Happy lovely toys from the jungle. Happy Mil, McDonald's: description, composition, toys, prices and reviews. High quality standards as a restaurant motto

And in our new program in July 2016 - amazing Gobsmaxes from the distant jungle!

Big series - whole 24 toys in the collection!

Each of the Hobsmax has its own character and talent, and they are all ready for active and fun games. Help them resolve a long-standing dispute: who is the most dexterous, funniest and the most biting?

Gather your own Hobsmax team and arrange competitions with friends. Or maybe with parents! But remember Hobsmaks even fit in your pocket,   which means that attacks can be expected at any second! Always be on the alert!

At McDonald's restaurants from July 1 to July 21, 2016 (or until toys are available).

Let's see which toys are included in the series:

Little Bear Scrub

The real protector! Therefore, bites only in response.

Bulldog Butch

If a hoarse laugh comes from the bushes, then this is clearly not good.

Cat Bells

It would not even attract attention if it were not for the bells ...

Cockerel Kukareku

Itself does not get enough sleep and does not give to others!

Crocodile Tail

He is not sleeping! He is waiting.

Dolphin Clicker

Always ready to help, even if he needed it himself.

Duckling crack

His battle crack is heard even from afar.

Frog lilly

Her hypnotic gaze may lull vigilance.

Hamster Crunch

Another lover of a laugh! Especially at the most inopportune moment.

Hippopotamus Hannah

She just loves to sing, despite all the objections.

Koala yuki

She always has something to say ... or a bite.

Leopard Spokes

Always fit and assembled! What if something will run nearby?

Monkey molly

Always at the center of all events!

Octopus Otto

When he is under water, he has no equal in disguise!

Not! She is not at all scary, but very cute.

Panther Shustrik

It is simply impossible to play hide and seek with him!

Rick's Parrot

The cleverest! In any case, no one has yet argued with him.

Penguin Snowball

Meet from today   April 20, 2018, the latest collection of Happy Mil toys at McDonald's. What kind of toys did the popular fast food restaurant prepare for us? What heroes can you please your child in April and May 2018? This collection is just perfect for children who love animals, love nature, study the details of a particular form of living creatures. Now you have a unique opportunity to collect immediately 12 original toys   for McDonald's 2018 National Geographic Kidas!

Happy Mil toy collection in April-May 2018

And here are the charming little animals that will not leave indifferent any kid, or even an adult! Cute stuffed animals can be a great collection for your child. About each of them you can tell him the details (habitat, nutrition, behavioral features) that will develop his horizons. You can also arrange a small home theater with animals, come up with role-playing games, for example, playing in a veterinary clinic will definitely appeal to your children.

The toys are made of quality materials, have durable seams, ideal for children's games. Thanks to the small size of the toys, you can safely take them with you on trips and walks!

Happy Mil toys at McDonald's from April 20

And here are the very details that will be of interest to your children, and which you can tell them about every animal collection of Happy Mil.

The most famous chain of fast food restaurants in the world is McDonald's. The restaurant offers its visitors not only the opportunity to have a quick and even tasty snack, but also a very good choice of dishes. Adults are attracted by low prices and the absence of a tedious expectation of cooking, and children by the Happy Mil.

McDonald’s, in fact, is popular not only among adults, but among children, and the leadership of this network is well aware of this. Children are not only the flowers of life, but also a great opportunity to make good money. Implementing such a strategy, McDonald's on its menu has a colorfully designed children's lunch box, Happy Mil.

Successful start of a great idea.

At the very dawn of the company's existence, marketing specialists did everything to make McDonald's more popular. Elementary logic and understanding of the fundamentals of human psychology led to the decision of management to develop an effective methodology for attracting children. The requirements were simple: on the one hand, the restaurant’s advertisement should equally effectively attract children from various countries, on the other hand, it should not be one-time.

This task was handled by Dick Brahms, Advertising Manager in St. Louis. He came up with a simple and effective solution - to create a special children's kit, packed in a bright box. The set was supposed to contain several dishes popular with children, as well as an exclusive toy made from quality materials. A series of toys was supposed to remain exclusive, because this automatically made the set attractive to collectors.

This set was economically beneficial for visitors, because its total cost was much cheaper than the cost of the same dishes, but purchased separately. It turned out that the toy was completely free. The children immediately fell in love with Happy Mil. McDonald’s made it even more attractive, including limited edition toys.

