Planning educational work for a week middle group on the theme “Toys. Theme Week "Games and Toys" Planning on the theme of our toys

  Elena Turkina
  Calendar-thematic plan of the week "Toys in kindergarten"

The development of the content of educational - educational work with preschoolers in accordance with the FGT.

Group: medium


Directly educational activity. Theme: “Journey into the world of toys”

“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Physical Culture”, “Reading of Fiction”, “Music”.

1. Continue to formulate in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of toys (“Cognition”);

2. Develop the ability to coherently, logically express their thoughts (“Communication”);

3. To give an idea that boys and girls play different toys (Socialization);

4. To foster a caring, caring attitude to toys (“Socialization”);

6. Create conditions for the perception of poetic texts ("Reading fiction");

7. To form the ability to listen to a song, to understand its content (“Music”).

Methods and techniques:

Practical: game

Visual: show

Verbal: conversation, riddles, explanation, explanation

Introductory talk about toys.

Riddles about toys.

The division of toys into groups - according to the material, according to purpose, according to game actions.

Drawing the missing part of the toy and naming it. Fizminutka: turning children into fun clockwork ducklings. Rhythmic dance movements to the music "Dance of the little ducklings."

Conversation with the show: how boys play with cars, how girls look after their daughters - dolls.

Alyabyeva E. A. “Final days on lexical topics”, book 2, p. 10-11.

1. Morning exercises “We played with toys”:

Walking with tasks;

A set of general developmental exercises ("The doll twists its head", "Crane", "Basket", "Swing", "Funny Parsley")

Jumping Balls;

Running at a moderate pace;

Walking with breathing.

Finger gymnastics “How many toys do I have.”

Articulation gymnastics.

2. Individual work with Petya S., Dasha K., Artem B., learning pure language with sound C;

3. Didactic game "Big and small."

4. Conversation "What kind of toys do you like to play?"

Walk 1.

1. Observation of birch and poplar leaves.

2 .. Individual work on physical education “Let's play with the ball” with Niyaz S., Andrey G., Artem G. (Lapteva, p. 24)

3. Didactic game "Who am I?"

4. Sand Games “Everything we want, we will make sand”

5. The mobile game "Hares and the Wolf"

1. Gymnastics-awakening after sleep "Eyes wake up."

2. Consideration of the poster "Toys"

3. Conversation (on the content of the poster)

4. Individual drawing work with Lena, Timothy “Coloring paints of ready-made silhouettes of toys of a simple form.

Walk 2

1. Observation of plants in the garden.

2. Individual work on physical education "Jumping rope"

3. A game with portable material “Let's build an airplane ourselves” (constructor “Lego”).

4. Mobile relay game “Who will harvest faster?”

Interaction with parents.

To introduce parents to the theme of the week.

Ask to bring to the group your favorite children's toys for joint games.

Invite parents to bring photos of children with their favorite toys for the design of the collective poster “My Favorite Toy”.


Directly educational activity. Theme: "What do the boys play, what do the girls play."

Integration of educational areas: “Artistic Creation”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Physical Culture”, “Health”.

1. To teach children to determine the purpose of the drawing "Cognition";

2. Create conditions for independent creativity - draw a subject picture and frame with a frame from the colored stripes “Communication”, “Artistic creation”;

3. Clarify children's ideas that boys and girls like to play different toys “Socialization”;

4. To instill an interest in reflecting your ideas about the world in the visual art “Socialization”.

5. To form the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text ("Physical Culture");

6. To consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when rolling a large ball with two hands from below. "Physical Culture"

7. To teach to perform crawls on the palms and knees on the go, without touching the cord. "Physical Culture"

8. In p / and "Hares and the Wolf" to train children in performing jumps with advancement on two legs. "Physical Culture"

9. To form the ability to hear verbal instructions and follow them. "Communication".

10 .. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers ("Physical Culture");

11 .. Create a favorable emotional background ("Health").

Methods and techniques:

Drawing with a child (hand in hand, play;

The logic of educational activity: I. Lykova, “Visual activity in kindergarten (middle group)”, pp. 16-17.

Poltavtseva, Gordova, pp. 35-36, No.

Educational activity in sensitive moments.

1. Morning exercises "We played with toys." Finger and articulation gymnastics.

2. Examination of theatrical toys. Show children how to play with them, desktop theater "Turnip".

3. Individual work on the development of coherent speech “A story about a toy according to plan” with Alina R., Lena N., Vika G.

4. Conversation "Bunny threw the mistress" about the careful handling of toys.

Walk 1.

1. Observation of insects.

2. D / and "Who (what) flies?"

3. Puzzles about insects.

4. Individual work on physical education “Rolling the ball with your feet in pairs (elements of football)” with Arseniy and Andrey.

5. The plot and role-playing game "For a walk with dolls"

6. The mobile game "Bees."

2. Circle work: learning a new round dance game “Dawn-Charge”

3. Research activities to determine the materials from which toys can be made and their certain properties.

4. Individual sensory work with Katya, Nastya “Collect a picture”, “Make a pyramid”.

5. Together with children, the design of the wall newspaper “Our Favorite Toys”.

Walk 2

1. Observation of the weather.

2. Individual work on physical education “Who is Next for Three Jumps” with Dasha K., Angelina H.

3. Games with portable material "Toy Store".

4. The mobile game "Freeze"

Interaction with parents.

