Pedagogical Council on Valeology at the Dow. Consultation for educators "valeological education of preschool children" Valeale program "Kid"

Modern studies of both adults and children show that the level of human health today is significantly reduced, life expectancy has decreased, and the tendency to morbidity has increased, especially during periods of epidemic. Success in work and in personal life largely depends on the state of health, both physical and psychological. Basically, the state of the body and spirit of a person depends on 50% of his lifestyle. Therefore, one of the important tasks for parents and teachers is to maintain health in the process of training, education and play. And since the laying of the foundations of personality takes place even in preschool age, the art of strengthening and maintaining health must be practiced from kindergarten. This is precisely the goal of valeology.

Valeological education in kindergarten

Valueology is called the science of a healthy lifestyle, as well as the formation, strengthening, conservation and management of it. The valeological model for the education of preschool children has the goal of introducing, implementing the basic rules and norms, as well as instilling the skills of a healthy lifestyle. It includes:

  • physical education classes;
  • nurturing in children the awareness that a person is part of society and nature, building harmonious relations with nature;
  • familiarization with the rules of good nutrition;
  • hardening of children;
  • developing personal hygiene skills;
  • prevention and elimination of bad habits;
  • timely request for medical help.

It is clear that the development of valeological skills in a child requires appropriate conditions. For preschool children, it is important to use visual aids, create valeological corners (“Health Corner”), in which, for example, the rules for caring for the oral cavity and teeth, hair, skin and hands in the form of drawings will be presented. In the same place, you can use schemes illustrating the structure of the human body, as well as a set of exercises.

Every day, in the kindergarten, teachers spend sports minutes in the fresh air or in the gym, organized walks in the fresh air and outdoor games. The groups maintain optimal temperature conditions due to frequent ventilation.

But besides this, it is important to consolidate the knowledge of children about their bodies, about the relationship with nature, and their kind attitude to it, which is the main task of environmental and value education. Teachers conduct classes in the group aimed at informing the children of how they differ from animals and from other people. These can be topics “We are a family”, “Who am I?”, “I am growing”, “I am a boy”, “I am a girl”, “Small and adult people” and others. Kids get acquainted with the parts of their body, the senses, their meaning and care for them. Personal hygiene skills are fixed in the role-playing games ("Home", "Mother and Daughters").

A variety of activities are also used in the form of quizzes (for example, “Where does the vitamin store live?”, “What does our heart love?”), Games (for example, “Useful - harmful”, during which children name a harmful or useful product, the model of which demonstrates educator).

The role of parents in the education of the valueological culture of preschool children

For the successful formation of a healthy lifestyle, it is important to involve parents in the educational process in kindergarten. Firstly, at kindergarten meetings they are introduced to the principles of valueological education, they conduct discussions on the topic tempering, proper nutrition, for them place stands with a description of the regime of the day of the child. Sports events and competitions are also held in which children participate with their parents (for example, “Dad, Mom and I are a sports family”, “Health Day”). Parents are invited to the thematic matinees (“Travel to the Country of Health”, “What is good for teeth and what is bad?”).

In general, the foundations of health are laid from a very young age. Therefore, educators and parents need to make joint efforts to secure the necessary skills and knowledge in children.

Theme of the year: "What am I made of?"

Goal of the year:

  • To give elementary ideas to children about their bodies;
  • Promote the establishment of healthy lifestyle values \u200b\u200bin children: development of personal hygiene skills; the formation of elementary ideas about the usefulness and feasibility of physical activity;
  • Create conditions for ensuring physical and mental well-being.
September: Theme: "What am I?"

Theme: "Body Parts"

What am I like? How am I different from others? What I love? What do I want to do?

What am I made up of? Why am I moving? What kind of people are there?

October: Theme: "Heart"

Theme: "Nervous system"

How does the heart work? What is blood?

How to feel your heart? Heart training.

What is the nervous system? Brain activity. Training of memory, attention, perception.

