How to sympathize with a girl. How to support a girl when she gets sick? How to support a girl who has a miscarriage, problems at work, grandmother dies

You are more beautiful than everyone around
More beautiful than her friends.
Smile and sadness will pass
A miracle will find a way to you!

Your dimples on the cheeks
Cheer up.
You need to smile urgently
My little fairy!

Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone ...

I just want to say that for some reason I'm waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you, and for some reason I believe in you.

I don’t know what’s going on in my heart, it hurts even more than when I kissed you the first !!!

You can’t even imagine how much like this can cheer up a girl.

And considering that now almost any original gifts have become available, it remains just to take and make.

Unusual date

It should be noted that you should really take your lover's bad mood seriously. The girl will be very offended if you show that you consider her overly emotional and unhappy with this. However, this does not mean that you should be too serious. Make her laugh funny joke or joke, or offer to download some comedy. Perhaps watching her imperceptibly will cheer up your beloved.

Talk to her and take pity on her

Maybe your girlfriend’s mood is spoiled by a series of minor failures. If at first they stepped on her foot in public transport, then, stepping out of it, she tripped, upon returning home a mirror showed her mascara spreading all over her face, just try to talk with her in confidence. Calm your beloved, pat on the head and tell her a lot of kind words. Perhaps speaking to you, she will feel relief, and a smile will immediately sparkle on her face.

Let her rest

If your girlfriend is studying, working, or constantly engaged in any other business, she may just get tired of it and break down at any time.

It must be remembered that men should take care of their fragile lovers and allow them to rest sometimes. Take on household chores and put your beloved to sleep.

When she wakes up rested, she will be filled with pride for her boyfriend, who went shopping, prepared to eat, washed dishes and washed things.

4. Surprise her. Make her something tasty or make delicious tea or coffee. She will feel your care and her mood will gradually improve. And best of all, bring it all straight to her bed.

If you really want to cheer up your girlfriend, just be constantly nearby, support her in all endeavors and try to distract from pressing problems.

Constant dissatisfaction with oneself

Who knows, maybe your girlfriend has low self-esteem? Do you constantly listen to the assumption that she has problems with her figure or just her appearance? So, how to cheer up in this and other cases described above?

What if she is sad?

Many young people want to know how to solve such a problem as the constant bad mood of a girl, as well as her displeased facial expression.

Needless to say, there is no clear recipe for how to cheer up a girl in correspondence, but it's still worth trying.

You have something incredible, unique, unusual, very tender, charming, something that others do not have ... You have me. Protect me:) 20

Darling, you know guys are like a clock. Keep in mind that you need to start them every day! 16

In vain did you decide that you
Today, sadness to face! And for no reason
She thought up problems herself ...
Here I am, as your only man
I want to please you again
And I send SMSk loving you!

Why be sad! There is reason for fun
There are always reasons for joy!
Today is Sunday,
The weather is super like never before!
There is reason for us to take a walk with you
And exchange our positive!

Probably, every guy sooner or later has a moment when you need to reassure the girl. Female gender - emotional creatures, prone to experiencing various situations.

Before you take any steps, find out what happened to your girlfriend. You must clearly distinguish 2 different situations:

  1. It can be simple whims with which a girl tries to manipulate you.
  2. Something really serious happened to her. For example, trouble in the family, retaking the exam, etc.

When a girl should not be reassured

This is just the first case. For example, you did something, she pretended that she really didn’t like it and sent a scandal. The purpose of such vagaries is to provoke: so that you apologize, feel guilty, and possibly make amends for your “guilt” financially.

Try to look from the side at your action, which caused such a violent reaction in the girl. If it seems to you that everything is normal, then so it is. Do not give in to provocation and do not take any action. Next time, a friend will know that you are not involved in such matters.

When a girl should be reassured

Talk to her, find out what happened. Sometimes, just because she shares her problem will become easier. Depending on the situation, proceed further: first, hug her. This helps a lot, because hugs give the girl a feeling of protection and calmness. Then, after you understand what the situation is, express your opinion on this matter.

