“Civil-patriotic education as the basis for the formation of students' civic consciousness. Pedagogical Council "civil - patriotic upbringing and education: experience, problems and prospects"

All of the above determines the relevance of the development and implementation of the targeted intra-school program “Man. Citizen. Patriot".

This program was developed by an initiative group at the end of last year. A few words about the program, as we are already working on its implementation.

Slide 3 (page 90). Program goal:

Creation of conditions for the formation of the personality of a person and a citizen who is humanistically oriented, has a sense of his own dignity, realizes the value of freedom and democracy, is civic active, respects the rights and freedoms of every person, who knows how to exercise and protect his rights.

The main areas of activity that contribute to the achievement of this goal are:

Creation of organizational pedagogical conditions for the formation of competence and attitudes to an active life position.

What competencies are we talking about?

v Moral competence.

The totality of moral and ethical knowledge and skills to determine and evaluate one's behavior, based on moral norms and ethical concepts that correspond to humanistic and democratic values.

v Competencies in the political and legal sphere.

Independent search and receipt of information from various sources, the ability to analyze it, think critically, etc.

) Formation of an attitude to the priority of the spiritual and moral foundations of life both within the school community and society as a whole.

Familiarization of schoolchildren with the spiritual and moral traditions of various communities, the formation of a sense of tolerance.

The formation of patriotism as a sense of respect, pride and responsibility to their Fatherland.

Formation of ecological culture and healthy lifestyle.

) Creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the actualization of an active social position.

Development of leadership skills and involvement of schoolchildren in solving socially significant problems.

Formation of the ability to conduct a discussion, logically and convincingly express one's point of view, be able to listen and hear, etc.

The implementation of these tasks requires the introduction of a model of civic education based on the following principles:

v Humanism

v Rule of law, respect for human rights and freedoms.

v Natural conformity, that is, not the alteration of the child, but the development of the existing potential.

v An activity approach to the upbringing of the personality, i.e. upbringing not by moralization, but by the organization of the child’s life activity directly

v Age expediency, i.e. selection of the content and forms of activity in accordance with the leading needs of the child.

Naturally, the implementation of this program should take place at all levels:

Subject level - teaching a special course "Social Science", as well as optional courses that would contribute to the formation of citizenship of the individual, his moral and legal culture.

Interdisciplinary level- through the whole range of subjects, integrated lessons, interdisciplinary integration. In a word, the development in all lessons of students of such abilities and skills, which, if they do not directly reflect the procedures of civil life, are the basis of social action and are necessary for civil life.

educational level- instilling by teachers in children the skills and abilities of communication based on mutual respect and friendliness, tolerance and mutual assistance, while using in educational work various forms and methods of studying legal norms, which we will see today at open events.

Institutional level- organization school life in such a way that in the conditions of the school community as a democratic state, the civic qualities and skills of schoolchildren are in demand, so that situational civic activity arises that encourages both children and teachers to turn to jointly adopted norms and act in accordance with them.

In our school, a vivid example of this is the School Council and the coordinating council of the children's school "Merry Wind". And sinks with you and me

Design level- the proposal and implementation of socially significant projects related to the joint actions of students, teachers and local authorities, the organization and conduct of such KTD that would contribute to social adaptation, obtaining the necessary skills of civil legal behavior.

* weak connection between classroom and extracurricular activities;

A striking example of this is the reluctance to conduct subject weeks. In the lesson plans, we all set a triune goal, but as a rule, there is no time left for educational purposes, or there is not enough time left. Thus, the attitude to the process of education in the classroom is formal, and in fact it is educational goal the lesson is connected with the formation and development of the moral, ideological foundations of the individual, the formation of aesthetic, ethical ideas.

Of course, there are many good things too. Our school has developed certain traditions in this direction:

(slide show)

* Rulers Basaraba. On September 15, in the Hall of Military Glory, "Initiation into 5th graders" is held. In a solemn atmosphere, children are told about a school graduate who died in Afghanistan, flowers are laid at the memorial plaque, and then at the Eternal Flame.

* Guard of honor on 9 May at the memorial plaque. V. Basaraba. In the 2005 academic year, the memory board was replaced with a new one. And in honor of its opening, a solemn rally was held, which was attended by the parents of V. Basarab, representatives of the city administration, and high school students.

* Campaign "Veteran lives nearby" Students in grades 5-11 regularly visit veterans who live in the territory assigned to the school. Congratulations on the day of the elderly, Defender of the Fatherland Day, May 9.

* "Army exercises", where the boys show not only their strength, dexterity, army ingenuity, but also their knowledge of history, life safety.

* lessons in courage to which veterans of the Great Patriotic War, officers, conscripts are invited.

* poetry competition under the motto "If we forget the war, the war will come again" among 5-8 classes.

*Drawing competition"War Through the Eyes of Children"

*Competition of thematic newspapers by combat arms of the Russian Army * Essay competition "My relatives-defenders of the Fatherland" with the design of the exhibition.

* Literary evenings "Poetry of the war years» with the invitation of city poets and writers

*Literary and musical composition "Let's Bow to the Great Themes" years!" with the invitation of WWII veterans living in the neighborhood of our school.

* memory lesson, dedicated to the warriors - Novoaltaians who died in local wars Oh

* Festival of Patriotic Song????

*Government Day???