To acquaint parents with the terms of the homemade toy contest, to offer to make a toy with the child at home to participate in the competition.

Hang the wall newspaper in the parent corner.


Directly educational activity Topic: "We consider fingers together and call toys"

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Artistic Creation”, “Communication”, “Physical Culture”, “Health”, “Socialization”, “Security”.

4. To consolidate knowledge of the time of year (autumn) “Cognition”);

5. Continue to form the ability to denote in words the position of an object in relation to itself (to the right, left) “Knowledge”;

6. To form the ability to navigate on the sheet of paper “Knowledge”

7. Develop the ability to coherently, logically express their thoughts (“Communication”);

8. To form the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text ("Physical Culture");

9. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers “Health”.

10. Continue to teach children how to use scissors - “by eye” cut wide strips of paper into cubes (squares) or bricks (rectangles) (“Artistic Creation”);

11. Show the technique of dividing the square into triangles diagonally to obtain the roof of the house (“Artistic Creation”);

12. Arouse interest in composing a composition of self-cut elements. To form the ability to stick ready-made forms in a certain sequence ("Artistic Creation");

13. Develop an eye, a sense of form and composition ("Artistic Creation");

14. Continue to develop children's safe handling of scissors in children (“Safety”);

15. To educate independence, confidence in one’s skills, accuracy of “Socialization”;

16. Create a favorable emotional background ("Health")

Methods and techniques:

Display sample invoice;


Independent performance of tasks on cards;

Joint exercise;


The logic of educational activity. Lykova I. A. "Visual activity in kindergarten (middle group)", pp. 30-31.

Kolesnikova E. V. "Mathematics for preschoolers 4-5 years old", pp. 18-20.

Educational activity in sensitive moments.

1. Morning exercises “We played with toys”

2. Acquaintance with musical toys "Our Orchestra"

3. Individual work with Niyaz R., Lena N., Karina B on expanding vocabulary, exercise “Pick, call, remember.”

4. D / and "What has gone and what has come?"

Walk 1.

1. Observation of spiders and cobwebs.

2. Individual work on the development of internal affairs bodies with Vika Z. and Karina L. “Wonder-ladder” (climbing stairs without missing the crossbeams).

3. Games with portable material “Tear off the bear's paw” (Hospital for toys).

4. The mobile game "Zhmurki with a bell."

1. Gym-wake-up after sleep "Eyes open."

2. Reading the book "Alphabet of toys" with a review of illustrations.

3. Individual work with Alfina, Angelina, Artem on the application "Colorful straws". 4. The design of the collective album “What Girls Play, What Boys Play”

5. Reading the book “The Adventures of Parsley and his friends”, looking at illustrations.

Walk 2

1. Observation of changes in daylight hours.

3. Individual work on physical education. Finger gymnastics “We consider fingers together and call toys” with Dasha K. and Artem B.

4. The mobile game "Children and the Wolf."

Consultation in the parent corner on the topic: "How to choose the right toy for the child"


Directly educational activity. Theme: "Toy Store"

Integration of educational areas:

“Communication”, “Cognition”, “Physical Culture”, “Socialization”.

1. To continue to form the ability of children to write a descriptive story about a toy (“Communication”);

2. Continue to learn to form relative adjectives, nouns with diminutive suffixes (“Communication”);

3. To form the ability to distinguish by ear and correctly use in speech the names of large and small objects ("Communication");

4. Continue to form the ability to express your thoughts in a detailed proposal (“Communication”);

5. To form the ability to conduct dialogue in the context of a role-playing game (“Communication”, “Socialization”);

6. To form the ability to act on a signal ("Physical Culture").

Methods and techniques:

game, conversation, show.

The logic of educational activity:

Activation of attention. Wonderful Sack game

Game “Pick up a sign.

The game "What has changed?"

Game “Catch a Small Item”

Fizminutka "Funny tumblers"

The role-playing game "Toy Store"

The game “Find a toy by description” (writing a descriptive story about

toy). Fizminutka "Aircraft". The game "Big - Small."

Kylasova L. E., "The development of speech with preschool children", pp. 48-50, Petrova T. I. "Games for the development of speech of preschool children", pp. 83-85.

Educational activity in sensitive moments.

1. Morning exercises "We played with toys."

2. Finger and articulation gymnastics.

3. Individual work with Alfina, Vika, Karina. Didactic exercise "Who will name actions with toys more?"

4. Examination of Russian folk toys. A conversation about the history of toys.

Walk 1.

1. Observation of the clouds. The game "What does the cloud look like?"

2. The role-playing game "Family"

3. Games with portable material.

4. Individual work on "Physical Culture" with Karina, Lena, Nastya game task "Throw and catch" (with the ball).

5. Moving Russian folk game "Hearts-bells".

1 .. Gymnastics-awakening after sleep "Eyes open."

2. Guessing riddles about toys.

3. Joint repair of group toys "Workshop of the master Trofim."

4. Individual work with Vika, Yaroslav, Nastya. Didactic exercise "Cut pictures".

Walk 2

1. Sky observation.

2. Games with remote toys.

3. Individual work on "Physical Culture". Game mission “Run and Do Not Hit” with Nastya, Vika, Niyaz. Purpose: to develop agility in running between objects.

