1 acquaintance with the preschool institution its structure. Report on teaching practice diary of teaching practice. Organizational moment “Give a smile”


About the work done

Student (s) gr. No. _ 602 specialty 050704 DO

Pozdorovkina N.V.

(Full Name)

about teaching practice in preschool educational institution №_ GBOU SOSH №1285 division kindergarten____________

since _ 18.03.13 ___________ by __ 14.04.13 __________________

Moscow 2013

1. Pedagogical essay

2. The concept of educational work

3. Introspection of pedagogical activity

4. Methodological materials

5. Reviewer

6. Self-esteem sheet

7. The diary of teaching practice

7.1. Introducing DOW

7.2. Acquaintance with a group of preschool children

7.3. The study of the specifics of the teacher's work

7.4. Studying the long-term and calendar work plans of the group

7.5. Establishment of a favorable atmosphere in the group

7.6. Analysis of regime processes

7.7. Analysis of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills

7.8. The use of an artistic word in guiding regimes

7.9. Observation and analysis of the organization of sports activities of the group

7.10. Observation and analysis of classes with preschoolers

7.11. Observation and analysis of the management of didactic games

7.12. Supervision and analysis of a walk guide

7.13. Interaction with parents

The diary of teaching practice

Place of practice: GBOU secondary school No. 1285, unit d / s

Address: Moscow,


Head of Unit:


Group educators

The group in which the practice is conducted: 1 junior group No. 1 "Cornflower".

Age of children from 2 to 3 years.

The kindergarten operates under the Program From Birth to School, edited by N.E. Veraksy, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova, one of the main tasks of which is to contribute to the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities in the activities that are closest and most natural for a child - a preschooler: playing, communicating with adults and peers, work. In these types of activities, according to the authors of the program, the formation of such neoplasms as arbitrary behavior, the ability to logical thinking, self-control, creative imagination takes place, which forms the most important basis for the beginning of systematic training.

Estimated daily routine

  Mode process   Time
  Reception of children 7.00-8.10
  Preparing for breakfast, breakfast 8.10-8.30
  Independent activity 8.50-9.20
  Subgroup Activities 8.50-9.20
  Preparing for a walk 9.30-10.00
  stroll 10.00-11.30
  Return from a walk, independent activity, preparation for dinner 11.30-11.45
  Dinner 11.45-12.20
  Preparing for sleep, sleep 12.20-15.00
  Gradual rise, independent activity 15.00-15.15
  High tea 15.15-15.25
  Independent activity 15.25-16.15
  Organized educational activities (by subgroups) 15.45-16.15
  Preparing for a walk 16.15-16.30
  stroll 16.30-17.30
  Return from a walk, independent activity 17.30-18.30
  Reading fiction 18.30-18.40
  Independent activity, home care 18.40-19.00


Junior group number 1 (2-3 years)

for the 2012-2013 academic year

  Surname, name of children   Date of birth

Introducing DOW

I, Pozdorovkina Natalya Vyacheslavovna, passed the practice on the basis of GBOU secondary school No. 1285 of the Moscow kindergarten unit from 03/18/13 to 04/14/13. The head of the institution is ....... ...

The kindergarten has 10 groups attended by children from 2 to 7 years old. There are conditions for the provision of additional educational services - fine arts studio, checkers club, pool. The kindergarten is a subdivision of the secondary school and closely cooperates with the school, implementing the principle of continuity in organizing holidays and other joint events.

Group rooms, large windows, bright rooms with high ceilings are conveniently located in the premises of the kindergarten, the groups are equipped with soft and cabinet children's furniture, their design corresponds to the age of the children in this group.

The teaching room is equipped with convenient cabinets, there are handouts in the boxes, paintings, literature (books, magazines, periodicals) and other manuals.

The gymnasium is equipped with Swedish walls, a rope, hangings, rings, trampolines, exercise machines, benches, a hoop stand of different sizes, equipment is enough for classes with all the children of the group at the same time, balls of different sizes, skittles, sticks, bags, cubes are available in sufficient quantity for all children.

The music room is spacious and bright. It has a screen in which there are dolls, costumes and other devices for theatrical performances and celebrations, a Pionino, a tape recorder that reproduces discs and cassettes. On the floor, carpets, walls are decorated in accordance with the season and the theme of the holidays. The subject-developing environment in the DOE is built in accordance with the principles of constructing the subject-developing environment.

Acquaintance with a group of preschool children

The number of children in group No. 1 “Cornflower” is 19. The educational work is carried out on the basis of the “From Birth to School” Program edited by N.E. Veraksy, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova.

In the group there is a boy with difficult behavior, some deviations in mental development, which significantly complicates the work in the group as a whole, especially when studying in the classroom. The group has a tradition of celebrating birthdays, making gifts with their own hands. The style of the teacher’s relationship with children can be described as authoritarian-democratic, closely interacts with parents, and attracts kindergarten groups to life. The development of children is in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of early preschool age.

Task 1. Acquaintance with a preschool institution - the basis of methodological practice. Methodical practice was held from 02.11.09 to 11.28.09. The basis of methodological practice is the kindergarten "Lenok" preschool institution, the education department of the Lelchitsky District Executive Committee Address: ul. Bedinoi 28, Gomel region Lelchitsky district Type of preschool institution: garden. Duration of work: 10.30 (from 7.30 to 18.00) Nursery passport - kindergarten No. 6: date of birth: 2000, design capacity: 120 seats; number of children: 115; number of groups: 6; 2 of them are senior, 1 integrated, 1 different age, 1 junior "Pochemuchki", 1 senior "Pochemuchki" The kindergarten is located in a 2-storey building, where there are 6 group rooms, a music and sports hall, a kitchen, an office of the head, deputy head of core business, medical office, office of the deputy head of economic activity, laundry.

The music room is combined with physical education, but at the same time, equipment and manuals for carrying out activities are quite rationally placed in it.

So, the musical part of the hall has cabinets and children's racks for placing children's musical instruments, additional aids and visual material. There is a musical director’s corner where methodological materials are collected. Accessories for organizing theatrical activities, celebrations and entertainment: costumes, attributes for decorating the hall are placed in the utility room and are used as needed.

