The project "Our Big Family" (work with parents). Short stay group “Mother and Child” as one of the varied forms of preschool education Forms of work on a project

“Take care of the family: there is support in the family
people and state.
Family covenants are always strong.
Guard this treasure.
In family happiness, protection from
  life tests.
Strong and friendly family
not scary external
everyday adversity.
If you protect the family
And protect the children
then create a strong support
for peaceful and quiet work. ”
  (From the testament of the great Chuvash Enlightener I.Ya. Yakovlev)

1. Traditional forms and methods of work.
  parent meetings;
  - round tables;
  - an evening of questions and answers;
  -Days of open doors;
  -design of family photo newspapers;
  Welcome Mailbox
Unconventional forms and methods of work.
  -use of art-therapeutic techniques (thematic drawing, collage);
  - homework for parents on a specific topic (compilation of the album “It's Me”, composition “One day of my child in kindergarten”);
  - organization of the parent club "Know-it-all";
  - Organization of self-government Day (parent in the role of educator);
Leisure block.
  - evening entertainment;
  -creative contests and exhibitions;
  -family sports and intellectual competitions;
  - mornings;
  - family visits to the theater;
  -family trips to nature;
Presentation block
  - slide show “My family is my joy”
  - slide show "Five happy years"

2. Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children.   Their educational functions are different, but their full cooperation requires interaction.

As practice shows, and pedagogical research confirms, parents recognize the priority of the preschool institution in solving educational problems, but do not consider it necessary to participate in the pedagogical process. In turn, teachers underestimate the role of the family and do not seek to combine efforts with parents for the development and upbringing of children, therefore they do not establish feedback properly and do not fully use the influence of the family on the upbringing and development of the child.

In the system of preschool education, family education is its beginning, core and crown. The knowledge and skills laid down by home education are the first steps to the heights of a high level of children's culture. And here an important role is given to the preschool institution, it requires a search for new relationships between the family and the Kindergarten, namely, cooperation, interaction, trust. In addition, it is in preschool age that a child is more closely connected with his family and teacher than in the school period, which helps to most effectively influence not only the child, but also his family members. Since the upbringing, development and health of the child directly depends on the conditions in which he lives, grows, develops, what kind of people surround him and how the process of his upbringing is organized.

Unfortunately, at present, for many reasons, family ties are weakening in our country, and traditional family education is becoming a thing of the past. Psychologists and educators pay attention to the deterioration of children's health, the increase in socially vulnerable families, social and psychological anxiety and fatigue from problems experienced by adults (including due to the ongoing stratification of society), loneliness (especially in single-parent families) and lack of understanding, redistribution material and economic functions within the family (when the wife / mother becomes the source of financing for family members), difficulties in building family life in the face of crises. Global issues were highlighted: environmental; mental local and regional wars; epidemics, drug addiction, alcoholism; scientific and technological progress leading to the rapid obsolescence of knowledge and others.

This process can and should be stopped by preschool educators, people who communicate closely with children and their parents.

In this regard, the issue of finding and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool institution and the family is today one of the urgent issues.

The mission of MBDOU No. 6, according to the development program of MBDOU, is to combine the efforts of the DOE and the family to create conditions that reveal success in modern society and the future, the child’s readiness for further education.

Objective of the project:
Objective of the project   - cooperation of teachers of preschool educational institutions and families in preserving the physical and mental health of preschool children, promoting the revival of the traditions of family education.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:
-diagnosis of parental qualities and parenting styles in the family; identification of family readiness for active interaction with DOW;
  -improving the pedagogical culture of parents through their enlightenment;
  -changing the parents' consumer view of the upbringing and educational process in the Kindergarten ("you have a child, you are paid to do it")
  -the establishment of trust and partnership with the family of each child;
Project participants.   Children of preschool age, parents and carers.
Estimated results of the project
  - raising the level of socio-psychological culture of the participants in the educational space;
  - the revival of the traditions of family education;
  -application by parents of pedagogical knowledge about raising children in the family;
  - development of partnerships in the family;

3. Project structure

Analytical block.
  - questioning;
Information (educational) block.
  -selection of visual information;
  -conducting exhibitions, presentations,
  -design of stands, photo screens, folders, folders;
  - compilation of memos for parents;
  -publishing newspapers;

4. Methods of project implementation

1. Rainbow traditions:
  - morning of joyful meetings (Monday)
  - summary of the day (daily)
  - birthday
  - leisure (once a month)
2. Holidays and entertainment:
  "Day of Knowledge"
  "Family day"
  "New Year" and others.
  Joint leisure of children
  Sports festival "Mom, Dad, I am a close-knit family"!
  family day event.
3. The plot - role-playing, creative games.
  Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the family, to consolidate the ability to distribute roles, build storylines, deepen interest and a positive attitude towards it.
4. Joint activities of the educator with children:
  family talks, viewing albums;
  compilation and review of the album “This is Me”;
  memorizing poems, reading stories, etc.
5. Exhibition of children's drawings “My family”, “My dear mom”
6. Exhibition of family works on the topic "Family Traditions", "Family Hobbies"
  The final stage
  Control and evaluation unit.
  reviews books;
  express diagnostics;
  introspection of teachers on the topic “Work with parents”;
  interviews with children
  accounting for parental activity, etc.

5. Activities carried out as part of the long-term project “My family is my joy”!
1. Questionnaire to identify the level of pedagogical capabilities of parents
  Dear Parents!
  Please fill out an anonymous form.
  1. Where do you get pedagogical knowledge:
a) use your own life experience, the advice of friends;
  b) read pedagogical literature;
  c) use the advice of educators;
  d) listen to radio programs and watch television programs;
  2. What methods of education do you consider the most effective:
  a) conviction;
  b) coercion;
  c) requirement;
  d) encouragement;
  e) punishment;
  e) training and personal example;
  3. What types of incentives do you use more often:
  a) verbal;
  b) gifts;
  c) entertainment;
  4. What types of punishment, in your opinion, are most effective in education;
  a) bullying;
  b) manifestation of disapproval (verbal, facial expressions or gestures)
  c) physical punishment;
  d) the deprivation of entertainment or promised gifts;
  e) verbal threat;
  5. Are your family members unanimous in their requirements for the child:
  a) always unanimous;
  b) sometimes disagree;
  c) unanimity is never;

2. Application: “What kind of parent are you?”
  Instructions: mark the phrases that you often use in communicating with children (the number of points is indicated in brackets).
  1. How many times do you need to repeat? (2)
  2. Please advise me ... (1)
  3. I do not know what I would do without you? (1)
  4. And who are you so ugly ?! (2)
  5. What wonderful friends you have! (1)
  6. Well, who do you look like? (2)
  7. I am in your years! .. (2)
  8. You are my support and assistant! (1)
  9. Well, what kind of friends do you have? (2)
  10. What are you only thinking? (2)
  11. What (oy) you are my clever! (1)
  12. And what do you think, son (daughter)? (1)
  13. Everyone has children as children, but you ... (2)
  14. What clever you are! (1_
  Evaluation of the results:
  5 - 7 points: You live with a child, soul to soul. He sincerely loves and respects, your relationship contributes to the formation of his personality.
  8 - 10 points: You have difficulties in relations with the child, a misunderstanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for the deficiencies in his development to himself.
  11 points and above: You are inconsistent in communication with the child. Its development is influenced by random circumstances.
3. Folder - Moving
  "The art of being a parent"
  1. Your baby is not at fault for you. Not that it created additional difficulties for you. Not that he did not give the expected happiness. Not that did not live up to your expectation. And you are not entitled to demand that he solve these problems for you.
2. Your child is not your property, but an independent person. And you do not have the right to decide his fate to the end, and even more so to break his life at his discretion. You can only help him choose his life path by studying his abilities and interests and creating conditions for their implementation.
  3. Your child will not always be obedient and sweet. His stubbornness and whims are as inevitable as the very fact of his presence.
  4. In many of the whims and pranks of the baby you yourself are guilty, because you did not understand him in time, not wanting to accept him for who he is.
  5. You should always believe in the best that is in the kid. To be sure that sooner or later this best will certainly manifest
4. Folder - Moving
  “When punishing, think: why?”
  1. Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.
  2. If there is doubt whether to punish or not to punish, do not punish. No punishment for the purpose of "prevention".
  3. One at a time. Do not deprive the child of well-deserved praise and reward.
  4. The limitation period. Better not punish than punish late.
  5. Punished - forgiven.
  6. Punishment without humiliation.
  7. The child should not be afraid of punishment
5. Unconventional form of work (homework)
This is Me
  1.This is I (Photos and / or drawing);
  2. My name is ... (Name, application with a name, the meaning of the name);
  3.My parents (Name, photographs and / or drawings);
  4. My relatives (analogy)
  5. To invent a family coat of arms (drawing and story)
  6. I live ...;
  7. My portrait in the sun or what am I? (child’s palm - a small photograph is in the core, a good feature (characteristic) is indicated on each finger);
  8. I love ...;
  9. I am beautiful (photographs and story);
  10. I am strong and dexterous (photographs and story);
  11. I am quick-witted (drawing and story);
  12. I am smart (drawing and story);
  13. I want ... (drawing and story);
  14. I learned (drawing and story);
  15. I go to kindergarten ... (drawing and story);
  16. I am fond of ... (drawing and story);
  - adoption, assimilation by a preschooler of an unconditional positive attitude towards himself on the part of significant people.
  - own perception and assessment of deeply essential, very personal sides of oneself.