High quality standards as a restaurant motto

Competition in the restaurant business has always existed, especially in the field of fast food. The only way to become successful here is product quality. The managers of the McDonald's network claim that all the dishes on the menu are made from natural products. And contrary to popular belief, this is true.

The company values \u200b\u200bits reputation and tries to do everything perfectly. This applies not only to food, but also to toys at Happy Mil. McDonald's constantly monitors their quality. And in the event that a marriage is still found in the party, all the toys can be turned in and get a replacement.

Perhaps the most striking example would be a pedometer for children, which at one time was bundled with Happy Mil. Everything would be fine, only the whole batch was made in China from substandard materials.

It soon became clear that the bracelet was irritating to the skin, and angry parents literally fell upon the McDonalds with angry letters. The company immediately reacted, urging to immediately surrender all the bracelets. Everyone who brought the bracelet received a decent and tasty compensation.

Thus, the McDonald's restaurant has retained its image. Happy Mil, whose toys no longer fail, continues to delight children with its surprises.

What is included in the box of children's joy

What is included in the Happy Mil at McDonald's? Surprisingly, in the world so far many parents are interested in this question, since not everyone is familiar with the named network. This restaurant has always stood out for its well-developed adult menu and special offers. It also happened that on certain days unique dishes were sold.

A constant element in the Happy Mil was and remains a toy. It is automatically included in the price. The buyer can entrust the choice to a nice girl at the checkout, or do it yourself. In this case, you need to take a fancy to her at a special stand, and at the checkout to name the number.

Not all customers choose the kit, so there is a standard menu:

  • cheeseburger;
  • delicious french fries;
  • drink.

More experienced buyers always complete the children's kit themselves. In general, the policy of the company is such that the cashier is obliged to ask the child what his “Happy Mil” will be like. McDonald’s strives to develop self-reliance in every child and encourage children to learn about McDonald’s extensive menu.

It should be understood that any portion for children is less than an adult, therefore it will not be too harmful for the child. The company did everything so that Happy Mil was a balanced set that did not contain too much. Especially notable is the company’s refusal to soda in a standard children's kit. It was replaced with natural juice.

How much is Happy Mil at McDonald's?

The cost of any product is always a matter of malice of the day. McDonald's is far from the cheapest restaurant, and prices for all dishes vary. All dishes are becoming more expensive, even those that are included in the children's kit. However, despite this, Happy Milie here is still the most affordable and cheap.

A standard "Happy Mil" costs from 206 to 211 rubles. But self-assembled sets can be more expensive, because in this case, each dish is considered separately. Do not worry if the child orders more dishes, they are still much cheaper than usual.

For this reason, you can’t say exactly how much the Happy Mil at McDonald's cost, because each set is unique in its own way. On the days of special promotions, limited sets come out, they are more expensive than ordinary ones, but their value is higher.

A toy is the main thing!

What is in a set for children such without which it is impossible to imagine? Of course, this is a toy! The very first “Happy Mil” included the most ordinary branded souvenirs. Much later, the company began to rely on toys from branded brands. Marketers noticed that it is most of all pleasing to children who buy Happy Mil on the McDonald's network - toys based on their favorite cartoons!

The company always tries to follow trends on popular characters. With the release of any popular cartoon, the assortment of toys is changing. In different countries, they may be different.

Features "Happy Mila"

Happy Mil is a great gift for any child. We can say that the baby who would refuse a children's lunch box does not exist. A bright, attractive packaging design, a popular toy and tasty contents - all this, definitely, leaves pleasant memories. Nobody cares about children's lunchboxes like they do on the McDonald's network. Happy Milieu's menu, toys and a vibrant advertising campaign appeal to both children and adults.

Branches of the McDonald's corporation are already known even in the depths of our country. Fast food is in great demand, especially among young people. The young population of the country enthusiastically shares the experience of eating burgers of different composition, evaluates which coffee is better or which ice cream tastes better. Young people and children especially like french fries, which have a golden and crispy crust. Children go to McDonald’s branches for the only dish - Happy Mila, because there they will be surprised ...

How was the Happy Mil dish formed?

Happy Mil (McDonald's) was originally conceived as a designer dish. The idea is that the child chooses ("stacks") his own dish. He can make it from potatoes, hamburger, juice or milk. This approach has made this dish popular in many cities of our country.

Happy Mil ("McDonald's") began its existence in 1995. Until today, the range of products included in the dish has expanded significantly. This is dictated by the care of the child, because every little man needs food rich in microelements and vitamins.