*Elections to the Youth Duma, which contribute to the formation of an understanding by the school community of the connection and dependence of legislation and lawmaking in the school legal space with the legal norms of Russian legislation and the world community.

*School government????

Methods for the formation of civil-patriotic qualities of a person

Method group

Method properties



personality consciousness


example method

Putting the teenager in the position of a full participant in the process, i.e. he is not an object for the application of these methods, but he himself takes an active part in their use.

Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of civic behavior

Pedagogical requirement, requirement of the team, public opinion, assignment, method - requirement, creation of educational situations, collective creative work, socially significant actions

It is necessary to create situations in which a teenager would practice civic activities, realize his duties in relation to the team, society, and responsibility for his actions. It is important to demonstrate the importance of civic activity of adolescents for society. Traditions of behavior are formed with the help of regulatory requirements.

Methods for stimulating activity and behavior

Competition, encouragement, punishment, mutual assistance, creating a situation of success

Teenagers need to be encouraged to correct their behavior. Stimulation in its various forms should be dosed and deserved. Stimulation encourages a teenager to analyze his own activities, programs further behavior

1. What do you understand by the word "patriotism"?

2. What do you understand by the word "citizenship"?

3. Should we pay more attention to the patriotic education of youth in our country?

4. Who is most involved in the education of patriotism and citizenship?

5. Should a person love his homeland and be proud of its achievements?

6. Do you have this feeling?


  • Patriotism and fidelity to military duty are the main qualities of the defender of the Fatherland

teachers' council

"Education of citizenship and patriotism among schoolchildren"

Target: identify problems, ways and means of improving the work of civil-patriotic education of schoolchildren.


  • To study the system of work in this area that has developed in the school;
  • identify the interests and needs of children and take them into account when planning work;
  • · update the content and forms of work on civil and patriotic education of students, taking into account the possibility of interaction between teachers, students and parents.

Members: school administration and teachers.


  • · Creation of an initiative group for holding a pedagogical council.
  • · Preparation of excursions to the school museum for members of the teachers' council.
  • · Questioning of pupils of 9-11 classes.
  • · The study of scientific - methodological literature on the problem under discussion at the MO class teachers.
  • Drawing up a draft decision of the teachers' council by the initiative group

Decoration, equipment and inventory: interactive whiteboard, projector, workplaces prepared for the meeting participants, multimedia presentation on the theme of the teachers' council


I. Information-theoretical part

Speech by the Deputy Director for educational work. (slide 1,2)

“Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a person’s heart ...” K.D. Ushinsky

(Slide 3). The relevance of the education of citizenship and patriotism is due to the processes in society that exacerbated the problems of national extremism, having a negative impact on the formation of patriotic consciousness and civic position of the individual. Are now crumpled moral guidelines, the younger generation can be accused of lack of spirituality, unbelief, aggressiveness, there is a reassessment life values which actualized the moral aspect in the civil development of the individual, in the formation of a patriotic citizen.

Patriotism- this is a manifestation of love not only for a strong and beautiful, great and powerful country, but also for a country that is going through hard times. better times: poverty, misunderstanding, discord, or military conflicts. It is in our time that the upbringing of a sense of patriotism, citizenship, responsibility for the fate of one's country is one of the most important tasks of education.

Civic-patriotic education is one of the priorities in educational work of our school, for which the school has all the conditions: sports and gym, an office of life safety, a sports ground for training, a local history museum operates at the school - on the basis of which a local history circle operates. (slide 4.5)

The school has been working in this direction for a long time, has its own experience and achievements. School students achieve high results not only in paramilitary competitions, competitions, and sports.

Teachers successfully solve the issues of teaching and educating schoolchildren as citizens, patriots of their homeland through lessons, extracurricular activities, sports competitions, paramilitary relay races. The appropriate conditions have been created at the school for the formation of feelings of love for one's Motherland, the region, the school, one's family, for the development of interest in sports, the military profession.

Education of patriots through: (slide 6)

Lesson and extracurricular activities of the teaching staff;
- observance and holding of traditional events;
- preservation of the museum as a center of military-patriotic education of schoolchildren;
- continuation of research and search work in the school microdistrict;
- admission of school graduates to military educational institutions;
- holding holidays and competitions dedicated to military-patriotic work.

How do we educate patriotism? Today in the education system of the Russian Federation there are different directions, forms and methods of patriotic education of students. As part of the implementation of the activities of the state program.

This area includes the following activities:

  • · Events to perpetuate the memory of the fallen in the struggle for the independence of our Motherland (Traditional annual Watch of memory in eternal flame May 9 students).
  • · Carrying out lessons of Courage, class hours for the Days of Military Glory, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Congratulations and performance with concerts in front of war and labor veterans of the school microdistrict. Chief help.
  • · Collection of material about the fate of their ancestors, relatives - participants in the Second World War, local wars. Acquaintance with family heirlooms that keep the memory of the Great Patriotic War.
  • · Celebrating anniversaries, holding exhibitions, quizzes, contests, watching videos.
  • · Carrying out the military-sports game "Zarnitsa".

sports competitions and other holiday events(concerts) dedicated to great holidays.

  • · Visiting of museum.

In the patriotic education of the younger generation, the role of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and local wars, military personnel, law enforcement officials is great. Traditional is the connection with the school of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, living in the microdistrict of the school. All veterans are assigned to cool teams that patronize them, congratulating them on all holidays, helping. Performances at the lessons of courage, their stories about battles with the enemy, about the exploits of fighting friends often serve as an impetus to start or intensify search work. Their annual invitation to holiday concert, dedicated to the day Victory, meetings are traditionally held with participants in the Great Patriotic War, participants in local wars and military conflicts on the occasion of the Days of Military Glory.

