Pregnancy test with soda - rules and reliability. Soda pregnancy test reviews - to believe or not to believe? Soda Pregnancy

Many women who aspire to become mothers and make efforts for this are concerned about the issue of early determination of conception. In addition to pharmacy tests, there are various folk methods known to people for many decades. One of them is the confirmation of the fact of conception with the help of baking soda. This test can be done before the delay of menstruation. How reliable are the results of the study?

How to determine the presence of pregnancy with soda?

It is not difficult to determine pregnancy at home using a similar method - for this it is enough to combine urine and ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). With a positive result, soda will precipitate. This means that there is a possibility of pregnancy. If negative, the soda will react and hiss, foam will form on the surface of the liquid.

How to explain such a reaction? It is generally accepted that after conception, the acidity of urine changes. As a rule, the pH value is 5-7 units. It depends on the diet, the time of collection of the biomaterial (in the evening the pH level rises). When the value drops to 4.5 and below, urine is considered acidic, above 7.5 - alkaline. Proponents of the method argue that in pregnant women, urine has an alkaline environment, so when performing the test, such a reaction is observed, and soda precipitates.


A baking soda pregnancy test does not take much time, only minor preparation is required. You should take a sterilized container for collecting urine and a teaspoon for baking soda (everything you need can be seen in the photo). In the video you can see the procedure for testing.

The procedure will be carried out correctly according to the following scheme:

  • To determine pregnancy, it is advisable to use loose soda and only morning urine. Before this, you should wash yourself without using intimate hygiene products and wipe yourself dry.
  • Collect approximately 100 ml of urine in a prepared container. Carefully add the powder (gradually, without stirring).
  • Check the result in a minute. If urine precipitated, pregnancy can be assumed. Hissing and foam indicate that conception did not occur.

Does the test give reliable information?

It is very important to conduct a home test with urine and soda in the morning, on an empty stomach. Many women are sure that the best time to find out the truth is immediately after waking up. If you test at other times, the result will almost always be positive. This is easy to explain - by the end of the day, the pH content in urine rises, so in this case it is not possible to obtain reliable information about pregnancy.

However, many factors influence the acidity of urine, so it is difficult to argue about the effectiveness of the technique. According to experts, with the help of this study, it is impossible to obtain confirmation of the fact of conception, for this you need to contact a gynecologist, undergo an ultrasound scan and, if necessary, pass certain tests. If there is a delay, the pharmacy pregnancy test shows two strips, you should not experiment with soda.

Possible reasons for getting erroneous results

The inaccuracy of the test can be explained by the influence of the following factors:

  • elevated body temperature (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, etc.);
  • potassium deficiency in the body;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • taking medications that can affect the acidity of urine;
  • diarrhea, vomiting and, as a result, dehydration.

The pH level is affected by the diet (strict diet, excess protein foods on the menu). Changes may be associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory processes of various etiologies. Why, then, do many women still use the technique to determine the fact of conception, and trust the results of this test?

Folk methods for determining pregnancy are based on the natural physiological processes that occur in a woman's body. The thing is that during the period of bearing a baby, immunity decreases, which causes an exacerbation of chronic diseases and a change in the usual pH of urine.

There are other factors that affect acidity - changes in eating habits, lack of vitamins and minerals, etc. However, it is important to understand that the soda test does not give a 100% guarantee that pregnancy has occurred.

Increased acidity of urine

A false negative result (soda hisses and reacts with urine), the test can show in such situations:

  • use before testing berries (especially cranberries);
  • natural juices and citrus fruits in the diet;
  • constant intense physical activity;
  • acidosis (shift of the acid-base balance in the body towards an increase in the level of acidity);
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Why during the test, part of the urine precipitates, and part foams and reacts? This question interests many women. Probably the cause is directly in the urine collection container or stale urine. Therefore, such a test cannot be trusted.