Task for parents.

In a suitable situation (when the child will be ready to communicate with you), you need to tell him why he was called so, and how it was. It is important to convey to the child the positive emotional atmosphere of this event, its significance, positive experiences of all family members.

Make an application with his name with the child.

The psychological meaning of this assignment:

1. Studies show that in modern social conditions, many children feel insufficient integration in their own family. Parents work hard and have little contact with their children. The moment of birth of a child and the choice of a name for him is probably the time when parents most acutely feel its significance and value. Remembering this helps bring the family closer together, increase the sense of value and its significance for the child, the sense of inclusion in the family, and, more importantly, the formation of his own self-acceptance, the development of self-esteem.
  2. When a child talks about this in a group, feeling self-worth, joy that they called him that way, he will strengthen himself in love and self-confidence, while others will become infected with these feelings and will more accept, value, respect this child. That is why the main thing in the story of the parent is to convey to the child the emotions of positive experiences, significance, love.

6. Organization of work of the parent club "Know-it-all"
  The main activities of the club:
  - the provision of educational assistance to parents;
  - propaganda of positive family education;
  - increasing pedagogical knowledge of parents;
  - popularization of the activities of the DOE;

Round table of the parent club.

Topic:   "Hardening a child is the secret to success"
  - Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  - Attracting family attention to the health of children at home;

1. The results of the survey;
  2.Our “Baby-strong”;
  3. Exchange of experience of families on the health of children at home;
  4. The game "Quick question - quick answer."
  5. Plants for treatment!

Profile "About the health of your baby"

Game "Quick Question - Quick Answer"

Parents sit in a semicircle; passing some beautiful object, they answer questions, after listening to 2-3 answers, the presenter reads the correct answer.
Leading.   How to distribute the daily regimen for a child 5-6 years old?
Answer:   In a child of 5-6 years old, daytime sleep is 2-2.5 hours; active wakefulness 6-7 hours, night sleep -10 hours, gets food 4 times a day;
Leading:   Is the daily routine respected?
Answer: In our institution, the daily regimen is built in accordance with age, it is necessary that parents understand the importance of this particular condition for the health of the child. Unfortunately, in many families, especially young ones, the regime is neglected, and this is only to the detriment of the child. According to many observations, children attending a preschool are most likely to get sick after days off and holidays, and this happens because the child is not at home provided with the regimen he is used to, which he tuned into in kindergarten: they put him to bed later in the evening and cancels the day sleep, a walk are replaced by games at home, they are allowed to watch TV as much as they like.
  The preschool mode of the child at home should be a continuation of the kindergarten regime, without this it is difficult to expect success from hardening.
Leading.How to wash your hands?
Answer:   Wash hands in warm (not cold, not hot). Thoroughly lather your hands — on both sides and between your fingers, as well as your wrists, for at least 15–20 seconds, it will take so long for the child’s first verse of the song “Let them run awkwardly ...”, finally rinse your hands thoroughly and wipe with a clean towel.
Leading.What diseases can begin due to unwashed hands?
Answer:   If you are not used to washing your hands, especially after visiting the toilet and the bathroom, the street, you are at risk of acquiring a lot of diseases: colds, flu giardiasis, conjunctivitis, diphtheria, SARS, scabies, cholera, etc.
5. Technological scheme of experience

Project implementation.

6. Questioning results
Profile: "What kind of parent are you?"
  Date - October 2012
  58% - 5 - 7 points: you live with a child, soul to soul. He sincerely loves and respects, your relationship contributes to the formation of his personality.
  24% -8 - 10 points: You have difficulties in relationships with the child, a misunderstanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for the deficiencies in his development to himself.
  18% -11 points and above: You are inconsistent in communication with the child. Its development is influenced by random circumstances.
According to the results of the survey, it was found that more than half of the families have harmonious relationships with children, but there are also families that need psychological and pedagogical support, which they can get when participating in this project, and can get valuable advice from more experienced parents.

Works of parents and children.

One day Anton Denisovich

About myself and about the guys

The sun hid behind the houses
We leave the kindergarten.
I tell mom
About myself and about the guys.
How we sang songs in chorus
How to play leapfrog
What did we drink
What did we eat
What they read in kindergarten.
I tell honestly
And in detail about everything.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How do we live.
  G. Ladonschikov

And you, children, how does the morning begin? Perhaps you wake up with the first rays of the sun, open your eyes and in a good mood go to see what does mom do?

When I was born, my parents called me Anton. It was a hot summer in 2007. I did not remember my birth. And now I’m already 5 years old, my name is still Anton Aleksandrovi, I want to tell you about my life in kindergarten No. 6 of Zheleznodorozhny. And also about my successes, failures, dreams and friends. Will it be possible to convey to you my mood on the example of one day spent in kindergarten? Let's start with the chronology of a typical day for me ...

My awakening begins at 7.30 a.m. First, I brush my teeth so that no microorganisms prevent me from eating breakfast consisting of tea and curd-glazed cheese. Further, under the morning cartoon show, I begin to put on my own clothes prepared in the evening. And not only clothes are waiting for me, but also a toy that accompanies me throughout the day. As a rule, this is a transforming robot, typewriter or book.

My dad takes me to kindergarten, so at 8.00 in the morning we are already leaving the house to meet my friends, a tutor and a nanny in the kindergarten.

On the way to kindergarten we talk about the world around us, about what is happening around us. Favorite topics for conversation: passing by car brands and my various "why", addressed to traffic signs. Approaching, we meet next to the territory of the kindergarten the same hurrying children with moms, dads, grandparents. All children have their own thoughts, plans for the day and a pleasant expectation of new meetings, walks, games and other pastimes. What awaits us in our senior group in the morning after taking all the children?

The morning activities include charging, which is carried out by our teacher Tatyana Gennadyevna Postnikova. Therefore, putting things in my own locker after changing clothes in the locker room, I and other students of the group with pleasure start the school day with a charge. And it is in our favor, because in our kindergarten a comprehensive assessment of the physical development of children is carried out, all anthropometric data of children are taken into account. And at the end of the school year, we always grow. This is always a big mystery for parents who do not add in growth ...

All children dream of growing up brave, strong, dexterous and skillful. Of course, everyone wants to become some kind of "Spider-Man" or Superman. I also imagine becoming a great football player, not some kind of frail defender or bad goalkeeper. And for this you need to train physically and perform the first brave deeds.

But first, about breakfast in kindergarten, without it you won’t be strong. Together with other pupils - Julia, Nastya, Dasha, Vera, Miron, Styopa, Cyril, Ilya, Alyosha, Dima and others, we eat porridge, drink tea or cocoa, which were kindly served to us by our younger teacher Valentina Egorova Nazarova, with great appetite. And never forget to thank her for taking care of us.

After the morning meal, educational activity begins. Classes, as befits such adult children from the older group, are different. We are engaged in the development of speech, mathematics, the visual arts, modeling, as well as physical education and music. We also have many different competitions, in which all children from our group together with their parents take part in the pleasure. For example, a competition for the "Best Autumn Craft" was recently held, and the next competition was dedicated to the "Coat of Arms of the Family."

Tatyana Gennadievna pays great attention to the education of cultural and hygienic skills: food culture, neatness in clothing, and hygiene. There is always a calm atmosphere in our garden, friendly relations. Thanks to these conditions, I and my peers have a positive attitude, which promotes openness to any undertakings, employment of meaningful activities. Classes are interesting and exciting.

Particular attention in our group is paid to the game. We, at will, unite or independently carry out our plans, and thus study the world. Game activity promotes not only physical, but also mental development, education of moral qualities, creative abilities. There are 8 girls and 13 boys in our group, so you can always choose partners for a particular activity. Games that appeal to everyone are role-playing games: a hospital, school, cafe or shop. As well as board and didactic games.

The organization and development of children's games requires our teachers to know the intricacies of the psychology of the game, the ability to manage the amateur play of children without breaking it. Thanks to the work of our educator Tatyana Gennadievna, not only memory, attention, vocabulary are improved, but every day we become more mature, understanding and educated. Together we learn the world. And these are not just words. After free games, we go for a walk.

Like any other group of kindergarten, we have our own territory with a veranda for walking. And there, too, classes are devoted to environmental education, observation of the world, and natural phenomena. Ball games, team games, with sand sets - we all have time.

Having walked around a lot, we return from a walk and change clothes. A delicious and hot lunch is already waiting for us. After eating, a quiet hour comes. Every child, including me, has his own chair, on which we carefully hang our things. We have been taught this since 3 years, since the first visit to the kindergarten. When we each lie in our bed, Tatyana Gennadievna asks us who can be praised in the evening? Of course, everyone wants to be called well done, so we all cover ourselves with a blanket and instantly fall asleep. To wake up after a couple of hours and play again, enjoy everything that happens. Awakening gradually, we wash, dress, comb our hair. The invigorating gymnastics begins. We are preparing for an afternoon snack, after which there are still so many classes, all kinds of games, as well as reading fairy tales.