It should be noted that the Timur movement is working at the school, aimed at helping war and labor veterans, the disabled, the elderly, and everyone who needs it.

Every year, literary and musical drawing rooms “War has an unfeminine face”, “Children of War”, reading contests “In the Fire of War”, contests of drawings, posters, newspapers are traditionally held at the school.

Support base, a platform for the formation of real defenders of the Fatherland, patriots of the Motherland is a number of events that take place in the school and the district.

2 direction. Local history work (Speech by the head of the school museum of local lore - Kirillov S.M) (Appendix 1 - presentation of the school museum)

Knowledge of the history of one's region enriches spiritually, develops a sense of patriotism, pride in one's people. In this direction, various activities are carried out:

Excursions to the local history museum, school museum,
- lessons-acquaintance with the monuments of the region;
- study of arts and crafts: folk costume, customs and holidays;

Visiting the local history museum of Borisoglebsk, the monastery of Seraphim of Sorovsky.
- lessons of courage.

One of the priorities in the activity educational institutions is local history. Students, together with the head of the museum:

  • · They collect material about the exploits of fellow countrymen - participants in military events and draw up expositions about veterans of the Second World War and local wars.
  • · Protect historical monuments of the native land, schools.
  • · Carry out cultural and mass work among the students of the school.
  • · Conducting excursions for students in grades 1-11, teachers, parents, guests of the school.

Traditionally, an important place in the system of educational activities of the school is occupied by the school museum. It is the search and local history work that contributes to the appeal of today's schoolchild to the traditions of his people. Through participation in expeditions to collect information, there is an introduction to moral ideals and principles, the heroic labor experience of generations. The main goal of the school museum is to create conditions for the development of cognitive activity and communicative culture of students, as well as an active civil patriotic life position aimed at preserving the historical, cultural and moral values ​​and traditions of the history of the small motherland, their multiplication and development.

A citizen must not only love his homeland, but also know and be able to protect his rights.

Lessons of social science, economics, law;
- learning the rules of conduct at school and in public places;
- School lecture hall "Law and Order" (meetings with representatives of law enforcement agencies, psychological service, traffic police, medical workers);

School events;
- work of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency;
- work of the School Council;

Lessons of the humanitarian cycle;

Organization and holding theme nights, conversations;
- study of the customs, traditions, holidays of their people;
- studying your family, compiling a genealogical tree of the family;
- organizing and conducting disputes, discussions on moral and ethical topics.

All these activities increase students' interest in the history of the Fatherland, give an understanding of the importance of the role common man in historical events, contributes to the education of respect for the older generation, love for the motherland, a sense of duty and patriotism.

Additional education occupies a special place in civil-patriotic education. School students attend school sport sections(athletics, basketball, table tennis, volleyball and others). The school has created the necessary conditions for sports. The school staff interacts in the work on civil and patriotic education with various institutions of the district: additional education, cultural, sports and other institutions visited by our students, as evidenced by the monitoring of employment, which is 94%.

A huge role in the education of civic consciousness and patriotism among schoolchildren lies on the shoulders of class teachers, who coordinate the activities of the children's team and, organizing, together with the class's assets, in accordance with the annual plan, school-wide events in this area of ​​work, acquaint students with the symbols of Russia, conduct cool watch, lessons of courage, organize meetings with veterans and servicemen.

The younger school age is the most receptive for emotional and value, spiritual and moral development, civic education, the lack of which is difficult to make up for in subsequent years. Experienced and assimilated at this time is characterized by great psychological stability.

If mortgaged in junior school age aspects of patriotism are the foundation, then adolescence- the ideological base of the future citizen.

But statistics testify to the growth among high school students of a negative attitude towards the concepts of civic duty, responsibility to society, corrosion of patriotic and civic ideals. To identify the level of citizenship and patriotism, a survey was conducted among students in grades 9-11, in which 18 people took part. Questionnaire "Patriot and Citizen" (Appendix 2). The results of the survey are visible in the diagram (slide 7). With sufficiently high test results, the answers to some questions make you think. So to the questions: “I owe a lot to my country” (3% of students answered “no”), “There are nations and peoples who do not deserve to be treated well” (7% - “yes”), “I would like go to other countries, but I prefer to live in my own” (9% - “no”). Now they are debunking and criticizing different aspects of our history, names. And whoever does not respect his homeland, he does not respect himself, he does not have the right to be respected by other people. Today we understand very well that the patriotic education of our youth must be seriously dealt with. After all, we, generations that were brought up from the cradle on the basis of love and devotion to their Fatherland, are by no means indifferent to who will replace us.