How to reassure a girl with words

Try to look at her problem from an optimistic point of view and say that not everything is as bad as she thinks. Suggest a possible solution to the situation and let her know that you will support her in every way and will do everything possible to ensure that the situation normalizes. Even if you do not know what solution to offer in her question, nevertheless try to make it clear that the situation is one way or another resolved.

Use the following remarks in a conversation:

"Everything will be fine"

“You are not alone, you have me”

“You can always count on my help”

If the girl is not nearby, keep in constant contact with her through the phone, messenger, social network. Try to make her feel that, despite the distance, you are next to her. Say that if she becomes uncomfortable again, she immediately called you and you will support her.

How to calm a crying girl

A crying girl just needs to be hugged tightly, and in this position to be with her for up to several minutes. While she is crying, it’s even better not to talk a lot. She will calm down pretty quickly in your arms, and then you can talk to her.

How to console a girl

In order for your girlfriend to feel at ease, you must first take non-verbal actions. That is, those where fewer words. To do this, use hugs, touches, kisses, stroking. In the room where you are, create a peaceful atmosphere: cover the curtains, light the aroma lamp with essential oil (it soothes the psyche perfectly). You can do water procedures - take a bath together.

After the girl came to, you can go out into the fresh air for a walk, go to the cafe. This will help to change the environment and distract from different thoughts.

Your girlfriend is upset, but you do not know how to help her? How to cope with her tantrum? How to reassure a girl in order to restore her peace of mind? Such questions are asked by many men who have at least once witnessed female hysteria.

Algorithm of actions for the comfort of a girl

The first step is to express a sincere interest in the problem that led to the tantrum. Women are very sensitive to insincerity, so if you really want to help your soulmate, delve into her experiences. Find out why a woman is upset. Finding out the reason will help you quickly find a way out of the situation. If the problem is fixable (a quarrel with a friend or misunderstanding at work), then you can console the girl by telling a funny joke or a funny life story that will be appropriate at the moment.

If the cause of the hysteria is more serious, for example, the death of a loved one, there is no room for jokes. In such a situation, one should try as calmly as possible to calm the woman, to choose the appropriate words that will help distract from grief. Try to find out as much details as possible. Thus, you can better determine how to calm a crying girl, what words are worth choosing.

After establishing the root cause of the girl’s bad mood, try to find out what she wants at the moment. If she says that she needs to be alone, give the girl such an opportunity. Some people find it difficult to splash out their emotions when someone is nearby. Sometimes women can calm down only if no one is around. It’s easier to pull yourself together. But there are times when a girl talks about the need for loneliness, without actually experiencing such a feeling. She just does not want to burden her problems or is afraid that you will see a tantrum in her face. In this case, you need to be more careful, try to help the girl, even despite her protests (after all, sometimes this is just a veiled call for help). Most girls need affection and tenderness. A soothing hug supported by a kind word is the best medicine for girls. Using such simple tricks, you can quickly stop the hysteria of your soulmate.

Another important point that the female soul needs is the opportunity to speak out. A woman will calm down faster if she finds an attentive interlocutor who is ready to listen to her experiences. In such a situation, it is important not only to be a listener, but also periodically ask relevant questions. Do not be distracted by extraneous matters, look at the girl, do not wander your eyes around the room. In this way, you will demonstrate the genuine interest that women value so much. The fairer sex is not easy to circle around the finger, they feel insincerity, and this can cause another storm of emotions. In addition, expressing her feelings, a girl can verbally voice a way to solve the problem. If you are extremely careful, you will notice this moment. Then it will be much easier for you to calm the woman.

Trying to calm a girl down? Do not minimize her problems, otherwise you risk becoming her enemy. Even if it seems to you that the situation is not serious, keep your opinion to yourself. Neglect of the problem can cause additional bouts of anger (especially in hysterics - girls prone to violent manifestations of emotions). To quickly end tantrums, tell the girl more reassuring words. If she is crying, hug her and kiss her. Tactile contact will help relieve tension, hysterical sobs (if any) will turn into calmer sobs, and then completely disappear.

