What do men think? Men think differently than women. What man and woman think.

Female psychology is a dark forest for men.  Over the question, as a woman thinks, they puzzled for a very long time, and not everyone succeeded. Some positive shifts in this issue appeared only at the end of the last century. Serious successes were achieved already in the era when the pickup was at the peak of popularity. Fortunately, today I have something to tell you.

From a popular video

  A. Kapranov, a very long time ago, in one popular video, told how women think. Their thinking differs significantly from men's thinking, you can not argue with that, but in what exactly? A woman thinks with conclusions, not facts.  Our brain will respond differently to the same event. And the differences are dramatic.

In men, the logic is completely straightforward. There is a problem, there is a solution. All! Women are getting harder. There is a problem, a conclusion follows from this, and after it one more, and another. As a result, all this can result in such a chain that you find yourself guilty of all mortal sins. Or vice versa, female emotions are already interfering here.

From the fact that you brought home small potatoes, it follows that all men are goats. Now come on, break your mind over why she thought so.

Differences from the male brain

  Just a list and fast.
  • Abstract thinking, high attention to detail.
  • More humanitarian abilities.
  • The ability to apply emotions and reason at the same time.
  • Instant adaptation to the situation.
  • Excellent intuition. In fact, it comes from the ability to carefully analyze the little things, without even noticing it.
  • Better auditory and color perception.
  • Cruelty to competitors.
  • Indulgent attitude towards male appearance.
  • The tendency to discuss the same topic for a long time, to touch each other during a conversation.
  • The ability to constantly work in multitasking mode.

Thoughts of a woman in a minute

  If a man is able to concentrate on one and only one problem, he can think about it all day. So we are arranged, we need to see one goal and move in the direction of its achievement. For the same reason we have more developed directional vision, and in girls - diffused.

And girls' thoughts can also contain a lot of different facts and emotions. They constantly live like a roller coaster on emotions. In just a few seconds, the mood can rise, deteriorate, then deteriorate even more, and only then return to normal. And so in a circle all day, all my life.

In now attention. Circus with horses. Thoughts of a girl in 1 minute:

  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • why doesn't he call me;
  • at 5 to pick up a bag from the post office;
  • where are the keys;
  • Where are the keys;
  • but in the back pocket;
  • why doesn't he call me;
  • interestingly, the swift really cannot take off from the ground;
  • i guess I could go for the kill;
  • such flowers gave beautiful Svetka;
  • in Instu you need to upload a photo;
  • what a cute kitty!
  The most interesting thing is that all these thoughts are not consistent, it is one mass that is supported in her head in parallel. Amazing right? You too can think all this in a minute, but not in the way a girl does. And in fact, all these thoughts can easily fit in 10 seconds. I can’t imagine how they live like that, it would be very difficult for me, my brains would quickly boil.

Why do you need all this?

  A small but important section. Probably, this question should have been asked right away. But you should have been interested in the topic. If you understand how girls think, then it will be much easier for you to deal with their seduction.

Your main tool

  No, not between the legs. The girl’s thoughts are not the most important aspect, oddly enough.It is much more important to understand her emotional perception of reality. There really is something to talk about. The vast majority of men have no idea how their emotional range works.

I will explain with your example. Your emotional range, for example, is between -10 and +10. You yourself can distribute events that lead you to one or the other. And rather, you will give them a sharp assessment: 0.5.10 or the same in the negative. In women, everything is different. -100 and +100, when compared with yours. Any events are perceived by the weaker sex much more powerful.

And now the most important problem - each girl is also individual. That is, her emotional range may be different. I give only an average version. A lot depends on the conditions in which she was brought up, and how she lives now.

It is with emotions that you have to operate in any communication with girls. Thoughts of girls come from emotions, she relies on feelings and draws conclusions from this. Now it has become a little easier.

