Why can't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs during pregnancy When a pregnant woman lies on her back

The question of why pregnant women should not lie on their backs is of interest to many pregnant women. The thing is that starting literally from the 3rd month of pregnancy, there is a strong increase in the volume of the uterus. Therefore, in the supine position, this organ partially exerts pressure on the spine and the large blood vessels passing next to it.

What happens in the body of a pregnant woman when she lies on her back?

In order to understand why it is impossible to lie on your back during pregnancy, you need to turn to the features of human anatomy. Near the spine passes such a large blood vessel as the inferior vena cava. It is through it that blood from the lower part of the body rises to the heart.

As a result of its compression, the blood flow decreases sharply. As a result, the expectant mother may complain of a feeling of lack of air. At the same time, breathing becomes more frequent, and its character becomes intermittent. Often, pregnant women notice the appearance of flies before their eyes, dizziness, increased heart rate and increased sweating. When these signs appear, the woman needs to roll over on her side.

What is the relationship between the position of the mother's body and the condition of the fetus?

Pregnant women should not lie on their backs also because this can adversely affect the well-being of the fetus.

As a result of squeezing the vein, blood flow is disturbed. As a result, baby necessary for normal life and development.

What is the safest body position during pregnancy?

Having talked about why you can’t lie on your back during pregnancy, let’s find out what body position is safe for the expectant mother and her baby.

Reading time 6 minutes

Sleep is one of the most important components of our life. For pregnant women, it is especially important, because it contributes to the normal development of the child. Every day, a woman is obliged to allocate at least 8 hours for this. This time is enough for the body to gain strength and rest after the day. If your sleep is interrupted or not long enough, then during the day you may experience increased irritability, a feeling of weakness or a desire to lie down. A short restless sleep of the mother will have an adverse effect on the baby. It is also important to know which sleeping positions are the most comfortable and why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs.

Sleep positions: possible risks

Basically, a person gets used to sleeping in one or two favorite positions for sleeping (on the back, on the side), pregnant women need to be more careful in this matter, because now they take care not only of their needs, but also of the life of their unborn baby. After some time, every woman begins to think about sleep issues. Why can't you sleep on your stomach? Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? How to sleep properly so that the baby is born healthy?

  • At the beginning of pregnancy (first trimester), the fetus with the uterus is still small and is located in the small pelvis, so a woman can afford to rest in her favorite position (even on her stomach);
  • During the second trimester, the fetus begins to actively develop. The uterus also increases in size and because of this, it presses on the nerves, blood vessels and even the spine in a supine position. Therefore, pregnant women should not sleep on their backs.
  • During the third trimester, pregnant women should absolutely not sleep on their backs, as this can harm the expectant mother and, of course, the child.

Impact on the female body

Very often, doctors hear the question: “why should pregnant women not sleep on their backs?”. As long as the uterus is small, the woman does not notice significant differences in sleep, so she can sleep in the most comfortable position for her. As the fetus grows in the womb (from about the thirteenth week), the uterus also begins to grow and therefore presses on the organs located next to it: vessels, bones, nerves, which causes discomfort. This explains the ban on sleeping on your back.

Pressure on the nerves provokes the appearance of pain in the lumbar zone, the sensitivity of the legs (in particular in the feet) disappears, and the feeling of "goosebumps".

The abdominal aortic plexus (celiac plexus), located in the abdominal cavity, is the nerve center and, accordingly, is responsible for the efficient functioning of the organs. At the end of pregnancy (25-28 weeks), the uterus in the supine position comes into contact with the celiac plexus and causes discomfort and symptoms such as:

  1. decrease in blood pressure caused by vasodilation;
  2. increased intestinal peristalsis;
  3. decrease in respiratory rate;
  4. pain in the abdomen, bitterness in the mouth, belching of a sour taste are possible;
  5. slow heart rate;
  6. increased levels of enzymes;
  7. reduction of heavy sweating.

Important organs (aorta, vena cava) are located along the spine. With the development of the fetus, its size also increases, so the child "presses" on the mother's organs and causes unpleasant feelings.

