How to treat a cold in a baby. Colds in a child - infants, treatment of colds in children. Effective treatments

The first illnesses of a newborn child are always accompanied by stress for young parents, even a common cold can be a cause for panic. Most medications are contraindicated for a nursing baby, he is not able to blow his nose, cough up sputum, and does not know how to gargle. Today we will talk about how to protect the baby from a cold and what to do if he is still infected.

Causes of colds in newborns

Under the colloquial version of "cold" lies the medical term "acute respiratory disease." Many people think that the culprits of a sore throat and a runny nose in children are the autumn wind and wet feet, but this is not entirely true. Colds are caused by viruses that, in conditions that are favorable for themselves, but undesirable for us (hypothermia, weakened immunity), begin to multiply rapidly, provoking a disease.

It is believed that a cold in newborns is a rather rare phenomenon. This is actually the case if the parents follow the necessary rules for caring for the child. From many diseases, the smallest inhabitants of our planet are protected by maternal antibodies - powerful anti-infectious factors that are transmitted to the baby in the last weeks of gestation, and after birth enter his body with breast milk. But if the mother refuses breastfeeding, allows the newborn to communicate with patients with acute respiratory infections and does not dress the baby warmly enough for walks, he can easily catch a cold.

Signs of a cold in newborns

Most often, the first signs of a cold in newborns are nasal congestion, runny nose and fever. Since babies cannot breathe through their mouths, difficulty in nasal breathing often leads to sleep disturbance and makes it difficult to feed. Quite often, symptoms of intoxication appear: the baby becomes capricious and lethargic. With the development of inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis), hoarseness of the voice is noted. Cough is rarely observed, since the cough reflex in the newborn is not yet formed. While a decrease in immunity in adults is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of herpetic eruptions on the face, in infants, the herpes virus often affects the oral mucosa.

In children of the first year of life, a cold is often mistaken for the beginning of teething. Since the child is not able to talk about his feelings, parents should be aware that ARI is not typical:

  • excessive salivation;
  • The desire to pull everything into the mouth;
  • Swelling and soreness of the gums;
  • Restlessness of night sleep, due to more active growth of teeth at night (with the exception of those cases when the baby wakes up from nasal congestion or sore throat).

At the slightest suspicion that the newborn has a cold, call the doctor at home. Due to the imperfection of the body's defense reactions and anatomical features, young children are more likely than adults to experience complications of acute respiratory infections. The immune system of the baby is not able to resist the disease. Moreover, a bacterial infection often joins a viral infection, as a result of which the inflammation can go into the lower respiratory tract or spread to neighboring organs. The most serious complication of a cold in infants is inflammation of the membranes or brain substance - meningitis, encephalitis or meningoencephalitis.

Treatment of colds in newborns

If a newborn has a cold, it is necessary to create a therapeutic and protective regimen, carry out wet cleaning in the children's room every day, and ventilate the room at least twice a day. It is better to wait with walks until the main symptoms subside, and minimize water procedures (wash the child in the shower as necessary). Infants, as well as adults, with a cold, are shown to drink plenty of warm water. So, for children under 6 months of age, this is breast milk and warm boiled water in a volume of at least 100 ml per day.

With an increase in body temperature to 38.5 ° C or more, it is necessary to give the baby an antipyretic, but caution should be exercised with physical methods of cooling. Wiping with vodka, a solution of alcohol or vinegar is unacceptable, the vapors of these substances will only harm the baby. You can wipe the child's body with napkins soaked in water heated to 36-37 ° C; cooler liquids can cause shivering, which will only make things worse.

It is recommended to rinse the nasal passages with saline at least twice a day. To do this, two or three drops of the product are instilled into each nostril, and after a few minutes the liquid is sucked off using a nasal aspirator. After such a procedure, you can drip the baby's nose with antiseptic and / or vasoconstrictor drops, depending on the nature of the disease and the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Specific treatment for a cold in a newborn is not required if the disease is mild and accompanied by a slight runny nose and sore throat. In the case of a severe course of acute respiratory infections and the development of complications, expectorant and sputum-thinning drugs are prescribed in inhalation form, and if a bacterial infection is suspected, the infant may be prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy.

Prevention of colds in newborns

The main method of preventing colds in newborns and children of the first year of life is to limit contacts, since adults are the carriers of microorganisms that pose a potential threat to the health of the child. It is equally important to follow the rules of hygiene: wet cleaning in the apartment where the baby lives should be carried out daily, and before communicating with the baby, you should wash your hands with soap and water.

