Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota talked about a career, love and the upcoming replenishment in the family. Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky will become parents. You've known each other for ten years, right

Vlad and Rita have been together for three years. Open, positive, sincere - they are in all senses nice people.

Photo: Yaroslav Kloos

Their relationship is ideally characterized by such a slightly outdated concept as “partnership”, when between people there is not only love, not only attraction and passion, but also friendship, partnership. and not just a couple, they are a family. And very soon replenishment is coming in this family!

It’s early morning, it’s raining outside the window, but it doesn’t seem to concern you - your mood is high!

Rita: What are you, we overslept! Yesterday worked until four in the morning! We will order breakfast now and start talking right away, okay?

(Rita orders porridge, Vlad - omelet.)

R .: And I knew that you would choose that.

How long have you started to say that?

Vlad: It always has been.

R: Yes, from the very beginning, this is not an acquired experience.

V .: We were constantly surprised at this, laughed, and then we just got used to it. We call this phenomenon a unified biofield.

You've known each other for ten years, right?

Before the interview, I studied your Instagram. You speak so openly about your relationship, about love, and easily and openly show your emotions to the world.

W .: Is it bad?

It is very good! Just now, only the lazy one does not say in an interview that happiness loves silence.

R: Rather, envy loves silence. And happiness silence just destroys. How many gorgeous songs would not happen if everyone thought that happiness should be kept quiet! If Stevie Wonder, when he had a daughter, didn’t write a song of amazing beauty Isn’t She Lovely ...

W .: Bob Marley would probably not have ninety-nine percent of the songs if he did not want to share his feelings with the world.

R: And indeed, if you listen to the public, followers on the same Instagram, you can go crazy, you can find bipolar disorder. At first they wrote to us: “Why are you hiding that you have a relationship? Are you ashamed? ” When we declared that we were a couple, it began: “Why are you telling everyone about love, this is hidden!”

Often ban subscribers?

W .: Yes, often!

R: Almost every day, about twenty people.

V .: It’s clear that among the one and a half million of our subscribers there are people with completely different opinions. There are people who are shaking over their relationships - they are afraid to jinx it. But this is a very dangerous game, in my opinion.

R: The evil eye is a separate issue altogether. I recently read a joke under a photograph of a mother with two children. The eldest girl is five years old, the second child is a newborn. And the baby’s face is covered with a smiley face. The comment was very funny: “That's right, the eldest is already adult, let her fight off the evil eye herself!”

Now you are talking about how you will soon become parents. Surely you will find something to say about this.

R: Yes, you can imagine! All the same people who wrote “When is the baby?” It’s time! ”, They will begin to say:“ What would you do so early, you would walk again! ” ( She is laughing.)

And you yourself did not think that early? Have you planned such a development?

R: We wanted children, but I don’t like the phrase “planned child”, it’s terrible. When two people have been married for two years, it is strange to consider the child unexpected. This cannot be a surprise; this is the normal development of the relations of any healthy couple.

Not all couples are ready for such a turn in life.

V .: Yes, there are those among our friends who openly say that they are child-free. This is their choice, their position. But we, when we had just begun to live together, immediately discussed the “children's” issue as well. I honestly said that I see no reason to just meet - to go to the cinema or drink coffee in a cafe.

Why would a boy have a relationship at all if he wants to stay free? If you can hang out and change girls, why strain? And if you are already ripe for a serious relationship, if you make plans for the future, think about a wedding, then you should be ready for the appearance of children.

Judging by your accounts, you travel a lot - constantly on the move, always on the wave. But each time it’s not just a vacation - do you shoot videos in different parts of the world, combine business with pleasure?

V .: Yes, it turns out that way. And since last year, we generally worked almost without rest. I released an album, then a single in September, Rita launched her solo project in the fall - the premiere of the clip “Half a Man”, which blew up the Internet and music charts. We toured all of December, in January we planned to shoot my video, in February we shot it in Bali and released it. In March, we shot Rita immediately two videos in New York, when we found out that we were expecting a baby: one, so to speak, for the future and another video for the song “I'm afraid that yes,” which now breaks all records for viewing. And recently we shot another video - for my new single “Come to me”, which I dedicated to Rita. Therefore, in May we went to rest. They just returned from the Maldives, where they did not work for a single minute. ( She is laughing.) Did nothing - sunbathed, ate, enjoyed each other, read books ...