4. The mobile game "Lovishki".

Organization of joint work with parents to fix toys in a group.


Directly educational activity. Theme: “A lot of good and different toys”

Integration of educational areas: “Artistic Creation”, “Socialization”, “Physical Culture”, “Safety”, “Health”.

1. Teaches children to sculpt a pyramid of disks of various sizes with the top in the form of the head of a teddy bear, a hare, a kitten (optional (“Artistic Creation”);

2. Show the methods of work planning (laying out lumps of plasticine in a row from the largest to the smallest) ("Art");

3. Develop a sense of color, shape and size ("Artistic Creation");

4. To build confidence ("Socialization");

5. To formulate the concept of safe handling of the stack, toothpicks, small beads (“Safety”);

6. To form the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text ("Physical Culture");

7. Create a favorable emotional background ("Health").

Methods and techniques:



The help of the teacher.

The logic of educational activity. Lykova I. A. .. “Visual activity in kindergarten (middle group)”, pp. 28-29.

Educational activity in sensitive moments.

1. 1. Morning exercises "We played with toys."

2. Finger and articulation gymnastics

3. Consideration of various designers. How can you play with them? Mini-contest for the most interesting building.

4. Individual work with Alfina, Dasha and Timothy. Didactic exercise: "How much?"

Walk 1.

1. Observation of trees on our site.

2. Didactic game "Third Extra".

3. Games with remote toys.

4. Individual work on "Physical Culture" game task "Run and Do Not Shot" with Alina, Arseniy, Artem. Purpose: to develop agility in running between objects.

5. The mobile game "Sparrows and the car"

1. Gym-wake-up after sleep "Eyes open."

2. A mini-contest of readers of poems by Agnia Barto from the cycle "Toys" ".

3. Individual work with Alina, Karina, Vika Sh., Didactic exercise “What, what, what?”.

4. Inactive game "Clockwork toys"

Walk 2

1. Observing the evening weather.

2. Games with remote toys.

3. Individual work on "Physical Culture" with Angelina, Vika, Artem. Game task "Throw and catch" (with the ball).

4. The mobile game "Counter-dash".

Interaction with parents.

Organization and design of the exhibition of homemade toys "Toy Masters." Awarding of the winners of the competition.


Turkina Elena Yuryevna,

educator MBDOU number 23, about. Samara

  Natalia Manukyan
  Calendar plan thematic week “My favorite toys” (younger group)

Methodological development according to GEF. I bring to your attention theme weekly schedule"My favorite toys"for younger group. It reflects all sections in accordance with GEF.

Days weeks

Theme of the week: "My favorite toys»   Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children


with parents



MONDAY 23.eleven. 2015 Morning Physical Development

Cognitive development Conversation with children about weather changes at the beginning of winter. goal: continue to educate children in a culture of communication. Finger games at the request of children. goal: learn to carry out movements for the tutor.

Morning exercises. With Masha Misha work on the cultivation of cultural and hygienic skills. Speech development didactic game "What happens?". goal: pick up any objects to the adjective (green-cucumber, hat, etc.)  Cult-gig skills to teach children to monitor their appearance. Role-playing game "Barbershop". goal: plot development, role distribution, ability to beat. Independent games of children in play areas. Discussion of current issues.

OOD Physical Development

Social com

Speech Development

Cognitive development Cognitive development Topic  Examining Katie's doll clothes. Dressing up dolls for a walk.

Goals: Clarify children's ideas about clothes, the purpose of things; To learn to remember the sequence of dressing for a walk.

Tasks: Teach you how to dress, teach in the process. We develop skills in assigning things to the idea of \u200b\u200bclothes.

Fasten to follow dressing clothes.

Physical development

Social com

Speech Development

Hood aesthetics. physical education development Topic: Lesson # 12

Walk Social. -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

To know. development

Observation of freshly fallen snow. goal: form an idea of \u200b\u200bwinter, evoke an aesthetic experience of the beauty of winter nature, the joy of walking. Work. Snow removal from the site. goal: Continue to learn to use a scraper, a shovel. Work on FIZO with Egor, Cyril exercise in walking on a log. goal: develop balance, learn to walk without fear.

Outdoor game "Make snowfall". goal: develop motor activity.

Remote Games (shoulder blades, scrapers, panicles.)

pass through the brook

goal: develop a sense of balance, dexterity, eye in children

Social evening -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

Rise. Gymnastics after sleep.

Awakening Minutes

Hardening procedures. Walking on the carpet barefoot. Reading to children. Ushinsky K. D. "Pranks of the old woman of winter". goal: enrich the vocabulary of children. Finger play "Winter". goal: develop fine motor skills.

Arseniy is working on familiarization with the subject and social environment. Did game “Do the right thing” Small development games motility: Laying out the mosaic pattern.

Hoop exercises - learn how to twist a hoop at the waist. Develop skills. Self coloring Smart Coloring

to toys toys in place.

Outdoor game "The Bear has a pine forest". goal: learn to follow the rules of the game, listen carefully to the teacher.

