Project okr the world my family. Family and family values \u200b\u200b- Project "My family" - Family and family values \u200b\u200b- Catalog of articles - Fifth school. Presentation of projects. Stories of children about their families

Big greetings to little schoolchildren and their parents too! I welcome you to the pages of the "School" blog!

Today we will prepare for the next project. One, in my opinion, of the most interesting. Ask his children as part of the course "The World." This is a project in the elementary school on the theme of Family, mainly it appears in the first grade.

In the workbooks on the "World around" when learning the program "" there are special pages dedicated to this topic. You can, of course, go the simple way and just stick photos on these pages and come up with captions for them. And you can do more serious work, which is surely appreciated by both the teacher and classmates.

Lesson plan:

Where to begin?

From which side to approach the project called "My Family"? Where to begin? I propose to start by dividing our future project into parts:

  1. introductory;
  2. main;
  3. final;
  4. practical.

And now we will consider what exactly can be placed in each of these parts.

Introductory part

It, in turn, can be divided into the following points:

  • substantiation of the significance of the project;
  • setting goals and objectives (it's not just that we are doing this project);
  • disclosure of sources of information that the student is going to use during work.

Justification of the significance of the project

How can one substantiate the significance of the My Family project?

Modern children do not know the history of their family well. Often they don’t even know the middle names of their parents. But the family is the foundation of the basics! Just as a plant cannot exist normally without soil, so a person cannot exist without a family. Family is human history! And a person who does not know his story has no future.

Here you have the significance! Here you have the importance of the topic under study!

Setting goals and objectives

Let's set ourselves the following tasks:

  1. Find out the meaning of the word family, its origin.
  2. Find out surnames, first names and patronymics, as well as dates and places of birth, place of residence, type of activity of their relatives to the third knee (that is, we’ll go deeper into great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers).
  3. Create your own family tree (this, by the way, will be the practical part).

Sources of information

Here we say it right:

“When working on a project, I used the following sources of information:

  • family albums;
  • family archives (old letters, maybe some documents were preserved or something else interesting);
  • stories of relatives;
  • internet;
  • books (magazines, newspapers). "

That's the whole introductory part, go to the main one.

Main part

Let's look at our goals, which we have outlined a little higher.

Goal One: Find out the origin of the word family.

This is what we’ll do now. In order to attract the attention of listeners, you can offer them to solve a rebus, for example, such.

Rebus is simple. All at once they will say in chorus that the word "family" is encrypted. And this is exactly what we expected. Here we say: “That's right, family! Do you know what a family is, and where the word came from? "Let the listeners give a few of their options. Well, then we will tell them the whole truth about this word.

You will find the whole truth in a special article on the word “family”.

Well, now we go directly to our dear relatives.

The main thing here is not to overdo it. It is important to remember that the lesson at school is not rubber, that time is limited, and that brevity is the sister of talent.

It's best to start with yourself. For example, like this:

My name is Klimkovich Artem Denisovich. I was born on November 15, 2008 in the city of Ukhta in the Komi Republic, I lived there for 3 years, and then I moved to Lipetsk with my parents. Now we live here. I am in first grade and enjoy swimming.

If the student has brothers and sisters, then you can also talk about them. Well, then we go down to a level lower in our family tree and tell:

  • about dad and mom;
  • then about two grandparents and two grandfathers;
  • and then about four great-grandmothers and four great-grandfathers.

In total, in the project we will talk about fourteen of our relatives, this is not counting the brothers and sisters. So try to be brief, because even if you give one person just one minute, the project will stretch for 15 minutes, if not more.

Final part

The final part should contain a conclusion.

The conclusion could be like this:

Thanks to the work on the project, I learned a lot of interesting things from the history of my family, learned the names of my ancestors. I have a very large family and now I know that in difficult times my loved ones will definitely help me, and I will definitely help them. And about my great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, I can someday tell my children and grandchildren. So that the connection of times is not interrupted.

If during the search for information any interesting facts are found that connect the student with his ancestors, then they can also be included in the conclusion. What facts can these be? Well, for example:

My great-grandfather Vasily Ivanovich was born exactly 100 years earlier than me.

I am very similar in appearance to my great-grandmother Maria Ilyinichna.

In our family, besides me, there are three left-handers. This is my grandmother Galina Vasilyevna, grandfather Gennady Ivanovich and great-grandfather Semen Fedorovich.

