Speech by a magician in kindergarten. Entertainment scenario for children of the middle group of kindergarten “Visiting a magician. Professional magician Christian in kindergarten - a surprise that kids will be very happy

This entertainment can be held as the final event of the project. Children themselves show tricks learned in kindergarten with a teacher and parents at home. In entertainment, elements of experimental activity, surprise moments were used. A lot of positive emotions are received by children during the performance.



MADOU No. 20 "Kindergarten of the combined type" p. Pankovka "

Entertainment scriptThe magical world of tricks

(middle and senior groups)

Made up:

Educator I quarter categories

Sergukhina E. L.

p. Pankovka


Entertainment for children of middle and senior preschool age “Magic world of tricks”

goal : Form cognitive research interest using tricks.


The development of logical thinking in children;

The development of social emotions that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships;

Form a sustained interest in tricks;

Develop imagination in children.

Material:   1. easel, “magic” paper (white sheet A3, on which a bouquet is painted with wax white chalk), mascara diluted with water and a large brush; 2. a transparent glass, a basin of water, sheets of paper; 3. Jars with screw caps, painted with gouache on the back side, box magician, watering can with water; 4. music for the boogie-woogie dance; 5. A sheet of white paper, a glass, to the neck of which a paper circle is glued, a coin, a “magic” scarf; 6. 1.5-liter bottle, soda, citric acid or vinegar, funnel, water, balloon; 7. Glass bottle, boiled egg, matches; 8. A vase of sweets and a rope. 9. Music for the dance "Colorful game."

Hall decoration:   Pictures with magic tricks, exhibition of magical things of a magician, table of a magician, costume of a magician, magic wand.


Music sounds, the Magician enters, goes around the hall.

Hello guys! You recognized me? (children's answers)

Well done! Today I invite you to my school of young magicians. The curtain opens and the children see the decorated stage, an exhibition of magical things.

The magic will begin now

Waving a wand

The children will smile brightly,

Call on a long journey!

Focus 1 “Magic Paper”

A girl comes on stage, makes a bow and says:

I am a fairy of flowers, where my magic wand touches - flowers bloom.

Demonstrates a blank sheet of paper on an easel. Then she invites from the audience who wants to help to perform a miracle and utters magic words, and the other child paints a sheet of paper with ink, and a bouquet of flowers appears on it.

Focus 2 “Inverted glass of water”

Another “student” appears on the stage and addresses the audience:

Can anyone flip a glass of water so that the water does not spill?

A magician helps to choose a child as student assistants.

The invitee tries to turn the glass of water over and he cannot make it so that the water does not spill. Then the student draws a glass of water, covers with a sheet of paper and turns it over. Demonstrates to the audience.

It happens that viewers know the secret of focus, in this case, you can play it safe: pour water into a bucket and quickly unwind it; pour an absorbent into a glass of water, which turns the water into a gel.

Focus 3 "Colored water"

The third "student" of the trick school enters the scene. In front of him is a magician’s box on the table, in which there are magic covers. The young magician says:

I can turn ordinary water into colored water as you wish.

Pours water into a jar from a watering can, shows it to the children that it is transparent, then asks the audience what color to turn it on. Invites an assistant from the audience, who calls any color.

A young magician takes out a lid with a mysterious color from his magic box, tightly closes a jar of water and asks her to shake her assistant under a magic spell.

Focus can be repeated several times.

A musical pause is announced.Children dance with the magician leading the boogie-woogie dance, sit down again.

Focus 4 "Hide and seek coin"

The fourth "student" of the trick school comes on the scene. On the magician’s table is a white sheet of paper, a coin and an upside-down transparent glass with a sealed neck, a scarf. He shows the coin to the audience, then puts it on a sheet of paper next to the glass, covers the table with a “magic” handkerchief and puts the glass on the coin, removes the handkerchief - the coin has disappeared. He covers with a scarf, moves the glass - a coin appears.

Focus 5 "The ball - I myself!"

The fifth "student" of the trick school enters the scene. He asks the audience:

How do you know how to inflate balloons? (answers) Can you inflate a balloon without breathing? (answers) It is possible ...

He takes a bottle of water and citric acid dissolved in it. He puts it on the focus table, puts a ball on the funnel and pours inside his wonderful powder (soda from some beautiful box). He puts the ball on the bottle and lifts it up so that the soda spills out into acid. The balloon is inflating ...

Focus 6 “The Egg in the Bottle”

This trick shows an adult. Demonstrates a boiled egg to children, and the fact that it does not pass through the neck of the bottle allows children to try to shove it inside the bottle. Children do not succeed ...