Days weeks  Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Theme of the week: "My favorite toys»

with parents


subgroup  Individual educational activities in sensitive moments

TUESDAY 11/24/2015 Morning Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development. Conversation with children about interesting things that I saw on the way to the village center. goal: develop observability. Morning exercises. goal: the formation of proper posture, the development of motor skills. With Kira, Artyom REMP work. Topic: “Name the colors” goal: learn to visually inspect recognize and correctly name colors. Didactic game “Whose house is this?”. goal: develop mental abilities, evidence-based judgments. Repeat familiar finger games with children. Role-playing games at the request of children. goal: continue to learn to play together, develop the ability to take on a role, perform game actions. Independent games of children in play areas. Create a happy mood for children. Play together.

OOD Physical Development Social Communication Development

The speech development of FEMP. Crib for a mouse. The game "Find by description"

Goals: arouse interest in design, teach how to choose shapes and fold them into pieces according to the model;

Learn to find the desired item by color (yellow, red, by size (large, small, play with toys;

To teach you to walk and run, without bumping into each other, to run away in a certain direction, caught to step aside.

Cognitive development

Speech Development

Artistic and aesthetic development Music. M. p. D. Muses Deshevovo March Unm. goal: Exercise children in different types of walking and walking in a circle, performing movements. Control "Flower". Singing song The Cockerel. goal: Learn to sing along to the ending of a song. Moose game "Chickens and a cockerel" goal

Walk Social. -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

To know. development

Bird watching in winter. goal: deepen knowledge about the life of birds in the winter, develop the ability and desire to help them. Work: shoveling snow, clearing the track. goal: learn to work together, achieve goals by joint efforts. With Azalea, Liana work on FIZO. Learning to jump on two legs with forward movement. Outdoor games "I catch birds on the fly", “Hit the target”. goal: learn to act quickly on a signal, run. Without bumping into each other, exercise in a throw at the target, develop dexterity. Remote Games .

Social evening -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech development.

Rise. Gymnast after sleep. Com busy Tempering the washing process with fresh water, walking barefoot on the carpet. Reading to children. N. Nosov "On the hill". goal: to form socially significant personality traits in children by the example of characters in literary works. With Zarina, Arseniy, work on labor education “Who needs it?”. goal: consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bobjects and their use in labor processes.

Viewing pictures of musical instruments - talking with children “What, for what?”  Listening to familiar children's songs. Singing your favorite songs. Coloring pictures on a winter theme. goal: learn to convey the beauty of nature in accordance with reality. Role-playing game "I am a doctor". goal: learn to play together, changing roles, knowledge of attributes in the game.

Children's games in play areas. Learning is careful to toysplay together, after the games to clean toys in place.

On the organization of the regime of children's day.

Days weeks  Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Theme of the week: "My favorite toys» . Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

with parents


subgroup  Individual educational activities in sensitive moments

WEDNESDAY 11.25.2015 Morning Physical Development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development Conversation with children “What I like to do at home in my free time”. goal: Teach children to find interesting activities.

Morning exercises. goal: develop correct posture, coordination of movements, hand motility. With Cyril work on the cultivation of cultural and hygienic skills “Clean hands are the key to health”  Didactic game "Trees and shrubs" goal: to form the ability of children to represent the silhouettes of trees and shrubs.

"Preparing for a walk"  using the word of art Role-playing game "Zoo". goal: Teach children to recognize and name wild animals. Independent games of children in play areas. goal: teach to play in a friendly manner toys.

OOD Fiz. development

Social -com development

Speech Development

Cognitive Development Topic: "Cookies"  To consolidate the ability to roll plasticine in circular motions; flatten the ball, squeezing it with your palms. Develop a desire to sculpt. Continue to practice modeling skills. To consolidate the ability to accurately work with plasticine.

Physical development

Social Development

Topic: Lesson # 12

Exercise children in walking with the implementation of tasks, developing attention, reaction to the signal of the teacher; crawling, developing coordination of movements; in equilibrium. Exercise "Inflate the bubble"

Walk Social. -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

To know. development

Observation of vegetation. goal: to form knowledge about plant life in winter, to cultivate a caring attitude to nature. Work. Raking snow with a shovel, clearing paths. goal: learn to work together, achieve the goal with joint efforts. With Artyom, Arseny, Kira work on FIZO. goal: develop motor activity, educate stamina. Outdoor games "Swan geese". goal: improve the running technique, achieving the naturalness of ease and accuracy of the assignment. Remote Games (shovels, brooms, scrapers, sleds).


goal: develop large trunk muscles, unload the spine. Arouse a feeling of satisfaction from the movements performed

Social evening -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

Rise. Gymnastics after sleep. Awakening Minutes

Hardening procedures. Walking on the carpet barefoot. Organize an evening leisure: singing songs, reading poetry, attract sedentary children. With Aydar, Artyom work on acquaintance with the outside world. Did game "What toys are gone»   develop attention, memory.

Word games “Who knows more kind and affectionate words”.

goal: Activate children's vocabulary. Self-play activities of children. Coloring at the request of children.

goal: Learn to paint carefully without leaving the line.

Game situation “Ducklings went out on the meadow”.

To develop intonation and speech skills of children; introduce a new fairy tale; to learn to follow the words and actions of heroes- of toys.

Days weeks

Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Theme of the week: "My favorite toys»   Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children

with parents


subgroup  Individual educational activities in sensitive moments

THURSDAY 11.26.2015. Morning Physical Development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Conversation with children about toys. goal to toysdevelop colloquial speech. Finger games at the request of children. To learn to repeat and perform movements according to the text. Morning exercises. With Artyom, Aydar work on FEMP. goal: learn to visually inspect recognize and correctly name colors. Board and Printed Games "Paired Pictures". goal: learn to compare objects, find similarities, develop attention. Role-playing game "Zoo". goal: Teach children to distinguish between wild animals, recognize and call their cubs. Children's games in play areas. Teach children to play together, takes care of to toys, after games to learn to clean toys in placebring order.

