Download the birthday app. Birthdays Smartphone apps

Have you ever forgotten to wish relatives or friends a happy birthday? This situation is close to many of us, because keeping in mind dozens of dates is very difficult. The name days of the most dear people are always in our memory, because we carefully prepare for them in advance. And congratulations to other relatives and friends may cause problems.

Congratulations are an important part of the relationship in the life of any person. They, first of all, mean the manifestation of attention. Why is it so important to remember birthdays?

    Pleasant words to relatives and friends indicate that you are friends with them, love and do not forget.

    Congratulations from subordinates or colleagues may mean that this particular person is an important link in the company.

You need to remember the holidays and for this there are a number of simple methods described below. Right now you can familiarize yourself with them and do not forget to congratulate loved ones on an important event.

Social networks

Most modern people are registered in at least one social network. Vkontakte, Facebook, Classmates, MyMir. However, in addition to daily activities, social networks allow you to use another useful service - a reminder of the birthdays of people who are with you as friends. So, for example, Facebook warns you in advance about the names of people from your friends list by e-mail. Vkontakte notification function is different. Instead of writing to the mail, you yourself need to view the calendar of birthdays, which is located on the left side of the service under the applications. In addition, the names of the “today's” birthday are always displayed below the calendar. In case you don’t have any friends, the service will indicate the names of those whose holidays will be held tomorrow.

Do you rely on social networks at 100%?

Using social networks as “reminders” is very convenient, because you do not need to perform any additional actions of recording information. But you should not use these services as the only source of reminders.

    Sometimes users do not indicate the date of birth correctly, which can lead to an erroneous notification of congratulations. To do this, you must first make sure that a person really has a name day today.

    Social networks cannot gather absolutely all the people you would like to congratulate. Some relatives may not be present in this service, therefore, this method is designed only for a part of your relatives who use a certain service.

Online Services

A distinctive feature of online reminder services, as is the case with social networks, is that they are always at hand. Anywhere, anytime. To use the resources you need only access to the Internet. Below are the services that will help you remember the upcoming holidays in a timely manner.

This is Reminder Thing

This service does not require a large number of steps to configure notifications. The first thing to do is to authorize the resource using your Google account. Also, you must open access to the calendar from the connected account. Thus, the application will receive all the necessary data that was previously entered in the profile calendar.

You don’t have to do anything else. The service will automatically generate a letter with reminders of upcoming birthdays every week. Letters will be sent to your mail. Thus, you will always remember the names of people this week.

Remember! Do

This service is an analog of ThisisREMINDERTHING, but with wider functionality. To use the application, you must register. If you log in through one of the social networks, you will have the opportunity to export the necessary data on the birthdays of all friends in automatic mode.

Another advantage is the ability to notify not only through the mailbox, but also via SMS. In the settings you first need to change the time zone, specify your mobile phone, and also set the notification period (day, week, specific time).

Smartphone apps

Smartphones are always at hand and have enough functionality to organize a calendar of birthdays of loved ones. You can use the applications below for this.

Standard calendar

All modern mobile devices have a built-in calendar. Some of the standard calendars have additional functionality. So, users can leave specific notes for specified dates, as well as associate a calendar with certain applications. This allows you to post notifications about the names of people and at the right time notifications. For example, the WindowsPhone calendar automatically imports data from your Skype into the calendar (if you are authorized in the official application) and indicates the date of birth in the calendar.

PeekCalendar - platformiOS

Initially, it is worth noting that the task manager has a unique modern design with a "flat" effect. It is best to work with the application within the framework of the week, however, the possibility of posting notes for long periods is also present. In addition to the interesting design, the program as a whole has an interesting process for posting events, colorful icons, and a dynamic interface.

The application can remind with a sound signal, allows you to quickly view tasks, their duration and location. Accordingly, you will be able to "provide" a notice of the upcoming holiday, which you certainly will not forget.

Birthdays (Birthdays) - platformAndroid

To create reminders of upcoming birthdays for Android smartphones, they created a special application. Convenient software has all the necessary functionality for timely alerts of the device owner.

Notifications can be placed on the desktop in the form of a widget of various sizes. If necessary, it is possible to import dates from a Facebook account. Also, at any time you can export data for storage on a USB drive. Despite the fact that the design does not have any highlights, using the application is convenient and simple.

Birthdays PlatformWindowsPhone

Among the very large list of various “reminders” on WP, the Birthdays application stands out significantly. Nice design does not hurt the eyes and allows you to actively use the program. For each person, a small mini-profile is created with the date of his birth, the sign of the zodiac, the elements and even his attitude to the planets. In addition, in the profile you can specify the nature of the birthday and other features.