Being in a learning environment allows you to reveal all your talents. For example, I really like to draw. Ships with pirates, football players on the field, musketeers with swords and their opponents, robots and other constructed soldiers. All this colorful action will soon appear on paper. Which is a great nightly gift for my mother, and sometimes my little sister, taking me home. As a rule, after completing all our educational activities in the group, we carry out a second walk - evening. Where we part before the morning with our garden, teacher Tatyana Gennadievna and first friends - classmates.

I would like to end my story with the words of Emma Bombek - “The child most of all needs your love just when he least deserves it.” In our garden, absolutely all children deserve love and recognition. Both parents and teachers. Therefore, it’s so easy for us to wake up in the morning and skip to the kindergarten, where the usual day will begin in the life of 5-year-old Anton. And so unusual, unique in terms of physical development, personal growth, substantial emotions, planned programs and moral hopes, despite the weather and other natural phenomena ...

Alexandrov Anton, 5 years old.
  Senior group d / s No. 6, g. Railway M.O.

Conversation with children "My mother" senior group

Goal:   help children understand what parents mean to us, explain the importance of being thankful and caring for old people; arouse feelings of respect and gratitude to them; teach respect for elders.
Expected Results:   can learn a little poem; expresses positive emotions (joy, admiration) when reading a poem "Mother's day"   reading poem:

Here is a snowdrop in a clearing,
  I found him.
  I'll take the snowdrop to mom
  Although not bloomed.
  And me with a flower so tenderly
  Mom hugged
  What opened my snowdrop
  From her heat.

1. Memorizing a poem:
  A lot of moms in this world
  Children love them wholeheartedly.
  Only mom is alone
  She is all dearer to me.
  Who is she? I will answer:
  This is my mommy!

2. Questions about mom.
  -Where does your mother work?
  -How do you help mom at home?
  -How do you affectionately call your mom?

3. The mobile game "My Mom's Name"
  Children stand in a circle, the presenter (teacher) throws the ball to the child and asks what is your mother’s name, the child throws the ball to the teacher and says her name, the leader asks the next question - how affectionately do you call mother, the child throws the ball with the answer.

The effectiveness of introducing the teacher’s work experience through the achievements of pupils in competitions at various levels.

Demonstration of experience in the pedagogical community.

City methodical association for educators of junior and middle groups on the topic: “Theatrical activity. Organization of leisure activities with preschool children.

Date October 2011
  The teacher is Tatyana Postnikova.

Long-term project of interaction with parents of children

senior group

"My family"

(joint activities of kindergarten and family on

spiritual and moral education) .


Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their full cooperation requires interaction.

As practice shows, and pedagogical research confirms, parents recognize the priority of the preschool institution in solving educational problems, but do not consider it necessary to participate in the pedagogical process. In turn, teachers underestimate the role of the family and do not seek to combine efforts with parents for the development and upbringing of children, therefore they do not establish feedback properly and do not fully use the influence of the family on the upbringing and development of the child.

In the system of preschool education, family education is its beginning, core and crown. The knowledge and skills laid down by home education are the first steps to the heights of a high level of children's culture. And here an important role is given to the preschool institution, it requires a search for new relationships between the family and the Kindergarten, namely, cooperation, interaction, trust. In addition, it is in preschool age that a child is more closely connected with his family and teacher than in the school period, which helps to most effectively influence not only the child, but also his family members. Since the upbringing, development and health of the child directly depends on the conditions in which he lives, grows, develops, what kind of people surround him and how the process of his upbringing is organized.

Unfortunately, at present, for many reasons, family ties are weakening in our country, and traditional family education is becoming a thing of the past. Psychologists and educators pay attention to the deterioration of children's health, the increase in socially vulnerable families, socio-psychological anxiety and fatigue from problems experienced by adults (including due to the ongoing stratification of society), loneliness (especially in single-parent families) and lack of understanding, redistribution material and economic functions within the family (when the wife / mother becomes the source of financing for family members), difficulties in building family life in the face of crises. Global issues were highlighted: environmental; mental local and regional wars; epidemics, drug addiction, alcoholism; scientific and technological progress leading to the rapid obsolescence of knowledge, etc.

This process can and should be stopped by preschool educators, people who communicate closely with children and their parents.

In this regard, the issue of finding and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool institution and the family is today one of the urgent issues.


Involve parents in establishing family rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions, i.e. the need for the formation of family values.

To form and develop in children the skills of research and creative work together with teachers and parents.

Create an emotionally safe atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where the relationship between adults and children is built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

Exercise children in the manifestation of compassion, caring, attentiveness to relatives and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

To provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a diverse and free manner, to have personal time for doing what they love.

    Teaching children to write a story about their family.

    Nurture love and respect for your family members.

    To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concepts: “gender”, “parents”, “family tree”, “family”, “family”, “close”.

    To give a concept of Russian family traditions, family relics, and the distribution of family responsibilities.

    Continue to develop cognitive abilities in children, actively include them in creative search activities.

    To broaden horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children with terms of kinship, to develop coherent speech.

    Strengthen parent-child relationships

Project Stages

Stage 1 -

Stage 2 -

3 stage generalizing (May)


    Organized exhibitions of creative works of children and a family living room in a kindergarten group.

    The quality of the educational process has improved, the learning process has become more exciting, emotionally intense.

    A methodological piggy bank for this problem has been created.

    The level of parental activity in the organization of joint activities for raising children has increased.

    The confidence of parents in their pedagogical capabilities has increased.

    Children expanded their horizons. They developed an interest in family history, family traditions, and family trees.

    The work also contributed to fostering a sense of pride in the family, love and respect for parents.

    Children became more friendly and gained skills of conflict-free communication.

Project presentation

Family living room: "Flower of family happiness."


Significant changes that have occurred in recent years, and new problems associated with raising children, led to a rethinking of the essence of spiritual and moral education, its place and role in public life. The solution to the problem of educating the foundations of morality required new approaches to the organization of the educational process. Spiritual and moral education of children is one of the important tasks of an educational institution. The “Concepts of the modernization of Russian education” formulates the most important educational goals: “Formation of children's civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, ability to successfully socialize and actively adapt in life”. Of great importance for solving these problems is the family; it is the family that is the source and the mediating link in the transfer of social and historical experience to the child. Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" says: "Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the first foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of the personality of the child at an early age." Given this, we can rightfully assume that the family was, is and will be the most important institution for the upbringing of the spiritual and moral qualities of the child. At preschool age, the formation of cultural and value orientations of the spiritual and moral foundations of the child’s personality, the development of his emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society, the process of national-cultural self-identification, self-awareness in the surrounding world begins. This period in a person’s life is the most favorable for an emotional and psychological impact, since the images of perception of reality and cultural space are very vivid and strong and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime, which is very important in the upbringing of patriotism. Analyzing the work of modern scholars (L.V. Kokueva, T.N. Antonova, T.T. Zubova, E.P. Arnautova, etc.), we can say that the formation of the foundations of patriotism covers a wider range of tasks: - formation spiritual and moral relations and feelings of belonging to one’s home, family, kindergarten, city (village), native nature, cultural heritage of one’s people; - education of love, respect for one’s nation, understanding of one’s national characteristics, self-esteem as a representative of one’s people and tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities - peers, their parents and people around them; - education of respect for people, native land, symbolism, traditions and customs. All these tasks are important and relevant, but the priority for the formation of the foundations of patriotism, in our opinion, is the task of educating a child in love and attachment to his home, family, family traditions and customs. Therefore, the task of the educational institution is to actualize the sense of ownership of the child with the family, clan, relatives; make it possible to understand the rules governing relationships in the family; initiate children's awareness of family values, traditions, and customs. Touching the history of his family evokes strong emotions in the child, makes him empathize, carefully relate to the memory of the past, to his historical roots. Interaction with parents in this direction contributes to the formation of a careful attitude to family values, the preservation of family ties. Only a family can ensure the preservation of national traditions and customs, songs, sayings and commandments, ensure the transmission to the descendants of all the positive that accumulates family and people. It should be noted that at present people are interested in their genealogy, in the study of national, estate, professional roots and a kind in different generations. Therefore, a family study of their pedigree will help children begin to comprehend very important and deep postulates: - each has its roots in the history and traditions of the family, its people, the past of the land and country; - family - a cell of society, the keeper of national values. This contributes to the formation of the foundations of patriotism already at preschool age, the child learns behavioral patterns, realizes the goals of life and lays the foundation for the success of the goal of upbringing - the development of the child as a person in whom the ideals of the people and the state are concentrated. Family values \u200b\u200bare the principles on which our life is based; they are the standards by which we judge what is right and what is wrong. Some values, such as kindness, courtesy, and honesty are widely recognized as the most important, while others, such as punctuality and persistence, are less important for some people. Each person adheres to his personal scale of values, characteristic only for him. Unfortunately, the diagnostic results show that children do not have a clear understanding of the concepts of “family”, “family members”. Inaccurate knowledge of the history of the family and family is observed. In families, ideas about positive and negative actions are not formed, as one of the values \u200b\u200bof the family, since there are families whose members nothing pleases the child’s behavior, there is no consistency between parents - the same actions cause their reactions that do not coincide in meaning . Parents do not always listen to the views of children; there is a lack of trust and respect between family members. Family values \u200b\u200bare underestimated, interest in studying and maintaining family customs and traditions is unstable or absent. For preschoolers, mostly fuzzy, obscure, unformed ideas about the family as values, about the levels of family values. Many children cannot characterize the importance of the family to humans. Of course, not every parent is fully aware of the relevance of the problem being discussed and is hardly familiar with the methods and means of solving it. The need to create and implement the “Family” project was due to the above factors. The research problem is determined by the contradiction between the need to familiarize children with family traditions and customs, increase interest in family values \u200b\u200band the lack of pedagogical conditions in the pre-school educational institution that contribute fully to spiritual and moral education.

PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE . Improving the quality of the educational process on spiritual and moral education through the organization of joint research activities of parents, children, teachers. Creation of a methodological piggy bank on moral education. Activization and enrichment of the educational skills of parents to introduce preschoolers to family traditions and values, maintaining their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. Creation in the kindergarten group of conditions for summarizing material on the formation of family values \u200b\u200bamong senior preschool children. Strengthening family ties and DOW. Formation of interest in children in their family, preservation of family traditions and customs, education of respect for family members.


It consists in the development of content, methods and forms, which provides for the phased organization of familiarizing children with family traditions, increasing interest in family values \u200b\u200band the participation of parents in joint activities.

TARGET   Formation of spiritual and moral personality traits through the introduction of children to family traditions and values.


    To form an interest in children in their family, to preserve family traditions and customs, to cultivate respect for family members.

    Involve parents in establishing family rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions, i.e. the need for the formation of family values. To form and develop in children the skills of research and creative work together with teachers and parents.

    Create an emotionally safe atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where the relationship between people (adults and children) is built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

    Encourage children to perform socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for the family, home, kindergarten.

    Exercise children in the manifestation of compassion, caring, attentiveness to relatives and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them. To provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a diverse and free manner, to have personal time for doing what they love.

HYPOTHESES OF RESEARCH : we assume that the process of moral education will be more effective if: To form ideas about the home, family traditions and feelings of ownership in them, not only in the family, but also in the pre-school educational institution. The upbringing of morality will be based on material that is close, understandable, and emotionally significant for the child, taking into account the interaction of teachers and parents. Develop a system of cooperation between teachers and families. The activities of children in the formation of family values \u200b\u200bare carried out systematically and systematically.

NOVELTY   It consists in the development of new strategic approaches for introducing children to family traditions, values \u200b\u200band interaction with the family on the spiritual and moral education of the child in the conditions of pre-school education. Joint research activities of preschool children, parents and teachers in the study of the history of the family and clan contribute to the formation of patriotism, tolerance, cultural and value orientations, and spiritual and moral development.


The problem of the relation of personality to traditions was considered in the works of L.V. Zagik, V.M. Ivanova, N.F. Vinogradova, T.M. Markova, O. L. Zvereva and others, in which various interpretations of the development of traditions as part nationwide, national culture. Family traditions were considered in the context of psychological and pedagogical research, in relation to the specific topics of scientific work:

The organization of interaction of children with elders in the family (T. A. Markova, S. P. Tishchenko), the education of a value-based attitude to old age (Yu. O. Galushchinskaya);

Familiarizing preschoolers with traditional holidays, introducing children to the household, raising interest in Russian traditional culture (E. S. Babunova, N. F. Vinogradova, L. V. Zagik, I. S. Khomyakova, N. A. Starodubova, etc. .);

Recognition of the special role of parental authority, ethics of family communication, lifestyle, style of family relations (V. M. Ivanova, L. A. Talanova, O. L. Zvereva, T. A. Repin);

The importance of organizing joint work with parents in raising moral, strong-willed, humane, and civic qualities in children (V.V. Dubrova, N.F. Vinogradova, I.S. Khomyakova);

The use of folk art and art in family education (L. D. Vavilova, D. O. Dzintare).


The principle of detocentrism (In the center of creative activity is a pupil who is active. He has wonderful opportunities to realize himself, to feel success, to demonstrate his abilities).Principle of cooperation   (in the process of working on the project, students interact widely with the teacher, with parents and with each other).The principle of reliance on the subjective experience of students   (everyone, working on a mini-project, has good opportunities to apply his own experience and knowledge).The principle of accounting for the individuality of pupils : their interests, pace of work, level of training.Principle of free choice : topics of the project, subtopics, partners in the work on the project, sources and methods of obtaining information, research method, presentation of the results.The principle of the relationship of research with real life   (there is a combination of knowledge and practical actions).Hard goal principle   (An easily achievable result is not a mobilizing factor for many pupils).


Stage 1 - organizational and diagnostic (September).

Goal:   Monitoring, diagnostic research and determination of prospects. The establishment of partnerships between teachers, parents, children, the creation of a single socio-cultural space. Preparation of a long-term action plan, preparation for events.

At the first stage   a project passport was developed, its purpose and main tasks were determined. Project participants were identified. During the implementation of the group project, the participants were pupils of the older group, teachers, parents and music director. The content of the project was determined, long-term planning for working with children was developed, a plan for interaction with parents and teachers was drawn up.

Stage 2 -   formative (October - April)

Goal: Create an emotionally safe atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where the relationship between adults and children is built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected. To form an interest in children in their family, to preserve family traditions and customs, to cultivate respect for family members. Involvement of parents in direct creative activity with children, in active creative educational practice on reviving family traditions.

Second phase - This is directly the implementation of the project itself, in the framework of which work was carried out in three areas: the work of teachers with children, the work of children and parents, the work of teachers and parents. The children took classes on the project, organized joint and independent activities of children to familiarize themselves with family values. The roots connect him with his native home and his inner circle. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a close relationship with the parents of the pupils. To this end, work was organized, which included a series of consultations for parents, as well as parent-teacher meetings on the topic of the project, the purpose of which was to explain the relevance, importance of the ongoing work on the spiritual and moral education of children in preschool education, and to increase the educational level of parents on this issue , interest them and make them allies.

All work on the project was based on the topics: “My family”, “Members of my family”, “Our names and surnames”, “Parental home - the beginning began”, “My dad Defender of the Fatherland”, “My mother”, “Professions of my parents "," We are assistants. "

3 stage generalizing (May)

Goal: Questioning of parents and diagnosis of the level of forced involvement of children in family traditions and family values. Analysis and debriefing.

Third stage   includes a presentation of the project “Flower of Family Happiness” dedicated to Family Day. As part of the family living room, a poster presentation and exhibitions of children's creative works were organized.


Personally-oriented training and education

This is such training, where the child’s personality, its identity, intrinsic value are put at the forefront, the subjective experience of each is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education. Personally-oriented learning is based on the recognition of the uniqueness of the subjective experience of the pupil himself, as an important source of individual life activity, manifested, in particular, in cognition.

Educational learning

It allows you to grow creative abilities and the need for creativity in a child, orients the child toward self-determination and self-actualization, and supports the child’s personal development.

Individual learning

Education and training, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each child, allows you to create comfortable conditions for classes. Children perform work at a convenient individual pace. In addition, this technology allows the most effective development of independent work skills among preschoolers.

Information and communication

In the modern world, for all the growing flow of information, information and communication technologies cannot be dispensed with. In classes in joint activities, multimedia presentations, musical design are often used, and video screenings are organized.

Creativity development

The creative process is divided into four phases: preparation, ripening of an idea, insight and realization. It helps to form and develop the pupils' ability to improvise, apply the acquired skills in new conditions, and seek innovative solutions.


As a result of the development of gaming activities in the preschool period, a readiness is formed for socially significant and socially assessed activities of learning. Children learn life and family values \u200b\u200b- by playing.

Problem - Search

It involves the creation of problematic situations under the guidance of an educator and the active independent activity of children in resolving them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities.


One of the modern interactive learning technologies. It forms at preschoolers the skills of planning joint activities, designing. Promotes self-organization, teaches you to make choices and make decisions. Learning together is not only easier, but also more interesting.

FORMS OF WORK   with kids:

Conversations classes; viewing family albums, paintings, illustrations; exhibitions of children's works on the project "Family" in the preschool educational institution; didactic and subject role-playing games under the project "Family"; excursion to the museum "Russian hut"; memorization of poems, proverbs, sayings about the family; creative speech activity; matinees, entertainment; contests; theatrical activity; writing stories and tales about the family; creation of mini-projects; video views. with parents. Visual propaganda; conversations and consultations; correction journal; questioning; open days round table; high point; pedagogical laboratory; contests; family lounge; family mini-projects.