OOD Speech development

The artist is aesthetically pleasing. Development

To know. development drawing. Topic: A striped towel for forest animals.

Drawing patterns of straight and wavy lines on a long rectangle. The development of a sense of rhythm (alternating three different colors or different lines in a pattern).

Physical development

Social com. development

Speech development Music. M. p. d. "Claps". goal: carry out the movements slowly, in front of you and behind you perform claps. Control "Clap". Muses and Sl Makshantseva. Control "Frisky legs"  under y. n n goal: Teach children to perform text movements. Moose game "The chicken and the cockerel" goal: Learn to expressively convey game images in motion.

Walk Social. -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

To know. development

Observation of hoarfrost, frost. goal: form an idea of \u200b\u200bhoarfrost as one of the state of water.

Work: The construction of a snow flower bed. goal: Encourage adult care. With Kira, Ainur work on FIZO. goal: consolidate skills throwing objects at a distance, develop an eye.

Outdoor games "Sparrows and a cat", "Living Maze". goal: learn to gently jump, bending the legs at the knees, to run without touching each other, to develop a sense of balance, dexterity, speed of movement. Games for children with portable material (masks for outdoor games, brooms, molds, pencils.)

Social evening -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

Rise. Gymnast after sleep, hardening procedures, washing with cool water, walking barefoot on the carpet. Continue to accustom ml subgroup  children to independence, learn to wear tights, fasten sandals. Reading is thin. literature. goal: learn to listen to fairy tales, follow the development of action. Work with Arseny, Kira Exercise grammatically correct speech.

Conversation “What new have learned today about flowers, how to protect them”  Didactic game "Colors" goal: color fixing. Suggest coloring pages. goal: learn to paint without leaving the line. Event with parents.

Theme entertainment: "My favorite toys»

in the first younger group

goal: To cheer up children, to show activity, independence and initiative in actions.

Educational tasks: Arouse in children an emotional response to a game activity and a desire to participate in it.

Conversation with parents discuss current issues.

Days weeks  Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Theme of the week: "My favorite toys» . Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

with parents


subgroup  Individual educational activities in sensitive moments

FRIDAY 11/27/2015 Morning Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development Conversation with children on the topic "My favorite toy» . goal: instill respect for to toys. Morning exercises. goal: develop correct posture, coordination of movements, hand motility. With Arseny, Zarina, Kira on FEPM. To consolidate the concept of one, many, develop the ability to compare the totality of objects by quantity, by compiling pairs. Desktop didactic games "Cut pictures", “Whole and segments”. goal: the development of logical thinking, to train children in the compilation of the whole subject from its parts, to educate the will, perseverance. Role-playing games at the request of children. goal: Teach to unite for joint games, to select the necessary material. Independent games of children in play areas. goal: develop interest in various types of games, be able to interact with each other.

Fiz. development

Sotscom development

Speech development Speech development. Topic: “Reading a verse by S. Marshak "Kids in a cage"

Pose children with vivid poetic images of animals and a verse by S. Marshak "Kids in a cage"

Fiz. Development

Social Development

Speech development Physical education Topic: Lesson # 12

Exercise children in walking with the implementation of tasks, developing attention, reaction to the signal of the teacher; crawling, developing coordination of movements; in equilibrium.

Walk Social. -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

To know. Sky observation development. goal: continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena, learn to distinguish weather, linking it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds). Work: Raking snow with shovels, clearing the area for games. goal: learn to work together, achieve the goal with joint efforts. With Egor, Azalea, Darina in throwing snowballs at a horizontal target. goal: develop an eye.

Outdoor games "Giants are dwarfs", “Catch up with the plane”. goal: learn to alternate walking in small and broad steps, teach to quickly run at the signal of the teacher, without looking back. Games for children with portable material (shovels, scoops, buckets, stretchers, paper plane.)

Social evening -com. development

Fiz. development

Hood. -esthete. development

Speech Development

Rise. Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures, walking on the carpet barefoot. Organize an evening leisure: View cartoons. goal: learn to tell what they saw, to develop conversational speech. Work on FEMP with Camille, Aydar, Arseny to develop the ability to compare the totality of objects by quantity, by pairing, to consolidate one and many assimilation. Outdoor games Toss and Catch, "Throw on", "Catch me". goal: develop agility, independence, develop coordination of movements. Coloring at the request of children. goal: Learn to paint carefully without leaving the line. Independent games of children in play areas. goal: learn to play together, share toys, after the games bring order to the group.

Conversation about the behavior of children.

Prospective planning in the younger group on the topic: TOYS
10.24.2016 - 10.28.2016
Compiled by the tutor: Rybakova L.I.