For display on the main screen, informative live tiles are provided that timely inform about the upcoming event. By going to the desired profile, you can send an SMS-congratulation or call a person directly from it. Unfortunately, the application is paid. If you are looking for a free version of the reminder manager, you should pay attention to the similar in name application Birthsdays from Add-inExpress.

Notebooks and notes

Notebook entries

The easiest option to remember a person’s birthday is with a notebook and pen. To do this, it is recommended to have a separate notebook in which reminders of the upcoming holiday will be stored.

As soon as you remember the person’s birthday, immediately enter the date in the notebook, indicating the corresponding note with the person’s name, age. If you know the location of the holiday, you can also indicate it. Be sure to write down the time of the event, since it is precisely the numbers that are often forgotten.

Diary entries

Despite the fact that in the diaries, as a rule, other important matters will be present, the notes “birthday” will always be located on the sheet with the desired date. It is recommended that you highlight these holidays with a different pen / marker color, underline, or stroke. Thus, you practically exclude the opportunity to forget about congratulations. Notes "in a column" in a regular notebook, of course, do not have such an advantage, because they are indicated randomly.

Disadvantages of paper notes

Although the method with a reminder in notebooks is the simplest, it has several drawbacks:

    Quickly recorded names or numbers may be read incorrectly in a few months

    A simple cup of coffee or a pet's desire to play around with something rustling can make a piece of paper unreadable

    Notebooks can be lost, forgotten or not remembered at the right time (even if we are talking about diaries).

Accordingly, to keep notes on paper should be extremely careful.

Wall calendar

If there is a calendar on the wall, we automatically pay attention to it. Marker marks become familiar and convenient. However, this method has its advantages as well as disadvantages:


    Permanent placement in sight

    Ability to quickly mark the date

    You cannot forget or lose

    Only a couple of strokes with a marker is required to indicate


    You can not pay attention at the right time.

    Paper / cardboard easily spoils and tears

    It’s hard to write multiple name days on one date

    No fix possible

This option is often used in an office or workroom.

Modern technologies, as well as old paper methods make it possible to keep a record of birthday people and timely congratulate all relatives, relatives and friends. Do not forget that by paying attention to them you will also receive a couple of joyful and invigorating words at the right time. Have you forgotten to congratulate someone on their beautiful birthday?

I welcome you, dear visitor of the PenserMen blog.

Probably almost every one of us, at least once, had a case in our life when we forgot to congratulate happy Birthday  one of friends or relatives. Whole treatises can be written about the feelings that cover one’s head after such forgetfulness.

But I will not do this, but it is better to immediately recommend a remedy for such forgetfulness. it desktop reminder, which will begin to warn you in advance about the approaching date of someone’s birthday or just about any important day that you need to always remember.

There are many programs for this purpose, the so-called reminders. And they are not difficult to find on the World Wide Web. I will dwell on the one that I have been using for many years and she helped me more than once when she let down my memory. So it is called simply: Birthday v1.2.2.8. The first one I installed was birthday v1.0.3.5. Its author is a certain Pohilko Dmitry.

Reminder for the desktop Birthday v1.2.2.8

What I liked most about her and why I chose this one from many programs. I will list:

  • small size of the executable file - only 3.44 MB;
  • ease of use and absolutely nothing superfluous either in the program itself or on the desktop;
  • the ability to print all birthdays in a table;
  • well, and most importantly - this is of course the free reminder itself;

That's what she looks like. Do not worry, the actual size is only slightly larger than this:

And such a reminder (picture below) about the birthday will appear in the desktop tray after starting the computer the day before the specified date, if you indicated when entering the data that you need to be warned 1 day before that date:

To add a new record or change an existing one, you need to click on “New” or “Change” and in the window that appears, fill in or change the necessary fields and then of course click on “Save”:

Also, this reminder program allows you to save data of all birthdays in a * .bfs file and in plain text. It is possible to recover data from these files. If necessary, as I mentioned above, you can print the list, and if desired, change the theme:

Although, frankly speaking, I am satisfied with any topic, if only before each date an information window appears on the desktop and a gurgling sound. This sound comes by default, but you can change the settings and put any of your melody or something else you want instead.

Birthday reminder settings Birthday v1.2.2.8

In the settings, I think, first of all, you need to highlight “Run the program with Windows”, otherwise its whole meaning is simply lost. After all, you can forget to run it yourself before any important date that you don’t remember anymore.

I also highlight “Minimize to tray at startup” so that after each turn on the computer the program window does not appear on the desktop. I sort the list in order of approximation of someone’s birthday. To do this, click on “Next”. When clicked, sorting is performed either in direct or in reverse order:

You can change the remaining settings at your discretion and sort the list in different ways by clicking on any column name. Be it “Name”, “Date”, etc. There were some minor flaws in the version of the reminder v1.0.3.5. For example, you could not delete the entire list of birthdays.

