a cartoon character with sweets, small prizes, toys, stickers and other pleasant surprises. And all the children in turn beat the piñatu. Multi-colored confetti, toys and sweets fly to the snow, and everyone receives a portion of gifts, sweets and a lot of pleasure. Pinata will be a great alternative to fireworks, and in addition to visual pleasure, you will also get positive and good mood!

I'll tell you my recipe for making piñata. Since I have solid experience in this matter, and I can rightly be called an experienced pinyatitsa, although making a pinyata is a fairly simple task, but in this case there are a lot of gadgets, tricks and secrets. My mother helps me very well in the manufacture, or rather in the decoration of the pin. She has better patience and perseverance than mine.

I made my first piñata, a giant meter carrot, for my son Mark’s birthday. Then there was a birthday globe in the style of the cartoon "Up". Small fish for a sea party, a skull for a pirate, a soccer ball for a football holiday. And then the process went on its own. My fantasy and my friends, for whom piñates were made, could no longer be stopped. Raspberries, sharks, ladybugs, pigs and birds from Angry Birds.

Now for my two-year-old Mark and his friends, pinata has become an integral attribute of the holiday, and before we break the pinata, we have a tradition. Each family is photographed with my next masterpiece.

I remember watching a video of making a pinata. A large Spanish woman chatted, and in between, dipped her hands in a bowl of glue and glued pieces of newspaper on a ball. She did everything so quickly and smoothly that I immediately thought: “Why am I worse? What nonsense, just half an hour of work. ” Whatever the case, but my first pinata was blown away, limp, and did not want to keep in shape. In general, I was tormented with it, but in the manufacturing process, I learned how to feel a pinata, and each subsequent one got better and better.

To make a pinata we need:

1.   Balloon. Preferably large diameter. I take from 45 cm and more;

2.   A can of PVA glue;

3.   Old newspapers;

4.   Multi-colored tape or strong rope;

5. Corrugated paper in the right colors. You can take it in an office supply, in case of emergency, take corrugated paper for flowers. But it is denser, glues worse and paints fingers strongly;

6.   Sweets and small toys for filling piñata;

7.   Good mood:)

We proceed to the manufacture of our pinata.

1.   We are preparing a place for work. On the floor you need to lay a large piece of film or cover it with newspapers. Next, tear the newspapers into square or rectangular pieces of medium size.

2.   I dilute PVA glue with a small amount of warm water. So it dries faster and better seizes.

3. Inflate the ball, but not completely. As the newspapers dry on the ball, they will squeeze the ball, and it may burst before the end of the process. We do not tie it with a thread, but rather with a ribbon, so that later in the process of drying it was possible to blow this ball or vice versa. Sometimes, when the surrounding air is not warm, but cold, the ball will deflate, and the wet newspapers will settle and the shape will be lost.

4. Smear with a wide brush. I do it with my hands. Glue a piece of newspaper to the ball. So you need to do around the ball, gluing pieces of newspaper overlap. We leave the upper part of the future pinata, where the ball’s tail is about 15-20 cm, unsticked. First, paste the newspapers in two, maximum three layers. Smooth with your hands and let dry. In the summer, the pinata dries in a matter of hours on the street or balcony. In winter, the drying process slows down. But if you dry it near the battery, then it dries much faster. Just glue 4-6 layers. Usually, I ask in advance what age children will beat the pinata. Three layers are enough for kids, and for older children, more layers are needed. Once I did a pinata for adults in 12 layers.

5.   After the base has dried. It will take about three days. You can check for a characteristic dry sound if you tap on it. Or you can let the pinata air out a little and check. Untie the ribbon. This is another secret to using the tape when tying the ball. You can not burst it, but blow it off and use it again. Inside, the base of the papier-mâché should be dry and smooth. Then we take a knife or scissors, and around the perimeter of the ball departing from the hole by about 10 cm to the center, make small holes.

6. We take a tape about four meters long. I use the one that is tied with flowers. She does not tear across and does not stretch, so she has established herself as reliable. And we sew the pinata with the tape, leaving the long ends. At the end of the firmware, the edges of the tape must be brought out and tied together with a knot in the center.

7. Corrugated paper roll of the desired color must be cut into small pieces across, like a loaf or sausage. And cut each resulting mini-roll from one side into a fringe, without cutting to the edge of three cm.

8. We will glue the pinata from the end (bottom) with the fringe down. PVA glue needs to be taken in a jar for children's creativity, with a thin long nose. We spread the glue and gradually, unwinding the roll, glue in a circular and close in volume piñata. Glue it to the edge where the hole is. Leave to dry for about a day.

9. Glue on the pinata additional elements. We make eyes, ears, ponytails and horns from cardboard or colored paper. We fill confetti. You can cut multi-colored paper, trimming corrugated paper is also great. Toy paper money, stickers, small soft balls, small toys and more. Well, of course, sweets. Candy about two kg. They must be in packages, and chewing marmalade in mini-packages.