R: I had exactly half of my suitcase full of books!

V .: The second half - swimwear. ( She is laughing.)

That is, are you able to pause and turn off your internal motor?

R: We call it grounding. We have an nth period during a great vacation, when at first we do nothing at all. For example, when we were in Bali, we spent a week on the ground. During this time, we could not even go to the beach or not leave the house, we just “sealed”, woke up as much as we wanted, did what we wanted ...

V .: Recovering. If we imagine a tired person in the form of a ball, then we would sort of unwind ourselves. You unwind yourself, unwind yourself, do not look at the time, do not think that you need to go somewhere, go, hurry ... And after about a week you are so renewed, fresh, relaxed ...

R .: And you think: “Well, everything, let's go!”

And again shooting videos and recording songs?

V .: Not only. Here I am mastering, let’s say, a new profession for myself. Over the past six months, I starred in two films. Unfortunately, you still cannot talk about one project, but this is a very popular series on a very popular channel. I play the role of a young correspondent there. And the second film is a historical movie for the channel "Russia" about the noblewoman Saltykova, played by Julia Snigir. And I have one of the key roles there. It turned out that this is my first big dramatic story.

You yourself decided to go to the test, or you were called?

All last year I went to auditions in very different projects. They didn’t take it somewhere, they took it somewhere, due to the crisis situation, many projects were curtailed. But the ice broke, and everything went and went.

Aren't you afraid to say: “Another singer decided to become an actor”?

I don’t care what they say. I listen only to those whom I consider authoritative in a particular issue. All others can leave their opinions to themselves. In this sense, both of us have developed such very good nonsense ...

R .: In the sense that we have no illusions, we try to remain honest and adequate. We do not have such that we want to be in time everywhere. Here Vlad is a real artist. I can’t call my husband only a musician, he is an artist. And here I am the purest musician. Before my first solo work, “Half-Man,” thundered, suddenly breaking all the records of downloads and reposts and giving me a kind of kick in the ass to sing on, I sat in the closet for almost seven years and wrote hits to top artists known throughout the country. The country knows and loves the songs of Loboda, Yolka, Ani Lorak, Anita Tsoi, but nobody knew that their author was Rita Dakota. I really can’t call myself an artist, and when, for example, from the same company where Vlad went to audition, they call and offer and come to me, I refuse. I'm not an actress ...

V .: You are just skeptical about this ...

R: No, I’m not skeptical about this, I deeply respect the acting profession, I just don’t succeed, and I do not do what I can’t. I don’t fry meat, for example. I can’t do it as cool as yours ...

V .: But you didn’t even try to fry it!

R: I tried a thousand times, but it doesn’t work out for me.

V .: You just did not try to fry it with me! You put a cool piece on a frying pan - and three and a half minutes on one side, three and a half minutes on the other, cut it, looked - that's it, medium, let's go further. ( She is laughing.) In fact, I myself did not believe in this acting story for a long time. So many proposals were different, they say, you try, these were shot and they were shot. But this is not my profession. I’m a ballet dancer, singer, composer, sound producer - anyone, but not an actor, my tongue didn’t turn to call myself that.

R: Here he is, my favorite type of people - when a talented person does not know that he is talented. Adore you!

V .: Plus what did they offer? Play yourself, of course. And I didn’t want to play myself, it’s terrible at all! Sorry, of course, I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I think that if you play yourself in the film, then this is complete garbage, you can’t watch it without tears at all, just some kind of failure ... But then there was a project on Channel One “Theater Estrada ”, where I agreed to take part. I became interested, because there are many genres, many different images, and this is very cool. I won there by a spectator vote, and Stas Kostyushkin, by a small margin, by a jury vote. And somehow I played out there. ( Smiles.) I got an agent, we went for samples for a year, at first it didn’t grow together, but at some point the hop - and clicked. It is unclear how, perhaps, because at first I did not take this seriously, but, in general, it went.

Vlad, you said that you only listen to the opinions of people who are authoritative for you. Did you mean parents?

V .: I had in mind respected people - rare professionals in their area, as well as parents, family and closest friends.

And what do you think, parents should tell the children the truth, just the way it is? Or should they pat their heads?