I had to leave at least one line unallocated, and then delete it. When the scroll slider moved to the right, the list stood still and only after the end of the scroll jumped sharply. And some more little things. All this in version v1.2.2.8 is fixed.

Where and how to download a reminder to your desktop

By the way, now along with the program there is also a directory, and if you install it yourself, you can look into it at any time and clarify incomprehensible moments.

  • Download program  can<< >\u003e without leaving this post,
  • you can download the updated reminder to your computer from<< >\u003e blog articles (also in Russian by the same author),
  • or from a third-party site - file storage<< >>

If you go to the site - the repository, do not pay attention to any offers and “lures” that will be shown to you there, but click immediately on what is highlighted in the picture with a red frame and download the reminder file itself:

By the way, I couldn’t download using Dounload Master. He asks to upload some more pictures, but in the end "" zero "". The built-in download manager in Firefox is fine. But the Google Chrome browser downloaded some other link. Do not click on it, the antivirus “says” that it is malicious. In the picture I highlighted it in black:

That is all I wanted to tell. Hope you enjoy this desktop reminder for birthdays  and you will use it too.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the PenserMen blog.

Each of us has to memorize or write down daily to-do list for tomorrow, for a week, for a month, which must be completed on time.

It can be:

  • Customer calls
  • Payment of utility services
  • Loan payment  at the bank once a month
  • Instructions of the head
  • Sending a work report
  • Employer Interviews
  • Corporate event
  • Important meetings with partners
  • Medical examinations
  • Household chores: cleaning the house once a week, repairing shoes, cleaning the aquarium, walking with a child, walking a dog, etc.
  • Sports training on Wednesdays
  • Replace filter cartridge once every half a year

and much more. There are a lot of cases and all of them are important to varying degrees.

In the address book of a mobile phone, the number of contacts is usually in the tens or even hundreds. And to maintain a relationship in good shape is on time congratulate a person on his personal holiday, anniversary, or other important date. Obviously, remembering all dates is simply impossible.

Those who are accustomed to value time and keep their personal data in order often use the organizer program. with a reminder, a planner of affairs or as an electronic notebook and database of contacts.

Desktop reminder program  in Russian (reminder) - the best solution is not to forget to congratulate colleagues and relatives on time on time, have time to buy a gift, send a congratulation by mail, pay off the debt.

The universal Exiland Assistant app is great for notifications about Birthdays, events and tasks. But the possibilities of the organizer do not end there - it allows you to structure a database of clients [link to the article], partners, colleagues, relatives, keep notes and Internet links, write down passwords, plan things and monitor their implementation. Exiland Assistant is an excellent daily assistant for home and office.

Consider what a birthday reminder looks like in Exiland Assistant for Windows. If today or in the coming days, one of the people has a birthday, immediately after starting a window will appear with a reminder on the Windows desktop.

In the Contacts section, create notes for friends, acquaintances, or colleagues. Enter their birth dates and you will never forget to congratulate them. The program will remind you of this. in advance for the number of days you specify. Even if the task notification time came at a time when the diary was not running or the computer was turned off, the organizer will inform you about it immediately after turning on the computer and starting the program. Date of birth can be set in the contact card.

You can set the number of days for which you should notify in the program settings in the Tools / Settings menu.

Events in the program can be either independent of a person (calendar), or tied to a specific person or organization (call, meeting). If they relate to a specific person, they are displayed both in the card of that person and in the general list in the events section. Event reminder appears at startup  and with the passage of time to the next day.

In the event card you indicate the date and in advance how many days to remind if necessary. When you start the program, the organizer will remind you of an upcoming event.

Reminder of tasks and tasks

A task reminder appears while the program is running. There are two methods of notification: flashing an animated icon in the notification area (System Tray) and pop-up window with task details.

In addition, you can customize the appearance of the icon animation to your taste and color, notification sounds for ordinary and important tasks. Settings are in the Tools / Settings menu, Tasks tab.

Exiland Assistant is not only Desktop reminder  - It is both a simple and powerful diary for Windows. Most PC users use Exiland Assistant for taking notes and maintaining a database of contacts of people and organizations with the ability to quickly access data. Convenient thoughtful Russian-language interface will allow you to quickly start working with the program  both an experienced PC user and a housewife.

Program for reminding on a computer - software from Exiland no installation required (portable)  and can run from a flash drive, wherever you are.

There are 3 versions of the reminder organizer: Free (completely free reminder for Windows), Personal (full-featured single-user) and Enterprise (network multi-user).

The Exiland Assistant Enterprise network organizer allows you to organize a single database of contacts for many users on the local network, maintain a database of customers, partners, employees, and project tasks. To use the network version, you must install the Exiland Assistant Server included in the delivery of Exiland Assistant Enterprise on any PC on the local network. You can download the demo version of the Exiland Assistant Enterprise organizer for free and try working on your data, and then switch to a fully functional paid version without data loss.