Fortunately, it’s not so difficult. Give her something small and sweet, make a compliment, offer to carry her package, cook her dinner with your own hands, if you have them more or less straight. It is these little things that make her smile. Keep staging her emotional roller coasters with a positive shift. She will quickly become yours only because of this.

Additional upgrade

  You can go further to understand women more deeply, to understand their psychology, to know from the inside. For this, I have a few recommendations. It will not be easy, so make sure that you really want it and decide how you plan to use it.

Communicate with women more on their territory. Yoga courses, dancing, music clubs, needlework and so on. Go wherever you want and study their society from the inside, how they behave. In fact, you get into the skin of a girl to understand who she is and how she thinks.

Learn to understand the true goals of the girl. This is probably the most difficult for a man who always sets goals for himself very accurately. A simple theory will definitely not help here. We have to rely on commonplace logic, common sense and knowledge from a dozen thick books on psychology, preferably on women.

Here is a simple example for you. The girl is 29 years old, she is single. It becomes clear to everyone that at this stage, her only and most important goal is to find a partner for a permanent relationship. And then she will work to the fullest to find this partner. And every day the bar of her requests will decrease along with self-esteem.

The goals of young girls under the age of 20 are completely different. They need romance, a lot of positive emotions, fun, often parties. She still knows the world that has opened before her, actively explores and studies the men whom she generally sees nearby.

Age here is not a motivational measure. Everything is different for everyone, and you must understand this. But with a detailed study of girls, you will gradually understand what goals a particular person faces.

Why do you need all this? If you find out, and at least give a hint to the fulfillment of this goal, and even better - if you begin to fulfill it before our eyes - you will simply buy it with this. You just start to see what kind of man she wants to come to. And then you just pull on the mask of that same man and appear before her in all its glory.

The recipe is simple, but this is exactly the case when "it was smooth on paper." Rich practice combined with competent theory will come in handy for you. Do you want to get both of them in one bottle, and even begin to use it not after years, but almost immediately? Sign up for a course, I will help you with this.

If you want to learn even more secrets to seduce girls

Probably every woman at least once asked herself a question: is it possible to understand men at all? Indeed, at first glance, they behave incomprehensibly, illogically, and not at all like women.

Before my marriage, there were different relationships in my life, and they collapsed. Men abandoned me, and it was not clear to me why this was happening, what I was doing wrong. And creating a new relationship, I thought that it seems that at last I am happy and understand that new man who is in my life. But this happiness quickly ended.

There was a period in my life when I met men through a dating site, but many dates were unsuccessful.

Now I am married and happy with my husband and I can say that now it is easy for me. I can support men, I can inspire them, I can believe in them. It is much easier for me to build a relationship with my husband now.

I think any woman would like to learn this too. In fact, it is very easy to interact with men, you just need to know their secrets. ?

Three qualities of the male world

The first quality of the male world is structuredness. Just want to start with an example.

Remember how you sculpt dumplings or dumplings. What happens to you in the kitchen? Mess, chaos. Nose and floor in flour, dough everywhere, flour, rolling pins, saucepans.

And here is how my man made khinkali. First, he made circles for the dough, which then need to be rolled out, and they were laid out in a clear square. He then selected from these circles, began to roll them out and folded in such a way that later they could also be quickly laid out in two, at a certain distance from each other.

Khinkali are plucked from above - and so, even the number of folds in him was determined. It was a whole amazing system. And for me it was a very striking example of how men work.

Everything has its place

Imagine a three-story house with two entrances. Each entrance has its own number of windows.

If we draw an analogy with the life of a man, then he has a certain sphere of life behind each window. That is, behind the highest window on the second floor, for example, work. Near the window is a career. Nearby is a hobby. Friends are nearby. And the other entrance is a wife, children, parents. Everything has a specific place.

What happens when, for example, a woman calls a man at work and says: "Hello, dear." As a rule, we call our men when we just want attention or love.

