Project on the topic “Folk folklore holidays in the life of kids. Folklore holidays in kindergarten. Scenarios Folk holidays in dow scenarios


“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the biggest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in the collapse of the economy, not in the change of the political system, but in the destruction of the individual. Nowadays, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones, so children's ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism are distorted. The formation of the foundations of moral qualities begins in preschool childhood. The spiritual and moral development of the child largely depends on how successfully this process is carried out.

Preschool age is the foundation of the overall development of the child, the starting period of all high human principles. Preserving humanity in our children, laying the moral foundations that will make them more resistant to unwanted influences, teaching them the rules of communication, the ability to live among people are the main ideas of educating the spiritual and moral qualities of a person. Kindergarten is a cultural and social placenta for every preschooler, where his social experience is formed and worked out. In this space, children learn to perceive complex life phenomena, their manifestations of social and material stratification are smoothed out, and a humanistic orientation is formed. In the cultural and educational space of the preschool educational institution, a preschooler masters a system of values, norms, stereotypes of society, he develops a system of internal regulators, habitual forms of behavior. In it, he not only adapts to life, to the social environment, but is the creator of his life, transforms himself and fulfills himself.

Standardization in the education system is normalized by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education". There has never been such a standard in Russia. And every year he opens the doors to the Russian educational system wider and wider. And from January 1, 2014, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" came into force.

GEF - federal state educational standard.

GEF DO this is a set of mandatory requirements for the structure of the Program and its volume, the conditions for implementation and the results of mastering the Program. The Program itself is developed on the basis of the standard. This is done by preschools themselves. Its content should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types activities, guarantee the protection and strengthening of the physical and psychological health of pupils, comfortable in relation to pupils (including those with disabilities). An integrative result of the implementation of these requirements is the creation of a developing educational environment: Providing spiritual and moral development and education of children, as well as high quality preschool education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for children and their parents and the whole society.

culturally The educational environment of a preschooler is the foundation for the Program of Spiritual and Moral Development, Education of Students at the Stages of Primary General Education (clause 19.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard), which is based on key educational tasks, basic national values ​​of Russian society. In connection with these, the task was set to orient the project "Folk folklore holidays in the life of kids" to solve the main problem of modern society loss of moral interests and universal values.

Folk culture is one of the means of moral, cognitive and aesthetic development children. Modern preschooler lives at a time when Russian culture, native language are influenced by foreign cultures. On TV screens, the child sees Disney cartoons, the characters of foreign films become the heroes of modern children. But what about our fairy-tale heroes, wonderful cartoons of the Soviet period, amazing fairy tale films, where good triumphs over evil? Let us recall the words of academician D.S. Likhachev: “The Russian people should not lose their moral authority among other peoples - the authority worthily won by Russian art and literature. We should not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments, literature, language, painting. Rational differences will remain in the twenty-first century if we are concerned with the education of souls, and not just the transfer of knowledge. It is the native culture that must find its way to the heart, soul of the child and underlie his personality. And one of the means of spiritual moral education preschoolers is oral folk art. It is no coincidence that folklore has long been properly evaluated in various aspects: as a means of pedagogical influence, as a means of psychological and pedagogical study of the child, as a means of forming spiritual and moral culture, as a means of enriching the vocabulary of children and as a means of conveying the beauty and imagery of the Russian language. Only the works of oral folk art surprisingly combine deep wisdom, ease of understanding and ease of memorization, corresponding to the psychophysiological characteristics of preschoolers.


Interest and attention to folk art, including music, has recently increased even more in our country. Increasingly, they are talking about the need to familiarize children with the origins of Russian culture, about the revival of folk holidays with their traditions. The importance of various forms of Russian folklore in the musical education of preschoolers cannot be overestimated. After all, introducing children to folk art, we thereby introduce them to the history of the Russian people, to moral universal values, which are so lacking in our turbulent times. It is impossible not to note the role of folk culture in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children. Our ancestors left us a truly inexhaustible source of folk wisdom. A little creativity, fiction, improvisation and from the old ritual festivities get wonderful holidays for our children. That is why the development of the project “Folk Folk Holidays in the Life of Kids” has become relevant. In order to educate a harmoniously developed personality, it is necessary with early age to nurture cognitive abilities in a child, since the task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions is the development of the cognitive abilities of the child, since any country needs diversified development. Intellectually savvy, harmoniously harmonious personalities, and preschool pedagogy contributes to the upbringing of such children.

object research, this project provides for the process of involving all the children of our preschool institution.

Subject This project activity is the way to familiarize children with folk culture.

Objective of the project: Introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture by getting to know folklore holidays.

Project objectives:

  1. To form in children a steady interest in folk art, a desire to get acquainted with various genres of folklore.
  2. To intensify children's ideas about folk holidays, customs and traditions of the Russian people.
  3. To develop the emotional perception of folk music in various types of musical activity.
  4. To acquaint children with Russian folk songs of various genres, with the sound and appearance Russian folk instruments.
  5. Develop imagination, creativity and acting skills.
  6. Expand the range of children's voices, develop vocal and choral skills, purity of intonation by means of folklore.
  7. Cultivate patriotic feelings, pride in a great power.
  8. Involve parents in joint activities to implement a project to familiarize children with the origins of Russian national culture.

novelty and distinctive feature The project is to involve children in creative activities. Creation of game miniatures, performances of folklore holidays, as well as knowledge of the origins of folk art.

Necessity in the creation of this project exists, since it is considered as a multilateral process associated with the development of children's musical perception, imagination, musical ear, forms a performing culture, motivates creativity.

Expected results:

  • sustained interest in the culture of the Russian people;
  • children's knowledge of oral folk art, songs, decorative -

applied arts;

  • creation of a calendar of holidays, consisting of children's works.

Project summary

Project "Folk folklore holidays in the life of kids" represents an internal regulatory document and is important for assessing the quality of the musical educational process in kindergarten"Chamomile". The main idea of ​​the project is humanization, the priority of educating universal human values: kindness, beauty, truth, preschool childhood. The project is based on the integration of artistic and speech, musical, gaming, visual, theatrical activities. It is based on introducing children from children to folk art (listening to folk music, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, riddles, lullabies).

Stages of project implementation

I. Organizational and preparatory

  • Substantiation of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice;
  • Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;
  • Selection of literature, manuals, attributes;
  • Discussion with parents of children on issues related to the implementation of the project.

II. Basic

  • Direct educational activities with children.
  • Cooperative activity
  • Independent activity of children.

III. Final

  • Generalization of the results of the work;
  • Activity analysis.

The main principle of the project- the principle of interaction of the child with various forms folklore. Ritual songs, games, dances, folk tales, small folklore genres are all invaluable wealth that can help a child overcome stiffness, shyness, and become a creative person.