Decreased acidity of urine

Checking the fact of conception with soda can give a false positive result with low acidity of urine. At the same time, during testing, soda very quickly settles to the bottom of the container with urine. What are the reasons for getting a false result? The following pathologies can affect this:

  • kidney failure;
  • pathological processes in which blood clots appear in the urine;
  • vegetarian diet;
  • indigestion;
  • vomit;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary tract;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.

Advantages and disadvantages of home testing

The main advantage of the described study is that testing is easy to perform at home. It is carried out in just 5 minutes, without any special financial investment, since there is always soda in the house. However, the reliability of the results should not be relied upon - urine pH rises not only in pregnant women. That is why experts are skeptical of the technique, they recommend not to trust such a method and not to use it in the early stages as an alternative to a pregnancy test. Only an examination by a specialist, a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin and ultrasound from 5-6 weeks can accurately confirm the fact of conception.

Despite the fact that this method is not supported by traditional medicine, since it has a number of disadvantages, pregnant women use it to confirm their position or simply turn the experiment into a joke.

How to determine pregnancy with soda: step by step instructions

The technique for conducting a home test with soda is very simple. This ingredient is in the kitchen of almost any housewife, so this method of determining pregnancy is not just cheap, but it can be said to be free.

Before the test, it is advisable to take a shower - while not using any means for intimate hygiene, so as not to disturb the purity of the experiment.

A soda test can be performed if there is no pharmacy test at hand, to confirm the diagnosis, or just as a joke.

How to take the test:

  1. Collect at least 150 ml of urine in a clean, dry container.
  2. With a dry spoon, take soda and pour into a container.
  3. Rate the result.

If soda fell to the bottom of the container, then the woman can be congratulated - she is pregnant. If the result is negative, the baking soda will react with the acidity in the urine and begin to sizzle or foam. The test should be done in the morning, when the acidity level in the urine is the lowest. When using daytime or evening urine, the result may be false and soda will settle to the bottom.

Home pregnancy test with soda: what is the essence of the experience

Every woman who really wants to get pregnant cannot wait for the first signs of an “interesting situation”. Calculating the days of ovulation, the girl hopes that it is in this month that pregnancy will occur.

Primary signs of pregnancy:

  • Delayed menstruation by more than 3 days (with a regular cycle);
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of pain;
  • Increase or decrease in appetite, change in eating habits;
  • morning sickness, dizziness, vomiting;
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Any woman who wants to have a child wants to know as soon as possible whether the long-awaited moment of pregnancy has come. In this case, soda and urine as a pregnancy test is a good solution to this situation.

Pharmacy tests are also very popular, but still their use is justified only after a delay in critical days, and you can use soda as a test the very next day after the intended conception. Despite the wide popularity of this technique, there is no guarantee that the result will be 100% correct.

At the same time, one should not forget that medicine does not stand still and grandmother's recipes are being replaced by more accurate and modern technologies. Still, it is worth noting that soda testing will not bring you any harm. Consider the features of testing.


The testing technique is quite simple, all we need is soda and urine. The study is carried out in several stages:

  • approximately two hundred milliliters of urine should be collected in a sterile container; it is the morning portion that will be needed. It is best to purchase a sterile container for this purpose;
  • then a teaspoon of soda is taken and placed in urine;
  • then watch the reaction.

The essence of this technique lies in the fact that alkali is used, which, when it enters into a reaction, reacts and begins to “demonstrate” its properties: hiss, bubbles. If this happens, this indicates that the acidity of the urine is normal and pregnancy has not occurred. If the soda does not react, but precipitates, then this may indicate the onset of pregnancy.

If the soda begins to hiss and foam, then the test is considered negative, but if it does not hiss and falls to the bottom, then the reaction is positive and indicates pregnancy.

