Mikhail Turetsky, Liana, Sarina, Emmanuel, Beata: Turetsky's family choir. Mikhail Turkish daughter celebrates first anniversary Famous Russian conductor and his wife talk about what motivates a person to creative development

The famous Russian conductor and his wife spoke about what motivates a person to creative development.

Michael and Liana Turkish. Photo: personal archive.

The story of Mikhail and Liana began in 2001 during a tour of the Turetsky Choir in America. Liana's father received an offer to organize a concert of the collective. It was probably love at first sight. Four months for the most part of telephone communication was enough for Liana to exchange a comfortable American life for a much more modest existence in Russia, but with her beloved. And Mikhail, already quite an adult who survived a personal tragedy (his first wife Elena died in a car accident), believed that it was with this woman that he would live a happy life.

Mikhail, once in an interview you joked that your spouse appreciates your age and national characteristics. Is it important that people come from the same environment?
Mikhail Turetsky:
"Of course. It is desirable that from one sandbox, from one traditional dimension, a cultural section, one skin color. Of course, there are exceptions - and suddenly a completely incompatible set of parts coincides, as in the Lego constructor. But this rarely happens. Still, it’s good when your grandparents professed the same values \u200b\u200bas the ancestors of your chosen one. A Russian woman will not understand what kind of painful love his Jewish mother has for her son. It will seem strange to her. What about a Jewish wife? Our religion says that the wife is always against. But this is the source of your inner growth. If you sit on the couch and don't do a damn thing, your belly is growing, and next to you is a woman who accepts you as she is, there is generally no incentive to develop. This is the choice of everyone - who wants to go which way. I know many Jews who chose a grateful woman "from another tribe."

Liana Turetskaya:“A Russian wife would have killed you long ago!” (Laughs.) I think that it’s not even a matter of nationality, but of family upbringing - what values \u200b\u200bthey tried to instill in a person. I have three unmarried daughters. Of course, I would dream that they would choose Jews as their husbands, and together we would celebrate holidays, observe rituals, go to the synagogue. But the eldest daughter Natalya married a Russian guy, and we treat him very well, we love him very much. She gave birth to us an amazing grandson Vanechka, and therefore everything else is already unimportant. You can choose a Jew who will be a complete idiot, and the poor girl will be tormented all her life. And you can live in perfect harmony with the Russian. The main thing is that children should be happy! ”

Psychologists also say that a man is looking for a wife who looks like a mother ...
“And that is absolutely true. If you have a good mother, you begin to look for these traits in your chosen one. Liana at the time of our acquaintance was a woman with a five-year-old child. And I saw in her above all a caring mother. Later, when we had more daughters, this opinion only strengthened. For my wife, children are always in the first place, and I accepted it. After all, for my mother, my brother and I were in the first place, and dad was in the second or even third. I have never seen her show any kind of active affection towards her father. She never called him: "Borochka, dear." Always - Boris, and immediately some question followed. And he, already hearing his name, was waiting for the trick. (Laughs.) At the same time, the parents somehow managed to live a unique life together - sixty-six years. And this family model was very easy to imagine with Liana. I agreed with myself: “Mikhail Borisovich, if you don’t have enough attention, you will find him in the market of show business services, where you’ll be listened to by a million people.” Liana believes that I am a self-sufficient person, independent, and children are more vulnerable, they need more care. ”

Liana, when something goes wrong with Michael, does he turn to you for participation?
“Of course, if not to my wife, who else should I go to? This is normal. But this does not mean that I will regret and stroke Mikhail Borisovich on the head. Rather, on the contrary, I try to shake him somehow so that he can pull himself together. ”

Michael:“There are so many things on my wife: in addition to daughters, there are parents who came from America. They also need help. Then, Liana is the leader of the big bachelorette party, and there are always some female issues that need to be urgently addressed. So she devalued the concept of what the real problem is. If I whine that I am in creative disagreement with myself, she, of course, will pretend to be immersed in it. But not plunge. Liana understands that my projects are successful, and if I can’t agree with myself, these are my problems. There are more pressing matters than male nagging. ”

Liana, why do you call your husband Mikhail Borisovich?
“The husband is at home. And at work he is Mikhail Borisovich. He also calls me Liana Semenovna, it’s fun. ”

But, as I understand it, everything keeps up with you in the house?
“Family is a kind of partnership. Everyone is doing his own thing, and no one interferes with each other. Of course, if you need to consult in something, we advise, but in the end we do as we see fit. ”