Practical part

The practical part involves the manufacture of what will help to visualize, visually reinforce the student’s story. You can, for example, make an album in which to stick photos of relatives and write small stories about them. Then, during the defense of the project in front of the class, the student will be able to turn over the pages, showing the students photographs.

But you and I swung at something more interesting! For our project purposes, we recorded: the manufacture of a family tree. Do you remember? For example, this:

This is such a poster - a craft. This tree is remarkable in that the leaflets on which the photographs of family members are glued can be removed from the tree. And then, during a speech in front of the class, the student will be able to gradually stick these leaves to the tree. And the family tree will grow right in front of his classmates. And this is much more interesting! Do you agree?

About how to make such a poster-craft, is written in great detail. True, in this example, a family tree is made only up to 2 knees, and you can continue it to the level to which you need.

And I would like to say separately about the photographs. It’s a pity to cut old photographs. After all, they are in a single copy. A real rarity! But there is a solution, you can translate these old photographs with a scanner into electronic form. And then print and use in the manufacture of wood.

What else to complement the work?

An excellent and interesting addition to the project will be a demonstration of any family heirlooms. For example, you can bring along and show the class a napkin that your great-grandmother has knitted and which is already over 80 years old. Or the medals that your great-grandfather was awarded for participating in the Great Patriotic War.

But just remember, these are real relics, your family jewelry, so you have no right to lose or break them!

A beautiful poem will also be an appropriate creative addition to your work. You will find a couple of such works in the video below.

Friends, if you are going to adhere to these recommendations when preparing your “family” project, then you will be provided with five. But assessment is not the point. You have a wonderful chance to learn a lot of interesting things about your relatives. So use this opportunity! It will be interesting!

Good luck with your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

  Lyubov Poroshina
  Protection of individual research projects around the world in Grade 1 “My Family”


To study family traditions, to explore the importance of the family in a person’s life, the role of parents and children in the family.

Hypothesis:the assumption that so far we do not know everything about our family, its pedigree.

Relevance:the problem of studying your family.

Academic discipline- the world.

Students age:  7-8 years old - 1st grade.

The composition of the project team:  8 people.

Type of project- creative, individual.

Project Manager:  Poroshina L.A.

During the project, children with the help of adults learn:

to select from the family archive photographs of family members during family-significant events; interview family members; evaluate the importance of family photographs to strengthen family relationships; evaluate the results of their own work and the performance of comrades.

Project Issues:

The composition of the family, the profession of parents, hobbies of children and parents.

Family holidays and traditions.

Family coat of arms or family tree.

Works about the family (a selection of poems, proverbs, sample pen).

Photos on the theme: "My family."


1. Organizational part, psychological attitude.

The bell rang, everyone stood up,

Everyone looked at the guests.

And now they quietly sat down,

Looked at each other.

Girls smiled, boys smiled

They clapped their hands, warmed their fingers.

I am very glad to see everyone today at our non-traditional lesson of the world around us together with my parents.

2. Scoring topics.

Good afternoon, dear guys and guests! Today is really a good day, because the theme of our lesson ... Guys, help me voice the topic ...

Theme: “Protection of individual projects“ My family ”.

It was your homework around the world.

Objective of the project:Present a photo story to your classmates about your family.

3. Opening remarks by the teacher.

By the definition of V.I. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, FAMILY is a group of the closest relatives. Family is the most important thing in human life. All the kindest, dearest, most reliable is concentrated in the family. And just as a person cannot live without a home, so he cannot live without a family. Each word “family” is filled with its own special meaning. It is in the family that they are waiting for us, they love, value, respect and wait for us. When you have close relatives, you have a family - this is a huge happiness!

4. Acquaintance with the evaluation criteria and application for evaluation.

Today you will present the presentation of your project “My Family” according to the plan (on the board).

Performance plan.

o Introductory part.

o Tell about the composition of the family, the professions of parents, hobbies and family traditions.

o Introduce the family coat of arms or family tree.

o Tell poems about the family and show family photos, drawings.

o Conclusion.

What could you tell about your family? What is it made of, what is the name of your loved ones? Family holidays and traditions, hobbies. Someone came up with the emblem of the family - a distinctive sign. There are guys who, together with their parents, compiled a family tree, invented poems, drew drawings and found interesting photos about their family.

Let's get acquainted with the evaluation criteria:

o be sure to follow the plan

o speak clearly and clearly to listeners,

o be able to answer the question for clarification,

o originality of the photo newspaper.

Application for assessment:

“Excellent” - green token,

“Good” is yellow

"We must try" - red.