Testing Errors

Why can there be errors? This may be due to changes in the composition of urine during pregnancy. Urine can be alkaline as a result of the following:

  • eating habits, in particular, a large intake of fruits and vegetables. This is especially true for vegetarians;
  • vomiting or diarrhea, which leads to dehydration;
  • infectious processes of the urinary system;
  • alkaline therapy;
  • diseases leading to hematuria;
  • disorders in the work of the adrenal cortex;
  • kidney failure, etc.

Urine may be more acidic due to the following reasons:

  • the predominance of protein foods in the diet;
  • starvation;
  • fever;
  • excessive consumption of cranberries;
  • diabetes;
  • acidosis;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • regular strong physical exercise;
  • frequent consumption of acidic foods or citrus fruits;
  • cold with high fever;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • depletion of the body.

Due to these reasons, baking soda may begin to bubble and hiss even in the absence of pregnancy. The presence of certain pathologies can give such false results.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The main advantages of soda testing are cheap cost and availability. Every woman's house has baking soda, so there is no need to leave the house to buy "equipment" for the procedure.

If we talk about the negative aspects, then official medicine has not recognized the effectiveness of soda testing. Often there are cases when women get a false result. Some obstetricians and gynecologists refer to the use of soda in this case as a playful method, but not a serious study.

Some argue that with the help of folk methods, you can even determine the sex of the child, but still it looks more like jokes and superstitions, it is better to trust the results of an ultrasound scan.


The opinions of women were divided: some do not trust the classic tests, but resort to folk recipes, while others flatly refuse to use the “antediluvian”, in their opinion, tests. The choice is yours!

Larisa, 24 years old
I knew about soda testing for a long time, but I never used it. Recently I had a delay and I decided to try the technique. My older sister was pregnant, this was confirmed by ultrasound, so we decided to do this experiment together. We took clean, sterilized urine containers. Then we carefully placed a teaspoon of baking soda there. The results, of course, were the opposite, if my sister's soda settled, then she began to hiss with me, which means that the pregnancy did not occur. The results were accurate, after a couple of days I started my period.

Evgenia, 25 years old
I decided to take the risk and test my pregnancy with regular baking soda. As I understood from the Internet, the soda should react, start bubbling if there is no pregnancy, but if the woman is in an interesting position, then the soda dissolves and precipitates. I did exactly as stated in the instructions, took a sterile jar and used the morning portion of urine. As a result, after combining with soda, the urine became cloudy and a very violent reaction began. I really was not pregnant, but as I understand it, this method cannot be one hundred percent trusted, since other processes in the body can affect the acidity of urine, and not just pregnancy.

Tatyana, 25 years old
I like to experiment, recently, when I had a delay for several days, I decided to try the soda test. I understood that this method cannot be completely trusted, so later I bought a test in a pharmacy and it showed the same result. In the morning portion of urine, I added a little soda and watched the reaction. There was no reaction and hissing, soda precipitated, which means that I am pregnant. Later, the results of this method, as well as a pharmacy test, were confirmed by ultrasound.

So, can soda testing be trusted? This is up to each of us. Many refer to it as a playful game. It should be understood that various chemical reactions can occur in our body that affect the composition of urine, so a change in acidity in a woman may not always indicate a connection with pregnancy. Each of us can verify the authenticity of this technique on ourselves, but it is better to contact a qualified specialist after that. An examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound examination will help to accurately confirm or refute the assumptions about pregnancy. When it comes to your health, it's better to trust professionals than people's reviews, which can often be wrong.

Any woman who wants to get pregnant is in a hurry to find out the result as early as possible. Modern methods begin to work only after a delay. This is where baking soda can help. The method for determining using soda and urine: is it true, how to conduct this, how accurate is it - all this is the topic of our today's article.

The basic principles of the pregnancy test with soda

This method belongs to folk methods and is carried out with soda as a reagent.

Important! Official medicine does not recognize this test and considers it unreliable.

It is based on a change in the acidity of urine in a pregnant woman. In the normal state, the acidity of a woman is increased, and soda enters into a neutralization reaction with her. If a woman is expecting a baby, her acidity decreases, the environment becomes alkaline, and the reaction does not occur.