R: You know, it’s hard for us to give any examples based on our family. Our case with parents is generally unique ... We have a family chat room where Vlad’s parents are mine, we and, in general, the whole family. We discuss everything there. That's just everything that happens in life. Frankly, without embellishment. They will praise us there, and they can send us too, if there is anything. It seems to me that if someone read this chat, then our parents for some passages could be deprived of parental rights. ( She is laughing.) It's just that our relationship with our parents cannot be called a common example of “fathers and children” relationships. Of course, we love and respect them, listen to their opinion, ask for advice. But they are more our friends, our company. Maybe this should be a family?

V .: Yes, we were told a long time ago, at an early stage in our relationship, that "guys, no matter how things are, we are now one family." Parents and with us, and already without us go traveling together. And mothers can go shopping on Skype - one in Moscow, the other in Minsk.

R: Yes, our mothers have already divided our children, they say, when “these” go on tour, I will sit, but in December they already have concerts, so I’ll take it to Minsk for a month ... I say : “We haven't even given birth to anyone yet!” ( She is laughing.) And I think it's great. It is believed that a child needs a mother 24/7, such as it’s wrong when a mother works with at least someone other than her mother, it’s bad and wrong if her grandmother sometimes cares. Vlad and I somehow decided to discuss this dogma and unanimously agreed that this, on the contrary, is very cool when a newborn baby already has an awesome real big family - with grandparents, uncles, aunts who are waiting for him, love and want to take part in his life as much as possible.

V .: The child, of course, must have an understanding that there are two main people in his life - dad and mom. But how can you deprive him of the rest of love?

R: I can judge by the way we were raised. I remember my childhood quite well, but I can say about my husband, because I see him in society, I see him in my family, in relation to me, in relation to people. And for me Vlad is an example of what a person should be.

IN.: ( Ironically.) Oh, you just don't know me well yet ...

R: It’s like in that joke: “Husband, we are not yet so familiar that I should weigh myself with you!” ( She is laughing.) So, I can say that Vlad is a free man in every sense of the word "freedom". I know very well how he was brought up, how his parents took him on tour with the X-Mission group (Vlad's father Andrei Sokolovsky was the leader of the team. - Note OK!): in one hand a suitcase, in the other - little Vlad. And it seems to me that it's cool. So I was very home, I was my mother’s child. I didn’t go to daycare, I didn’t go to the garden, so I had a painful attachment to my mother.

W .: Was it ?! ( She is laughing.)

R: She is still there, yes. Maybe only now I'm starting to learn to exist without it. I remember when my mother was late at work for twenty minutes, I ran out to the street to look for her, shook, if anything bad had happened. If I’m flying to another country now, and Vlad and I haven’t started roaming yet and I can’t write SMS that everything is fine, then I start to panic and go crazy. Sometimes I take care of my mother so much that I finish it. I sit on the shore and watch intently as she swims, so as not to begin to sink. God forbid. ( She is laughing.) Mom sometimes says: “I’m fifty years old, you can leave me alone, I’m an adult. I want to go to the store alone, leave me alone! ” ( She is laughing.) In short, I understand that this hysterical super-custody of my mother, who sometimes annoys not only her, but also to myself, is a great example of how I do not need to relate to future children. I will try to control myself in relation to the child, I will educate him socially adapted. I already set myself up for what I gave birth to, sat with him for a couple of weeks, then calmly gave it to my mother, if you need to go on business for a couple of hours, and it's okay, you do not need to call every five minutes ...

V .: Wait and see.

R: It is. Sometimes you are sure that you know everything about yourself, and life shows that you do not know anything about yourself.

What are you talking about now?

It was like this when I was offered to head the Creativity department at the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, where I had to manage a large team. At first I was a little afraid. I thought that a tattooed little girl would not be perceived as a leader and specialist. As a result, I unexpectedly turned out to be a monster! That is, with Vlad at home I’m such a “mi-mi-mi”, just a girl-girl: “If Vlad said that it should be so, then okay, let it be so, this same man said.” And then she just turned into a tyrant! ( She is laughing.) The boss even called me and asked to be softer with people, like they are crying, they say that you are very demanding, do not let me sit down for two seconds. I did not expect this from myself, I thought that I would be a creative mess.

That is, of the two of you, Rita will be an “evil cop”? Vigilant, caring, but terrible how strict?

R: Well, no.

It seems to me that you just need to love a child very much. Many people think that a child is such a responsibility, it is hard work and almost heroism. In fact, I think everything is too exaggerated. If there is love, everything else will follow.