Who wants to get a green token today? Yellow? Red? And what is needed for this? (try to answer clearly, clearly, so that your presentation is interesting and understandable to the audience, according to plan)

5. Presentation of projects. Stories of children about their families.

(On the board as the children perform, a collage of photo newspapers will gather)

Today we have everything for real. Define the sequence of performances.

a) Draw (girls, boys)

b) Speech of 1 and 2 participants, assessment (self-esteem, teacher's assessment, peer assessment)

The game "Find a couple."

Masks are given to the children; they must find a pair by kinship.

D granddaughter granddaughter

Brother sister

Aunt nephew

c) Speech by 3 and 4 participants, assessment (self-esteem, teacher's assessment, peer assessment)

Game "Proverb".

(Children stand in a circle, a teacher throws each ball,

says the beginning of the proverb, the child concludes the proverb)

The whole family together, and the soul .... in place.

In the family and porridge .... more. What a treasure ... if the family is okay.

A family is strong when there is a roof over it .... one.

A Russian man without relatives ... does not live.

A tree is rooted, and a man ... a family.

In a good family .... good children grow up.

A family in a heap, not scary .... and a cloud.

c) Speech of 5 and 6 participants, assessment (self-esteem, teacher's assessment, peer assessment)

The game "Clap-drown" with the housekeeper Kuzei.

If the word is in our families - we clap, we attach the sun to the rays, if not - we stamp and throw it in the trash.

(Kindness, cold, happiness, love, sadness, respect, health, smiles, envy, labor, laziness, holidays)

d) Speech of 7 and 8 participants, assessment (self-esteem, teacher's assessment, peer assessment)

The game "Magic Pouch."

Your parents and grandparents came to us for a lesson. Would you like to say kind words to them? There are unfinished offers in the pouch. Your task is to end their wishes with your loved ones.

- I want my parents to be ...

I love when grandparents ...

My parents are the most for me ...

I love my parents because they ... - I trust my parents ...

I love my grandparents because ...

I want to wish my parents ... - I consider my family ...

6. Summarizing.

You guys were so great today! If not for you, we would not have succeeded in such an amazing meeting! Thank you and your parents! Your reward for your performances is the “sun” medals.

To make life a success, you need to build a house,

Raise children in it, do not forget about the trees.

And to make it cozy, warm in the house

One must passionately love, one must sincerely believe.

No matter how old we are, and wherever we are, we must remember our family, get acquainted with its history, ancestors, traditions and carefully preserve everything.

Happiness to your families! See you soon!

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1st grade students

MOU OSH s.Ikshitsa

Sukhanova Nastya

My family is mom, grandmother, grandfather and me. We live very friendly.

Grandma is constantly taking care of me. She is kind and affectionate. I love her very much. Grandma loves to cook, grow flowers.

Good grandmother, sweet grandmother, The most tender and patient, Happiness, health! Live without sorrow, So that all you love will adore you!

Grandpa is my best friend! With grandfather, we always watch different cartoons and films about animals together. He likes to watch sports programs.

My grandfather knows everything and knows everything. I am proud of my grandfather.

Wise, strong, real, You are the head of our family! I wish you success, happiness, I really want you! Be always in great shape! You are the authority for us, Our man is an exemplary, The best grandfather in the world!

This is my mother. She works as a primary school teacher. She is a creative person: she loves to embroider and do something with her own hands. Mom reads books to me before bed, helps me do homework.

I am in 1st grade. I like to study, draw, do various crafts, jump rope, dance, sing, take pictures, watch cartoons. I love the zoo. I also really like the New Year holiday! I like to play with my friends, classmates, cousins \u200b\u200band brother.

And we also have a cat Red. He is beautiful, smart, affectionate and kind. I often play with him.

I love when our whole family is together. I really love my family!

Family is my home, I live there, my peace is there. My refuge and shelter, My dreams, my love. What could be more expensive for a family? He is greeted with warmth by his father’s house, They are always waiting for you here with love, And you are escorted on the road with good! Love and appreciate happiness! It is born in the family. What could be more expensive family, In this fabulous land!



Leader: I. Lagunova

Topic:  "My family".

Objective of the project:

To expand knowledge about the history of your family, to understand the importance of the family for each person.


What if every member of the family loves and respects each other,

then the family will be friendly and strong.


  • collect biographical data of my relatives;
  • to study the life and hobbies of my family;
  • analyze data;
  • apply for a job

Relevance of the project:

The family, its traditions, way of life always occupied and occupy an important place in human life.

Each of us has that personal, intimate and most important thing in life - this is a family.

