English project on UK Holidays and Traditions. English Holidays UK Holidays Project in English

Topic: Family Holidays

Theme: Family Holidays

What can be more pleasant than and recollecting some past events from your lives or telling exciting stories? It is so wonderful when all the family members come from different parts of the city or even world to spend time with their relatives. Usually it happens on holidays, as they can be days off and it is a tradition for some holidays to gather together. Such holidays are called family ones and usually they are similar in different countries, though there can be some exceptions. As for me, I think that family holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter and Birthdays. In spite of a different origin they are celebrated in the family circle, but of course, some close friends can be also invited.

What could be nicer than sitting in the family circle and eating delicious dishes, recalling some past events from your life or telling fascinating stories? This is so wonderful when all family members come from different parts of the city or even the world to spend time with their relatives. This usually happens on holidays, as they can be days off and for some holidays it is a tradition to get together. Such holidays are called family holidays, and, as a rule, they are similar in different countries, although there may be some exceptions. As for me, I think that family holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter and birthdays. Despite their diverse backgrounds, they are celebrated in the family circle, but of course, some close friends can also be invited.

Christmas is the first and the most widely known family holiday all over the world. different dates for its celebration because of some religious views, it does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes. They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. It is also a great tradition to give presents for this holiday, as children adore finding them in red stockings over the fireplace or under the fir-tree. Different countries serve different food for this holiday. The Americans cook turkey with vegetables, the Germans bake sweet Christmas biscuits, while the Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to cooking twelve dishes, the main one is kutya, sit at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulate others singing carols. It is one of the most important days of the year, so everyone is always looking forward to it.

Christmas is the first and most widely known family holiday in the world. Although there are various dates for its celebration, due to some religious beliefs, this does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes the birth of Christ. They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. Also, a wonderful tradition is the ability to give gifts for this holiday, as children love to find them in red stockings above the fireplace or under the Christmas tree. Different countries serve different dishes for this holiday. Americans cook turkey with vegetables, Germans bake sweet Christmas cookies, while Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to cooking twelve dishes, the main of which is kutya, sits at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulate others with carols. This is one of the most important days of the year, so everyone is always looking forward to it.

Another popular family holiday is New Year. It is celebrated on December, 31, when people welcome the coming of the next year. Usually many preparations take place before the holiday. People stand in long queues in order to buy products for their New Year tables and spend long hours in front of the cooker or oven some exotic dishes. Our New Year holiday is associated with champagne, fireworks and one famous salad called Olivier, sometimes accompanied by TV programs. When the clock strikes twelve, people cheer and make wishes. They are happy to forget past offences and misunderstandings and start the new one with everything good.

Another popular family holiday is the New Year. It is celebrated on December 31 when people welcome the coming of next year. As a rule, many preparations take place before the holiday. People stand in long lines to buy food for their New Year's tables and spend long hours in front of a stove or oven to cook exotic dishes. Our New Year holiday is associated with champagne, fireworks and one famous salad called Olivier, sometimes accompanied by a TV program. When the clock strikes twelve, people rejoice and make wishes. They are happy to forget past grievances and misunderstandings in the previous year and start a new one with all the best.

Easter is a Christian holiday, when people celebrate. It is always a day off, so taking place in spring all the family members try to spend it in nature. Forty days before the holiday people have to follow lent. So it is not surprising for Easter so much. This holiday also has some preparations to be made. All the hostesses bake Easter bread and paint eggs in different colors. In the evening or in the morning of the next day they go to the church. Then the family tries to spend together all the day celebrating and treating others with their pastry. In Germany there is one more tradition for children. They have an Easter rabbit, which hides eggs from children and they look for them everywhere. Easter is a perfect holiday for a family as it has some unique atmosphere and special family traditions.