Then the magician takes the matches and throws them lit into the bottle, covers the neck of the bottle with an egg, and it is absorbed inside.

So our wonderful performance ends.

Thanks the young magicians, spectators and assistants. The magician invites everyone to the dance "colorful game."

Gives a sweet prize with a secret. The magician offers any child to take candy from a vase. But when he pulls it, he will see that they are all tied together with a rope to knots (false). Then, over the heads of the children, the magician and educator stretch the rope with sweets and, under magic words, pull at both ends and arrange a sweet rain.

Goodbye guys, see you soon!

The holiday of March 8 in kindergarten and school is most often celebrated traditionally - with a morning concert. But what if we add a little miraculous to this event and include tricks in the script of the holiday? Of course, you will have to work out and choose the appropriate costume and props for the magician, but the audience’s delight is worth it!

At the matinee on the occasion of March 8, parents can perform magic tricks for kids, and schoolchildren and themselves can learn some tricks and demonstrate to their comrades - at a school concert or “spark” in the classroom. "Evening of tricks" can be a great gift from boys to classmates. And how happy grandmother would be if her grandchildren congratulated her on March 8 with such a circus performance!

Among the tricks that we propose to learn, there are just practical jokes, there are tricks that use manual dexterity (one cannot do without preparation here!) Or the laws of physics.

Focus "conspiracy of water"

Take a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Paint the inside of the cover with red watercolor. Pour water into a jar and tighten its lid. At the time of the demonstration, do not turn the can toward the viewers so that the inside of the lid is visible. Pronounce the conspiracy loudly: "Just like in a fairy tale, turn a little red water." With these words, shake the jar of water. Water will wash off the watercolor paint and turn red.

Coin trick

Put several identical coins on the table. Let one of the viewers choose a coin. Announce that you will find the selected coin among others. Then ask the child to squeeze it in a fist, and bring the fist to your forehead, explaining this by the fact that you need to think about this coin. Wait about a minute, you can even whisper something with a mysterious look. Then ask the child to throw a coin on the table and mix it with the rest. Then, focusing on the warm metal of the coin, you will easily find it and present it to the audience.

Focus with cards

Shuffle the card deck and lay it fan-side down. Invite one of the viewers to choose one card and remember it. Then take this card and, without looking, put it on the newly assembled deck. Divide the deck in two and, invisibly looking at the lowest card, shift the removed half of the deck, thus placing the selected card in the middle. Then flip the deck and calmly sort through the cards to the one that was remembered when removing half. A map made by the viewer will be in front of this map. Take it and show it to the public.

Numerical focus

This simplest focus is built on a single unknown problem. Ask someone from the audience to make a number from 1 to 10. Then, together with the make-up person, start calculating. Ask him to add to the hidden number 5 (x + 5 \u003d x and 5). Then subtract 1 (x and 5 - 1 \u003d x and 4). Then add 2 (x and 4 + 2 \u003d x and 6), subtract 4 (x and 6 - 4 \u003d x and 2), subtract 2 (x and 2 - 2 \u003d x). Then add 10 (x + 10 \u003d x and 10). Ask to subtract the hidden number from the resulting amount (x and 10 - x \u003d 10). After that, knowing that it turned out 10, ask a few more times to add or subtract something, counting in the mind in parallel with the child, and sound at the end the resulting amount.

Focus with a rope

For this trick you will need a strong rope connected by a knot in a ring. Grasp the opposite ends of the ring with both hands and show the audience that the rope is strong and tied tightly. Then throw the rope around your neck, continuing to hold the opposite ends of the connected ring with your hands. Bring your hands close together, with your eyes closed, as if pulling a rope. Count to three. Only on the count of two, do not forget to imperceptibly grab the left loop with your right finger, just next to the fingers of your left hand, and in the last count, sharply pull the rope forward, as if passing it through your neck. The rope will very quickly go around you on the left and will be in front of you. Your viewers across from you will feel that the rope has passed through your neck.

For kids, magic tricks are real miracles. Well, or dexterity and dexterity, approaching the miraculous. And at the age at which the child realizes that the trick is just a practical joke and fulfilled movements, he will be able to learn these very tricks himself.

Focus with coins and a glass

Take two identical coins and a glass of thick glass. Squeeze one coin between the fingers of your right hand. With your right hand, take the glass so that your palm covers it from above, like a lid. With your left hand, grab a second coin and announce to the audience that you are now driving it into a glass through the bottom. Then put a coin in the palm of your left hand and count to three, each time "driving" a coin through the bottom into a glass. On the “three” count, hit especially hard and just unclench the hidden coin held in your right hand. It will fall loudly into a glass and attract the attention of the audience. At this time, deftly and imperceptibly remove the demo coin located in the left hand.

