Send your child to the children's health camp. Why it is worth sending a child to the camp: the pros and cons. Campground "Ursa Major"

          They are guaranteed by Federal Law No. 124-ФЗ “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”.

According to this law, any Russian child can go to rest. But parents must queue in advance and collect the necessary documents. The number of tickets is limited.

It should be borne in mind that the law is one, but each region of the Russian Federation implements it in its own way. Of course, there are general requirements. About them and will be discussed.

Who is given free tickets?

First of all, those children who have health problems and have less opportunity to relax for money. I.e:
  • disabled people;
  • orphans
  • sick children and children after surgery;
  • children from large, low-income and single-parent families.

With a preschooler or child to be looked after, an accompanying mother and child program may go. As the name suggests, mom can always go. As for dads, grandmothers, aunts and other adults, it is necessary to specify in a particular sanatorium or camp.

What can I get for free?

For the child free stay, accommodation, meals with or without diet, cultural events, supervision of the teacher and health workers.

The attendant will be lodged for free and will be fed. But for him, wellness procedures are already paid.

But the parent and the child will have to go to the place of rest at their own expense. Exceptions for the disabled, low-income citizens and residents of the Far North.

Huge queues for free trips?

Not certainly in that way. Registering a child in a camp or sanatorium is a bureaucratic procedure. Some parents do not know about her, others do not want to understand her.

Therefore, you can easily get a ticket for free, which others were too lazy to arrange. But, of course, in the summer the competition is much higher. It is better to settle for spring, autumn or even winter holidays if you like the institution, its location and other conditions.

Even if they say, “There is nothing,” stand in line anyway. Several trips in your area may be free. People change their plans or draw up documents incorrectly. Then the place is transferred to the following.

Where to go to get a ticket?

Each region is allocated a certain number of permits, which are then distributed between clinics, schools, social insurance funds and other social agencies. That is, one child can get to the same sanatorium or camp by a ticket from the clinic, the other from the school.

The most common option is to arrange a ticket through a clinic. If the child is ill with something, consult a specialist doctor. He knows what documents are needed from him for registration in a sanatorium or a children's camp. He will give a direction for analysis and tell you which institutions you can go to.

But there are wellness and preventive programs in which a healthy child can participate. Ask your pediatrician about them.

If for some reason you do not go to the medical field, you can try to take a school ticket. Such permits are received by children who study well, show success in sports, participate in competitions (so keep different diplomas and certificates). You can ask about permits from the head teacher or director.

You can also ask around at:

  • social Security Administration;
  • the union;
  • family affairs office.

When to apply?

Preferably now. Then there is a chance to get to the camp in the summer or early fall.

What documents are needed?

To queue for a ticket, you will need:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport of the parent;
  • information about the registration of the child at the place of residence;
  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming the absence of contraindications for rest in the sanatorium-resort center (if accompanied by an adult, the same for him);
  • referral for treatment according to certain indications.

For registration in a sanatorium or a health camp, when the ticket is already on hand:

  • sanatorium-resort card (taken from the pediatrician in the clinic after the results of the analysis of the child come);
  • certificate of lack of contact with infectious patients at the place of residence and in the institution (at the pediatrician);
  • extract from the medical history;
  • certificate of epidemiological environment and vaccination calendar (from school);
  • copies of birth certificates and medical policies.

Some agencies may need some additional help. Check it out on the website or by phone.

It is better to take tests when you have already called and said that they give a ticket. Results have a limited shelf life. Therefore, a situation may arise when a urine test, for example, is no longer valid, and you have not even been invited anywhere. Then you have to take it all again.

There are times when a child has already reached the place of rest, and parents send some kind of help lost in a hurry or an updated analysis result by e-mail or fax. But it is better to have a complete set of documents on hand.

To go to a sanatorium or a children's camp means to skip school?

Not necessary. In some institutions, children are taught according to the school curriculum. The list of items can be clarified in a particular camp or sanatorium.

If there are no lessons, the child will in any case be given a certificate for the school. But they will not let him get bored or stand on his head: educators monitor the regime and conduct various events.

How to get a ticket faster?