The gymnastic part of the hall has all the necessary materials: stationary and portable equipment. The equipment is located along the walls on special shelves, which facilitates access to children during classes. The special and handout is aesthetically pleasing and safe to use. For the organization of musical accompaniment of physical education and music events and classes in the hall there is a piano, TV. Classes, holidays and entertainment in the hall are held according to the schedule and in accordance with the plan.

The teaching room is equipped with everything necessary for the implementation of pedagogical activities. There is a computer. On the shelves there are folders for all areas of activity of the preschool institution: regulatory documents, special methodological literature, manuals. In the corridors and vestibules of the preschool institution, there are stands with visual information on various areas of the kindergarten: trade union corner, methodological information, health screen, successes and achievements of the kindergarten, information for parents and others.

The walls are decorated with original panels made by the hands of teachers and parents. On the second floor there is a medical unit, which includes: an office of a senior nurse, a treatment room and an isolation ward. Equipped with medical equipment and drugs. The area around the kindergarten landscaped has an aesthetic appearance. A children's sports stadium is equipped with a circular treadmill, a balance beam for exercise in equilibrium, equipment for organizing basketball and volleyball games, a soccer field, throwing shields, stationary equipment for climbing, pull-ups, etc. There are children's games around the perimeter of the kindergarten platforms on which stationary gaming equipment is located: swings, arbors, sandboxes, various rocking chairs, flower beds.

Each playground has a veranda that is tastefully decorated: flower pots hang, a decorative fence, benches for relaxing, tables for games are mounted. The central walls of the verandas are painted with bright and colorful scenes from favorite fairy tales. There is a garden in the area around the kindergarten.

Around the kindergarten, asphalt paths, flowerbeds are decorated with decorative wicker, wicker balls, butterflies, baskets, flowers are planted in pots. There are many trees and shrubs on the territory of the preschool institution. In general, the kindergarten has an aesthetic and well-groomed appearance, decorative design gives individuality.

The main directions of the institution. 1. Create optimal health-preserving and health-strengthening  conditions for the full development of children, taking into account the physical and mental capabilities of each child. 2. To purposefully carry out work on the formation of environmental education of preschool children, the development of skills in environmentally friendly behavior in nature; -the ability to observe objects of animate and inanimate nature -implicate to protect the beautiful and increase it. Basic information about the leaders and the teaching staff: No. Surname, name, patronymic Position Education Ped. experience 1. Kovalevich Maria Ivanovna Head of Higher2. Savitskaya Lyubov Yakovlevna Deputy. Head of secondary specialized 3. Patreeva Irina Aleksandrovna musical director secondary special4. Brilevich Natalya Pavlovna Rukov. by physical higher education 21 5. Shved Svetlana Adamovna educator secondary special 6. Markevich Tatyana Nikolaevna educator higher7. Kolyadich Tamara Adamovna Higher educator8. Karpovets Natalya Avramovna educator higher9. Koval Nina Petrovna educator secondary special10. Danileiko  Lyudmila Vladimirovna educator secondary special 11. Brilevich Tamara Ivanovna, higher educator12. Burim Galina Ivanovna secondary educator13. Koval Natalya Vasilievna educator secondary special14. Patreeva Raisa Vasilievna educator higher15. Swede Tatyana Vladimirovna teacher-defectologist secondary special 2 16. Brilevich Natalya Pavlovna psychologist higher 21 17. Lozko LV senior nurse special secondary 13 18. Mikhalkova N.A. special secondary nurse 10 Task 2. Acquaintance with the functional duties of the head, deputy head of the main activity. No. Management staff of the Department of Responsibilities List of duties Analysis of the forms of information exchange on the status of educational work Conclusions 1. The head of the Department of Education - develops and makes decisions on ensuring the system of educational and administrative work of the University; - defines the goals and objectives of the development of remote control, plans its work in order to implement measures to implement the tasks facing the team; - carries out activities to implement the plan of remote control and other management decisions; - carries out accounting and monitoring of the implementation of decisions of the pedagogical council and the economic activities of the University - Regulates the constant maintenance of the necessary level of organization in the remote control. Carries out the general management of all directions of activity and functioning of a preschool institution.

Engaged in resolving financial and economic issues. Supervises the performance of official duties by all participants in the educational process.

Works with a wide circle of the public.

Management is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and legal documents. 2. Deputy. for OD - leads the organization of educational and methodical work in the Department of Education. Organizes current and future planning of this work; - coordinates the teaching and educational work of teachers to implement curricula, programs and ensures their full and high-quality implementation; - organizes educational work for parents on the issues of education and upbringing of pupils; - organizes work on the study of software. He is engaged in the management of the educational process.

Supervises the activities of teaching staff.

Carries out the formation of the methodological base of a preschool institution. Works with the public.

Methodically competently carries out its activities.

Owns the content of regulatory documents. Work is carried out in accordance with them. Task 3. Studying the organization of work of the managerial staff. The specifics and features of the activities of the managerial staff of a preschool institution in modern conditions, require not only knowledge of regulatory, legal and other local documents, but also the ability to organize the successful work of the teaching staff and the parent community in raising and educating children.

Without this, it is impossible to fulfill the tasks that are set for the system of preschool education of the Republic of Belarus in general and in a preschool institution in particular.

Effective and productive work of the entire pedagogical staff of the DU depends on the coordinated actions of the head and deputy head of OD. Their managerial functions are determined in accordance with the requirements of the job descriptions which clearly indicate and determine the functional and job responsibilities. One of the main functions of the preschool institution is the organization of the educational process. Thus, the functional responsibilities of the head of the preschool institution include the development and adoption of decisions to ensure the system of educational and administrative work of the preschool institution.

It is the head who ultimately determines the goals and objectives of the development of the preschool education, plans its work to implement measures to implement the tasks facing the team. The functional duties of the head of the preschool institution include accounting and monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the pedagogical council and the economic activities of the preschool education, and regulates the constant maintenance of the necessary level of organization of activity The head of the remote control develops, in accordance with the goals of the remote control, on the basis of the development program, the specific job responsibilities of the remote control employees, as well as the staff list.

Selects and hires employees. Encourages and stimulates the creative initiative of employees, maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. It pays paramount attention to the creation of a positive image, the image of children in their area.

