Short haircuts like zemfira. From “my boys” to ladies: How the scene made the stars “dress better.” How it was

Frank interview with a personal master of stars

Alexey NAGORSKY - a stylist who really went through the thorns on his way to the stars. For the sake of his beloved business, he dropped out of medical university, left relatives and friends in Belarusian Vitebsk and moved to Russia. First, Peter conquered Alex, then he moved to Moscow. He stuffed his hand in the capital in different salons and eventually achieved success. Now many celebrities trust him with their beauty. Even such closed from the eyes and even more so the hands of strangers, such as the singer ZEMFIRA and actress Renata LITVINOVA.

Do you think everything is so simple in the beauty industry? You see only a beautiful label, but inside everything is completely different. There are a lot of expensive salons, but among them worth counting is on the fingers, ”Lesha began the story. - I have seen a lot of everything for my experience. Somewhere, the owners control every step you take, and even in your free time, you are forbidden to cut friends or family - they regard this as a betrayal. Somewhere they don’t give out salaries for years ... At the same time, everything seems expensive and rich, but in reality it’s tinsel. Stuffing bumps in search of a new salon, I still found a place in which I was comfortable. It was a salon at an elite cosmetology clinic, which only a select few knew about. There was not even a sign on the entrance, but very rich customers, including stars, were served. It was in this salon that I met Renata Litvinova a year and a half ago. She came there for facial massage, and her daughter Ulyana came to me for styling.

Seeing the result, Renata decided to try it too. I admit, I was very worried, because I worked with the stars more than once, but for the first time I served such a celebrity. She always looks so perfect that for a moment my doubt crept in if I could do everything at the highest level. Fortunately, the actress was satisfied and periodically began to come for styling. And one day she came to the salon with Zemfira.

And in appearance you can’t say that the singer is a lover of beauty salons ...

This day I remembered very well. Renata asked me for scissors - they say she wants to cut something off. I thought the tag from the dress, so I began to look for stationery scissors. But he did not find and decided that it was not a pity for Renata and hairdressers. I look, Zemfira sits in a chair, and Renata with scissors goes to her. I jump with the words: “Wait a minute, are you going to cut Zemfira ?!” Renata calmly replied that she wanted to remove the strand that was knocked out. Naturally, I offered my help, to which Litvinova replied: "No, Zemfira does not trust the new stylists." But I could not look at it calmly and suggested another option.

I just combed my hair and said where, in my opinion, there is something superfluous. If agreed, by a shear, if not, leave. So together we made a pretty cool haircut Zemfira, after which she got up and ran away on their business. A little later, Renata informed me that Zemfira was very pleased with my work, and plans to come to me again in a month. I was stunned by the mere thought that both of these delightful women had entrusted me with their beauty. Thus began our communication. And by the way, in fact, Zemfira is seriously following herself: a gym, a cosmetologist, manicure - all this is absolutely not alien to her. Just the same manicure and makeup she does nude - as close to natural as possible. Another story is her hair. It seems to some that this is just a mess on the head, but actually making a hairstyle so that everything is smooth, easier than creating light chaos with certain proportions. Zemfira has a special look at the haircut: we can finish the job, chat for half an hour, during which time she constantly shakes her hair, checks how they lie. Sometimes after these manipulations we still cut something. True, sometimes she later catches herself: “But were we not cutting this in vain?” However, it’s very comfortable to work with her: she never flatters, does not weave intrigue - if she doesn’t like something, she will say directly. Infrequently there are people with such qualities.

But at the same time for many Zemfira remains a mystery.

She is a mystery to me. That's why she and Zemfira. Despite the fact that I work with her, I know as much as she talks about herself. And this is normal: each of us has his own world in which outsiders do not always have a place.

I know you accompany her on a concert tour. Have you already studied the habits of a star?