1. Methods that increase the cognitive activity of preschoolers:

    comparison method

    elementary analysis

    modeling and design method

    design method

    method of questions - posing questions to children; education skills and needs to ask questions, correctly and clearly formulate them

    the method of repetition is the most important didactic principle, without which there will be no strength of knowledge in the education of feelings.

2. Methods aimed at increasing the emotional activity of children in the assimilation of knowledge:

    gaming techniques - improve the quality of learning cognitive material and contribute to reinforcing feelings

    surprise moments and elements of novelty - emotionally set the child to cognition, aggravate the child’s desire to unravel the secret or just be happy

3. Methods and techniques that facilitate the establishment of communication between different types of activities:

    accepting suggestions and learning the way - the educator not only emotionally talks about the family, the person, but also has to make the children themselves want to try their hand at research.

    conversation - is the link

4. Methods of correction and refinement:

    method of a generalized answer to the question: individual conversation, comparative analysis, assessment, clarification, joint search for a way out of the situation, discussion of the method of action.

The long-term plan for the long-term group project "Family" in the senior group.

Cooperative activity

with parents

Parent counseling


My family

1 . Cognition

"My family" .

“Our friendly family!” . 3. A lesson on the formation of lexico-grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech   “I'll tell you about my family”

Conversation on the topic:   “What is a family”, “My relatives”, “How my parents, grandparents grew”, “Traditions of our family”.

Reading fairy tales

“Cuckoo”, “Geese-swans”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Tiny - Havroshechka”, “Geese-swans”.

Finger game: "My family" Role-playing games: “Family”, “Daughters - mothers”, “We welcome guests” Picture Chat Series "What is my family." Viewing paintings : T. Sorokina “Family” Dramatization of a fairy tale:   "Turnip"

Wall newspaper: “Friendly family” Children's stories and drawings: “Get to know my family” Mini-project: “Coat of arms of my family” Practical task:

Ask mom and dad to tell about their parents (your grandparents).

Consultation: "The main conditions for raising children in the family"   File folder: "How to create a family coat of arms"

Involve parents in the collection

materials necessary for

implementation of projects.


My family members

1 . Cognition

"What I know about myself" , "Who lives with me "2. Portraits of children from salt dough:   "Nice to meet you"

Conversation on the topic: "A day off in our family", "The most dear people."

Discussion of situations:   “I have a big family”, “My children's album”, “Who do I look like?” Reading works:   Y. Akima "My Relatives." V. Dragunsky "My sister Ksenia." Didactic game: "Kinship" Watching cartoons: "Multi-colored family ". Stories of children about grandparents.

Creative Speech Activity : “Letter to grandparents” Game situation : “My brothers and sisters,” “What I was, how I will become,” “We are different.” Manual labor : "A card for mom on mother's day," "Here we are."

Practical task: Creating a family photo album for the group. Competition program   for children and parents dedicated to Mother's Day “Mother and Child”

Mini project : “A bedtime story” We compose and write down fairy tales together.

File folder : “The child’s address to parents”, “The history of the holiday“ Mother’s Day ” Booklets : "Hello, my dear"


You and your name

1 . Cognition

"The secret of your name and surname"

Conversation on the topic : "What does your name mean?" , "Where did my last name come from?", "My family tree."

Interview with parents - “Tell me why they called me that?” Watching an animated movie : “Frost”, “Twelve months.” Didactic games:   "My family. Make a chain ”,“ Who's the birthday today? ”,“ Come up with a surname ” Graphic exercise : “Type in your last name and first name”

Reading a work: "T.A. Shorygina

Parent involvement in improving the subject-development environment

Mini project: "The family tree of my family."

File folder:

“The role of the family name in life

person " Booklets:   “The basic commandments of a“ healthy family ”


The house we live in

1 . Cognition

"My house"

2. Artistic Creation (Application): "My dream house"

Conversation : “Dad is in the house and the house is working,” “How I help at home.”

Building game:   "Home furniture"

Role-playing games:   “Our house”, “Builders”, “Housewarming”, “Repair in the apartment”.

Drama game: "Three pigs".

Creative speech activity: “My day is at home”

Memorizing proverbs about native scrap:   "A house without a master is an orphan." Review of illustrations : “Family at home” Discussion of situations : “My room”, “My play area”, “To make the house more fun”. Finger game:   "Building a house"


"The house of our dreams" (Manual labor with parents)

Exhibition of drawings: "The room of my dreams"

Excursion of children and parents to the kindergarten museum Russian hut


“My family is my home”


“Rights and obligations in the family


My dad

1 . Communication

"Hot air balloon trip"

2. Artistic creation o (Drawing)

"My dad is a protector"

Conversation: " Where my dad served "," Dad my pride "

Review of illustrations reproductions, albums with a military theme

Reading fiction:   T. Bokova “Dad”, T. Shorygin “Grandfather” ,; poems for the holiday. Manual labor:   "Greeting card for dad" Role-playing games:   "Sailors."

Looking at home with dad army photo album


"Where did my dad serve, grandfather"

Family leisure : "Dad, mom, I am a sports family."

Teacher Tips:

"Raising a man"


“On the role of the father in the family”


My mum

1 . Communication

"How I help mom"

2. Artistic creation (Drawing)

"My Mom is the best"

Conversation on the topic:

“My mom is the best”

View cartoon:

"Mom for a mammoth baby"

Reading poem   E. Blaginina “We will sit in silence”, “Here is such a mother”

Table Theater:

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Role-playing games:   “Daughters - mothers”

Board and print games:   “Collect a portrait of mom”

Holiday program dedicated to moms on March 8

File folder:

"When parental love

comes in

too far"


Professions of my parents

1 . Cognition

“What our mothers and fathers work for”

2. Artistic creation (Drawing)

“What our parents work for”

Conversation on the topic:

“My parents are builders, doctors, teachers, etc.”

Reading works

S. Baruzdin “Mom’s work”, In Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, D. Rodari “What do the crafts smell like”

Role-playing games:   "Drivers", "Clinic"

Didactic games   “What is superfluous?”, “Who needs what?”

Meeting with loved ones: The story of parents about their work.

Accomplishment of a kindergarten site.

File folder:

"How we help relatives


Family traditions and customs

1 . Cognition

“What do you do in your family”, “Traditions and customs of my family”

2Exhibition of drawings

"Holiday in our family"

Conversation on the topic:   "How do you understand the word" traditions "," World of family hobbies "," How I helped dad, grandmother, grandfather. "

Reproduction Consideration: Z. Serebryakova "At breakfast"

Plot role-playing game:   "Meet the guests"

Family Recipe Book

Project Presentation-

“The family tree of my family”

File folder:

"Traditions and customs of the family."


The work contributed to: Implementation of the project provided optimal conditions for children to learn their traditions, interest in the family, its past and present increased. The children had a desire to be like close people in business, actions. An emotional - positive attitude towards his family, pride in his family, and careful attitude to family relics are manifested. Often there is a desire to realize knowledge about the family’s past in their own activities (stories, drawings, presenting family relics, creating a favorable microclimate in the parent-child team. Activating and enriching the pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents. Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Developing creative abilities of children and parents in a joint activity. Equipping a subject-developing environment in a group. Organizing an exhibition and a family living room in a kindergarten group. They have developed I am interested in family history, family traditions, family tree.The work also contributed to the development of a sense of pride in the family, love and respect for parents.In addition, the children became more friendly and gained the skills of conflict-free communication.

Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 94 of the compensating type”, Ukhta, Komi Republic

“Parents to children”

Isaeva Camila Shakirovna speech therapist

Tyurina Tatyana V. educator

The project "Parents to children."

(structure proposed by M.E. Verkhovkina, SPbAPPO)

  1. Project Information Card:

Topic:“Parents to Children”

Project duration: long term.

Type of project: creative, practice-oriented.

Project participants: teachers, children of diagnostic group No. 5 of MDOU No. 94, their parents.

Children's age:   2-4 years.

  • , which project the project is aimed at: in a situation where most families are preoccupied with solving economic problems, the desire to learn parenthood from young mothers and dads fades into the background. Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out education “blindly”, intuitively, and there is no talk of activities with children at all. Therefore, we include parents in the educational process, through joint creative interaction with children and teachers.

Justification of relevance:in accordance with the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child’s personality”. A new federal state educational standard for preschool education (FGDOS DO) has been developed, which meets new social needs and in which much attention is paid to working with parents. The GEF states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account the social status, microclimate of the family, parental requests and the degree of literacy of the family. The requirements for interaction of the Organization of work with parents are also formulated. It was emphasized that one of the principles of preschool education is the close cooperation of the Organization for Work with the Family, and the Federal State Educational Standard is the basis for assisting parents in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders. In a word, parents are full participants in the pedagogical process.

Project Novelty: this project includes new forms and methods of active interaction with families of pupils of the diagnostic group, based on the interests and wishes of the parents. The implementation of the project covers all educational areas prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard for the Russian Federation.

Objective of the project:selection and testing of active forms of interaction between parents, children and teachers for effective cooperation of the DOE with the family and the involvement of parents in the educational process of the DOE, as full-fledged subjects of activity.