It provides accounting, safety and replenishment of the educational and material base, compliance with the rules and standards of labor protection and fire safety. He is responsible for the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the curriculum. Uses modern management technologies, prognostic type of management. The deputy head of the main activity together with the head of the remote control carries out the management of the remote control. Her functional responsibilities include managing the organization of educational, educational and methodological work in a preschool institution.

Organization of current and long-term planning of this work. Coordinates the teaching and educational work of all teachers to implement curricula, programs and ensures their full and high-quality implementation. It monitors the quality of the educational process. Organizes educational work for parents on the issues of training and education of pupils.

Organizes the study of advanced pedagogical experience. The duties of the deputy head include assisting teachers in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies. She draws up a schedule of training sessions, participates in the selection and placement of teaching staff, assists in conducting events, makes suggestions for improving the educational and educational processes, takes part in the preparation of the teaching council, organizes and monitors the implementation of its decisions.

He is engaged in issues of organizing and equipping group rooms with modern equipment, visual aids, organizing the work of the teaching room. It controls the work.

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When choosing a kindergarten, it is important not so much its geographical location as the pedagogical potential of the preschool institution. If you approach this issue not very responsibly, then in the future there may be disagreements and conflicts, and the child may not feel the full charm of the kindergarten period. We will tell you what to look for when meeting a kindergarten and how to make the right choice.

If you want your child to go to kindergarten with pleasure, and classes in the group not only bring benefits, but also bring joy, then pay great attention preschool choice. After all, the comfort and success of your child directly depend on the professionalism of his teachers and the material and technical base of the educational organization.

It is important not so much the geographical position of the building (and for parents this factor often becomes decisive), but the pedagogical potential of the kindergarten. If you approach this issue not very responsibly, then in the future there may be disagreements and conflicts, and the child may not feel the full charm of the kindergarten period. We will tell you what to look for when meeting a kindergarten and how to make the right choice.

How do kids get to know kindergarten?

Depending on the characteristics of the locality and the established procedures in a particular preschool institution acquaintance with kindergarten  may take place one of the options described below:

  • approximately 4-10 weeks (the time depends on the policy of the administration) before the start of the visit, you and your child come to kindergarten once a week for classes. They last several hours. As a rule, such lessons are conducted by a methodologist or your future teacher. Sometimes the system of such occupations is called the “parent school”;
  • visiting a group of short stay (several hours every day, the duration of the class cycle is also determined by the administration). Thanks to this option, the mother can see if her child is ready for separation and communication within the team or is it worth the wait;
  • you send the child for several hours to the already dialed group (but here you need the consent of the management and a health certificate will be needed), gradually increasing the length of the baby’s stay in the preschool. True, this option is not practiced in all kindergartens, since it entirely depends on the loyalty of the manager.

Getting to know the kindergarten: what to look for mom?

Ask the kindergarten administration to let you see your future group after class. As a rule, management eagerly makes contact with parents and satisfies their interest. You can evaluate the condition of furniture, toys, flooring, windows, etc. If the teacher will meet you cordially and answer all your questions, tell you about the methods of working with children, about the nuances of the adaptation of beginners, then this will characterize him as a competent teacher. In case of negative, rude tone, etc. one should think, but how does he talk with children when no one sees them?

Some kindergartens even hold Open Day. The organization of such an event says a lot: the leadership and the teaching staff are interested in new children coming to them. It also indicates that kindergarten administration  He wants to not only demonstrate, but increase the prestige of his institution among his parents. Of course, the material and technical base is by no means the main thing in the process of educating a person, but without comfortable conditions and a sufficient amount of didactic and developing material, it is impossible to carry out a full-time lesson.

When exploring kindergarten, pay special attention to some points.

  • The attitude of teachers and management to the request to tell about the work of the garden, teachers, to show a group or a playground.
  • Correspondence of the number of developing toys, educational materials to the age and the number of children in the group.
  • Look at the license and the charter of the kindergarten (so you know the work policy preschool, the mode of his work, the principles by which he conducts pedagogical activities, the duties, goals and tasks of the team and you will understand how much they will correspond to the interests of your child).
  • Take an interest in the qualifications of the kindergarten workers and, in particular, the teachers of your group. This will help to evaluate their professionalism, work experience, methodology of working with children.
  • Be sure to take an interest and analyze the reviews of mothers whose children still go to the kindergarten of your choice or have successfully "graduated" from it.
  • When the younger group goes for a walk, try to quietly observe the work of teachers. Although this advice may seem inappropriate to someone, but believe me, it will help you. It is one thing if the teacher plays with the children, is located right next to them throughout the walk and affectionately addresses his wards. And it’s a completely different matter if he is in the far corner of the platform on a bench and yells at the children so that they do not go far. Educator Behaviorwhen he is sure that no one sees him, without further ado, will tell you about the professionalism of the teacher and the level of control over the children.
  • Find out which menu in the kindergarten and whether it matches its value.
  • Specify information about charitable contributions and monthly expenses right away.
  • Check the regimen of children's day, and find out whether the teachers spend morning exercises.
  • Find out if additional classes (logic, psychology, rhetoric, computer science) are conducted, and also specify their cost. It may well be that your child will not need such classes, but their very presence, as well as the correspondence of the price to the market value, should serve as an indicator of a high level organization of the pedagogical process.

Unfortunately, modern mothers have to lead an active lifestyle and be in the cycle of events every second. Therefore, they have little time for personal life and many responsibilities. But still find the opportunity to carefully study the kindergarten before applying or enrolling in a queue. Learn as much as possible about his work and educators. A few hours or days of your time, seemingly wasted, will pay off in the future with peace, normal adaptation of the child and high efficiency of classes.

Department of Education of Moscow

State budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education

Teachers College №18 "Mitino"


About the work done

Student (s) gr. No. _602 specialty 050704  BEFORE

Pozdorovkina N.V.

  (Full Name)

about teaching practice in preschool educational institution №_GBOU SOSH №1285 division kindergarten____________

from _ 18.03.13 ___________ to __ 04/14/13 __________________

Moscow 2013

1. Pedagogical essay

2. The concept of educational work

3. Introspection of pedagogical activity

4. Methodological materials

5. Reviewer

6. Self-esteem sheet

7. The diary of teaching practice

7.1. Introducing DOW

7.4. Studying the long-term and calendar work plans of the group

7.5. Establishment of a favorable atmosphere in the group

7.6. Analysis of regime processes

7.7. Analysis of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills

7.8. The use of an artistic word in guiding regimes

7.9. Observation and analysis of the organization of sports activities of the group

7.10. Observation and analysis of classes with preschoolers

7.13. Interaction with parents

The diary of teaching practice

Place of practice: GBOU secondary school No. 1285, unit d / s

Address: Moscow,



Head of Unit:


Group educators

The group in which the practice is conducted: 1 junior group No. 1 "Cornflower".

