Why divorced jolie and brad pitt. The most shocking reasons for the divorce of Angelina Jolie and delirium pitt. Attempts to fix everything

0   September 21, 2016, 16:48

The whole world is shocked (in capital letters!): On Tuesday, September 20, it became known that she filed for after 12 years of marriage. A huge number of rumors have already appeared on the web about disagreements in the Jolie-Pitt family, saying that Angelina did not like how her husband raised children, did not like that he was abusing alcohol and indulging in marijuana. The site has gathered facts that we already know about the divorce of the most famous Hollywood couple, and some interesting rumors.

What is indicated in the divorce documents

On Monday, a Los Angeles court filed a divorce document, initiated by Angelina Jolie. As the reason for divorce from Brad Pitt, the 41-year-old actress called "irreconcilable contradictions." It is noted that Jolie does not claim financial support after her husband divorces, but insists that her “jewelry and personal belongings”, as well as everything that she earned and acquired before the divorce, will belong to her (the same conditions apply and in relation to Brad Pitt).

Spouses also have to share their 400 millionth fortune: what the couple earned in marriage will be divided into six parts between their children - 15-year-old Maddox, 12-year-old Pax, 11-year-old Zahara, 10-year-old Shyla, and 8- the summer twins Vivienne and Knox. Also, some of the state will go to charitable foundations and orphanages.

What jolie and pitt say

There are still few details from one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood ... Angelina Jolie's lawyer Robert Offer confirmed that the divorce proceedings have started:

This decision was made for the good of the family. My client will not comment on the situation and asks everyone to respect her family’s right to privacy during this difficult time.

52-year-old Brad Pitt commented on everything that happened with a rather cliche phrase:

I am very saddened by what is happening, but now the most important thing is the well-being of our children. With all my heart I ask journalists to leave our children alone in this difficult time.

Angelina Jolie's unexpected demand for custody of children

For many, it was a surprise that Jolie wants to achieve sole custody. The actress leaves her spouse the right to vote in important decisions regarding education, health and other similar issues, but wants all six children to live with her.

They raised children together for so many years ... It is very unexpected that one of them asked for sole custody. I can assume that there was some incident or a series of incidents that made Angelina doubt that her husband has the right to deal with children. This is a rather aggressive step on the part of one of the partners,

- commented on the divorce of the spouses, a lawyer with great experience in stellar divorces Nina Tankha.

What Brad Pitt thinks about custody of children

Brad Pitt does not agree with the requirements of his wife about sole custody: the actor noted that he will fight with Angelina Jolie for joint custody of their children.

Sources told People:

Angelina may not even dream of taking the children from Pitt.

Pitt himself in his statement called the spouse a “magnificent mother” and noted that he did not want to harm her during a divorce, but would insist that he had the same right to raise children as Angelina Jolie.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with children

How Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's Marriage Contract Treats Child Custody Issues

It is not yet known for certain whether any conditions for custody of children are spelled out in the marriage contract of Jolie and Pitt. The reputable lawyer Lois Lieberman argues that the terms of the contract for children, in any case, will not have significant weight regarding the issue of custody.

Points of custody will be taken into account in court, but are unlikely to greatly affect the outcome of the case. Jolie and Pitt became parents long before they officially formalized the relationship (the couple married only in 2014, at that time their romance lasted 9 years, - approx.ed.),

- believes Lieberman.

Wedding of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Why does this divorce seem so much more shocking than other star breakups

Lawyer Joshua Foreman told USA Today:

This divorce is no different from others, just Brad and Angelina part. People like to read about the difficult periods in the lives of Hollywood couples, and here one of the most famous people of our time is in the spotlight. In addition, they have six children, which is not very typical of star marriages, for example, I generally do not know such couples anymore.

Lieberman continues:

Their family is just obsessed with children. Obviously, they are now most worried about them. But divorce is divorce. It's just that we are talking about a couple with a huge fortune, world fame and a unique family.

Rumors of treason

In the wake of divorce news, the tabloids hastened to accuse poor fellow Pitt of all mortal sins. Alcoholism and drug addiction - no matter where else, but in an attempt to find the culprit in this situation, journalists began to attribute to the actor numerous novels. So, Pitt was accused of treason with which the actor recently starred in a spy thriller, where they played lovers.

Brad Pitt and Marillon Cotillard in the movie "Allies"

Note that the 40-year-old French actress is married to the famous actor Guillaume Canet.