Easter is a Christian holiday when people celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It is always a day off, and taking place in the spring, all family members try to spend it outdoors. Forty days before the holiday, people must fast. Therefore, it is not surprising why they are so eagerly awaiting Easter. This holiday also has some preparatory work. All housewives bake Easter cake and paint eggs in different colors. In the evening or in the morning the next day they go to church. Then the family tries to spend together all day celebrating and treating others with its pastries. In Germany, there is another tradition for children. They have an Easter bunny that hides eggs from children and they look for them everywhere. Easter is a wonderful holiday for the family, as it has a certain unique atmosphere and special family traditions.

One more holiday to invite your near and dear relatives is your birthday. Thoughts with time fewer adult people celebrate it with the members of the family, state that birthdays of kids and elderly people are always visited by them. Who can make a kid happier than beloved grannies,, aunts, and cousins? They bring huge presents, hug, kiss and play with him or her. The same situation is with elderly people. They do not need posh restaurants, cafes or expensive presents: is the presence of children, grandchildren and other close people. So birthday is a holiday that deserves a title of a family one. No matter how old you are, you will be disappointed if someone from your family forgets about your holiday, and you would be very thankful to those your relatives, who found a minute and a penny to congratulate you.

Another holiday for inviting your near and dear ones is your birthday. Although over time, fewer adults celebrate it with family members, but I must say that the birthdays of children and elderly people are always attended by them. Who can make a baby happier than beloved grandmothers, uncles, aunts, cousins \u200b\u200band brothers? They bring huge gifts, hug, kiss and play with him or her. The same situation is with older people. They do not need chic restaurants, cafes or expensive gifts: their only desire is the presence of children, grandchildren and other close people. So Birthday is a holiday that deserves the name of a family. No matter how old you are, you will be disappointed if someone from the family forgets about your holiday, and you would be very grateful to those your loved ones who took a moment and a penny to congratulate you.

Family holidays are not only an opportunity to celebrate a particular date, but also a possibility to unite all the family members. The more they meet and communicate the closer and more important they become to each other. Do not look for a special day to visit your relatives, as you have a chance.

Family holidays are not only an occasion to mark a specific date, but also an opportunity to unite all family members. The more they communicate, the closer and more important they become to each other. No need to look for a special day to visit your relatives, as you have a chance to turn every day into a family holiday.

Despite the prevailing image of prim ladies and gentlemen in the world, the British also love to relax and celebrate their national holidays. Acquaintance with the culture and history of the country of Elizabeth II, as well as understanding the mentality of the royal nation is impossible without British celebrations. Let's look at the main ones. We are ready. Are you?

Initially, you should separate the official weekends of Great Britain and holidays. Not every festival will be a day off, and not every weekend will be a holiday. In other matters, in Russia there are also a number of celebrations that we celebrate with pleasure, although the state does not allow us to rest from work.

Public holidays in Britain are called Bank holidays, because neither banks, nor other official bodies work these days:

Northern Ireland has two additional weekends per year: St. Patrick’s day   (March 17) - St. Patrick's Day and " Battle of the boyne» Celebration (July 12) - Anniversary of the landmark Battle of the Slaughter. The Scots rest for 2 days in honor of the New Year (January 1-2) and have an additional day off in honor of St. Andrew's Day ( St. Andrew’s Day) November 30, which is their patron saint.

No less significant are other holidays in the UK, which, however, require a presence at the workplace:

The 25th of January Burns night
Burns night
The 14th of February Valentine's Day
St. Valentine’s Day
Whole state
March 1 St. David's Day
St. David’s Day
4th sunday
Mothers Day
Mother’s Day / Mothering Sunday
Whole state
April 1st Fool's Day
Fool’s Day / April Fools Day
Whole state
April 1st Fool's Day
Fool’s Day / April Fools Day
Whole state
April 23 St. George's Day
St. George’s Day
The 1 of May Beltan
Beltane / beltain
Scotland, Ireland
1st, 2nd or 3rd
saturday june
Queen's Birthday
Queen "s Official Birthday
Whole state
3rd Sunday of June Father's day
Father’s Day
Whole state
August 1-8 Isistvod
August 1-25 Fringe Festival Edinburgh
Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Whole state
Last weekend of August Notting Hill Carnival
Notting hill carnival
Whole state
October 31 Halloween
Whole state
November 5 Bonfire night
Bonfire’s night
Whole state
11th of November Day of Remembrance
Memorial day
Whole state
November 30th St. Andrew's Day
St. Andrew’s Day
December 25th Christmas
Christmas or xmas
Whole state
December 26th Boxing Day
Boxing day
Whole state

More about Holidays in England

Holidays such as Christmas, April Fools' Day or Halloween in the UK have spread in the CIS countries. But let's take a closer look at those English holidays that have no analogues in the territory of the post-Soviet space.

