The whole truth about Kate Middleton’s third pregnancy: why Prince William didn’t want another baby. Sly Duchess: pregnant Kate Middleton hints at twins The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton is pregnant

The “Ideal Duchess” project, launched in 2011, continues to bring dividends to its creators. Perhaps, the British monarchy has never been so lucky with daughters-in-law as with Kate Middleton.

  Like Princess Diana, the Duchess of Cambridge today is the most popular member of the royal family.

Do you think the only thing is that Kate and William really love children and want to have a big family? In family clans of this level, nothing is done spontaneously and is subject to strict internal plans. And in a century when even the cleaning lady of Kensington Palace can plan a pregnancy, not like the Duchess of Cambridge, even children become an excellent means of manipulating public opinion in their favor.

The Duchess of Cambridge was clearly not going to become pregnant in the coming year. This is evidenced not only by her very tight schedule of protocol events and visits, and not even by the new duties that the “senior citizen” Prince Philip transferred to her. It was evident that Kate liked her family in its current composition, where there are exactly as many children as the mother has hands.

After the birth of Prince George, everyone understood that with the next pregnancy, Kate would not drag on for a long time: to give birth to a "reserve" candidate for the throne, preferably the weather, is the holy duty of every queen, including the future. But after the birth of Princess Charlotte on the face of the Duchess of Cambridge practically read: "Oh, that's it." Is it a joke: two severe early toxicosis, two marathons of exhausting workouts and procedures to restore a beautiful body, streams of criticism and accusations of "laziness", only because she is not ready to sacrifice very young children for the next protocol event.

And after all this, go to the third round ?!

Obviously, the plans changed this summer, when the "anniversary" anniversary of the death of Princess Diana nullified the rating of the royal family. About the personal rating of the next king, Prince Charles and can not speak. A couple of years ago, opinion polls indicated that the “people forgave” the Prince of Wales to his past sins and was even ready to accept Camilla as the wife of Charles the King. Where this peace-loving rhetoric has gone now is well known to those who have decided how to make money by tidying up the past.

  Prince Charles and Princess Diana

The Royal Court suggested a similar development. But it is unlikely that he knew all the "trump cards" in the arms of journalists. Extended reprint of the book “Diana. Her True Story ”, which included transcripts of frank recordings of the Princess of Wales. Documentary film “Diana. In her own words, ”which used videos of private lessons of oratory, in which she was too talkative. Hundreds of publications of the memoirs of friends, servants, lovers - real and imaginary. Such a obscurantism of the press around her person was not there for a very long time.

It seemed that from the very beginning of the summer there were no other informational occasions in the royal family, except for the late princess and her problems - from bulimia to adultery.

All this did not just undo the old deep wound, but, it seems, rolled back the whole situation around the death of the princess exactly 20 years ago. Elizabeth II, impressed, even ran away with her husband to Balmoral, causing a painful deja vu from the subjects: it was in this Scottish residence that the Queen sat out in the first days after the death of Diana Spencer. And the British press again filled with headlines about the death of the monarchy, which Princess Diana had prepared for her (the short-sighted woman was so passionate about revenge on Charles that she did not even bother to think that she was depriving her own sons of employment).

But then a “miracle” happened.

The announcement of the third pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge instantly turned her attention from the untwisted, but already dead Princess Diana to her living, though green from toxicosis, daughter-in-law. And in this regard, by the way, it becomes clear why Prince Harry is in no hurry to announce his engagement to Meghan Markle. To give out this news now would be to try to remove all the trump cards from the royal sleeves at once. In addition, it is likely that, against the background of information about the third child, Kate and Ulyama, the news of the engagement with Megan would be blurred. So, to plug the streams of sewage drained onto the queen and her family, Katherine was thrown in proud loneliness.

But the duchess is no stranger. For the umpteenth time, Kate rescues the British monarchy, moving away from the edge

The most revealing until today was her brilliant behavior against the backdrop of the scandal surrounding Prince William, who thoughtlessly “walked” his reputation in the Alps with friends. But what she has done for the royal court now is an unprecedented gesture of loyalty.

  The Kate Middleton brand is incredibly popular not only in the UK, but also abroad. Therefore, Elizabeth II willingly sends her grandson and wife with diplomatic missions to the “problem” countries, relations with which must be freshened up.

