"National holiday "Sabantuy". Customs rituals traditions Competitions on Sabantuy

About Sabantuy holiday
Website President of the Republic of Tatarstan http://president.tatarstan.ru/news/view/107453

Rustam Minnikhanov: "Sabantuy is a holiday of friendship for all nations"
Press service of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, July 2, 2011

Sabantuy is a holiday that unites the peoples of Russia and allows them to preserve their national traditions and customs. This opinion was expressed today by the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov at the celebration of the federal Sabantuy in Yekaterinburg. The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov, Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Alexander Misharin also took part in the celebration.

The celebration of Sabantuy is traditionally held in the Sverdlovsk region. This year the capital of the Urals hosts the federal Sabantuy for the first time. The holiday takes place on the territory of the Lokomotiv stadium and the adjacent park. Numerous farmsteads, thematic grounds are located here, sports competitions traditional for Sabantuy are held. Representatives of 34 regions of the Russian Federation take part in the celebration.

Website Official Tatarstan - http://tatarstan.ru/about/sabantuy.htm

http://1997-2011.tatarstan.ru/?DNSID=22fb9b9b4f86eec225245cd411aeb777&node_id=2480 Sabantuy
"Sabantuy is a real pearl of the national spirit, a living inexhaustible spring of the original culture of the Tatar people, the state of his soul and a great opportunity to discover talents, compete in strength, dexterity and ingenuity ... I hope that Sabantuy will be known all over the world, and he will take his rightful place in World Heritage List" President of the Republic of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev.

The favorite holiday of the Tatar people, Sabantuy, is both ancient and new, a holiday of labor, in which the beautiful customs of the people, their songs, dances, and rituals merge into one.
The name of the holiday comes from the Turkic words: saban - a plow and tui - a holiday. Previously, Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginning of spring field work (at the end of April), but now - in honor of their end (in June).
This ancient holiday was described in his works in 921 by the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in the Bulgars as an ambassador from Baghdad.

In the old days, the celebration of Sabantuy was a big event, and it took a long time to prepare for it. All winter girls, young women prepared gifts - weaving, sewing, embroidering. In the spring, before the start of the holiday, young horsemen collected gifts around the village for future winners in competitions and folk games: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of chintz, shirts, chicken eggs. A towel embroidered with a national pattern was considered the most honorable gift. The collection of gifts was usually accompanied by cheerful songs, jokes, jokes. Gifts were tied to a long pole, sometimes jigits tied themselves with collected towels and did not take them off until the end of the ceremony. Aksakals, a kind of council of Sabantuy, appointed a jury to award the winners, kept order during the competitions. The culmination of the holiday was Maidan - competitions in running, jumping, national wrestling - keresh, and, of course, horse racing.

Gradually, Sabantuy became a universal and interethnic holiday - today it is celebrated in villages, towns, districts, cities, the capital of Tatarstan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and in many other regions of the country, as well as in different corners world where the Tatars live.

In the Republic of Tatarstan Sabantuy takes place, as a rule, in June, in three stages. On the first Saturday after the end of spring sowing, the holiday is held in the villages and villages of the republic, a week later - in large cities of Tatarstan, and a week later the main Sabantuy is held in the capital of the republic, Kazan. In all administrative districts of the city, Maidans are organized for competitions, platforms for performances by masters of culture and arts of Tatarstan, folk festivals. Races are held at the central hippodrome of the city.

During his visit to Kazan in June 2003, UNESCO Director-General K.Matsuura supported the initiative to nominate the Tatar national holiday Sabantuy, which is a living tradition and sincerely loved by the people, among the contenders for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage.

Since 2001, the Federal Sabantuy has been held, in 2011 the XI Federal Sabantuy will be held in Tyumen region. In 2010, the All-Russian rural Sabantuy took place for the first time, which took place in the village of Alkino, Samara Region.

Site Kazan 1000 years" - http://www.kazan1000.ru/rus/holiday/plough.htm
"National holiday "Sabantuy""

"Sabantuy is a real pearl of the national spirit, a living inexhaustible spring of the original culture of the Tatar people, the state of his soul and a great opportunity to discover talents, compete in strength, dexterity and ingenuity ... I hope that Sabantuy will be known all over the world, and he will take his rightful place in World Heritage List".

President of the Republic of Tatarstan M.Sh.Shaimiev. The favorite holiday of the Tatar people, Sabantuy, is an ancient and new holiday, a holiday of labor, in which the beautiful customs of the people, their songs, dances, and rituals merge into one.
The name of the holiday comes from the Turkic words: saban - plow and tui - holiday. Previously, Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginning of spring field work (at the end of April), but now - in honor of their end (in June).