November: Theme: "Eyes"

Theme: "Hearing"

What are my eyes? What are they for? What do I like to watch? Gymnastics for the eyes.

What are my ears? What are they needed for? What do I like to listen to? Hearing training. The game "Four Elements".

December: Theme: "Smell"

Theme: "Leather"

What is my nose? Why is it needed? Pleasant and unpleasant odors.

What is my skin? What is it for? Why is it cold or hot? Hardening. How to develop skin sensitivity. The game "Box of sensations."

January: Theme: Breath

Subject: "Smoke from cigarettes, I have no place in that smoke"

What is breathing like? How do I breathe when I play, eat, sleep? Breathing exercises.

Why is tobacco smoke harmful?

February: Theme: "Teeth"

Theme: "Nutrition"

What are teeth for? What do I like to chew? How to chew food? Teeth cleaning. The game "How to protect your teeth."

What do I like from food? Tasty and tasteless food. Feeling of hunger and satiety. The game "Useful and unhealthy food."

March: Theme: "Mood"

Theme: "Vitamins are our strength"

When am I upset and cry? When do I rejoice and have fun? How to learn to endure? Exercises for the muscles of the face.

What is necessary for the health of our body? What are vitamins? Healthy food.

April: Theme: "Muscles"

Topic: "Support and engines of our body"

How am I moving? Muscles, bones and joints. How to become strong and dexterous? Physical exercise.

The skeleton and muscle systems of the body. Training your muscles. First Aid Rules for Damage.

May: Theme: "Brain"

Theme: "Dream"

What do I like to think about? How to learn to speak well? Exercises for the language. Training of memory and mind.

How am i sleeping Why do I need a dream? What is my behavior when I don't get enough sleep? What should and what should not be done before bedtime?

Cognitive conversations with children 5-6 years old

Body parts

Goal. Introduce children to the various functions of body parts.

The human body is made up of various parts. All these parts of the body perform various functions.

On the head, the very upper part of the body, hair grows. They protect our head, keep warm in the winter and protect from the heat of the summer sun. The head is attached with the neck to the body, the middle part of the body. We also have two arms and two legs, they are also connected to the body. Arms and legs are also called extremities. The leg ends with the foot. Our feet are designed so that we can easily stand and walk, leaning on them. Hands bend and stretch. We take objects with them and hold them with our hands.

The body resembles a wise mechanism that can perform many different functions. With it, we can laugh, cry, talk, run, think, work and play. The body adapts itself to existence in various circumstances. But sometimes it is not able to adapt.

The human body has a different shape. People are thin and fat, tall and short. If a person is big and fat or very tall, this is not always good, because the main thing in a person is not height and weight, but the health of his body.

Goal. To introduce children to the concept of skin, to form ideas about its meaning.

The skin is a shell that covers the entire body, it can be thicker or thinner in its different parts. The skin protects the organs within us, its structure is elastic, but sometimes we damage it. Traces remain on the damaged skin. These tracks are called differently, depending on how they were received. It can be corn, blister, bruising, bruise, abrasion. They all look different.

If we look at the skin through a magnifying glass, we will see that it is not smooth. On it there are tubercles and small holes - pores. Through them, the skin sometimes produces sweat. Hair grows from holes.

Each person has his own special and unique fingerprint pattern. With the help of the skin, especially on the palms of the hands, we recognize everything we touch.

The skin does not always retain the same color. Brown pigment substance - melanin - protects the skin from sunlight. Black skin contains more melanin than white. Freckles and moles are an accumulation of melanin in the skin. Freckles appear and disappear, and moles persist.

Sometimes our skin changes color. We usually turn pale if we get scared, and blush if we get embarrassed. Sun rays can burn your skin. Then it turns red and peels off.

Goal. To introduce children to the structure of the ear.

We hear different sounds all the time. They tell us about the world around us. Sounds are vibrations in the air. We do not see them, but we can hear thanks to our ears.