The fact that the wife of the future king is expecting a third child was announced immediately after the mourning events dedicated to the memory of Princess Diana. It is simply impossible to imagine a better moment, and there is no doubt that it was correctly calculated by the press service of the Kensington Palace (it is not for nothing that these people eat their bread). Elizabeth II graciously allowed the subjects to let off steam, silently withstood all the “revelations” and “sensations” regarding the relationship between Diana and the Windsor, she awaited the climax on August 31 and ... gracefully, non-violently shut her mouth. Or, which more accurately reflects the essence, - threw a new juicy “bone” to the public. And the British, longing for the positive, readily began to procrastinate "the most amazing news of the year." As early as September 3rd, newspapers praised Princess Diana, the destroyer of the monarchy, and from lunch on the 4th there was no more important news than the news that a new prince (or princess) would soon be born in Britain.

Today, Kate Middleton beats the mother-in-law with a crushing score of 20: 1. Such is the approximate proportion of publications about one and the other in the English press. And to this joyful noise, the main (if you think about it) culprit of Windsor’s problems, Prince Charles, can relieve himself with a favorite martini glass for the health of his daughter-in-law and another grandson. Indeed, now the future of Charles III directly depends on this. At least for the next 5 years you can exhale. And there, apparently, the turn of Harry and Megan will come to cover his royal back.

  Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles

Royal observers are ready to argue that the duchess is waiting for twins and happy to hint to everyone.

A very curious fact: of the variety of colors that the Duchess of Cambridge could choose for her first and then second appearance in public after the announcement of pregnancy, Kate settled on two: blue and pink. Why not lavender? Or your favorite milky white? Not creamy? Not red peas, finally. Two absolutely classic shades - powdery blue - at first, and pink - now. Do you believe this is an accident? It is believed that all this is not without reason.

The first appearance of Kate after the announcement of pregnancy was held under the blue flag. October 10, 2017

Kate's second appearance turned out to be pink. October 16, 2017

  The Duchess of Cambridge at an event of the Forum of Charitable Children's Organizations on Monday, October 16. During this event, Kate was introduced to the teddy bear Paddington, a favorite of British children, and even offered to dance with him. Kate did not refuse.

And now the duchess has completely confused everyone, choosing for a second public appearance a dress very similar in meaning to Orla Kiely, only pink, and again with black trim. Particularly impressive royal observers saw in this sign: "I am waiting for twins, a girl and a boy." Actually, why not? The Royal Family insiders claimed that the Cambridge want to follow the example of Elizabeth II and are aimed at a large family. Moreover, at the beginning of this year, rumors appeared strange, as it seemed then, that Kate had thought about IVF some time ago, because she wanted to quickly close the topic of pregnancies (they certainly did not add health to her, but time was passing).

  The belly of the Duchess of Cambridge really looks larger than usual for a period of 13 weeks.

Her colleague, Princess of Monaco Charlene, did just that, having given birth to prince Alber of heterosexual twins (and although no one officially announced IVF, most agree that it could not have done without him). And finally, the most curious argument: “astral sister” Kate, the Crown Princess Mary of Denmark gave birth first to a boy, then a girl, and then immediately twins, moreover, heterosexual. And again, this gave rise to rumors about IVF, which the royal house of Denmark chose not to comment on. So, the Duchess of Cambridge has someone to look up to (read: The Swedish family: who is to blame for the royal baby boom). And observers claim that the shades of Kate's dresses indicate that she knows for sure that she will have heterosexual twins.

  Crown Prince Federic and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark with twins - Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine. The babies were born in 2011, having doubled the number of children in the hereditary pair at once.

Before the Duchess of Cambridge became a mother for the second time, the Western tabloids doubled their vigilance and began to monitor both the frequency of her appearances in public and the slightest changes in her figure. The question of whether the monarchy couple would stop for two children, or would take an example from Elizabeth II and plan at least four, interested everyone and everyone for the past two years. The gossip that circulated in the press added spice to the plot. It was rumored that Kate wanted to give birth to another baby in order to more closely tie her husband to herself. And her missus, whose swan fidelity after a bachelor party in Switzerland is hard to believe, allegedly was not eager to expand the family. Apparently, Kate and William managed to find a compromise: Middleton is again in an interesting position. the site recalls the difficult path of the Duchess Catherine to a much-desired third pregnancy and finds out which rumors about her turned out to be true, and which - the invention of anonymous "well-wishers."

