What are the groups in kindergartens? Making a group and a reception in a kindergarten do-it-yourself Groups of children in a kindergarten

What are the groups in kindergartens?

In this article we will describe in detail the division into groups in state kindergartens. From what age are they admitted to kindergarten and which group can your child fall into. Features and differences between them.

* (Private kindergartens adhere to a similar classification)

● Kindergarten groups.

The distribution of children into groups in state kindergartens is carried out by age.

There are five main groups of kindergarten. We will introduce you to them in more detail:


Kindergarten groups are divided into:

  • Short stay group (age from 1 to 3 years)

Short stay group (GKP)

The Short Stay Group (GPC) accepts children from 1 year to 3 years old.

This is a public service and it is provided to all comers who have submitted the necessary documents and entered the queue. GKP works 3 times a week for 3 hours.

Classes are held from 8.30 to 11.30 or from 16.00 to 19.00, depending on the schedule.

  • * Information for parents:

The most common question, especially for parents with their first child: From what age and whether to take a child to kindergarten at the age of 1-3 years?

Staying in kindergarten is the first test of personal qualities in a child’s life. Acquaintance with the outside world and the same children as himself.

The opinions of experts, despite the difference in details, agree on one thing: from a psychological point of view, the child’s acquaintance with other children in a playful and relaxed way helps to enter the general society in which he has to live and the sooner the child begins to adapt to it, the better.

It is worth noting that young parents should also be prepared for such a step and approach it responsibly and thoughtfully.

Before you bring your child to a group of short stay - make sure that the place you choose is exactly the one that is most suitable for the child.

Read the reviews, talk with the mothers who have already taken or drove their children here, talk about the conditions of stay with the teachers, take a look with your own eyes on the equipment, cleanliness and sanitary conditions in the rooms.

  • What activities with children are held in the short stay group?

Once a week, classes are held on fiction, drawing, sculpting, design2 times a week physical training   and music lessons.

How to enroll in a short stay group

Short stay groups exist in almost every preschool institution. In order for you to be admitted to the GKP, you must do the following:

  • Contact the head of the kindergarten with a request for admission to the GKP group. If there is space, they will take you.
  • If there are no places in this kindergarten, you need to contact the so-called. “Mini OSIP” (district information support service).

As a rule, they are located in the same educational complexes. There you apply for admission to the GKP group.

from December 1, 2015, by a resolution of the Government of Moscow, all district information support services ( OSIP) eliminated. They were replaced by the My Documents service. Contact information on mini OSIPyou can find out your complex by phone of any unit of this complex.

What documents must be collected to enroll a child in a short stay group? (for provision in mini-Osip)

  • passport of the parent (legal representative);
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • a document confirming the registration of the child in the territory of the city of Moscow;
  • document certifying the right to be included in the preferential category (if any)

Enrollment   The HCP group occurs as in a regular kindergarten. You are placed in the queue and offered a place in the Civil Protection Committee as it appears.

The procedure for admission to the Civil Protection Committee (short stay group)

When considering the issue of admission to the State Civil Code, the children have the first right to enroll:

  • living in the area (with a residence permit)
  • preferential categories of children.

After enrolling children from the above categories, children are accepted:

  • with temporary registration
  • from other areas.
To notify parents about the child’s enrollment, a notification is sent to the emergency room of the kindergarten by email or directly by phone call.

* An example of a written response in writing about enrolling a child in kindergarten.

Upon admission to kindergarten, you must have a medical card, and by September 1 - you need to prepare a certificate:

  • about baby contacts
  • analysis of urine
  • general blood test
  • analysis for enterobiosis and worm eggs.

Before taking the child between the kindergarten and the parents of the child service agreement, which will spell out all the rights and obligations of parents and kindergarten staff.

Such an agreement legally protects both parties from possible claims, so do not be lazy and carefully read it.

Features of the child's stay in the emergency room:

Given that the child is given for a short stay - food in this group is not provided. Only drinking regimen. Therefore, before you bring a child to this group, do not forget to feed him.

The adaptation process in the SCC group is very mild. Parents can periodically enter the group and visit their child. This allows you to smoothly and without any special emotional experiences to transfer a short-term parting with parents, to keep his psyche intact and not cause negative child associations associated with his stay in kindergarten.

The first days of visiting the GKP last only half an hour.

Gradually, the length of stay increases depending on the degree of addiction of the child. Carers advise not to escalate the situation, not to overload the children and bring them for a short period of time. 30 minutes is more than enough for the kids for the first days in the emergency room.