Mikhail, Turetsky Choir was well received in America, and you had the opportunity to stay there. Why did you decide to return to Russia?
“Firstly, I had before my eyes an example of parents who could emigrate to America and Germany many times, but remained to live here. Dad went through the war, he is a participant in the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade, and for him the word "patriotism" is not an empty phrase. He felt absolutely harmonious in this environment. I was twenty years old, he is seventy. And I remember him at that age, an energetic, peppy person who felt great, worked, went to the rink, to the ballroom. And I understood: why look for happiness somewhere beyond the seas, if it is in man himself? Back in 1997, before meeting Liana, our team was offered a life-time contract in Florida. We were there on tour - and really liked it. People realized that you can do good business with Turetsky Choir. The proposal has been received. I did not want to live in America, the team had mixed feelings. On the one hand, in Russia there are relatives, friends, graves of ancestors, and on the other, here it is, a real American dream, which is about to become a reality. At that moment, I turned to the Moscow government with a request that we be given state status and premises. And it was a certain Rubicon: the homeland recognizes - we will return. And Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov assigned us this status, which in the long term meant state support. We are still waiting for the room. (Laughs.) It seems to have been allocated, but it is emergency, and there is no money for reconstruction. But nevertheless then it seemed that everything, we are recognized at the state level. So in 2001, when we met Liana, the question of emigration was no longer there. In the USA I go on tour (the computer shows that I crossed the border ninety-four times in twenty-five years), but I have no desire to live in this country. I feel that I need it here because every day I go on stage to a large audience and make it happier than before communicating with me. ”

And how did you manage to turn Liana’s life in a matter of months so that she left everything and went with you to Russia?
“When Liana invited me to visit, I was impressed by her taste and quality of life. A twenty-five-year-old woman had a posh house, a beautiful car. To do this, she had to work in two jobs (she is a programmer). Nevertheless, everything was adjusted. Why did you leave? Probably love. I can’t pull the blanket over myself now: they say, I’m so cool, dusted her brains ... "

"Well maybe. Although common sense was also present. I flatter myself with the hope that I made a good impression on Liana. And she saw in me a reliable person. I was older than her. And older now. The wife says: “You will never see me old.” (Laughs.) I am a responsible person, created a unique team of its kind, was not involved in any criminal activity, and did not use foul language. In a word, she didn’t scare her. I talked about Verdi, Brahms and Tchaikovsky, spoke about the Leningrad State Philharmonic, where I attended rehearsals of Yevgeny Mravinsky. Liana was pleasantly surprised, and she was interested to try something else, to better know the person from the “other side”. True, at first, while they were rubbing against each other, I wanted to come back more than once. But I didn’t reach the airport. ”

Liana, was it difficult for you to decide to move?
“In our youth, we make decisions much faster and at the same time we are not always guided by logic and reason. It seems to the man in love that he can turn mountains, and not just turn his life around. But still I'm quite practical, I don’t rush into the pool with my head. A woman’s heart will always tell you what future awaits you with this person. Will there be a man or a rag next to you. First of all, I chose a husband, a breadwinner and a good father for my children. And she was right. ”

But missed the first time?
“There was no time to be bored. The eldest daughter of Mikhail Borisovich Natasha has a transitional age. A scruffy teenager with whom he had to make contact, seek a common language. My Sarina had to be assigned to kindergarten, to learn the Russian language. I also tried to find a job, went for interviews. Nothing happened with the work, although my specialty seems to be in demand everywhere. And I began to go on tour with the Turetsky Choir. So I did not sit at home, did not get bored and did not cry, but actively built our new life. ”

Now you are comfortable in Moscow?
"Of course! I have here my favorite places, restaurants, shopping centers, theaters. I love people, parties, communication. Our bachelorette party, we sometimes get out to Paris, then to Germany. Of course, when there is time, you have to go on tour with the team, and with the children on vacation. ”

Have you always wanted a big family?
“I am madly in love with young children, and it’s such a joy for me that we have four daughters! If each gives birth to two or three granddaughters, I will become the happiest grandmother. The house should have small children. Sometimes we say with Mikhail that if we only had older daughters - Natasha and Sarina, our life would become boring. They are already adults, independent, mom and dad are not so needed. "

Michael:“By the way, the eldest daughter, we offered to go to Chicago to get an education there. She stayed here, entered MGIMO, the faculty of international journalism, and herself. Our younger children are also very purposeful, doing a little of everything for the common development. And music, and figure skating, drawing, dancing ... The youngest, Beata, goes to a ballet school. ”

Liana, Mikhail - a man very busy with work. Does he pay enough attention to children?
“A good father does not mean at all that he should lie at home for twenty-four hours. This is a terrible father. A good one is one who can provide his children with a comfortable, comfortable life and education. Mikhail Borisovich does all this. And he loves and pampers our daughters. He will never go to bed without hugging them, without kissing them at night. If he flies off on a tour early in the morning, he will get up early to take them to school. He takes every moment to stay with them longer. Whenever possible, they go together to the rink, skiing. As for music, I have a difficult relationship with her. Not one bear stepped on my ear, although Mikhail Borisovich believes that I have a rumor. And our girls all sing, Emma has been playing the violin since she was five. ”

Any ideas about daddy's work they express?
“The repertoire of the Turetsky Choir has been tested by time. And, maybe, by age, it is not very clear to our girls, but they feel the energy and are drawn to this music, even to war songs. Emma quite amazingly deduces: "By the field, along the steep bank, past the huts." She skips this song through herself, and the baby sings along with her. They really love the repertoire of Soprano Turetsky.