If the mother has a cold, it is necessary to wear a mask during care and feeding. However, it is not necessary to refuse breastfeeding during this period, on the contrary, now more than ever it is necessary for the baby, because together with mother's milk he receives important antibodies.

Text: Inga Stativka

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Features of the first half of the year.
Babies in the first months of life are of particular concern to parents - they are so tiny, tender, everything is different with them. Therefore, any deviations in health are frightening. However, the biggest mistake of adults is comparing children with themselves, with their own norms, a baby is not a reduced copy of an adult, it is a special organism that has its own characteristics.

The most important thing that worries parents is an increase in temperature. However, this is not always a sign of illness and it is necessary to be able to distinguish between the norm and pathology. Children of the first half of the year are still poorly able to maintain body temperature, so they may have fluctuations in a fairly wide aisle with normal health and full health. It is necessary to measure the temperature of the baby in the neck crease or elbow bend only with a mercury thermometer - electronic ones have a strong error and most of them are not intended for measuring skin temperature - only oral or rectal.

The thermometer should be completely hidden in the fold between the handle and the body and pressed tightly, and the measurement time should be at least 5-7 minutes. Ideally, you should measure the temperature in the morning and evening of a sleeping child. The fact is that crying, screaming, straining, worrying, and even breast sucking can increase body temperature even up to 37.5-38 degrees, with its subsequent decrease when physical activity is stopped. Some children have an increased metabolism, and their normal temperature can be 37-37.2 degrees. Therefore, all cases of fever in a child of the first half of the year must be discussed with the doctor, he will determine whether the baby is healthy or sick.

The most frequent diseases of the first half of the year.
The most common ailments of babies in the first months of life are colds and digestive disorders, urinary tract infections, skin rashes, allergies, eye and ear diseases are less common.

Most often, all diseases of the crumbs begin with capriciousness, refusal to eat or loss of appetite, lethargy or vice versa, agitation, crying, whimpering and fever. In addition to the general symptoms, manifestations specific to this disease can also be observed.
A doctor's examination is required if the skin color changes, various types of rashes appear, if breathing is disturbed - breathing is too frequent or rare, noisy or difficult, coughing, weakness, excessive sweating (unless, of course, the child is wrapped up), appetite disorders, refusal to food, any unusual symptoms. Especially important will be the appearance of temperature, stool disturbances and agitation, excessive lethargy, prolonged sleep, the appearance of screams or groans in a dream.

If a fever appears above 38-38.5 degrees, or the temperature drops sharply below 36 degrees, a sharp cry appears, pallor, cold sweat or a rash with hemorrhages appears, loose and frequent stools appear with mucus, blood, foam, repeated vomiting, convulsions, swelling , hoarseness - this requires an immediate call for an ambulance.
It is worth alerting even when the temperature constantly keeps or rises in the evening above 37.5 for 3-4 days - this may indicate a hidden or sluggish process in the lungs or urinary system.

If the baby has SARS.

The most common problem is viral infections - with them, a temperature appears from low (37-37.5) to very high (up to 39 and above). In addition, signs of a cold may include a runny nose with copious mucus or congestion, and a cough. For a baby in the first months of life, cough and runny nose are a big problem, as they prevent the child from breathing normally, suckling and sleeping well. Colds usually occur in the fall or spring season when the weather changes and there is more opportunity to encounter viruses. For any manifestations of SARS, call the doctor at home, but before he arrives, it is necessary to alleviate the condition of the crumbs as much as possible.

If he has a temperature of up to 38.5 degrees, observation is required, it is not recommended to knock it down for healthy babies, this temperature allows the body to fight viruses. But, if a child has serious illnesses, heart disease, neurological abnormalities, his temperature begins to drop already at 38.0 degrees. It is advisable not to wrap the child, before giving an antipyretic, untie the baby and wipe it with water at room temperature. Sometimes this is effective and sufficient. Give the baby extra fluids or breastfeed more often, with a fever the baby loses a lot of fluids.