Michael, Exiland Assistant Developer

When buying a smartphone, I want it to be filled with convenient applications that help in certain situations, for example, with a stopwatch and timer, a navigator and a location finder - as before, they were simply incomprehensible.

One such useful application is. Consider some of these programs on android.

Birthday Info Widget  - the first from our list. Not bothering with alerts and beeps, perfectly drawn, with elements of a futuristic style, it can easily be on the desktop.

It is worth noting that you can program for each record separately its response time. For a day or for a week - it is at your discretion. The inconvenience here will only be that it will be necessary to manually enter all the dates in the telephone list.

Birthday countdown. With this widget, any event, whether it’s the birthday of a best friend or the day of the death of a beloved grandfather, can be equipped with a photo or picture. Visualization is thought to act better on memory receptors.

There is also another feature of Birthday Countdown: it will not only remind you of the date, but also will display a notification with a countdown to the date of the celebration. In the settings, you can set the change in the color of the inscription, as the memorable date approaches.

Ebobirthday  The third in the list is a program for reminding solemn dates. Its developers have learned not only to count down. The most important feature is to search and record not only the data you entered manually.

From the Google calendar, from the social network Facebook and even from CSV files, data will be taken and put into a convenient list. If something is superfluous, you can easily delete it, however, EboBirthday will keep the original list intact, and you can always return to it.

Birthdays. The name is simple, but the functions are the most necessary. With this widget you will not miss anything important. The desired date will always be in sight. In addition, as soon as you make a new happy birthday contact on your Android device, it will automatically appear in the list.

From Facebook, you can also make entries, and not everything, but selectively, whatever you want. The creators of the application promise to finalize the program, so that from other social services. networks could collect similar data.

Also directly from the application, you can wish a happy birthday by sending an SMS or even write an email.

Birthday reminder. But this application is already successfully working with different social networks, and not just with Facebook. Birthday Reminder has its own personal base, and it will not necessarily be tied to the smartphone or tablet where it is installed.

You can also insert data into the program yourself from the phone book. You can also call or send a congratulation in the form of a postcard by e-mail without leaving the program.

Even if your device has a small screen, the program will not take up much space on the screen.

Which birthday reminder app to choose is everyone's personal business. One thing can be said: for the android developers have worked wonderfully well.

The older we get, the more events appear, the dates of which must be remembered. If in childhood it was enough to remember the birthdays of family members and couples of closest friends, then with age, dates are added to this: a day of meeting and marriage with your spouse, anniversary of graduation from high school and university, birthdays of mother-in-law and father-in-law, and if you still not married, the birthdays of the ten most beautiful girlfriends)).

  How to remember everything and not to miss a single date? After all, close friends, if they are offended that you did not wish them a happy birthday, they will quickly forgive, but a friend or spouse will definitely hold a grudge for a long time.

Many, including myself, use the calendar on their mobile phone (smartphone). It is enough to mark the date of an event once and set an automatic reminder every year. However, the phone is easy to lose, and with it all your significant dates, which are not so easy to recover later ...

As a reminder of birthdays, you can use something like Google Calendar and other organizers, but their functionality is often too redundant for such cases. Why do I need extra bells and whistles when I just want to make a set of certain dates and receive notifications of their approach?

In April 2013, a new Russian-language startup was launched called Remember! He received a lot of positive reviews for his simplicity and ease of work, so today we will review it with you.

So, the online service Remember! Is designed to fulfill one main task - to remember the birthdays of your loved ones, friends and other events significant to you and to remind them at the indicated time. Reminder is carried out by sending SMS or by sending e-mail to an e-mail.

Registration on the website of birthday reminders can be done either in the traditional way (by entering an e-mail and password) or by logging in through the social network account Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook. It is very convenient that from these networks in the settings you can automatically import the birthdays of your friends (all or selected).

  Any event can be added manually using the corresponding option “My events” - “Add new event”. In order to better navigate them, events are divided into two types: birthday and a memorable date.

I suspect that someone has such limited functionality and minimalistic design of the service. Remember, it seems like a drawback, but I have a different opinion. We should not forget that this service is just a reminder of birthdays and important events, and all of its functionality is “tailored” for just that. The lack of a bunch of unnecessary options only simplifies the work, and I personally like it.

The online service Remember! Does it have a set of tariffs, which differ mainly in the number of SMS reminders that you can receive. So, on a free tariff, the limit is limited to ten SMS. At the same time, reminders by e-mail are unlimited at all current tariffs.

Friends, if you are looking for just a birthday reminder without unnecessary frills, then try the online service Remember! Everything that is needed, he has available, and whether or not to switch to a paid tariff in order to receive SMS reminders, you decide after some time yourself. Good luck!

Attention! The project is currently closed and no longer available.