Sometimes, when I call my mother in tears and say, “Ma, which mother is I, I can never be like you!”, She tells me: “Rita, at first I also did not know what to do with you when you screamed at night. I rocked you in my arms, and thought to myself: “Well, please, my love, shut up already, shut up, shut up!” ( She is laughing.) But somehow, it’s okay, and it’ll come to you. ”

W .: She never shut up ... ( She is laughing.)

R: There is one. Therefore, nothing definite can be said yet ... Well, if I were like my mother. She was perfect in every sense. She is now perfect in every sense. Vlad loves when she arrives: “Mother in law will come, cheers, it will be tasty, fun, clean, cool!”

V .: Well, that’s it, mamsik will read this material and then every time he will come and clean our hut. ( They are laughing.) Mom, relax, we have people who get paid for this!

R: By the way, I wanted to add more to the conversation about subscribers. Now some people write us vicious comments that our colorful life will end with the advent of the child. Type of enjoy-enjoy while no children. They simply project their complexes and their fears onto others. But I think that you should not pay attention to those who present motherhood as heroism, who say: “Forget about yourself for a whole year, because first hormones, then colic, then teeth ...” I like Vlad’s position: “ we will be like ours. ”

V .: There is a wonderful phrase that our whole family loves. She is very rzhachnaya, but in her dofiga morality and depth: "Everything is as you want."

Guys, judging by your mobility, you will give birth somewhere on the islands or the States ...

V .: No, we will do it in Russia. We have the entire active phase of pregnancy - this is summer ...

R .: Fruits, cherries ...

V .: That is, we can go out of town to our parents. If pregnancy fell on the cold gray season, we would never have given birth here.

R: We had two options: to go to give birth in Bali and not to go to give birth in Bali. ( She is laughing.) Having weighed some temporary overlays on movements and stuff, we decided that, probably, we will give birth to the first child at home. My friends advised me a wonderful doctor from the perinatal medical center “Mother and Child” on Sevastopol Tatyana Normantovich (she is the head doctor there), and I fell madly in love with her from the very first meeting. It's funny, in the center they told me at some point that I shouldn’t worry that they have a separate entrance, a comfortable suite for public couples, and honestly, I don’t care with Tatyana Olegovna even in the field! This is very important - the doctor who guides you during pregnancy. It would be nice to coincide with the ordinary doctor in perceptions of the world, and here such a crucial task! I called her the other day: “Tatyana Olegovna, I want coffee so much, I’ll just die as I want now!” And she replies: "Well, have a drink." I say: “You can’t coffee, they say that caffeine has a bad effect on the fetus, that the child will be small, thin ...” And she told me: “Rita, please do not read the Internet, only romance novels! Order yourself a latte, you want a double portion from me. Bye". Or I also had fad: “Tatyana Olegovna, all pregnant girls drink vitamins, there are millions of vitamins for pregnant women, which ones should I buy?” And she says: “You do not need any vitamins, exhale, please, you have perfect tests. If you need anything, I’ll tell you which vitamins to drink. ” And so on. That is, I’m not at all a rabid “pregnant”, I’m super relaxed and calm. And my doctor is the same.

After the winter, you probably still fly to Bali?

R .: Yes, we give birth, we hang out with our parents for two months, with our frantic family ...

W .: ... And with it we bring down to Bali for two whole months.

R: I already anticipate the comments of particularly sensitive subscribers: “He is small, how will he fly? There are malaria mosquitoes, tarantulas, and homeless dogs everywhere! ”

V .: And here are the exhaust fumes ...

R: By the way, the kid will need to make a card to save miles. So that by the age of twenty he accumulated on a circumnavigation ...

W .: ... And an account for a million subscribers.

R: Yes, by the way, we don’t want to cover the child’s face in photographs on the Web. Because, firstly, we believe that it is very natural and very cool, and secondly, we hope that we will convince someone not to be afraid to marry and have children. We also recently decided that we will make our blog - such a family channel on YouTube. We will show there that life after childbirth exists. ( They are laughing.)

V .: We already plan a huge number of trips, work, we buy an apartment. This will be, in fact, a blog designed for a very different audience - from mothers with recommendations on what to choose for a child, to those who now need advice on choosing building materials.

Well, I wish you every success!

R: Is that all? And you don’t want to listen to the story, how did it all happen, where?