Formulation of the problem

Nowadays, many modern children grow up on primitive musical “masterpieces”, the sole purpose of which is mindless obedience to the rhythm and deafening cacophony of sounds. This creates an atmosphere of spiritual poverty and artistic grayness and does not contribute to a harmonious and moral development. Watching children during folklore holidays, theatrical folk performances, folklore performances, while getting acquainted with various forms of oral folk art and small musical folklore forms, their keen interest in this process and cognitive activity are visible. In children, a reciprocal spiritual feeling is born, an interest in the customs and culture of the people, of which they are carriers, moral values ​​are harmoniously formed: the idea of ​​goodness, beauty, truth and fidelity, which acquire special significance these days. Listening to the speech of children, one can note its scarcity, weak attempts to build logical phrases, stories, express thoughts, retell the text.

Russian proverbs, fables, sayings, tongue twisters (the oldest speech therapy), jokes, songs, amusing and tiresome tales not only reveal sound beauties native word, coordinate movement and speech, but also expand, enrich, activate the child's vocabulary.

Relying on Toolkit for educators folk calendar and children" by S. Chernoskutova, folklore material of the book guidelines and the program by E.G.

Action plan

Stage Events Timing Responsible
Organizational and preparatory Questioning of educators

Parent survey


May-September music director,


Basic October Musical director
Consultation for educators "The role of musical folklore in the lives of children preschool age» November Musical director
Seminar - workshop for educators "Using musical folklore in raising children" December Musical director
"Master class" for parents "Folk music therapy" February music director,


Seminar - workshop for parents "Introduce kids to folklore" March music director,


Round table with the participation of parents "The role of folklore in April music director,


Cultural and leisure event "Fair" May music director,


Reflective-diagnostic Questioning of educators

Parent survey

Monitoring of creative abilities, musical features


May music director,


Activity plan with children



Conduct form preliminary work Material Direction
Autumn - queen Holiday Conversation about autumn holidays, O folk omens and customs associated with them, learning songs, dances, riddles, Russian folk games. Costumes, musical instruments
Christmas Gatherings Musical

living room

A conversation about Christmas holidays, about the customs of dressing up for Christmas, introducing children to Christmas songs. Illustrations depicting


carols Entertainment Conversation about the Shrovetide holiday, about traditions, rituals, customs. Learning sentences, jokes, chants, songs.

Organization and holding of Russian folk games and amusements.



noise musical


Oh yes Maslenitsa! Russian festivities Learning Christmas carols, Russian folk games Suits


noise musical


Physical development
Palm Sunday Holding Russian folk games "Verba - Verbochka" A story about the celebration of Palm Sunday and the willow. twigs

willow, folk

Artistic and aesthetic development
Easter Holiday The story of Easter. Acquaintance with rituals, games, beliefs, customs. Learning Easter songs, sentences, coloring Easter eggs. suits,


slide layout tools,

Easter eggs,

Social and personal development
Trinity will be covered with greenery Holiday A conversation about the celebration of the Trinity about rituals and traditions. Learning Russian folk games, round dances, songs. Demo.


Informative- speech development

Resource support of the project

1. Regulatory and legal resource:

  • coordination of the project with the administration of the kindergarten;
  • approval of the project at a meeting of the creative group of teachers.

2. Material and technical resource

  • the acquisition of inventory, consumables for the manufacture of benefits and the creation of a special environment in kindergarten groups.

3. Information resource:

  • selection of methodological and educational literature on the topic;
  • collection of information on the topic of the project from the Internet and periodicals.

Resource support of the project:


  • The program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
  • The program "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" (O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva, 2001).
  • System of work on the formation of culture healthy lifestyle life “Our tradition is to be healthy!” (Karepova T.G., Zhukovin I.Yu.).
  • Program "School of ethnic socialization" (L.V. Surovyak, Novosibirsk, 2004).
  • Folk art therapy (L.D. Nazarova, St. Petersburg, 2002).
  • Author's developments of teachers and methodologist of MDOU "Romashka" Ray O. N. O. N., Rudakova L. G. , Tokmakova O. E.


The project is implemented at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the Romashka MBDOU (purchase of methodological literature, equipment, etc.), as well as by the volunteer activities of the teachers of the preschool educational institution, and the parents of the pupils of the preschool educational institution (collection of exhibits for the museum, production of visual and didactic aids, etc.).


The implementation of the project requires the design of a mini-museum, the production of information materials for the parents of the pupils.


The development and implementation of the project is provided by full-time employees of the preschool educational institution:

  • senior educator, teacher-psychologist Skripochka V.E.;
  • educators of the highest qualification category Raya O.N. Rudakova L. G.

As a result of the project implementation:

  • children will show an active interest and desire to engage in poetic and musical folklore;
  • children will develop acting skills, communication skills;
  • educators will receive an interesting technology of working with children, based on the creation of figurative-game situations that require children to reincarnate, work of fantasy, and imagination. They will make the entry into the world of folklore desirable, interesting, entertaining, personalized and meaningful for the child. Also, teachers will gain experience in making costumes, props, props and the experience of joint cooperation with children and parents.

Risks and ways to overcome risks

Of course, when testing a project, one must take into account that certain difficulties and risks will arise.

I would like to note the problems that we encountered:

  • the content of a number of classes is not fully built taking into account age

characteristics of preschool children;

  • the content of one lesson includes two or more works, which

difficult for the perception of children;

  • the music director has to prepare for each lesson, thoroughly process it and make changes;
  • not enough methodological base, preparing for the lesson, it was necessary to find and look through a large amount of literature, prepare a large visual material, illustrations, paintings.

But all these problems can be overcome with the help of interaction between the teaching staff and parents. At present, the problem of spiritual and moral education of children is particularly acute. The present and future of Russian society and the state are determined by the spiritual and moral health of the people, the careful preservation and development of their cultural heritage, historical and cultural traditions, the norms of public life, the preservation of the national heritage of all the peoples of Russia.

Particularly significant is the period of preschool childhood, the period of the child's initial entry into this huge, amazing and beautiful world. It is at preschool age that the foundation of the system of spiritual and moral values ​​is laid, which determines the attitude of a person to the world in all its diversity of manifestations. The child forms the basis of attitude towards himself and others, society as a whole.

Interaction with professionals and parents:

The implementation of the project is more efficient and effective with the participation of specialists from the preschool educational institution: we resort to the advice of a teacher-psychologist to solve social and moral problems in children. The advice of a speech therapist helps to improve the speech skills of preschoolers. Other teachers take part in holidays, entertainment as characters. Parents help in the manufacture of attributes, costumes for the holidays; participate as characters. There are also conversations with parents, their participation helps at home to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired by children in the classroom and, thereby, achieve the results we want.