You can buy a ticket, and then receive partial or full compensation for it. So you will have more chances to choose a place of rest and time of arrival. Documents for registration will need the same.

Compensation guaranteed to everyone. But its size depends on the place of work of parents, type, category of benefits. For example, low-income and large families and families where parents do not work due to health reasons can return the full cost.

Receive compensation upon arrival at the Social Insurance Fund. Previously, you can clarify this in the authorities where the ticket was issued. To receive you need to provide:

  • statement;
  • original and copy of the parent's passport;
  • birth certificate or passport of the child;
  • documents confirming the privilege (if you have one);
  • return ticket from the camp;
  • bank account number.

Compensation can be received by one parent once a year.

What helps get the ticket the most?

Just in case, again: the persistence of the parent helps.

Ask, specify, call. And everything will turn out.

The warm spring days had not really come yet, and it was time for the lovely mothers to take care of their children's summer camp. The school year is very difficult, and the knowledge gained must be consolidated in theory, and so that it is fun, interesting and informative.

Not only we adults need rest, but children also need it. Send your child to summer camp.

You probably immediately have the thought of how much it will cost you a summer vacation? But in vain you think about it! Every second in our country has the right to relax for free. Because public money is specially designed for such benefits. Each public organization that is directly related to children has the opportunity to provide about 300 permits.

They can get not only orphans and disabled people. Among these children are the children of miners, police, military, and Chernobyl victims. And also these include children who are deprived of one of the parents of the above professions.

In addition, children who participated in regional, city competitions, sports, vocal, dance groups and won in them, also have the right to receive a free ticket.

The rest will have to partially or fully pay the cost of rest in the summer camp.

What is needed in order to send a child to relax on the Black or Azov Sea?

Today, every child can visit over the summer and on one sea and on the other. It is important to be on time for sending.

So, MKU USZN Leninsky district shared information. In the sanatorium "Shakhty Textile" on the Black Sea over the summer, they provide children with relaxation in 4 stages of three weeks (21 days). The first starts on June 1 and ends on June 21. The second - from June 24 to July 14, the Third - July 17 to August 6. And the final one is on August 9-29.

Children's recreation camps "Friendship" and "Sputnik" have the same terms.

The social protection of the Leninsky district, in addition to free trips, also provides compensation for a self-purchased ticket. To do this, you need to contact the municipal institution of social protection of the population and write a statement (at the child's place of residence).

But besides the application you will need a small list of documents:
  - a copy and the original passports of parents,
  - certificate of family composition,
  - birth certificate of a child,
  certificate of divorce, if any
  - death certificate of one of the parents, if any.
  -document confirming payment of this ticket
  account at Sberbank of Russia
  - information in the form No. 070 / U-04 for obtaining a ticket to the sanatorium and recreation camp.

You can get a similar compensation in the amount of 90% of the cost of the permit. But at the same time, a certificate of your income over the past three months is necessary and if your income in them is below 150% of the subsistence minimum, you will receive compensation exactly.

But in addition to this, children can be sent absolutely free. To do this, you also need to run a lot and collect the necessary documents. To get a ticket to the camp "Shakhty Textile" you need:
  -Medical certificate in the form of 070 U and an extract to it
  sanatorium-resort card for children.
  - results of blood and urine tests
  enterobiosis analysis
  - conclusion of a dermatologist
- a certificate from a pediatrician or epidemiologist about the absence of contact of the child with infectious patients at the place of residence, in kindergarten or school (3 days in advance)
  exchange card for a student (at the school doctor)

Such medical tests should be submitted no later than 10 days before departure to the camp.

In addition, a copy of the birth certificate and a copy of the compulsory health insurance policy are required.

Besides the fact that you torture the child, it will not be easy for you either. Because to get a ticket, this list of documents does not end there. It is also necessary to provide:
  - reference from the place of residence
  - birth certificate of a child
  - certificate of marriage or divorce of parents
  - death certificate of one of the parents, if any
  copy of the work book for unemployed citizens
  3-month income certificate
  passports of parents

Take care of your nerves, friends! And do not forget that children are our future. Whatever problems we face in life, a child needs to be given credit and show that a lot of trouble awaits them on the path to success, but how sweet a victory becomes when you reach it, and even yourself.