Was it created in contrast to the male choir?
“This is a certain round of the brand. I realized that I was a little cramped in the framework of one team. There are songs that are simply out of place in the male performance: “Daisies hid”, “Once a year the gardens bloom” ... And then, I missed the female vocals penetrating the very heart. I created this group and it is incredibly successful. Soprano has a huge repertoire of one hundred and twenty compositions, a wide variety of genres. In the group are two composer girls who themselves write texts and music. We made joint numbers with Igor Butman, Dmitry Malikov, Sergey Mazaev. ”

Liana, are you not jealous of the beauties that curl around her husband?
“If the husband is surrounded by young girls, this continues both his youth and his masculinity. And secondly, to “go to the side”, it is not necessary to create a choir. I trust the husband and girls from Soprano. In addition to the fact that they are beautiful, they are also clever - intelligent, educated, well-read. This is a completely different level, not “singing cowards” who are looking for a rich husband. ”

In the interview you said that now that the grandson has appeared, there will be someone to continue your business. Are you going to cook a guy?
“Since Russia is a female country, you are much stronger than peasants, then I think my daughters will be more likely to be successors. There is such a character - Emmanuel Turkish. She is now nine years old, and she is persistent, strong, talented and with a big voice. I see in her potential both a good musician and a manager. She even tries to influence the repertoire policy, push through her favorites. And when he is present at the concert, he can jump out onto the stage, snatch a microphone from dad and sing something. ”

   January 23, 2016, 12:04

In 1984, Mikhail Turetsky marries the daughter of a military man Elena, his fellow student at the Gnesins Institute. Parents on both sides did not support this union, wanting for the children “a couple of their nationality” (Michael is a Jew), but the soul mates of lovers (Elena was also a musician) defend their right to be together. In the same year they have a daughter Natalya. At that time, Mikhail Turetsky turned 22 years old.

To provide the family with everything necessary, continuing his studies in graduate school, the young dad worked in several places at the same time: the night director in a large supermarket, and the teacher. In parallel, he began working with the Orthodox church choir and at the same time with the ensemble of the political song “Voice”.

In the latter, new artistic principles of a certain synthetic art, to varying degrees, combining singing, elements of plastic theater and acting, are emerging, which will lead Turetsky to create the first art group in history. This musician thought and dreamed in those years.

In August 1989, together with his friend and teacher Vladimir Semenyuk, Turetsky went to Klaipeda. At night, the musician received a telegram from his older brother with the words “Urgently call. Sasha. " The next morning, Mikhail learned of a terrible tragedy: on the Minsk-Moscow highway, his father-in-law, his wife and her brother died in a car accident.

The artist remains with a five-year-old daughter in her arms. During this difficult time, his mother-in-law supported Turetsky. Zoya Ivanovna, which, according to Mikhail Turetsky, still remains his authority. It was Zoya Ivanovna who helped bring up the girl before Turetsky's departure under a contract for a tour in the United States, which lasted two years. In America, Michael and Natasha became real friends, spent a lot of time together. There, the daughter repeatedly successfully entered the stage and sang with the choir, finding a warm response in the hearts of American listeners. Later, her father dissuaded the girl from making music, fearing that it would be difficult for her to secure a future for herself. Then the musician did not yet have the current authority and position.

The second time, Mikhail Turetsky decides to marry only after 12 years. During an American tour in the cityDallas on Halloween   after the next concert, the artist metLianawho later became his wife. The girl turned out to be the daughter of an agent who was organizing a tour of the Turetsky Choir in the United States. By that time, Liana's life was already well arranged: little daughterSarina, home, prestigious job as a lead programmer at a telecommunications company in Dallas. After some time, Michael and Liana got married, and the girl agreed to move to Moscow. Soon two daughters were born in the Turetsky family:Emmanuel   (2005) and Beata (2009).