The strategy of working with the parents of pupils involves

  • informing parents about the goals, objectives and results of project activities;
  • conducting a problem-based analysis for comparison

achieved results with predicted ones.

The model of cooperation between teachers and the families of pupils is built as a process of interpersonal communication, the result of which is the formation of a conscious attitude in parents to their own views and attitudes in matters of spiritual and moral education of the child.

The teaching staff in this direction solved the following tasks:

  • united the efforts of teachers and parents;
  • created an atmosphere of common interests in the process of organizing project activities.

In order to familiarize parents with project activities, active forms work. Close interaction with the families of pupils and pedagogical education of parents are carried out in the classroom: “Schools for parents”. We produce information stands for parents: “Folk holiday in the life of a child”, “In the family circle”, “Orthodox holidays”.

Thus: constant work with the family makes it possible to observe the principle of continuity and continuity of spiritual and moral education in the family and kindergarten. The work of the kindergarten in this direction meets the needs of parents who want to see their children spiritually, mentally and physically healthy.

Necessary conditions for the implementation of the program :

Special premises, technical equipment, Russian folk musical and noise instruments, household items, folk costumes, different types theatre, oral and musical folklore material, paraphernalia.

The project "Folk Folk Holidays in the Life of Kids" should become a powerful impetus for the development of the entire teaching staff in terms of familiarizing preschoolers with Russian traditional culture. And the main task is to help the child develop, to show his creative potential. To do this, I made an attempt to generalize and systematize the folklore repertoire from various sources with an emphasis on the social, moral and speech development of preschoolers, as well as overcoming shyness in children by means of musical and theatrical, gaming activity. In general, the project has progress in its development, since its originality lies in the interaction of creativity, mastering the experience of past generations, studying it, implementing the acquired knowledge in Everyday life. Folklore and folk art teach children to understand good and evil, as well as to resist negative phenomena. This project helps to comprehensively approach the problem of social and moral education of preschoolers to solve communication and speech problems. Also, folklore is one of effective methods education, fraught with huge didactic opportunities. Also, the leading place in the process of acquiring the first ethno-cultural knowledge by children, we initially assigned to the children's folklore holiday. We try to create a joyful mood in the child, an emotional upsurge and form a festive culture (knowledge of the traditions of a folk holiday, the peculiarities of organizing a festive event, the rules for inviting guests and guest etiquette). Preparation for the holiday always arouses interest in children, on the basis of which artistic taste is formed, the unity of children and adults. The most important thing is that no one should be a passive contemplator. We, adults, must give vent to children's aspirations, contribute to the satisfaction of their desire to participate in games, dances, dramatizations, in the design of the hall, group. This contributes to the socialization of the child, forms an active position in him and causes a desire to preserve the traditions and customs of the Russian people.


  1. Boronina, E. G. "Charm". Program for the comprehensive study of musical folklore in kindergarten. – M.: Vlados, 1999.
  2. Vetlugina N.A. Musical education in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 1981. - 240 p., notes. - (B-ka kindergarten teacher).
  3. Dzerzhinskaya, I. L., Musical education younger preschoolers: A guide for the educator and music. head of children garden. (from work experience) - M .: Education, 1985 - 160c., Notes.
  4. Tuning fork: a program of musical education for children of early and preschool age / E. P. Kostina. - M .: Education, 2004,. - 223s. - ISBN 5-09-014666-7.
  5. Tuning fork: a program of musical education for children of early and preschool age / E. P. Kostina. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2006. - 223 pp. - ISBN 5-09-014666-7.
  6. Kaplunova, I., Novoskoltseva, I. A holiday every day. The program of musical education for preschool children "Ladushki", junior group. St. Petersburg: Composer Publishing House, 1999, - 60s.
  7. Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva, M. D., Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture.
  8. Doronova T.N. Together with family. M. Education, 2006.
  9. Radynova O.P. Musical education in the family M. Education, 1994.
  10. Davydova I.A. Forms of work of the musical director of the preschool educational institution with parents. J. September 1, 2013.
  11. Kalinina T.V. New information technologies in preschool childhood Zh. Management preschool educational institution 2008 No. 6.
  12. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activity of preschoolers. A guide for educators preschool institutions. - M.: Mosaic-sintez, 2008. - 112 p.
  13. Kiseleva L.S. and others. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: - M .: ARKTI, 2003. - 96 p. 4.

Scenario of a children's folklore holiday

"Village gatherings"


1. Introduce children to Russian folk oral art, arts and crafts,

2. Raise love and respect for Russian folk art, traditions of the native land,

3. Develop attention, memory.

The group is brightly decorated. The table is covered with a bright tablecloth. On the table is a samovar, treats, painted dishes, Dymkovo toys. Near the walls there are benches on which the children sit. The children are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Girls knit on knitting needles, embroider handkerchiefs on the hoop, there is a spinning wheel in the corner. The boys weave belts.

Leader's words:

“Hello kids: girls and boys, hello dear guests. Guys, look how our living room has changed. each Russian hut. Along the walls there were benches on which they sat, and sometimes even slept. In each hut there was a spinning wheel on which women spun woolen and downy threads. Socks, mittens and other things were knitted from these threads. And here is a candle on the table Guys, what do you think, why were candles needed?(Children answer). That's right, before there was no light, so people used candles. Then the guys did not have TVs, computers, and the youth gathered in the evenings, after work in some hut and arranged gatherings with songs, dances and games. And we will have gatherings today.

Owner's words:

"Please, dear guests, please! Fun to you, yes joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time - we will wait, the holiday does not start! We have a place and a word for everyone. Is it convenient for you, dear guests, is everyone visible, can everyone hear, is there enough space for everyone?

One of the guests:

"There was enough space for the guests, of course, but isn't it a bit cramped for the hosts?"

Owner's words:

"In cramped quarters - no offense. We have in store for you amusements for every taste, for someone - a fairy tale, for someone the truth, for someone a song. Fiction in their faces, sitting in tower-rooms, cracking nuts and making mockery."

Children perform a playful dialogue-fiction:

Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

You can sew.

There is no needle.

Is the hole big?

Yes, one gate remains.

Owner's words:

"Guys, now we have listened to the fiction in the faces. What word did you sound unfamiliar to you?(children's answers) That's right - this is the word "caftan". Kaftan is long men's clothing worn in the old days. Let's repeat this word "caftan" together and remember it. And we continue to listen to the fables in the faces.

Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?

Yes, I caught a bear!

So lead here!

He doesn't go!

So go yourself!

Yes, he does not let!

Son, go to the river for some water!

Belly hurts!

Son, go eat porridge!

Well, since the mother orders - we must go.