What else can you find out with this test?

The main indicator in it is the acidity of urine. And it is influenced by many factors. Therefore, this method can be used not only as a test for pregnancy with soda before, but also the state of the body as a whole.

Exceptions to the rule

This technique will work, even if you are not pregnant, with an increased, lack of potassium.

How it all goes

Everything is carried out very simply. Collect urine in a clean container in the morning. You need about 100 ml. Pour in a teaspoon of baking soda. When a reaction occurs (seething, foam), we can talk about a negative result. If there is no reaction (the substance precipitated), it is considered that the result is positive.

Pay attention to ph

For the procedure, you need to collect morning urine. It will not work to determine pregnancy with soda in the evening due to changes in pH during the day for various reasons. At night, try to refrain from an abundance of protein foods (increases acidity) and fruits (increases alkalinity). Try to drink plenty of water - to normalize the acid-base balance.

Increased acidity of urine (false negative result)

If the urine is more acidic than it should be, it will react. But this does not always mean that the result is negative. It is possible that some of the factors (food, drink, condition) overestimated the acidity.

Decreased acidity of urine (false positive result)

Alkalinity of urine can also occur for various reasons. With alkaline therapy ( douches with soda are not uncommon among those who wish), vegetarianism, kidney problems, acidity decreases, and the test may show a positive result in the absence of pregnancy.

How reliable is such a test?

The reliability of this for pregnancy with soda remains a big question. It is very inaccurate, since the parameters of the state of the body and the pH of the urine change with any, even insignificant, factors. And to speak of only on the basis of this would be a mistake. Many girls treat him as a game and entertainment. Therefore, double-check it with another, more reliable and proven method.

Other ways to determine pregnancy by acidity of urine

The test with iodine is the same in terms of reliability.

It is carried out in two ways.

  1. You can soak a strip of paper in urine and drop iodine into it. The result is considered positive if the paper turns blue or purple.
  2. In a bowl with morning urine, you need to drop iodine. If the iodine did not dissolve, but gathered in a puddle on the surface, the result is positive.

Don't trust this homemade baking soda and urine pregnancy test. Treat it as just entertainment or a joke. And be sure to check on another test recognized by official medicine.

In the modern world, a huge number of the fair sex is trying to find the most reliable ways to determine whether to expect a stork in the near future, without leaving home. And the reasons for this can be completely different: the pharmacy is far from home and there is a reluctance to run, there is no extra money for a professional test, complete trust in folk methods ... Some of the ladies make attempts to answer this serious question with the help of an ordinary, well-known to everyone soda. Let's try to figure it out: is a pregnancy test with soda (reviews about it very diverse) reliable, or are potential mothers still mistaken?

Impressions of what is happening

Of course, no one ever forces anyone to immediately rush to the kitchen for a pack of soda to determine a possible pregnancy with its help. But if a girl goes online or consults with her friends about this, then the information presented in this article will be very useful to them.

So, how to conduct a pregnancy test with soda? Reviews on the issue of determining the belly button are very different. Some mothers, who have already given birth to their child, advocate this method with both hands, because for them it turned out to be absolutely correct. Others doubt, sincerely not understanding how, using one spoonful of soda, well known from childhood, one can understand whether the baby will be born or not. Indeed, in their understanding, the test is a set of complex chemical components, and only they can guarantee the onset of pregnancy. For third mothers, a pregnancy test with soda, reviews of which they literally “shoveled” on the World Wide Web, did not cause delight. Because it turned out to be unreliable and did not help them. In general, how many people, so many opinions. You can't be sure until you try it yourself.

What to do?

A home pregnancy test with soda (reviews about it, as mentioned above, are very diverse) is more than simple. But first you need to decide that this is just a folk method, and it does not apply to reliable diagnostics. Here the option is more suitable: I believe, I do not believe, I convinced, I did not convince. Of course, in some cases the results coincide 100%, but this does not mean anything. If someone is interested in trying this method, then this can be done without leaving home. It takes only a few minutes.