IV. Practical part

In order to further improve the work on the education of citizenship and patriotism among schoolchildren, those present are invited to take part in drawing up a plan for joint actions of pedagogical, student and parent teams. Using the “Brainstorming” method, the members of the teachers' council in a circle express their proposals, which are entered in the table drawn on the board: (you can distribute the forms prepared in advance to teachers - Appendix 3)

The table data processed further by the initiative group will be taken into account when compiling the Comprehensive Program for Civil-Patriotic Education, when compiling a school-wide plan for educational work, and will become the basis for planning work in classes.
V. Final part

The results of all the activities carried out indicate that the process of establishing a system of patriotic education is progressing, and activities aimed at educating citizenship and patriotism among schoolchildren have become systemic in connection with which it is necessary to develop a school program for civic-patriotic education. Consider the program at the meetings of the Ministry of Defense, creating a system of mass school-wide, cool events together with teachers, parents and students, continuing to organize joint socially significant civil and patriotic activities of parents and students. Deputy Director for VR Lamonova S.A. noted that the school is "an island in the ocean of events taking place in society", which needs to be kept afloat by patriotism and citizenship.
The decision of the Pedagogical Council is discussed and approved:

Draft decision of the pedagogical council:(slide 8)

  1. Approve the work of the teaching staff of the school in the education of citizenship and patriotism among schoolchildren. Improve and diversify the forms and methods of work in this area, identifying and using in practice the positive experience of civil and patriotic education .
  2. When planning and organizing educational work for the 2012-13 academic year:

Continue to conduct extra-curricular and school-wide events for civic-patriotic education;

Take into account the characteristics of students in grades 1-11 in order to determine the needs and interests of participants in the educational process.

Use a variety of pedagogical, information technologies, multimedia, the Internet, as well as documentaries, artistic and historical films in work with students;

To invite veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, participants in local wars, military graduates and cadets of military schools, as well as parents of students, to participate in events.

3. Conduct an annual survey of students on civic-patriotic education, in order to identify the level of civic position of students.

4. Summarize the experience of the local history museum.

Altai Territory, Khabarsky district, Novoilinka village
Chernova Yulia Vasilievna, Deputy Director according to BP MBOU "Ilyinskaya secondary school", 2014
Pedagogical Council "Civic-Patriotic Education"
Purpose: to identify problems, ways and means of improving the work on the national-patriotic education of schoolchildren.
to study the system of work in this area that has developed in the school;
identify the interests and needs of children and take them into account when planning work;
to update the content and forms of work on the civil and patriotic education of students, taking into account the possibilities of interaction between teachers, students and parents.
Participants: the administration and teachers of the school, the chairman of the Governing Council, the president of the school, representatives of the headman of the parent committee of the school.
Creation of an initiative group for holding a pedagogical council;
Questioning of students in grades 9-11 (questionnaire is attached);
The study of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under discussion at the MO of class teachers;
Drawing up a draft decision of the teachers' council by the initiative group.
Decor. Board design: theme, epigraph, rules of the teachers' council, code of honor for teachers.
Equipment and inventory.
Projector, workplaces prepared for the meeting participants, a multimedia presentation on the topic of the teachers' council, a "tree" with the inscription "Goals and expectations".
The work of the pedagogical council begins with the leader, who invites the members of the teachers' council to formulate in one or two sentences the main expectation - what they want to know, change, receive, give, and also develop the rules for the work of the teachers' council. Rules are developed by brainstorming, posted on the board.
Participants are given one sheet of paper with a sticky edge, where they write down their expectation. After 2-3 minutes, collect the leaves and, reading each expectation out loud, stick them to the tree "with the inscription" Goals and expectations.
After that, the leader of the teachers' council says that at the end of the teachers' council, the participants will return to these expectations in order to find out how they were fulfilled.
I. Introductory part. A brief speech by the principal of the school on the tasks and intentions of the pedagogical council.
Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “Education of love for native land, to native culture, to native city, to mother tongue- a task of paramount importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home. Constantly expanding, this love for the native turns into love for one's state, for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity.
Today, the future of civilization is increasingly associated with the internal transformation of man himself, his spirituality. Mankind is aware that humanistic guidelines should become the starting point in resolving global problems.
There is no doubt that in our time there is a problem of patriotic education of schoolchildren. In the previous decade, this area of ​​educational activity was not sufficiently developed. As a result of this, we see a generation that has grown up, for which the concept of "Motherland", "Patriotism", "Fatherland" is alien. Therefore, the problems of educating the defenders of the Motherland, law-abiding citizens, educating mercy and philanthropy have become relevant. We again today realize the importance of this problem.
II. Information-theoretical and analytical parts of the teachers' council:
1. Report of the Deputy Director for Educational Work: “Regulatory and legal framework for civil and patriotic education. Education of patriotism in the new federal state standards.
2. Report of the Deputy Director for educational work: “Civil-patriotic education of students of MBOU “Ilyinskaya secondary school”
“Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the true key to a person’s heart ...”
K.D. Ushinsky.
Work on civic-patriotic education is carried out in accordance with the work plan of the school. During the work, the teaching staff has done big job in this direction: respect for the symbols and attributes of the Russian state was brought up (students were participants thematic conversations and quizzes on this topic), instilled love for the Little Motherland, for the native school through traditional school affairs.
The school works in the following areas:
1 direction. Education on the fighting traditions of the people.
This area includes the following activities:
Measures to perpetuate the memory of the fallen in the struggle for the independence of our Motherland;
Conducting lessons of Courage, class hours for the Days of Military Glory, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Congratulations and performance with concerts in front of war veterans. Chef's help;
Collection of material about the fate of their ancestors, relatives - participants in the Second World War, local wars. Acquaintance with family heirlooms that keep the memory of the Great Patriotic War;
Celebration of anniversaries, holding exhibitions, quizzes, competitions, watching videos;
Conducting military-patriotic song contests, military sports competitions, as well as other festive events (concerts) dedicated to great holidays;