If nasal breathing is difficult, it is necessary to rinse the nose with salt drops and clean it with cotton flagella (you can’t use sticks for this). With a strong discharge of mucus from the nose and the inability to suck. It is permissible for a baby to drip 1-2 drops of children's nazivin or vibrocil to relieve swelling and reduce mucus secretion. Until the arrival of the doctor, no more funds are allowed in the nose. Plant juices (aloe, kalanchoe, carrots, etc.) should not be dripped to children, they cause burns of mucous membranes and allergies.

If a child coughs, give him an elevated position, ventilate at home and humidify the air, before the doctor's appointment, it is only permissible to drink chamomile or lime blossom decoction (if not allergic), if there is a nebulizer-inhaler at home, do inhalation with saline with a strong dry cough. Remember - no cough syrups can be given without a doctor's examination !!!
If the condition worsens, at high temperature, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness, do not wait - call an ambulance!

If the baby has indigestion.
Another of the dangers in a young baby is an indigestion of an infectious or non-infectious nature with the development of diarrhea. At the same time, frequent loose stools appear, up to 20-40 times a day with an admixture of mucus, greenery, blood, and foam. Bloating, crying, screaming, pulling the legs to the tummy are observed. Against this background, regurgitation may increase or vomiting may open (their difference is the tension during vomiting of the anterior abdominal wall). This condition is dangerous for the baby, therefore, it requires a doctor's call if the chair is up to 10-15 times a day, and there is no vomiting. And if fever, vomiting and very frequent stools join, this requires an ambulance call and hospitalization.

Before the arrival of the doctor, the child must be soldered to prevent dehydration. If he wishes, you can often apply to the chest. If not, give a teaspoon of boiled water or special solutions every 5-10 minutes. In addition, it is permissible to give the child a sorbent - smect or neosmectin. You can not give the child activated charcoal - it can mask the picture of intestinal bleeding. Do not give your child antibiotics, antidiarrheals and antiemetics.

If the baby has otitis.
Often in young children, especially those who are bottle-fed, there are otitis media - inflammation of the ear. This is a rather serious condition for such a crumb, he cannot eat and sleep, throws his chest or bottle with a cry, the temperature rises, there may be diarrhea and regurgitation. The condition becomes severe and requires active treatment. You can suspect otitis media by pressing on the tragus of the ear (cartilage protruding in front of the ear canal). If the child starts crying, screaming or worrying, it may be otitis media. Such a baby urgently needs to be shown to an ENT doctor. Otitis is treated mainly with antibiotics and drops in the ear, and antipyretic drugs are added as well.

If the baby has a urinary infection.
Another problem in young children is urinary infections. It is quite difficult to suspect their parents, for a long time the child shows anxiety, feels unwell, if you carefully observe the child, it is quite possible. First of all, it is a poor appetite and a small weight gain, anxiety during urination, or after it, urine excretion in drops, in small volumes every 5-10 minutes, fever in the evening or a constant subfebrile temperature. In addition, the appearance of drops of blood on the diapers, a change in the color of urine or its smell will allow suspecting an infection. Additionally, there may be a violation of the stool, screaming and crying, rumbling in the stomach, pulling the legs to the tummy, sweating, regurgitation. Boys have redness of the foreskin. In girls - irritation in the vulva. Urine analysis will be decisive - it will show the presence of inflammation in the bladder or kidneys.

If the baby's eyes hurt.
In young children, eye infections easily occur with SARS or independent diseases. If the general condition of the baby does not suffer, and the discharge from the eyes is not abundant or only redness is observed. You can try to cope on your own - every 2 hours, rinse the eyes of the crumbs and remove the accumulating secret with sterile cotton balls moistened with furacillin solution or chamomile decoction, weak tea.

Sometimes discharge from the eyes is a sign of obstruction of the lacrimal ducts or their narrowing. A light massage of the nose area at the transition point of the inner corner of the eye helps. It is usually accompanied by an eye wash and instillation of Sulfacyl Sodium (albucid) eye drops. If the condition does not improve in a couple of days, consult an ophthalmologist.

First aid kit.

In case of unforeseen situations with the appearance of the baby in the house, it is necessary to have a first aid kit. This first aid kit should not be large, it should only include first aid drugs that parents will provide until the meeting with the doctor.

It includes:
- Antipyretic - it would be nice to have two types of antipyretic by age in candles and syrup.
- saline drops for washing the nose,
- a rubber can or a special aspirator for sucking mucus from the spout,
- bags with herbs (chamomile, lime blossom).
- smecta or other sorbent
- rehydron, oralit - for soldering with diarrhea.
- antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green) for the treatment of small wounds
- medicines that are taken constantly (if the child is sick).