10.   To the size of the hole, cut out a circle from cardboard in color, make a hole in the center through which we will pass the rope. Remember, we sewed the pinata and the ends of the rope, and then tied together and left inside. Now, the ends of the rope are released out of the pinata through the hole in the cardboard circle. We fix using tape. It turned out that the lid was closed, and we can hang the pin itself by the rope.

11.   Pinyatu tied to a long stick. You can take a plastic stick from the mop with a ring on the end. It turned out like a fishing rod, at the end of which hangs a large pinata.

12. Cooking a stick for whipping. You can take a stick, a bat, a thin plastic tube, a rolling pin for dough, and more. It can be decorated with ribbons or hung with a fringe. If you want to make a pinata in the form of a typewriter or an animal, then you need to collect the base from cardboard patterns and paper tape, and also paste over it with newspapers. But such models are less strong than a ball.

Game process

Most often, a piñata is beaten with a stick, blindfolded, and in turn. But for this version of the game, you need a lot of space so that others can run away when the blindfolded player hits in different directions, trying to get on the pinata.

We build children by height. The first is always the birthday person. Birthday boy or child of the smallest height. Why? Because young children will beat pinyata lightly, and then there is a chance that anyone who participates in the game will be able to hit a pinyata. If you put the largest children in the front ranks, then you will beat the piñata faster, and the kids simply won’t have time to hit it. Tears and disappointment are provided.

Dad or presenter holds a pinata on a stick and announces the rules. Everyone is lined up to beat in turn. Also, so that the kids do not run forward when others beat the piñata. Everyone can hit twice.

Remember the main rule. When one person beats a pinata, the rest of the children and participants must be held by a dad or an adult participant at a safe distance. Children must follow the order and not run forward. And the most important rule. When they break a piñata and sweets and prizes fly out, the whole crowd will become uncontrollable. Children rush to collect gifts. Take the stick with the kicked to the side or lift it higher so that the person who hits the kick does not begin to swing the stick over the heads of the collectors.

This is a big danger when an uncontrollable crowd of children eagerly grab sweets and put them in their pockets. The driver or beater of the pinata will definitely want to finish the pinata: break it into shreds, tear it from the stick. He will start militantly swing a stick over the heads of children. So immediately explain the rules of the game.

Two-year-old Mark knows what pinata is. When he was young and saw his mother’s next order, he fled with the first stick he came across and beat piñatu. Although piñata usually requires a large space, we manage to play it in the room. Only adults get up, protecting the TV, sideboard and other fragile objects.

Try to make a pinata for the New Year. Make it for yard children or for family entertainment. I’m sure you will like this idea!

At various children's parties, celebrations and weddings such entertainment as piñata is gaining more and more popularity. What it is? Where can I get it? How to do it yourself? A lot of questions ...

Pinata is a ball of papier-mâché, colored paper and bright ribbons, located in and filled with sweets. To release such attractive and alluring content, you need to smash it with a stick.

Appearance story

So pinata: what is it? For the first time, such entertainment appeared in Mexico, although, according to some information, the inhabitants of China owed their appearance. In this country, several centuries ago, the New Year's Eve took place with the obligatory presence of a large figure of a cow or a bull, filled inside with flowers and five kinds of seeds. People smashed it, burned the remains, and took the ashes to themselves. It was believed that in this case, the coming year will be pleasant in all respects. Mexico with such fun, which is an integral attribute of children's birthdays, met a couple of centuries later. European residents diversified their holidays with great pleasure.

Pinata: what is it

The traditional form of piñata, considered a Christmas symbol, is represented by a large way-indicating wanderer. In Spain, such a figure is made of a clay pot to which paper cones are attached from above. For Europe, a more simplified version is characteristic - from papier-mâché. How to make a pinata yourself?

Figures of various contents (houses, flowers, balls), cartoon characters or figures corresponding to the age of the birthday are gaining more and more popularity. In addition to sweets, piñata can be filled with all sorts of pleasant things: cute prizes, small balls, soft toys, stickers, toys, unexpected surprises. Pinata (photo can be seen in the article) is an excellent alternative to fireworks, giving in addition to visual pleasure a lot of positive and good mood.

DIY Guide

How to make piñata at home? In making such an original do-it-yourself fun, the scope for imagination is enormous; The easiest way to build it is in the form of a ball. First you need to craft a papier-mâché form for which you will need:

  • ¼ cup of wheat flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of starch;
  • 1 cup of cool water;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • old newspapers.

The first step is to cook the paste: combine flour with starch, dilute with cold water. Pour the resulting solution into boiling water, stir until smooth, cool.

From the newspaper cut strips (approximately 10 * 30 cm); grease each with a paste and stick to the base, which is most convenient to use an ordinary balloon (not too inflated) or a large gymnastic ball.