Information about a possible third pregnancy of Kate Middleton has been exaggerated in the press for a long time, but no one was in a hurry to believe the ubiquitous anonymous close to the royal family, because the figure of the duchess, who ignored the existence of fashionable oversize outfits, remained slender girlish. However, in the summer of 2017, even the most persistent skeptics doubted whether the tabloids were really right ?!

It seemed strange to many that since July of this year, the wife of Prince William has ceased to appear in public. In late August, the Australian online publication Women’s Day gave amusing news: an insider told the portal that Katherine was in the hospital. The anonymous source did not name the reason for hospitalization, but said that the next day the Duchess of Cambridge was discharged from the clinic, and she returned safely home. Then many fans of the British royal family remembered Kate's two previous pregnancies: during them, she felt unwell due to very severe toxicosis and turned to doctors for help. Apparently, this time the scenario has not changed, because on September 4, the press service of Kensington Palace officially confirmed that the 35-year-old duke and duchess of Cambridge will again become parents.

  “Katherine is expecting a third child. The Queen and members of both families are very happy about this news. As in two previous pregnancies, the duchess suffers from severe toxicosis. That is why Her Highness canceled the planned visit to the children's center in London. Now the duchess is in Kensington Palace, where she is provided with the necessary assistance, ”the message says.

According to Western glossy magazines, Kate Middleton is about the second or third month of pregnancy. It is expected that the baby will be born in April or March 2018. The royal family decided to no longer hide the interesting position of the Duchess, because due to poor health she would not be able to fulfill her duties and would rarely appear in public. Most likely, Katherine will go on maternity leave early again.

Prince Harry already knows about the good news, who recently returned to the UK from a romantic trip to Botswana with his sweetheart Meghan Markle. According to Uncle Prince George and Princess Charlotte, he is very happy for his brother and daughter-in-law. “I hope Kate is fine,” Harry told reporters during a September 4 charity event.

By the way, the well-known Gary Goldsmith is also aware of the third pregnancy of her niece - it was the British millionaire who helped his sister's eldest daughter to conquer the prince, paying her tuition at a prestigious university, expensive outfits and relaxation in luxury resorts.

  “This is by far the best news of the year. She is really going to be a mother. I wonder if she will stop at three kids? Honestly, I don’t think so. He and Will do not mind children, ”the businessman told The Daily Mail.

It is curious that not so long ago, Kate and William, according to rumors, were not eager to expand the family - the spouses were completely satisfied that they already have a son and a daughter. the site recalls the gossip and myths that preceded the third pregnancy of the Duchess Catherine, and understands why she decided to give birth to another baby right now.

Give birth to save marriage

At first glance, it seems that Prince William and Kate Middleton are happy in marriage. However, one has only to take a closer look at the monarch’s couple more closely, as our psychologists did, as it turns out that not everything is perfect in their family. However, you do not need to be an expert in the field of relations in order to predict the reaction of the duchess to her husband’s rampant behavior.

In March of this year, William and his friends went to Switzerland, where he spent several days in the ski resort of Verbier. According to anonymous sources, during this trip, the Duke of Cambridge acted as a bachelor, flirted left and right and did not stop at just one flirt ...

Upon returning home, William was not waiting for a covered table with bread and salt, but a rather cold reception. Insiders claimed that Catherine refused to talk with her husband for several days.

  “Kate seriously believed that the hangouts and dubious friends of William were a thing of the past. She considers this situation to be very humiliating and terribly angry with her husband, even if there is no question of parting, ”said an insider at the Vanity Fair Buckingham Palace.

However, after a few weeks, the couple again gently smiled at each other in public. It is possible that the meeting with the family psychologist and sexologist who helped them overcome the crisis had a beneficial effect on the couple.

Interestingly, one of the anonymous authors then suggested that after the incident with a bachelor party in Switzerland, Kate would become pregnant with her third child. According to the source, Middleton, who suddenly realized that her husband could get away from her, should have thought about a kind of "airbag" in the form of another baby.