All children sing a song: “I will sow a swan on the shore”:

I will sow a swan on the shore,

I will sow a swan on the shore,

My big seedling

My big green one.

The swan burned without rain,

The swan burned without rain,

My big nursery

My big green one.

I will send a Cossack on the water,

I will send a Cossack on the water,

There is no water, no Cossacks,

No water, no young.

I will sow a swan on the shore,

I will sow a swan on the shore,

My big seedling

My big green one.

Boys words:

What are your girls doing?

They sew and sing!

And mothers?

They spit and cry.

Foma, is it warm in your hut?

Warm. You can warm up on the stove and in a fur coat.

Owner's words:

"Now we will play the folk game "Boyars"!"

Guys invite girls to the circle for a game.

The Russian folk game "Boyars" is held:

(girls sing)


"Boyars, why did you come,

Young, why did you come?


"Princesses, yes, we choose a bride,

Young, yes, we choose a bride."


"Boyars, and how sweet you are,

Young, what do you like?"


"Princesses, this is dear to us,

Young people, this one is dear to us."


"Our regiment has gone, gone"

(2 times.)


"In our regiment arrived, arrived."

(2 times.)

The game continues until all the girls go over to the boys side.

Two girls read ditties before dancing:

- Oh, stomp, leg

Topni right,

I will go dancing

Even though it's small.

- I'm going to dance

By straw

Come on people

On the side!

Four more girls come out and perform ditties:

- Wider circle, wider circle,

Give me a wider circle.

I don't go dancing alone

There are four of us.

I didn't want to dance

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played

I couldn't resist.

- And in our yard

frogs croaked,

And I'm barefoot from the stove,

Girlfriends thought.

- I walked through the village

And I saw Vanya

Sitting under a bush and crying

The chicken hurt.

- I danced in three legs,

Lost my boots

looked back

My boots are on.

- Balalaika - beep

Knows his business

She is in Vanya's hands

Plays well.

- A hedgehog sits on a birch-

White shirt.

On the head - a boot,

On the leg is a cap.

- If there was no water,

There would be no mug

If there were no girls

Who would sing ditties.

Two girls are busy, one knits, the other embroiders.

1 girl:

"A loafer and a loafer - they have a holiday on Monday."

2 girl:

"Today goulashki and tomorrow goulashki- you are without a shirt."

Owner's words:

"Guys, why you can stay without a shirt, what do you think?(children's answers) In the old days, a peasant had nowhere to buy a shirt. Therefore, shirts were first grown in the field - flax was sown, processed, then cloth was woven and shirts were already sewn from it. And if you walk all the time, there will be no time to work, you can stay without a shirt.


- Shark, what are you sewing from the back?

1 girl:

- And I, father, will still flog.

Owner's words:

"Dear guests, would you like to eat sweets and listen to songs?"

(treats guests with sweets)

The girls sing a round dance song "There was a birch in the field."

(Words and folk music)

- There was a birch in the field,

Curly stood in the field,

Lyuli, Lyuli stood.

- Break a birch for someone,

Break someone's hair.

Lyuli, lyuli break it.

- When I go for a walk in the forest,

I will break the white birch.

Lyuli, Lyuli I'll break.

- I will cut three rods from a birch,

I will make myself three beeps,

Lyuli, lyuli three beeps.

- There was a birch in the field,

Curly stood in the field,

Lyuli, Lyuli stood.


"And we don't slurp cabbage soup either! Well, guys, our favorite!"

The song “Oh, you canopy my canopy” sounds, boys and girls perform a dance.

Two girls:

- There are two chickens outside.

They fight with a rooster.

- Two beautiful girls

Watching and laughing

"Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha

How we feel sorry for the rooster!


"Well, stop talking to you, it's time to start dancing!"

Owner's words:

"Well, dance or not, but we will play the folk game "Sit, sit, Yasha ..."

Children, holding hands, walk around the person sitting in the center and sing:

- Sit, sit, Yasha,

You are our fun.

nibble nuts

For your amusement.

Yasha pretends to be eating nuts. At the word "fun" the children stop and clap their hands, and Yasha gets up and spins around with eyes closed.

- Put your hands on

Say the name correctly.

At the end of the song, Yasha with closed eyes approaches one of the players, touches, guesses who it is. If he guesses, he becomes the leader, i.e. Yasha, and the game continues.


"Kum-kumanek, where do you live?

What a kumanek, you're not coming to visit me?"

Boy with a samovar:

"I go, I go, I go,

I carry a samovar in my hands.

Oh, tea, tea, tea!

You gossip, meet!"

(The samovar is placed on a table prepared in advance)


"The corners of the hut are not red,

And red with pies!

Owner's words:

"Come, come!

Take a treat!

Drink tea!

Us kind word remember!"

Leader's words:

"It's a pity to leave, but the holiday ends. We had fun from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you all!

“The loss by the people of their art, of their artistic values ​​is a national tragedy and a threat to the very existence of the nation…”

M.P. Mussorgsky

Our kindergarten, in its work with preschoolers to familiarize them with Russian folk culture and art, sets itself target - acquaintance with musical folklore. We achieve this goal both in music and in other activities, in everyday life, at leisure and in the process of folk holidays held with children and their parents.

Home task musical education is the revival of folk art, folk traditions and customs. As well as love for native land, Motherland, people.

The old saying goes: "Everything new is well forgotten old." A person always distinguishes his own culture as a special first one, with which, as a rule, he gets used to, gets used to, which he absorbs, as they say, "with mother's milk." This is probably why, sooner or later, a person still begins to carefully look at the culture of the past. Today, one can see a revival of interest in national culture, in the rites and customs of our ancestors, in their traditions.

The significance of the culture of our people, the ability to understand it, the desire to join its further development, can become the basis of a person’s active creative activity if he is introduced to his native culture from early childhood. The child needs a smart and tactful assistant who will lead him to an amazing country of the past, tell about the life of the past - those who were before us will teach him to understand and be surprised.

So it has already become a tradition to hold "Carols", "Maslenitsa", "Trinity - a girl's holiday", "Easter chimes", "Gatherings", etc. At such holidays, children perform Russian folk songs: game, dance, various dances. The fervent melodies of these works delight with their fun, cheerful character. They are very simple in their construction, distinguished by a clear rhythm.

The value of a folklore holiday lies mainly in collective creative activity, in which the actions of people of several generations can be combined. Preparation for the holiday can be carried out in the form of project activities for children and adults. Such interaction contributes to the successful development of the child, makes the process of learning exciting and accessible, and the communication of the preschooler with others more interesting and meaningful. It is also important that the folklore and festive project ends with a bright, colorful, emotionally rich communication between children and adults, taking place in a relaxed and fun way.