Another reason to accuse Pitt of treason was the rumor that earlier, during the Golden Globe ceremony, the actor had flirted with 24-year-old Selena Gomez. Then the singer shared her picture with Pitt on Instagram, after which insiders talked about the reaction of the actor’s wife:

Angelina was furious when she saw this photo.

Brad Pitt and Selena Gomez, Instagram

Another reason for the divorce, journalists consider the nanny Pitt and Jolie, who in March this year, "jealous" Angelina fired for flirting with her husband.

The reaction of Marion Cotillard

Actress Marion Cotillard is perplexed after the news that she caused the divorce of Pitt and Jolie.

I am completely devastated and very upset by the fact that I was dragged into all this,

- said the 40-year-old actress.

A anonymous source, who is close to the family of the Frenchwoman and her husband Guillaume Canet, said:

The claim that she cheated on Guillaume with Brad is completely baseless. This is absurd.

Internet reaction

Following the news of Jolie and Pitt’s divorce, there are a lot of memes on the Web. It is noteworthy that the heroine of most of them was Brad's ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston.

On top of that, rumors circulated on the Web that Jen had commented on the couple’s divorce - briefly and clearly:

This is karma

- allegedly said the actress.

Later it turned out that the actress did not allow herself such a gloating ...

World has gone mad

In pursuit of sensations and comments about the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, journalists cling to any trifle. For example, the Daily Mail tabloid took a modest comment from singer Sinita, whom Brad Pitt had briefly met 27 years (!) Ago.

The 52-year-old star of the 80s briefly answered the question of journalists about the reason for the divorce of the Hollywood couple:

I have nothing to do with this!

We are in principle not surprised by such a comment.

The ex-wife of the actor is silent. By the way, she was recently left alone after

The news of the divorce of Pitt and Jolie shocked the whole world. This seems to be the end of an era ...

Source USA Today

Photo Gettyimages.ru

If about one of the stars and shoot a serial film, it's about Jolie and Pitt. Initially, they seemed the most prosperous couple of Hollywood, they all admired and envied them.

A year ago, the couple announced a breakup, which extremely surprised their fans, because Angelina and Brad looked absolutely happy.

For some time, their names completely disappeared from the headlines of the media, but already in the summer new rumors began to appear. Either they are together, now they diverge, then again together ... It seemed that this would not be the end-edge.

However, the latest comments of the actors put everything in its place. Brad Pitt admitted that after breaking up with Angelina, he turned to a psychotherapist for help to sort himself out. The other day in the American media there was information that the artist regrets his life together with Jolie, and his friend called this period “12 years of hell”.

An insider said: “This novel was initially doomed due to constant drama and anger. They never had anything in common except great sex. ”

The divorce of Pitt and Jolie in September 2016 was preceded by a serious quarrel. According to media reports, Pitt hit his son, who defended his mother.

The source says that this incident was the logical conclusion of the pair’s relationship: “Jolie ignored her husband and paid attention only to the children. They made each other miserable. His marriage to Angie was terrible. ”

The reason for the collapse of Brangelina was the household, which destroys many couples. Friends of the actors said that they were very tired and always angry at each other.

“At first, Angelina was delighted with life with Pitt. But by the time they had six children, she was so tired that Brad's needs were relegated to the background. ”

Now, the actors have recovered a little from the breakup, and Pitt seems to have an affair with 21-year-old actress Ella Pernell. Fans noticed that she was surprisingly similar to Jolie in her youth.

Angelina does not comment on these rumors, but once admitted that she does not like loneliness: “It’s very hard for me, it’s not at all what I wanted.”

She devotes all her free time to work and caring for children. Pitt clearly does not share her parenting methods, but Jolie is confident that the views of the children are the most important.

By the way, Brad never once said a bad word about his ex-lover. In the interview, he repeatedly said that he blames himself for breaking up. How can a couple try to hide their personal lives from prying eyes, but are you really hiding anything from journalists?

Life shows that parting is not always bad. Maybe this will be the impetus for positive changes in the lives of actors?

Western media revealed methods of raising children, because of which Angelina Jolie divorced Brad Pitt. According to an insider, Pitt constantly shouted at the children, which Angelina simply could not bear. Wherein .

Famous actress. She believes that she could be a great couple for almost divorced with Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt came to an agreement. The court decided that all children will remain with their mother - Angelina, who was the initiator of the divorce.

Current spouse Jennifer Aniston said that. According to him, many people like to rummage through dirty linen, therefore they read similar articles.

The Western press suggested that Angelina, with the support of whom she is making a political career. According to insiders, as soon as they became close to Jolie, her family began to have problems.

