Scenario for the Victory Day holiday. Scenario for a concert for Victory Day in kindergarten Scenario for Victory Day in kindergarten

Celebration progress:

To the music songs "Victory Day" children enter the hall and stop in a semicircle.

Leading:Hello! Dear guys and distinguished guests! Very soon, on May 9, the whole country will celebrate a glorious holiday - the 70th anniversary of Great Victory Day. 70 years ago, the Great Patriotic War ended with a victory over Nazi Germany. The whole world celebrates the great Victory Day with us!

70 years of our glorious Victory!

May dawn again. Silence!

70 years of our glorious Victory!

70 years since the war was killed!

The trumpets are singing!

The drums are thundering!

Our kindergarten is starting a parade!

They march to the music on the spot.


I know from my dad, I know from my grandfather -

On the ninth of May Victory came to us!

All the people were waiting for that day,

That day became the most joyful!

Leading:Today we are glad to see honored guests at our celebration - veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Let's welcome them! From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate everyone on your victorious anniversary, and wish you health, happiness and peaceful skies! Our concert is for you!

Glorious holiday - Day Victory
And spring is blooming all around.
We live under a peaceful sky
Sleep well, child.

Guys just need to know
What, when there was a war,
Soldiers of our homeland
Protected from the enemy

In the clear sky, in the blue sky
The sun is burning with fire.
Today we are talking about Russia -
We sing to our Motherland.

Song: “My Russia”(all groups)

1 child

May - the birds are chirping with might and main,

And the parade goes on in the capital

Grandfathers walk in orders,

Happy Victory Day!

2 reb.

Friends come to grandpa

They come on Victory Day,

I like to listen for a long time

Their songs and conversations.

3 reb.

Burning gold in the sun

Military awards

And they enter the house, our peaceful home,

front roads.

4 children

I sit silently next to you,

But sometimes it seems

Why am I looking through the sights?

That I'm preparing for a fight.

5 reb.

Friends come to grandpa

Celebrate the victory

There are fewer and fewer of them

But I believe

They will come again!

Performing "Dance with Flowers"


For someone to carry flowers in their hands,

You carried machine guns in your hands.

Soldiers are not born for war,

And so that there is no war.

The song “Don't be afraid, Mom” is performed

Leading: The path to the great victory was difficult, but heroic. All people, young and old, stood up to defend their Motherland. Many did not return home. The words of A. Alexandrov’s song “Get up, huge country” sounded invitingly and alarmingly during the war days.

(an audio recording of the first verse of the song “Holy War” is played).

Leading:On June 22, 1941, early in the morning, German fascists attacked our Motherland. For four long years, 1418 days and nights, the battle continued, deciding the fate and future of the whole world.

June! The sunset was setting in the evening, and the sea was pouring into the white night,

And the ringing laughter of the children, who did not know, did not know grief, was heard.

Everything breathed such silence that it seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.

Who knew that there were only 5 minutes left between peace and war...


Year forty-one! Losses, losses...

Kyiv is abandoned, Odessa is on fire.

The enemy is near Moscow. But the beginning of the destruction

We delivered already in December!

Forty second! Partisan units

There is something to do behind enemy lines.

Near Stalingrad, about a hundred German regiments found their deaths.

At this time, our designers created a formidable weapon that fired rockets. The enemies were very afraid of this weapon, although it was affectionately called “Katyusha”. They said about “Katyusha”:

The girl walks around, starts a song,

The enemy hears it and immediately stops breathing!


Today we have a break,

And tomorrow we will go into battle again.

My friends, come out,

Dance Katyusha with me!

Dance "Katyusha"


We broke the blockade in forty-three,

In the battle of Kursk they defeated the enemy.

Thank you for our victories

The first fireworks show was in the capital Moscow.

After all, for the honor of our Fatherland

Everyone stood up - both old and young.

Until the end, until Victory Day -

Only forward! No step back!

Music school students perform.

Leading:Our brave sailors fought at sea. The Nazis sought to capture seaports: Odessa, Sevastopol, Kerch, Murmansk. And here our sailors stood until the last.

The boys perform the "Sailors' Dance" to the music. "Apple"

Leading:In rare moments of calm, front-line brigades gave concerts for soldiers. There were no concert halls at the front. The artists performed right in the open air - on trucks or simply in clearings. The songs and dances of front-line artists raised the morale of the soldiers.