The usual schedule in the GKP group:

Monday:   9.15-9.25 - Music games. 10.10-10.20 - Didactic game.
Tuesday:   10.00 - 10.10 - Development of movements. 10.20 -10.30 - Artistic creation (modeling, drawing, application alternate).
Wednesday:   10.00 - 10.10 - Didatic game. 10.20-10.30 - The development of speech.
Thursday:   10.00 - 10.10 - Movement development. 10.20 - 10.30 - Games with building material.
Friday:   10.10 - 10.20 - Educational games. 10.30 - 10.40 - Musical games.

The cost of a child's stay in a state kindergarten in a short-stay group:

Monthly payments for a stay - 1500 rubles. per month.

If you have benefits, you can apply for compensation for part of the payment. This statement may be executed at the time of signing the contract with the DOE.

Additional costs for staying in kindergarten

As for the collection of additional funds, it all depends on the management of the kindergarten. The times when it was going in a lot and for everything are a thing of the past.

Of course, they can raise money for flowers and gifts for teachers on big holidays, but the amount is likely to be small and at the discretion of the parents themselves.

Well, if suddenly you come across outright extortion, do not forget about the anti-corruption hotline.

Read more about illegal exactions in schools and kindergartens can be read.

The teacher MADOU№203 "Kindergarten of combined type", Kemerovo.

This work is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, this is the design of the group and the reception.

Kindergarten is a special institution, practically this is the second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. Lack of material resources for the purchase of various equipment and games contributes to the development of creativity of educators.

I have been working in my group for the second year. The group went groomed. But I tried to do my best so that the children were comfortable and interested, so that they would enjoy every day spent in our group.

Design "Our group".   Squirrel and umbrella are made of ceiling tiles, painted with water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

Also, a stand for children and parents “You must not bring to kindergarten” was made in the reception room (as practice shows, very useful information).

To congratulate the children on her birthday, she made a cake with candles from corrugated paper.

Algorithm for dressing (clothes hang out by season) and folding clothes in a locker.

This design is "Funny pencils" for a corner of art.

I make a lot of benefits from junk material. Pencil in the corner of art (from rolls of toilet paper).

These are the attributes for the plot-role-playing games "Shop", "Daughters - mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The design of the game corner is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for the study and consolidation of traffic rules.

Corner "We are on duty" and "Learning to set up a table."

Corner "Ryazhenie" and "Barber".

This is our "Hospital".

The design of the corner of "Nature".

Cognitive zone and mini-museum "Burenushka".

The design of the center of knowledge.

When choosing a kindergarten, many questions arise, for example, about groups in a kindergarten, their types, number, and also where the child will be distributed.

What groups exist in kindergartens

Parents are concerned about the distribution of the child in age categories. Therefore, they are interested in what groups are in the kindergarten, is it divided into the first and second, or is it the only one?

As a rule, children from 1.5 to 3 years old are assigned to the first youngest group. The second youngest accept children from 3 years. If the kindergarten that you have chosen accepts children from only two years old, then the younger group is alone in the kindergarten, without units.

It is generally accepted that a regular kindergarten includes four groups: nursery, younger, middle and older. But there are kindergartens where these groups are still divided into additional younger groups, which were mentioned above, preparatory groups where the emphasis is on preparing children for school. There are speech therapy groups, but they are usually found in specialized kindergartens. Such groups are designed to correct certain functions of the child. If there are such units in the kindergarten, then he is obliged to have first-class specialists in his field, which, unfortunately, is not found everywhere.

The distribution of children in groups according to age

Today, in most kindergartens, the optimal separation of children by age groups has been made. Groups are formed:

1. nursery - children from 1.5 to 2 years old;

2. the first youngest - 2-3 years;

3. the second youngest - 3-4 years;

4. average - 4-5 years;

5. - 5-6 years;

6. preparatory - 6-7 years.

The distribution of children in these categories is necessary for the convenience of statistics, and, most importantly, to improve the quality of the educational process, since children from a close category of age in one team more easily learn skills.

Short stay group

This group is an additional type of group in kindergarten. Today you can already hear about such a group. This, of course, is a luxury that is available mainly only in private kindergartens and kindergartens of the elite category.

Groups for incomplete stay in kindergarten are needed for those mothers who, for whatever reason, are not ready to place their child in kindergarten for a full day. In addition, such groups are usually completed with only 10-12 children, which adds convenience and confidence to parents.