Lazy Katie

However, some fans of the British royal family are sure that this is not a hypothetical betrayal. They say that Kate desperately wanted to get pregnant for the third time before Prince George went to preparatory private school, and she was obliged to leave the prolonged maternity leave. Since the beginning of this week, Catherine had to plunge headlong into royal duties and appear more often at events, but instead she announced an interesting situation.

Insiders have long been outraged that the Duchess of Cambridge is always out of work. They say that Queen Elizabeth II is also not happy at all.

Recently, the wife of Prince William was even called the laziest representative of the British royal family: she rarely speaks in public and often cancels meetings at the last minute.

However, the young mother also has advocates who are sure that she needs to spend more time with the children while they are small. In addition, according to British media, Catherine is very worried when she has to make speeches in front of a large number of people - supposedly she developed a real phobia that poisons her life.

Become a mother in spite of her husband

According to another version, Katherine decided on a third child, without even consulting her husband. In July of this year, the American magazine Life & Style wrote that Prince William did not want to think about another kid. The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II is glad that he has a son and daughter. “He is sure that their family has already formed. And Catherine dreams of a third, because she herself grew up in a large family, ”said the insider. According to the anonymous author, the heir to the British throne was mentally unprepared for the next replenishment in the family.

A few months ago, journalist Phil Dampier talked with the duchess at one of the receptions. During this conversation, Kate jokingly admitted that if she had given birth to a third, Will would have left, slamming the door.

Middleton herself did not even hide that she really wants to become a mother again. During a recent official visit to Poland, she was presented with toys for babies. The Duchess thanked for the present and, looking at her husband, pointedly said: "Now we need another baby."

On the same day as my sister

Last week, foreign media talked about how Pippa Middleton, the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, is preparing to become a mother. And although there has not yet been official confirmation of information about Pippa's pregnancy from her family or reputable magazines, fans are sure that this is about to happen.

“Kate and Pippa have long dreamed that one day they would simultaneously become pregnant. Apparently, they will succeed. Katherine now lives in London because Prince George will go to school there. And Pippa’s apartment with her husband is just in the center. Just imagine how great it will be when the sisters go to the children's store together to buy clothes for future babies or go to yoga classes for pregnant women, ”a family friend told Us Weekly. Well, we can easily do it!

Get to Megan

Another curious, but frankly, somewhat dubious rumor circulated in the media a couple of months ago. Insiders claimed that Kate did not want to have a baby in the near future because of the girl of Prince Harry. According to anonymous authors, Middleton was annoyed that her beloved darling was becoming more popular day by day.

Like, the Duchess of Cambridge was horrified about what would happen if she gets pregnant at the same time as Meghan Markle. Katherine likes when all attention is paid to her, especially when she is in an interesting position.

If you are guided by the logic of insiders, then we can assume that the wife of Prince William just decided to hurry up and get pregnant before Megan. Outrunning Markle on all fronts is a matter of principle for Middleton.

The attention focused on William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, and his wife Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is no coincidence, because most likely they will become the next crowned person of Great Britain.

Therefore, news from their personal lives is not easy private facts, but an event that concerns an entire nation. The last such news, confirmed by the official page of the royal dynasty (Twitter) was the news that Kate Middleton was pregnant with her third child.

Rumors about this began to appear when Kate got to the hospital for one day. Before this, the ubiquitous press, which literally follows every public movement of the couple, noted that Middleton had obviously lost weight. Journalists have suggested that this is due to the interesting position of the spouse of the prince. The reason was that during the two previous pregnancies of the Duchess, was accompanied by fairly severe toxicosis in the first three months.

As was later confirmed, their version was correct. Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child in 2017, and is experiencing certain health difficulties. That is why some previously scheduled official meetings were canceled.

In January, the 9th, Kate celebrated her 35th birthday. She was 29 years old when on April 29 in 2011 one of the most grandiose events in the life of the royal dynasty took place. The second heir, after his father, Prince Charles, Prince William married Kate Middleton. The ceremony was not only broadcast around the world, but also in terms of scope became one of the majestic events. About 2,000 people were invited to the wedding at Wetstminster Abbey alone, among them many high-level aristocrats and famous people. People from all over the world gathered at the ceremony itself.