Age of children from 2 to 3 years.

The kindergarten operates under the Program From Birth to School, edited by N.E. Veraksy, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova, one of the main tasks of which is to contribute to the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities in the activities that are closest and most natural for a child - a preschooler: playing, communicating with adults and peers, work. It is in these types of activities, according to the authors of the program, the formation of such neoplasms as arbitrary behavior, the ability to logical thinking, self-control, creative imagination takes place, which forms the most important basis for the beginning of systematic training.

Estimated daily routine

Mode process


Reception of children, independent activity


Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


Independent activity


Subgroup Activities


Preparing for a walk




Return from a walk, independent activity, preparation for dinner




Preparing for sleep, sleep


Gradual rise, independent activity


High tea


Independent activity


Organized educational activities (by subgroups)


Preparing for a walk




Return from a walk, independent activity


Reading fiction


Independent activity, home care



1 junior group number 1 (2-3 years)

for the 2012-2013 academic year

Surname, first name




7.1. Introducing DOW

I, Pozdorovkina Natalya Vyacheslavovna, passed the practice on the basis of GBOU secondary school No. 1285 of the Moscow kindergarten unit from 03/18/13 to 04/14/13 The head of the institution is ....... ...

The kindergarten has 10 groups attended by children from 2 to 7 years old. There are conditions for the provision of additional educational services - fine arts studio, checkers club, pool. The kindergarten is a subdivision of the secondary school and closely cooperates with the school, implementing the principle of continuity in organizing holidays and other joint events.

Group rooms, large windows, bright rooms with high ceilings are conveniently located in the premises of the kindergarten, the groups are equipped with soft and cabinet children's furniture, their design corresponds to the age of the children in this group.

The teaching room is equipped with convenient cabinets, there are handouts in the boxes, paintings, literature (books, magazines, periodicals) and other manuals.

The gymnasium is equipped with Swedish walls, a rope, hangings, rings, trampolines, exercise machines, benches, a hoop stand of different sizes, equipment is enough for classes with all the children of the group at the same time, balls of different sizes, skittles, sticks, bags, cubes are available in sufficient quantity for all children.

The music room is spacious and bright. It has a screen in which there are dolls, costumes and other devices for theatrical performances and celebrations, a Pionino, a tape recorder that reproduces discs and cassettes. On the floor, carpets, walls are decorated in accordance with the season and the theme of the holidays. The subject-developing environment in the DOE is built in accordance with the principles of constructing the subject-developing environment.

7.2. Acquaintance with a group of preschool children

In the group there is a boy with difficult behavior, some deviations in mental development, which significantly complicates the work in the group as a whole, especially when studying in the classroom. The group has a tradition of celebrating birthdays, making gifts with their own hands. The style of the teacher’s relationship with children can be described as authoritarian-democratic, closely interacts with parents, and attracts kindergarten groups to life. The development of children is in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of early preschool age.

7.2. Acquaintance with a group of preschool children

The number of children in group No. 1 "Cornflower" is 19. Educational work is carried out on the basis of the Program"From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova.

In the group there is a boy with difficult behavior, some deviations in mental development, which significantly complicates the work in the group as a whole, especially when studying in the classroom. The group has a tradition of celebrating birthdays, making gifts with their own hands for parents. The style of the teacher’s relationship with children can be described as authoritarian-democratic, closely interacts with parents, and attracts kindergarten groups to life. The development of children is in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of early preschool age.

Characteristics of the development of a child from 2 to 3 years

In the 3rd year of life, a rather intensive increase in mass and growth continues. The activity of all organs is being improved, as a result of which the child becomes physically more resilient. There is a further development of higher nervous activity - increased efficiency of the nervous system. A child can already do the same thing much longer, sometimes he can restrain himself and not cry, even if he is in pain. The conditioned reflex connections form much faster. Sometimes 1-2 impressions and explanations are enough for the child to remember a new word, a rule inchild play  etc.
Movement development. Throughout the 3rd year of life, the improvement of the quality of general movements (walking, running, climbing, throwing) continues to increase in consistency and the ability to control their movements in accordance with environmental conditions. Hand movements are also being improved - with proper upbringing, a child can almost independently dress, undress, and wash; masters the subtle movements of the hands and fingers; begins to wield a pencil, fastens a button, start a spinning top, etc.

Speech and thinking development. The most characteristic feature of a child of the 3rd year of life is the development and increase in the role of speech in all child behavior, the development of cognitive needs and, in accordance with this, the development of visual-effective, visual-figurative thinking.
The understanding of the speech of others is being improved, the dictionary is rapidly growing and developing - up to 1000-1200 words. The child uses almost all parts of speech, the pronunciation is improved. Communication becomes verbal.

With the development of speech, thinking develops. Children begin to establish the causal dependence of the individual phenomena they observe. There is a further development of the process of generalization, on the basis of which concepts are formed.

Need for communication. There is a growing need for communication with adults to satisfy the increasing curiosity, cognitive needs of the child as a means of obtaining information. As a result of this, the child's initiative speech circulation increases. Children ask a lot of questions: “how”, “where”, “where”, “why?”, “Where did he go?”, “How did he do it?”, “Where is the shoulder blade?”. Adult speech becomes a means of cognition. Speech activity increases - children talk a lot during the game and activities, accompanying their actions with speech, often without even talking to anyone. The child easily remembers small poems, songs, in the second half of the 3rd year he can already retell a tale or story he has heard on issues. Speech is becoming an independent activity.
Observation development. More persistent is the interest in the environment, which turns into a special type of activity - observation. Children are very interested in viewing pictures and books. They are very interested in the labor activities of adults and they are very happy if they are instructed to take part in this (hold a hammer, make a cake from a piece of dough, water a flower, etc.).
Sensory development. In the process of various activities, further sensory development occurs. Substantial activity continues to occupy a large place in the child’s activity, but the child’s attitude to his actions is already somewhat different - the child either perseveringly achieves a certain result, or these actions are experimental. Performing various actions, the child, as it were, explores the subject and its properties.
  The plot game begins to take on ever greater importance in the child’s activities. Over the course of the 3rd year of life, the content of such a plot game becomes more complicated, in it children reflect the actions of people, the content of stories and shown dramatizations.