And what happens to a man who, for example, was in the “work” room on the conditional “third floor”. He “descends” from this floor through the second, through the first floor, leaves the entrance, enters the second entrance, where he has children, his wife, etc., rises to the second, third floor, enters the room where his wife, and only then can maintain a conversation with her.

If a woman put things in order in a "mess"

Of course, this process takes time. And that is why it sometimes seems to us that men think slowly, but this is not so. It’s just that they really need time for this process of switching from one sphere to another. And when, for example, a male programmer writes program code, he can mess around for two or three hours or all day, write this system.

If a woman calls in this way, distracts him, he can talk to her for two or three minutes and, returning to his work, may not continue it, not finish the process that he was doing. He needs to rebuild this code from scratch. This is the clearest example of male structuredness and the ability to switch.

By the way, that’s why, if a woman put things in order in a “mess”, a man cannot find anything right away, because what seemed to us a mess is a certain structure for him. And there he can very quickly find what he needs.

Therefore, it often happens that a woman places things in order for her man, taking care of him, and then the man is unhappy or even curses about this. Every man from childhood has this internal structure, and it must be respected.

Give the man time

Always give man time for everything. Do not demand, according to an eternal female habit, to immediately say or do something. When you demand something right now, you break this structure. This, as a rule, unsettles men, and he gets angry, upset, and grumbles.

Men need time to readjust to your request or proposal, to make any decision, just to think. Keep this in mind and you will see how much this will ease your relationship.

How much time to give? It is individual, each man, of course, has his own rhythm. You can directly ask the man: “How much time do you need for this?”, Observe for yourself how it happens in your family.

To be continued...

Article author: Nadezhda Panchulidze,

expert in relations Men and Women

Be straightforward.  Women tend to beat around the bush instead of getting to the bottom. They often think through a certain thought or idea and live with it for a long period of time. Compared to the female gender, men express their thoughts quickly and clearly. If a man has a problem on his mind, he most likely will not dare to talk about it. To think like a man, you need to immediately say what has come to mind. Express your thoughts bluntly and do not make hints that some secrets may be hidden behind seven seals.

Forget about surprises.  Men often directly speak about what they want to receive, and do not treat gifts so sentimentally. Of course, an unexpected surprise or gesture will be appreciated, but a man is likely to be upset if you do not ask him about the desired Christmas present.

  • Similarly, openly state your desires. If it is difficult for your boyfriend or husband to decide on a gift for your anniversary, offer him several options to choose from. The same applies to work: if you are interested in a new position in the company or believe that you can take on more responsibility, openly express your wishes and tell your boss about them. No need to hope that your zeal will be noticed.
  • Avoid obsessive thoughts and thoughts.  Of course, both men and women are subject to unrest. The difference is that a woman will think for a long time about the source of excitement, and a man will soon forget about the problem. This behavior applies to romantic relationships, family problems, and turmoil at work. Only worry about what you are responsible for and can control. If you cannot take action in the allotted time, postpone the problem until better times. Avoid unnecessary thought.

    Show independence. Most men like to be cared for, but they want to be sure that their woman can stand up for herself if necessary. Men are not such sentimental creatures and are not able to provide proper emotional support. This can only be done by women. Show independence. Show that you can solve problems at work and in communication. You can understand a man’s notion of freedom only when you demonstrate to surrounding men that you value your freedom highly.

    Show physical interest.  Touching is the surest way to show a man his intentions. No matter how contradictory it may seem, a normal man is equally interested in the emotional side of physical contact and directly in physical contact. It is easier for men to distribute the physical and emotional aspect of the relationship, but at the same time they tend to demonstrate their affection through physical intimacy. If you show interest in the same way, the man will perceive it as a signal to physical contact.

    • Not every man responds to touch, so before you touch a man, you need to watch his reaction. In addition, your touch should not go beyond your relationship. If you are just friends with this person and do not have romantic feelings for him, it is better to avoid hugs and kisses.
  • Pay less attention to appearance.  Some men care about their appearance. Even they can have their own ideal of beauty. But at the same time, it’s not their nature to spin in front of a mirror and worry about every little thing. That is why it is difficult for men to understand a woman when she does so. To think in masculine principles, try not to think about your appearance every time you notice minor imperfections in your body.