Most often, babies are distributed in groups in kindergarten by age. Each age group has its own developmental characteristics. Each age is characterized by its own specifics of teaching children.

Grouping principles in kindergarten

The main way of recruiting groups in preschool educational institutions is by age.

Children are assigned to groups in kindergarten by age

Depending on the age of children attending kindergarten, groups are divided into:

  • Nursery. Children from one to 2 years old are brought here. At this age, the child learns to eat independently, wash his hands, wash, and partially dress.
  • The younger ones. Toddlers 2 to 4 years old. Teachers of these groups, with the help of role-playing games, also develop kids' memory, thinking, and speech. Younger preschoolers learn to combine objects in similar qualities: volume, color, shape. Now they are very susceptible to music, rhythm, rhyme. They are interested in listening to poetry, fairy tales, songs.
  • Medium. They are visited by children 4-5 years old. At this age, children can already evaluate behavior, both their own and those of their peers. They need friends and playmates.
  • Seniors. Preschoolers 5-6 years old are independent and love to take the initiative. Classes with them should be cognitive in nature and teach some new skills.
  • Preparatory. Children of 6-7 years are preparing for school. They are stocked with knowledge and skills that will help to study in the first grade.

The most common way to divide babies in the garden is by age. But if a child has health problems, then a group for children with disabilities may be suitable for him. This includes children with impaired hearing, vision, developmental delay and other features. Each of them requires a special approach to learning.

What is a good method for the formation of Sadov groups by age

Children of the same age find a common language easier. Adopting new habits from each other, they develop faster. Looking at peers, it’s easier for a child to learn and learn the world. For each age, their own training and developmental classes have been developed. Preschoolers can learn more information if they are trained in a team of peers belonging to the same age category.

The division of children into groups by age is convenient for both adults and the children themselves. Children adapt more easily in a team of peers. If one of Sadov’s friends learned something new, then the rest of the children do not want to be left behind. For example, wear a hat, or tie shoelaces. Visiting such groups in kindergarten, children become independent and more confident in themselves.

The issue of visiting kindergarten is relevant for most parents. Preschools provide the mother with the opportunity to return to normal work, and for the child, the kindergarten is useful in terms of developing skills of independence and development in the peer team.

As a rule, parents are puzzled by the question of which group their child will fall into. Below we will consider this issue in detail.

Distribution of children into groups by age

The main sign by which children are selected in certain groups is their age. This is due to the fact that each similar group has its own specific functions and tasks. In addition, children of the same age learn new skills and abilities much better. Thus, the efficiency of the educational process is increased.

As a rule, children of one year of birth are collected in one group with the condition that on the first of September of the current year they reach the required age.

Depending on age, the following categories of groups in preschool educational institutions are distinguished:

  •   . It provides care for children from 1 to 2 years. Some kindergartens accept children no younger than one and a half to two years. Nurseries in such institutions are provided for children under three years of age. In the nursery group, they pay attention to the formation of self-care skills, the development of sensory skills, speech, memory and psychomotor functions.
  • The youngest group can be divided into the first (2-3 years) and the second (3-4 years) younger. Such a unit helps to more carefully approach the intricacies of the education of children of this age. In the younger group, the main attention is paid to games with children, because it is through game moments that the child forms a normal manner of behavior in various life situations. Educators pay attention to the development of speech and memory among their pupils.
  • The middle group (from 4 to 5 years). At this age, the development of the skill of aesthetic and moral-ethical education, as well as the development of logical thinking, is of exceptional importance.
  • Senior group (5 to 6 years old). The approach of the kindergarten team in this age group is aimed at preparing for school. Under their guidance, children are even more socialized and gain knowledge about the world around them.

In some preschool institutions, along with the usual age groups, there are special:

  • Short stay group - the child is in the kindergarten in the first half of the day, and after lunch, parents should take him home. Such groups are created due to overcrowding in kindergartens or at the request of parents.
  •   It is created to correct sound pronunciation or expand vocabulary. As a rule, the number of children in such groups does not exceed 15 people. They regularly conduct classes under the supervision of a speech therapist.
  • Summer group. In the summer months, the number of children in kindergartens is significantly reduced, teachers take turns on vacation and repair work begins in groups. All these factors compel the management of kindergartens to unite children of different ages into general groups. Training sessions are suspended until the fall, the main emphasis is on entertainment, excursions and outdoor games.