From the end of the 2nd year of life, children begin to develop imagination. Children, playing, supplement the item that is missing for the game with some other one to which they attach imaginary significance: a wooden bar is used as soap, a stick as a thermometer, a chair instead of a car, etc. In role-playing games that appear at the end of the 3rd year of life In games, the child begins to imagine that he is a “grandmother” or teacher.

With proper upbringing at this age, children communicate with each other more often and acquire more diverse and more complex forms. They express sympathy for the crying child; share toys, address each other with a request, share their impressions, show the results of their actions (“look, what is my garage”), help.
A selective attitude towards children is also being formed, “children's groups” are starting to take shape (although they are still unstable and small in number).Development of feelings . The feelings of children also develop and become very diverse. They show pleasure, joy and grief, embarrassment, a sense of affection, responsiveness, resentment, fear. With proper upbringing, children in the 3rd year develop an aesthetic feeling. Children notice the beautiful in nature, the atmosphere, the clothes: “look at what a beautiful flower is”.

The main activities in the 3rd year are:

  1. movement and outdoor play;
  2. indicative activities, observation;
  3. story game (imaging and role-playing);
  4. speech activity - speech communication, singing, etc .;
  5. construction game and the beginning of constructive activity;
  6. didactic game;

7) the initial stages of visual activity;

8) practical activities and labor activities. Along with the

objective activity is also preserved.

So, during the 3rd year of life there are also many new qualitative changes in the development and behavior of the child. A high level of development can only be achieved with the correct organization of the entire life of children, their activities and training and education. Based on the level of development reached by 2 years, it is necessary to continue further physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education.

7.3. The study of the specifics of the teacher's work

Teacher Activity Timing


Mode process

Educator Activities

Activity Assist. educator

Children's activities

6. 45 – 7.00

Coming to work. Ventilation. Quartzing. Beginning of work.


Children welcome

Meeting children. Individual lessons, independent. activity.

The arrival of children.

Independent activity.

8.10- 8.30

Morning exercises. Preparing for breakfast.


Conducted. gymnastics. Organization of hand washing before breakfast. Dressing aprons. Sitting on the chairs. Storytelling.

Coming to work. Wipe the windowsills, tables, chairs, preparing dishes for the distribution of food.

Morning exercises, hygiene procedures.

8.30 – 8.50


Monitors the posture and culture of behavior at the table.

Feeds children.

Keeps track of cleanliness, distributes the additive. Cleans the table, washes dishes, the floor.


8.50 = 9.20

Preparation for classes.

Subgroup Activities

10min break

Lesson 2.

Organizes workspace, hangs out and distributes benefits

Depending on the type of organized activity.

Conducted by a music teacher. upbringing or physical education instructor.

Cleans the toilet, bedroom, hallway.

Helps to go to the music room or to the gym.

Sits with children while the teacher installs equipment.

Helps go to the group.

Removes equipment.

Independent activity.

Organized activities of a teacher with children

Organized move to the muse hall. Sing, perform tasks of the teacher

Organizationally move to the group

9.30 –


10.00 –


11.30 –


Preparing for a walk.


Return from the walk.

Preparing for a walk. Helps children dress. Exit to the site. Observation, work, outdoor games, didactic games ...

Organization of a return from a walk

Preparing for a walk helps children dress up. Accompanies to the site, helps to make portable material.

Cleans a group. Quartzing. Ventilates the bedroom and the group.

Exit to the site in pairs.

Organized joint activity of a teacher with children. Independent activity.

Return from the walk

11.45 –


Preparing for dinner.


Reminds of hygiene procedures.

Reading the nursery rhyme “Vodichka, vodichka ...”.


Feeding children.

Preparation for dinner tables, dishes. Brings lunch.

Gives an additive, wipes off the table.

Table cleaning

Hygienic procedures. Preparing for dinner. Dinner.



Preparation for sleep.

Daytime sleep.

Preparation for sleep. Monitors the implementation of hygiene procedures.

Stacking, reading nursery rhymes.

Baby Watching. Reshuffle.

Rise. Restroom.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Wellness treatments.

Prepares the bedroom for bed.

Washes dishes, the floor of the group, the corridor, ventilates the group.

Preparation for sleep. Hygienic procedures.

Stacking. Sleep. Rise. Performing gymnastics after sleep and other wellness procedures.


High tea

An afternoon snack.

Feeding children.

Prepares dishes for distribution. Lays out food. Cleans the tables.

Preparing for an afternoon snack. An afternoon snack.

15.25- 16.15

Holds a conversation.

Carries out cleaning of the bedroom, washing dishes, sweeping crumbs from the floor.

Participate in a conversation.

Games in the play area, free creative activity, etc.

15.45- 16.15

Organized educational activity of a teacher with children.

Reads fairy tales, plays didactic games with children. Individual

educational activity of a teacher with children.

Present in the group.

Games in the touch area, play didactic games.

16.15 –


Preparing for a walk.


Helps children dress. Exit to the site. Observation, work, outdoor games, didactic games ...

Helps dress children. Accompanies to the site, helps to make portable material.

Cleans the locker room.

Going home.

Preparing for a walk-dressing.

Exit to the site in pairs.

Organized joint activity of a teacher with children. Independent activity.

17.30 –


Return from the walk.

Independent activity of children.

Arranging return from a walk.

Observes and directs games in the play area, free creative activity, etc.

Return from the walk.

Games in the play area, free creative activity, etc.

18.30 =


Reading fiction.

Reads fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes to children ...

They listen, answer questions.

18.40 –


Independent activity of children.

Children leaving home.

Says goodbye to children. Talking with parents. Going home.

Children go home

I use various methods and techniques for organizing the activities of preschoolers, while organizing hygiene procedures I use verbal techniques - nursery rhymes, sayings, poems. Before lunch, I read the poem "Pies." I use a verbal reception reminder, an indication when performing hygiene procedures, at the table the rules of conduct. By a personal example, I show the culture of greeting children and parents. The cooperation of the teacher and children is manifested in joint activities in preparation for eating, in playing activities, in the classroom, in conversations.