This wedding is noteworthy in that Katherine herself only after the wedding received the title of Duchess of Cambridge from Elizabeth 2, before that she did not belong to the aristocracy. If you look at the history of the dynasty, then the last time this happened in the second half of the 16th century (in 1660). King James II of York took as his wife the maid of honor without titles Anne Hight, whom the common people loved. Therefore, this event is somewhat significant.

Over the years, Kate Middleton and Prince William made the royal court, the nation twice happy. In 2013 (July 22), Prince George was born, who became the third heir after his grandfather and father. Just two years later, Princess Charlotte was born in the royal dynasty, whom Kate gave birth in 2015 (May 2). And here is the latest news, report Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

This is a really important event, because the preservation and multiplication of the dynasty of England is a symbol of the stability of stability, the prosperity of the monarchy. Although the economic situation in the country is led by the Prime Minister (currently Teresa May) along with a bicameral parliament, the Queen has a huge influence not only in the UK, but around the world. That is why, to be accepted by Elizabeth 2 is an honor, which turns out to be few.

The prestige of the dynasty is an extremely important issue. And the fact that for ordinary families is just life's upheavals, such as divorce, infidelity, for dynastic families undermine the reputation. Therefore, the breakup between Prince Charles and Princess Diana, his marriage to Sarah Parker, was so painfully perceived.

But, and of course, the tragedy for all was the tragic death of the mother of princes William and Harry, Diana. She has earned worldwide love thanks to her charm, kindness, and charitable work. As the web spread rumors "something is amiss in the Kingdom of England." Elizabeth herself painfully experienced all these events. The wedding of the prince of the birth of two heirs helped restore his reputation.

The married couple of Prince William and Kate Middleton is considered exemplary in terms of behavior, etiquette, human and family relationships. They are a really beautiful couple, athletic, tall, always smiling and friendly. They adequately present themselves as ambassadors from the dynasty on all official visits and trips. The merit of Kate Middleton is no less than her spouse, the prince.

The news that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child only strengthened this reputation.

Katherine's path to the heights

If someone believes that the story of Kate is a Cinderella story, then this is far from the case. From the point of view of the plot it may be, but the road to this peak was not easy.

Katherine was born into the family of a pilot, formerly an air traffic controller, Michael Francis Middleton, and flight attendant Carol Elizabeth. Maternal ancestors were ordinary people who worked in mines in Durham. Father comes from the middle class. Of the highlights in the biography of the ancestors, one can name a distant relative of Thomas Davis, who went down in the history of England as the author of religious hymns. Additionally, the eighth-generation Middleton is a relative of George Washington, who was the first US president.

The family has two youngest children, Philip's sister, brother James. Pippa's sister recently married a millionaire. The press has a lot of photos of this event, especially focusing on the picture where Katherine carefully corrects the bride’s train. An interesting coincidence, while Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, there are rumors that her sister is also in an interesting position.

Later, Katherine's parents will start their own business (1987). They will organize a company that will be engaged in sending out Party Pieces packages, selling souvenirs. Things will go quite successfully, this will allow parents to give their children a decent education and ensure a high standard of living.

Since childhood, Kate has been persistent in character. She studied well, strove for leadership. This compares favorably with the younger sister. First there was a school in St. Andrews. Then Marlborough College. In it, she was trained under the program of the Duke of Edinburgh, the highest level, passing the exams with excellent marks.

A remarkable detail. Katherine attended a theater club while studying. In one of the performances, she was appointed to the role of a girl whom the prince fell in love with. And what a coincidence, he was a tall blond, and his name was William.

Maybe now, when Kate Middleton is already pregnant with her third child from a real prince, she recalls this fateful moment from her biography.

When college is over, Middleton takes a one-year hiatus from her studies, determining her choice of school. Traveling in Italy, is studying in Florence (3 months Florence British Institute), studying art history, linguistics. Goes on an expedition to Chile, according to a volunteer international program. And here is another noteworthy coincidence, a year earlier, in the same expedition, Prince William took part.

After a year-long break, Kate decided on the choice of university, enters St. Andrews University (Scotland, Fife), specializing in art history. She will graduate with honors from the second degree.