Yes, the truth is not in all cities. Yet I can’t leave my salon customers. Tour is a completely different world. For me this is the first such experience and I can say that there are a lot of impressions. What is it worth watching the concert from the “other side” when you see the result of the painstaking work of Zemfira and her musicians. As for habits, after the performance, the singer does not lock herself in her room to take a bath and relax, but actively discusses the concert with the whole team. She follows the reaction, it seems, of each viewer - for a long time then digests all this. This is also very nice to watch.

Is there something in the appearance of Renata and Zemfira that you, as a professional, don’t really like?

No, I wouldn’t change anything, because both have an established style. Even if Renata covers her face, everyone will still understand that this is Litvinova. Same thing with Zemfira. They are very harmonious in their image, for them it is already a state of mind. Zemfira, for example, is very energetic and creative: through her appearance, she shows her attitude - a protest to the world of glamor.

Do you only deal with the appearance of artists or are star clothes also in your competence?

I don’t go into it, because Renata has an impeccable taste.

And who dresses Zemfira?

Zemfira also copes well.

You can’t call work with stars easy, many of them are rather capricious.

Moreover, the smaller the star, the more she thinks about herself. It really pisses me off! And, on the contrary, it is a pleasure to work with people who are not the first year in the profession. For example, I really like Sati Casanova, although at first she seemed a little moody to me. I assured me that you will never make a soft “wave” with an iron. In such cases, I say: "I have a goal, and you should not care how I achieve it." After that, Sati calmed down. And during the filming, I looked at her with different eyes - I worked very professionally. We became friends and began to cooperate. By the way, she still doesn’t like ironing, especially for her now I carry a cone curling iron with me.

With whom else did you dive?

Once he got into trouble on the set with singer Maxim. She came with wet hair and asked me to dry it for brushing. But I didn’t have it. Well, he’s usually not needed on the set. As a result, the singer did not agree to any persuasion, she said that besides brushing, she did not dry her hair. I had to quickly search. However, you should not assume that I work only with the stars. No matter how many people think, a stylist does not need stars every day, so as a result, I spend most of the time with salon clients. Working with people in this area means always thinking about what you might be interested in. For more than a year now I have been working in the Brush salon-school, where every girl, in addition to the classic salon services, can learn what we can do. For example, do your own styling, curl beautiful curls, do professional makeup. But I never refuse to cooperate with the stars

On August 26, 1976, Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova, one of the most beloved and successful Russian performers, was born. Her exotic name, previously associated with the Pushkin heroine and the brand of fortified wine, is now no less familiar than the name of Pushkin himself. We propose to trace how the singer’s appearance has changed over two decades of her career.

At the beginning of her career (in 1998), the appearance of the singer was, to put it mildly, strange: stretched T-shirts, ridiculous hoodies, untidy hair and just terrible skin. 20 years have passed since then: Zemfira continues to delight fans with new songs, collects stadiums and has changed a lot.

Eleventh grader Zemfira Ramazanova. No fashionable 90s hairstyles, instead of them ultra-short haircut. And no makeup. Do you recognize the future great singer?

And who is we so green? Meet the new star of the Russian rock scene, singer Zemfira, who just blew up the Maxidrom festival with her hits from her debut album. Highlighting, sloppy haircut, no makeup and dark glasses. Without them, Zemfira appeared in public extremely rarely.

Does anyone seem to forget to wash their hair? Well, you came to listen to music, and not to look at trends in hairstyles.

To hell with half measures! Highlighting in the past, it is replaced by a cardinal blond. So what, that the roots have grown. Double chin? No, I have not heard. But fashionable blue glasses.

And yet, highlighting is cooler. Haircut - no comment. The main thing is more hair on the face. And remember: Z means Zemfira!

It seems that a stylist appeared in the singer’s life. Zemfira lost weight, dyed her hair a noble color, “worked” with her problematic skin, finally took off her glasses and began to smile. Another would be to make eyebrow correction, and there will be a beauty!