This ancient holiday was described in his works in 921 by the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in the Bulgars as an ambassador from Baghdad.

IN In the old days, the celebration of Sabantuy was a great event, and preparations were made for it for a long time. All winter girls, young women prepared gifts - weaving, sewing, embroidering. In the spring, before the start of the holiday, young horsemen collected gifts around the village for future winners in competitions and folk games: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of chintz, shirts, chicken eggs. A towel embroidered with a national pattern was considered the most honorable gift. The collection of gifts was usually accompanied by cheerful songs, jokes, jokes. Gifts were tied to a long pole, sometimes jigits tied themselves with collected towels and did not take them off until the end of the ceremony. Aksakals, a kind of council of Sabantuy, appointed a jury to award the winners, kept order during the competition. The culmination of the holiday was Maidan - competitions in running, jumping, national wrestling - keresh, and, of course, horse racing.

Gradually, Sabantuy became a universal and interethnic holiday - today it is celebrated in villages, towns, districts, cities, the capital of Tatarstan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and in many other regions of the country, as well as in different parts of the world where Tatars live.

At present, Sabantuy has acquired the status public holiday: decrees and resolutions are issued on the preparation, dates and venues, organizing committees are appointed from the leaders of the highest rank at each level (village, town, district, city, republic), sources of funding are determined. The ancient holiday is gradually supplemented modern traditions, however, the main features of the celebration are preserved, passing from century to century.

In the Republic of Tatarstan Sabantuy takes place, as a rule, in June, in three stages. IN the first Saturday after the end of spring sowing, the holiday is held in the villages and villages of the republic, a week later - in large cities of Tatarstan, and a week later the main Sabantuy is held in the capital of the republic, Kazan. In all administrative districts of the city, Maidans are organized for competitions, platforms for performances by masters of culture and arts of Tatarstan, folk festivals. Races are held at the central hippodrome of the city.

During his visit to Kazan in June 2003, UNESCO Director-General K. Matsuura supported the initiative of the President of Tatarstan M. Sh. List of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of UNESCO.
Site Culture of Tatarstan - http:// culture. Tatar. en/ brands/ show/4

Sabantuy R. Mustafin

Sabantuy is different.

If you don't know, don't interpret!

Alexander Tvardovsky

From the depths of centuries

Everyone has probably heard about this vibrant Tatar national holiday. But what does the word "Sabantuy" mean?

"Saban" in Tatar "plough". And the word "tui" means "holiday", "wedding". Moreover, the second meaning, according to linguists, is more ancient. It can be assumed, therefore, that this word once meant "wedding", a kind of "marriage" of the plow of the farmer with the land-breadwinner. In a broader sense - a person with nature. It is not at all accidental, therefore, that this holiday is always held in the bosom of nature: in meadows, forest edges, at the foot of hills in the most beautiful, picturesque places.

It is believed that the celebration of Sabantuy dates back to pagan, pre-Islamic times. Judging by some indirect data, Sabantuy was also widely celebrated in the era of the Great Bulgaria. In any case, the spring races, national wrestling on sashes (kuresh), competitions of archers and runners are repeatedly mentioned in a number of historical sources.

Sabantuy 1505

The first colorful description of Sabantuy, as historians believe, was left by an unnamed Russian chronicler in his famous "Tale of the Kingdom of Kazan". The author of the Tale, who has lived in our city for more than 20 years and even converted to Islam, writes that Sabantuy was held in two places - on the so-called Tsar (or Khan) meadow (now this is the area behind the railway station, which remained under water) and on Arsky field, which then began immediately behind the current Freedom Square. The holiday on the Arsk field was considered the main one; it lasted several days. So, in 1505, more than a thousand tents were set up at the festival, in which the khan and his entourage had fun and rested, and guests who came from nearby places, and beks, sheikhs, saids, and ordinary townspeople. In the tents, in modern terms, trading tents were set up, in which they sold edible goods, soft drinks and all sorts of things, including overseas ones.