Expectation of the holiday and preparation for it are an integral part of the annual rhythm and a way of moving into the future. The life of a child is filled with joy and meaning. He is confident in the future. The preparation process makes it possible to include various types of children's activities in the pedagogical process. Planning the joint work of teachers, children and parents takes place at parent meetings, also jointly between educators and specialists as follows:

- information about the goals, meaning and content of the holiday, emotional responsiveness;
– discussing and making gifts for children;
- learning songs and round dances;
- setting the timing of events, choosing those responsible, additional information.

The active participation of teachers, children and their parents in preparation for the holiday includes: traditional games and round dances, decorating the hall, preparing gifts.
The emotional and spiritual and moral atmosphere of the holiday is created by the general mood and activity of all participants. This is an atmosphere of community, spiritual unity and hospitality. Parents are involved in all affairs and games, and are not guests at someone else's feast, modestly sitting on the sidelines. Gaining experience and joint experiences of children and adults, they become the basis for maintaining folk traditions in families and kindergartens.

Stages of the holiday

There are four stages in the celebration, which have a spiritual and emotional coloring.

1. Creating a festive atmosphere based on the joint activities of children and adults. Activities: decorating the hall, preparing a festive table, performing in a play or a small role at a holiday, making gifts, crafts, surprises.
2. Joint games. They can be held both in the hall and on the street, depending on the holiday. Games can be in the general circle with the role of a teacher, as well as small attractions, for each of which an adult is responsible. This stage includes musical and rhythmic compositions that are played daily during the entire period of preparation for the holiday.
3. Festive meal. A meal is a holiday within a holiday, which is accompanied by choral singing, jokes, and riddles. It is important to pay attention to how the table is decorated. Use treats in accordance with the season and the nature of the holiday.
4. Performance-fairy tale or matinee according to a specially prepared scenario. This element of the holiday, which includes introducing children to the folk holiday and the customs associated with it. Show parents the performing abilities of children, consolidate folk games with children, expressive performance of their roles.

(Festive calendar: Autumn, Christmas and Shrovetide, Easter, Trinity)

The main principle of education in Rus' was the feasible inclusion of the child in all types of family activities: through communication, through work, through festive and game situations. But most families need help in establishing such relationships. How can it be provided? Modern preschool education can unobtrusively step in cooperation with parents through the revival of family celebrations of folk holidays.

IN national holidays the beauty of native nature and love for the land, a sense of justice and conscience, creativity, sincerity and hospitality appear. Traditional holidays can become the basis of the spiritual and moral development of a person, the basis of a culture of health, the lifeblood of a modern urban parent returning to the origins of Russian Christian culture.

Scenario of a folklore holiday

Part of the hall is decorated in the form of a Russian hut: in the middle there is a table, on it is a samovar, cast-iron pots, bowls. On the sides are wooden benches. There is a bench in the corner with a spinning wheel on it. Children and parents are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

The hostess and the owner of the room come out to the middle of the hall.

Owner and Hostess (shouting): “The girls are red, but good fellows! We invite you to have fun and have fun, joke, laugh. You and I will sing, play, dance, as our grandparents used to do when they were young.”


A guest in the yard is a joy to the owner.
Whoever is revered, is praised.
Red guest - red place.
Make yourself at home, sit down.

(Parents and children pass and sit down on benches to a folk tune)

Hostess: In the old days, after a hard day, people gathered together in the evenings for fun gatherings and spent time doing their favorite needlework. Who is sitting at the spinning wheel, who is embroidering a pattern on a towel. It was fun! Either they drag out the song, then they throw a joke. Here is the work they argued. And today we all gathered together for a gathering. As our grandparents loved to sing songs, so we will sing a Russian folk song. ( Perform a song « Like ours at the gate")

Master: Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous for their industriousness.

Hostess: There are many sayings and proverbs about work. And you, dear guests, do you know such proverbs and sayings?

(Guests call proverbs: “The work of the master is afraid”, “To live without work is only to smoke the sky”, “A small business is better than a big idleness”, “There is patience - there will be skill”, etc.)


"Cause time - fun hour."
They say that without a ditty
There is no life either.
We are ditties-laughter
Let's sing with all our heart!

(Guests sing ditties)

Hostess: Folk dances exist in all nations. And the Russian people have their own dance - the Russian round dance. “To lead a round dance, what’s so difficult here,” you might think. But to lead a round dance is not just walking in circles to the music, it is also singing, dancing and playing interesting roles. Round dance movements are simple and complex. And today we will all dance together. (They lead a round dance “And I am in the meadow”)


On the sea - ocean,
On the island of Buyan
There is a green oak,
Beneath it is a gilded table,
There is a baked bull on the table.
Sit down, eat
Listen to my story...

Listen to the word "fairy tale". The story tells, it tells. Grandmothers passed on fairy tales to their grandchildren, and they grew up and told their grandchildren. This is how fairy tales became popular.

The people love their heroes, love and know. And we offer you today to show one of the fairy tales. For example, "Teremok".

(Parents and children distribute roles among themselves, select the necessary attributes and stage a fairy tale. Folk music is used as a background, which expresses the character of each fairy tale hero. At the end of the tale, all the characters play folk instruments, express joy, mood).

Master: Folk wisdom says: "In cramped conditions, but not offended"

Hostess: The Russian people loved to play funny, mischievous games. And, what kind of games did not come up with!

(The hostess offers to stand in pairs and play the game "Brook")

Master makes a riddle:

“The lamb-yarochka jumped off the bench,
Jumped off the bench, hooves like an apple
All furry, mustachioed herself.
Sleeps during the day and tells fairy tales
And at night he wanders, goes hunting (Cat)

Do you know where riddles come from? what an interesting and long life lived on earth before meeting you? Riddles were born a long time ago, in those days when an ax was considered wealth. Many troubles lay in wait for a person then: lightning would strike a tree, a forest fire would rage, wolves would attack the herd ...
Our ancestors thought that the tree, and the grass, and every forest creature - everyone understands the human language. And in order to deceive nature, and to understand each other, hunters, fishermen and shepherds came up with a special language. It was from this secret speech that riddles were once born.

(Guests ask each other riddles)

Hostess:“Well, what is an evening without a ring game?!” Ring, ring, come out on the porch" (game "Ring")

Master:“Who has a frown here, the music is playing again”

(Round dance "On the mountain is viburnum", the Hostess leaves the room)


Kumushka-kuma, where do you live?
Gossip-gossip, why are you not going for so long?


I go, I go, I go
I carry a samovar in my hands.
Hey tea, tea, tea
Meet the gossip!

Owner and Hostess(together):

Let's sit by the samovar

(The host and hostess invite all guests to the table)

Russian folklore is a storehouse of folk wisdom: songs, proverbs, sayings, riddles, decorative arts. His attractive magical power everyone who comes into contact with folk art feels it.