A song about a blue handkerchief,

The gramophone began to sing quietly.

The record is spinning in a waltz,

Little blue modest handkerchief

Calls you and me to dance.

girls perform the dance “Blue Handkerchief”


Forty-fourth! We've reached the border!

We crossed the sacred threshold.

To Riga and Minsk, Sevastopol and Tallinn

The fascist boot will not tread again.

Musical and literary composition.

1 child

My daughter once turned to me:

- Dad, tell me, who was in the war?

2 child

— Great-grandfather Alyosha in cold winter

He fought with enemies near Moscow itself.

3 child

Lenya’s grandfather, a military pilot, flew a combat aircraft in the sky.

Grandfather Zhenya was a paratrooper.

He didn’t like to remember the war and answered my questions:

“The battles were too hard.”

4 child

Grandma Sonya worked as a doctor and saved the lives of soldiers under fire.

5 child

Great-grandfather Arkady died in the war.


Everyone served their homeland well.

Many people did not return from the war.

It’s easier to answer – who wasn’t there.

Presenter:Dark night. The cannonade is not heard.

Soldiers remember their loved ones.

How much is missing in the dugout now

Tender, beloved and affectionate eyes!

(dark night verse 1 is sung by the children from the skit very quietly)

Children act out the skit “At a halt.” Boy soldiers “shave”, oil rifles, clean boots, read letters. Girls - nurses bandage the wounded, roll up bandages.)

Boy - soldier:

You can live without food for a day,

More is possible, but sometimes

In war you can’t live one minute without a joke,

Jokes of the most unwise. (A. Tvardovsky)


Children (sing in turns).

We will stand up for our native country as one.

Rest assured, friend, we will defeat the Nazis!

In November, Hitler gathered to celebrate a parade in Moscow.

What kind of parade is this? I would be glad to carry my feet away!

Chickens, eggs, meat, and lard seem delicious to the Germans.

We'll give them some pepper - it won't be enough!

Walk, feet, walk, floor, walk, floorboard

Our Cossack will come to Berlin - the Fritz will be surprised!

From Moscow to Berlin the road is narrow.

No matter how brave Hitler was, the victory was Russian!

Eh, you ditty, you ditty, every word is a projectile: It hits the fascists on the top of their heads, helps to fight.


And now - forty-fifth! Soared over Berlin

Scarlet banner silk banner.

It's over, brothers! Victory! Victory!

The Reichstag fell to its knees before us!

Let us remember the feat of our people,

Soldiers killed in a fiery battle.

With Victory they brought freedom,

Saving the world in a brutal war!

Victory came at a great price to us. Many soldiers did not return home. The war brought a lot of grief to both adults and children.

But no one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten.

Let's remember everyone by name,

Let us remember with our grief.

This is not necessary for the dead,

We need this alive!

On Victory Day, in mournful silence, we bow our heads in memory of those who gave their lives for our Motherland.

(minute of silence)


People! While hearts are knocking, remember!

At what price is happiness won - please remember!

Remember your song when you send it flying!

About those who will never sing again - remember!

Carry your dream through the years and fill it with life.

But about those who will never come again, I conjure, remember!


Spring! Singing nightingale

Rings in the shadow of the oak grove.

Let it not disturb the children's sleep

The sound of a bloody war.


We are against grief and war

We want to grow up happy

let the sun shine from above over the cities and fields!


Fireworks thunder in honor of Russian glory

A fountain of bursting lights.

Rejoice people! Rejoice, power!

Meet, Russia, sons!

Dance "Victory Day"

1 child

What is Victory Day?

It's the morning parade

Tanks and missiles are coming

A line of soldiers is marching.

2 reb.

What is Victory Day?

This is a festive fireworks display.

Fireworks fly into the sky

Scattering here and there.

3 reb.

What is Victory Day?

What are the songs at the table?

These are speeches and conversations

This is my grandfather's album.

4 children

These are fruits and candies

These are the smells of spring

What is Victory Day-

This means no war.

Host: Now tell us, guys, what are your dreams?


May there always be sunshine!

May there always be heaven!

May there always be a mother

May there always be peace!