Avia RT website Magazine for passengers of the airline "Tatarstan" - http://www.avia-rt.ru/index.php?option=com_numbers&view=article&id_article=160

Probably, every nation has its own, especially favorite holiday, known throughout the world. For the Japanese, this is the time of cherry blossoms, for the Greeks - the Olympic Games, for the Spaniards - bullfighting, for Russians - Maslenitsa. The “branded” holiday of the Tatars is Sabantuy. By the way, it is not only known, but also celebrated - all over the world.

appease the spirits
Now we are celebrating Sabantuy in the summer, when the hard field work is over and we can relax a bit. And earlier (by the way, earlier - this is a very long time ago, Sabantuy has a thousand-year history: in 921 it was described by the scientist Ibn Fadlan, and after all, the holiday existed before that) Sabantuy was celebrated in April, before the start of spring sowing - to appease the spirits of fertility, "responsible for a good harvest.

This is evidenced by the very name of the event: "saban" - spring or plow, "tui" - wedding, celebration. And although some historians argue that the name should be translated as “wedding of the Saban” (there was such a nationality), the “agrarian” version of the origin of the holiday is generally recognized.

By the way, almost all Volga peoples have similar traditions: Akatuy is celebrated in Chuvashia, and in Udmurtia such a holiday is called Gerber.

Ancient traditions...
The original Sabantuy was quite different from what we are used to seeing now. For example, in ancient times, its indispensable attribute was ... eggs. They, painted or raw, the aksakals took with them to the cemetery, commemorating the dead, or gave them to the mullah so that he would ensure well-being for the family with his prayers.

Sabantuy was celebrated by the whole village, by sharing, and the celebration lasted for several days. Women painted eggs, prepared sweets, baursak - nuts made from dough with honey, various sweets and cookies, treated them to children - they, like carols, went from house to house with bags in which they collected treats, as well as various cereals, butter, sour cream - of them then cooked porridge for the whole village.

The young men competed in collecting eggs - the one who will have the largest "catch" was considered the winner. They were also given things intended for the winners of the competition: scarves, cuts of fabric, stockings, shirts, and an embroidered towel was considered the most valuable. It was a whole ritual: horsemen rode through the village with jokes, songs, they were met with honor in every yard, giving the best of what they had. Sometimes gifts were tied to a long pole and they drove through the village with it so that everyone could see what, so to speak, the prize fund was.

By the way, the prizes and gifts of the young woman were prepared throughout the year, with special diligence. Factory towels were never considered a good reward. Because, firstly, it was worth trying for the best batyr in the village! And secondly, young women embroidered towels, knowing that the gift would be given in public, and everyone would see and appreciate the skill and skill of the hostess. Both the batyr and his giver were equally proud of the towel, which was awarded to the winner of the competition, and no other, even very valuable, product could compare with it.

Then the people gathered on the Maidan, where games and competitions were held - horse racing, performances by musicians and singers, horsemen fighting. People wore the best clothes and jewelry. Young girls especially tried - after the "official" program, youth parties usually followed, at which young people chose their bride, so it was worth being "fully armed". And many Turkic peoples had a custom: during horse races, a horse rider had to catch up and kiss his beloved girl (this ceremony symbolized an even more ancient tradition of bride kidnapping). The custom was called "kyz kuu". If the guy did not catch up with the girl, then on the way back she was already driving her horse, trying to catch up with him. And knock his hat off his head with a whip. And if she knocked down - for the guy it was a terrible shame.

The party ended late at night. By the way, one of the main features of the Tatar Sabantuy has always been the complete absence of drunken or violent revelers - if they appeared, they were immediately expelled from the Maidan with general condemnation. Public order was simply exemplary.

Immediately after the completion of Sabantuy, the sowing began in the villages - a time of hard suffering, which lasted until the middle of summer. In this, the Tatar Sabantuy is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian Maslenitsa: just as the Russian people enjoyed pancakes and other dishes before Lent, so the Tatar villagers gained strength, rested and had fun before starting a long and responsible work.

and modernity

Now Sabantuy has remained the favorite holiday of the Tatars of the whole world. It is a state holiday in Tatarstan, it is celebrated by Tatar communities in New York, Brussels, Montreal, Toronto, Prague, Istanbul and many other cities. This ancient holiday claims to be included in the UNESCO List of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage. Tatians gladly take part in the Tatar Sabantuy officials. For example, during the time of the ona, Boris Yeltsin managed to famously split an earthen pot with a bat - with the first blow. And Vladimir Putin “dived” into a bowl with katyk and pulled out a coin with his teeth!

This year Sabantuy will be held in 12 countries, in 155 settlements of Russia, and everywhere will be dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the luminary Tatar literature- Gabdulla Tukay. The holding of the plow holiday is taken under the official control of the leadership of Tatarstan. The All-Baltic Sabantuy will be held in the Baltic countries, several Sabantuys will be held in China, Turkey and Poland will celebrate the holiday on a grand scale. All-Russian rural Sabantuy this year will be held on June 19 in the Chuvash village of Shygyrdan. A federal plow holiday is scheduled for July 2 - in Yekaterinburg.