  • Burns night   - Anniversary of the Scottish poet Robert Burns. Scottish culture on this day flourishes in all colors: men put on traditional checkered kilts, bagpipes are heard, and at the festive table you can try a national lamb offal dish with lard, onions and seasonings, cooked in a lamb stomach -   haggies.
  • Queen's Birthday   (monarch) - according to the documents, Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, but since the mid-18th century it is customary to celebrate the ruler’s nameday separately from this date of birth. Since the beginning of the 20th century, this day has been celebrated in June so that warm summer watches, which are rare for Misty Albion, are not wasted. Traditionally, such holidays in London are accompanied by a military parade, which the royal family must attend.

  • Beltain - a holiday of fire, light and the beginning of summer. Beltein's second name is Walpurgis Night. It is customary to light bonfires and jump over them, undergoing purification. Those who have livestock draw it between the bonfires and animals.
  • Aistetvod and Fringe   - The largest festivals of songs, dances and other arts in Europe. These days, representatives of the most diverse nationalities come to Edinburgh to perform at one of the many open-air scenes.
  • Bonfire Night   celebrated in honor of not the most rosy event in the history of Great Britain. In 1605, on the night of November 5th, Guy Fawkes (leader of the Gunpowder plot) tried to blow up the London House of Parliament in order to destroy King James I. Religion was the cause of the disagreement, since James I was a Protestant and members of the Gunpowder plot were Catholics who wanted to see authorities only Catholic monarch. Fortunately, the explosion of powder barrels in the basement was prevented, Guy Fox was captured and executed, and the people of Great Britain after this every November 5 arrange a large-scale launch of fireworks and burn a scarecrow, symbolizing Guy Fawkes.

  • IN Remembrance Day in the UK   honor the memory of soldiers who died in the First World War. The symbol of the holiday is the red poppy, which is threaded into the buttonhole of the jacket. Poppy petals bloom on the chest, symbolizing the wounds received in battle. John McCray, a Canadian doctor and poet, praised the beauty of this flower and its connection with hostilities in the poem "On the Fields of Flanders." On this day, it is customary to lay flowers at military monuments, and at 11 o’clock on November 11 in many countries of the Commonwealth it is customary to withstand a minute of silence.

Christmas   for the British is a more important holiday than the New Year. It is celebrated on November 25 according to the Catholic traditions associated with the difference between the Gregorian and church calendars. They carefully prepare for this day: decorate houses, decorate a Christmas tree, pick up gifts for relatives and friends. In churches, it is customary to conduct night services, as well as theatrical performances on religious topics.

St. Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is already firmly rooted in our community. Traditionally, on the Day of Love, February 14, it is customary to send cards in the form of hearts - valentines, as well as secretly confess their feelings. According to legend, sv. Valentine was an ordinary priest and field doctor who secretly married lovers in cruel war times. The fact is that the government believed that a single man would fight better on the battlefield, since his heart would not be pulled home to his family, beloved wife and children. Therefore, the military was forbidden to marry. And St. Valentine, sympathizing with the young people, tied them up by marriage, for which he was captured and imprisoned. There he met the guard's daughter and fell in love with her, but could not admit his feelings. When the time came for the execution, Valentine decided to confess and wrote a love letter to her lover, which she read after the execution on February 14, 269.