Girls, I was very worried when my husband said that he wanted our daughter to go to the children's camp in the summer. I immediately had a choice of camp and location, my husband insisted that we send Leroux to the sea. But here I was still scared, since she was only 7 years old and was going to camp for the first time. We refused this idea.

But one day, a neighbor called me and said that she was sending her son to a camp in the suburbs, and asked me to go with her to send a child to the camp, I agreed without hesitation, We arrived on June 1, 2014 at VDNKh (there we collected children in the camp) there were many parents and children. Immediately what struck me was a lot of children in the same T-shirts of the camp, after we passed the registration and gave all the documents, the child of my friend, the counselors immediately took away and handed the memorable T-shirt of the camp. Counselors - teachers are already in front we started acquaintances s and entertain children. The child, in my opinion, forgot that he is here with his mother and goes to the camp, I watched him and he was happy.

It was time to leave, but not every child was handed a balloon, which all the children released into the sky, it was an unforgettable sight when more than 100 children put balloons in the sky, in general beauty. After that, I went home and actively began to scan all the information on the New Wave camp. I saw a lot of reviews. It was time that my friend’s child should be taken away, I called her and offered to go pick her son (I myself wanted to see the child after the camp)

The bus arrived, the counselors came out and then the children, and to my surprise I was surprised that everyone was leaving the bus with tears in their eyes, including the counselor guys, and I was silent about the girls and children. I thought that they weren’t fed there that they were all roared, but no, I saw with my own eyes how children know how to love counselors, these were tears of parting, tears of joy and tears of good.

For me, all this was wild, since I had never been in a camp as a child. We looked at all this with tears in our eyes because it is a great and great thing to work with children. On the way home, the child told what was happening in the camp, said that there was no free time, there were workshops, various linguistic studios, quests, and various mass games. Arriving home under the impression of this camp atmosphere, my husband and I decided to send our daughter to the New Wave camp for the 2nd shift of 2014.

After returning home, Lera cried for 2 days and wanted to return, we had to buy another ticket for another shift. It so happened that Lera spent 1.5 months in the camp (which is half the summer), she became more independent, she kept her room clean and helped to me at home and became an open child and made contact. As a result, as a mother who sent her child to a children's camp for the first time, I want to say that the camp disciplines and develops the creative potential of the child, and makes the children active. Therefore, I want to say that you can safely send your child to a proven place, the New Wave children's camp is one of places where my child is really good. Therefore, I recommend it.

Free tickets to the sanatorium for children are for minors aged six to fifteen years. To receive a free referral, you need to queue up for social security and confirm the right to a benefit.

To whom are the permits

Children from six to eighteen years old can get a ticket. Not everyone can get a free vacation.

The right to benefit is guaranteed by legal acts:

  1. art. 12 of the Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights to a Child’s Rest in the Russian Federation”;
  2. order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 138n of 03/27/2009

Additional guarantees are determined by regional acts.

  • orphans
  • children without guardianship;
  • families where income is below the subsistence level;

To obtain benefits, you must submit documents confirming the status.

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How and where to get

To get a ticket for next year, you need to register with social security. There are various options for summer holidays. The difference is in the prices and types of childcare facilities.

Required documents

You will need to fill out an application and attach documents to it:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • income statements;
  • referral from a medical institution;
  • certificate from the medical institution (form No. 070 / U-04);
  • photocopy of birth certificate and passport of a minor.

Additionally, documents confirming the preferential status are submitted:

  1. When receiving benefits for children with disabilities, you will need a VTEC certificate and a referral to a wellness vacation.
  2. Single moms bring testimony from social protection.
  3.   receive benefits on the basis of a certificate of large families.
  4.   , submit income documents for three months.

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Problems with getting directions will not arise if you act according to plan:

  1. Collect documents and contact social security specialists at the place of registration.
  2. At the reception, tell me your wishes regarding the date and time of summer vacation. Do not hope that everything will be executed exactly. The public service acts as an intermediary in this case.
  3. It remains to wait for offers. If the offer does not fit, you can refuse it and wait for a better option.
  Nuance! Do not delay the handling. To get a place in the necessary camp, it is better to submit documents for the year, otherwise there may not be any places left.