Blood flow from the vena cava, from the pelvic organs and legs to the right side of the heart. If you press it down, it causes an increase in pressure in its lower parts, so varicose veins, thrombosis, venous stasis in the pelvic organs, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities, and swelling of the lower extremities often occur. Due to lack of blood in the heart, brain or lungs, headaches or heart pains, dizziness, fainting may occur. There are frequent cases of tachycardia, lack of air, rapid pulse or shortness of breath.

Due to the physiological characteristics of the aorta (a stronger wall), the pressure on it remains almost imperceptible. However, with strong pressure on the aorta, the lumen of the vessel decreases, there is an increase in pressure in the system (arterial hypertension), and pressure increases.

Why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs: Another reason for pregnant women not to sleep on their backs is that the enlarged uterus also presses on the ureters with the kidneys, and this threatens to stagnate urine in the pyelocaliceal system (PSL) of the kidneys. There were cases of the development of the inflammatory process, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis.

Obstructive jaundice, pancreatitis (an inflammatory process in the pancreas) may also develop in the supine position in late pregnancy due to uterine pressure on the hepatic duct.
All these symptoms outlined are not necessary, but they are characteristic and often occur if you sleep in the supine position. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of serious complications in the development of the fetus, all pregnant women are told not to sleep on their backs.

Impact on child development

Quite a lot of people prefer to sleep either on their stomach or on their back, but when you are expecting a baby, it is better to abandon these positions. Why it is impossible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs and how does this threaten the child?
Due to changes in the body of a pregnant woman, they also occur in a child in the womb and can lead to serious deviations.

Due to disturbances in the normal blood flow in the uterus (in the pelvic organs), there is a possibility of the following symptoms:

  1. occurrence of hypoxia. It can lead to irreversible consequences in the development of organs (especially the brain);
  2. there is a possibility of malformations or developmental abnormalities. This may be caused by the onset of hypoxia in the second trimester, during the formation of organ systems in the fetus.
  3. The access of oxygen and other necessary elements for the child is reduced.

If a pregnant woman likes to rest and sleep on her back (especially in the second and third trimester of pregnancy), then there is a risk of developmental delays (psychomotor and speech development) in the unborn child. Such children are often absent-minded, inattentive, do not differ in perseverance and are prone to frequent headaches. With more serious deviations, the central nervous system is affected (manifested by poor hearing, vision, signs of encephalopathy and epilepsy appear.

It is worth remembering that pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, because this has a serious negative effect on both the mother and the child, and threatens the development of pathologies. Therefore, it is better to refrain from sleeping in your favorite position until childbirth, and then you can return to your favorite habit again.

What is the safest sleeping position for pregnant women?

All of these listed symptoms make you think about safe sleeping positions for pregnant women.

The most correct, in this case, will be the pose “lying on its side” (the side has no difference). For greater convenience, you can lie down on the left side, while the right knee should be bent (and put a pillow under it).

This position will give you:

  1. the child will receive more trace elements and oxygen;
  2. discomfort in the lumbar region and lower extremities disappears;
  3. the child's circulation improves. The uterus does not press on the blood vessels and blood flows to the placenta at normal speed and pressure;
  4. reduces the risk of hemorrhoids in expectant mothers;
  5. swelling of the legs subsides;
  6. improves blood flow through the umbilical cord, due to a decrease in pressure on the liver;
  7. kidneys work better. There are no obstructions in the work of the renal veins and arteries.

During sleep, it is allowed to change the side from the right to the left, but try to control yourself and not lie on your back and, especially, on your stomach.

To make it more comfortable for pregnant women to sleep, special “sleeping” pillows were invented that fix the necessary posture and prevent them from tossing and turning during sleep.

A pregnant woman should have a long comfortable sleep so that the child can develop well and be born healthy (without the pathologies mentioned earlier in the article). Even if the expectant mother is forbidden to lie on her back, this does not mean that it is impossible to create a comfortable comfortable position for herself.