Halloween   originally celebrated not for the collection of sweets and scary costumes. Historically, the holiday is based on the Celtic rite Samhain and the Christian Day of All Saints. On October 31, according to popular belief, the line between our and other worlds becomes especially thin. This allows creatures from the afterlife to penetrate us and drag the living along with them. So that the spirits did not touch them, the Celts put on terrible masks and put out the light in the dwellings, which attracted ghosts. Today, costume parties are more entertaining in nature, and children "carol" in the neighbors, asking for sweets with the words "trick or treat" (adversity or sweets). If you do not treat the restless little ones with sweets, they may well be mischievous - throw toilet paper on the house, hide garden gnomes or stain the railing with molasses.


Some of the English holidays are very similar to ours. For example, New Year, Christmas or Easter. Others remotely resemble our celebrations, but at the same time are based on completely different historical events (compare the English Night of Bonfires and our Shrovetide). The British have their own traditions that have no analogues in our culture.

Study the rites and traditions of Great Britain with the help of our site, and even better go to England and see everything with your own eyes!

Happy upcoming holidays and celebrations!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Learn English and not know English holidays? it nonsense, besides, short-sighted: once in Britain in August, it would be a shame not to see the largest carnival in Europe, in November - Guy Fawkes Night's stunning fireworks, in June - the celebration of the Queen's official birthday.

And congratulating your British colleague on the holiday, you will not only please him (or her), but also strengthen your professional relations. But enough about business ("Work done, have your fun"): after all, today we are talking about how the British spend their free time from work, namely, about the holidays!

The English word holiday comes from the phrase “holy day”, “holy day”, which in the past was dedicated to worship. Nowadays, holidays are both religious and secular.

In addition, there are a number of strange holidays, weird holidays - one or more for each day of the year. For example, in the UK they hold the Straw Bear Festival and Scarecrow Festival, celebrate Kissing Friday and Blessing of the Throats Day, and hold Cheese Rolling Championships ) and the swim in the diving mask in the swamp (Bog Snorkelling Championships) -, and the like.

So, the holidays of the United Kingdom are numerous and varied. But unfortunately the British, there are not so many official holidays (official holidays) (calendar of holidays for 2015):

New Year's Day - New Year

Public Holiday


St Patrick's Day - St. Patrick's Day

Northern Ireland

Good Friday - Easter

Public Holiday


Easter Monday - Monday of the Easter week


Early May Bank Holiday - Bank holiday off early May

Public Holiday


Spring Bank Holiday - Spring Bank Holiday

Public Holiday


Battle of the Boyne (Orangemen "s Day) (Substitute Day) -
   Battle of the Boyne River (Protestant Day)

Northern Ireland




Summer Bank Holiday - Summer Bank Holiday

Public holiday (except Scotland)


St. Andrew "s Day - St. Andrew's Day


Christmas Day - Christmas

Public Holiday

Boxing Day - Boxing Day

Public Holiday


Boxing Day (Substitute Day) - Boxing Day
(the holiday falls on the weekend, so the holiday is postponed to Monday)

Public Holiday

As seen from the table, not all holidays in England, Ireland and Scotland coincide.But each of the members of the Commonwealth can boast a number of its own "holy days." In our article, we provide a list of the most basic and beloved holidays of the United Kingdom, from January to December.


1 - New Year’s Day

On the night of December 31 to January 1, residents of the United Kingdom celebrate the advent of the new year.   This holiday is traditionally celebrated in the circle of relatives and friends, meeting the first minutes of the new year with an old song to the words of the Scottish poet Robert Burns ‘Auld lang syne’. The party can go well past midnight, until the new year. It is customary to give yourself New Year’s resolutions (New Year’s resolutions), for example, to achieve a goal or quit a bad habit.

In Scotland, the celebration of the New Year is called Hogmanay (oghɔɡməˈneː).

January 25 - Burns ’Night

On Burns Night, many Scots have a special dinner in honor of Robert Burns, reading poetry of this poet.   Men can wear a kilt, bagpipes sound, and almost always there is a haggis (haggis, traditional Scottish mutton entrails pudding: heart, liver and lungs) with turnips (neeps - turnips) and potatoes (tatties - potatoes) on the table.