As ties, it is better to use not threads, but a tape, so that in the process of drying the ball can be blown. It is recommended to stick newspapers in at least 4 layers, waiting for the previous one to dry completely (about 1-2 hours). If the pinata is intended for small children, applying 3 layers is enough; if for an adult or something heavy lies inside, it is better to strengthen the ball with two or three additional layers. To loosen the pinata and facilitate its breaking, it is recommended to make several neat holes in it with a knife.

Papier-mâché mass can be prepared by another method - using 8 rolls of toilet paper, 1 liter of PVA glue, 3 liters of water as a material.

In a spacious container in water, you need to soak toilet paper, then squeeze it well. This activity can be facilitated with the help of gauze tissue, in which to place the soaked mass. The remaining "cake" to connect with glue and apply to the base, leaving uncovered the place where the ball is tied.

After the base has dried (it usually takes about 3 days), you can check the readiness of the pinata by tapping it. Confirm the dryness of the product characteristic sound. Then the tape needs to be untied, and the ball deflated. On the inside, the papier-mâché base should be dry and smooth.

We complicate the task

For those who have learned how to make simple forms of pinyata, mastering its manufacture in the form of various figures will not be difficult. For example, for a figure in the shape of an animal, double-sided tape is required to glue cardboard parts or several balloons of other sizes onto a balloon with a newspaper, onto which a newspaper mass is applied.

During the manufacturing process, you should decide on the place for which the pinata will be suspended, fix the hook with wide shoulders made of thin wire hanger. The shoulders can be fixed on the inside of the ball with masking tape, the hole can be masked with masking tape.

How to decorate a pinata

Of course, the resulting dirty-gray ball at first hardly resembles a conceived toy, and therefore requires further decoration and decoration. Most often, colored corrugated paper is used for decoration, which needs to be cut into strips 5-7 cm wide in the form of a fringe (across, not completely).

It is required to glue the pinata from the bottom with a fringe down, around; stripes should be applied so that one slightly goes behind the other. Leave it to dry for a day.

You can add a pinata with elements such as eyes, ears, tail (depending on what kind of pinata are thought up). You can also decorate the finished form with satin ribbons, shaggy feathers, pieces of foil, artificial flowers and serpentine.

For example, gluing a pinyata in layers with honey-colored paper and decorating with bees with Velcro, you can get a nice hive. Piglet, eyes and ears will eventually give a nice pig.

How to fill piñata

The final maneuver is filling the finished pinata with chewing gum, sweets, finely chopped colored paper. This can be done through the hole left. When choosing sweets, it is better to give preference to toffees and lollipops, since chocolate during the whipping of a toy can be substantially damaged. You should also make sure that there are no sharp objects inside that could injure others.

It is recommended to fill the pinata one-third or half, because in order for the toy to break, there should be an empty space inside. In addition, the pinata should be sufficiently mobile, swaying and dodgy, so that it would be interesting for children to beat it. It’s best to use a bat or a stick for this. For the convenience of breaking pinyata, it is recommended to do it not too bulky and large enough, on average from 50 centimeters to 1 meter.

Choose a location

Such a game requires a certain space so that other participants can have time to run away, while the blindfolded player, trying to hit the pinata, hits in different directions. Therefore, it is recommended to identify a bright toy on the street, for example, on a branch of a spreading tree. If it is impossible to hold a holiday on the street, piñatu can be hung in the largest room of the room. The figure needs to be firmly fixed so that during the whipping process it does not come off together with the long-awaited surprises inside.

First strike right

Most often, children are arranged in height and the first blow is granted to the smallest. After all, the baby is unlikely to break a pinata the first time, so it is highly likely that all participants can play.

If the right of the first blows is granted to older children, then the pinata can be broken faster, which will provide disappointment and tears to players who did not manage to hit it. It should be remembered when one person hits a piñatu, the rest should be at a safe distance.

So, we got the answer to the question: pinata - what is it? For the holiday, such fun is just a godsend. It unites guests, causes general fun. Pinata is a toy that is an original decoration and entertainment of any celebration, able to set a positive tone for the event and bring a lot of pleasure and joy to guests.

In the world of hand-made, there are all sorts of funny and non-standard gift ideas, and one of the simplest and most fun is pinata. What kind of animal is it, what shape does it take, what can be put inside and, most importantly, how to make a pinata with your own hands? All this, as well as a step-by-step master class and video on making, can be found in this article.

What is pinata?

This miracle came to us from Mexico, where piñatas are done very often, for almost any holiday. Now this fun toy has spread all over the world. It is understandable - who doesn’t like to receive a birthday present full of favorite sweets!

According to the laws of the genre, in order to get to the delicious filling, pinata itself has to be smashed with a long stick, moreover, with blindfolds. In a fun event, both the birthday party and all guests can participate. Usually, both children and adults are involved in the process with pleasure.