Performing the song “Sunny Circle” (all groups)


We are for peace throughout the Earth!

No! - we declare to war,

To all evil and dark forces.

The grass must be green

And the sky is blue!

We need a colorful world

And we will all be glad

When they disappear on earth

All bullets and shells!

Leading Glory to Victory Day!

Children. Glory!

Leading Glory to war veterans!

Children Glory!

Leading Happiness, peace on earth, Glory!

Children. Glory! Glory! Glory!


The memory will remain in our hearts forever.

Flowers will bloom on mass graves.

And again on the Great Victory Day

A cheerful fireworks display will solemnly go off.

Happy Victory Day!

And now the fireworks in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory

We launch balloon fireworks

, . .

Municipal budgetary general educational institution 2 Gavrilovskaya secondary school

Scenario for the holiday "Victory Day" in kindergarten.

Compiled by: Nosaeva I.A

Job title: Group teacher

preschool education

S. Peresypkino 1st

Entrance of children to the song “Victory Day”

Presenter 1. Dear guests! We are glad to see you at our holiday dedicated to the day of the great victory. Many years have passed, but people remember this date and celebrate it solemnly. This day is not easy wonderful holiday, on this day, May 9, the war, terrible and cruel, which lasted for 4 whole years, ended.

Presenter 2. Those entering the world need to know the history of the country, the history of the people. We now want to tell you in detail about that terrible war, about the pain and hardships.

Child 1. How many years have passed since the victory

How many peaceful and happy years

Thank you for that, fathers and grandfathers

What did you say to the fascists no,

Child 2. Today will be a day of remembrance.

And my heart is tight from high words

Today will be a day of reminders

About the exploits and valor of our fathers.

Child 3. War days menacing melodies

Joy and love are a great need

Everything passes, only the homeland remains

The one that will never change.

Child 4.What is Victory Day?

This is the morning parade.

Tanks and missiles are coming

A line of soldiers is marching.

Child 5. What is Victory Day?

These are songs at the table

These are speeches and conversations,

This is my grandfather's album.

Child 6. What is Victory Day?

These are the smells of spring,

What is Victory Day?

This means no war.

They march to the song “Victory Day” and sit on chairs.

Presenter (boy). In the early 40s, our country became stronger, the welfare of the people grew, factories were built. The children went to school. Life was peaceful.

Presenter (girl). In villages and villages, people grew huge crops of vegetables and were engaged in farming. Schools held graduation parties.

Pre-war waltz "Riorita".

The sound of a siren is heard and Levitan speaks about the beginning of the war.

Presentation about the war.

Presenter (boy). Violating peaceful life, suddenly without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked our country on June 22.

Presenter (girl). On this day the Great Patriotic War began. Men and women went to the front.

To the song “Holy War” the guys go to war (leave the hall)

Presenter (boy). It was a hard, cruel time. The enemies attacked unexpectedly and began bombing peaceful cities.

Presenter (girl). Buildings collapsed and civilians died. Soldiers went to the front to defend our country and our people.

Staging of the skit “We are military”(children are placed throughout the hall: signalman, nurse, sailor, pilot, machine gunner)

Signalman(puts on headphones):

Hello, Jupiter!? I am Diamond!

I can hardly hear you at all.

We occupied the village

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse(bandages the wounded);

Why are you roaring like a bear?

It's just a matter of patience.

And your wound is so light,

That it will heal for sure.

Sailor(looks through binoculars):

There's a plane on the horizon

Full speed ahead, forward!

Get ready for battle, crew!

Leave it alone! Our fighter!

Pilots above the map:

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

The flight to the target is seven minutes.

The battle order is clear,

The enemy will not leave us.

Machine gunner:

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.

We clean the house behind the house,

We will find the enemy everywhere.

To the song “Holy War,” the children sit in their seats.

Presenter (boy). The war went on on several fronts. Men and women went to the front. The young people were filming school uniform, put on their greatcoats and went to the front from school.

To the music, the girls escort the boys to war.

Dance “And the sunsets are scarlet”

Presenter (girl). During the Great Patriotic War, many people died and many were wounded. Our soldiers fought for every piece of land. And during the calm period, they wrote letters home and sang songs.

Pair dance “Talyanochka”

Song "Three Tankers"

Presenter (boy). The path to victory was very long, 1418 days and nights. And now our people are celebrating the victory over Nazi Germany.