Sometimes, in order for the female heart to calm down, it is enough to let the woman cry. Indeed, almost all the representatives of the fair sex are very emotional, periodically they need a discharge. Believe me, being a girl is not easy at all, sometimes a hysterical state develops, a woman loses her temper and just needs affection. In this case, you can only wait until she lets off steam, calm down.

Comforting a girl in the distance

If you and a distressed woman are separated by a distance, then it is more difficult to console her, you need to make more efforts. Thanks to the development of computer technology, every guy has the opportunity to support the girl, express sympathy and participation. How to reassure a girl with words in the distance? First, be careful to listen to her problem (if you contact her by phone or skype). Do not write the interlocutor in hysterics if she reacts aggressively to your participation. It may just be a defensive reaction. Secondly, be patient, as it may take time to establish the cause of a bad mood. Support the girl in every possible way, say that she is very dear to you.

If you are communicating with a woman by correspondence, not being able to hear each other's voice, carefully select the words. In addition, you can use cute pictures as a means to cheer up. You can also send during the correspondence links to videos that will help cheer up the girl. Such gentle signs of attention will certainly lead a woman out of her depressed state. To consolidate the success, you can use the services of a flower delivery service. Any representative of the fair sex will be pleased to receive a bouquet, such a gesture will certainly cheer up a woman.

2016-10-21 2:29

Look, enjoy, enjoy

Let it be innocent, but repent -

Well, men are full of excitement. Stress at work, conflicts in the home, in society, complex attitudes to life, obligations - life is in full swing, but not because of the place. And, it seems, only everything calmed down, as fate presents new surprises. But the strong sex does not give up! With a new force breaks into battle.

And then, SHE appears ...

Light, delicate, feminine. On basement heels, in a short skirt, with perfect manicure, or in jeans, with a careless whirlwind on his head, in sneakers, a blonde or brunette, or maybe even a fiery one. So different, so necessary and long-awaited. And a strong, brave, intelligent man turns into a fondant.

It seems that everything is solved, it is not so difficult to understand what you want, what to do, how to live. Problems are nothing! After all, she is nearby! Beloved.

Time passes, happiness fills, thoughts are free, everything becomes easier, calmer. But here…

The day comes when the girl cries.

And you have only a silly and incomprehensible expression on your face, and a dumb question: What should I do? Feelings hit by a dump truck! Is that familiar? Vitally.

Like in the movies

Of course, in cinema everything is different. The hero always knows what to do, what to say. Knows how to calm a girl in difficult times. She would probably go to the cinema in the rain, but wet from salty tears, all as beautiful as a dream. Soaked in a stream of tears, the hero would take her by the shoulders, hugged her tightly, pulling him to him. Their lips would merge in a long kiss. In a minute, the heroine will forget the cause of the tears, and in the next frame the heroes will have a baby. Good story for lovers and romantics.

In life, everything is somewhat different. In life, everything is for real, in truth. And tears, and pain, red eyes, drooling, screaming. Not enough minutes.

Step by step

What is the difficulty for a young guy or an adult man ?! What does she mean for a girl ?! Each floor has its own scale. What seems a trifle for the stronger sex, for the weaker half can be a real threat to health and the psyche.

The girl by nature is more sensitive, emotional, her difficulties do not temper, but kill. She may not die physically, and today will survive stress, but tomorrow she may wake up a completely different person. In moments of life transformations under the pressure of troubles, without support, the girl changes the principles of behavior and attitudes, and one who is outside the limits of changes may simply not get inside. But there is a chance, and there is time. Nothing is better than attention.

How to calm a girl down? Need to participate!

Participation can be active but unobtrusive. You can not bother a girl with conversations and advice when an already full head of information. Then how to calm a girl with words?!

Words must be special. Sometimes one or two phrases, or a sentence, is all!

for instance : I'm here! I'm with you as much as you need!

Intonation is very important!