Shape selection

There are two different ways to make such a toy with your own hands. And in order to determine the appropriate method, it is important, first of all, to choose the appearance of the product.
  The simplest option is a ball. It is made like a papier-mâché: a balloon is inflated, pasted with newspapers on PVA in several layers. After drying, part of the base is cut, the filling is laid there, and then sealed again. Then you can proceed to the design. The ball can be sealed with paper roses or just stripes of colored paper. And with the help of the ball you can make, for example, the Red's figure from Angry birds. Examples of pinat made in this way can be seen in the photo below.

  For any other form, the manufacturing principle will be different. It is described in detail in the master class below. Here are the most common options that can be made for different holidays:
  - for birthday: a figure indicating the age of the birthday person, the first letter of the name, a multi-tiered cake;
  - for children - cartoon characters or games: pigs from Angry birds (as in the photo), Red, monsters, smeshariki;
  - for the new year: a symbol of the outgoing year, star, Christmas tree;
  - for a wedding or Valentine's Day: a heart or a flower ball.

You can make a pinata for girls using a thematic decor (delicate pastel colors, floral design, or by choosing the appropriate shape - ball, heart, flower). For boys, you can build a pirate chest or starship. Fantasy can not be limited, in fact it will turn out to realize any form.
  It remains only to choose a suitable filling, and you can proceed to the master class.

Gift Filling

Traditionally, piñatas are stuffed with all kinds of sweets: chocolate, sweets, marmalade, chupa-chups, waffles and more. Perhaps you should not put only fragile cookies. All this is mixed with multi-colored serpentine or confetti, cut paper or tinsel.
  For children, you can additionally put small surprise gifts:
  - crackers
  - air balloons,
  - felt-tip pens,
  - unbreakable souvenirs.
  There you can hide the main gift for the birthday person or a note in which there will be an indication of where to look for the gift. Instead of a note, you can make a real map and turn the search into a real quest or a trip through notes.

Materials for work

Before proceeding to the master class, you will need to prepare the following materials.
  1. A box of large corrugated cardboard.
  2. A lot of beautiful paper, corrugated or decorative, the main thing is that it is easy to cut and paste. If you decide to decorate the toy with paper flowers, then, accordingly, it will be necessary to prepare the necessary materials in a sufficiently large amount.
  3. PVA glue or hot melt adhesive: PVA is more economical, and hot melt adhesive is more convenient to use.
  4. A cord or strong tape about 20 cm long.
  5. Filling the gift.
  Costs of time: the entire master class can be completed in 1 evening if you prepare everything you need in advance.

Manufacturing instruction

As a basis, we take a form that, for sure, will be useful to everyone - a heart.

1. Cut out two large hearts from the side walls of the box.
  Attention! The larger the product, the easier it will be to break it. Too small a piñata is difficult to break even by an adult.
  2. From the same box, cut several identical long strips 7-10 cm wide.
  3. We glue two hearts and strips for the sidewalls, forming a three-dimensional structure as shown in the photo. To do this, you can use either a thermal gun, or the most ordinary masking tape. We leave a small section on the side open.
  4. Through the hole left we put all the sweet filling.

5. An important point is the rope, for which the toy will be hung, you need to attach it now, otherwise you will have to drill a new hole and suffer with pulling the cord through it!
  6. We seal the box to the end. Now you can proceed to the most interesting - to the decor.
  Of course, you can decorate a piñata in a thousand different ways: to glue it with flowers from paper or napkins, paint it with acrylics, and make an application. All these methods are beautiful in their own way, but quite time consuming. In this workshop we will perform the easiest and fastest way to decorate - glue the box with beautiful corrugated paper.
  7. In order to give the heart a volume and make it “tremble” in the wind, let's do this. We cut long strips of bright red metallic paper, the same width. We fold each strip several times and cut it with a “fence”.
  8. Let's start sticking strips of paper to the base on PVA or hot melt adhesive. It is necessary to move in the direction from bottom to top, so that the coating is uniform.

9. On the ribbon for hanging we tie a knot and straighten the paper so that the free edges stick out in different directions. In the photo you can see how beautiful pinata we got in the shape of a bright red heart.

More ideas

There are many interesting ideas on how you can decorate your creation or give it any shape you like.
  For example, how to make a pinata in the form of Red from Angry birds, you can see here in such a video master class.

  Balls decorated with flowers made of napkins or paper look very gentle and romantic. Especially the roses. It will take more than one evening to make such a pinyata, but it will look amazing. This is a wonderful gift, which is suitable for a birthday for girls, as well as for a wedding or Valentine's Day.
  Make a note of mischief in a usual feast - try to make a pinata with your own hands! Making it is very simple and easy, and the result will please both you and all guests of the holiday.