Presenter (girl). But victory is not only joy, but also sorrow. A lot of people died in that war. Victory and peace - these two words are inseparable.

Child 7. We need peace: you and me,

And to all the children in the world.

And the dawn should be peaceful,

Which we will meet tomorrow.

Child 8. We need peace, grass in dew,

Smiling childhood;

We need peace, a beautiful world,


Child 9. We need to run, jump, sing

And talk to each other

Child 10. We need peace!

Child 11. The world is a sunny morning.

Child 12. Peace is when doors and schools are open.

Child 13. Peace is when mom, dad and I are nearby.

Song "Let there always be sunshine"

Child 14. Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

All alone in the whole universe,

What will she do without us?

The children leave the hall to the song “Victory Day.”

Event "Victory Day"

Our boys are defenders


Victory Day

Senior group

On the central wall there is an eternal flame, fireworks, flowers

To the marching music “Farewell of the Slavic Woman,” children enter the hall, march and change from a column to a circle, facing the audience

Children: The day is bright in the morning, wonderful,

It blossomed all over with flowers,

I hear the sound of songs

The holiday has come to my city!

Today is a holiday - Victory Day!

Happy holiday - spring day,

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

I know from my father, I know from my grandfather -

On the ninth of May Victory came to us,

All the people were waiting for that day,

That day became the most joyful!

Let the Victory fireworks thunder,

The world is warmed by this light.

To our great-grandfathers and grandfathers...

All: We wish everyone many years to come!

Song Great Grandfather

  1. I'm new to the world
    And I know history from books,
    But about the big war
    I hear real stories.

    There is one person in the world
    He always tells me the truth.
    And a trace remains in the soul, -
    My great-grandfather remains with me!

    From the Volga to Berlin itself.

    He defended his wife and son


    And so that I can be born into this world!

    2. He went to war so early,
    He was like me during the war years,
    I had a chance to be in captivity
    And go through fire and water.

    He became the defender of the Motherland,

    And won the victory
    And he went home victorious!


Sit down

Leading: Summer night, at dawn,

When the children were sleeping peacefully,

Hitler gave the troops an order

And he sent German soldiers

Against the Russians, against us!

Children: "Get up, people!" - Hearing the cry of the Earth,

The hero soldiers went to the front,

Bravely and bravely they rushed into battle,

They fought for the Motherland, for you and me!

They wanted to take revenge on the enemy quickly

For the elderly, for the women, for the children!

Leading: During the war, the whole country stood up to defend its Motherland! And young girls rushed to the front - many were nurses, intelligence officers, even pilots. And artists and musicians helped the soldiers maintain their morale.

Boy: It doesn't suit a fighter to be upset,

Don't give me room to burn,

Even if there is a reason, never be discouraged,

And play on the spoons!

Spoon Orchestra, under. r.n.m. "In the Forge"

Girls: My great-grandmother did not fight,

In the rear she brought Victory closer,

We had factories in the rear,

They made tanks and airplanes there for the front...

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

They made clothes, boots,

Bombs for planes, guns for soldiers,

And guns, and, of course, provisions.

Today we have a break,

Tomorrow we'll go into battle again,

My fighting friend

Waltz dance with me!

Dance of girls with scarves “Blue handkerchief”

Leading: Our soldiers were distinguished not only by their daring and cheerful character, but also by their immense courage, heroism and ingenuity. And what did their grandchildren become? Are they as dexterous and savvy?

Games “Carry the cartridges”, “Tug of war”, “Build up”

And how brave and fearless the nurses were, carrying the wounded straight from the battlefield when explosions thundered and bullets whistled overhead. They were brave and courageous.

Game "Help the Wounded"

Children: Soldiers! Thank you

For childhood, for spring, for life,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

And even though many years have passed,

But we will never forget

Those hard-won victories,

We will forever remember our heroes!

Leading: We will honor the memory of the heroes who died for their homeland with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence, then a slide show about the war to the music “Let us bow to those great years”

Children: Let there never be war!

Let the cities sleep peacefully,

Let the sirens howl piercingly

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let no shell explode,

Not a single one is making a machine gun.

Let our forests announce

May the years pass peacefully...

Together: Let there never be war!!!