Research Methods:

  • conversation with relatives;
  • family photos;
  • study of literature;
  • internet access

A family

Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. A family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, a pleasant waste. Birth of children, first step, first babble, Dreams of good, excitement and awe. Family is work, care for each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is hard! But living alone is impossible! Always be together, take care of love, Drive offenses and quarrels away, I want my friends to talk about us: What a good family you are!

The mystery of the name

My name is Maxim.

Name value Maxim  - “great” (Latin). Choleric by nature. Very calm. It seems to be about to explode, but nothing like this is happening. He manages to be an unsurpassed mediator. He is hardy and flexible. He knows his abilities well. If Maxim is concentrated, he is very successful in society. This is an extrovert with the gift of understanding and innate diplomacy. Objective Extremely quickly finds a way out of any difficult situation, very decisive.

Secret of a surname

My last name is Lesnikov. I got it from my father. Foresters by the name of their father's profession. In the old days, a forest ranger is not only a forest ranger, but also a forest ranger - a timber merchant, a logger, and also a hunter who hunts with forest hunting.

The best, dearest the most

Mom - she is the most beloved, the most beautiful and my best friend.

She is an individual entrepreneur, opened the "Center for the Development of Children"

and works there as a special psychologist with children with disabilities.

He is a bit fond of politics.

Dad in the house and the house is working

My dad’s name is Dmitry Sergeyevich Lesnikov.

Dad - an example for me. He works as an installer, builds a nuclear reactor.

When dad is at home, we are calm and fun with him.

I am friends with my grandmother ...

Grandma Luda

Grandmother Valya

Grandfather told me ...

Grandpa Sasha

Grandfather Seryozha


Having finished this work, I learned a lot about my loved ones.

Thinking about how we live, how we communicate.

I understood that in order for the family to have peace and understanding, you need to love and respect each other, forgive any offense. We need to find common business and hobbies: play sports, take care of animals and plants, relax together, chat with friends.

I realized that although we have not a big family, but very friendly.

Presentation and synopsis of the lesson on the world.

Type of lesson: combined.
  Type of lesson: lesson systematization of knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • to form a holistic view of the family and encourage the comprehension of the universal value of the family;
  • production of a laptop "My family".

Lesson Objectives:
  . Educational:

  • clarify basic ideas about the family and understanding of kinship;
  • help learn the basics of relationships with family members;
  • learn to work in a pattern.


  • to form the ability to show attention, love and respect for loved ones;
  • foster a sense of pride in your family;
  • to cultivate accuracy, attention, patience, frugality;


  • muscle development of the fingers;
  • development of attention, memory, speech.

Personal UUD:
  Value-semantic orientation of students, the effect of meaning formation.

Communicative UUD:
  Ability to express one’s thoughts and discuss students ’speeches.

Regulatory ECM:
  Understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to accomplish it, strong-willed self-regulation, evaluate the value of family albums to strengthen family relationships; evaluate the importance of the family for a person and society; evaluate your achievements and those of other students.

Cognitive UUD:
  General education: work with information, give names by family names; Talk about interesting events in the life of your family.

  Board, drawings and photographs of students “My Family”, the basis for a laptop, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, transfer cards, adhesive tape, stapler, glue.

Board design:

  1. The basis of the laptop and epigraph: "The family is together - the soul is in place."
  2. The sun of mood.

During the classes:

  1. Org. moment
  We came here to study,
  Do not be lazy, but work.
  We work diligently
  Listen carefully!

Guys, today we are going to an unusual lesson in creativity, love, joy and kindness. Smile at each other and mark your mood on the screen.
  We are glad that guests are present at our lesson. After all, it’s not without reason that folk wisdom says: “Guests in the house are joy to the owners!”

  2. Actualization of the lesson topic
  - Guys, listen to the passage from the song and think about what our lesson will be about today.

  - That's right, it will be about the family.
  - Today in the lesson there is a big and interesting work:
  - We will talk about the family, about family members, about the relationship between parents and children.
  - We will find out what needs to be done so that the family lives happily and happily.

  And to find out what we will do in the lesson, guess the riddles:
  1) Who will teach a nail to hammer,
  Will let the car steer
  And tell you how to be brave
  Strong, agile and skillful?