The roots of Russian ritual holidays go deep into paganism and constitute a huge layer of Russian culture. Worshiping the god of Water, Earth, Fire, Sun, Rain and asking them for the fertility of the earth and the harvest - this is the main essence of ritual actions and ceremonies. The forces of nature were revered as follows: “Fire is the king, Water is the queen, Earth is mother, Sky is the father, Wind is the master, Rain is the breadwinner, the Sun is the prince, the moon is the princess.”

When holding folklore holidays, it will be interesting for children if they take part in their direct preparation: they make the simplest musical instruments (rattles, whistles) with their own hands, make something for the “fair”, decorate the hall, come up with their own costumes.

When learning Russian folk songs, it is advisable not to turn to the instrument if possible, since, by its oral nature, musical material is easier to perceive and remember precisely from the voice.

Carrying out Shrovetide, Trinity is possible in the open air.

Exaltation Day

14.09-27.09 (according to the old calendar)

In the old days, they said, “Baba think about cabbage on the day of exaltation”, “A good man has a pie with cabbage on the day of exaltation.” From that day on, girls' parties began - cabbage parties. Girls in rich attire go singing from house to house to chop cabbage. Tables with snacks are set in each house. Girls, entering the house, congratulate the owners on a good harvest, and in the evening they dance with the boys. Comic songs, jokes, mischievous sentences sound in houses and in the yard. An invitation to cabbage parties has long been a sign of affection, affection. Refusing an invitation was considered a sign of disrespect for the hosts.

Cabbage evenings came to us

On horses, on sables, on foxes, ermines.

Already you, gossips, my girlfriends,

You come to work for me

Help me chop the cabbage

Help me pick her up.

Round dance games for cabbage evenings

1. "Sit down, Yasha."

The children dance around the seated boy and sing.

Sit, sit, Yasha,

You are our fun.

nibble nuts

For your amusement.

At last word Yasha is untwisted, blindfolded beforehand.

Put your hands on

Say the name correctly.

Yasha approaches any player, touches him and guesses the name. The one who guesses is put in Yasha's place. The game continues again.

2. "Wattle" ("Veysya, cabbage").

The children line up and hold hands. The host leads the row, coming under the hands of the last couple standing, they turn. The leader passes under the arms of the second pair, they also turn, and so on until the end. At the end of each left hand thrown over the shoulder. When the wattle is curled, they begin to develop it.

(Curling, singing.)

Weave you, weave

My cabbage.

Weave you, weave

Fork is mine.

Evening on the cabbage

Evening at the fork,

Frequent heavy rain.

(Developing, sentence.)

Develop you, cabbage,

Develop you, fork cat,

Don't get married, dear little groom.

If you marry, repent

Break up with me girl.

Christmas time

Christmas time, Christmas evenings - so they were traditionally called holidays from the Nativity of Christ (January 7-18). All the actions of this holiday were given a magical character, and in the past they were aimed at the yield of the next year. The procession of mummers, generosity, caroling, sprinkling cereals at home - all these are ancient rituals of paganism.

On Christmastide evenings, young people go around the house, arrange gatherings where they listen to scary tales, exchange riddles, guess, dance with the choice of a bride. Songs, dances were interrupted by the arrival of mummers. Favorite mask - a bear, showing how women walk on water, how they look in the mirror, how children steal peas.

Sometimes a whole gang of “wicked people” in white shirts with terrible masks (an old woman in rags with a pot on her head, a kikimora, etc.) burst in. They were chased away. It was believed that after the birth of Christ, the devil roams the earth, tormenting the souls of people. In order for it not to take root in a person, it is necessary to hide the face under a mask, as if "faking" the devil.

Christmas games

1. "Walking with a goat."

The game involves: a goat, a guide and a group of girls and guys. They enter the hut, ask: “Let the goat jump in the hut?” After the consent of the hostess, they led the goat in the corridor and sang.

Stand in a row, I'm leading a goat,

On the mountain a goat with kids,

Under the mountain wolves with cubs.

The wolf grabbed the goat by the barrel,

And the wolf cubs chased the goats.

Bad goat, unreasonable,

I would go to the woods, I would pick a sheaf,

She ate and fed the children.

We guys are all archers,

They boasted of shooting a goat,

They did not hit the side, but hit the horn.

The goat fell.

The goat falls, the guys put it on its feet.

How did our goat go

Yes, on legs

Where is the goat top top

A lot of mop lives there.

Where a goat has a foot, there is a mountain of life.

Where a goat is with a horn, there is a haystack of life.

Where a goat has a tail, there is a bush.

Come closer, bow low.

The goat bows, and the girls and boys beg for gifts.

What will they do to you?

Or the measure of an oat,

Or sausage on top

And a piece of lard

To make our goat happy.

Young people take gifts and leave with songs.

2. Game of forfeits.

3. The game "And we sowed millet"

Two groups stand opposite each other, holding hands, sing alternately. At some point, one by one they move to another group.


Made it seven weeks before Easter. People believed that they could win the victory of Spring over Winter by celebrating Maslenitsa. Hence the special meaning of the symbols used during the holidays: the image of the Sun in the form of a rolling burning wheel, in the form of pancakes, each of which looks like a small sun. They walk on Maslenitsa for seven days, each is assigned certain actions:

Monday - Meeting;

Tuesday - Flirting;

Wednesday - gourmet, revelry;

Thursday - Walk around, wide quarter;

Friday - Mother-in-law evenings;

Saturday - Zolov's gatherings;

Sunday - Forgiveness Day.

Shrovetide was opened by children building snowy mountains and saying a greeting: “Called-called an honest semik wide Maslenitsa to visit your yard: are you my soul Shrovetide, come to visit me in the wide yard on the mountains to ride, roll in pancakes, amuse your heart.

Monday is made from rags female figure, dressed in a girl's outfit, in her hands is a pancake and a shaving brush.

All week - riding from the mountains on horseback, fistfights, building and taking a snowy city, horse racing.

The central figure of the holiday is Maslenitsa itself, it was seated in a sleigh and carried with songs:

Shrovetide donut,

Went out into the street

Roll up the mountain

Fight with guys.

Our dear guest Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Izotievna,

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy.

On Sunday Maslenitsa was burned:

Farewell, Shrovetide-pinwheel,

Great post is coming

In the village, all the tricks -

Serve herring tail.

Wow, you, Maslenitsa, a liar,

She said 7 weeks, and only one day remained.

The carnival burned

The whole world is tired.

Shrovetide, goodbye -

Come back this year!