7.4. Studying prospective and calendar

group work plans

The structure of the long-term plan is carried out in tabular form, the goal, tasks, forms, work are indicated, the approximate content and terms for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the plan are developed, in various types of activities in the game, training, etc. The main directions of the kindergarten have been taken into account, recreational work is being carried out taking into account natural factors: water, air and the sun. On the title page indicates the group, the age of the children, full name educators and assistant educator, year of writing. The plan shows the schedule of classes, the schedule of activities by day. Specifically indicated are children with whom individual work is planned. In the work with parents section, the form of work, the main goals, and the expected dates of implementation are indicated.

The construction of a calendar plan meets the following criteria: it contains all types of activities, the form of their organization, specific actions, traces the relationship between different types of activities, tasks, methods and techniques correspond to the age characteristics of this group. The plan reflects individual work with children. The plan is quite real and available to implement. The plan shows the schedule of classes, the schedule of activities by day. The type of interaction with parents is indicated. The joint activity of the educator with the children (labor processes, games, productive and other activities) is indicated. The plan is framed neatly in tabular form, aesthetically and competently.

Schedule direct educational

activities of a teacher with children.

1 younger group №1

"MINUTES-AWAKE" - rise after a nap.

Goal:   Continue work to improve children's health, improve proper posture, hygiene skills. Nurture a positive emotional attitude towards the process of awakening after sleep.

Material : Health track, corrugated rubber mat.

Class progress : Gray cat sat down

And he sang softly:

  “So the cockerel woke up, the chicken stood up,

Rise my friend, rise my baby

Get up, my suns!

Well, who else is sleeping with us? There are such?

(Children gradually wake up. The teacher approaches the unawakened child and pronounces the poem individually for the child, saying his name.)

Educator:   Did all the kids wake up? Now let's get down to our gymnastics.

1. For the muscles of the neck: "Look around."

2. For the muscles of the hands: “Squat”.

3. For the muscles of the legs: "Cheerful legs."

4. For the muscles of the abdomen and back: "Salute."

5. For back muscles: “Soon an afternoon snack.”

6. Exercise on the stomach: "We play hide and seek."

7. Exercise “Kitty”.

8. Exercise "That's what a fluffy tail."

9. Exercise "Dexterous legs."

10. Massage: a) palms, b) head, c) cheeks, d) shoulders, e) chest, e) back, g) legs.

Educator:   - And now we all went for a walk along the path.

Our kids on the floor

Feet flooded.

Children walk with their legs

New boots.

Look good

Our little kids!

We met a bear on the road. Show how he walked.

But the little fox-sister is sneaking.

And here the bunny jumped. Galloped, galloped bunny, and galloped to dress.

We are on chubby little hands

We put on a shirt.

Chant the words for me

Pen-one, and pen-two!

And now tights

We will put on you

Every leg

We’ll settle in our house.

And now the panties

Feel free to dress.

They have their own shirt

Skillfully refuel.

Children dress and go to the toilet. Then the children continue hygienic procedures (combing, braiding).

Scale, scratch hairs!

Combing the braids!

What do we do with a comb?

Name ---- do the hairstyle.

Grow the braid to the waist

Do not drop your hair

Grow braid don't get confused

Mom, daughter, listen!

Though I quarrel often with you

Toothy comb,


Sisters can’t be without you

Braid your braids.

Without you, brother would have to

Shaggy all day.

Children wash their hands, go to the tables, start the afternoon snack.

Summary of the operational moment "Preparing for a walk" using an artistic word

Software Content:
1. Ensure timely collection of all children for a walk.
2. To form the correct sequence when dressing, self-dressing skills.
3. Encourage children to action through the use of folk art (nursery rhymes).
4. Develop and activate vocabulary (fix the name of items of clothing, actions).
5. Fix the color of clothes.
Didactic material:  Masha doll in a fur coat, hat, felt boots.
Preliminary work:  didactic game "Let's dress Masha’s doll for a walk", reading nursery rhymes.
The course of the lesson.
The teacher brings to the group a doll Masha dressed in outer clothing and addresses the children:
- Children, look who came to us. This is Masha's doll.
Our Masha is small
She has a fur coat on her,
Beaver Edge
Masha is black-browed.

Masha went for a walk, and it’s cold outside, and so she dressed so warmly. Come on, we’ll get dressed now and go play outside.
One, two, three, four, five
We are going for a walk.

(The teacher and the children go to the locker room).
- I’ll put Masha’s doll here, she’ll watch the children dress. And you take off your sandals, put them in the locker.

If you wanna take a walk
You need to get dressed quickly
Open the cabinet door
Dress in order.

The first to put on socks.

Gather a sock in an accordion
And put it on the leg.
You take another sock
Pull in the same way.

Dressed in socks?
-Wear all the panties.

Now get up soon
And put on your pants.

All the guys have warm pants. In such pants, the guys will not freeze on the street. Lisa, what color are your panties? (Red). Right. Do you have Teimur? (Blue). And you, Ksenia? (Blue). Well done. They put on all the pants, and now what do we need to wear, Nastya?
-Right. Who has blouses, and who has sweaters. And the doll Masha is looking at you guys. Here, Masha, as the children try, they dress themselves.

Look outside
It was getting colder.
It's time blouse
Wear the kids.  -Wear blouses, sweaters.

Where are your ears?
Ears in a hat
Do not reach the paws(Children wear hats).

So that the ears do not hurt
Quickly put on a hat.
And then a jacket
For a long walk.

Well, and our jackets. The guys still can’t fasten the zippers on their jackets, so we will help them. And we’ll tie scarves.
(A caregiver with a nanny helps children).

One, two, three, four, five
We are going for a walk.
Tied up Nastenka
Scarf striped.
Put on the legs
Boots boots.
And let's go for a walk soon
Jump, run and jump.

Put on the legs
Boots boots.
Good boots
The legs will not freeze.

It remains to put the children on mittens.
So as not to freeze

Five guys in a knitted stove are sitting.

This is about mittens. Mittens dressed, all together go out into the street.
Go for a walk.

(On a walk )

A sled rolled down.

Tighten, doll, hold on.

You sit don't fall

There is a groove ahead!

We must drive carefully!

But you can not break it.