Day of the week
Cooperative activity
Self detail children
Work with parents

1. Physical education

2. Cognitive.
"We go to the store for toys"
Purpose: To introduce children to the Toys store. To give the concept that toys are made of different materials, come in different sizes and colors. To teach children to imitate, revive toys. To strengthen the skills of caring for toys. (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. "Summaries of classes in the second younger group of kindergarten", p. 321)
Game exercise "Morning greeting." Purpose: to develop communication skills, create a positive climate in the group.
Pronunciation of pure language. Purpose: development of phonemic hearing and ability to onomatopoeia.
Game relaxation: "In the sun." Purpose: to introduce children to relaxation techniques, to develop imagination.
D / And find the toy. "
Purpose: to teach children to determine where the toy is in relation to other objects.
Reading A. Barto's "Toys". Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the work of A. Barto.
Work on labor education: Help the educator in washing toys. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to help adults, to keep the group in order and clean.
Creation of conditions for the present. Games "Domino Toys." Goal: Goal: to consolidate the ability of children to follow the rules of the game, to develop attention.

The plot and role-playing game "Well in our garden"
Objectives: to stimulate the development of game plots and game actions; enrich the storylines of games on the theme of kindergarten.
Creating the conditions for independent creativity of children - offer sheets of paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, stencils. Purpose: to develop interest in drawing, the development of fine motor skills.
Individual conversations with parents about children's health on weekends.

№ 29
Monitoring the work of the janitor.



"Quantity: as much as." Purpose: To learn to compare one group of objects with another, sequentially superimposing one object on another; distinguish between equality and inequality (without counting) by the number of items in the group; distinguish between left and right hand.
(V.P. Novikova Mathematics in kindergarten ", p. 16)

Individual work on instilling KGN - we learn to neatly put things in a closet.
Talk about how to relate to toys. Purpose: to form a careful attitude to things in kindergarten.
Finger game "We consider fingers together".
Purpose: to expand the range of use of finger forms in communication with children: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Repetition of songs and poems for a musical event.
Games with sports equipment "Skittles".
Purpose: to practice children throwing a small diameter ball into a horizontal target (size) with the right and left hand.
Reading the literary literature: A. Barto "Goes, the goby sways."
Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to a work of art, to answer questions.
Circle "Wizards". Theme is "Water." Purpose: to identify the properties of water (transparent, odorless, pours, some substances dissolve in it, has weight) - see long-term plan.
Creation of conditions for the plot-role-playing game "Toy Store"
Purpose: to help expand the range of role-playing actions in the game, teach children how to use their favorite toys in the game, and select attributes for the game.
Creation of conditions for games in desktop-printed games - Find and guess Who lives where, Big and small. ” The goal is the development of logical thinking.
D / games on the topic: “Paired Pictures”, “Cut Pictures”. Purpose: the development of logical thinking, attention.
Creation of conditions for building and constructive games. “Build a garage for cars”, “Build a house for animals”, etc. The goal is the development of spatial imagination; to develop a desire to create interesting buildings, beat them.

Written consultation for parents “How to choose a toy for a child”

№ 25
Leaflet Review

1. Speech development
“Description of the toy - kitten, foal, mouse. Purpose: to teach to make, together with the teacher, a short story about a toy; learn to form the name of the cubs of animals; clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound And (Ushakova, p. 20)

2. Physical education

Individual work on instilling CGN: Learning to unfasten and fasten buttons.
A round dance game “We Are Matryoshka”. Purpose: to form the ability to get into a circle, to learn how to move to music.
Individual work on the development of speech: Writing a descriptive story about toys. The goal is to teach children to create a short descriptive story about the subject, based on the questions of the educator.
Work on injury prevention: Conversation on the topic “Minute of Safety”. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the elementary rules of safe behavior in a group. About the need to put toys in place, as You can trip over an unmade toy.

Examination of illustrations “Children play” Purpose: to contribute to the activation of children's speech; learn to use printed material carefully.
Creation of conditions for table-printed games “Whose house”, “Big small”, “Seasons”, etc. Purpose: development of logical thinking.
Games with sports. inventory: “Roll the ball”, “hit the target”, jump over the stream ”. The goal is the development of motor activity; coordination of movements.
Creating conditions for role-playing games: "Toy Store", "The doll got sick," etc. Purpose: to continue to teach children to independently choose attributes for games, to use substitute objects; to teach children to clean up toys in their places;
D / And “Pick a couple”
Purpose: to fix the names of toys, find them in pictures, develop auditory perception.

Individual conversations about the activities of children in kindergarten.

№ 22
Weather observation


1. Drawing
Drawing "My friend is a cheerful ball." Purpose: drawing round two-color objects: creating contour drawings, closing a line in a ring and coloring, repeating the outlines of a drawn figure. (I.A. Lykova "Art Activities in Kindergarten", p. 20)

2. Musical

Work on instilling KGN - D / and "Let's help the animals set the table for dinner." Purpose: To improve the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat food to the end, swallow food without leaving it on the cheek. Guessing riddles about toys. Purpose: to develop thinking.
Repeating songs for the Autumn Festival. The goal is to consolidate the knowledge of the words of songs, to activate the speech of children.
Examination of the painting "Children play." Purpose: to form the ability to examine the picture, to notice small details.
Conversation on the topic: “Each toy has its own place”
Purpose: to teach children to put toys in place
P / And "Forward to the toy."
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to perform jumps with moving forward.
Cognitive research at the request of children. Purpose: To promote the cognitive interest of children.