As part of the investigation of cases of harsh behavior against their children. Thus, he decided to put an end to the rumors that circulate around his divorce from Jolie.

Intervened for Jennifer Aniston, outraged by that. She noticed that this story does not concern Aniston at all.

Tabloid TMZ has put forward a new version of the breakup of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Reporters believe that. For the sake of this, Angelina is ready to do anything - to travel to the most dangerous places in the world and abandon family comfort.

It became known that - she is known in Hollywood as one of the best professionals involved in divorce proceedings among celebrities. Laura at one time helped to successfully divorce Kim Kardashian,.

For family reasons. There were rumors in the media that the actor would suspend his activities during the divorce proceedings.

The British publication The Sun reports that they are confident in the environment. According to insiders, after working together on the film "Tourist", this couple will be able to reunite again, but now for real.

According to insiders from the environment of Angelina Jolie,. Her children with Brad Pitt are also having a hard time recovering from the events that led to the declaration of divorce.

According to insiders, Angelina Jolie blocks all calls and messages from Brad Pitt. And, which she secretly rented three weeks before filing the divorce proceedings.

Daily Mail reporters questioned Branjelina's nannies about raising their children in this family. According to them, since Angelina gave them too much freedom: she allowed her to wake her parents up at night and lay in their bed, and if the children did not want to study, she immediately arranged a day off for them.

It became known that Brad Pitt Thinks about his wife Angelina Jolie. In a commentary to reporters of a famous publication.

Girlfriend Jennifer Aniston, TV presenter. According to her, Brad Pitt married a crazy woman, so he needed self-medication with marijuana.

For Brad Pitt. She remembered Pitt as a very religious and decent person who appreciates family values.

Comments by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

The fact that the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is not just another PR trick, but a deliberate decision to leave, their fans did not believe until the very end, denying such sad news. However, when the first comments of the artists and their official representatives appeared, the last smoldering hope evaporated. And then everyone's attention was focused on the actors, whose explanations were interesting to hear to everyone without exception.

Brad Pitt, responding to a divorce question, said he was very saddened by this event. But most of all, he worries about the well-being of children, therefore, asks to leave them alone.

I am very saddened by this, but the most important thing now is the well-being of our children. Therefore, I ask the press to leave them alone. In such a difficult time, they deserve it.

Angelina Jolie now refuses to comment on the situation, assigning these functions to her agent Jayer Kosinski. According to him, deciding on a divorce, the actress was primarily guided by their well-being with Brad Pitt children.

Angelina Jolie really filed for divorce. In deciding, she was guided by concern for the well-being of children. Angelina will not comment on what happened and asks the press not to disturb her family during the difficult period that the couple is going through.

Marion Cotillarda love couple of a famous couple?

Evil tongues say that the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is not only to blame for disagreements regarding the upbringing of children. An interesting detail in this story was the shooting of Brad Pitt and the French actress Marion Cotillard, during which the actors were suspected of a secret novel that broke out against the background of their work.

Marion Cotillard herself, who is in a relationship with actor Guillaume Canet, calling them baseless. According to her, the actions in the picture have nothing to do with real life.

And the latest news from Paris directly reports that Guillaume Canet, and this good news for the actress, is overshadowed by rumors related to Brad Pitt. The actress is very disappointed that they talk about her as a homemaker, and all she wants now is to spend time with Canet.

The reaction of other stars: Aniston, Clooney

As soon as it became known about the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, many remembered Jennifer Aniston - the actor’s ex-wife. In a network in which she speaks with all her appearance that Angelina should not underestimate the turns of life. In the light of recent events, Jennifer Aniston was remembered with good reason, since in Hollywood they believed that Jolie had taken Pitt away from her. Therefore, for many years, Aniston was considered a victim of this unfair situation because of which her heart suffered, and the artist for a long time could not establish her personal life. And Jen herself, in response to the news of the divorce of her ex-husband and Angelina,.

A close friend of the couple, Jolly-Pete, could not hide his shock after learning about a star divorce from journalists. For him, this news was a complete surprise, so he only said that this is a rather sad story for the family. Clooney himself, being a convinced bachelor all his life, so family values \u200b\u200bfor him came first. Perhaps for this reason, the actor was so surprised at the breakup of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

I did not know about it. I'm sorry. Unfortunately, this is a sad story for a family.

The relationship between the most beautiful couple in Hollywood

May 2004:  Brad Pitt is married to Jennifer Aniston, but after filming the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," rumors about his romance with Angelina Jolie appear.

January 2005:  Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston announce their breakup.