Tips to help you improve your sleep:

  • it is better to choose comfortable, loose clothing for sleeping so that it does not squeeze the stomach;
  • to improve the "sleeping environment", a few soft extra pillows can be used to place them under the stomach, back, legs or side.
  • it is advisable to still change the position of the body during sleep so that swelling of the legs does not occur (long lying on the right side is characterized by venous stasis, since the vena cava is located closer to this side).
  • a non-solid orthopedic mattress (medium hardness) will be the most comfortable;
  • evening walks before going to bed are very useful;
  • it is advisable to use an orthopedic pillow for the head, in order to avoid headaches and the development of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • the most optimal would be a bed that does not spring, so that the movement of the sleeping person next to it does not disturb the sleep of a pregnant woman;
  • always listen to your feelings, whether you are comfortable in this position or something should be changed;
  • It is better to refrain from heavy drinking before going to bed. This leads to additional swelling of the legs.

It is imperative for every expectant mother to understand for herself that only you during this period can take care of that little person who will soon appear. In order for him to be born strong and healthy, you need to think about him in advance and be careful during pregnancy. Giving up your favorite sleeping position on your back is not going to be a big feat, but it will help you avoid risks for your baby, especially since you can return to your favorite position after giving birth.

When a woman finds out that she is expecting a child, her world is turned upside down in the literal sense. An expectant mother can literally change her sleeping position and many of her habits. However, this does not happen for everyone, because pregnancy proceeds in different ways. This happens depending on many factors. But sometimes you have to give up your habits, even if you really don’t want to. Especially often the question arises: “why should pregnant women absolutely not sleep on their backs?”

This fact is indeed actively discussed on the forums. Some claim that while pregnant, they slept on their backs and were comfortable. Others complained of pain, others simply believed the advice of doctors. And yet it is worth understanding why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. To sleep peacefully while there is time for this.

Good sleep during pregnancy is possible!

Drowsiness is a familiar feeling for expectant mothers. But most often she accompanies women in the third trimester. It is difficult for them to find a comfortable position, and during the night they wake up 3-5, or even more times. Unlike almost giving birth, in the first trimester, women can boast of the ability to fall asleep anywhere and any way. But again, this is not the case for everyone.

Comfortable sleeping position

Specialists calm only women who have learned about pregnancy - in the first half (28 weeks), sleeping on your back is possible. No one will forbid it, since it will not bring harm to either the mother or the fetus. However, from the first months, those who like to sleep on their backs are advised to get used to other poses. Namely recommended for the third trimester. Since the gradual change of habits facilitates the transition to others in the future.

But many have a fear that in a dream they will return to their favorite starting position. For this, special pillows for pregnant women were created. As an option, replace it with a regular roller and put it under your back or stomach so that there is an obstacle to change your posture.

The longer the period of a pregnant woman, the more difficult it will be to find a comfortable position. It is generally not desirable to lie on the stomach, although the larger the stomach, the more likely it will not work. Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs?

Why are pregnant women not allowed to sleep on their backs?

The body obviously decides for itself which sleeping position will be comfortable in the later stages. And some women don't realize it until the very end. And the question is "why pregnant women absolutely can not sleep on their backs." And “what will happen if you continue to do this” - arise when, let's say, “lock in”.

The fact is that body weight during the third trimester is redistributed. And even the position that has always been the most comfortable can cause a lot of discomfort and problems. This is due to the fact that the fetus reaches its maximum size by a late date and the load on the spine increases significantly. So the uterus, which becomes much larger, presses on the vein that leads from the legs to the heart, therefore this also affects the internal organs.

Therefore, a pregnant woman sleeping on her back can lead to varicose veins. And lack of blood and vascular congestion can slow down the growth of the uterus, which is the main reason why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. However, these are not the only reasons for the negative consequences of the abuse of not following the advice of experts.

Reasons why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs:

In addition to the reasons that were described above (varicose veins and slow growth of the uterus), there are also negative consequences.

  • stasis of urine

When asked why pregnant women should absolutely not sleep on their backs (and even lie down), doctors may point out the possibility of squeezing the ureters by a child. This is a thin tube that connects the kidneys to the bladder. Pressing on the tube can retain urine, leading to inflammation. Moreover, a pregnant woman will be able to find out about this problem only after passing the analysis. This problem is accompanied by excessive swelling and high body temperature.