Palm Sunday

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a blossoming, full of strength tree can convey health, strength, beauty to everyone who touches it. And the willow, and especially its blossoming buds and earrings, were considered healing, endowed with special power. Therefore, there was a custom: little children were jokingly whipped with willow branches, saying: “As the willow grows, so do you grow.” And those who are older were lashed harder: “Willow - a whip, beat to tears, blue willow beats slightly, red willow beats in vain, white willow beats for the cause.”

On Palm Sunday held fairs. Some of them were called children's, because you could buy all kinds of sweets, toys, whistles, rattles, squeakers.

Palm bazaars hosted various exhibitions, performances by itinerant artists, booths.

Palm games

1. Typesetting round dance.

Used to set in a round dance. The driver goes and spots those sitting, they get up and take turns holding hands, moving one after another.

2. The game "And we sowed millet."

Two groups stand opposite each other, holding hands, sing alternately. When redeemed, one of the girls goes to another group.

3. Round dance game "Poppy".

Everyone is standing in a circle - Yermak is sitting inside.

Children (singing):

Poppies, poppies, poppies,

Golden heads.

Let's all stand like this

Children. Yermak, Yermak, did you sow the poppy?

Yermak. Just sowed.

Children. Yermak, Yermak, is the poppy coming up?

Yermak. Rises.

Children. Ermak, Ermak, is the poppy blooming?

Yermak. Blooms.

Children. Yermak, Yermak, is the poppy ripening?

Yermak. Matures.

Children. Yermak, Yermak, is poppy ripe?

Yermak. Ripe.

After that, the children come up to Yermak and pinch him.

4. Burners.

Everyone stands in pairs. The driver shouts: "I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm standing on a pebble."

Everyone (sing).

Burn, burn clear

To not go out

Stay at your share, look at the field,

Rooks walk and eat kalachi.

Look at the sky, the birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

One, two - do not crow,

Run like fire.

The first pair runs up, joins at the end of the row, the driver catches, if he catches anyone, he “burns” - becomes the driver.


Easter is a holiday of holidays, a celebration. The name comes from the word "passover", "transition", "deliverance" - all mankind gets rid of slavery to the devil, gives life and eternal bliss.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is proclaimed in the church, the bells are ringing.

Lydia Charskaya

Earth and sun

Fields and forest -

All praise God

"Christ is risen".

In the smile of blue

living skies

All the same joy

Christ is risen.

The enmity is gone

And the darkness is gone

No more malice

Christ is risen

How wonderful the sounds

holy words,

in which you can hear -

Christ is risen.

To the tune of Easter prayers

And to the sound of bells

Spring is flying to us from far away,

From the midday regions.

In a green dress

Dark forests are fading

The sky splashes like a sea,

The sea is like heaven.

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And the rivers are torn from the shackles

And in the greenery is the nearby forest.

Christ is risen, Christ is risen.

The earth is waking up

And the fields dress

Spring is coming full of wonders

Christ is risen, Christ is risen!

Sergey Yesenin

Dozing bell

Woke up the fields

smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

Blows rushed

To blue skies

Hid behind the river

pale moon,

ran loudly

Rough wave.

Silent Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere across the road

The call fades.

Yakov Polonsky

The news that people began to torment God,

Rooks were brought to us to the north.

Coniferous slums darkened,

Quiet wept the keys.

On the hillocks the stones were exposed

Bald patches covered in frost.

And tears began to drip on the stones

Angry winter peeled birches.

And other news is worse than the first

Brought starlings into the wilderness -

Crucified on the cross, forgiving everyone,

God, the savior of our souls, is dead.

Clouds thickened from such news,

The air roared with stormy rain,

Rise - the rivers became the seas

And the first thunder swept through the mountains.

The third message was extraordinary -

God is risen and death is defeated

This victory rushed the news

spring resurrected by God,

And all around the forests turned green

And the chest of the earth breathed with warmth.

And, listening to the nightingale's trills,

Lilies of the valley and roses bloomed.

The Easter holiday lasts a week, which is filled with various games, entertainment, visiting guests. Everyone congratulates each other, christs, that is, they kiss, expressing common joy and universal forgiveness, and also exchange colored eggs, which, according to legend, endow people with health, strength, beauty, and fertility.

V. Khrushchev

Miraculous testicle

The bunny says to her sister:

Look, testicles are different

I have prepared a lot

Gold, colored, diamond.

Hurry up and put your apron on

You will take them down to dear children

All diligent good crumbs

We will plan with you now.

On a holy night under the pillow,

Do not yawn, look, sister,

Quietly put to everyone

You are a wonderful egg.

The egg is a symbol of rebirth, and the one painted red marks the rebirth of mankind through the blood of Jesus Christ.

The main Easter entertainment was playing with eggs.

1. Rolling eggs.

A simple wooden or cardboard chute is made, a flat empty space is freed around it, on which winnings (toys) are laid out. The players take turns approaching the rink and rolling their egg. The object that the egg touches wins the rolling one.

2. Hiding eggs.

Children are divided into teams. Eggs made of cardboard, plastic are hidden. Each team tries to find as many eggs as possible within the allotted time.

3. "Clinking" eggs.

Blunt or sharp ends of the eggs knock against each other. The one whose egg does not crack wins.

IN Easter week mass festivities are unfolding on the street: they dance round dances, arrange booths with puppet comedy performances, large swings are hung on the central square:

On holy week

Hung swings -

First you swing

Then you get married.


It is celebrated 40 days after Easter. On this day, they bake pies with green onions - “onions from seven ailments”.

The night before the Ascension is a nightingale, when the nightingales sing louder and louder.

Ascension is the transition to summer, people have said sayings about this.

By Ascension Day, all spring flowers bloom.

Bloom in spring before Ascension.

Spring-red has come to the Ascension, and then it ends.

And I would be glad to have spring in Rus' age like a century, and when Ascension Day comes, it will cuckoo with a cuckoo.

Ascension day will come -

Reset Spring-red laziness,

Turns around in summer

Will take up work in the field.

The people believe that the dew on the Ascension is healing: “If you whisper the cherished word over the Ascension dew, and give the patient a drink, then everything will be famously removed as if by hand.”


The spring-summer holiday associated with the flowering of young vegetation was called Rus Week or green Christmas time. The central day of the festival was Semik - the 7th Thursday after Easter Sunday, and the last day of the Semitsky week - Trinity, a holiday of honoring ancestors and glorifying blossoming nature. The symbol of this flourishing was a birch.

People decorated their dwellings with greenery, cut down birch branches, flowers, sprinkled the floors with fragrant grass.

On Semitsky Thursday, girls decorated a birch tree (cut down or on the vine) in girlish outfits, with ribbons, beads, and flowers. Near the decorated tree, the youth arranged a festive meal. Each participant brought refreshments, the birch, as it were, took part in this. Then the procession, led by beautiful girl, took a birch and went to the grain fields to convey

earth the plant power that they tasted from the ritual food. After the detour, the birch was thrown into a rye field.