Natalia (1984).Today Natalya, having received her law degree, works in the office of Turetsky Choir. In 2014, Mikhail became a grandfather: Natalia had a son Ivan Gilevich

Sarina (1996)

Emmanuel (One seer predicted to the artist that his daughter, in whose name there are two "m", would give birth to a king ) and Beata(Boris + Bela, the names of Michael's parents)

He also has a daughter, Isabelle (2001), who lives with her mother in Germany. Now 14-year-old Bella lives in Germany with her mother Tatyana Borodovskaya. The conductor met her at one of his performances in Germany. The meeting turned the lives of both. After some time, Tatyana moved to Moscow to see Mikhail more often. For some time they even lived together. Then Michael was very excited about the joyous event that was supposed to happen after nine months. Tatyana is pregnant! For several months, the musician left for the States, and Tanya, in order not to be bored, went to Germany. Mikhail seemed to sink into the water: he did not call or come. From stress, Tatyana began a premature birth. A few years later she found out that there, in America, the musician met “his true love” Liana, who became his second wife. Tatyana says that, despite the fact that he refused her and Bella’s daughter, nevertheless, the name of Turetsky as the girl’s father is on the birth certificate. Tatyana claims that he sometimes comes to them.

The father of five daughters dreams of an heir, whom he will name in honor of his father

Photograph: DR Emma Turkish

Emmanuel Turetskaya celebrated her first anniversary, 10 years in Turkey. The famous showman and producer Mikhail Turetsky spent several days in Belek with his wife and younger daughters. “Set off at the call of the heart!” - jokes the maestro. A trip to Turkey was Emma’s desire. “Dad, I’ve never been there, but by the last name!” - issued several days before her birthday Emmanuel. Such an argument for his daughter, according to Mikhail, it was difficult for him and his wife Liana to oppose something.

“They made a decision very quickly. We bought tickets for 4 days and flew. I generally love spontaneous decisions. As a rule, they most often turn out to be correct. And indeed, we had a great time with the family. Moreover, this rarely happens - like this, at the height of the working season, to break out together somewhere ... Already from the end of October, the Turetsky Choir begins a busy schedule - a series of anniversary concerts in 70 cities of Russia, ”Mikhail noted.

Upon returning to Moscow, Emmanuel celebrated a birthday in the circle of her peers. A surprise was waiting for her near the house - a white limousine with friends, as well as many gifts: jewelry, a Swarovski figurine, fashion accessories, ski boots, etc. Among the gifts were creative solutions: 18-year-old Sarina presented her sister with an original portrait made up of 300 photos , 6-year-old Beata made a craft with her own hands, and a friend from Ukraine sent a picture depicting Emma.

The daughter of Mikhail Turetsky Sarina played a wedding with Tornike Tsertsvadze.

Sarina is the daughter of the second wife of the famous Russian musician, founder and producer of the art groups "Turetsky Choir" and SOPRANO Liana from previous relationships. When Michael met Liana, Sarina was already five years old. But he adopted the girl, gave her his last name and brought up as a native.

And Sarina married her chosen one - Tornike Tsertsvadze, the son of a famous Georgian restaurateur. The couple officially became husband and wife on August 18: signed in the palace of weddings No. 4 in Moscow. However, lovers appointed a holiday for relatives and friends only on August 26 at the Moscow Radisson Royal Hotel.

The groom - Tornike - chose a classic black suit and bow tie for the ceremony.

Sarina also preferred a gorgeous dress from Valentin Yudashkin. The outfit with a multi-meter train, decorated with precious stones and crystals, looked perfect on the bride. The bodice and sleeves of the dress were decorated with lace, which further emphasized the fragility and femininity of Sarina. The girl pulled her hair back and decided to abandon the jewelry so as not to distract attention from the grandiose outfit of Valentin Yudashkin. The image was completed by a snow-white veil.

The hall in which the event was held was decorated with numerous floral arrangements. Bouquets also appeared on tables, at which 800 people were accommodated.

Among the guests were not only relatives of the star couple, but also their many star friends. So, Galina Yudashkina appeared at the celebration in her father’s authorship dress with elegant embroidery and flowing hem.

Sarina and Tornike thought out every detail of the celebration. The newlyweds offered guests delicious snacks and an interesting entertainment program. The host of the event was Nikolai Baskov, who pleased the guests with jokes and musical numbers.

The main event of the holiday was the dance of Sarina with her father, Mikhail Turetsky. The man gently hugged his daughter, waltzing with her under a slow composition.

wedding of Sarina Turetskaya and Tornike Tsertsvadze

Sarina and Tornike met for several years before they legalized the relationship. Before making an offer to the chosen one, the young man asked for blessings from her parents. Mikhail Turetsky approved the choice of his daughter and gave the green light to the wedding.

Father Tornike Tsertsvadze owns a restaurant holding. The young man himself is now completing a magistracy at MBAA MGIMO.

Earlier, lovers admitted that they were going to organize two wedding holidays at once. The second celebration will be held in the city of Mtskheta in the homeland of the groom in Georgia.