January 31 - Chinese New Year

Outside of Asia, the most magnificent New Year celebration is held in London.   In Chinatown (West End), there is a parade with music, performances by acrobats and dancers, as well as a culinary fair and fireworks. But this holiday is not limited to: celebrations are held throughout the country. Lush street processions are also held in other cities, including Manchester, Nottingham, Liverpool and Birmingham.


January 14 - Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air! Historical Valentine's Day in our time is a celebration of love.   Many residents of the United Kingdom have dinner at restaurants with their sweethearts, give them Valentine’s cards, chocolates, and sweets. If you are single, you can get an anonymous “Valentine” from a secret admirer!


Shrove Tuesday or "Pancake Day"

Lent is a traditional Christian abstinence period lasting 40 days.   Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday is the day before fasting, Ash Wednesday, when housewives prepare a hearty meal with lots of eggs, milk and sugar.

Nowadays, even non-religious people cook and eat pancakes on this day. Pancakes in England make thin (unlike American) and are most often served with lemon and sugar or with corn syrup (golden syrup).

Pancake races are also taking place in some UK townships, participants of which try to run a distance with a frying pan in their hands, tossing a pancake on the run. One of the most famous races is held in Olney, Buckinghamshire, where in the distant 1445, it is believed that the first “pancake race” took place.

Ash Wednesday - the exact date is set on the solar and lunar calendars

Christian holiday marking the beginning of Lent.

March 8 - International Women's’s Day

On International Women's Day, very popular in the UK and Europe, it is customary to honor all women   and sometimes give small women gifts (for example, flowers).

Mother’s Day / Mothering Sunday

Mother's Day in England is almost always celebrated in March, three weeks before Easter Sunday. On this day mothers are honored and thanked for all that they do for us.It is customary to give mothers cards, gifts, invite them to a restaurant or prepare a festive dinner for them.

March 17 - St Patrick’s Day - North. Ireland

St. Patrick's Day is a national holiday in Ireland,   revered by all Irish communities around the world. In the UK, this day is marked by celebrations in many cities, including Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester and London, as well as Belfast.

Crowds of people take to the streets, wearing green clothes or decorating themselves with the symbol of a three-leaf clover (shamrock), which, according to legend, brings good luck.


April 1 - April Fool’s Day

One day a year is possible - and even necessary! - "make jokes" and arrange pranks   (to play a prank / practical joke / trick on smb.).

Even in newspapers, on television and radio, comic news are often published and broadcast on April 1st. The rally is followed by an exclamation of “April fool!” (so called the one who "comes across"). At noon, however, the time for jokes ends.

Palm Sunday

Christian holiday marking the beginning of Holy Week.

Maundy Thursday

Thursday of Holy Week, the Christian holiday of the Last Supper.

Good Friday

Christian holiday commemoration of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Easter Sunday (Easter Sunday) - the exact date is set on the solar and lunar calendars

In the Christian calendar, Easter is the most important holiday of the year. It is established in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

People celebrate Easter in different ways, but many give each other chocolate eggs and bake Easter buns with a cross(hot cross buns).

April 23 - St. George’s Day

Legend has it that St. George was a Roman soldier who killed a dragon in order to save the princess. Now he is the patron saint of England, and April 23 is the national holiday of England. The cross of St. George can be seen on the flag of England (red cross on a white background).

Also on April 23, William Shakespeare was born.   And the best venue for this day is undoubtedly the hometown of the great writer, Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, where the festival dedicated to this day is held. In 2014, the celebration was especially magnificent, as they celebrated the 450th anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare.


May 1 - the first day of May (May Day)

May 1st welcome the arrival of summer.And although summer officially begins only in June, on the first day of May they celebrate the end of cold weather and hope for a mild summer. The tradition of the festival includes dancing around the Maypole.

May 5 and 26 - bank holidays

Two Mondays in May are considered holidays. The British can skip work or study and, with luck, spend this day outdoors, enjoying the first spring sun.


June 14th - The Queen’s Official Birthday

Despite the fact that the real birthday is celebrated on April 21, according to the tradition dating back to 1748, the birthdays of the king or queen are celebrated in June.