We see only the outer part of the ear. The rest of it is inside the head, and what we see outside is called the auricle. Its purpose is to collect ambient sounds and direct them into the ear canal to the eardrum. Sounds make her vibrate. This causes the vibration of three tiny bones. Nerves transmit a signal to the brain. So we hear.

Some people do not hear very well. People who are hard of hearing are called deaf. Helps them hear - hearing aid. This is a small mechanism that is fixed in the ear and is capable of amplifying sounds.

Goal. Provide basic information about lung function.

For life, we need air containing oxygen. From the air we breathe, the lungs receive oxygen. They exhale used air. Blood absorbs oxygen from the lungs and carries it throughout the body.

Lungs work very hard. When breathing, we breathe in and out. Inhalation is what we do when we inhale. Filling with air, the lungs expand. Exhalation is what we do when we exhale. The lungs become smaller again, releasing air. Every day we take twenty three thousand breaths! It is very useful for us to exercise in the fresh air.

There is no air under water, so you cannot stay there without a tube or air cylinders. After all, most of us breathe in at least 20 times per minute.

Goal. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure and purpose of the teeth, the systematic care of them.

Each person has 32 teeth. A tooth surrounds the gum. Outside the tooth is covered with a hard layer of enamel. He has his own root, he fixes the tooth. We need teeth in order to bite off food and chew. Our teeth have different shapes and are designed for different purposes. Sharp incisors are in front and are used to bite off food. Pointed fangs tear it apart. Large molars in the back chop it.

The teeth fit tightly in the mouth, but we may lose them. When children are about six years old, milk teeth begin to stagger and fall out. Instead, larger teeth grow. Teeth and gums should be kept clean. If we do not brush our teeth, they will deteriorate. Teeth should be cleaned for about three minutes and shown to the doctor at least twice a year. Remember: beautiful teeth - a beautiful smile!

Thematic planning in valeology for working with children 6-7 years old

Theme of the year: "My body"

Goal of the year:

1. Continue to form ideas about your body, about various organs and systems, their identity and interaction;

2. To teach to put into practice the acquired knowledge; contribute to the improvement of skills;

3. Develop a habit of thinking and taking care of your health.

September: Topic: "The body. What is it?" The concept of "My body"

Conversation "What's inside me"

Game "Make up of parts"

Man drawing

October: Theme: "The value of the heart for the whole organism" 1. Review tables and dummies .

2. Conversation "How blood is drawn"

3. The game "Feel your heart"

November: Theme: "The skeleton is the basis of the body" 1. Consideration of a skeleton model.

2. Conversation "Bones, muscles and joints"

3. Design and modeling of the human body (wire and clay)

December: Theme: "As We See" Conversation "The role of vision in human life"

Experience "Determining the reaction of pupils to various lighting"

Schematic representation of the eye

Blind Spot Experience

January: Subject: "Why is a man hearing?" 1. Conversation "Why is a man hearing?"

2. The structure of the ear - consideration of the scheme

3. The story of the teacher "Development of hearing in animals and humans"

February: Theme: "Taste and smell" Conversation "Why does a person need a language?"

Learn Taste Game

Learn by Smell game

Drawing "Smell"

March: Theme: "Our senses" Conversation "Our senses"

Game "What sense organ helps us learn about this?

Collective Drawing "How We Feel"

April: Topic: "Healthy Diet. Vitamins" Conversation "Why does a person need food?"

Consideration of the scheme "What foods have the most vitamins"

The game "Food Lotto"

May: Subject: "Microbes are not afraid of us, we are friendly with purity" 1. The story of the educator "Microbes in our body"

2. The game "Good-bad"

3. Examination through a microscope (magnifier) \u200b\u200bof clean and dirty objects

Cognitive conversations with children 6-7 years old

What is inside of me?

Goal. Introduce the structure of the human body. To form a cognitive interest in your body, body.