7.9. Observation and analysis of the organization

sports activities group

Morning Gymnastics Complex

General developmental exercises

1-2 week practice

Ball   I.P: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Bend your hands, brush into a fist, closer to your mouth and inflate the ball. To spread your arms to the sides, to straighten up - they cheated. Hands up look - flew away, return to I.P. Where are the knees I.P. sitting, legs apart, hands focus on the back. Lean forward, palms on deer, look at deer, straighten up. Say "here" Ball IP legs slightly apart, arms down. Bend and straighten your legs slightly - soft balls. 8-10 bouncing - jumping balls, alternating with walking 3 times

3-4 week practice  - With a handkerchief

Poduy I.P. legs slightly apart, handkerchief lowered. Handkerchief in front of the chest, blow on it, strong wind. Omit, say "no wind" Hide I.P. legs apart, handkerchief lowered. Leaning forward, handkerchief in the face - hid. Lower the handkerchief, straighten up. Sit up. I.P. legs slightly apart, handkerchief on the floor. Sit on a handkerchief, in front of him, behind him, about. Get up, say, "sat down"

Outdoor games

Analysis morning gymnastics

Gymnastics is carried out in the gym, after each group is aired, at the end of the wet cleaning of the premises and equipment, which corresponds to hygienic conditions.

Gymnastics begins with warming up exercises; outdoor switchgear corresponds to the age-related dosage; exercises are performed first for the neck, for the limbs, and then for the body. The main types of movements are used: walking, running, jumping, duration and intensity correspond to age norms. The end of the gymnastics is smooth, the exercises to restore breathing. Children are organized and actively perform movements. The teacher gives clear, accessible directions and commands. Monitors the correct execution, posture. Musical accompaniment is not used. Carrying out morning exercises for teachers corresponds to hygienic conditions and age norms, individual characteristics are taken into account.

Analysis physical education classes

The lesson is held in a specially equipped room, airing and wet cleaning are carried out. The structure of the lesson: introductory, main and final parts. introductory part: building, communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson, walking, running and rebuilding for outdoor switchgear. The duration and intensity corresponds to the age of the children of their physical fitness. Exercises are available for children of this age, the instructor monitors the correct technique of implementation, breathing of children. For physically poorly trained ones it reduces the intensity and duration of repetitions, for stronger ones it increases, thus implementing an individual approach. OD is carried out in a continuous way, providing everyone with insurance while walking and climbing the gymnastic bench. The mobile game "Inflate the bubble" does not repeat OD and outdoor switchgear, which provides a variety of motor activity of children. The final part: walking, running, breathing exercises. Summarizing the lesson. Construction and organized transition to the group. Lesson duration 10 min. The instructor uses the following verbal techniques: correction, indication, encouragement.

Outdoor games used by the teacher on walks, corresponds to the age of children, season, provide optimal physical activity of everyone. Various games are aimed at raising physical qualities, improving and improving the health of children.

Gymnastics after sleep is aimed at gradually awakening the body, relaxing and warming up muscles and joints.

conclusions : the teacher provides the optimal motor density of the lesson, skillfully organizes work with equipment, makes the correct display of exercises, uses various forms of organization (ind., groups, kollekt), methods (in-line, frontal). The load varies depending on the preparedness of the child, individualizing the training, thus creating an optimal motor regime for everyone.

7.10. Observation and analysis of the directly organized activities of the teacher with preschoolers

During the first week of practice, I analyzed the content and methodology of conducting organized activities. The analysis was carried out in accordance with the evaluation criteria, according to the following plan.

Lesson Analysis Plan

1. Objectives of the lesson, their relationship.

2. The readiness of the teacher for the lesson.

3. The structure, type of activity, logical stages, dosage of time.

5. Methodological support. The methodology of the individual parts.

6. Behavior of children in the classroom.

7. Characteristics of the business qualities of the teacher.

8. General results of the lesson.

Analysis of art classes

The educational task is closely connected with the developing one, teaching the teacher contributes to the development of creative abilities. The teacher pre-selected illustrations for the show, the necessary materials and equipment for children, all of them comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, namely, safe, age-appropriate. The structure of the lesson: the organizer took care of the children with nursery rhymes or a surprise moment, then showed the illustrations and discussed them. Independent work: children begin to image. Physical pause in accordance with the topic of the lesson. Analysis of drawings. The results of the lesson in the form of an exhibition and conversation on the drawings. 15 minutes

The teacher used the following methods and techniques: a show with an explanation, conversation, analysis and synthesis of images of the show and drawings of children, provided individual assistance. All the techniques and methods of work in this lesson correspond to the level of training of children.

The lesson is aimed at organizing productive creative activities of children. Children with pleasure began to complete the assignment. The goals and objectives of the lesson are achieved, the children showed a good level of mastery of the skills of fine art according to age.

Cognitive activity analysis

The new topic contains many new words that enrich and activate their vocabulary. The equipment was prepared by the teacher in advance. Structure: organizational moment, repetition, new material, physiognomy, fixing, results. Stages are logically interconnected from repetition. Lesson in time 10 min. Volume and complexity are selected in accordance with age characteristics. To consolidate, a game on the topic was organized; in the game, children better and more effectively consolidate their knowledge. Each child took an active part in the game. The objectives of the lesson are achieved.

Analysis of a lesson in communication and reading fiction

Type - new material. Structure: org. moment, new material, physical minute, consolidation, results. Stages are logical and sequential, interconnected. The product used is understandable to children.

Used the following methods and techniques: reading, showing illustrations, conversation, questions. Children actively participated in the conversation, answered questions .. The objectives of the lesson were achieved.

7.11. Observation and analysis of the management of didactic games

The group has a variety of didactic games, to which children have free access, children play these games in their free time, with individual lessons with the teacher. Games are in a special cabinet, regularly replenished. Children play lottos, dominoes, puzzles on their own initiative, games that require the participation of several players require adult guidance, as they are more complex and difficult for children to keep their attention on them, the rules in these games require additional explanation. In the process of the game, the teacher unobtrusively leads the game.

7.12. Supervision and analysis of a walk guide

Summaries, notes 1 “The sun is warming”

Goal: give children first ideas about early spring.