Modern Sabantuy is held on Sunday, and although the traditions have undergone some changes, the main thing remains - it's still everything folk holiday, general festivity. Its main components have also been preserved: the collection of gifts, competitions on the Maidan, youth fun. Traditionally, villagers prepare carefully for Sabantuy: they clean the house, prepare treats for guests, put on the best clothes and go to the Maidan - with whole families, usually with a samovar, so that, sitting comfortably on the grass, they can drink tea with goodies and watch the spectacles - there are what to look at!

Everyone - to the Maidan!
The program of the Sabantuy holiday is quite rich. In the morning, people gather on the Maidan to listen to performances respected people congratulating everyone on the end of spring sowing, as well as musicians, artists, readers. Then the most interesting begins - traditional competitions.

The most favorite competition has always been the Tatar national wrestling - kuresh, in which men compete, starting from the very younger age and ending, as a rule, with the middle one - old aksakals are members of the jury and choose the winner. The most spectacular, of course, is the last fight - when two wrestlers who have reached the final fight. The winner gets a prize. And not a towel or a shirt, as before, but, for example, a TV, washing machine or the most honorable award - a live ram, which tradition obliges to raise above your head (and it weighs, by the way, several tens of kilos) in order to once again demonstrate its power and strength. Batyrs also compete in weight lifting - they pull weights and barbells. And, of course, the most courageous and dexterous compete in horse races. As they say, there is no Sabantuy without struggle and races.

In addition to the “serious” ones, Sabantuy also means a lot of comic competitions. That and running with the egg
in a spoon clamped in your mouth, and running in sacks, sometimes two by two, running with buckets on the yokes full of water. Tug-of-war, a favorite fight with bags on the crossbar blindfolded, climbing on a post for boots, getting coins from vessels with katyk or curdled milk by mouth, walking on a smooth crossbar over a pond - the program of games is very diverse. Racing, by the way, has been a very popular pastime on Sabantuy since ancient times. Previously, it was a whole action. A lot of people ran, for a long distance - up to two kilometers, and the winners got valuable prizes.

As a rule, competitions end after lunch, and then parties, gatherings, parties begin. People go home to have fun in warm companies. And in the evening, young people, especially in the villages, gather for “kichka uen” - the evening Sabantuy, to dance, play, have fun and make new romantic acquaintances with an eye to the future.

Probably, there is not a single inhabitant of Tatarstan who has not been to Sabantuy at least once. And for those who are not yet familiar with Sabantuy due to “non-local origin”, but are eager to find out what it is, to feel the incomparable atmosphere of a truly folk holiday, some travel agencies organize special “Sabantuy tours”. The program includes, in addition to attending the celebration, several excursions around Kazan, a visit to the Kazan Kremlin, the Kul Sharif mosque, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the famous Raifa Monastery, etc. This year, the holiday will be celebrated in the regions of the republic on June 11–13, in cities - 17-19, and in the capital, in Kazan, the festive action will unfold on June 25.

Those who want to see the plow festival on a nationwide scale can go to Yekaterinburg, where the federal Sabantuy will take place. The celebrations will take place on July 1-2, and the program has already been approved. The main venue will be the Lokomotiv stadium, and the national Tatar and Bashkir wrestling promises to be the highlight of the program. Our republic will be represented by the Nizhnekamsk region. It will not be boring - in addition to traditional competitions, exhibitions of crafts, performances by artists, tasting of national cuisine and many other interesting things are provided for guests. Elena Rychkova

Site TemaKazan - http://www.temakazan.ru/useful_info/article/1/

From the history of Sabantuy

The favorite holiday of the Tatar people has long been Sabantuy. According to some researchers, it has a thousand-year history. In any case, back in 921, this holiday was described by the Baghdad ambassador Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in the ancient Bulgar. Now Sabantuy falls in June, when the sowing work ends, and in previous years it was celebrated before their start, at the end of April. This holiday was celebrated in most villages of Kazan Tatars and Tatar-Kryashens. Its name comes from the Tatar words "saban" ("spring" or "plow") and "tui" ("triumph", "wedding"). The Tatar Sabantuy in many ways resembles the Chuvash Akatuy, the Bashkir Khabantuy and the Udmurt Gerber.