To begin with, according to all the rules, it is necessary to collect a little morning urine in an ordinary small bowl (only half a glass will be enough for the experiment). Then pour a teaspoon of soda into it and carefully observe the reaction.

What is the essence of such a method?

It is believed that if the soda hisses, then pregnancy has not occurred (and this for every woman can be both a tragedy and a joy). If the soda is quiet, then the woman is waiting for the baby (here too - someone is happy, and someone is shocked).

A similar soda pregnancy test (reviews of this method also include stories about how wives check its veracity with their husbands) should be carried out strictly in the morning, using only such urine. After all, only at this time of day the lowest ph values. As a result, the test is the most reliable.

How is everything going?

To understand more precisely what a pregnancy test with soda is, reviews of which can be obtained, including from girlfriends, you need to dwell on the acidity of the urine itself in a little more detail. Probably everyone knows that urine is a waste product of the human body. It is thanks to her that water-soluble substances that are unnecessary to him are removed from the body. Numerous factors influence its composition.

Pay attention to ph

One of the indicators of urine, which is subject to the most careful consideration, is its ph. Urine can be both more alkaline and more acidic. Slightly acidic or neutral urine is considered normal. The ph level should not be lower than 4.5 and not higher than 8. Since the acidity of urine depends on many reasons and various factors, it can change in one direction.

If it increases, it will become more alkaline. If it decreases, then more acidic.

Thus, it can be argued that the acidity of urine is influenced by a person’s nutrition, his body temperature at a certain moment, and other factors.

Increasing and decreasing the ph level

An increase in the ph level (while the urine will be more alkaline) is affected by vomiting or diarrhea; alkaline therapy; respiratory alkalosis; a significant content in the daily diet of vegetables and fruits (mainly for vegetarian food); kidney failure; urinary tract infection; hematuria...

The decrease in the level of ph (while the urine will be more acidic) is affected by eating a significant amount of cranberries; diabetes; starvation; the predominance of protein products in the daily diet; physical exhaustion; kidney tuberculosis...

Attention should be paid to the fact that any bacterial infections of the urinary system can affect the fact that the level of urine acidity will change in one direction or another. And during pregnancy, this is not at all uncommon. But specifically, the state of pregnancy does not affect the level of ph in the urine.

And here you can have a little doubt: is the pregnancy test with soda really accurate. Reviews about him express some doubt as to how correct his results are. But even so it is clear that at some point, how urine reacts to soda will depend on the level of its acidity. Whether soda will hiss and form a fluffy cap or precipitate, does not depend on the conception that has occurred.

Believe it or not?

So, we have already learned a lot about how to take a pregnancy test with soda. Reviews about him are very diverse. Some mothers claim that in this way it is possible to determine who will be born in a few months - a boy or a girl. They say that if there is a boy, then the soda will hiss, but if there is a little princess, then it will precipitate, because the expectant mother, the pregnant daughter, has an alkaline environment in her urine, which is why this precipitate is obtained.

Be that as it may, but a lot has been said about such an option as a pregnancy test with soda (reviews, photos of the method are displayed in our article). Moreover, both about the option of determining the presence of pregnancy, and about determining the sex of the unborn baby. All this is quite interesting, especially if you remember that there are a great many other folk recipes about this. Determination of the presence or absence of pregnancy can be done, for example, using ordinary iodine or wine.

Believe it or not, how will soda and urine (pregnancy test) help determine the current state of a woman? The reviews of women who have already resorted to this method are very different, and they speak both in favor of believing in this option and against it. But each must decide for itself what to do in each case. Medical professionals can only be “for” this method if it is used at a time when a woman does not have access to a pharmacy to buy a regular test, or to doctors. And this can happen if a woman, for example, went on vacation, but she wants to know whether to expect the arrival of a stork or not.