W .: Rita ... ( Smiles.)

R: What? This also happened in Bali ... Exactly in the same place where Vlad made me an offer two and a half years ago, estimate! Right in the same place!

V .: Yes, in our first Bali I made an offer, in the second Bali we were already husband and wife, in the third - we repaired the baby, and next year, it turns out, we will be with a sling ...

R: Bali is our magical place! Just a couple of days before conception, I quit smoking! I was an avid smoker, everyone knew about it. “Dakota promotes smoking in the Gloves video. True, I had several attempts to quit, but something always bothered me. And in Bali, I received several signs in a row, and such that just go nuts! The latter finally finished me off. I broke a pack, stuffed it under a stone and said to the Universe: “Everything, I understood everything!” And then, about three weeks later, she found out that she was pregnant. Can you imagine? ( She is laughing.)

Text: Eugene Beletskaya. Photo: Yaroslav Kloos

Style: Alesya Matyaschuk. Makeup and hairstyles: Julia Yakovleva

Singer Rita Dakota is in early pregnancy, so the changes in the figure so far are invisible.

Photo: Legion-Media

Russian stars are waiting for the birth of their firstborn, the portal Life.ru reports. Celebrities have not yet confirmed the information about the upcoming replenishment, but they have not refuted either.

Judging by the pictures on social networks, future parents continue to be creative and try not to advertise their personal lives too much. However, today Rita was a little more outspoken than usual. The girl once again confessed to her husband in love and remembered how their relationship arose.

“I remember when Vlad and I only chose each other, we were completely different from what we are now. I was a chubby punk with a dull light brown and torn sneakers, Vlad was a young pop musician with a temporary crisis in his work, the two of us had nothing to offer each other, besides the very real and all-consuming LOVE in spite of. We made each other for ourselves over the years, just as we did for each other, if you know what I mean, ”the singer said.

Recall that Rita and Vlad got married in 2015. For both artists, the child will be the firstborn. Interestingly, a few years before this, celebrities together participated in the Star Factory project, but then their relationship did not go beyond friendships.

One of the strongest pairs of Russian show business broke up. Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky are no longer together, and we still do not believe it!

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky seemed like a perfect match. Delicate photos were replaced by romantic posts and funny vlogs. Fans from all over Russia watched their family idyll and set this relationship as an example. However, the tale suddenly collapsed. Rita said on her Instagram that she had learned about Vlad’s betrayals and was divorcing him. It turns out that her husband cheated on her throughout the history of their relationship, including when they got married, married, when Rita was pregnant and in the first months of their daughter's life. Moreover, Vlad’s friends and even some of his relatives, including his father, were in the know and “covered” him. Rita decided to make this message in order to avoid rumors and speculation.

These were dozens of “girls”, I personally know many of them, many of them were my “friends”, who entered my house. Almost all of our mutual friends who met me from the hospital knew about it and covered him; for many of them, his betrayals took place right at home, with their consent. Some members of his family also knew, including his father, ”Dakota wrote.

To the surprise of many, after his betrayal, Vlad did not leave his wife and daughter a house (as other betrayers did). According to the artist, they share the acquired property through the court.

Read the heartbreaking post below.

Editor-in-chief of the magazine OK! Vadim Wernick has been friends with Vlad and Rita for many years, and he is shocked by this news: “Our magazine has OK! and I personally have long-standing friendships with Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota. When there was not a hint of their relationship in the press, Vlad told me in private conversation how happy he was in alliance with Rita. It was in our magazine that they first officially announced their romance, about Mia’s daughter, and at the OK prize! last year they became the "Couple of the Year" ... "

Just a few days ago, at the "HEAT" festival in Baku, we spent the evening together. Vlad and Rita talked very gently and warmly, they talked about joint creative plans. I did not see in this a hint of window dressing. Everything was, as always, beautiful and sincere. Of course, I am shocked by the news of their divorce. Who is right in this situation and who is to blame - life will put everything in its place

Colleagues on the stage did not believe in the reality of the message. Irina Dubtsova decided that Rita Dakota's account was hacked. Julia Parshuta, Sati Casanova and many others left her comments with words of support. Agatha Muceniece also sided with Dakota, with whom the artist had minor disagreements. In the comments under the post, the actress wrote:

Rita, even though you and I are strangers! Anyway, after such actions I want to support. Cheer up, you know, Mia is the most beautiful daughter in the world, I think it’s necessary to be happy for her!