Politicians should always watch their image and dress code, not only in their offices, but also during informal events.

On the eve of Kazan's official events in an "unofficial" setting, RBC-Tatarstan figured out how to choose an appropriate and status image without resorting to a classic suit.

The image of a politician is one of the main components of his success. pick up the right wardrobe necessary not only for business meetings, negotiations and daily trips to work, but also for less formal events, since 70% of the opinion about a political person among the population is based on her appearance. Modern men's fashion makes it possible to dress stylishly, comfortably and status at the same time.

An invited expert, a boutique stylist told RBC-Tatarstan about the main trends and what image to choose for an event outside the walls of the "offices" Pioneer London Evgenia Frantsuzova.

Now at the peak of popularity of an unofficial status image is the smart casual style, using the example of 3 types of images, the stylist explained how to follow this style.

The first look is everyday

A casual look, where the basis of the set was chosen in favor of the polo, which is so fond of modern politicians (Photo: press office)

For the basis of the kit everyday look For a business person, the choice is made in favor of polo, this is a versatile and concise product that is so loved by modern politicians. This option is suitable for those who do not like frilly models, but want to emphasize their status by wearing good and high-quality clothes. In addition to this image fit slacks. These pants look absolutely classic, but the tactile sensations are completely different. They will be comfortable even in the hottest weather. We complete the set with classic beige loafers, which are at the peak of popularity among men's shoes in this season.

The second image is a typical smart casual option.

Classic variant smart casual

You should choose a jacket of a non-standard color. For example, olive. He will dilute the image of a man and distinguish him from those around him. Under it, we recommend wearing a loose-fitting shirt or polo, as such a set does not need a tie. Bottom options are different: both slacks and jeans are suitable. Shoes are also any, and classic shoes, and loafers. Moccasins can be worn with jeans. And if the official is brave and wants to keep up with the times, he can even afford sneakers white color or graphite colors, because sports elements in everyday clothes are main trend world fashion! The image with the addition of sports elements becomes more energetic.

The third look is a combination of classic and smart casual

For those who are not ready for experiments, something in between classic and smart casual is suitable. (Photo: press office)

It is worth paying attention to the usual cotton trousers, a shirt with a brighter print and a cardigan. The cardigan gives this look restraint. This option is suitable for those who do not like to stand out and want to keep the usual tonality in clothes.

Attention to brand and color

As for brands, Castello d "Oro is suitable for lovers of smart casual style. "He specializes in polo with good composition. It's silk and cotton. And just a muted palette. There are no very bright shades, but at the same time they are more interesting than very classic images, as, for example, in Giorgio Armani. Another favorite brand of Kazan citizens is Corneliani. Any man will find his option in it. This is a classic, but at the same time smart casual. The brand just specializes in this.

Evgenia Frantsuzova notes that when choosing an image for an informal event, it is worth moving away from the banal dark blue and black colors.

“I am glad that Kazan politicians have begun to add some new colors to their wardrobe. For example, burgundy has become relevant, but bright red is still perceived with caution. Also, they are not yet ready to wear bright green products, although they are very relevant this season. Now we recommend to pay attention to olive colors, muted shades, and khaki. At the same time, the beige color, which has been relevant for several seasons in a row, also found a response.

Accessories on Sabantuy

Even informal image should be complemented with accessories, their purpose is to show your individuality. “Sunglasses with non-colored lenses perfectly matched to the shape of the face, a belt to match the clothes, a contrasting pocket square made of silk or linen - all these elements will be appropriate for outdoor events,” the specialist comments.
But the expert recommends not wearing cufflinks. “They are not suitable for such an event. It is better to get by with a small number of accessories and details. Evgenia Frantsuzova also advised avoiding suits with ties: “They will be uncomfortable. Sabantuy is still a vacation. And avoid bright print combinations. For example, you should not combine a strip with cucumbers. Remember that Sabantuy is one of the brightest and most memorable holidays not only in Tatarstan, but also in the country. We wish everyone Have a good mood At this holiday! May the supply of energy that you receive these days help you live throughout the year. Be happy!".

Sometimes, at the sight of a noisy, cheerful crowd, people say: “a real Sabantuy”! Why do they say so? And what is Sabantuy? Here is Vasily Terkin, main character poems by Alexander Tvardovsky, tried to find out from his soldier friends:
“Which of you knows what Sabantuy is?”
- Sabantuy - some kind of holiday? Or what is there Sabantuy?
- Sabantuy is different, But if you don’t know, don’t interpret.