Exciting to the conflict and a feeling of misunderstanding, phrases:

At the beginning of a difficult period, this is a red rag for the bull. These words often cause aggression, and the reason for this is psychophysiology.

The brain of the female half of humanity is very complex, and loves complexity. If a man has one part of the hemisphere, then the girls work both. This does not mean that the fragile floor is smarter, but in many ways more capable. Thanks to the interaction of both hemispheres - logical and creative.

This means that everything that enters the girl’s brain, except for analysis, must be lost, as if in a theater. There is little funny. The female brain, until it plays a role, cannot understand the essence in order to become aware, accept and recover. Therefore, external suffering - tears, crying, hysteria is so important.

And you should not use the phrases above to try to pacify the processes of the female brain that have not reached the goal.

An example for understanding by the male psyche of the female state at the time of the onset of experiences.

Logs (information) are laid in the oven (brain), a spark of a match kindles a fire. The fire began to pick up pieces of wood (information), but the duct was blocked (the output of negative energy and pain concentration). Around the smoke rises (feelings of misunderstanding), children (rudeness, screaming, resentment). As a result, everywhere is covered with soot, the ashes are carried through the air, and the furnace has to be cleaned.

On this easy example, the psychological moment is explained. A serious situation. After all, having no opportunity and time to realize, all pain and anger can be directed to a person nearby. Natural protection against overload of the nervous system, in the form of the release of negative energy.

Based on the knowledge in this matter, it is easier to adjust and make the right move. As a rule, at the first stage of experiences, the girl needs not a companion, but a vest. You don’t have to talk much, you just need to be there. Do not look at the clock, nor rush, nor pretend to be tired. All attention should be directed to the sufferer, and not to his own routine of life, at least at this moment.

Talk heart to heart with yourself

Finding out the reasons, or trying to support the girl in difficult times, you need to be prepared for the fact that you are used as a pillow for tears, a vest, or another soft and dumb surface. Sometimes it’s enough to just sit side by side and on the head or on the back. This seems strange to a person who does not know the physiology, but secrets can also be revealed.

Important nerve endings are located on the head and back. Not without reason, when children are capricious or cry, their mothers stroke their heads and backs. It calms and relieves stress, it becomes easier, and sometimes you even want to sleep. This is a little trick.. Therefore, when it’s bad, they go to mom’s, she will stroke, calm and give her warmth. Guys rarely use this method, but in vain! You need to take it into service, so that next time you know how to calm your beloved girl.

If a girl starts talking, you just need to listen. No need to add something, or give examples of their troubles, and methods of struggle. This rarely helps, because you can forget yourself and just start to feel sorry for yourself and your memories. And all attention should be paid only to the girl.


Often when disaster strikes, the female sex turns into a child. As a small girl or woman, age does not matter, wants to hide in a corner so that no one touches or asks for anything.

How to be ?!

In no case do not persuade anything! Otherwise, you may stumble upon a door slamming in front of your nose.

You can simply participate, if this is the girl’s house, in the preparation of coffee, tea, something to cook a snack. Take not by word, but by food. This, as in men, is quite effective. After a large loss of energy, one often wants to have a bite, but there is no strength, and the girl is lying or sitting hungry. It’s not scary if there are tea with a sandwich, and the girl refuses to eat. After a short period of time, she looking at them will still develop an appetite.

Suitable phrases:

By depersonalizing himself, casting aside his interests, a man will become more reliable. Girls like it when a guy thinks more about her than about himself.

It is unacceptable to pronounce words such as “must”, “obligated”.

At the moment of sadness, sadness, panic or hysteria, the girl owes nothing to anyone! Her inner world is directed inside the problem, into the depths of experiences. It is also not worthwhile to impose obligations to comply with the “should” installation. She may only want to.

Trust service

Reassure the girl in the distance   quite difficult. Harder calm a crying girl. The thought that you are not around, and she is so defenseless, alone, is driving some crazy.


You need to be a psychological counseling service over the phone. A guy or a man should carefully listen to the notes of voice, so as not to miss dangerous signals.

You can’t save money on a call!