Resource support:

Information resources (methodical and fiction, information from the Internet);

Visual resources (videos, presentations, demonstration paintings, BI-BA-BO toys, children's works);

Material and technical (didactic, desktop-printed games, toys on lexical topics, equipment for modeling, drawing and application, laptop, projector, tape recorder).

Project Objectives:

for children:

  1. strengthen relationships between parents and children;
  2. cultivate respect for all adults;
  3. evoke positive emotions, introduce new types of activities (the use of unconventional material in their activities).

for educators:

  1. to study families and establish close trusting relationships with its members in order to coordinate educational and educational impacts on the child;
  2. to develop a plan of measures for pedagogical education of the family (workshops, group and individual consultations, watching videos of classes, presentations on educational areas on the GEF);
  3. implement the developed plan in the educational practice of the younger group;
  4. to involve parents in the educational process on the basis of identifying the positive aspects of the family, to activate its creative potential and pedagogical competence, through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work;

5. Provide parents with special literature, didactic games and manuals, video presentations for classes with children at home.

for parents:

  1. to overcome the barrier of distrust in preschool education;
  2. introduce parents to the Federal State Educational Standard, educational tasks for children of the younger group;
  3. involving parents in the educational process, achieving unity of requirements for the child;
  4. increasing parental competence in raising and educating children;
  5. creating emotional contact between parents and children;
  6. help strengthen family relationships.

Forms of the final event:

Photo exhibition "Always Together"

Entertainment "Game Kaleidoscope".

Project Products:

for children:

* Crafts from plasticine, applications, drawings.

for educators:

* systematization of material on the topic (summaries of the workshop, group and individual consultations, summaries of the GCD conducted by parents, questionnaires for parents, a plan-summary of the final event);

* video clips of classes, games with children;

* recording interviews with parents;

* Photos from play classes conducted by parents.

for parents:

* summaries of the GCD conducted by them;

* video presentations of classes with children;

* photo report about the lesson.

Possible risks:   employment of parents at work, fear of parents not to cope with a group of children, lack of knowledge on activities with children, lack of knowledge of age and individual characteristics of children, lack of material for games on lexical topics.

Expected Project Results:

for children:

* The dictionary on lexical topics has been enriched and activated, general and fine motor skills have been developed, the verb dictionary has been replenished, coherent speech has been developed;

* The skills of using non-traditional materials in applications, modeling, drawing are fixed;

* Strengthened relations between parents and children.

for educators:

* Prepared videos of fragments of classes, games with children for parents, a file of games and game exercises at home;

* children formed coherent and dialogical speech, improved grammatical forms of speech;

* developed and systematized notes of direct educational activities with children; joint activities of teachers, parents and children;

* the selection of teaching aids, literature on the topic has been carried out, the necessary illustrative material for active interaction with parents has been drawn up;

* Updated card index of didactic and sedentary games on lexical topics.

for parents:

* increased pedagogical competence, knowledge about the individual and age characteristics of children of primary preschool age;

  • parents are acquainted with the Federal State Educational Standard, with educational tasks for children of the younger group;
  • all parents are involved in the educational process, the unity of requirements for the child in kindergarten and at home is achieved.
  1. Summary of the project "Parents for children."

Project stages

Actions of children

Teacher Actions

Actions of family members and social partners.


Children participate in a conversation about their family. Consider illustrations, video presentations about how adults play with children. They tell how parents work with them at home. Learn to answer questions with a complete offer. They express a desire that mom and dad participate in the game activities in the group.

Teachers formulate the problem, introduce children to the game situation for the implementation of the project. According to the proposed motivation, voice the goal, tasks. Develop a plan to achieve the goal. Select information on the topic, methodological literature. They plan workshops, group and individual consultations. At the end of the project, formed knowledge and skills of parents about age and individual characteristics of young children are waiting; increasing parental competence in raising and educating children, emotional contact between parents and children; contribute to strengthening family relationships.

Accept the goal, help in drawing up a project plan; help in the selection of book literature, illustrative material. Participate in the survey "Our day off", "Participation in the life of the preschool educational institution."


Participate in direct joint educational activities, gaming activities. Help organize an exhibition of their work. They take an active part in preparing attributes for directly educational activities.

Teachers conduct workshops, group and individual consultations. They help parents draw up a plan-summary of directly educational activities in various forms (excursions, travels, games), prepare the necessary materials and attributes for classes, games, and interview parents.

They take part in seminars, workshops, consultations, interviews, writing an outline of GCD, preparing various materials and attributes for GCD with children, in preparation for the photo exhibition “Always Together”, leisure “Game Kaleidoscope”.


Participate in the leisure “Game Kaleidoscope”, the photo exhibition “Always Together”

Organize a joint leisure with parents and children “Game Kaleidoscope”; photo exhibition "Always together." Summarizing experience with colleagues on the project.

Participate in a joint leisure “Game Kaleidoscope” with children;

They provide assistance to children and teachers in organizing the photo exhibition “Always Together”.

  1. System "web" for the project:

  Cognitive development

Observations of wild birds, domestic animals (dog, cat), vehicles, trees; target walk to the bird's dining room;

Watching videos about pets, vehicles;

Research activity: comparison of birds (for example, sparrow and crow), trees (birch and Christmas tree);

Carrying out the experiment “Swims, does not swim”;

Classes of the cognitive cycle: the theme "Light-heavy", "Soft-hard."

Conversations: “About transport”, “Wild and domestic animals”, “Seasons”, “Our favorite holidays”, “Birds of our land”;

Browse illustrations by topic.

Presentation on the topic: "My favorite pet."

Exercises: “Determine by ear”, “Collect a picture”, “Fourth superfluous”, “Big and small”, “Who is behind the fence?”, “Flies, rides, floats”, “Who is gone?”, “One-many ". - Talk about safety rules when working with unconventional material, about the rules of behavior on the street and at home;

The conversation "We and nature";

Didactic game "We and nature", "What is good ...".

  Speech Development

  • - Reading works: “A smart bird” M. Zoshchenko, L. Tolstoy “A bird made a nest”, “Spring has come”, K. Ushinsky “Cat Vaska”, V. Suteev “Three kittens”;
  • - Reading the poems “Cat” G. Spagir, “Kitten” V. Berestov, “Truck”, “Who Cries Like” A. Barto;
  • - Memorizing puzzles, counters, tongue twisters on topics;
  • - design of the book exhibition "Spring is coming", "These funny animals";
  • - A lesson on the development of speech: the topic "Compilation of a descriptive story on a toy" (cat, dog, sparrow, truck);
  • - Compilation of the story "Feeding trough" on a series of plot pictures;
  • - Compilation of a story based on a series of plot pictures “By car”;
  • - Creative storytelling on the topics “Transport”, “Animals in the Spring”;
  • - Didactic, verbal games: “Who shouts how?”, “Who eats what?”, “When does this happen?”; “Tell me what, what”, “Who moves how”, “What is missing”, “Pick up, call, remember”;
  • - Memorization of poems, puzzles, nursery rhymes on lexical topics; pronouncement of pure words;
  • Speech leisure "The bunny is visiting."

Social and communicative development

  • - The plot of the game "Family", "Doctor Aibolit", "Shop", "Mother-Daughters", "Travel";
  • - Word games “Fix Dunno”, “Who called?”, “Call me kindly”, “Tell me a word”, “One, two, three, four, five ... about whom I want to say”;
  • - Outdoor games: “A Gift for Mom”, “Riders and Horses”;
  • - Desktop - printed games “Family”, “Who needs what for work”, “Who hid”, “Whose mother?”, “Whose leaflet?”, “Floats, flies, rides”;
  • - Design of the exhibition of children's creativity on topics;
  • - Design of the album of children's stories “My Mommy is My Love”, “My Favorite Pet”.
  • - Cleaning of toys after games and activities;
  • - Helping adults care for pets;
  • - Help in the manufacture of Christmas tree decorations, in the preparation of attributes for NOD and games;
  • - Labor orders for a walk: remove leaves around trees and bushes;
  • - Help adults in hanging feeders in the kindergarten.
  • - The use of nursery rhymes, counters, sayings;
  • - Conducting respiratory, articulatory and finger gymnastics.

Art and aesthetic development

  • - Listening to the works “Dad can ...”, “My mother is the best in the world”, “In a box with pencils”, “Matryoshka”, “Horse” by E. Tilicheeva, “Cow” by M. Rauchwerger, “Spring” music. S. Maykapara;
  • - Listening to audio recordings “Voices of birds”, “Sounds of the forest”; “The noise of water”, “Voices of domestic animals”;
  • -Sing "We went to a manger .." E. Tilicheeva, "A dog came to us" muses. M. Rauchwerger, f. N. Komissarova, “Playing with a Horse” music. I. Kishko V. Kuklovskaya.
  • - Application: “Merry Sparrow”, “Unusual flower”, “Car for the Bear”, “A boat floating on the waves”, “Fir-tree herringbone”, “Apple tree in the meadow”, “Funny pictures”, “Cow with a calf in the meadow”;
  • - Modeling: “Nose and collar for Buddy”, “Cheerful kid”;
  • -Drawing: "Horse", "Traveling by train."