In the patriotic education of the younger generation, the role of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military personnel, and law enforcement officials is great. Traditional is the connection with the school of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor. The Timurov movement is being revived at the school, aimed at helping war and labor veterans, the disabled, the elderly, everyone who needs it, and caring for the graves of war veterans who have been left without attention.
The support base, a platform for the formation of real defenders of the Fatherland, patriots of the Motherland are the following events: parades of formation and songs, competitions “Come on, boys!”, “Forward, boys!”.
2 direction. Historical and local history work.
Knowledge of the history of one's region enriches spiritually, develops a sense of patriotism, pride in one's people. In this direction, various activities are carried out:
– excursions to the regional museum of local lore, the school museum of the secondary school; design of the stand by February, newspapers, presentations.
3 direction. Formation of legal knowledge.
A citizen must not only love his homeland, but also know and be able to protect his rights.
- social studies lessons (from grade 6); - studying the rules of conduct at school and public places; - school lecture hall "Law and Order" (meetings with representatives of law enforcement agencies, psychological service, traffic police, medical workers); - school-wide events;
election of the President of the school;
4 direction. Education on the cultural traditions of the people.
- lessons of the humanitarian cycle; - organizing and holding thematic evenings, conversations; - studying the customs, traditions, holidays of your people; - studying your family, compiling a genealogical tree of the family; All these events increase students' interest in the history of the Fatherland, give an understanding of the importance of the role of the common man in historical events, contribute to the development of respect for the older generation, love for the Motherland, a sense of duty and patriotism.
A special place in civic-patriotic education is one of the priority areas in the educational work of our school, for which the school has all the conditions: a gym, a life safety room, a sports ground for training, and a well-equipped material and technical base. The school has been working in this direction for a long time, has its own experience and achievements. good results school students achieve in paramilitary competitions, competitions, but also in sports, and all this thanks to the teacher of life safety, physical education teachers. The teams of our athletes participated in all district competitions, relay races, competitions, and also achieved high results in athletics, basketball, and hockey based on the results of these competitions. Repeatedly school athletes won prizes: School teams took part in district competitions:
Highly qualified teachers successfully solve the issues of teaching and educating schoolchildren as citizens, patriots of their homeland through lessons, extracurricular activities, sports competitions, paramilitary relay races. Created at the school and appropriate conditions for the formation of feelings of love for their homeland, region, village, school, family, for the development of interest in sports.
The team of MBOU "Ilyinskaya secondary school" interacts in the work on civil and patriotic education with various institutions of the city: additional education, cultural institutions, sports and others.
A huge role in the education of civic consciousness and patriotism among schoolchildren lies on the shoulders of class teachers, who coordinate the activities of the children's team and, organizing, together with the class asset, in accordance with the annual plan, school-wide events in this area of ​​work, introduce students to the symbols of Russia, the Altai Territory, schools, hold class hours, lessons of courage, organize meetings with veterans and military personnel.
To identify the level of citizenship and patriotism, a survey was conducted among students in grades 7-11, in which 60 people took part. Questionnaire "Patriot and Citizen" The results of the survey are visible in the diagram (slide 15). With sufficiently high test results, the answers to some questions make you think. So to the questions: “I owe a lot to my country (12 students answered “no”), “There are nations and peoples that did not deserve to be treated well” (20 people - “yes”), “I would like to go to other countries, but I prefer to live in my own” (5 people - “no”). Now they are debunking and criticizing different aspects of our history, names. And whoever does not respect his homeland, he does not respect himself, he does not have the right to be respected by other people. Today we understand very well that the patriotic education of our youth must be seriously dealt with. After all, we, generations that were brought up from the cradle on the basis of love and devotion to their Fatherland, are by no means indifferent to who will replace us.
However, in the 2012-2013 academic year, attention should be focused on the creation of the school Museum of Military Glory, for which it is necessary to organize the work of the "Search" group in order to collect material, to communicate more closely with veterans, home front workers; the information department of the school student self-government to work on the creation of the Patriot information newspaper.
Speeches of co-speakers:
Kozlova Yu.A. - "Civil-patriotic education of junior schoolchildren";
Yolgina L.T. - “Civil-patriotic education in biology lessons and after school hours”;
Martynova L.D. - "Civil-patriotic education in the lessons of life safety, physical education and outside school hours";
Lysenko G.N. - "Studying the small Motherland in extracurricular work";
Salova G.N.: "Interaction between the school and the family in the formation and development of patriotism."
III. Analytical work on methodological bulletins.
IV. Development of a solution.
Draft decision of the pedagogical council:
Approve the work of the teaching staff of the school in the education of citizenship and patriotism among schoolchildren. Improve and diversify the forms and methods of work in this area, identifying and using in practice the positive experience of civic-patriotic education, while maintaining the traditions of the school.
To the Deputy Director for VR and the initiative group of the Pedagogical Council, to develop and approve the "Comprehensive educational program of the school's work on civic-patriotic education for 2011-2014", having considered it at meetings of the Ministry of Defense, creating a system of mass school-wide, class events together with teachers, with parents and students, continuing to organize joint socially significant civil and patriotic activities of parents and students.
When planning and organizing educational work for 2012-2013 school year:
- continue to conduct extra-curricular and school-wide events for civic-patriotic education; - take into account the characteristics of students in grades 1-11 in order to determine the needs and interests of participants in the educational process; - to use a variety of pedagogical, information technologies, multimedia, Internet, DVD, as well as documentary, artistic and historical films in work with students; – invite veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, participants in local wars, graduates of the military and cadets of military schools, as well as parents of students to participate in events.
Conduct an annual survey of students on civil and patriotic education, in order to identify the level of civic position of students.
v. Final word school administration.
VI. Evaluation of the work of the teachers' council.
Evaluation of the activities of the members of the teachers' council, usefulness, effectiveness.
Do you think the topic of the pedagogical council is relevant?
Yes, no, other ______________________________.
Do you consider it effective to hold a pedagogical council in the proposed form?
Yes, no, other ______________________________.
Indicate the state that you experience during the meeting of the teachers' council:
- interest, satisfaction, irritation;
- boredom, anxiety, emotional upsurge.
Each member of the teachers' council raises a box of the color that corresponds to the statement under this color.
Green I already knew about this (a), but it was interesting
Blue I knew (a) a lot of new interesting things
Yellow I will apply this in my future work
Red I was very interested, I learned a lot of new things for myself