2) All children play in them (igRushki)
  3) The most gentle, the kindest, the most beloved person for all people on Earth (mother's eye)
4) He knows everything, knows everything. Your parents always consult with him. (grandfather)
  5) She knits all socks and bakes the most wonderful cakes and rolls (grandma)

6) Who loves me and brother,
  But loves to dress up more? -
  Very fashionable girl -
  My oldest ... (sesTrenka)
  - And now, combine the selected letters in the answers and read what happened: (project)

  - What is a project? (Answers of the children.)
  - Remember: A project is a business that results in a product.
   -A product can be anything:
  poem, picture, portrait, music, songs, newspaper, collage.
  And in today's lesson, I suggest you compile a laptop about the family. And what can I put in a laptop?
  (We can add riddles, photographs, drawings, kind words about the family to the laptop).

  - How do you understand the word "family"? (children's answers).
  Ozhegov’s dictionary says that a family is a group of close relatives living together, as well as an association of people united by common interests.

  Collective design of a laptop
  1) - Family is the house. Home ... This word is familiar to everyone since childhood. It blows from comfort and warmth. The house for each of us is the most important thing, the most necessary in life. Let's build your dream home.
  Building a house begins with laying the foundation.

What will be our foundation, we will find out if we draw an asterisk.
  Student Answers. (The word "understanding" was written on the star).
  - This will be the foundation of our home.
  - Guys, let's finish building the house. Discuss in pairs what should reign in the house so that all family members live well? Choose only 1 yellow brick for building a house, from which, in your opinion, a family is built. Put your bricks in the laptop and name what words you built the house from.
  (Friendship, labor, love, care, happiness, unity, honesty, help, discipline, courtesy, common interests, respect, support, wealth, evil, harmfulness, greed, peace, kindness)

Slide 9
  And now I will check your attention. We listen to a poem that Dasha will tell us.
  - I love it when everyone gathers.
  The table is set with a white tablecloth.
  Grandma with mom
  Dad and I
  We are called together - family.
  What family members did Dasha name? Now answer my fabulous questions:
  - Who was the Granddaughter of Santa Claus?
  -Who we have a large fairy-tale mom? Why is she having many children?
  - What is the name of the hardworking sister from the tale of Charles Perrault?
  - What was the name of Pope Pinocchio?
  - Who are each other Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf?
“Who are you, Dasha, for your mom?” And you, Vova?
  - What are you for your grandmother? And who calls you a daughter? Your dad has a mom. And who is she for you? Mom has a sister. Who is she to you?
  - Let's put family members in our house. You have green cards on your desk. Choose from them the words denoting relatives.
  (Brother, dad, mother, niece, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, daughter, son, neighbor, director, uncle, aunt, sister, nephew, grandson, stranger, passer).
  After checking - put the necessary words in the envelope.
  - That's how friendly our family turned out.

  - The guys in our laptop have a beautiful envelope with the signature RIDDLES. Let's work in groups and find riddles about our family members in it (cards with riddles, find, read, put in an envelope. We put the envelope in the laptop).
  Without which in this world
  Adults do not live and children?
  Who will support you, friends?
  Your friendly ... Whoever loves does not get tired,
  Bakes pies for us,
  Tasty pancakes?
  This is our ... Borsch in a plate is the most delicious,
  It’s just cooking ...
  Cradle who shakes you,
  Who sings songs to you
  Who tells you tales
  Gives you toys? He did not work out of boredom,
  His hands are in calluses
  And now he's old and gray
  My dear, beloved ... There isn’t her dearest in the world,
  Fair and kinder.
  I’ll tell friends to you directly -
  Best of all ...
  Never lose heart
  He knows exactly what I need.
  If, suddenly, a drama happens,
  Who will support? Will always treat with jam,
  The table is set with refreshments,
  Lada is our little one
  Who! - My dear ... I’m not alone with my mother,
  She still has a son,
  I’m small by his side
  For me he is the eldest ...
  Who worked all his life
  Surrounded by care
  Grandchildren, grandmother, children,
  Respected ordinary people?
  Retired for many years
  Our ageless ... Photo stands
  In a golden frame
  Whose look warms the sun?
  Beloved look ... Who erases, cooks, sews,
  Tired of work
  Waking up so early? -
  Only caring ...
  This word everyone knows
  Will not trade for anything!
  To the number "seven" add "I".
  What will happen? Who loves me and brother
  But loves to dress up more?
  Very fashionable girl
  My oldest ... Who is the hard work
  Can do on Saturdays?
  With ax, saw, shovel
  Builds, works our ...
  Ties warm gloves
  He will play the game.
  There are gray locks in my hair
  This is mine ... Who is loved by all in the world?
  And for the whole family is responsible?
  From paycheck to paycheck
  What would we do without ... Who is sitting on a chair in the hall,
  Does he know everything in the magazine?
  For football and hunting
It’s very nice to go hunting with him.
  He will give us an answer to everything.
  This is our favorite ...