On this day in London, a traditional military parade called Trooping the Color ("Take out the Banner") is held, which the Queen herself takes, surrounded by her family members.

3rd Sunday of June - Father’s day

On this day, fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, father-in-law and father-in-law are honored.Many Britons give their older male relatives a postcard or gift, arrange a dinner together or go to a restaurant.


Uraza Bayram (Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Fitr)

Marking the end of the month of Ramadan fasting,   the Uraza Bayram festival is widely celebrated by the Muslim communities of Great Britain. As a rule, each community organizes its own celebrations, but cities such as London and Birmingham host larger celebrations.


Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Edinburgh Festival Fringe)

The world's largest art festival,   The Fringe has thousands of performances and productions at 250 theater venues. Any theater, comedy, musical or dance performance can take part in the festival, and many students of theatrical specialties come to Edinburgh at this time to stage their first own performances.

August 25 - Notting Hill Carnival

Held in West London on a bank weekend, this carnival is Europe's largest street festival.   About 1 million people come to admire the colorful carnival platforms, dancers in colorful spectacular costumes, hear the sounds of salsa and reggae and enjoy Caribbean cuisine from street stalls. Take a festive mood with you, grab a sufficient amount of cash and be patient - the carnival is quite crowded.


London Fashion Week

London Fashion Week(in 2014 it was held from September 12 to 16)   sets fashionable landmarks- along with similar weeks in Paris, Milan and New York. This event is intended for professionals in the fashion industry, but anyone can buy tickets to the Fashion Weekend, where they can imbue with the spirit of fashion shows. Two weeks of fashion are held annually in London, the first of which takes place in February.


October 23 - Diwali

Diwali (or Deepavali) is the Feast of Lights celebrated by Hindu, Sikh, and Jain religious communities.

In Leicester (the city where the largest Diwali celebration is held outside of India), London and Nottingham, bright street performances are served with traditional Indian dishes. Indian music sounds, traditional Indian dances are performed. And of course, the streets are lit with a variety of lamps, lanterns, candles and fireworks.

October 31 - Halloween

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The Russian people are rich in culture and ancient history. Holidays too much. Some of them are still relevant and celebrated.


Rooted in the depths of time. It is celebrated after Easter, the fiftieth day, no matter what day of the week. So note the time when the Holy spirit descended to the disciples, who became apostles. This event is described in the book of saints associated with the Trinity, in which God is perceived in three persons, three individuals associated with one: the Father as the origin, the Son is the logos, the Holy Spirit is the beginning, the source of life.

Holy week

These are the last days that precede Easter. Lasts 6 days, from Monday to Saturday in front of a festive Sunday. The main purpose of the holiday - the so-called preparation for Easter. Since ancient times, people cleaned the house, bathed, installed a swing in the yard, paint eggs, baked cakes. It was thought that such beautiful eggs - the magical talismans with their strength. If you singe it with fire, the smoke from such eggs are believed to possess healing properties which can cure from blindness, eases pain in the teeth.

Apple spas

It is easier is called the Transfiguration of the Lord Slavs and more famous now. Celebrate it on August 19. Until that time, it is impossible to eat apples, including dishes from this fruit, juices. But picking fruits in the garden, and the more the better, and then to sanctify them. Sunsets escorted with songs. Savior of the Apple feast is also called the first seninmi. From August 19, you can eat them, entertain all the friends and relatives, orphans, the poor. So to commemorate deceased ancestors. Treat yourself eat last. By evening, all the celebrants gather in a field to see the passing of the Sun and the summer with him.


This is a complex Slavic celebrations. Celebrate it every year from 6th to 19th January. At Christmas time there are a variety of magical rituals, connected with them the chain of events and will take prohibitions. At Christmas time people walk around the villages, were engaged in caroling, a variety of divinations, walked through the guests, doing the rites for a good future for himself and his family. It was believed that from Christmas to Epiphany to kill animals cannot, this unfortunately.