Sabantuy is really a holiday, folk spring holiday among Tatars and Bashkirs, dedicated to the end of spring field work. It is also sometimes called the holiday of the plow (saban in the Tatar language - a plow and tui - a holiday).

Sabantuy is closely connected with labor. After a successful sowing, the grain growers arrange a rest for themselves, get together and celebrate the end of some work and the beginning of others. A lot is intertwined in this holiday: the joy of successful work, and the hope for a good harvest, and communication with blossoming nature, the bravery of jigits and the wisdom of old aksakals.

Sabantuy preparations begin long before the holiday itself. In the old days, girls gathered in the evenings for gatherings and needlework: they knitted, embroidered, and sewed.

Before the Sabantuy, gift collectors stood out, who drove around the houses in carts, primarily those where the brides were. From there, the collectors brought out beautiful embroidered towels, scarves, and homespun rugs. Multi-colored light gifts were tied to long poles, and large things were placed on carts, and, surrounded by a noisy cheerful crowd, the procession with jokes and laughter went around the village, creating a festive mood for everyone.

Merry sabantui are held even now. For the celebration, a wide maidan is chosen, most often it is a large field, where competition grounds are prepared. In the morning, festively dressed people flock to the Maidan from all over the area. They carry and carry with them delicious food, koumiss, honey and sit in groups in their favorite places: in the shade of trees or in sunny clearings.

The celebration lasts all day, but the main thing in Sabantuy is the competition. Here young horsemen show their prowess, strength and dexterity. Sabantuy does not happen without struggle and races. Each national wrestling has its own characteristics. In the Bashkir, for example, opponents wrap sashes around each other and try, pulling the opponent to themselves, to throw him over his head. Spectators, of course, "cheer" each for their participant, give advice, encourage, make comments. For the victory, the wrestlers are given gifts.

Funny games are especially interesting. Let's say two people sit down on the bar and start hitting each other with sacks full of grass. Who does not dodge the blow - falls. And since their legs are tied under the crossbar, the unfortunate player hangs upside down.

Or they fill the basin with sour milk, and they throw a coin at the bottom, you need to get it with your lips. And you can try your luck by climbing a pole smeared with lard, on top of which a real live rooster is tied. Whoever gets to the top will get it.

Here he is so cheerful, this holiday Sabantuy!

Young Tatars in emerald green skullcaps with gold embroidery, young beauties in national costumes bright colors, chak-chak, juicy paramachi, family competitions, and of course songs and dances.

An exciting family and youth delicious Sabantuy-2018 was held in the "Garden of Friendship". Throughout the day, festivities took place in the park, holiday concert, exhibition of photographs and products self made, as well as exciting competitions, in which almost all visitors participated with passion.

Sabantuy - the oldest holiday

Sabantuy is the most ancient Tatar-Bashkir holiday, which does not have an exact date, but is traditionally held in early June, at the end of sowing.

The word "saban" in translation from Tatar has several meanings: plow, spring crops, spring field work. In the old days, the land was plowed in the spring, plowing was the most difficult and time-consuming part of the spring field company, and therefore all sowing work among the Tatars was called saban. Since the word saban in the Tatar language means a plow, and the word tui means a holiday, many people translate this word, for example, into Russian too simplified, namely, the holiday of the plow.

Today Sabantuy has turned into a holiday of a more cultural and mass nature, but it has remained the same favorite, not only among the Tatars, but also among people of other nationalities. Mostly young people come to Sabantuy who want to meet and find a decent girl. Nevertheless, this holiday arouses great interest among couples with children, and among representatives of the older generation.


At the entrance we were greeted by the organizers in national clothes greeting in Tatar language. Having gone deep into the park, at the “Bell of Peace” we saw bright large letters “Sabantuy”, where people came up to be photographed. Several photo zones were also located here: the first in the form of a hut with a stove, a real painted samovar and Tatar sweets; the second - with haystacks and a basket of fruit, and the third - a hut with two windows.

The smiles of people, the beauty of clothes and delicious treats plunged into an atmosphere of kindness and comfort. The celebration program is thought out to the smallest detail, and everyone found something to their liking. The children participated in the tug-of-war with pleasure, the young guys competed in arm wrestling, and the girls tried to run faster with a yoke and not spill water. The family enthusiastically put on their skis and strove for the finish line, and for the older generation, songs about the Motherland were sung in the Tatar language.

Visitors also had the opportunity to sit in the shade of trees, take a break after the competition, enjoying cool homemade compote and cooked meals.