    Less worry about everyday relationships.  Men appreciate normal relations with people who are close in spirit to them. In a work environment or everyday situation, men are not so worried about the problem of mutual understanding. In women, the opposite is true. The next time you notice that a waiter in a cafe or an employee is staring at you, turn your back and leave with your head held high. Try not to think about the cause of the conflict and not take what is happening too close to your heart. Do not let negative emotions influence events in your life.

    How you want to fall in love with yourself and fall in love. Is there anything in a woman’s behavior that makes men fall in love with her and think about the woman constantly.  How does a man fall in love with a woman? Will he fall in love with the one he remembers once a week or less? Not. For a man to fall in love, he must constantly think about the woman. All his thoughts are focused on her. Even if he is busy with something important, thoughts still flow smoothly to the woman.

    How to achieve this? To call, write, constantly flicker in his field of vision? Such behavior will cause irritation rather than romantic feelings. It is necessary to create a special atmosphere in which a man constantly dreams of a woman.

    Women's secrets

    To make a man puzzle, you need to create an intrigue. This is the cornerstone. Without this, nothing will work. Intrigue is a powerful means of “falling in love” with a man, tested by years of experience of past generations. Any format is suitable: in correspondence, in plans for the next weekend or for a year. You can even tell him something like: “I got you through! You really are not who you claim to be! ” Naturally, two questions immediately arise in his head for whom I impersonate and who I really am, which he will certainly voice. At this point, you need to gently get away from the answer. To say that now she’s very busy and will tell you everything at the next meeting.

    A man has a mini-explosion in his head at this moment. He does not know what to think. And begins to think about a woman. What did she understand when, why, and what will happen now.

    They say that a woman must have a riddle. This is actually so. You do not need to open your soul to a man from the first minutes. Leave hidden, dark corners. And if it so happened that from the very beginning it was not possible to maintain the intrigue, then "hide" and move away to a respectful distance. Play with him like a cat with a mouse, now approaching, then moving away.

    The second point is not to let the man get fed up. A woman should be a little missed. When a woman devotes all her time to a man, gives out maximum information about herself, her family and her pet, a man eats it with pleasure if he is in love. But after a very short period of time, he is fed up. Yes, he enjoyed communication, examined and tried the woman from different angles, satisfied his curiosity. And that is all. He does not need more.

    And if there are small portions, then I want more and more. After a small piece, there remains a feeling of hunger, slight dissatisfaction. And the man reaches for the supplement. One must learn to slip away in time, to disappear from his field of vision. To make him hungry a little and miss you.

    For example, we simulate such a situation. A date, not the first, but one of the first. Perhaps the third or fourth. At the height of the evening, you are interesting, fun with each other, do not want to interrupt communication and end the meeting. And suddenly the woman says: “Dear, I'm sorry, I need to leave. Urgent affairs ... Everything was wonderful! Thank you for a gorgeous evening! ” And the woman leaves. What does the man feel at this moment? He is bewildered, he does not know what to think, how to react. Again, the “Cinderella effect” works. And in the end, he spends the rest of the evening alone, scrolling through the events of the date in his head, and constantly thinks about the woman.

    The man is even more intrigued and completely confused in the networks of a woman.

    It is clear that I want to stay with him, to spend more time. But you need to overpower yourself. Running away from him, a woman provokes a chase, a hunt. A man, as you know, is a hunter by nature. And easy prey is not interesting to him. The more he runs after a woman, the more he will appreciate her. And in the power of every woman to provoke this pursuit.

    The problem of many women

    One of the most common problems is this. A woman is completely dissolved in the chosen one, gives him all of herself, her energy. The man at this moment is good and comfortable, but bored. Hence the lack of initiative. Gifts, courtship. Why would he strain if a woman already belongs to him.