Frolova O.A.
Now they say a lot of good and correct words, everyone knows how to do it - from the President to the layman. But after all, deeds are important, only by them you can recognize a person. This is especially important for teachers. Children are very attentive to how the teacher behaves in life, whether his words in the lesson differ from his real actions. And if so, then such a teacher will teach little. He will not be trusted. On the other hand, you can not speak high words about citizenship and patriotism, but simply behave accordingly every day. The best teachers, I think, do just that.
Patriotism is a wonderful thing. Moreover, without love for the motherland, for one's land, one's friends and neighbors one can hardly become a citizen. True, love should not be blind. And, probably, it is worth distinguishing between love for the state, for power (especially for the existing one) or for the ruling party, and love for one's land, for one's country, with all its shortcomings and tragedies.

Patriotic education - purposeful activity of the school to form students' civic consciousness

“Education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person”

V.G. Belinsky

Purpose of the council: improvement of forms and methods of forming the development of civic consciousness, patriotism among students - as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, high responsibility and discipline.

Patriotic education

(as children understand)

  • this is when you are brought up and told that you need to be a patriot;
  • this is when a child is brought up with love for the motherland from childhood;
  • this is when parents educate us to love our country, respect it and stand up for the country in any need;
  • this is when a person is taught to love his country;
  • instilling love and pride in one's native land, in one's own country;
  • this is when parents teach their child to love everything that surrounds him;
  • it is teaching patriotic knowledge;
  • when your parents teach you not to talk about politics.

Patriotic education

(as teachers understand)

  • This is the upbringing of love for the Motherland, the city, the street, and especially for the family;
  • This is the process of forming patriotic convictions, instilling love for the Motherland, respect for the values ​​and heroes of the country, the desire to defend the Motherland and work for its good, and fostering a sense of pride in the country.
  • This is a set of measures aimed at educating students in love for the Motherland, a responsible attitude to their own duties; education of active, humane citizens.
  • The work of the school is to form in students a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of responsibility and loyalty to their homeland, a readiness to fulfill their civic duty.
  • Formation of patriotic feelings, readiness for labor and heroic deeds in the name of the prosperity of the state.
  • Raising love for one's Motherland, land, one's people.
  • This is education in a child of love, respect for the Motherland, for his people.
  • Education and instilling love for the Motherland.
  • Education aimed at the formation of love, pride in one's country, interest in studying the country's history, culture, language.

Patriotic education is a systematic and purposeful activity of educational institutions to form in children a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of love and loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of society.

Questionnaire for students

1. Do you know, heard or hear now for the first time the word patriotism?

a) I know;

b) heard;

c) I hear now for the first time;

d) find it difficult to answer.

2. Some believe that a patriot must love both his homeland and the state, the authorities of his country. Others believe that a patriot can only love his homeland, and the state is not obliged to love. What point of view do you agree with?

a) from the first

b) from the second;

c) find it difficult to answer.

3. Patriotism is...

a) devotion and love for one's Fatherland, one's people;

b) a positive feeling for the Motherland;

c) disinterested, active position in relation to the Motherland;

d) readiness for self-sacrifice;

d) difficult.

Survey results

  • A - 83%; B - 17%;
  • A - 50%; B - 42%; AT 8%;

3. A - 76%; B - 8%; AT 8%; D - 8%

Who is a patriot?


  • one who loves his homeland, country and honors its laws and traditions;
  • He who is proud of his country always praises his country and helps her as best he can;
  • The one who loves his city more than the rest;
  • A man who loves his homeland and will never betray it;
  • A person who shows love for his land, who is ready for anything for the sake of his land;
  • A man with the Motherland in his heart;
  • A person who expresses his opinion about politics, about the country and defends it;
  • A man devoted to his country serving her;
  • A man who is proud of his country and defends it;
  • A person who always fights or stands up for his homeland.

Who is a patriot?


  • a person who loves the Motherland, expresses his love and pride in his country in different types and forms.
  • A person who is ready to accomplish a feat in the name of the interests of the Motherland.
  • He who loves his Fatherland is devoted to his people, ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland.
  • A person who loves, respects, appreciates and defends his homeland.
  • This is the person who loves, respects his homeland, strives to do something for it, improve it, and is ready to sacrifice for the sake of his people.
  • The inner world of a person, his attitude to certain human values.