Christmas eve

Refers to the major feasts. also has a rich history and ancient roots. Remember the baptism of Christ in the river. On this day, priests perform the Great illumination of the water. People drink Holy water on an empty stomach. Drink teaspoons gradually. The Orthodox bring home and keep in the Red corner, which is available in every home of believers. Besides, you can take plain water, pour into a container and adding a little Epiphany, so to sanctify it.

Day of elijah

Now not so widespread, but also refers to the ancient traditional celebrations. It is celebrated on 2 August. In this day decided to cut the bull or RAM and cover a large table for group meals. The holiday has ancient pagan roots, were initially considered for the day of Perun, but then his figure was replaced by Elijah - a prophet who became a symbol of the holiday.

Slavic celebrations carry the roots of the history and customs of the people, they help to better understand their ancestors, because for them, every holiday was of great importance. Noting now, people are keeping the history and attached to it.

Translation into Russian:

The Russian people have a rich culture and ancient history. There are many holidays too. Some of them are still relevant and celebrated.


It goes back to the depths of time. It is celebrated after Easter, on the fiftieth day, no matter what day of the week. So mark the time when the Holy Spirit descended to the disciples who became apostles. This event is described in a book about saints, connected with the Trinity, in which God is perceived in three guises, in three separate persons connected with one: the Father as the beginning, the Son as the logo, the Holy Spirit the beginning, the source of life.

Holy Week

These are the last days before Easter. It lasts 6 days, from Monday to Saturday before the festive Sunday. The main purpose of the holiday is the so-called preparation for Easter. From ancient times, people cleaned houses, bathed, set swings in yards, decorated eggs, baked Easter cakes. It was believed that such beautiful eggs are magical talismans with their own strength. If you burn it with fire, the smoke from such an egg has healing properties that treat blindness and removes pain in the teeth.

Apple saved

It’s easier called the Transfiguration of the Lord by the Slavs and is better known now. Celebrate it on August 19. Until this time, you can’t eat apples, including dishes from this fruit, juices. But picking fruits in the garden is possible and the more the better, and then sanctify them. See the sunsets with songs. Apple Savior is also called the first ostenny. Since August 19, you can eat them, treat all friends and family, orphans, beggars. So remember the dead ancestors. The guests themselves are the last to eat. By evening, all celebrants gather in the field to see the departing Sun and summer with it.

Christmas time

This is a whole complex of Slavic celebrations. Celebrate it every year from January 6 to 19. A variety of magical rituals take place in the Christmas time, a chain of events and signs, prohibitions were associated with them. People went to Svyatky villages, engaged in caroling, various fortune-telling, went around guests, did rituals for a good future for themselves and their families. It was believed that from Christmas to Baptism it is impossible to kill animals, this is unfortunately.

Christmas Eve

Refers to the twelfth holidays. also has a rich history and ancient roots. I recall the baptism of Christ in the river. On this day, priests perform the Great Illumination of Water. People drink baptismal water on an empty stomach. Drink a little teaspoons. The Orthodox bring home and store in the Red Corner, which is in every house of believers. In addition, you can take ordinary water, pour it into a container and add a little Epiphany, thus sanctify it.

Ilyin day

Now it is not so common, but also refers to the ancient traditional celebrations. It is celebrated on August 2. On this day, it is customary to cut a bull or a ram and set a large table for collective meals. The holiday has ancient pagan roots, was originally considered a day for Perun, but then its figure was replaced by Elijah - the prophet who became the symbol of the holiday.

Slavic holidays bear the roots of the history and customs of the people, they help to better understand their ancestors, because for them every holiday was of great importance. Celebrating now, people keep the story and join it.

Russians like to relax. Each holiday is accompanied by fun festivities. To share the joy, to combine rest, friends and relatives come, the table is bursting with goodies. Foreigners have always been surprised and attracted by Russian traditions. When talking with residents of the UK or America, you better be on top and present your country in a better light. How?

Russian holidays in English must be outlined with a bright and beautiful frame that will intrigue the listener and make him draw attention. If you are talking about an event, then do not go into details, go through the surface superficially, listing Russian traditions in English. However, if the situation requires it, it is possible to reveal all the secrets of historical or modern customs.