  Physical development

  • - Outdoor games; exercises “The sun and the rain”, “Sparrows and the car”, “Birds fly”, “Birds in the nests”, “Shaggy dog”, “Train”, “Cat and mice”;
  • - Sports activities "Hello Bear";
  • - Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands: “Pussy”, “Young Dog”, “Birds”, “Breeze”;
  • - Morning exercises (complexes on lexical topics, for example, “In the Forest”, “Fluffy Lumps”);
  • - Physical minutes (on lexical topics): “Truck”, “Horse”. “Cow”, “Bird - not big” and others;
  • -NODE “Let's Help the Dirt Man”

Forms of interaction with family and social partners

  • - The release of the folder - moving "Parents about the Federal State Educational Standard";
  • - A memorial sheet in the parental corner “Fingers teach to speak”, “My friend is a pencil”, “Entertaining sensory”
  • - Consultation “Our classes” (on enriching the vocabulary of children and developing grammatical forms);
  • - Conducting entertainment "Game Kaleidoscope";
  • - Conducting a workshop "Entertaining games and game exercises with children 2-4 years old";
  • -Training "Communicating with a child ... How?":
  • - Competition for the production of manuals for the development of fine motor skills from waste material “We play with fingers, we develop speech”;
  • - The release of the poster "Dad can do anything," "Mother's Golden Pens."
  1. . Project Parent-to-Child Results:
  • All 14 families took an active part in the project.
  • The project involves all parents of young children from the diagnostic group;
  • An atmosphere of mutual respect was created, a positive increase in pedagogical competence among parents;
  • All parents of the pupils of the younger group received practical assistance in the form of individual, group consultations, didactic and visual material for studying with children in the home environment;
  • For parents, conditions have been created for creative expression, self-realization of the subjects of the educational process through joint parent-child activities;
  • The use of ICT in the educational process of preschool education has been expanded;
  • The panorama of the events of the kindergarten has been expanded, new forms of interaction between the Kindergarten and the family have been held, a team of children, parents and teachers of the younger group has been united on the basis of good feelings and mutual respect.
  1. Methodical materials for the project:
    1. Questioning
    2. Workshop
    3. Consultations
    4. Summary of parents

Long-term project “My family is my joy!

“Take care of the family: there is support in the family
people and state.
Family covenants are always strong.
Guard this treasure.
In family happiness, protection from
life tests.
Strong and friendly family
not scary external
everyday adversity.
If you protect the family
And protect the children
then create a strong support
for peaceful and quiet work. ”
(From the testament of the great Chuvash Enlightener I.Ya. Yakovlev)


Creative project name

A family

Type of project

(by the dominant method)

Information - practice - oriented

By nature of content

Includes a child and his family

By the nature of the child’s participation in the project

A participant from the inception of an idea to obtaining a result

The nature

of contacts

It is carried out within the same age group; in touch with family

In count

the participants


Children's age

Senior preschool age


Long term

Educational area of \u200b\u200bthe program

NGO program "Origins "" Cognitive development "

Thematic field

A family. The relationship in the family. Family traditions and customs.


1) In preschool age, the formation of cultural - value orientations.

2) The family is the most important institution for the education of the patriotic qualities of the child.

3) Children have fuzzy, unclear, unformed ideas about the family, about the levels of family value.

4) In the Kindergarten there are no conditions for summarizing material on the formation of family values \u200b\u200bamong senior preschool children.

5) Parents underestimate the importance of family traditions. There is no consistency in raising children.


Children need to be introduced to family traditions and customs, to increase interest in family values, but the content of work in a preschool educational institution does not fully solve the task.


Formation of patriotic personality traits through the introduction of children to family traditions and values.


1) To form children’s interest in their family, to preserve family traditions and customs, to cultivate respect for family members.

2) Involve parents in establishing family rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions, i.e. the need for the formation of family values.

3) To form and develop in children the skills of research and creative work together with educators and parents.

4) Create an emotionally safe atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where the relationship between adults and children is built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

5) Encourage children to perform socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for the family, home, kindergarten.

6) Exercise children in the manifestation of compassion, care, attentiveness to relatives and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

7) To provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a diverse and free manner, to have personal time for doing what they love.

Project Stages

Stage 1 - organizational and diagnostic (September)

Stage 2 - formative (October - April)

3 stage - generalizing (May)


1) Organized exhibitions of creative works of children and a family living room in a kindergarten group.

2) The quality of the educational process has improved, the learning process has become more exciting, emotionally intense.

3) A methodological piggy bank for this problem has been created.

4) The level of parental activity in the organization of joint activities for raising children has increased. The confidence of parents in their pedagogical capabilities has increased.

Project presentation

Family living room on the theme "Flower of family happiness", dedicated to family day


Significant changes that have occurred in recent years, and new problems associated with raising children, led to a rethinking of the essence of patriotic education, its place and role in public life. The solution to the problem of educating the foundations of patriotism required new approaches to the organization of the educational process.

The moral and patriotic education of children is one of the important tasks of an educational institution. The “Concepts of the modernization of Russian education” formulates the most important educational goals: “Formation of children's civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, ability to successfully socialize and actively adapt in life”.

Of great importance for solving these problems is the family; it is the family that is the source and the mediating link in the transfer of social and historical experience to the child. Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the first foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of a child’s personality at an early age. ” Given this, we can rightfully assume that the family was, is and will be the most important institution for the education of the patriotic qualities of the child.

Patriotism in relation to a child of preschool age, is defined as the need to participate in feasible affairs for the benefit of the family, kindergarten, hometown, homeland, wildlife; the presence in children of such qualities as empathy, self-esteem and self-awareness as part of the world.

At preschool age, the formation of cultural and value orientations of the spiritual and moral foundations of the child’s personality, the development of his emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society, the process of national-cultural self-identification, self-awareness in the surrounding world begins. This period in a person’s life is the most favorable for an emotional and psychological impact, since the images of perception of reality and cultural space are very vivid and strong and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime, which is very important in the upbringing of patriotism.

Analyzing the work of modern scholars (L.V. Kokuyeva, T.N. Antonova, T.T. Zubova, E.P. Arnautova, etc.), we can say that the formation of the foundations of patriotism covers a wider range of tasks:

Formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and sense of ownership in the home, family, kindergarten, city (village), native nature, cultural heritage of one’s people;

Education of love, respect for one’s nation, understanding of one’s national characteristics, self-esteem as a representative of one’s people and tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities - peers, their parents and people around them;

Raising respect for people, native land, symbolism, traditions and customs.

All these tasks are important and relevant, but the priority for the formation of the foundations of patriotism, in our opinion, is the task of educating the child in love and attachment to his home, family, family traditions and customs. Therefore, the task of the educational institution is to actualize the sense of ownership of the child with the family, clan, relatives; make it possible to understand the rules governing relationships in the family; initiate children's awareness of family values, traditions, and customs.

Touching the history of his family evokes strong emotions in the child, makes him empathize, carefully relate to the memory of the past, to his historical roots. Interaction with parents in this direction contributes to the formation of a careful attitude to family values, the preservation of family ties. Only a family can ensure the preservation of national traditions and customs, songs, sayings and commandments, ensure the transmission to the descendants of all the positive that accumulates family and people.

It should be noted that at present people are interested in their genealogy, in the study of national, estate, professional roots and a kind in different generations. Therefore, a family study of their pedigree will help children begin to comprehend very important and deep postulates:

The roots of each - in the history and traditions of the family, their people, the past of the region and country;

The family is the cell of society, the keeper of national values.

This contributes to the formation of the foundations of patriotism already at preschool age, the child learns behavioral patterns, realizes the goals of life and lays the foundation for the success of the goal of upbringing - the development of the child as a person in whom the ideals of the people and the state are concentrated.

Family values \u200b\u200bare the principles on which our life is based; they are the standards by which we judge what is right and what is wrong. Some values, such as kindness, courtesy, and honesty are widely recognized as the most important, while others, such as punctuality and persistence, are less important for some people. Each person adheres to his personal scale of values, characteristic only for him.

Unfortunately, the diagnostic results show that children do not have a clear understanding of the concepts of “family”, “family members”. Inaccurate knowledge of the history of the family and family is observed.

In families, ideas about positive and negative actions are not formed, as one of the values \u200b\u200bof the family, since there are families whose members nothing pleases the child’s behavior, there is no consistency between parents - the same actions cause their reactions that do not coincide in meaning . Parents do not always listen to the views of children; there is a lack of trust and respect between family members.

Family values \u200b\u200bare underestimated, interest in studying and maintaining family customs and traditions is unstable or absent. For preschoolers, mostly fuzzy, obscure, unformed ideas about the family as values, about the levels of family values. Many children cannot characterize the importance of the family to humans. Of course, not every parent is fully aware of the relevance of the problem being discussed and is hardly familiar with the methods and means of solving it. The need to create and implement the “Family” project was due to the above factors.

Problem research is determined by the contradiction between the need to introduce children to family traditions and customs, to increase interest in family values \u200b\u200band the lack of pedagogical conditions in the DOE that contribute to patriotic education in full.