There is also a risk that, with the results of the analysis, the doctor will not identify problems (if he has not studied them in as much detail as possible), if they exist. This will lead to slow kidney failure, and therefore possible pressure on the fetus, early labor or miscarriage. However, such situations happen extremely rarely, so there is no point in worrying in vain.

  • Digestive problems

Unlike the previous reason why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, this one does not have dangerous consequences for the expectant mother and fetus. However, it can be very unpleasant and spoil the mood for a long time.

The desire to feel like a "starfish" can lead to terrible heartburn. It arises from the fact that the fetus squeezes the stomach, and hormonal failure and a weakened sphincter lead to such a problem. Heartburn is accompanied by burning, belching, painful gastric arrest and other symptoms. The expectant mother will not be able to sleep, as the intestines will stubbornly try to digest food. This problem is possible with individual problems with the stomach. But allowing yourself, with or without such a problem, to lie on your back will only make things worse.

In addition to heartburn, the heaviness of the baby in the womb in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters can lead to constipation and stagnation. Products that break down in the stomach begin to rot in the esophagus, which can cause gas, bloating, and hemorrhoids. Metabolism may also slow down, and therefore the pregnant woman will begin to recover fairly.

Pregnancy can exhaust the female body well, as it requires a huge supply of strength and good body work. The back plays a huge role in bearing the fetus, it takes on almost 85% of the loads. Accordingly, during the day the spine goes into a stage of strong tension and a woman needs unloading. The position on the back does not allow the spine to relax. Such a high load can lead to displacement of the intervertebral discs, the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Lack of oxygen to the fetus

In other words, hypoxia. In the abdominal cavity there is a focus on the inferior pudendal vein, it is this vein that delivers blood flow to the pelvis and lower extremities. When the fetus begins to press on the vena cava, problems can arise due to reduced blood circulation. This is what has already been discussed - varicose veins. Most often, a serious degree leads to the need for a caesarean section and can harm the health of the child.

The fact is that due to a lack of blood, the fetus does not receive oxygen in the volume it needs. This can lead to congenital malformations of the central nervous system, brain and heart. This happens more often with a certain responsibility. But the supine position also presses on the vein. Ultrasound can show oligohydramnios, developmental delay, and other problems.

  • Problems with the heart and circulatory system

Each reason is quite rare. However, it is recommended by experts to understand all the reasons for the ban on sleeping pregnant women on their backs. This problem occurs due to the same reason as varicose veins. Slow blood circulation overloads the heart muscle. But it is dangerous only for those who have already had tachycardia attacks. They are strictly forbidden to even lie for a minute in this position.

But a healthy woman can also feel dizzy and palpitations while sleeping on her back in the 3rd trimester. There is also a risk of high blood pressure, which leads to loss of consciousness. Girls who managed to get acquainted with such a problem had to deal with heavy legs syndrome, rounding of the face, swollen hands, shortness of breath

Do not forget that the reasons described above will not necessarily meet on your way. A lot depends on the structure of the body of a young woman.

  • Do not worry that sleeping on your back, as well as just resting, is very dangerous. There is no need to panic, since each expectant mother has her own characteristics of the body. This is also affected by the location of the organs and the level of activity of the fetus. It's not as scary as it seems at first.
  • Why is it absolutely impossible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters? Problems from lying on your back may or may not arise at all. However, most often it is back pain and the inability to sleep.
  • Therefore, doctors advise first of all to monitor personal feelings. However, with frequent constipation, heartburn, tachycardia, dizziness, elevated temperature or pressure, swelling, heaviness in the legs and cramps, it is strictly forbidden to lie on your back even for a short period of time.
  • Doctors advise to rest on your side, and fix your back with a roller. An incorrect posture can be determined by the activity of the fetus that has appeared, this is a signal that it receives little oxygen.
  • Expectant mothers at the latest dates should sleep half-sitting, so the more pillows around, the better. It is important to note that a soft cushion under the lower back should always be placed.

If sleep brings discomfort in the first place, you should contact a specialist who is being monitored. All problems should be described in detail, and then it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations. Since every woman experiences pregnancy in her own way, the feelings can be very different from the problems of her friends.