Focus with scarves

For this trick, two colorful multi-colored beautiful scarves and trousers with pockets will be required. Put on the trousers, and shove the scarves compactly into the far upper corner of the trouser pocket. During the trick, show the children empty hands. You can even roll up your sleeves to the elbow, as if demonstrating that there is no catch. Then turn out the pockets of the trousers and show that they are completely empty. Then return the pockets to the normal position and, taking out your hands, hook the scarves from the fold formed during the turning of the pockets. Show them to the audience and smile slyly.

Focus with an egg

Take a hard-boiled peeled egg and a glass carafe. The carafe's neck should not be very narrow, but not so that the egg easily passes into it. Ask one of the viewers to push the egg into the decanter without damaging either. When they despair, take a few matches, light them and throw them into the carafe. After they burn out, cover the neck of the carafe with an egg like a cork. The egg gradually "crawls" into it, stretching under the influence of a vacuum.

Focus with nuts and rice

Take a glass half full of rice. In the center, push a large walnut to the bottom. Invite viewers to touch the nut without touching the rice. After their fruitless attempts, grab a glass in your left hand, and with your right, start gently tapping it. As a result, the small rice will set in motion and in a minute will push the large walnut up. Touching it with your finger will now be much easier.

Magic tricks. 3. A set of tricks `Master of Magic`. Fun for children (simple). Sets of magic tricks. Toys and games. The child is from 7 to 10. What are the most interesting and convenient for the Girl, do not tell me where you can buy a children's "set of a magician" or how it is right ...

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The topic was created to discuss article 9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home. Magic tricks with cards, coins and numbers: sleight of hand, mathematics and physics.

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Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. We give gifts only on February 23, March 8, NG. The site has thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools, daily articles and competitions are held.

Birthday at the School of Magic and Wizardry. In the room on the wall hung the names of faculties, photos of deans and the school principal, "song of the hat", runic 9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home. Mid-summer festival.

no poems are given in our garden. whoever has learned at home, with that verse, takes part in the celebration, if he himself wishes. maybe you yourself will learn a poem with him, and let your teachers understand that the verse is ready 9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home.

9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home. The script for a holiday in nature and a family picnic in the forest, which can be held with festive children's climbing and creative workshops on February 23 and March 8.

Remember the tricks from childhood. Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Parenting, nutrition, daily routine, visiting a kindergarten and relationships with A very simple and well-known focus, but it pleases children incredibly. better not to cover with paper, but to cover with a glossy postcard - as far as I ...

tricks can be shown. The entourage is easy to do. Are there spectacular tricks such as blowing a ball with a bottle of vinegar and soda, coloring the water in Voprosal, what do you need, older, or just talked about fish topics? New Year's party in kindergarten.

9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home. "Evening of tricks" can be a great gift from boys to girls-classmates. And how happy will the grandmother be, if the grandchildren congratulate her on March 8th with such a merry clown will teach the kids to make figures ...

9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home. A set of magician advise. Focus is focus. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Parenting, nutrition, daily routine, visiting a kindergarten and relationships with the first anniversary. 10 years. Elena and Angelica.

Children's spells. Serious question. About her, about the girl. Children's spells. Yesterday I subtracted a hilarious spell from bedbugs in the folklorist’s memoirs, it begins with the words “Father Klopik” He constantly, sitting on the couch, sways or just jumps.

Focus for kids. Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Parenting, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with carers, illness and physical Focus for babies. Today at the matinee, Santa Claus showed a cool trick.

Magic tricks. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Parenting, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with. Tell me, please, can anyone come across either the Internet or books on the topic with simple adult tricks to entertain children?

Magic tricks. Hobbies, hobbies, leisure. A child from 7 to 10. Who knows any simple tricks that a child of 6-7 years old can show? I remember from childhood :-) Hmayak Hakobyan showed in some children's program (how long ago it was!).

9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home. On March 8, the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Pharmaceutical Garden" will hold a win-win and free Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. The site runs thematic conferences, blogs, and maintains ratings of kindergartens and schools ...

9 tricks for the holiday on March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home. The trick itself: the magician shows viewers an empty shawl on both sides. Take 5-6 cards of different colors, blindfold the young magician and turn his back to the audience. The presenter gives the audience ...