If a man wants to disconnect faster, no matter how courteous he is, the girl will understand this. If she calls, then she needs a man. Nature does not tolerate emptiness, and if you do not answer, you can no longer wait for the next case, the girl will choose other ears, and another goal. Difficulties for girls are often at hand for guys on ignore lists. It is worth closer to the object at the time of its weakness, and you can get a reward. The guy reassures the girl, she gratefully opens the soul, and even the body. Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of this. So if your favorite calls, you should drop everything and click on the green icon so as not to get red.

You can not use phrases in a conversation:

(female translation in brackets)

What do you have there? (thinks I can’t have anything important)

Again? (considers a walking problem)

So be quiet! (considers aggressive)

So what? (thinks it doesn't matter)

Not understood? (uninteresting not even listening)

Lets go faster! (in a hurry to get rid)

Any rude expressions are also unacceptable, you need to restrain yourself in the conversation.

How to reassure a girl with words in the distance:

Yes, I am here!

I'm listening to!

Speak, it is important!

I'm sorry that I'm not around!

Do not think about me, you are more important!

It's hard for you, and I'm far away, my fault.

I want to be around.

All phrases are aimed at support and trust. The girl feels that she is neither indifferent, nor lonely, she has a strong back.

Cry willow cry

Calming a crying girl in the distance   it’s difficult, but it’s possible to let it cry.

There is no greater relief for a woman than getting rid of internal stress through bitter tears. Even with a swollen face, she will feel better, freer.

If yesterday the difficulty is insurmountable, then tomorrow there will certainly be a way out.

It will be good if, within a week or two, the guy takes on even the smallest chores - carries out or drives work to the place of study, or simply walks around the city. You can bring food, help around the house, even if there is no work, you can always come up with a reason to fix something, show skill and care.

Walking by the lake, river or in the park, among the trees and nature, is very helpful. It will seem strange to men, but girls often cherish even the worst memories. It is important for them to nostalgic! Therefore, a park or river can be a great place to let go of hard thoughts, or remember them. Nature is endowed with amazing strength, and the ability to take away human sorrows and let go of hearts.

The girl cries, the guy calms, and life goes on ...

Sincerely, Angelica Melnik

Knowing how to reassure a girl with words at a distance, if she is angry, offended, or simply not in herself, can not only help preserve the nervous system, but also save the relationship if they are worth it.

A set of simple but effective rules can be compared with emergency care skills, because an angry or desperate girlfriend can turn into a real problem.

How to reassure a girl in the distance

Many girls like to cry or throw a tantrum just to attract the attention of their boyfriend, or out of fear that he decided to quit. If there is a suspicion that this is so, it is enough to devote a little of your time to it.

  • Even if the couple is separated by distance, you can talk on the phone, because a pleasant affectionate voice, a gentle word can quickly return both to a good mood;
  • Some people prefer calling. Correspondence in VK, strewn with hearts and kittens, her photo stored on the phone, or a romantic clip with a love song can do a miracle;
  • If the reason for tears is more serious, but she is not connected with the guy, the girl probably wants words of comfort and a strong hug. Sometimes it’s enough to listen to the story and take its side, to say that she is well done, and all the rest are morons;
  • A very important point is to know why a friend or acquaintance may cry in principle. To do this, you need to learn to listen and hear not only words, one voice can often understand what is happening. A girl can be very sensitive if she cries after a sad movie, seen an abandoned kitten, or after the release of a crime chronicle. In this case, apart from a strong shoulder and the phrase "everything will be fine," nothing more will be needed.

How to understand why a girl is upset

But in order to properly navigate the situation, you should always directly ask what happened.