Our body is a complex mechanism consisting of bones, muscles, nerves, blood, organs, and large amounts of water.

Organs are the delicate parts of the body that are inside you. Organs are the brain, lungs, liver, heart, pancreas, kidneys, stomach and intestines. Together, they make the body work properly.

Each organ performs its special function. All organs are of different shapes, but they are very closely related. The brain is located in the head and organizes the work of all other organs. He controls all body movements and controls them. Other organs are located in the body, the most important part of the body. We breathe in the lungs that are in the chest. They supply the body with air. The liver and pancreas help us digest food. The stomach is located in the middle of the body. Food enters it, there it turns into a kind of porridge and passes through the liver into the intestines. From the intestines, liquid food enters the bloodstream. At the same time, useful substances remain in the body, and what he does not need goes out. The heart is the most important organ. With each beat, the heart sends blood on a "journey" throughout the body to supply it with oxygen.

Why does a person need food?

Goal. To form in children an idea that food is necessary for human life.

Food should give our body everything necessary to maintain working capacity. Proper eating is called a diet. There are four main food groups, these are proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber.

Protein-rich foods like meat, eggs and beans help the body stay strong. Carbohydrates - bread, pasta and rice provide the body with energy. Fats - butter, milk, cheese and vegetable fats - conserve the body's energy so that it can be used later. Our body needs food from all four groups and water for drinking. Vitamins that are most found in vegetables and fruits should be present in food.

Nutrition gives our body vital energy. People eat a variety of food, but it is processed in the body in the same way. After you chew food, it passes through the esophagus into the stomach and then into the intestines. As a result, the beneficial substances contained in food enter the bloodstream. This is called digestion.

In various parts of the world, people eat a variety of foods. Any food provides the body with the necessary energy for life.

Why does a person need language?

Goal. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of the language.

A very strict guard lives in our mouths. It is a language. He guards the entrance to the digestive tunnel. The tongue helps to chew, moisten food with saliva, warm or cool it, and swallow. With it, we discern tastes. Thousands of small protrusions cover the entire tongue. They are called taste buds, which help us determine the taste of various foods. Inside them there are nerves that send information about the taste to the brain, and it tells us what we eat. There are four main types of taste: sweet, salty, bitter and sour. Each of them we feel different parts of the tongue and mouth. The tip of the tongue defines predominantly sweet. The sides of the tongue feel salty and sour. The back zone of the tongue distinguishes mainly bitter.

The tongue also distinguishes between hot, cold and pain. He helps to sing, talk, laugh.

Bones, muscles and joints

Goal. To give children the idea that everything in the body is interconnected.

There are about 200 bones in our body. All of them are connected together, forming a skeleton. Without them, a person would be a simple hill of meat. Bones support and shape the body. They protect the delicate organs that are inside the body from damage.

Joints of bones are called joints. Most bones in the joint are mobile. Some bones move back and forth, as if on a hinge. Other joints are called spherical. Thanks to them, bones can move in all directions. Inside the joint there is fluid that lubricates them and facilitates movement. The bones are very strong, but sometimes they break.

We can move because the bones are attached to the muscles. Each joint has two muscles that work in turn. If the muscles are overloaded, then poisonous substances form in them, because of which we feel tired.

The heart is also a muscle of only a different type. She works without stopping throughout her human life.

How is blood drawn

Goal. To teach children about the role of the heart in the blood circulation.

Our heart is a pump. It pumps blood through one tube and sucks it through another. Blood flows throughout the body through elastic tubes - vessels. Vessels called arteries carry blood from the heart. When blood takes oxygen from the lungs, it is red. Used blood returns to the heart through other vessels called veins. It is already dark red in appearance, since it gave off oxygen.

Blood carries oxygen to the body from the air we breathe, and beneficial components from the food we eat. Blood also fights microbes.

The heart must be very strong to send blood to every cell in the body. Blood runs throughout our body from head to toe without stopping, not forgetting about the internal organs: liver, stomach, lungs. A full circulation of blood in our body occurs in 23 seconds.