Recall that Rita Dakota met on the Star Factory project, but only made out one another only years after graduation. They got married on June 8, 2015, and in May 2017, they are waiting for their firstborn.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky will soon become parents. The couple, who married in June 2015, did not immediately decide to add to the family. The musicians led an active lifestyle: they recorded new songs, shot videos, traveled the world. Recently, Rita delighted fans with the announcement of a new video for the song "Half a Man." For the sake of a spectacular video, the singer and her husband flew to the United States, where the shooting took place.

Until recently, Rita Dakota preferred to hide changes in her figure and not talk about the planned replenishment in the family. The couple tried not to attract increased attention from the public. Recently, however, Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky decided to break the silence and frankly talked about the happy event in their lives.

“In our first Bali, I made an offer, in the second Bali we were already husband and wife, in the third we patched up the baby, and next year, it turns out, we will be with a sling ...” Vlad Sokolovsky told reporters.

According to Rita, she had long wanted to become a mother for the first time, but the singer does not like the phrase “planned child”. When two people have been married for several years, the star explains, "it is strange to consider a child unexpected - this is the normal development of the relationship of any healthy couple."

Fans have already begun to congratulate future parents. Rita and Vlad often tell fans how their family life is going. Celebrities do not hide that they love each other very much and are bored when they have to part for a while.

“You are just next to the person whom you have chosen and who chose you too. I chose it not because of boredom and not because everyone needs a couple, but thoughtfully, with an open heart and confidence, awareness. Pulled. Called for. I chose you because you are unique; no one else feels like this, no one thinks like that, no one “flies” like that. Because his soul is the house of your soul. Here, big things are involved, invisible, which are not visible to the eye of the layman. The tandem of two souls at the energy and spiritual level is much higher than any stamps in the passports. Therefore, in this life I can be either with Vlad, or alone, ”Dakota dedicated these words to her husband, laying out one of the joint photographs from the rest.

Recall that the couple met at the Star Factory project in 2007. At first, Rita and Vlad talked as friends, but after a few years their relationship grew into a sincere and strong love. In 2015, a young man made a marriage proposal to his beloved while relaxing in Bali. Dakota and Sokolovsky got married in the church, and also had a luxurious wedding celebration, to which they invited all their friends.

Earlier on the web there were rumors about the possible pregnancy of a former participant in a popular project. However, neither Rita Dakota nor Vlad Sokolovsky commented on the information that was discussed on the Internet.

In a recent interview with reporters, the couple also admitted that they have a special chat in which the stars discuss events from their lives with loved ones. Rita's family lives in Minsk, and Vlad lives in Moscow. Thanks to modern technology, they can all be in touch. “They will praise us there, and they can send us too, if there is anything. It seems to me that if someone read this chat, then our parents could be deprived of parental rights for certain passages, ”Dakota told OK! .

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota on the eve of their first appearance. The OK! Magazine award ceremony was an inspiration to leave the cozy family nest of young parents.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota // Photo: Instagram

For a secular exit, Rita Dakota chose a red dress. The star has repeatedly said that she gained weight during pregnancy. At the moment, Rita is trying to control food and walk more. According to the singer, now she is absolutely happy. She spends her days with her daughter, and in the evening, when Vlad Sokolovsky returns home, they watch good films and admire the first-born.

“We sit at home in the country in cozy pajamas. Vlados goes to the filming and concerts - and immediately back with goodies and gifts. We cook dinners, watch a movie, and visit our closest friends while the baby is sleeping. Such a regular and cinematic zalipon is cozy, warm. It’s like Christmas holidays, the feeling is exactly that ”- rita wrote in a microblog.

It is noteworthy that it was Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky’s OK magazine! called "Couple of the Year." The couple did not hide their surprise, but immediately after the award they hurried home out of town. Even a victory did not make them linger at the party.

“Won! We are “Couple of the Year” according to the magazine OK. Thank you for this award, thank you for your love and attention, and most importantly - thanks to our fans, all our people, those who voted and wanted to please us at least somehow ”- thanked the fans of Rita Dakota.

By the way, it is readers of the OK magazine! the first to know that Rita and Vlad are waiting for their firstborn. The couple starred for the cover of fashionable gloss and in a frank interview told about the upcoming joyful event.