  • If a girl does not want to talk, the reason is probably related to the guy. It seems to her that he does not love her, cheats on her, does not consider her beautiful ... Sometimes she can cry, deciding to part with a young man, but sparing him and pleasant memories. In this situation, the sooner you can understand what the matter is, the better it will be for everyone. Friends, walls on social networks, blog posts, tweets, photos can come to the rescue.
  • If the guy himself wants to leave his girlfriend and at the same time remain in a good relationship with her, do not reassure her day after day, continue correspondence on VK, speak affectionate words and listen about her experiences. Having stopped loving, she will probably be ashamed of her weakness and humiliation, and can only hate it for this. It’s better to calmly talk to her in a soft, but not too gentle voice, not to succumb to any persuasion, but following the decision made, retire some distance and wait until time solves all the problems.
  • Also, before embarking on consolations, it is advisable to assess the seriousness of the situation and especially the temperament of the girl. Very "hot" young ladies lose their temper instantly and in this state you can expect anything from them. Having caught fire, they cool off just as quickly, after which it is already possible to speak with them calmly.
  • The more phlegmatic ones will observe the situation and wait for the development of events, they may be offended or angry the next day, having “analyzed” the situation in their mind. They will not beat dishes or run away into the night forest, but they will also “leave” and cry much longer, in a bad situation - for several days or even months.

Ideally, to succeed, you need:

  • know how to calm a girl;
  • understand the reason she is experiencing;
  • evaluate the strength of her anger or sadness, taking into account the characteristics of temperament;
  • be patient.

The article will help to better understand how to feel sorry for a woman and how best to do it, because not every girl will take a straightforward approach, because understanding a woman’s essence is very difficult.

How to regret a girl with affectionate words when she is sick, during menstruation when she is ill and painful, tired

It is better to feel sorry for the girl not by lisping affectionate words, but by being near her, caring for a sick or tired girlfriend and fulfilling her wishes.

How to support a girl in difficult times, reassure if she cries

Support the girl in difficult times and reassure her if she is crying, you can slightly gaining her and saying a word of comfort.

How to feel sorry for a girl if she has a sore leg, head

To regret a girl if she has a sore leg or head, you can give her a light massage of a diseased part of the body. Sympathy expressed in this way can significantly alleviate the ailment.

How to console a girl whose boyfriend went to the army

It is possible to console a girl whose guy has joined the army, letting her know that the army will not become an obstacle to real feelings.

The girl will still be able to correspond with her beloved. Therefore, there is no particular tragedy in this separation - everyone is alive and healthy, so you should not torment yourself with experiences inspired by your own imagination. You need to grow up already.

How to support a girl who has a miscarriage, problems at work, grandmother dies

Life does not happen without losses and everyone has to endure the blows of fate. A strong-minded person will not become depressed, but will live and look for ways to make his dreams come true.

Even having lost a loved one, one should not be discouraged, if only because one who has gone to another world would not want to see you as an eternally whining and waving hand at a weak-willed person.

How to support a girl whose mother is sick or father has cancer

Support for a girl who is seriously ill with people close to her can be help in resolving everyday issues, for example, buying food or necessary medications, creating more comfortable conditions for the patient, etc.

Set up the girl to the fact that life does not happen without losses, but until irreparable mourning has occurred, it is not worth putting on. We need to live as before: when it’s fun - to joke and laugh, when it’s painful and sad — give free rein to tears. By such behavior you provide moral support to the patient himself, allowing him to distract from thoughts about his fate.

How to calm a girl down if she’s hysterical, her parents get divorced, family problems, depression, no mood

To reassure a girl if she is in a bad mood, hysteria or depression is necessary based on the situation. Sometimes this can be done with a steadfast gaze, sometimes by making a glass of water drink, and sometimes by putting a few light slaps on the face.

How to calm a girl whose pet is dying, her husband left

It will not be possible to cope with a serious mental trauma in a few days, but to reassure the girl by letting her know that she is not alone in her grief and she has many friends who are not indifferent to her condition, she can and should.

How to console a girl if she says that she is fat and fat

A consolation for a girl, if she says that she is fat and fat, can be another pie or a hamburger.


The world of the human soul is mysterious and inexplicable, and the world of girls is generally an unsolved mystery. And the more difficult it is to cope with difficult situations that arise with the fair sex, and reassure the girl with words at a distance.