Having learned about an interesting situation, a woman begins to think about changing her lifestyle. Now you should be very careful. In small things too. Changes will affect even sleep. The position “on the back”, beloved by many, is now taboo. Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Are there exceptions for different stages of pregnancy? It is important for women in position to find answers to these questions in order to make sure that their actions are correct and stop worrying.

The first time after conception, you can sleep in any comfortable position.

A comfortable posture is a key factor in healthy long sleep. The concept of "comfortable posture" is individual. According to statistics, most people like to rest on their backs. If a woman has always preferred sleeping in a popular position, she is especially interested to know if it is possible for pregnant women to roll over on their back at the very beginning of their term and stay in this position for a long time.

From the point of view of physiology, at the first stage of pregnancy, there is no reason to abandon your favorite position. While the stomach is small, you can take any position and enjoy a sound sleep. Resting, lying on her back, the expectant mother, up to a certain point, may not be afraid that she will harm the baby: the position is not dangerous in the first weeks.

A woman can also move in her sleep to find a comfortable position. Active "movement" on the bed is possible until the uterus begins to put pressure on various organs. Changing the position of the body is safe for the baby: shocks from movements are leveled by the amniotic sac. It protects the fetus well in the early stages.

Although until the thirteenth week there is no need to control yourself in a dream, doctors strongly advise expectant mothers to give up lying on their backs right away. At the end of the first trimester, the uterus begins to press hard on the organs, and the load on the spine increases. Sleeping on your back becomes not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous. Having made it a habit to fit in the right position in the early stages, a woman is reinsured. So she will get used to taking the right position, and when it is relevant, it will not be difficult for the expectant mother to abandon the dangerous position. Refusal will already occur unconsciously.

Second trimester and supine position

Can I sleep on my back during the second trimester? You will have to give up your favorite position even a little earlier. It is not recommended to take this position starting from the fourth month (from the twelfth week). The ban is due to the danger to the female body. By this time, the fetus becomes heavier. The internal organs of a pregnant woman (in particular the intestines, kidneys, liver) are subject to pressure when positioned on the back. When a woman takes this position, the entire weight of the fetus feels the spine. Along it is the vena cava. Its main function is to transport blood from the lower body to the heart. If the vein is compressed, the blood circulation will fail. It leads to:

  • respiratory failure (increased, intermittent);
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • lack of air.

When the tummy becomes more visible, it is best to buy a special device

You should not sleep on your back during pregnancy due to possible risks to the fetus. Clamping the vena cava is fraught with the fact that the baby will receive less oxygen, and with it substances important for development. Lack of oxygen leads to a dangerous condition - fetal hypoxia. Severe hypoxia can provoke the occurrence of ischemia or necrosis of various organs, which threatens to terminate the pregnancy. Lack of oxygen increases the likelihood of premature detachment of the placenta. Hypoxia can remind itself after the birth of the crumbs: children who have experienced oxygen starvation in the womb often lag behind in development.

Sleep features after the 28th week

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her back when the 3rd trimester comes? Doctors are categorical in this matter: the pose is not suitable either for sleep or for simple rest. By the 28th week, the stomach becomes large. If the pregnant woman lies on her stomach, then the pressure on the venous vessel located near the spine will be strong. When the vein is clamped, blood circulation is disturbed. It threatens to faint. In a dream, fainting is especially dangerous. It is absolutely impossible for pregnant women with a predisposition to thrombosis, varicose veins, and edema to sleep on their backs. Such a position should become a taboo even when you just want to lie quietly.

For a long time, due to the size of the fetus, the pelvic organs are under pressure. The load increases when the woman lies on her back. If the bladder is compressed, involuntary release of urine cannot be avoided. Due to the habit of sleeping in this position, severe lumbar pain appears by the end of the term. This is especially true if there are problems with the spine.

Why should pregnant women not lie on their backs in terms of dangers to the baby? Starting in the second trimester, this position carries risks for the fetus. Clamping of a vein in a future mother is displayed on the baby. In this condition, the amount of oxygen in the woman’s blood decreases, which means that the child will miss it. This leads to fetal hypoxia. The longer the period, the higher the risks of making such a diagnosis if a woman continues to sleep on her back during pregnancy.