What should not be in the first aid kit(that is, what we do not give on our own):
- antibiotics, including intestinal (enterofuril).
- antihistamines,
- antiemetic, antidiarrheal,
- cough syrups or drops.

Treatment of colds (colds) - acute respiratory infections, influenza, SARS, tonsillitis - in children under one year old has its own characteristics and subtleties. Many medications are contraindicated for a baby, in addition, he does not know how to blow his nose, swallow pills and gargle.

By a cold, we mean those diseases that occurred when the child was hypothermia, a decrease in immunity.

Treatment of colds (colds) - acute respiratory infections, influenza, SARS, runny nose, tonsillitis - in children under one year old has its own characteristics and subtleties. Many medications are contraindicated for a baby, in addition, he does not know how to blow his nose, swallow pills and gargle.

How to treat a cold in a child under one year old?

The main thing for a child who is only a few months old is to notice the first signs of a cold in time.:

  • it can be lethargy or, conversely, increased excitability;
  • the child is more naughty;
  • there may be problems with sleep or, conversely, the child sleeps more often and longer;
  • a runny nose appears, the child sneezes, occasionally coughs;
  • the child has wheezing in his voice;
  • the child has a fever;
  • the child cries during meals when sucking the breast (if the nose is stuffed up, the child may completely refuse the breast due to the inability to breathe, or it may hurt him to swallow when the throat is inflamed).

If you suspect a cold, you need to call a doctor from your local clinic to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment for the child, and before the doctor arrives, we begin to treat the child's cold and runny nose on our own.

The first step is to increase the immunity of the child.

Increase immunity drugs interferon and gripferon. Drip the child in the nose (it is possible in the mouth, but better in the nose) 1 drop 2 times a day up to 6 months, 2 drops 3 times a day for a child from 6 months to a year. Children older than six months can be given anaferon for children for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu. Dissolve ananaferon tablet in a spoonful of warm water and let the child drink. Usually, the doctor prescribes anaferon for the treatment of colds 3 times a day.

Note that the sooner you start treating your cold, the more effective these medications will be. They will help you during the flu epidemic, and if one of the adults has already fallen ill in the same apartment with the child.

Treatment of a runny nose (rhinitis) with a cold in a child.

For a runny nose, children under one year old are recommended Aquamaris or Solin preparations (saline solutions, you can often instill in the nose), herbal preparations , Isofra with prolonged runny nose. With severe nasal congestion, a severe runny nose, a child can drip aloe extract (sold in a pharmacy), aloe juice diluted with water or chamomile infusion into the nose.

Good for colds in children up to a year help inhalation with garlic: grate the garlic and let the child breathe. During sleep, put the grated garlic next to the baby's bed.

Vasoconstrictor agents for an infant (up to a year old) are undesirable to drip into the nose with a cold.

Treatment of angina (if the child has a sore throat).

After six months, for the treatment of colds, you can give your child an infusion of chamomile 1 spoon 3 times a day after meals. Irrigate the throat with Tantum Verde spray 2 times a day. A good disinfectant is mother's milk, often give a chest cold to a baby. In general, you need to water your child more often during a cold.

For colds and sore throats, you can make a vodka compress on the child’s neck and chest: moisten cotton wool in warm vodka + water 1: 1, apply on the throat and chest, cover with several layers of gauze or a clean cloth, lay cellophane on top, tie with a warm scarf, but compress for infants should be done with care so as not to burn the delicate skin of the child.

Use mustard plasters for colds with even more caution, put them through a double or triple layer of gauze so as not to burn the child's skin.

If a child coughs with a cold.

Up to a year of cough medicines for children up to a year or three, only mukaltin has no contraindications, so try not to run the disease so far. If a cold is not treated, serious complications are possible: from bronchitis to pneumonia. Drainage of the lungs is helped by the active movements of the baby, a change in body position, so if the child is able to jump or twist, do not interfere with him.

An increase in a child's temperature above 38 degrees is a reason to urgently call a doctor.

Up to 38 degrees, if the child feels normal, as far as possible with a cold, the temperature should not be brought down, this is also a kind of struggle with microbes and viruses that die at elevated temperatures. If the temperature is above 38 degrees, it is brought down with paracetamol (suspension or rectal suppositories).