Your body has about three liters of blood, and an adult has five liters.

The formation of healthy lifestyles in preschool children

Consultation for kindergarten teachers:
  “The formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers through valeology”

  “I’m not afraid to say again and again: caring for health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vitality of children.”
   B. S u x about m l and n with to and y

At present, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve the health of children in the process of education and training. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin already in kindergarten. Many ideas for raising healthy lifestyle habits in children turned out to be unviable due to the inability to solve family problems. Compound this problem and the conditions of economic instability of society. In recent years, there has been a huge interest in the problem of individual human health, which is confirmed by a large number of studies by leading scientists of Russia and the world (I.A. Arshavsky, N.G. Veselov, M.Ya. Vilensky, N.P. Dubinin, etc.) .
  Of particular concern is the health of our children, because the health of the nation and the progressive dynamics of the whole society are connected with the health of a new person of the 21st century and the future of Russia.
  However, data on the physical condition of children indicate that the health of our younger generation is far from meeting the needs and potential capabilities of modern society.
  According to scientists, focus on the children's period of life is necessary, because it is this period that determines the development of the potential capabilities of an adult.
  In childhood, a person carries out more intense, more complex than an adult, work on self-reflection, self-construction, self-control and self-regulation. If the child is passive in this process, then his socialization is deformed, health is destroyed.
  Therefore, it is precisely at the stage of preschool age that the priority is the task of educating children in health motivation, orienting their life interests towards a healthy lifestyle.
Meanwhile, in the existing programs of education and upbringing of preschool children there is no scientifically based technology for solving this issue.
  The process of teaching a healthy lifestyle is inextricably linked with motor activity, as a powerful and stimulating factor in the child's intellectual and emotional development. It is on the basis of children's interest in physical education activities that should form the skills to ensure healthy living, health motivation.
  At the head of all decisions on the development of preschool education should be a child, his mental and physical health, emotional well-being. The leading idea is the idea of \u200b\u200ba person’s constant development, personality development during the period of its physical and socio-psychological maturation, heyday and stabilization of vitality and abilities, the formation of personality dignity and “basic” trust, as well as observance of conventional norms and the rights of the child.
  This is becoming especially relevant at the present time, when there is a tendency in pedagogical reality to shift from mass unified education, aimed at transferring a certain set of standard knowledge, to differentiated education, focused on a specific child with his personality characteristics, inclinations, etc.
  In recent years, one of the leading ones has been the idea of \u200b\u200bvaleologization of education, according to which children's health is considered as a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.
  The basis of the concept of valeological support of children's physical activity is the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating conditions for the implementation of the dominant basic needs that are naturally inherent in man. Leading in the system of these needs is the need for physical activity, physical self-improvement. It manifests itself in unity with the need for pleasure, pleasure from participating in motor activity; the need for empathy in the process of interaction and communication; need for self-affirmation.
  Primary basic needs are the motive for the child’s behavior at the stage of initial training in a healthy lifestyle. However, gradually, under the influence of pedagogical means of health formation, they are rearranged and turn into secondary motives; the actions of children after time become self-motivated.
  The valueological concept of physical education is based on the following principles:
- the unity of the valueological and physical activity;
  - continuity and continuity;
  - unity of individualization and differentiation;
  - a goal-oriented approach to innovative valeological activity.