My birch, birch,

My white birch

curly birch,

You stand, birch,

In the middle of the valley

On you, birch

The leaves are green.

Under you, birch tree,

silk grass,

Near you, birch,

Red girls.

In sevens they sing,

Under you, birch tree,

Weave wreaths.

The birch, a symbol of the holiday, was called "gostenka", "gossip", "wreath". There was a riddle about her:

From one tree, yes 4 lands:

The first is light from the dark night,

The second is an undigged well,

Third - old health,

Fourth - broken connection.

(Answers: 1 - a torch, 2 - birch sap, 3 - a broom for a bath, 4 - braiding a pot with a vine.)

Indeed, the hut was illuminated by a birch torch for a long time. In her light, the girls spun for long winter evenings, sang long songs, listened to grandmother's tales.

A birch broom drives out all ailments in a Russian bath, and old and small amuses the soul, and pleases the body. They whip themselves.

On the Trinity, the girls wove wreaths of flowers and greenery on their heads.

Making wreaths had a magical meaning. Decorating themselves with greenery, the girls attached themselves to the life force contained in the vegetation. Twisting, weaving into a wreath of vines, hops, flowers, leaves was also a symbol of marriage.

On the last day of the “green Christmas time”, the girls threw their wreaths into the river in order to guess how and where the wreath would float:

Drown - separation from a loved one, death;

Will swim to the opposite side - to marry someone else's side.

The entertainment scenario is intended for music directors and preschool teachers. Contains small forms of folklore about Krasnoufimsk. Entertainment is the final event of the month of the native land.

Entertainment scenario for preschoolers "Ural gatherings"

Target: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about their hometown. Explain that the city is the result of the work of people of different generations, that the Krasnoufimtsy are the owners of the city, and every resident should take care of it.

Material: Material: photographs of the city, station names: “Guess”, “Literary”, “Guess”, “Creative”, “Medals”, “Little Citizen of the City”, books by V.F. Skvortsova, Zhuzhin.

vocabulary work: city, temple, hut, breeding station.

Event progress


Rumor goes around the village:

In this mountain people

Every month they convene

Yes, so kindly welcome

Lollipops are served.


Good afternoon, invited guests, but welcome! You are welcome to the Ural gatherings! Sit and have fun, play, joke, laugh.

(Girls come in under the r.n. “I went up the hill”)


Hello grandma! Receive guests from all volosts!


Our grandmother had a housewife, what will you give us to sew, grandmother?


old ladies

Wool scrap,

And to the red young women

White flax.

(hands out sewing)


Are you comfortable dear guests?

Is there enough space for everyone?

Are you tight?


In crowded but not mad.

And how they sewed - embroidered,

So the songs were sung.

Song: "Spinner" Russian folk song.

(Knock on the door)


Come on honest people

No dust track.

Good, well done, go

Walk a little.

(Under the r.n. song "Kalinka" boys enter, dressed in Russian folk costumes, holding musical instruments)


If there are flowers in the forest

There will also be a meadow.

If there are girls in the hut

There will be a party too.


Here are the red girls

And good fellows around

Everyone sat down at the table.

You will all be happy here.

Stay visiting us.

Pies to taste delicious

And drink a cup of tea.

Suffering (ditties)

1. It's evening, and the sun

Shines hot.

Let's sit by the girl's spin

Let's talk about who.

2. We live in the Urals,

Drying, chewing gingerbread.

We know a lot of suffering

And now we will sing for you.

3. We got together

Brave fellows.

Who doesn't have a shirt

Who doesn't have boots.

4. Oh, where are you going

Cold water.

No, we girls have a holiday

Not good without a boy.

5. We came here guys

Sit for the evening.

And the girls all knew

They don't want to look at us.

6. What are you stupid boys

Know nothing

We don't know at all

And busy with work.

7. We don't write, we don't read,

And we sing of suffering.

Come visit us

We will also sleep for you.


From under the hill, yes up the hill,

Down the wide street

Take a walk, you square dance

Let people admire.

How the square dance will play

All dancers are captivated.

Dance: "Quadrille"

(Kuzya brownie peeks out from under the stove)


The brownie lived behind the stove

Befriended the kids.

He helped the owner

He entertained all the guests.

He sits behind the stove

Sometimes a little grumbling.

In general, he is daring

The best brownie in the world.




Where have you been?


By Grandma!


What did you bring?




Where are they?


Under the bench.


What, you, Kuzya are an eccentric.


And how would you children?


And we would put pancakes on the table and eat.


Okay, I'll do that next time.



Where have you been?


By Grandma!


What did you bring?



Where are they.


And I did as you said.

He put it on the table and ate it.

(The brownie crawls out from under the stove)


I sit side by side on a bench

I will sit with you.

I will give you riddles

Who is smart look.

I collect riddles

In a birch bark box,

What lies, in it you will know

If you solve riddles.

“It gets fat, then it gets thin,

"Growed up in the forest,

Taken out of the forest.

Cries in hands

And whoever listens, jumps ”(horn)

"In the forest knock-knock,

In the hut blunder-blunder.

In the hands of ding-ding,

On the floor top-top "(balalaika)


Hey smart people

Show skill:

In dancing, yes singing.

Get in line

Choose in a row:

Dudki, crackers,

Tambourines, rattles.

Playing musical instruments: "It's Saturday night for us"


We sang and danced

We didn't play.

Who's got a frown there?

The music plays again.

Get ready kids

Waiting for the Ural game.

Game: “The drake was catching a duck” (p. 148, T.I. Kaluzhnikova)

Every fellow

To your sample.

Two brothers came to us

Foma da Yerema.


Come in, dear guests, sit down.



No, you sit down.


Move over.


No, move over. (Pushes Foma, he falls)


Thomas was raised

Belly torn.


Yerema is thin, his head is a pood.

crochet nose,

Tufted crest.


Himself with arshin,

Head with jug.


Do you like jokes on Thomas,

Love yourself too.


We got a cockfight.

Game: "Cockfight"


Thomas, do you want to eat?


No, I ate.

Ate a piece of the pie

Pot of sour cream

Sieve of rolls.


That's how strong he's become.

Game: "Barring"


Oh, Foma da Yerema,

We would sit at home.


We are fun guys

We live in the Urals.

And now we're all together,

Let's start our round dance.

Children perform "Ural round dance" music. Filippenko

Girl:(performs on the motive of ditties)

Let's go home girls

Come on, berries.

Let's give the owners peace

Let's finish the party.


Let's go girls home

I've been sitting up.

My darling is gone

Looked at yours.