Any cold is caused by an infection - a virus or bacteria, so a cold, like any other disease, requires mandatory treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Every parent looks forward to the birth of their baby. But it soon turns out that children need not only care and attention, but often - and treatment. This is what we will talk about today: what to do if the child is sick?

How to treat a runny nose, cough, sore throat, laryngitis in infants

Probably, there are no such children who would not suffer from colds. And as we know, one of the first signs of a cold is a runny nose. It not only accompanies the disease, but also creates significant difficulties in breastfeeding. Therefore, it is very important to clean the baby's nose. There is an opinion that mother's milk, enriched with protective substances, is very effective in clearing the sinuses: it is necessary to drip a drop of milk into each nostril. If the mother does not have breast milk, then you can rinse the nose with a soda solution or vegetable oil. Also one of the great ways to treat a runny nose is aloe juice. It is necessary to instill 4 drops of vegetable juice into the nose two to three times a day. But for this you should use a wick, because washing with a pear can result in a complication - inflammation of the middle ear. A pear can cause liquid medicine to pass from the nasopharynx into the Eustachian tube, which connects the ear and nose.

The appearance of eczema on the baby's body is characterized by a red spot, which the baby combs over time - and a wound forms. Such symptoms signal that a failure has occurred in the child's body.

The first thing to do when diathesis, allergies or eczema appear is to eliminate the root cause of the disease. Then you should carry out procedures that will help relieve inflammation of the skin. To do this, you can bathe the baby in a herbal solution of chamomile and. You can also prepare a healing ointment by mixing fir oil and baby cream: the inflamed areas of the body are treated with the mixture.

But for effective treatment, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and establish the cause of the allergic reaction.

How to treat conjunctivitis and barley in infants

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, which occurs due to infection. The most common remedy for the disease at home is tea brewing. It is necessary to wipe the eyes of the child with a moistened swab about four times a day. This procedure can also be carried out with a decoction of wild rose. In addition, you can grate a potato, apple or cucumber and apply the mixture, wrapped in a napkin, to the inflamed areas of the eyes.

Compresses with chamomile or aloe juice will help eliminate barley. You can also wipe the inflamed areas with plantain infusion. The procedure is carried out two to three times a day. Effectively relieves inflammation and decoction of birch leaves. If we talk about drug treatment, then Albucid drops, which are instilled three to five times a day, effectively eliminate barley. But any treatment of inflammatory processes in the eyes should always be discussed with an ophthalmologist so as not to make things worse.

How to cure an infant from scabies

Scabies mite causes a disease such as scabies. The child has a rash on the body, which is accompanied by severe itching. The first thing to do is to disinfect the room where the baby is. In addition, the child's personal belongings and the bed should be treated with a hot iron.

The doctor prescribes special creams taking into account the degree of manifestation and clinical course of the disease, the individual characteristics of the child's body. Self-medication is not recommended, since only a doctor is able to diagnose the disease.

How to treat fright in infants

Children are very receptive to any sound or stressful situation. Therefore, fear in childhood is a fairly common phenomenon. Moreover, the baby is very closely connected emotionally with the mother. Any of her irritation or nervousness affects the condition of the baby. Therefore, first of all, mother should take care of her emotional balance. A child in a state of fear should be given more attention and care. Maternal love and tenderness is the best cure for fear.

Parents should respond in time to any pathological disorders in their child. However, self-medication is not worth it. You should always contact a specialist who will help diagnose the disease and choose the most effective methods of its treatment.

However, each parent would do well to think about ways that will help increase the protective functions of the child's body. After all, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it.

Especially for - Marina Amiran

The common cold refers to those types of diseases, the development of which occurs with a strong hypothermia of the body or a decrease in its protective functions. Experts say that the course of a cold in infants has its own nuances and this is due to some features of age.

In the treatment of infants, the use of many drugs is not allowed, and also at this age, children do not yet have the skills of gargling. It is important for a young mother to know the signs of a baby in order to contact a specialist in time and prevent the progression of the disease.

Probably, it is hardly possible to meet a child who has never had a cold. It is this disease that causes the most questions in mothers, and especially the signs of this pathology and how to treat it in infancy.

Many parents associate the appearance with teething in their child, and do not take any measures to eliminate it. This situation can be quite dangerous, since most often the cause of a cold is the penetration of a certain infection into the child's body and the lack of an effective one can result in the development of serious complications.