    You can not concentrate on a man completely and completely. There should be a place in life for other things: friends, work, hobbies and so on. All these things are a rescue cable from a whirlpool. It is holding onto them that a woman has a chance not to drown in love and not to drown. There are many wonderful things in life besides relationships. And for them you need to hold on by all means. Love sucks, but life should not revolve exclusively around this feeling.

    We learn not to stick on a man and not to become addicted to him.

    Always happy to help you become happier.

    With love,

    Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

    Women are beautiful creatures without which the Universe would not be possible. Then why are men generally more successful? Why are there so many of them in politics, business and other areas? Why are even the most attractive and smart women who are often lonely and can not find a common language with any fan? Everything is simple - they do not know how to think like a man.

    To begin to think like men, it is necessary to begin to find out what they are thinking about and at least remotely understand their logic and psychology. To do this, we will understand the most frequent female stereotypes.


    • Insensitive men - do you think so too? Well, of course, this is not him, but a girlfriend can still notice from afar that you feel sad at heart, that something happened. Moreover, until you tell your own husband about it, he will not even notice. Maybe this is so, but this does not mean that he is insensitive. Remember, men do not respond to facial expressions, do not try to read your thoughts, and their intuition is much less developed. He needs to say directly about what exactly is happening in your head, why you are worried. Then only he will understand everything.
    • Men do not listen - do you want to think like a real man? Then understand one thing for yourself - women speak simply in order to chat and, knowing this, they often do not listen carefully to us. The purpose of a conversation between men is to solve problems. You have no problem? Then after 3 minutes, your beloved will stop listening to you.
    • Men do not notice anything - yes, men are not as good as we notice small details. It is unlikely that he will ever say to you: “Oh, pale pink lipstick fits your shoes more than pale lilac!” If he noticed your new hairstyle - you already have a reason for joy.
    • Men are very slow - you think: “I am torn into hundreds of parts, but I manage to do everything, and he is not able to nail one regiment in half a day!” Want to understand how to think like a man, come to terms with the fact that a woman’s brain is programmed to do several things at once. Among men, you will not meet such an ability. The one exception was Julius Caesar. You can make a cake and at the same time help your child do his homework. If you approach your beloved when he shaves and asks any question, then most likely he will either not hear you, focusing on his lesson, or cut himself.
    • Men are too silent - men cannot instantly find new topics for conversation. This may be due to the fact that parents usually talk with girls more and more often.
    • Men are unemotional - believe me, this is not so. Each representative of the stronger sex wants to seem strong and confident, to feel like a master of the situation. To do this, he puts on a mask of indifference and dispassion. At the same time, such storms can rage in his soul that you cannot even imagine. How to think like a man? If you begin to hide all your emotions, you will be very similar to him.

    Male thinking

    • Women are no less talented than men. Then why are they more likely to succeed than us? Because they are committed to success, they always think about achieving high social status, power and promotion on the career ladder.
    • In each of them is a small child. It is hidden under the mask of a stoic. In order not to lose money, pamper him at least occasionally and encourage him. Think like him. Do not think all day just about household chores and problems at work. Remember that you need to relax from time to time.
    • Approve your man, always thank him for the gifts. Do not take the services that he provides you for granted.
    • If a man finds himself on an unfamiliar street, he will not be too lazy to go the extra distance to find the right house, but the woman in his place will immediately ask passers-by how to get to the right place.
    • A man is afraid of losing his own dignity, so never hit him in his self-esteem.
    • You always come up with several options with which you can solve the problem. He believes that your several options make his personal decision wrong.
    • He does not know how to think in several directions at the same time. He is more straightforward. Do not jump sharply from one topic to another, otherwise it will be completely confused. The stronger sex reflects silently about one thing.

    And the last piece of advice: be a woman, think like a man and you will have no equal!