Valeology  - The science of a healthy lifestyle, the preservation, formation and management of health.
  The term “valeology” comes from the Latin words “vale”, which means “to be healthy” and “logos” - “science”. Thus, valeology is a science of health. The ancient Romans often congratulated each other with the word "vale!" - "be healthy".
  Valeology as a science arose not so long ago, the Russian scientist I. I. Brekhman, who scientifically substantiated the need for healthcare of practically healthy people in 1982, is called the “father” of modern valeology. The subject of valeology is a healthy person, therefore the term valeology is often explained as a science of human health or healthy health.
  In relation to preschool education, valeology aims at teaching children basic hygiene rules and norms, promoting health and developing healthy lifestyle skills: active labor, rational rest, hardening, physical education and self-development, rational and nutritious nutrition, personal hygiene, timely treatment doctor and others
  It is necessary to distinguish between medical valeology, pedagogical valeology and a variety of pseudo and pseudoscientific teachings that use this term for their own purposes. It is pedagogical valeology that studies the issues of educational and educational work to preserve and strengthen the health of children, and also introduces children to the basics of anatomy and structure of the human body.
  The habit of a healthy lifestyle is the main, basic, vital habit; it accumulates in itself the result of using the available means of physical education of preschool children in order to solve recreational, educational and educational tasks.
  Therefore, the preschool institution and the family are called upon in preschool childhood to lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle using various forms of work. And it is precisely in the family, in the children's educational institution, at an early stage of development that the child should be helped, as early as possible, to understand the enduring value of health, to realize the purpose of his life, to encourage the baby to independently, actively shape, maintain and enhance his health.
In order to actively influence the position of the child in relation to our own health, we, educators, need to know, first of all, that the term “health” itself is ambiguous.
  The concept of “health” has many definitions. But the most popular, and perhaps the most capacious, should be recognized as the definition given by the World Health Organization: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or physical defects."
  This definition is extremely difficult to apply to the health of Russian citizens living in conditions of economic instability and social tension. With this in mind, the current definition of health as a “degree of approximation” to full health, which allows a person to successfully perform social functions, is more adequately formulated by Professor S. M. Grombach.
  That is why any general educational institution (and first of all kindergarten) should become a “school of a healthy lifestyle” for children, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as eating and physical activity, etc.) will have a health-educational focus and promote the cultivation of their habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of independent decision-making skills in relation to maintaining and strengthening their health.
  Around the children from early childhood it is necessary to create such an educational environment that would be saturated with attributes, symbols, terminology, knowledge, rituals and customs of a valeological nature.
  This will lead to the formation of a need to lead a healthy lifestyle, to consciously protect one’s health and the health of those around them, to master the necessary practical skills. Thus, the formed traditions of a healthy lifestyle become the property of the nation, the state, an integral part of people's lives.
  Often children have no interest in recreational activities. This is due to the fact that, firstly, recommendations on a healthy lifestyle are instilled into children most often in an edifying categorical form and do not cause positive emotional reactions in them, and secondly, adults themselves rarely adhere to these rules in everyday life, and children they see it well.
Therefore, when working with children, it is important to remember and obey the commandments formulated by the brilliant Russian director K.S. Stanislavsky: the difficult must be made familiar, and the familiar should be easy and enjoyable.
  Based on this, the recreational and pedagogical classes should be systematic and comprehensive, evoke positive emotional reactions in the child, and, if possible, contain elements of the didactic game and motor exercises. In addition, the materials of such classes should be reflected in all regimen moments of the preschool institution (training sessions, daily routine, physical education classes, educational classes, and general events for the entire kindergarten).
  According to B. N. Chumakov, you cannot buy health, you can only earn it with your own constant efforts. But in order to preserve the health of the child, it is necessary to combine the efforts of all adults surrounding him (parents, teachers, doctors, teachers, etc.), with the goal of creating an atmosphere around him filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle.
  The integrative course "valeology" in kindergarten is the first important stage of continuous valeological education of a person, which should ensure the implementation of such tasks:
   education in children of the consciousness that a person is part of nature and society;
   the establishment of harmonious relations of children with animate and inanimate nature;
   the formation of the personality of the child;
   nurturing personal hygiene habits;
   hardening of the child and his motor activity;
   prevention and elimination of bad habits;
   implementation of valeological monitoring.
  Given the reality of the real and objective laws of pedagogy, valueology education should be deeply national, i.e. based on the cultural experience of the people, their traditions, customs, rites and forms of social practice.
  The organization of educational work in a preschool institution should be aimed at ensuring that children acquire deep knowledge, general educational skills and habits, maintain and strengthen their health. Achieving this goal is possible subject to age characteristics of preschoolers, hygiene requirements.
  Thus, from an early age, a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle are formed. The knowledge, skills and values \u200b\u200bof a valeological nature, laid in childhood, will become a solid foundation for creating a positive motivation to protect their own health in adulthood.