Patriot (Dictionary)

- this is a person who loves his Fatherland, devoted to his people, acting in the name of the Motherland.

  • Methods for the formation of personality consciousness.
  • Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of civil behavior.
  • Methods for stimulating activity and behavior

Directions in the system

patriotic education

  • civic-patriotic;
  • military-patriotic;
  • cultural and patriotic;
  • historical and patriotic;
  • sports and patriotic.

The main stages of the implementation of patriotic education in a modern school

IN 1-4 grades children master such patriotic ideas and values ​​as the defense of the Fatherland from foreign invaders, the ideas of uniting and strengthening their country, and responsibility for the fate of the Motherland.

IN 5th-8th grades the desire to comprehend the surrounding world and self-affirmation is activated in the process of studying such ideas and phenomena as the patriotic upsurge of people's forces in crisis periods in the history of the Fatherland, the role of the individual and the people in the progressive development of the country, the growth of the national self-consciousness of the people.

IN 9-11's classes the intellectual sphere is actively developing among schoolchildren, social experience becomes the basis of personal responsibility in making independent decisions, self-realization, self-education when studying the feat of the multinational Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, the achievements of science and technology, the development of patriotic ideas

Target: improving the professional level of teachers in working with children and parents on the problem of patriotic education.


  1. Pedagogical training
  2. Patriotic education in the program "From Birth to School" for each age group
  3. Results of thematic review
  4. Mini-quiz “Do I know my region well?”
  5. Development of a draft decision

Dear Colleagues! Let's start with an analysis of the decision of the previous teachers' council.

So let's get started on the agenda.

Let's first understand the concepts.

"Motherland"- fatherland, fatherland, country in which a person was born. The territory historically belonging to a given people with its nature, population, features of historical development, language, culture, way of life and customs. In a narrower sense, someone's place of birth.

"Patriotism"- it is devotion to one's Fatherland, and the desire to do everything possible to preserve the cultural identity of each people that is part of Russia.

"Citizenship"- a moral position, expressed in a sense of duty and responsibility of a person to the civil collective to which he belongs: the state, family, church, professional or other community, in readiness to defend and protect its rights and interests from any encroachment.

What about the concepts of NATION and NATIONALITY? It is the same?

"Nationality"- a historical spiritual community of people interconnected by the unity of the Faith, spiritual and material culture.

"Nation"- a historical union of NATIONALITIES, the coexistence of which gives rise to the IDEA of a single statehood to protect their interests, and also nominates specific representatives to implement this idea. A nation always settles within the framework of its own state.

Thus, NATION and NATIONALITY are two completely different concepts. The basis for uniting people by NATIONALITY is ethnic kinship and spiritual essence, that is, their faith.

Let's now answer some questions(pedagogical training)

Why, in your opinion, the formation of patriotic feelings in children should begin with preschool age?

(The process of forming a child's self-awareness begins to take shape at preschool age, and therefore the most important task of the development of a child of preschool age, his civic education is the task of mastering his native culture, educating a citizen of his country.)

What is the role of the teacher in the patriotic education of preschoolers?

(The worldview of a teacher, his personal example, views, judgments, active life position are the most effective factors in education. If we want our children to love their country, their city, we need to show them from an attractive side. K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “A child has nothing to deny, he needs positive food, only a person who does not understand the needs of childhood can feed him with hatred, despair and contempt.” But no knowledge of the educator will have an effect if he himself does not love his country, his city, his people. In education, everything should be based on the personality of the educator.)

What methods and techniques do you consider the most appropriate in the work of educating patriotic feelings?

(A variety of methods and techniques can be used in the work, but it is imperative that when choosing one or another method (technique) it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of a preschooler: emotional perception of the environment, imagery and concreteness of thinking, depth and sharpness of the first feelings, ignorance of history, misunderstanding of social phenomena, etc. .)

The task of patriotic education today is very relevant.

The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that modern children know little about their hometown, country, features folk traditions, often indifferent to close people, including group mates, rarely sympathize with someone else's grief.

At preschool age, the basic qualities of a person are formed, the foundation of the future person is laid. The preschool period is characterized by the greatest learning ability and susceptibility to pedagogical influences, the strength and depth of impressions. Therefore, everything that is learned during this period - knowledge, skills - are especially strong. It is especially important to lay human values ​​in the receptive soul of a child, to generate interest in the history of Russia.

It must be taken into account that at every age level children acquire not only certain knowledge, but also important moral qualities:

  • civics,
  • love to motherland,
  • careful attitude to its nature, historical and cultural heritage,
  • respect for elders and peers,
  • respect for the culture and traditions of other nations.

What are the tasks of patriotic education in each age group?

(analysis of program content on patriotic education in each age group)

Thus, the system and sequence of work on the patriotic education of children can be represented as follows:

Family - Kindergarten - Rodnaya street, district - Hometown - Country, its capital, symbols.

Of course, this scheme does not reflect the fullness of the work on patriotic nutrition, including the education in children of love for their native nature, respect for working people. All these tasks are included in the general system of work on this issue: patriotic education in kindergarten is in close relationship with mental, labor, environmental, aesthetic education.

Before a child begins to perceive himself as a citizen, he needs to be helped to realize his own Self, his roots.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens Russian Federation for 2016-2020”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2015 No. 1493, is focused on raising the public status of patriotic education in educational institutions of all levels - from preschool to higher professional.