Into the treasure chest of memories

Of course, thanks to such festivities, families become stronger, young people get to know each other, and nations unite. Sabantuy is not just a plow holiday, a Tatar-Bashkir cultural event, it is a sea of ​​impressions, joy and positive energy.

One of the participants in the celebration, Natalya Serebryakova, noted:

This is the first time I heard about such a holiday. It became interesting for me to see how people celebrate this holiday. At the entrance to the park, the police officers who kept order greeted the incoming people in the Tatar language. It's great that they honor the holidays of another nation. The organizers came up with a good idea: various competitions in which both adults and children could participate. The visitors actively participated and were so cheerful and satisfied. Contests are simple, but people got so much joy! Everyone, like one big multinational family, cheered for each other and supported. I thought that there are no such events, free of charge, as before in childhood. I felt like I was in a camp! It was very exciting to watch everything that happened.

Student Kamila Khamidullina also shared her impressions:

I really liked this holiday, even though I was at the event for no more than an hour. I managed to see how they sing songs in the beautiful Tatar language, and the visitors dance. It was clear from their faces that they were happy and how happy they were. People of the older generation seem to have managed to remember their youth and their roots. I watched with enthusiasm how everyone, mostly children and teenagers, competed: who would bring two buckets of water faster, trying not to spill it. It was clear that they really wanted to win and competed seriously for the title of winner. I didn’t root for anyone, but I was sincerely happy and worried watching the competitions. The zeal with which the young guys wanted to win caused only positive emotions. I remember one story when two guys were carrying yokes, they ran so hard that they accidentally poured water on each other, but finished at the same time.

Sabantuy is a holiday of the peoples of Bashkiria and Tatarstan in honor of the harvest, demonstrating the strength and dexterity of the Bashkirs and Tatars, promoting a healthy lifestyle. He has centuries of history has preserved its traditions to this day.

Description of the holiday

The word "sabantuy" comes from the Turkic lexemes "saban" - a plow and "tui" - a holiday. It is celebrated in June in honor of the completion of spring sowing. This event is national and beloved; both children and adults take part in its celebration.

Sabantuy is celebrated every year, it was not held only in those periods when there were wars or hard times for the people. This is a holiday of labor, health, strength and dexterity. It has its own customs, rituals, usually consists of various competitions, accompanied by numerous songs and dances.

This holiday is under the protection of UNESCO as a masterpiece of the oral heritage of mankind, because it is a real gem national unity and friendship.

Sabantuy: the history of the holiday

Folk festivities have a long history. For the first time, this holiday is mentioned in the notes of the Arab ambassador from 921 AD, who came to the lands of the Bashkirs and Tatars to study their traditions and way of life.

Initially, the holiday was of a sacred nature, was held with the aim of appeasing the spirits and deities of fertility so that they would send down a good harvest. Therefore, Sabantuy was celebrated in April before the sowing campaign. It was young guys who participated in the ritual games and competitions, since the sacred custom involved a symbolic wedding with nature, so the word "tui" in this case is more correctly interpreted as "wedding, marriage".

In addition, the ritual custom involved sacrifices and public prayers in honor of the god of the Sun and Sky - Tengre, and in honor of the spirits of ancestors. Later, these pagan rites were replaced by the tradition of offering gifts.

Sabantuy was prepared in advance, even in winter. Young girls embroidered and sewed towels, scarves and shirts, which became the main reward for horsemen who participated in folk games and competitions. The towel adorned with embroidery from national patterns was considered the most desirable and expensive reward.

The main games and competitions were: horse racing, wrestling, running and agility competitions.

The current status of the holiday

Folk festivals are still very common today not only in the cities and villages of Bashkiria and Tatarstan, but also in other settlements.

The Tatar national holiday Sabantuy officially has the status of a state celebration, decrees and orders are issued on the date, place of its holding, responsible persons are appointed at all levels of government, a scenario is thought out, the design of the holiday is thought out. Historically folk festival has clear rituals and traditions, however, there are also modern tendencies in its implementation.

In addition, Sabantuy has the status of a federal holiday and is held in many cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and others.

How is Sabantuy celebrated?

The national holiday Sabantuy usually takes place in June in 3 stages:

  • the celebration begins in the villages and villages of the republic on the first Saturday after the completion of the sowing season;
  • a week later, festivities take place in the cities;
  • after another 7 days, a grandiose celebration is held in the capital of Tatarstan.

During the festivities, special festive venues are organized in all administrative regions, usually on a large field - Maidan, where various competitions between real horsemen, performances by art masters and festivities take place. Races are always arranged at the hippodrome. In addition, the tradition of collecting gifts is preserved in villages and villages.