Minus a few more pounds, the skin glows, eyebrows are just a sight for sore eyes! Is it good ?! Not a word like that!

Another change of image: a new haircut, a colder shade of hair, a pair of feathers under gray hair on a bang. Zemfira looks very stylish and modern. The "Olympic" is crowded and screams with delight.

Well, beauty, then ?! Everything is fine here: a haircut, and the perfect tone of the face, and eyebrows. Zemfira returned to her “warm” hair color, dressed in all black and looks gorgeous. Maybe this is the beneficial influence of Renata Litvinova?

And here something went wrong. Cheekbones, we do not argue, are luxurious, but the protruding collarbones are already too much. Zemfira, stop losing weight! Evil tongues whisper that the singer suffers from anorexia, is abusing drugs and is generally terminally ill. Fortunately, all this turned out to be just gossip.

It seems to be looking good. But a little makeup wouldn't hurt.

Asked for makeup - get it! Yes, what! The pink arrows for Zemfira, who had not previously been noticed in the passion for makeup, is a real breakthrough! Hairstyle also changed for the better. How about a pink t-shirt? Not black! Pink!

Here she is, the queen of rock and roll, in the light of spotlights and the sparkle of sequins! Perfect face tone, smoky-eyes and the most radiant smile.

It’s clear that this is a production shoot, but it can, when it wants to! Still, competent makeup works real miracles!

2016 at Zemfira is very busy. The singer turned 40 years old, she traveled half the world with a tour, started a page on Instagram.

Now Zemfira is 42, and she still does not give interviews. Although the singer recently talked with fans on social networks and talked about future plans: the singer is no longer going to go on tours - even in honor of the 20th anniversary of her first album "Zemfira", which was released in the spring of 1999. But there is good news: the singer is going to record a new album.

Concert 14. 10. 16 ". Little man" kts hall "Olympic".
Black Hall, soulful sounds of a guitar. "Death of the House Will Not Catch," so I am leaving. I am leaving "on a visit" to a special girl, to Zemfira. Call me. And I will wait, "she smiles ?, which means I’m calm. Without preambles, the composition sounds and I recognize a familiar, angry voice, a sober look. And I will be frozen. I will shoot in the back."