Oxygen starvation in the later stages leads to developmental delay, damage to the nervous system. Due to hypoxia, the baby may be born with insufficient weight.

Having found out that it is not recommended for pregnant women to sleep on their backs, the expectant mother asks herself: how then to sleep? Obstetricians and gynecologists advise lying on your side. This position is considered the safest. It does not pose a threat to either the health of the mother or the health of the baby. For maximum convenience, the following guidelines should be observed:

Can pregnant women use extra bedding for comfort? Doctors advise to pay attention to a special pillow. It will become the best assistant in the struggle for comfortable sleep, will provide maximum comfort. The pillow helps to fix the body in the most comfortable position. It is placed under the legs, stomach, back, while maintaining the position on the side.

Benefits of sleeping on your side

Being on your side in a dream while waiting for the baby is not only convenient, but also safe. This posture provides a number of positive processes:

  • Relaxation of the spine. In the morning, the expectant mother will feel truly rested.
  • Removing the load from the internal organs. In the absence of pressure on the internal organs, they work without failures, there is no pain syndrome.
  • Normalization of kidney function. The absence of malfunctions in the work of this organ eliminates the appearance of puffiness.
  • Improving blood circulation and heart function. This is a guarantee that the fetus will be supplied with oxygen in the right amount: the risks of hypoxia are reduced.

Lying on your side is recommended not only at night. The pose should be taken when the expectant mother simply decided to lie quietly or read her favorite book. Although at the beginning of pregnancy you can take any position, however, a woman should get used to sleeping on her side, especially if she did not like this position before. By focusing on the correct posture from the very beginning, the pregnant woman will be grateful to herself in the future. The correct posture will relieve many problems, ensure good health for the mother, health for the baby.

How to lie down and get up correctly

From the second trimester begins a period when it is important to exercise maximum caution in everything. The expectant mother needs not only to choose the optimal position for sleeping, but also learn how to take it correctly, get up correctly. How to go to the world of dreams? Simple guidelines should be followed:

Can pregnant women stand up abruptly? You will have to forget about the rapid rise until the birth. Get up very carefully. With a sharp transition to a vertical position, a pressure drop often occurs. The jump can make you feel very dizzy, which will lead to loss of balance. This is dangerous: a pregnant woman can fall and hit her stomach. To avoid risks, you need to climb calmly, in priority - smooth movements.

If in a dream the expectant mother rolled over on her back, waking up, she first needs to turn on her side, and already get up from this position.

When lifting, it is recommended to lower the legs first, and only then rise. Be sure to help yourself with your hands. It is desirable that there is a support nearby. She must be reliable. A chair, an armchair, a bedside table, and even a headboard will do.

In an "interesting position" women often face "sleepy" problems. This is connected both with well-being and the need to abandon your favorite positions in favor of safe ones. The closer the date of birth, the more difficult it is for the expectant mother to get enough sleep. However, proper sleep plays a key role in the health of a pregnant woman. It is also important for her future baby. It is important to do everything to have a normal rest at night. To return a good sleep will help recommendations, which will not be difficult to follow:

  • Dinner before bed is a forbidden meal for any person who wants to sleep. And even more so for pregnant women. You need to forget about food two hours before a night's rest, then you can quickly see dreams. Dinner should be light but satisfying.
  • Movies and books that cause a storm of emotions are taboo before going to bed. Experiences are the worst helpers for those who dream of getting enough sleep. To definitely relax, it is better to completely abandon reading and TV in the evening.
  • It is important to calm down before going to bed. Relaxation of the nervous system is promoted by milk with the addition of honey. Expectant mothers, before using bee products, need to make sure that they are not allergic.
  • To sleep soundly, you need to properly equip the bed. Pregnant women are advised to change the mattress to a model that provides support. From the middle of the term, it is strictly forbidden to use a bed with a sagging net. The bed should be sufficiently elastic. High pillows should also be said no. The ideal option is orthopedic. They help take the pressure off your neck. As a result, no morning headaches. A special pillow for pregnant women is one of the main conditions for a comfortable rest. Especially when the stomach is noticeably rounded.