When the direction has already been drawn up, you will again need to collect help:

  1. Get a spa card from a pediatrician.
  2. Confirm that there is no contact with infectious patients.
  3. Order an extract from the medical history.
  4. Get a vaccination card.
  5. Make a photocopy of the medical policy and the birth certificate of the minor.
  Advice! It is better to take tests when the issue of obtaining benefits has already been resolved positively. This is due to the fact that some analyzes have a limited shelf life. If their validity period has already expired, then you will have to re-engage in taking tests.

If the proposed options do not fit at all, you can buy a ticket yourself, and then get a refund.

How to send your child to a children's camp or sanatorium for free

To receive a refund, you need the following documents:

  • voucher payment check;
  • tear-off root;
  • certificates confirming low income;
  • certificates from a children's institution that there was a minor.

The application shall indicate the bank account number where the refund will be transferred. Funds are transferred within three months. Compensation is paid by the Social Insurance Fund. Parents can take advantage of social support measures no more than once a year.

Nuance! A refusal to pay compensation is possible if the level of service in the children's camp falls short of the standards. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the list of companies that provide services at the proper level.

It does not make sense to pay for an expensive vacation. The entire amount will not be refunded. The amount of compensation depends on the level of family income, as well as regional standards. When the family has the right to 100% compensation, it is necessary to attach documents confirming the preferential status.

You can also get directions through the clinic. For this, a referral from the attending doctor is taken.

If the health of the children is all right, you can go the other way. You can ask about the availability of benefits at an educational institution. The criterion is good school performance, sports achievements.

3 institutions where you can apply for a benefit:

  • social protection;
  • my Documents Public Services Center (formerly MFC);
  • city \u200b\u200badministration.

Also, an application in electronic form can be sent through the portal Residents of the capital can contact the city hall.

Some organizations have unions that deal with employee benefits. Therefore, it is possible to clarify the possibility of issuing a ticket to the union.

To whom give free tickets

There is a general list of beneficiaries.

These include

In addition, regional authorities can additionally determine who is entitled to benefits.

Advice! If you are afraid of letting young children alone, then you can accompany the children on a trip. This opportunity is given by the program “Mother and Child”. It may be the mother who accompanies this program. Father, grandmothers, uncles and aunts do not have such an opportunity.

Free meals and accommodation. But families pay the fare at their own expense.

Travel is paid for children with disabilities, low-income citizens and applicants living in the Far North.

If the permit is given during school hours, this does not mean that the child will necessarily lag behind his peers. Many camps provide additional educational activities for children.

Moscow Regional Program

For Muscovites, the Moscow Shift program is working. Under the terms of this program, in 2019, Muscovites have the opportunity to leave their children in recreation centers.   Conditions for summer vacations are created at camps, schools, sports centers. The preferential program was organized with the support of the United Russia party.

Specialists organize classes with children, provide three meals a day.

The child can be left from nine in the morning until six in the evening. Parents need not worry that they will pick up children later than the set time. Teachers carry out round-the-clock shifts.

Children who are resting on the project "Moscow shift", do not sit idle.

  • visiting places of military glory;
  • watching educational films;
  • visiting excursions, sports facilities;
  • visiting exhibitions, cinemas;
  • field trips.

Children's interests are respected in the first place. Each child enrolled in a recreation center, gets the opportunity for self-development. The orientation of the institution is taken into account.

Pupils who have developmental disabilities are identified in specialized rehabilitation centers.