Children went for a walk. The teacher addresses them: “Look how beautiful it is with us today. The sun smiles, everything sparkles all around. Snow sparkles with colorful lights: yellow, red, green. And byd take the snow on the shoulder blade - it is heavy, wet. This sun tried, warmed so that the snow slowly began to melt. So spring is coming soonand children The sun warms more and more. Feel the bench, warm? And now your fur coat? (Sleeve of a dark fur coat?) And now the trunk of the tree. Warm? Withl laboring a little, warming, calling for spring. Spring is coming, it is warm. ”

The teacher draws the attention of children to the blue-blue sky, to white light clouds that slowly float, take their time, admire the lightr hu on kids Spring is coming!

All together approach the building of the kindergarten, stop at the window. The teacher says: “Look. From the windowsill are hungb ki. " Children celebrate what they are. The teacher clarifies: long, short, thenl flock, thin. “See, the sun is warming and the icicles are melting, they are singing their song: cap-cap!(substitutes an empty bucket for better audibility).Icicles sing a song, their name is spring. ” Having knocked down several icicles with a spatula, you can allow the children to hold them in their palm.

The teacher offers: "Let's clear the track of snow so that there is where to run, play." Everyone takes the shovels, engines, and together with the educator they clear the track, then take the equipment to the place and start the game.

After some time, the mobile game “Birds, time! Two birds! ”

Summaries, notes 2 “Where, whose house?”

Goal: consolidate children's ideas about spring; show buds and first spring leaves; specify the names of different houses.


Children came for a walk in the park. The teacher tells the children that spring has come, he warms the sun, sends his cheerful warm rays to the ground. He bends a branch of a bush with large buds: “This is a leaf house, called a kidney. A little ray is knocking on the house: "Hey leaf! Stop sleeping, wake up! Spring has come, brought warmth!" I heard a leaf, looked out - and indeed spring! And the rays are running, in a hurry, knocking on one kidney house, then another! ” What is the name of the leaf house - a question for older children.

If possible, the kids watch how the children of the older groups, together with the adult, fix the birdhouse on the tree - a house for squawr tsa: "Live here, starling, sing songs, make everyone happy."

The teacher says: “The crows saw this, they loudly roaredm to: "Why are we sitting, looking at the sky? After all, spring is in the yard, it’s time for us toabout ma do it yourself - twist nests. "They began to twist nests from twigs, from fallenabout a check made of feathers. Crows are trying. These are the big nests, high on a tree, so no one gets(shows). " All together they repeat what is called the house of the starling, the house of the raven.

The teacher continues the story: “But the rays work, warm, everywhere keep up, do not let anyone pass. The rays reached the den of the bear. Knock, knock, and the bear sleeps soundly and does not hear anything. What de to bark? How to be The sun then began to warm even more, so much so that instead of snow streams ran. Funny streams ran and ran right into the dena fled where the bear slept. They wet him all over. Don't like teddy bear moto lie down, he woke up, got out of the den, was surprised: warm, good. "Cna thank you, good sun, that didn’t forget about me, woke me up in time! "

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme “The Sun-bell”, and thena sewing in children: where did the bear sleep? What is his house called? What is the namea is there a bird house? And what about the leaves? Colors? And the fox, the dog?

Children move to independent actions, then the game "Naughty Goat" is held.

stroll Icicle Watching


  1. introduce to various natural phenomena;
  2. show the diversity of water conditions in the environment.
    Course of observation

What is growing upside down?(Icicle.) Pay attention thaticicles form on the sunny side. Why? From the south sidethey melt and drip snow, the icicles do not have timeFall and freeze. Icicle grows in frosty weather, and in thosep luu decreases. Icicles begin to cry. Find a place wheredripping droplets. How does it differ from neighboring sites? Where fromdid the word "drops" happen?

Icicle - frozen droplets of water turned into ice.Offer to look around through an icicle.

Did the children sit on the ledge and grow down all the time?(Icicles.) How much longer mu icicles "grow" tip down? When a droplet flows downicicle, falls down, it is as if extended, and the tip becomesthin.

Playful icicles sat on the ledge,

Playful icicles looked down.

Tired of dropping them, they began to drop droplets.

The chime goes on all day: “Cap-cap-cap! Don-don-don! ”

Labor activity

Clearing tracks from the snow.

Goal: learn to work together, help each other.

Outdoor games

Goal: improve coordination of movements.

Remote Material

Shovels, molds, buckets

1. This institution is a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten.

The full name of the institution: Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution (MADOU) "Center for the Development of the Child - Kindergarten No. 272", Perm.

Educational program DOE. Educational activities are conducted according to the author’s program and technology “Kindergarten - House of Joy” N.M. Krylova.

2. Priority areas of the kindergarten:

Social and personal development of a preschool child;

Wellness work;

Ensuring the quality of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

Preservation and strengthening of the health of kindergarten children is implemented in accordance with the regional program of physical and valeological development of preschool children, T. E. Tokaeva - “The ABC of Health” Objectives: the formation of children's interest and value attitude to physical education, harmonious physical development through the solution of the following specific tasks: - development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination); - accumulation and enrichment of children's motor experience (mastery of the basic movements); - the formation of pupils' needs for physical activity and physical improvement.

3.Landmarks. By the beginning of preschool age (by 3 years), the child has developed large motility, he seeks to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.) By the end of preschool education (by 7-8 years): the child has developed large and fine motor skills ; he is mobile, hardy, owns the basic movements, can control his movements and manage them;

4.GEF. The standard is aimed at solving the following problems: protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

· Ensuring the continuity of the basic educational programs of preschool and primary general education;

· Providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in the development and education, protection and promotion of children's health;

The standard is the basis for the training, retraining, advanced training and certification of teachers, administrative and management personnel of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, helping parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, developing individual abilities and necessary correction violations of their development.

5.When implementing the programconditions are created for:

● advanced training of teachers and managers (including those of their choice) and their professional development;

● Advisory support for teachers and parents (legal representatives) on issues of education and child health, including inclusive education if it is organized;

6. Additional services. For children in need of measures to prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system, there is a fitness group “Slender men”.

7.Work with the family.


Preservation, strengthening the health of pupils in joint activities with the family.

Families of pupils take an active part in physical-health-improving and sporting events of the preschool educational institution and the district.

The preschool educational institution has developed a successful system of work in organizing and conducting sports events, which is proved by the good performance of children at district and city sports events.