I'm leaving myself. Yes I'm here. I understand that we saw each other: "Live in Your Head." She pleasantly and completely unexpectedly surprises me from the doorway. “Girl with a Guitar”, a ruffled teenager angular and slightly offended by the whole world, ceased to exist. Zemfira is new. Inner light and natural beauty blow around her. No, Zemfira didn’t “Kill” the teenager, did not cross him, did not grow by years. She is ours. But right before my eyes Zemfira became different. Here on the stage is the same Zemfira, I know her. Not verbose, not changing black dense color, with the same hairstyle on the side, but different! Graceful artist, musician, subtly feeling the audience. Very beautiful girl. Her filled with lively eyes, a rarity in our time. Gold make-up is very effective with her black jacket and powerful boots. She says from time to time with the audience: "And finally, I learned to be friends! And I like it!", - Admitted in the spirit of Zemfira.
Once again I catch myself thinking that Zemfira did not grow and did not stiffen in the form of "Inveterate Rocker". Not at all. Zemfira just waited for time and freed herself from a ruffled cocoon. He slept, shook himself, flew around like feathers and sank there, behind her. She stepped forward to meet the viewer as she was. I recognize her again.
I didn’t understand her before, but I liked to listen to one of her songs of choice “Macho”, “searched”, and an amazing “city”, but these were single and prepared “visits” to visit Zemfira. "Zemfira" is like an ocean, and I, like a person who likes water and the sea, but seeing the ocean for the first time, I understandly admire, get scared, go into the water ankle-deep and taste the ocean with my feet. That's how I imagined Zemfira’s work in 2006-2010. The time when taking her disc from the shelf, I knew for sure that I would listen to only one song, I could not stand it anymore. Not enough emotions!
Now is another time. The second 10th anniversary of the 20th century. October 2016, Zemfira’s concert "Little Man". She "updated me on stage" Meets. Great sound, amazing surround, guys - guitarists - professionals, you can’t say any more. In the hall, every sound is heard, every breath and drum kick. For this, Zemfira at the end of our meeting will say “thank you!” To each of the musicians. That's the name of her song.
But the "Ocean" has not gone anywhere. Just a man - I grew up and began to invest and understand the meanings. I have songs of the sorceress of sound - Zemfira settled down and turned, it seems into a classic. Her ocean is still here, I repeat again. she is not angry with the world. It’s just that Zemfira came out of the waves, turned around, and as if she were telling me: “you see, this is my way. Yes, it is. I’m still following it. So if you’re not afraid, here’s my hand for you - hold it and follow me. You will see, this is a special way, the way of rock music of the 2000s. Yes, yes, my friend, he is alive. Join. "And I will wait, and I will know. What is after the eternal sun. "
And now, thinking, turning to the shore and land underfoot, I take a confident step forward, I go knee-deep into the ocean. No, I don’t rush into the water with my head, because under Zemfira this is impossible. She simply will not let you do this, as a musician who subtly - subtly feels the matter of sound and the influence of a word. Zemfira will say: "Do not borscht, Think." After all, her ocean is a place where there is no place for a riot of feelings from zero to one hundred percent. Not.
Her music penetrates you like smoke gradually, then settles inside and you get used to it. At the next meeting, you want to inhale twice, and then you just stand alone with your breasts apart, inhale, close your eyes, go into yourself. And Zemfira "Sounds in Your Head Unknowingly and Unintentionally." Just like the first snow, you wait for it, rejoice, but you are afraid that if more than a meter is poured, the magic of the effect will disappear. A meter of snow, one lies on the other, can not be found, then "Hold Me by the Hand" and that’s all. "Stars accidentally fell into my empty pockets. I'm going happy and drunk." Music is Zemfira's second language. And when you begin to understand it, you see these droplets of waves sparkling with splashes of light, which are washed ashore, give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale and boundaries of this ocean called Zemfira.
The concert show fills me with senses, although I hear the same songs. Zemfira is amazing. It does not deprive the listener of the very songs that you used to walk in your pocket as a teenager: “Do you want,” “looked for” (“brother”), “macho”, “river”.
It’s impossible to get used to the ocean. Because he, standing still, is changing from the inside. He is different! And Zemfira - amazing, feminine, alluring with a lively look. It is sincere, and sincerity to a person is expensive and it is paid more expensively. I will say that this October "Campaign to the Guests" to Zemfira was successful. A strong-minded person can enter the stage on Birthday. Congratulations, dear to the listening heart, Zemfira. And she at the end says: "We will have the opportunity to repeat all this for a bottle of wine." Saying goodbye to me and the Olimpiyskiy, “P. M. M. L.” sounds (“forgive me my love”: “it's too late, it's too late to think about something. You, I smell, need air.” And this it’s really great to feel the amazing ocean, the ocean of music!

The new hairstyle of the singer is a real hit in beauty salons

Thanks to Massato, Zemfira's new hairstyle has become a real hit in beauty salons. When the maestro invited OK! for an exclusive report on his work with the singer, we did not hesitate for a minute, because his work is called a "small performance." He revolves around the client with incredible speed and at the same time is always very attentive to any change in the mood of the person who is cutting. Watching Massato and Zemfira talk and consult, we realized that contact was found between them. And after the singer, seeing herself in a mirror with a trendy haircut, smiled pretty, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Then, in a conversation with us, Massato shared: “Zemfira has a very bright style, and I felt that he is fully consistent with her inner world. Realizing this, I tried to more accurately emphasize the beauty of this incredible girl. " By the way, after working with Zemfira, Massato went to a music store and bought her album. “A stunningly beautiful voice ...” the stylist admired.

Tatyana Saburenkova