Currently, the tasks of patriotic education are focused on the family. The family is the source and link in the transfer of socio-historical experience to the child. In it, the child receives lessons in morality, life positions are laid. family education is emotional, intimate, based on love and affection. It is no coincidence that the main task of patriotic education is education with love for parents, relatives, home, kindergarten, small homeland. The kid should know the history of his family, who were his grandfathers and great-grandfathers. It is important that the child be proud of them. It is useless to deliberately drill into him patriotic knowledge - at best, there will be no benefit from such education.

Solving the problems of patriotic education is possible only in cooperation with the family, by which we mean the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In the dictionary of the Russian language S. Ozhegov, the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support. Modern approaches to interaction between preschool educational institutions and families include attitude towards parents as partners and their involvement in the life of the kindergarten.

During the thematic audit, the organization of interaction with parents on the patriotic education of preschool children was checked.

The results of the thematic check will be announced by the educator (full name)

Thus, based on the study work of preschool educational institution on the patriotic education of children, the fact of insufficient involvement of parents in the solution of this view was revealed. Basically, the tasks of patriotic education were solved by educators in various activities with children. Work with parents was limited only by the framework of pedagogical education.

Educators reluctantly turn to parents with requests, fearing to be refused, afraid to invite parents to classes. But practice shows that the more often teachers invite colleagues, parents to various events, the freer they feel in subsequent classes.

This time, only 4 teachers invited parents to classes. Of course, colleagues need to implement the experience of these teachers in interacting with parents in their work.

The joint task of teachers and parents is to awaken love for their native land in children as early as possible, to form in them such character traits that will help them become a worthy person and a worthy citizen of their country, to cultivate love and respect for home, kindergarten, native street, city to form a sense of pride in the achievements of the country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers, to develop interest in the phenomena of social life accessible to the child.

And these tasks can be solved only by joint efforts, only INTERACTION.

What are the forms of interaction with parents? (answers of teachers)

Traditional and non-traditional. The essence of both of them is the same - to enrich parents with pedagogical knowledge.

Traditional forms are divided into collective, individual and visual-informational.

TO collective forms include: parent meetings, conferences, round tables, consultations, etc.

To individual forms include pedagogical conversations with parents; it is one of the most accessible forms of establishing a connection with the family. A conversation can be both an independent form and used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting, visiting a family.

Visual-information methods acquaint parents with the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include:

  • tape recordings of conversations with children,
  • video clips of the organization various kinds activities, regime moments, classes;
  • photography, exhibitions children's work,
  • stands, screens, sliding folders.

Currently, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular. They are built according to the type of television and entertainment programs, games and are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, drawing their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better, because they see him in a different, new environment for themselves, and get closer to teachers.

What non-traditional forms of interaction with parents can you name?

Involvement in the preparation of matinees, writing scripts, participation in competitions

Conducting a game with pedagogical content, for example, “Pedagogical field of miracles”, “Pedagogical case”, “KVN”, where you can discuss opposite points of view on the problem and much more.

Organization of a pedagogical library for parents, “Home game libraries” (books for parents and games for children are given to them at home)

Leisure activities (“Mother's Day”, “Father's Day”), family holidays, entertainment publication of family newspapers. For example, “How we spent the weekend”, “Traditions of our family”, meeting with interesting people, etc.

All forms of work - traditional and non-traditional - are aimed at establishing ties with the family, so that parents show interest in raising children, become full participants in the pedagogical process.

At the beginning of our teachers' council, we talked about the role of a teacher in raising a child.

I repeat, in education everything should be based on the personality of the educator.

The teacher himself, his worldview, personal example, views, judgments, active life position are the most effective factors in education. If we want our children to love their country, their city, we need to show them from an attractive side. K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “A child has nothing to deny, he needs positive food, only a person who does not understand the needs of childhood can feed him with hatred, despair and contempt.”

That is, in order to give the child knowledge, the educator himself must know and be able to do a lot, he must love his country, his city, his people, have a huge store of knowledge and broad erudition.

Dear Colleagues! How well do you know your city, region, country?

I propose to conduct a mini-quiz “Do I know my region well?”. To do this, we need to split into 3 teams.

Task 1: Collect proverbs and sayings (“crumbled” into words)

  • About family, mother
    • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place
    • A tree is supported by roots, and a person is supported by a family.
    • When the sun is warm, when the mother is good
  • About the motherland, native land
    • A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song
    • For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or time
    • Native land and sweet in a handful
  • About courage, heroism
    • Fight bravely for your native cause
    • Do not be brave on the stove, but do not be afraid in the field
    • The dog barks at the brave, and bites the cowardly

2 task: Our city.

Each team receives a photo of a city object. It is necessary to describe this object without naming it. And the other team must guess what is shown in the photo.

3 task: Coat of arms of the nearest cities of the region

Assemble from parts (“cut pictures”), tell what city this coat of arms is, what and why is depicted on it.

Task for each team: rebus, entertaining questions on local history

Task 5: Symbols of the state (Tasks and answers - Appendix 2 )

Anthem, Flag, Emblem of Russia

What conclusion can be drawn? Still, we don’t have enough knowledge, i.e. you need to start, first of all, with yourself - read a lot, expand your horizons.

Our faculty meeting is coming to an end. What are your suggestions for a solution?

Solution project.



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