Games for the development of fine motor skills - “Mosaic”, “Beads”, “Puzzles”, etc.
Creation of conditions for children's art - to offer children paper, pencils, stencils. We draw our favorite toys in kindergarten.
Creation of conditions for the construction of the “Bridge for the Bull”.
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the details of a building constructor, to realize their plan in construction.
Independent games with athletic equipment. Purpose: to promote the development of motor activity.
D / And "Find out who called."
Purpose: to teach children by voice to recognize peers, accurately perform game actions.
The plot and role-playing game: "Family: we put the doll Katya to sleep." Purpose: to teach children to perform game actions with a toy in accordance with the role.
Individual conversations with parents about the characteristics of the children; about children's health, etc.
Continue work with parents on the prevention of influenza and SARS
№ 21
Observation of autumnal changes in nature

"Balloons" Purpose: to learn to lay out the finished form at a certain distance from each other, to gently stick; develop a sense of form and rhythm.
  (Lykova I.A. “Visual activity in kindergarten. Younger group”, p. 22)

2. Physical education

Musical game "Pat like me." Purpose: to develop a sense of rhythm.
Articulatory gymnastics - "Smile", "Fence", "Duck", "Horse". The goal is to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, strengthening the ability to pronounce sounds correctly.
Individual work on the development of speech - to form a sound culture of speech, exercise in the exact reproduction of sounds, learn to adjust the volume of pronounced sounds.
The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"
Purpose: to teach children to use the toys to beat the plot of a familiar fairy tale; teach dialogue, enrich and analyze the vocabulary of children, form the correct pronunciation
Work on labor education - to teach children to clean up the group, provide all possible assistance in cleaning the group.
Exercise with the ball. Purpose: to develop agility in ball games.
  Breathing exercises: "Inflate the ball." Purpose: to train the force of inspiration and exhalation.

Independent games of children. Purpose: to encourage children to play actively, develop cognitive activity, initiative. To develop communicative skills in the game, an active friendly attitude towards others.
Creation of conditions for table-printed games “Puzzles”, “Assemble the whole from the parts”, “Mosaic”, “Cubes”, “When does this happen?”, “Find a pair”. Purpose: to learn how to collect pictures from 2 - 4 parts with different types of cuts and simple puzzles.
Artistic work: “Funny coloring”
Purpose: to develop interest, accuracy, perseverance, independence.
D / games

He plans a week of games and toys and, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, this topic is reflected in all educational fields. During the week, preschoolers remember the correct handling of toys, reinforce knowledge of Dymkovo and Gorodets toys, get acquainted with the Kargopol toy and the features of its painting. Reading poems and stories about toys allows you to expand children's ideas about the stages of production and the purpose of toys. A detailed description of the teacher’s stories, speech exercises on the topic, the script for the puppet show “Katyusha toys”, etc. You will find in the appendix to the plan “Theme Week“ Games and Toys ”.

Social and communicative development

Children remember the Victory Day, get acquainted with the emblem of their native land, solve the problem situation "All the toys have disappeared from the group." Social and communicative development is also facilitated by conversations about male and female professions, household work and introspection “My good deeds”.

Cognitive development

Solving the tasks of cognitive development, the teacher offers the children the game "Tangram, geocon, Columbus egg." On a walk, older preschoolers observe insects, grow potatoes, and experiment with sand and clay. The teacher tells the children about the history of toys, about who makes toys for us. In games with the ball, children reinforce knowledge of animals of the North, continue to learn to draw in the cells.

Speech Development

In the field of speech development, finger gymnastics "I have toys ...", reading "Naughty Doll" by T. Kryukov, the game "What happens in the spring" and writing descriptive stories according to plan are planned.

Art and aesthetic development

The week begins by watching the presentation of the Kargopol Toy, then the children examine the album and color the Kargopol toys. Puppetry skills are enshrined in the production of the Katyushinsky Toys puppet theater, children draw their favorite toys and make homemade toys from paper, which contributes to artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development