A very simple and well-known trick, but it pleases children incredibly. Carefully remove your hand from the sheet of paper. Water will not pour out of a glass, a sheet of paper as if sticking! This is also a reminder of children's fun. For children who already own their body well enough.

physical tricks -2 .. Child from 3 to 7. Parenting, nutrition, daily routine, visiting children's tricks. were in the circus. first time hit the program with a magician. beautifully. pigeons magic tricks. Please tell me where you can see a description of simple tricks ...

Educator: Podlesnova E.S.
  Date: May 2016
  2015-2016 academic year
  Art. Caucasian

Goal:The development of curiosity and cognitive activity of preschoolers .

  1. Acquaintance with physical phenomena and concepts (inertia, gravity, heat transfer, etc.).
  2. Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere in a team of children.


Sounds music V. Shainskogo "Terribly interesting all that is unknown" Children sit in place.

Greetings to all today.

We are glad to meet you

And it’s no coincidence that this room

We all gathered together

Today the tricks are for you

(Music sounds, magician enters.)

Magician:  - Hello dear viewers!

Funny tricks to see if you want to?

Then don't yawn don't talk

And watch me!

1 Focus: « Magic rice

Now let’s show the audience magic rice. Your magician fills dry plastic rice with a margarine jar to the brim. Then he covers it with exactly the same jar with the bottom up, turns the jars on its side, pressing it tightly against each other, and wears them in all four corners of the room, saying that, by magic, rice is transferred to the north, south, west and east. Our rice has traveled the world.

Perhaps he did not become twice as tasty, but it became twice as much. We put the jars on the tray, remove the top ... The container is full of rice, but the extra one came from somewhere! He scattered all over the tray, it became twice as many! But before rice was easily placed in a jar, everyone saw it. For this trick, we need to conjure in advance over plastic jars.

2 Focus:- Three spoons, just brought from the refrigerator, are laid out on a table in a row.

Magician:“I can guess which of these spoons was just taken.” (The magician asks to blindfold him and turns his back to the table). - Take someone one of the spoons, attach to your forehead and count to forty. And then put the spoon in place. When you finish counting, tell me.

The magician turns and, without taking my eyes off the blindfold, says: "Now I will find out which spoon has absorbed the thoughts of the one who considered it." Touching the spoons in turn, he says:

Come on tighten up spoons

Help me a little bit!

Yeah, there she is!

The magician raises the warmest spoon. Did I guess the right spoon? How did I guess? (the spoon that was kept near the forehead warmed up a little from our body and therefore warmer than others).

3 Focus: "Magic candle

Magician: -See what's in my hand? (candle). Right. Now, before your eyes, I will turn it into a magic one and it will attract objects to me. (the magician casts spells and imperceptibly lays a magnet and attracts metal objects to them).

4 focus:  "Disappeared water

The magician takes a large format magazine from the table, opens it, turns the pages ... Then he raises a glass filled with water and pours water from it between the pages of the magazine. The audience is surprised - the water does not pour on the floor, but remains in the magazine, as if in a vessel. But the magician turns the magazine - there is no water! Where did she go?

5 Focus: “Stubborn objects” (with a glass, a coin).

Magician: Becoming a true magician is not easy, you have to train a lot. I managed to develop incredible sleight of hand. I can take a sheet of paper without raising the glass. (The magician puts the glass of water on a sheet of paper lying on the table, then quickly pulls the sheet out from under the glass.) - Why did the glass stay in the same place? (if the children answered that the glass is heavy, then show the trick with a coin). “Why didn't the coin fall?” What stubborn things. What is this stubbornness called?

Stubborn things in the world live,

By inertia this stubbornness is called.

Magician:  Do you like my magic tricks? Now you can show them to your friends, dads, mothers, brothers, sisters.

Merry holiday was a success!

I think everyone liked him!

We have one who will 100% win the hearts of a young audience - this is a positive and mysterious magician Christian! The art of illusion has always been very exciting for the imagination of the audience who, with bated breath, observe each movement of the hands of the master of magical magic.

The program is full of unique actions with the appearance of living birds, a white rabbit, game cards and coins literally from the air. Our magician Christian for a children's holiday will present an extraordinary sleight of hand, thereby making an unforgettable celebration for young creatures. This kind of mobile presentation can be held anywhere: at home in an apartment, in a kindergarten, in a school hall, in a cafeteria, in a restaurant and even on an outdoor street.

One wave of a handkerchief - and how a miracle happened when the wind blew!

Any corporate event contains small pauses in the process of submitting the main program. Agency "site" offers to fill a half-hour gap with a number that will surprise all guests and will best decorate your celebration. Our magician Christian for his birthday comes with a large supply of healthy humor, so there will be more than comedy fun.