During her studies, Katherine was actively involved in sports, moreover, in various forms: tennis, rowing, athletics (high jump). In college, the university played in the women's hockey team, at one time was the captain. In the photo, even now, when Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, we see her toned, slim figure.

Sport played an important role here. William and Catherine still lead an active lifestyle, do rowing, play tennis, love to ride a bicycle, skiing. They like to travel freely, although now they manage to do it less often. Now they are the personification of the royal dynasty, public activity takes a lot of time.

Love story

Studying at the university, Katherine is actively involved in various charity events. At one of these events, the fateful meeting of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place. It was a charity fashion show organized at the university. Katherine acted as a model. Ulyam was trained at St. Andrews University, he attended the show as a spectator. Kate defiled on the catwalk in a transparent veil dress, under which was a short top and shorts.

A beautiful girl with a perfect fit figure impressed the prince, although he was present at the show with her friend. We can say that from this moment begins this novel, which will last almost ten years. That is how much time Middleton will have to wait until William officially proposes to her. A love affair developed gradually. The prince was quite amorous, for obvious reasons and due to external attractiveness, he was popular with women.

At first, their relationship looked like friendship. They say that Catherine was able to convince the prince not to quit studying at the university. But gradually friendship grew into closer relations; in the second year of study, they already rented joint housing. It was the house in which the company of students lived. The public recognition of Kate as a girl of Prince Ulyama will only happen in 2004, when they rested together at a ski resort.

Since 2005, they will already be shown together at various events. Journalists have previously paid attention to the private life of the loving prince, but from now on, Kate is under their vigilant attention. In fact, the paparazzi accompany her everywhere, all the long 6 years until the wedding. And it should be noted that the girl passed the test with honor. She was never taken by surprise, she always looked good, kept herself dignified and natural.

True, once she filed a lawsuit when the paparazzi's importunity began to cross all permissible boundaries. All these years the couple met, only in 2007 there was a gap of two months. It is hard to say what caused it. The official version suggests that William wanted to concentrate on the military profession. This is a dynasty tradition, the candidate for the throne should receive a military specialty, become an officer.

All these long years were tested not only the feelings of lovers, there were unspoken bridegrooms from the royal family. Believe me, one wrong move or a reckless act could cross out everything, especially since Middolton is not from a titled family. Katherine understood this perfectly, we can say that she was preparing herself for this mission.

Her recognition was that she received invitations to official ceremonies of the royal dynasty, for example, the wedding of her half-sister William. Before deciding on the wedding, Middleton had a personal audience of Queen Elizabeth 2, the girl passed the test and earned approval.

Engaging Kate, the prince presented her with the very ring that Charles had given Princess Diana. She is touching about the memory of the mother of the spouse. They say that she had a conflict with Camila Parker, when she impartially spoke out against Diana.

An interesting fact, the transparent dress in which Prince Kate saw was sold at auction for 115 thousand dollars. Does she remember him now, her seductive outfit, which, in part, paved her way to the prince’s heart when Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child,

The fact that the spouses' feelings are strong, contrary to rumors, is evidenced by the last trip to India, Bhutan. They visited the Taj Mahal Temple of Love, where they took pictures on a bench from which a magnificent structure can be seen.

Double replenishment is expected in the royal family. The tabloids of Great Britain joyfully reiterate this.

Not so long ago it became known that Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, the wife of the grandson of the British Queen and the second in line for the British throne, Prince William is expecting a third child. The couple already has two children: five-year-old son George, the next heir to the throne, and two-year-old daughter Charlotte.

The news that you need to prepare for the birth of twins came as a surprise to the royal family. Indeed, in her family tree such cases are rare. The first good news couple told mother and sister Kate. But the ruling queen for some reason found out about this almost from media reports.

Ultrasound results showed that Kate Middleton will have girls. In the first months of pregnancy, the future twin mother had a difficult time. She suffered from severe toxicosis and for this reason did not even appear at official events, where her presence was very desirable, and sometimes necessary.

A number of fans of the royal family say that for a pregnant state, Kate Middleton looks rather thin. But in every woman, the period of pregnancy proceeds with individual characteristics. In addition, the young Duchess of Cambridge is under reliable "medical supervision" and the love of loved ones is also surrounded, which often works more healingly than any medicine.