Improving the quality of the educational process on patriotic education through the organization of joint research activities of parents, children, teachers.

Creation of a methodical piggy bank for patriotic education.

Activization and enrichment of the educational skills of parents to introduce preschoolers to family traditions and values, maintaining their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

Creation in the kindergarten group of conditions for summarizing material on the formation of family values \u200b\u200bamong senior preschool children.

Strengthening family ties and DOW.

Formation of interest in children in their family, preservation of family traditions and customs, education of respect for family members.


To form an interest in children in their family, to preserve family traditions and customs, to cultivate respect for family members.

Involve parents in establishing family rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions, i.e. the need for the formation of family values.

To form and develop in children the skills of research and creative work together with teachers and parents.

Create an emotionally safe atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where the relationship between people (adults and children) is built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

Encourage children to perform socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for the family, home, kindergarten.

Exercise children in the manifestation of compassion, caring, attentiveness to relatives and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

To provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a diverse and free manner, to have personal time for doing what they love.

Research hypotheses:   we suggest that the process of educating patriotism will be more effective if:

To form ideas about the native home, family traditions and feelings of belonging to them, not only in the family, but also in the DOW.

The education of patriotism will be based on material that is close, understandable, and emotionally significant for the child, taking into account the interaction of teachers and parents.

Develop a system of cooperation between teachers and families.

The activities of children in the formation of family values \u200b\u200bare carried out systematically and systematically.


It consists in the development of new strategic approaches for introducing children to family traditions, values \u200b\u200band interacting with the family on the patriotic education of the child in the conditions of pre-school education. Joint research activities of preschool children, parents and teachers in the study of the history of the family and clan contribute to the formation of patriotism, tolerance, cultural and value orientations, and spiritual and moral development.


Stage 1 - organizational - diagnostic (September).

Purpose: Monitoring, diagnostic research and determination of prospects. The establishment of partnerships between teachers, parents, children, the creation of a single socio-cultural space. Preparation of a long-term action plan, preparation for events.

At the first stage, a project passport was developed, its purpose and main tasks were determined. Project participants were identified. During the implementation of the group project, the participants were pupils of the senior speech therapy group, teachers, parents and speech therapist. The content of the project was determined, long-term planning for working with children was developed, a plan for interaction with parents and teachers was drawn up.

Stage 2 - Formative (October - April)

Purpose: To create an emotionally safe atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where the relationship between adults and children is built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected. To form an interest in children in their family, to preserve family traditions and customs, to cultivate respect for family members. Involvement of parents in direct creative activity with children, in active creative educational practice on reviving family traditions.

The second stage is the implementation of the project itself, in the framework of which work was carried out in three areas: the work of teachers with children, the work of children and parents, the work of teachers and parents. The children took classes on the project, organized joint and independent activities of children to familiarize themselves with family values.

The feeling of the Motherland begins in a child with an attitude to the family, to the closest people - to mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. The roots connect him with his native home and his inner circle. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a close relationship with the parents of the pupils. To this end, work was organized, which included a series of consultations for parents, as well as parent-teacher meetings on the topic of the project, the purpose of which was to explain the relevance, importance of the work on moral and patriotic education of children in preschool educational institutions, to increase the educational level of parents on this issue , interest them and make them allies.

All work on the project was based on the topics: “My family”, “Members of my family”, “Our names and surnames”, “Parental home - the beginning began”, “My dad Defender of the Fatherland”, “My mother”, “Professions of my parents "," We are assistants. "

Stage 3 - generalizing (May)

Purpose: Questioning parents and diagnosing the level of formation of involvement of children in family traditions and family values. Analysis and debriefing.

The third stage includes a presentation of the project, which took place in the form of a family living room “Flower of family happiness”, dedicated to Family Day. As part of the family living room, a poster presentation and exhibitions of children's creative works were organized.


with kids:

Conversations classes; viewing family albums, paintings, illustrations; exhibitions of children's works on the project "Family" in the preschool educational institution; didactic and subject role-playing games under the project "Family"; memorization of poems, proverbs, sayings about the family; creative speech activity; matinees, entertainment; contests; theatrical activity; writing stories and tales about the family.

with parents.

Visual propaganda; conversations and consultations; questioning; contests; family lounge.


1. Methods that increase the cognitive activity of preschoolers:

· Comparison method.

· Elementary analysis.

· Method of modeling and design.

· Method of design activity.

· Method of questions - posing questions to children; education skills and needs to ask questions, correctly and clearly formulate them.

· The method of repetition is the most important didactic principle, without which there will be no strength of knowledge in the education of feelings.

2. Methods aimed at increasing the emotional activity of children in the assimilation of knowledge:

· Gaming techniques - improve the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings.

· Surprising moments and elements of novelty - emotionally set the child to cognition, aggravate the child’s desire to unravel the secret or just be happy.

3. Methods and techniques that facilitate the establishment of communication between different types of activities:

· Accepting suggestions and learning how - the educator not only emotionally talks about the family, the person, but also must arouse the desire in the children themselves to try their hand at research.

· Conversation - is a link.

4. Methods of correction and refinement:

· Repetitions, exercises, observations, experimentation - allows you to find out what and how children understood in the content of the knowledge communicated to them, and help in the correct understanding of this knowledge.

· The method of a generalized answer to the question: individual conversation, comparative analysis, assessment, clarification, joint search for a way out of the situation, discussion of the method of action.


The work contributed to:

The implementation of the project provided optimal conditions for children to learn their traditions, and increased interest in the family, its past and present. The children had a desire to be like close people in business, actions. An emotional - positive attitude towards his family, pride in his family, and careful attitude to family relics are manifested. Often there is a desire to realize knowledge about the family’s past in their own activities (stories, drawings, presenting family heirlooms).

Self-realization of parents as subjects of educational activity, the possibility of constructive cooperation between teachers of pre-school education with families of pupils, the creation of a favorable microclimate in the parent-child collective.

Revitalization and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents.

To increase the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

The development of creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities.

Creation of a system of classes and joint activities: “the child is the teacher” and “the child is the parent” on this issue.

Equipping a subject-developing environment in a group.

Organization of an exhibition and a family living room in a kindergarten group.

The experience of implementing our project may be of interest to other preschool educational institutions working under the program "The origins ". One of the decisions of patriotic education is the organization of a single educational space for pupils, which is supported in preschool and family. Work experience can be used by educational institutions to create similar projects that solve the problems of other areas of educational activity.

The long-term plan of the long-term group project "Family"

in senior group




activities with children

Cooperative activity

teachers and children


the activity

with parents



for parents


Questioning parents and diagnosing children


My family

1. Cognitive development "My family"

2. Art - creative development. Visual activity “And we have a friendly family!”

3. Speech development “I will tell you about my family”

Conversations on the topic “My close ones”, “How my parents, grandparents grew”, “Traditions of our family”

Reading fairy tales "Tiny - Havrochechka", "Geese-swans"

Drawing on the theme "My family"

Examination of paintings on the themes of T. Sorokin “Family”, Y. Kugach “Saturday”

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip"

Finger gymnastics on the theme "Friendly family"

C / r games on the topics "Family", "Meet the guests"

Children's drawings on the theme “Meet my family”

Consultation "The main conditions for raising children in the family"


My family members

1. Cognitive development “What I know about myself”, “Who lives with me”

2. Artistic - creative activity. Master class for making holiday cards for mom

3. Artistic and creative development. Visual activity “Portrait of my mother”

Heuristic conversation on the topic "A day off in our family", "The most dear people"

Discussion of situations “I have a big family”, “My children's album”, “Who do I look like?”

Reading the works of Y. Akim “My Relatives”, V. Dragunsky “My Sister Ksenia”

Creative speech activity on the theme "Letter to Grandparents"

Game situation on the theme “My brothers and sisters”, “How I was, what I will become”, “We are different”

Game-dramatization "Three Little Pigs"

Competition program for children and parents dedicated to Mother's Day "Mother and Child"

Festive newspaper “Let there always be a mother!”

Folder-folder on the topic “Addressing the child to parents”, “Mother's Day”


Our first and last names

Cognitive development "Our names and surnames"

Heuristic conversations on the topic "My family tree", "Me and my name"

Creative speech activity on the topic “Interviews with parents -“ Tell me why they called me that? ”

Watching the animated film "Frost", "Twelve Months."

D / and on the topic “My family. Make a chain ”,“ Who's the birthday today? ”,“ Come up with a surname ”

Graphic exercise on the topic “Type your last name and first name”

Parent involvement in improving the subject-development environment

Folder-folder on the topic "Features of raising a child by mom and dad"


Parental home - the beginning

Cognitive and socially - communicative development "My house" and "Take care of your house"

Constructive game on the theme of "Draw and Build"

D / and on the topic "Construction", "Different houses"

Conversations on the topic "The Story of My Home",

"My home is my castle"

Creative speech activity on the theme “My day at home”

Examining Family Home Illustrations


























Looking at home with dad army photo album




My mum




































Project Presentation-







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