How can a dove fly out of a picture or scarf? How did a bottle of lemonade come from a scarf? Where do small objects quietly disappear, and then how do they arise from unexpected places? A storm of applause accompanies every demonstrated trick, the explanation of which even adults cannot find in the hall. The unrestrained praise of our customers about a quality show already says a lot!

Order magician Christian and enjoy an unusual performance by an artist of the original genre

The illusion program, which lasts according to the rules of 35 minutes, will keep the attention of even the most restless kids. Spectacular show is accompanied by bewitching music, which further enhances the impression of what he saw. The magician skillfully manipulates cards, coins and small items, while at the same time communicating with a young audience.

In the final of the magical story, to the joy of the children, a fluffy rabbit appears from a balloon, which you can stroke and hold in your hands. Magician Christian on his children's birthday will introduce the birthday man and his guests to the complex world of manual manipulation, as well as reveal some secrets of his special props with a secret.

Professional magician Christian in kindergarten - a surprise that kids will be very happy!

Watching tricks is not only an interesting pastime with wide smiles on their faces, but also the development of a young child's concentration and patience. Our talented stuntman is able to pleasantly amaze everyone gathered at the celebration, including teachers, mothers and fathers.

When the magician Christian will do tricks in the kindergarten, timid and shy peanuts will become direct assistants to the great sorcerer, which will liberate them. Little helpers could not even dream of such happiness! At the end of the event, the guys will try to repeat the memorable tricks, wanting to come closer to solving the mysterious tricks.

Magician Christian in elementary school: a bright exit, surprised eyes and real miracles

Graduation party in this special style will appeal to students and their families. A set of unique tricks with the use of magic props and magic words in the manner of “crack-pex-fex” will lead the audience in genuine delight. Entertaining children, the charming host will create a fairy tale atmosphere in the hall and find ways to surprise everyone.

After meeting with magician Christian in elementary school, all the lines will turn into magic wands, and pigeons and rabbits will “shake out” of workbooks. But even if something doesn’t work out for some reason, young magicians should not be upset, because magic needs to train for a long time and rehearse many times.

Magician Christian for New Year will bring gifts for everyone

When there is reason to get together as a friendly company, it is a great idea to invite an unusual guest's Christmas tree to the children under the shining lights. The cost of the services of a skilled magician Christian for the New Year is not something outrageous, so parents do not need to focus on the price. Our master will cause exorbitant excitement among the pranksters gathered at the event.

Perhaps this colorful character will slightly open the curtain of his brief but substantial and stably shocking number. In this case, there will be no yawning and bored faces in the hall, and even more so even for the sophisticated viewer there will be something to see and why to be surprised. Seeing with your own eyes something that at first glance does not lend itself to sound logic is really cool!

The cost of the program "Magician Christian": 16 000 rubles.


This program is designed for children. All children love funny and unusual things, especially if it is connected with magic and magic. The program demonstrates various numbers with ropes, drinks, guessing thoughts, etc. All things in the hands of a magician acquire magical properties, which will certainly surprise children and their parents. Children take a direct part in the program - they help to work miracles and act as assistants. All children dream of getting into the world of magic and fairy tales, so the performance of a magician at a children's holiday is a wonderful surprise that will add bright emotions, surprise and children will definitely like it. Children's program is perfect for children from 5 years.

What holiday can I invite a magician to

Children are so grateful audience, loving and believing in a fairy tale, magic and miracles, that holiday magician  can be invited to anyone where there is an audience of the appropriate age. Your child’s birthday or victory in a creative contest, the end of the school year or success in sports, a classmate party or New Year’s celebrations - magician Sergey Zmeev  prepare an exciting program for any holiday. Even if it is a family celebration, to which adults and children will be invited, then illusionist  will always be welcome. He will captivate the kids, which will allow the older generation to do their own business.

A variety of programs for children's parties

When comes holiday magician  to children, he always agrees in advance the program of his performances with his parents. Especially when it comes to very young viewers. In a speech illusionist  Demonstrates fascinating, interesting tricks in which there is nothing scary or annoying. All rooms are served with humor, thanks to which the performance not only fascinates children, but also cheers you up.

In hand Sergey Zmeev  simple things from the daily life of the child become fabulous, fantastic, which intrigues not only the children, but also the adults present. The duration of the performance is selected so that the children are not tired, do not begin to demand another change of entertainment, distracting everyone from the children's program. As a result, everyone will be happy, and everyone present at the performance will remain in a good mood until the end of the children's holiday.