The teacher does not disregard outdoor folk games. In the field of physical development, the folk games “Tea, Tea, Help Out”, “Stick-Trick”, “Burners”, etc. are planned. Children learn about products that are good for teeth, solve riddles about personal hygiene items, which contributes to the formation of neatness and accuracy.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOCognitive developmentSpeech DevelopmentPhysical development
1 p.p.Conversation "What I saw at the parade." Purpose: to remember with children about the holiday of May 9.Conversation with children about Russian folk toys and games. Purpose: to give an idea of \u200b\u200bfolk toys, crafts and games.The game "Throw in syllables." Purpose: to learn to compose words according to the first syllable, to develop phonemic hearing.Presentation "Kargopol Toy". Purpose: to acquaint children with the craft, to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of the painting.Morning warm-up “Favorite toys”. Purpose: to develop physical qualities.
Acquaintance of children with proverbs that accompanied people at work. Purpose: To help children understand the meaning of proverbs.Watching a ladybug. Objectives: to expand knowledge and understanding of the features of the appearance of a ladybug; to cultivate an attentive and careful attitude to all living things.S.R. the game "In the toy store." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to write descriptive stories according to plan.Independent games in the theater corner. Purpose: to liberate children, develop imagination.P.I. "Tea, tea, help out." Purpose: to develop physical qualities. The national game "Burn, Burn Clear." Purpose: remember the words.
2 p.p.Conversation “What our coat of arms tells”. Purpose: to form patriotic feelings.Cognitive research activity “Who makes toys for us?”. Purpose: to expand ideas about professions and technologies for making toys from different materials."My Toys" O. Kras. Purpose: to learn to listen to the work carefully.Drawing "How we play in kindergarten." Purpose: to learn to distribute the image throughout the sheet, while maintaining the proportions of objects.Exercise "Who will collect the most toys with his feet." Purpose: to develop psychomotor functions, dexterity.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech DevelopmentArt and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.p.Discussion of the story of T.A. Shoryginoy "Scarecrow." Purpose: to educate the desire to be tidy.Games "Tangram, geocon, Columbus egg." Purpose: to develop perception, analytical thinking, the ability to navigate the sample.Reading nursery rhymes, jokes. Purpose: to continue acquaintance with folk art.Coloring "Kargopol young lady." Purpose: to cultivate an aesthetic taste, to consolidate the ability to work with a brush.Game exercise "Tell Dunno who they are ... football players (hockey players, athletes)." Purpose: to expand ideas about sports professions.
The plot and role-playing game "Trip to the Children's World" (with the distribution of roles by gender: boys - drivers, dad, son; girls - mother, daughter, seller, conductor, cashier). Purpose: to develop creativity, the ability to imagine images in the imagination and expressively show them.Observation of different modes of transport. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge that a person uses a bicycle that does not require gasoline; man, pedaling, moves.Di. "Why did this happen". Purpose: to teach children to find the cause of events, to express it in words.Game "Changeling". Purpose: to teach children to create in their imagination images of objects based on the perception of schematic images of individual parts of these objects.Team game "Change the flag." Purpose: to form the ability to play in teams. P.I. "Don't get your feet wet." Purpose: to develop balance.

The action plan of the thematic week "Game and Toys" in the senior group with children with ZPR

  Kuzmina Natalya Nikolaevna, educator of the I qualification category, GBOU No. 1571 preschool department "Fairy Tale".
Material Description:  The material can be useful for educators, parents. Themed weeks are often held in kindergartens, then you need to make a small report. I offer a small report with
Goal:  Developing children's interest in various types of games and supporting their free creative fulfillment in the game.
  -Conducting outdoor games taking into account age and individual characteristics of preschool children;
  - The optimal use of gaming equipment, manuals, tools and materials that contribute to the intensification of the gaming activities of children;
  - Attracting parents to actively participate in the week "Games and Toys", creating conditions for the development of the child’s play at home.

Week of games and toys

Monday "Day of your favorite toy"

  - Conversation with children: "My favorite toy" (children talk about their toys, show how to play with them)
  - An exhibition in the group: "My favorite toy" (children bring toys from home, organize an exhibition with the teacher and invite children from other groups)
  - Games in the game space with your toys.
  Outdoor games with running, throwing, jumping (EA Timofeeva "Outdoor games"
  - Role-playing game "Hospital"
  - Competition builders "Fairytale City"
Parent corner

Tuesday "Day of the role-playing game"

  - Build yourself dice games
  - Creating game situations: "Bear got sick" "Feed the doll lunch, Dress the doll for a walk"
  - Plot role-playing games: "Daughters-mothers", "We are drivers", "Firefighters", "Library" (at the choice of children)
  - Design and manufacture of attributes for role-playing games.
  - Conversation with children: "Modern professions" (designer, fashion designer)
  Outdoor games: "Hunter and Hares", "Hedgehog and Mice", "Sun and Rain"
  - Exhibition of children's drawings: "My favorite toy"
  - Preliminary work for the manufacture of homemade toys (selection of literature, natural and improvised materials)
  - Reading stories, poems on the topic of the week
Parent corner
  "Parenting a child in the family"
Wednesday "Day of folk toys"

  - Games with dolls, large pyramids, cars
  - Conversation with children: “Dymkovo toy. How they played with them in the old days”
- Productive activity. Drawing: "Tablecloth. Elements of painting" (E.V. Sallinen. Classes on Iso.p.174)
  Russian folk games: "Zhmurki", "Burners", "Baba Yaga"
  - Listening to the ethical tale "The Ball" (E.A. Alyabyeva "Education of a culture of behavior in children", p. 106)
  - Educational didactic and desktop-printed games
Parent corner
  Consultation "Corner of the game in the family"
Thursday "Day of theatrical toys and dramatization"

  - Conversation with children: "Types of puppet theaters", "Who works in a puppet theater"
  - Games in a theatrical corner (table, finger, shadow theater)
  - Productive activity. Modeling "My favorite theater hero"
  Outdoor games: “Damn it burns!”, “Coil”.
  - Physical education lesson-theater "Teremok" (V.N. Shebeko. Variative physical education classes in kindergarten, page 93)
Parent corner
  Recommendations for parents on creating game layouts in the family.
Friday "Day of musical games and musical toys"

  - Musical didactic games with sounding toys and instruments.
  - Musical disco: "Dance of the little ducklings", "Dance with umbrellas", "Dance movement" Cheburashka "
  Outdoor games using musical and noise instruments (tambourine, rattles, drum, whistles, rattles)

  - Entertainment. Children staged a series of poems by A. Barto "Toys"
  - The participation of parents in the competition: "Homemade toy.
  - Organization of the exhibition: "DIY Toy" (together with parents and children)
  - Summarizing. Awarding medals.

Presentation on the theme: Game and toys