He lives on the roof of the house -
  Leggy, leggy,
  He is flying to hunt
  For the frogs to the swamp. In a gray feather coat
  And in the cold he is a hero
  Jumps, frolics on the fly,
  Not an eagle, but still a bird. Red paws
  Long neck,
  Pinch the heels
  Run without looking back.
  Knocking all the time
  Trees hollow.
  But they don’t cripple
  But only heals. I knock on wood
  I want to get something.
  Though hiding under the bark -
  The worm will be mine! All I am made of iron, I have neither legs nor arms.
  I’ll put a hat on the board,
  And for me everything is knock and knock ...
  The tool is in our hands
  In the garden - the upper class!
  We can dig beds for them.
  Tell me what to call? ..

Rigid, biting,
  Leaky, prickly:
  What is put on her back
  She’ll immediately blot it out ... You can whiten and color,
  She can be painted
  Just be careful
  So as not to mess yourself ...

  PHYSICULTURE MINUTES (the music is "Butterfly Moths")
  - You depicted butterflies very beautifully. What do butterflies like? What butterflies love nectar from?

  Making chamomile "Friendly family"
  - Now let's think about what unites all family members. To do this, read the sentences and find those that can be a sign of a good and friendly family: They are written on the chamomile petals - because chamomile is a symbol of the family. I have small petals, I will stick them in a laptop.

  1. Family members quarrel every day, offend each other.
  2. Family members love and do not offend each other.
  3. They live in the same apartment.
  4. Each family member has his own separate apartment.
  5. Together they do housework.
  6. Each family member rests separately.
  7. Together they distribute money for purchases.
  8. Together they relax and spend their free time.
  9. Each has its own wallet.
  10. Each family member has his own household.

Well done, we turned out to be a camomile of a friendly family.

  Family Holidays Calendar
  - And in the old days and not so long ago, grandparents, their children and grandchildren lived in the same family, where the young, although they were busy with work or school, found time to pay attention not only to their beloved parents, but also to their grandparents . So the connection of times was maintained, the continuation of the tradition. Traditionally, the family gathers together for the holidays. And what if your house has a favorite holiday? Name them.

Work in groups and create calendars. (We make a calendar, glue it).

Your portfolio has family trees. You probably noticed that our laptop also adorns a tree.
  I have a wonderful tree.
  It is my family
  And it is my kindred.
  On this tree
  To senile years
  My great-grandfather nested
  And also my grandfather.
  My dad
  I learned to fly on it
  And he could become a real bird!
  And as if in a cradle
  With me
  Until morning
  On this tree
  The wind swayed.
  And the leaves rang
  Like bells
  When i have
  Chicks appeared.

Do you guys think our class is a family? (children's answers).

This is also a family, but a school one. Let's make our school family tree by decorating it with photos of our families. This is my family. (I and the children stick their families on the leaves of the tree and stick them in the laptop).
  -Look at what a great laptop we got. It can be seen that we made it with love. Your eyes shine with happiness when you talk about your loved ones, dearest, most beloved people for you.

  If the people closest to you came to our lesson, then you can tell them (the suggestions will help us with this, but they are not finished). Your task: to complete the sentence.

  • I want my mom and dad to be ...
  • I love when grandma ...
  • My mom and dad are the most ....
  • I love my parents for ...
  • I trust my parents ...
  • I love my grandfather for ...
  • I want to wish my parents ...
  • I consider my family ...
  • My mom is the most for me ...

Lesson summary.
   - What topic was our project dedicated to?
  - Do you like to engage in project activities?
  - What did you like most?

   Look at the slide and light a traffic light.
  -And now raise your right palm with the knowledge that you had at the beginning of the lesson; Now - the left palm, with the knowledge that you received in our lesson - combine them together and thank yourself for the work in the lesson. You did a wonderful job.
  -Our lesson was very fruitful. And in gratitude I would like to give you a Certificate of participation in yourPortfolio.
  Family is the main thing in every person’s life. No values \u200b\u200band wealth can replace a family for which everyone lives.

I wish you that your family hearth will always be filled with warmth, comfort and true love! May peace, goodness, joy and happiness reign in every house!

  - THE LESSON IS FINISHED. Thank you for your work.

Full text of the lesson The project on the surrounding world, "My Family"; See class 1 in the download file..
The fragment is given on the page.