Its composition

Many parents are interested in the issue of Happy Mila. The developers of the menu took into account all the nuances of making dishes for children. They understand that not only the appearance is important, but also the quality of the products. Therefore, Happy Mil ("McDonald's") consists of various products that you can choose for yourself. It includes:

  • hamburger;
  • nuggets;
  • cheeseburger;
  • sauce (at the choice of the child);
  • carrot sticks;
  • french fries;
  • "Coca Cola";
  • Fanta
  • Sprite
  • various juices;
  • chocolate drink;
  • just mineral water;
  • another interesting ingredient is a chocolate toy.

Another project was launched - the creation of an adult Happy Mila. When ordering this dish, you need to specify which Happy Mil at McDonald's you want to purchase. The adult version includes mineral water, salad, some more ingredients to choose from and a useful little thing - a pedometer. Also in the box you can find a booklet with recommendations on how to eat and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Product quality

The branches of this fast food restaurant pay maximum attention to the quality of the products used to prepare dishes, especially for children. To make sandwiches at Happy Mill McDonald’s, they’ll take natural beef, and Chickenburg includes a breaded chicken fillet. Nuggets use selected pieces of chicken meat. All meat components are checked several times before going to the cooking table. Therefore, the question is : "How much is Happy Mil at McDonald's?" You can answer: "Not so much, compared to the quality of each ingredient and numerous checks before use."

It is known that the McDonald's chain of stores has very stringent requirements for the selection of products. The vegetables that are part of Happy Mila should be grown in ecologically safe areas. In Russia, they are delivered with Belaya Dacha, an agricultural firm tested for quality. Of the many types of potatoes for the preparation of such a children's dish, only 2 varieties are selected.

Oil is not a breeding product, but 100% natural, from sunflowers grown in the fields of the country. It also undergoes many quality checks and is shipped from a special deep-frying oil factory in Efremov (Tula Oblast).

Milk and cocktail mixes are also quality products. They are delivered from farms of the Vladimir and Moscow regions. Whole milk is processed, and we get excellent cocktails, ice cream, McFlurry.

What is the feature of Happy Meal?

This dish gives joy to the kids and their parents because of the presence of various surprises in it. Designed to delight its young visitors "McDonald's". Happy Mil toys in it are constantly changing, depending on how the interests of children change. If any new cartoon came out, the child is happy to meet in the purchased dish a little hero of a popular cartoon.

Do these dishes differ in different cities?

The restaurant chain has approximately the same menu. It can only change depending on the ongoing shares within the network. For example, when there was an action for a healthy lifestyle for teenagers, the Happy Mil menu (McDonald's) included not only the usual ingredients, but also a bottle of mineral water.

In different cities of the country there is a standard set of ingredients: a burger with cheese, salad, apple slices. And also a wide range of additional ingredients is presented to the choice of the visitor: milk, lemonade, sandwiches with toys and so on.

McDonald's, what kind of toys are in Happy Mil?

For many, a trip to a fast food restaurant is remembered for a long time. The food conditions, pleasant atmosphere, quick service and just good communication for a long time leave a mark in your memory. Someone comes there almost every day and is already becoming a collector of toys and various branded little things. The most popular questions of restaurant visitors are: "How much is Happy Mil at McDonald's and" What toys can I see in it? "

The choice of toys for so many years of existence of this dish amounts to billions. They always follow popular heroes, making small copies of them and selling the founders of the McDonald's network to visitors. There can be any toy in Happy Mile, the intrigue is preserved until the opening of the dish, since no one knows what he will get the next time. There are transformers, Hello Kitty, Teletubbies, Lego, soldier Joe, Beanie Baby, Tin Tin, Dupont twins, Dog Snow, Captain Haddock, Unicorn manuscripts, Red Rakham, various animals and other cartoon characters and children's films.

In the new single series of 10 original toys-gadgets, according to the plot of the film belonging to various heroes of his: as good (Tin Tin, his faithful doggie Snow, captain Haddock, twin detectives DuPont), and villains (Red Rakham). The series also includes a real "artifact", around which the main action of the tape unfolds - the secret manuscript of the Unicorn.

Happy Mila's McDonald's manufacturing conditions

It should be noted that the main rule of the corporation is the cleanliness and speed of cooking. This is achieved through some ready-made ingredients. Cash desk employees just need to take an order and make the necessary dish.

The cost of a Happy Mil (McDonald's) depends on the name and quantity of the ingredients that make up it. The price ranges from 150 to 210 rubles. The cost is also affected by breakfast or lunch. The latter are a bit more expensive.