There are innumerable reasons for a bad mood (and more serious problems), and at a certain stage in their life everyone encounters them. If something happened and you are not around, do not despair and do not give up, because you can help the girl from a distance.

How to reassure a girl at a distance: the main thing is support

Thanks to modern technologies and means of communication, supporting a girl in difficult times at a distance has become much easier. Do not start communication by clarifying the reasons and persistent questions: just “be near” with the help of SMS, calls and communication on the social network ... Or better, just talk, take part in her mood, show in your own words that her condition is important to you.

Here is some algorithm to help calm a girl from a distance:

  •   Express concern about her affectionate state and be prepared to come across an aggressive reaction from the girl, because aggression is one of the forms of our psyche's reaction to irritants. Be tolerant - this is temporary, show affection in affectionate expressions and caring phrases.
  •   Do not try to laugh if the girl suddenly cries! The irony in this case is one of the most inappropriate forms of empathy, and such a reaction can lead to the fact that a person simply refuses to communicate with you.
  • Say as many comforting words as possible: say how dear you are to a girl. After all, it is important for everyone to know that he is dear and needed by someone. Remind the girl of some kind event in your life, trying to shift her attention to her positive sides.

If you have been approached for support in a difficult situation, that means they trust you, and that already means a lot! Be careful in the conversation: do not compare the situation in which the girl finds herself with someone else's life experience. Whatever happens to us, our grief is only our feelings, sensations and worldview. For us, this is the first experience and everyone copes with it as best they can.

If you are at a loss and do not know what to say - keep silent. Hackneyed phrases like “everything will be fine”, etc. will have a dubious effect. It’s better to say that no matter what trouble happens, you can always count on you, and you will certainly be there (if not physically, then at least mentally).

How to calm a frustrated girl: be sincere

In no case do not play with the manifestation of your emotions. Hypersussing or excessive obsession are clearly visible, especially if a person has known you for a long time. Be yourself, and if you are confused - admit it honestly and do not allow yourself to remain in this state.

Girls are more allowed to dissolve nurses, because psychologically they are more emotional and perceive more and more than men. , try to protect her from bad thoughts, paying attention to the good things in life and speed up your personal meeting.

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The girl is upset. Any guy who has the honor of meeting a beautiful creature knows firsthand what this task is with a certain number of unknown reasons for the disorder.

And they will be right. Sometimes a lady throws such a fortress that the honorary employees of Harvard will amaze in dismay. However, the young lady is different. Many women really get upset often and without obvious reason.

But the fact is that girls attach much more importance to trifles than men. Therefore, the likelihood of a cause of bad mood, sadness and tears is much higher.

As Gabrielle Chanel said, a man capable of action is doomed to be loved. Climbing into the sky for a star is perhaps an overkill. However, the ability to calm and cheer a woman is priceless.

Just think, now she is a young creature, in about twenty years she is a mature woman, wife, you probably have many female colleagues at work. And also mom, sister ... Knowing the approach to the female heart, you will win the jackpot! In addition, what man does not dream of being a hero in the grateful eyes of the young lady.

Try to determine the cause

Yes, try it. No one guarantees that you will find her. Indeed, often the girl herself does not fully understand why she is offended.

  • Let her know you want to know the reason. “Darling, I see your eyes are sad. What happened? Has anyone offended you? ”
  • “Darling, I feel that something is wrong with your mood. Perhaps the reason is in me? ”

Be prepared for the fact that the young lady does not recognize the real cause of sadness. A bad mood will be attributed to health or weather.

  • In this case, say that you are ready to wait, and then offer help: “It's okay, I understand. All people are sometimes sad. If you want to talk, I’m always ready to listen to you. You have a magic smile, I would really like to bring it back. "

Speaking of help, be sincere.

Offer your strong leverage only if you really are ready to provide it. At such moments, empty promises can be disastrous for a relationship.

Give an opportunity to talk

We understand that listening to women's tears is not for the faint of heart. And, if instead of Tanya, Mani, Angelica, she will carry out an intensive exchange of emotions with you, you might think that you can’t stand it, become exhausted and die young.