List of references
  1. Weiner E.N. General Valeology: Textbook. - Lipetsk: Lipetsk publishing house, 1998. Tatarnikova L.G. Pedagogical Valeology: Genesis. Development trends. - St. Petersburg: Petrogradsky and Co. °, 1995.

2.Torokhova E.I. Valeology: Dictionary. - M.: Flint: Science. 1999.

3. Zaitsev N.K., Kolbanov V.V. Strategy for understanding a healthy lifestyle among teachers // Valeology: Diagnostics, means and practice of ensuring health. Issue 3. - Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 1996. p. 148-153.

4. Chumakov B.N. Valeology. Selected Lectures. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1997.

In contrast to medicine, the focus of which is, first of all, on a sick person and methods of treatment, in the sphere of interests of valeology he is a healthy person who wants to keep his cheerful and cheerful state. To teach children to take care of their health, to consciously relate to nutrition and physical activity - this is the main point of all activities, the summaries of which are set out in this thematic section.

See how your colleagues tried to interest their wards in the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle and instill in them the basics of health conservation.

Encyclopedia of classes on the foundations of valueological culture

  Contained in sections:
  By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1056.
All sections | Valeology. Summaries of classes, GCD, development

Summary of OOD on valeology in the preparatory group "Why do we need a nose?"   Software content. - To give children ideas about the respiratory system - about the functions of the nose, the features of its structure, to note the importance of the nose to humans. - Bring to understanding the importance of caring for the respiratory system and proper care for them. Fix the rules ...

Mysteries of Valeology   1.He watches, but ticks, Not a motor, but works, Not a pump, but shakes. (Heart)  2. He is invisible around us, He is invisible, weightless, Though odorless and colorless, but he is familiar to everyone. Without it, life on our planet would be gone. Who will answer: without which everyone can’t live? (oxygen)  3.How ...

Valeology. Summaries of classes, GCD, development - The cycle of counseling for parents "Valeological education in the family"

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Image Library "MAAM Pictures"

  Summary of the valeology class using the Smart Ear exercises for the development of auditory attention for the preparatory group. Prepared by: Educator MADOU No. 104 of the first qualification category Shparvasser E.V. Purpose: - to form elementary representations of children about ...

Summary of NED for valeology "To be healthy" in the younger group  CONSECT OF NOD on valeology “To be healthy” in the younger group Purpose: 1. To formulate the concept of “health”, “illness” in children. 2. Continue to familiarize yourself with the rules of personal hygiene. To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules for washing hands. 3. Encourage children to relate the situation ...

   The modern requirement of personal development of a growing person, his moral, physical, mental health determined the focus of this manual. The model "Human body" can be used in cognitive - research and constructive activities. Goal:...

Valeology. Summaries of classes, GCD, development - Summaries of the game-lessons on valeology "I will save health - I will help myself"

Program content: Educational tasks: 1. To give children ideas about the components of a healthy way of life, about how a person takes care of his health. 2. To form a picture of myself as a person (I have a body, the body needs to live; from which parts ...

Consultation for educators “Valeological education of children in preschool educational institution”  “Valeological education of children in preschool educational institutions” Material and technical and health conditions in preschool educational institutions should provide the necessary level of protection of children's health, their management, and the physical and psychological development of preschool children. Valeological service allows you to attract to ...

  Albina Valeryevna Tumanina
  Valueology for preschoolers

According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of illness and physical defects.