April 2005:  receive confirmation after the paparazzi photograph them on vacation in Kenya with his adopted son Jolie.

July 2005:  Brangelina takes part in a joint photo shoot in the image of a couple with children. In the same month, Angelina adopts Zahara's second child.

October 2005:  the divorce between Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston is officially completed.

January 2006:  Angelina Jolie admits that she is pregnant from Brad Pitt. The actor decides to adopt her adoptive children.

May 2006:with Brangelina.

December 2006:  Jolie admits that she could not wait every day to shoot Mr. and Mrs. Smith to see Pitt. She is condemned, since at that time he was a married man.

March 2007:jolie-Pitt couple adopts a child from Vietnam.

May 2008:  Angelina Jolie confirms the news that.

October 2008:  Angelina finally admits that her affair with Brad began during the filming of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

July 2008:angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt give birth to a Knox boy and a Vivien girl.

December 2012:Brad and Angelina say that children encourage them to get married, but they want to wait until gay marriage is legalized.

February 2013:Angelina Jolie - removal of the mammary glands to avoid cancer. Brad Pitt at this time supported his wife.

August 2014:  in a narrow family circle.

September 2014:became known - if Brad changes Angelina and his act will cause a divorce, Jolie will become the only guardian of all children.

December 2015:  comes out in which Pitt and Jolie play spouses who are constantly quarreling.

September 2016:  Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt file for divorce.

Watch in our gallery the brightest collaborative releases of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, which all Hollywood envied.

  • For the second week in the world media, discussions about the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have not ceased. While journalists put forward all kinds of versions about the reasons for the discord in the famous family (sometimes absurdly ridiculous), it became known that the real reason for most of the disagreements of the spouses that led to such sad consequences was still the children and the approach to their upbringing. Everyone knows that Jolie has long had serious political ambitions related to the UN: the actress dreams of becoming the top official in the organization, a TMZ source said. In the meantime, Jolie is actively humanitarian in the status of the UN Goodwill Ambassador and for some time has been involving children in this mission. The actor was categorically against the fact that Jolie takes children with him to such war-torn countries as Lebanon and Iraq. Despite the fact that the family always travels accompanied by security services, Pitt considered these measures insufficient.

    On this basis, the relationship between the spouses became very strained. The situation in the pair finally heated up in connection with the latest initiative of Angelina Jolie to take the children with her to Syria, where the actress was going to go to help restore the country destroyed by the war. A TMZ source claims that Brad Pitt always supported Angelina's personal charity work, but she did not understand or share her perseverance in attracting children to her.

    At the moment, Jolie moved out with the children from her and Pitt's family mansion and settled in rented apartments in Los Angeles, the rental of which is $ 98 thousand per month. Angelina also refuses any contact with her husband, blocking all his calls and messages. The actor is in complete shock from what is happening: according to insiders, he did not expect that Angelina was going to file for divorce and would do so to him.

    Angelina Jolie with daughter Shiloh

    Today, representatives of actress Angelina Jolie made an official statement in which they said that Jolie and Pitt decided to divorce. Actress lawyer Robert Offer said that the initiator of the divorce is Angelina Jolie, but "the decision was made to preserve the health of the family."

    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

    "Jolie will not comment on anything and asks to give their family the opportunity to maintain confidentiality," said the lawyer. The official reason for the divorce indicated in the documents is quite traditional for public people - "irreconcilable differences." According to the lawyer Offer, the documented date of divorce is September 15.

    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

    “I’m very upset,” said Brad Pitt in a commentary to People magazine, to whom the couple once sold the rights to wedding photos. “But what concerns me the most now is the well-being of our children. Therefore, I ask the press to give them space at this time of a difficult call "

    "I'm very upset," Brad Pitt said of the divorce.

    Recall that one of the most famous and beautiful couples of our time, actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, began their relationship in 2004 after joint filming in the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." But only after 10 years, in August 2014, they officially formalized the relationship.

    atelier Versace Angelina Jolie's wedding print dress by her children

    For Jolie, whom, this is the third marriage. Prior to that, she was married to actors Johnny Lee Miller (best known for the TV series "Elementary") and Billy Bob Thornton. For Pitt, who will turn 53 in December, this was the second marriage - after a five-year official relationship with Jennifer Aniston.

    Jolie married Johnny Lee Miller at age 21. This marriage lasted three years

    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

    Rumors about the divorce of the famous couple raising six children began to circulate actively in the media about a year ago, after the actress began to rapidly lose weight. But they intensified after, in which Pitt played with the French actress Marion Cotillard.