If you consider the grammatical side, then be simpler. Talking about Russian holidays in English, do not use long and complex designs. Make your speech as comprehensible as possible. Well, the main recommendations are given. It's time to go directly to the text.

Having a holiday is always great fun in many ways. First of all it is because of people have a day off, secondly it is the way of relaxion from everyday’s routine. In every country you can find public and religious holidays. What is about Russia?

The new year   is one of the public holidays. It is the favorite day for many people. Many preparations   are made before it. You should buy a Christmas tree, decorate it. Mothers and wives are busy with cooking. There is much delicious food on the Russian table. People dress beautiful clothes. They greet the new year   with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o’clock. And the next day everyone looks for a present under the Chrismas tree which has been left by   Father Frost.   What is more exciting is New Year holidays. They last from the 1st of January to the 5th.

Unlike Catholic Christmas,   OrthodoxChristmas   comes a week after the new year. Different festivals of all kind take place in the streets. This holiday is surprising time. Heart is filled with miracle expectation ... And this miracle occurs! " The Christ is born, glorify!   "- Rushes over the Universe, -" the Christ from heavens, meet!   ". Christmas can be called a family holiday. Everyone tries to spend it with relatives.

One of the most admirable holidays is Maslenitsa . People see off winter,   and open themself for spring. It is celebrated   during the last week before the lent. During this time people visit their friends, bake pancakes.   If we look back to the history we will find that each day has its own tradition. On Monday people meet the pancake week. On Tuesday there is folk tunes. On Wednesday the mother-in-law invite to pancakes her sons-in-law with wives. On Thursday people usually   sledge. On Friday sons-in-law call the mother-in-law on entertainment. Saturday is usually taken as meetings with sisters-in-law. Sunday is called "Day of pardon". This day everyone try to see friends, relatives and acquaintances, exchanged kisses,   bows and are sorry if they have offended acts or words.

One of the most popular holiday in Russia is the 8th of March.   This day men and sons bring flowers and presents for their wives, women, mothers, grandmothers. Women wait from men for signs of attention, colors and gifts. Almost everybody has day off.

The most important orthodox holiday is Christ’s Revival   which is also called Easter.   This day is familiar to everyone since childhood. Brightly painted eggs, tasty smelling Easter cakes full the atmosphere of this day. People prepare for celebrating this day beforehand. On Saturday believers bake Easter cakes, bear them in church with painted eggs for consecration. It is the symbolical value.   The people go from Saturday to Sunday’s night in a temple on Easter divine service. After this people say "Christ Voskresi! ". and answer: “Truly Voskresi!

Victory day   is celebrated on May 9. This day the millions fallen in World War II are commemorated. Flowers are laid on wartime graves, veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals. Independence day   Russia celebrates on the 12th of June.

So, there are many others holidays in Russia with many traditions and customs which are also very interesting.

  1. preparations - preparations
  2. greet the new year - welcome the new year
  3. Father Frost - Santa Claus
  4. Orthodox - orthodox
  5. The Christ is born, glorify!   - Praise! Christ was born!
  6. the Christ from heavens, meet! - The Son of God descended from heaven! Meet me!
  7. see off winter - see off
  8. the Lent - great post
  9. bake pancakes - pancake oven
  10.   sledge - sledding
  11. day of pardon - “Forgiveness Sunday” - the day of forgiveness
  12. exchanged kisses - exchange kisses
  13. are sorry each other if have offended acts or words - apologize for all words and deeds
  14. Christ’s Revival - Resurrection of Christ
  15. symbolical value - symbolic value

As you can see, Russian holidays in English are quite easy to understand and remember. You must admit that it’s much easier to talk about the fact that you know what is close to you, is well known. You do not have to memorize a huge number of dates and names. One has only to learn a few expressions. If you want to get acquainted with the English "red dates" of the calendar, then check out our article "English Holidays". There you will find not only a listing of the main significant events, but also the topic itself.