Currently, it is customary to isolate components health:

1. Somatic health is the current state of organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development.

2. Physical health - the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, the basis of which are morphological and functional reserves that provide adaptive reactions.

3. Mental health is a state of the mental sphere. The basis of mental health is the state of general mental comfort, providing an adequate behavioral response.

4. Moral health is a set of characteristics of the motivational and need sphere, the basis of which is determined by the system of life values, attitudes and behavior motives in society. Moral health determines the spirituality of a person, is associated with universal principles of goodness, love and beauty.

Each of us leads our own way of life. Lifestyle - this is a certain type of human life, characterized by work, life, a form of satisfying material and spiritual needs, the rules of individual and social behavior.

A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle aimed at shaping, maintaining and promoting health.

Valeology  - a new integrative field of knowledge about the laws, methods and mechanisms of the formation, preservation, strengthening and reproduction of human health.

Term « valeology»   proposed by I.I. Brekhman (1980)  to refer to the science of health. Preschool  the childhood period is the main period in a person’s life, and how much the child’s health is formed will preschoolermuch depends.

The problem of child development preschool  age and preservation of their health is one of the relevant areas of social and rehabilitation pedagogical activities in social institutions around the clock stay of children without parental care. In order for a healthy lifestyle to become the norm, it is necessary to prepare children for the perception of elementary valeological knowledge.

Nowadays, children need a system of knowledge about a person, his health, methods of its formation and preservation, a person’s place in the natural world and his interaction with the environment.

Many of us think about why, at a relatively young age, we suffer from so many diseases? Answer is simple: we failed to maintain our health. After studying the literature and while working on this topic, I came to some conclusions. If a child is taught to protect his health from childhood, then as an adult, he will avoid many troubles. The collaboration of social educators and center specialists, I am sure. will give good results.

The main purpose of my work: Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle in children.


1. The formation of ideas about the structure of the human body and the functions of the main organs and systems.

2. The formation of basic hygiene skills.

3. The development of ideas about the relationship of health and the environment.

4. What is good and what is bad (good and bad manners).

5. Ethics and culture of behavior.

After the first classes in valeology I understood: the topic is successful, the work needs to be continued. Children took interest in games, game situations, classes themselves.

Topics for valeology in the senior group:

1. It is necessary, it is necessary to wash ...

1.1. About microbes.

1.2. Temper.

2. Our assistants (about vital organs).

2.1. Eyes - a window to the world.

2.2. So that the eyes do not get tired.

2.3. He who listens understands (about hearing organs).

2.4. Language is the organ of taste.

2.5. About different smells.

3.1. Learning to brush your teeth properly.

4. What we eat.

4.1. Useful and useless products.

4.2. The most useful and delicious dessert.

4.3. We sit down at the table (how to behave at the table).

Didactic games used during occupations:

1. "Guess what kind of taste"

Acquaintance with the zones of the language that feel different tastes.

2. "Healthy tooth"

About what is good and what is bad for teeth.

3. "Let's smile"

The first information about emotions and events that cause them.

4. Schemes riddles.

Related Publications:

Preschoolers Safety  It is at preschool age that, as a result of targeted pedagogical influence, health is formed, a habit of a healthy image.

Formation of independence among preschoolers  Independence is the most important quality of a person whose development begins quite early. Sometimes it seems to adults that independence is a baby.

A week devoted to Cosmonautics Day was held in our group. To form a cognitive interest in the topic of space and the history of astronautics.

  "Green light" Art. tutor: T. I. Muratova. Musical Director: N. N. Efremenko Purpose: to bring children to the realization of the need.

Psychocorrection of anxiety in preschool children  The problem of emotional distress in children, in particular, the problem of children's fears and anxieties, despite the long history, does not lose.

Recommendations for parents on introducing senior preschool children to Moscow. "Walking in Moscow for preschoolers" (1 part)  She worked on patriotic education with older preschool children for more than 15 years. I picked up and developed recommendations for parents.