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November 7, 2017, 10:26 Mar 3, 2019 13:42

Children who permanently reside in Moscow and belong to preferential categories are entitled to receive a preferential ticket:

  • orphans and children left without parental care, who, in accordance with Federal Law of December 21, 1996 No. 159-ФЗ “On Additional Guarantees for Social Support of Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care,” are provided with additional guarantees for social support and who have a place of residence in the city of Moscow;
  • orphans and children left without parental care, who are under guardianship, trusteeship, including in a foster or foster family (from 7 to 17 years old inclusively - for individual recreation, from 3 to 17 years old inclusively - for joint outreach);
  • children with disabilities, children with disabilities (from 7 to 15 years old inclusively - for an individual rest, from 4 to 17 years old inclusively - for joint outreach);
  • children from low-income families (from 3 to 7 years old inclusive - for joint outreach, from 7 to 15 years old inclusively - for individual outbound);
  • children of others
  • from low-income families;
  • victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and technological disasters, natural disasters;
  • from families of refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • caught in extreme conditions;
  • victims of violence;
  • the vital activity of which is objectively violated as a result of the circumstances, and which cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of the family;
  • victims of terrorist acts;
  • from families of military personnel and persons equated to them who have died or received injuries (injuries, injuries, shell shocks) in the performance of military service duties or official duties;
  • from families in which both or one parent are disabled;
  • with deviations in behavior.
"\u003e preferential categories (from 7 to 15 years old inclusively for an individual outing) subject to the receipt of a monthly child allowance in accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 67 (information must be provided on receipt of the allowance).

2. What documents are needed to get a free ticket?

  • identity document of the child;
  • identity document of the applicant;
  • information about the identity document of the parent (legal representative) (when submitting the application by a proxy);
  • identity document of the accompanying person (in case of organization of joint rest);
  • a document containing information on the child’s place of residence, persons from among orphans and children without parental care in the city of Moscow;
  • document confirming the authority of the applicant as a parent (legal representative);
  • document confirming the preferential category of the child;
  • a document confirming the preferential category of a person from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • a document confirming the authority of the accompanying person for a joint rest, including for the accompanying person by proxy;
  • a document confirming the authority to submit an application (when applying for a proxy);
  • compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) numbers of the persons indicated in the application;
  • document confirming the change of the name of the persons indicated in the application (only in case of change).

3. When to apply and how much is it considered?

As a rule, the application campaign for receiving free trips for the next year begins at the end of the current one. So, applications for free trips for children in 2019 were accepted from November 2 to December 10, 2018. Together with the application, you must choose a period and a recreation area. In total, 12 climatic zones are available for selection. Information on the application deadlines for 2020 will appear later.

4. Who can ride with a child?

A free ticket for a trip with a child can get:

  • a parent or other legal representative or proxy to accompany disabled children and children with disabilities, as well as orphans and children left without parental care, who are under guardianship, trusteeship, including in a foster or foster family;
  • a parent or other legal representative or proxy to accompany a child from a low-income family (one in the case of accompanying less than four children, two in the case of four or more children).

With full payment of the cost of vouchers are provided:

  • another child (children) from this family under the age of 17 years inclusive, not belonging to preferential categories;
  • another child (children) from this family up to and including 2 years old, belonging to the category of orphans and children left without parental care, under guardianship, guardianship, including in a foster or foster family;
  • another child (children) from this family up to and including 3 years old, who belongs to the category of children with disabilities, children with disabilities;
  • another child (children) from this family under the age of 2 years old inclusively or between the ages of 8 and 17 years old inclusive, belonging to the category of children from low-income families.

5. Whose applications are considered first?

Applications for the provision of recreation and health services to children in difficult life situationsare considered in turn in the following order:

  1. First of all, applications for the provision of recreation and health services are considered for children who, in the current year and the previous 2 calendar years, were not provided with free vouchers or certificates for receiving payments for independent organization of recreation and health, compensation was not paid for self-purchased vouchers.
  2. Secondly, applications for the provision of recreation and health services are considered for children who, at any 2 years from the last 3 years, including the current year, were not provided with free vouchers or certificates for receiving payments for self-organization of recreation and health, compensation was not paid for independently purchased vouchers .
  3. In the third place, applications for the provision of recreation and recreation services to children who are 2 years in a row or in any 2 of the last 3 years, including the current year, are provided with free trips for recreation and rehabilitation or certificates for receiving payments for independent organization of recreation and rehabilitation, are not considered. Compensation was paid for self-purchased tickets.