But here you will need secular patience. In general, if a girl is ready to talk about a sore point, then she trusts you and agrees to make contact. Therefore, give her attention and luxury to be heard.

Do not argue if you disagree with something. Your task is to listen, not give advice. Believe me, showing unlimited patience and sympathy, you will automatically gain its location.

Hug a woman

Hugs should be used anyway. However, their nature directly depends on the type of your relationship. Yes, if you are in a relationship, hugs should be as warm as possible. If a girl with sad eyes is your friend or classmate, a friendly hug over your shoulders will be enough.

Hugging, tell her that you are worried:

  • “I'm sorry that this control upset you. But, believe me, one mark does not decide fate. You are the smartest man in our group, to learn everything and to shine on the exam. And I will hold the fists. "
  • “Honey, don’t be upset that Alena came in the same dress. The product is really beautiful. But on you it looks much more attractive. And do not be offended by your girlfriend: it means that both of you have a great taste. You are my best. ”

Try to laugh

Laughter prolongs life. And also - cheers up and helps. Therefore, if you know how to subtly joke, go ahead and show your talent!

Having clarified a little the reason for the bad mood, try to avoid ambiguous jokes, as well as those that can aggravate the situation.

  1. Do not be afraid to look funny. Sing a song. And it’s even better if you have a bear in your ear: many DJs think that the meaning of music is in decibels, and nothing, everyone loves them.

Sing as you know how, and if you don’t know how, it dramatically increases the likelihood of the result of your efforts.

  1. Tell a funny story. This is also a good monologue with a sad girl. If this story is from your life - embellish it with bright metaphors. If you are a master at inventing comic situations, show your imagination and delight her with an unrealistically cool humorous story. Try to talk to her in a humorous tone about the offender (if any).

The world of the human soul is mysterious and inexplicable, and the world of girls is generally an unsolved mystery. And the more difficult it is to cope with difficult situations that arise with the fair sex, and reassure the girl with words at a distance.

Reasons for a bad mood (and more serious problems) uncountable   many, and at a certain stage in life, everyone faces them. If something happened to your girlfriend and you are not around, do not despair and do not give up, because you can help the girl from a distance.

Thanks to modern technology and communications to support   a girl in difficult times at a distance has become much easier. Do not start communication with clarification of reasons and persistent questions: just “be near” using SMS, calls and communication in social   networks ... And better, just talk, take part in her mood, show in your own words that her condition is important to you.

  •   Express concern about her affectionate state and be prepared to come across an aggressive reaction from the girl, because aggression is one of the forms of our psyche's reaction to irritants. Be tolerant - this is temporary, show affection in affectionate expressions and caring phrases.

  •   Do not try to laugh if the girl suddenly cries! The irony in this case is one of the most inappropriate forms of empathy, and such a reaction can lead to the fact that a person simply refuses to communicate with you.

  • Say as many comforting words as possible: say how dear you are to a girl. After all, it is important for everyone to know that he is dear and needed by someone. Remind the girl of some kind event in your life, trying to shift her attention to her positive sides.

If you have been approached for support in a difficult situation, that means they trust you, and that already means a lot! Be careful in the conversation: do not compare the situation in which the girl finds herself with someone else's life experience. Whatever happens to us, our grief is only our feelings, sensations and worldview. For us, this is the first experience and everyone copes with it as best they can.

If you are at a loss and do not know what to say - keep silent. Hackneyed phrases like “everything will be fine”, etc. will have a dubious effect. Better say no matter what trouble happened   - you can always count on you, and you will certainly be there (if not physically, then at least morally).

In no case do not play with the manifestation of your emotions. Hypersussing or excessive obsession are clearly visible, especially if a person has known you for a long time. Be yourself, and if you are confused - admit it honestly and do not allow yourself to remain in this state.

Girls are more allowed to dissolve, because psychologically they are more emotional and perceive   stronger than men. Stay in touch with the girl, try to protect her from bad thoughts, paying attention to the good things in life and speed up your personal meeting.