By giving up the position on the back, choosing the right position and following simple tips, the expectant mother will be able to enjoy a good night's sleep. With prolonged discomfort during rest and the appearance of other problems, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will establish the reason that interferes with a good sleep, advise a suitable position, talk about the nuances of rest in an “interesting position”.

In anticipation of the baby, many women refuse to sleep on their backs, explaining this by poor health and fear for the health of the child. Are there any risks in this position? Why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, and what position should be chosen for sleeping during this difficult period?

Position on the back

In the supine position, a pregnant woman can safely sleep up to a period of 14-16 weeks. Problems can arise only with severe toxicosis. In the supine position, nausea increases, urge to vomit appears, and the general well-being of the expectant mother worsens. With severe toxicosis in the first trimester, the position on the back should be refrained from.

Sleeping on your back is not recommended for pregnant women after 16 weeks. At this time, the uterus goes beyond the womb and with all its mass presses on the abdominal organs. The inferior vena cava, one of the largest vessels of the human body, also gets it. When the vena cava is compressed by the growing uterus, rather unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • noise in ears;
  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • labored breathing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

The position on the back is unfavorable for the baby. With compression of the inferior vena cava, blood supply to the pelvic organs and the placenta slows down, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted. Hypoxia develops, the rate of physical development decreases, which naturally affects the health of the child after his birth. The conclusion is simple: you should not sleep on your back after 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Prone position

On the stomach, the expectant mother can sleep only up to a period of 10-12 weeks. In the first trimester, as long as the uterus does not extend beyond the pubic bone, this position will be completely safe for the growing baby. In the early stages, the prone position may even be beneficial for a woman. In this position, the manifestations of toxicosis are reduced, sleep improves, and the load on the spine is reduced. Many women sleep well only on their stomachs, with their arms outstretched in front of them or putting them under their heads.

You can't sleep on your stomach after 12 weeks. In the II trimester, the uterus grows and extends beyond the small pelvis, located in the abdominal cavity. In the position on the stomach, the woman presses with all her weight on the child in her womb. This position is dangerous for the fetus and is not allowed in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman wants to lie on her stomach, you can sit between large rollers or pillows, covering yourself with a soft cloth on all sides. In this position, there is no load on the stomach, there is no compression of the uterus, placenta and fetus. It is not recommended to stay in a prone position (even between pillows) for more than 10-15 minutes in a row.

Side position

The position on the left or right side is the most comfortable position during pregnancy. In this position, the organs of the pelvis and abdominal cavity are not squeezed, the blood flow in the placenta is not disturbed, and the baby does not suffer. You can sleep on your side from the moment of conception until the very birth.

The choice of a comfortable side in the side position will depend on the feelings of the expectant mother. Many women cannot sleep on their right side during pregnancy. Here are the liver and gallbladder - important organs of the digestive system. With their compression, heartburn and abdominal pain appear, intestinal motility increases. The appearance of any unpleasant symptoms is a reason to change the position of the body and gently roll over to the left side.

How to choose a sleeping position?

When choosing a comfortable sleeping position, a pregnant woman should follow some rules:

  1. Up to 12 weeks you are allowed to sleep in any comfortable position.
  2. After 12 weeks, do not sleep on your stomach.
  3. In the third trimester, all examinations lying on the back should be carried out with sufficient caution. If you feel worse, you should change your position (turn over on your side).
  4. The optimal sleeping position during pregnancy is on the left side. In this position, the left leg should be extended, and the right leg should be bent at the knee. In this position, the load on the abdominal muscles is reduced and the uterus is relaxed.
  5. You should not sleep on a surface that is too hard and, on the contrary, too soft. The sleeping mattress should be of medium firmness, without dips and bumps.
  6. Do not sleep in one position for a long time. You need to change position every 2-4 hours.
  7. For comfort, you can use special pillows.

Pillows for pregnant women are the best assistant for a future mother. Special pillows look like horseshoe-shaped rollers from 140 to 220 cm long. Filler for pillows are safe materials - sintepuh or holofiber. A pillow can be placed under the lower back or arranged between the legs in a side position. Such pillows unload the spine, relieve tension from the muscles of the back and create conditions for a calm and comfortable sleep. After giving birth, pillows will help the woman to take a comfortable position for feeding the baby.