In each of these queues, applications are considered based on the date and time of filing.

Applications for the provision of services for recreation and recreation orphans and children without parental careunder guardianship, trusteeship, including in a foster or foster family, are considered only on the basis of the date and time of filing.

6. Can I refuse a free ticket?

You have the right to refuse to rest on the already received free ticket in two cases:

  1. If at least 35 working days are left before the check-in date. You can refuse by submitting a written application for a personal appeal to GAUK "Mosgortur" (a preliminary appointment is required).
  2. In the presence of
  3. disease, injury to the child;
  4. illness, trauma of an accompanying person (in case of organization of a joint outing);
  5. the need for an accompanying person to care for a sick family member (in the case of organizing a joint outing);
  6. quarantine of the child or quarantine of the person living with the child, as well as, in the case of organizing a joint outing, quarantine of the accompanying person;
  7. death of a close relative (parent, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, uncle, aunt);
  8. receiving by children with disabilities and children with disabilities health resort treatment or rehabilitation at the same time, for which a free ticket for recreation and health is provided.
  9. "\u003e good reason   no later than 60 calendar days from the day the rest period specified in the package begins. You can refuse by submitting a written application for a personal appeal to GAUK "Mosgortur" (a preliminary appointment is required). Documents confirming the existence of valid reasons are attached to the application.

Note. If you submitted an application for the provision of recreation and recreation services, but then changed your mind, you can withdraw the application at the second stage of the application campaign before receiving Notifications were sent to applicants between February 7 and 22, 2019.

"\u003e free voucher notifications. You can do this:
  • personally, by contacting the Mosgortur GAUK at the address: Moscow, lane Ogorodnaya Sloboda, building 9, building 1. Schedule: daily from 08:00 to 20:00. Other Moscow City contacts can be found on his website. Applications are accepted only by appointment;
  • online - on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow site. Log in, in front of the submitted application, click the “Withdraw application” button.

7. Can I get compensation if I bought a ticket myself?

The right to payment of compensation for a self-acquired permit for rest and recreation of children and accompanying persons shall have:

  • moscow residents who have adopted orphans and children left without parental care under guardianship, trusteeship, including in a foster or foster family ( Compensation is paid in the amount of 100% of an independently purchased vacation and recreation ticket for each child and for each accompanying person, based on no more than one accompanying person per child, but not more than three times the cost of living per capita established by the Moscow Government on the day of filing application for payment of compensation for the purchased ticket. "\u003e compensation in the amount of 100%);
  • moscow residents receiving a monthly child allowance in accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 67 “On a monthly child allowance” ( Compensated for 50% of the cost of the purchased voucher for rest and recreation, but not more than 5,000 rubles. "\u003e Compensation in the amount of 50%).

An application for payment of compensation for a self-purchased ticket can be submitted by a parent (legal representative) to the Mosgortur State Autonomous Institution at the address: 9, Ogorodnaya Sloboda lane, building 1. Schedule: daily from 08:00 to 20:00. Other Moscow City contacts can be found on his website. Applications are accepted only by appointment.

Please note in

  • lack of a child’s place of residence in the city of Moscow;
  • applying for payment of compensation after 60 calendar days from the date of the end of the period of rest and rehabilitation on the basis of the purchased voucher;
  • loss of validity of the submitted documents if the documents indicate their validity period or their validity period is established by law;
  • submission of an incomplete set of documents;
  • the availability, with respect to the same child, of information on the provision of a free voucher for rest and recreation in the current calendar year;
  • the availability of information about the same child regarding the provision in the current calendar year of a certificate to receive payment for the independent organization of recreation and rehabilitation;
  • the availability of information on the same child about the non-implementation of rest and rehabilitation without good reason on the basis of a voucher for rest and recreation provided in the past and (or) current calendar year with payment of the cost of a voucher for rest and recreation at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow;
  • You can also contact GAUK Mosgortur at the following address: Moscow, lane Ogorodnaya Sloboda, building 9, building 1. Schedule: daily from 08:00 to 20:00. Other Moscow City contacts can be found on his website. Reception is by appointment only.