It is for this reason that one should abandon self-diagnosis of an infant and, at the first signs of a disease, seek help from specialists.

It is important for a young mother to know the signs by which a cold can be distinguished from ordinary teething:

  • the child has increased salivation
  • the baby tries to tighten any object into his mouth
  • a careful examination of the gums reveals their soreness and swelling
  • baby sleeps restlessly at night

Most often, the development of a cold in a child's body occurs very quickly and unexpectedly. This is manifested in the fact that even in the evening the child can feel great and not cause any concern to the parents, and in the morning already wake up with sneezing.

Often the penetration of the virus occurs simultaneously in the ears, throat and nose, which is the reason for the simultaneous development of such symptoms. In addition, with some colds, the characteristic symptoms are accompanied by the appearance of vomiting and stool disorders.

At the initial stage of the development of a cold, an infant may be characterized by increased irritability and a slight runny nose. As the disease progresses, there is a gradual darkening in the nasal cavity, and it also becomes thicker. In addition, often a cold is accompanied by the appearance, the duration of which may be different.

Symptoms of the disease

A cold in a child is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms, among which the most common are:

  • the infant becomes too lethargic or, conversely, highly excitable
  • mommy notices frequent whims on the part of the child
  • sleep problems may occur, and the baby begins to sleep much more than usual
  • observed the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose, frequent sneezing and
  • may change and appear hoarse
  • often lifting of the body
  • food refusals are possible, which are accompanied by strong crying

When such signs appear, it is imperative to show the child to a specialist who will examine and make a final diagnosis.

Cold treatment

An increase in temperature in an infant is a kind of reaction of the body to a decrease in immunity.

Experts say that the higher the baby's body temperature rises, the more actively the production of such a special substance as interferon in his body takes place. It is this substance that is the main weapon in the fight against viruses that infect the child's body.

In the event that the temperature rises more than 38 degrees in a child up to three months old, then this is a dangerous signal and you should seek help from a pediatrician as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that any drugs designed to reduce at this age can provoke the development of an unpredictable reaction. In such a situation, a specialist can help the baby if necessary and prevent the development of serious complications.

After the age of three months, it is recommended to take antipyretic drugs when the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, and be sure to call a pediatrician.

  1. With a strong tilt of the child's head, the risk of suffocation increases, so it is recommended to place a pillow under his head. In addition, it is important to monitor the condition of the air in the room, that is, it should be moderately humid.
  2. When the body temperature rises above 38 degrees, you can rub the child's body with a light vinegar solution, which is prepared as follows: 10 ml of vinegar is added to one liter of warm water. In addition, some experts recommend in this case to cleanse the intestines of the child, that is, to make an enema.
  3. Often, a cold in infants is accompanied by the appearance of and, which cause a lot of anxiety for both the child and his mother. In such a situation, it is recommended to rub the baby's body with special balms, which include eucalyptus oil.
  4. With a cold, a child can be given therapeutic baths with the addition of herbal preparations to it. After such a bath, the baby should be well wrapped up and put to rest.
  5. With a severe cold, a child can be applied special with vegetable oil. Preliminarily, they slightly warm up a little, impregnate the fabric with it and impose it on the body. From above, the compress is covered with polyethylene and wrapped with a warm scarf or towel. You can make such warm compresses for a child several times during the day.
  6. The treatment of cough, which often occurs with a cold, at this age is possible with the help of various. However, it is important to know that the cough can be both dry and wet, so it is necessary to select the drug taking this feature into account.

Treatment of a cold, which is accompanied by medication, should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Video on how to treat SARS in infants and children over 1 year old.

  • breast milk is considered the best immunostimulant in childhood, which allows you to increase the immunity of the baby
  • during an epidemic of respiratory diseases, it is recommended to avoid places with an increased crowd of people
  • be sure to ventilate the room in which the child is
  • in case of illness of a close family member, it is necessary to wear a gauze bandage and not to approach the child
  • be sure to walk with the child every day in the fresh air
  • carry out various hardening procedures
  • dress the child only for the weather
  • a good prevention against is washing the child's nose with a solution of sea salt or Salin

Of course, it is best to prevent any disease than to poison forces and means on it later. A cold in infants can have various symptoms, however, its treatment should only be carried out by a specialist.