Competitions and folk games

On Sabantuy, it is customary to hold various competitions and games to demonstrate strength, dexterity, and simply for the entertainment of the people. The most favorite pastime of all jigits is on belts, which is held between men of different ages.

The purpose of the competition is to grab the opponent by the belt and bring him to the ground. First, the fight is held between the boys, then the young men enter the battle, the third pairs are middle-aged men. The culmination of the competition is the struggle between two undefeated horsemen. The winner of kuresh (batyr) receives the main prize - a live ram.

Another main competition is horse racing, which can be held separately at the hippodrome or arranged directly on the Maidan, and in the latter case, the distance is determined by eye to any point.

Sabantuy is a holiday of health, so quite often jigits compete in lifting stones, demonstrating their strength. Weights or barbells weighing 25 kg act as gravity. The essence of the competition is to lift the stone with both hands and hold it in the right palm raised up.

This holiday is also fun, so they are held quite often. joke contests. The most common are various running competitions:

  • with an egg in a spoon;
  • with full buckets of water on the yoke;
  • bag jumping;
  • pair races, when the left leg of one person is tightly connected to the right of the other.

The following folk games are very popular:

  • fight with bags of grass or hay, which takes place on a slippery, unstable log;
  • blindfolded with a stick, it is necessary to break clay pots that stand on the ground;
  • team or single stick;
  • climbing for a prize on a high and smooth pole, the length of which can reach 15 m.

Treats at the holiday

The merry folk holiday Sabantuy, the description of which cannot be complete without a review of traditional Tatar dishes, is also very hospitable.

Here it is customary to treat meat and sweet food. The following dishes are usually prepared on Sabantuy:

  • Tatar pilaf on lamb with the addition of tomato paste or any vegetables;
  • peremech - the most delicate pies with meat, a feature of which is the presence of a hole on top of the bun;
  • lamb stuffed with eggs, butter and spices;
  • belish with duck and rice in meat broth;
  • chak-chak is a traditional sweet dish, which is shortbread biscuits filled with liquid honey.

Children's holiday Sabantuy

Folk festival captures everyone, it is loved by both adults and children. Initially, this tradition is preserved today, it was the children who started the celebration. They are the first to take part in competitions, enjoy playing folk entertainment. Therefore, Sabantuy was also held separately for children in schools and kindergartens.

The holiday is celebrated at the beginning of summer, when school holidays begin, in addition, the children's Sabantuy coincides with the International Children's Day.

Children's folk festivals take into account all the traditions of this celebration:

  • On the eve, gifts are collected for the winners, going around the houses of neighbors, relatives, and good friends. All the same scarves and towels act as presents, as well as toys, sweets and other things.
  • The main holiday consists of various competitions, games in which boys and girls compete in dexterity and strength.
  • Traditionally, a talent competition is held. Children are happy to sing, dance, read poetry.
  • The end of the holiday is the presentation of gifts to the winners.

The celebration is held by the children themselves, the presenters are dressed in National costumes, participants bring sweet treats, after the event they arrange tea and fun dances. The children are attached to the folk culture, imbued with the traditions of their ancestors.

Congratulations on Sabantuy

On Sabantuy - a holiday of labor and health - it is customary to talk to each other warm regards. In addition, congratulations are heard in newspapers and other media, from leaders at all levels and, of course, from the president.

The most diverse wishes flow, but the words about health, happiness, well-being remain unchanged. Wishing you success in labor activity and all earthly blessings.

You can give the following example of congratulations on Sabantuy: "With all my heart I congratulate you on national holiday Sabantuy - old and forever young! The holiday of labor, hospitality, generous harvest. I wish you health, prosperity and happiness! May success in business accompany you, and all the blessings of the world accompany your family.

Traditions and innovation of the holiday

The folk festival has its own structure, consists of certain rituals, games. However, it develops, new, interesting trends appear that make it more diverse.

Sabantuy is a holiday that combines the traditions of the people and various innovations, the main of which are as follows:

  • rewarding of labor leaders and winners in professions competitions;
  • new types of competitions: chess, cycling, arm wrestling, volleyball, stilts and others;
  • races with participation of the best trotters of Russia and abroad;
  • in some settlements, the holiday begins with a prayer read by a mullah (it should be noted that the event in question is not religious).

Thus, Sabantuy - labor, strength, dexterity, health. General folk festival, accompanied by various competitions, games, songs and dances.