Dance "White Birds"

Child: Victory Day! The long-awaited holiday!
Peaceful blue skies.

Peoples and countries on Earth remember -

On this day the war ended!

In honor of Victory Day

We'll sing a song

And we congratulate everyone

Happy clear spring day!

Song " Big celebration", N. Solomykina

  1. May is blooming green again,
    And the trees rustle with leaves.
    Solemnly illuminating the sky,

He became dear to both me and you.

Our grandfathers defended themselves in battles

  1. And the kids always laugh.


Children: We weren't in the world then,

When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, you gave to the planet,

Great May, victorious May.

We weren't in the world then,

When you came home with victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From the whole Earth, from the whole Earth.

"Salute" (with ribbons)

In honor of our army,

In honor of our army

Leading: On a joyful, spring and wonderful day

Our songs were about the Motherland, about the world.

Let there never be war again!

And let the flowers bloom for the joy of people!
Thank you! Happy holiday!

Exit from the hall to the song “Victory Day”

Dear parents, let's learn songs together)))

Song "Great Grandfather"

  1. I'm new to the world
    And I know history from books,
    But about the big war
    I hear real stories.

    There is one person in the world
    He always tells me the truth.
    And a trace remains in the soul, -
    My great-grandfather remains with me!

    Chorus: Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he went through the whole war,
    From the Volga to Berlin itself.
    Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he defended the country,
    He defended his wife and son


    Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he risked his life,
    So that the birds sing in the sky again,
    And the sky became blue, and the laughter did not fade away,
    And so that I can be born into this world,
    And so that I can be born into this world!

  1. He went to war so early.
    He was like me during the war years.
    I had a chance to be in captivity
    And go through fire and water.

    He became the defender of the Motherland,
    Even though I was still just a boy,
    And won the victory
    And he went home victorious!


Song "Big Holiday"

  1. May is blooming green again,
    And the trees rustle with leaves.
    Solemnly illuminating the sky,
    Fireworks go off in honor of the Victory.

Chorus: This is a big holiday - Victory Day.

He became dear to both me and you.

Our grandfathers defended themselves in battles

Peace and happiness on our land.

  1. Let there be peace on our planet,
    And the kids always laugh.
    So let's be friendly and loud
    In honor of the Victory, let’s all shout: “Hurray!”


"Salute" (with ribbons)

  1. Above Red Square, Under the sky of the Kremlin

Flowers bloom like dawn.

Above Red Square - Colored lights,

They fly to the uniform of the military... (2 times)

Chorus: On Red Square the guns are firing:

There are fireworks today in honor of our army!

In honor of our army,

In honor of our army

Today, today there are fireworks! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

  1. A blue flower descends from the sky.

For our pilots, he is dearest.

Green petals are burning in the sky,

They are close to our border guards. (2 times)

Descends blue Flower from the clouds,

Like the waves of the sea for all sailors.

Yellow, crimson color descends...

Above the peaceful Motherland spring bouquet. (2 times)

Maia. Mayan. Bakulina. Bakulina.

Scenario for the holiday "MAY 9 - Victory Day" in kindergarten (Senior group.)


to form older children preschool age patriotic feelings, respect for the intercessors of the Fatherland on the basis of certain historical facts; spectacular impressions, causing emotional disturbances, with the help of the musical and literary heritage of the Great Patriotic War.



Continue to introduce children to the concepts: “Great Patriotic War,” “War Veteran,” “War Participant,” Hero of the Great Patriotic War.” Deepen children’s knowledge of the history of their native country.


-Develop the child’s intellectual abilities, attention, curiosity.

Develop the communicative function of speech.

To deepen the knowledge of older preschool children about the army, symbols, military ranks, and military awards.


-To instill in children pride in their country, to honor the memory of soldiers who died for the freedom of the Fatherland.

-To instill in children a desire to receive vivid impressions from works of the literary and musical heritage of the Great Patriotic War.

Musical material:

Song: “Victory Day”, music. D. Tukhmanova, lyrics. V. V. Kharitonov.

March: “Slovyanka’s Farewell” music. V. Agapkina.

Song: " Eternal flame» music A. Filipenko, lyrics. A. Sverdlova.

"Song of Peace" music. A. Filipenko, lyrics. T. Volgina.

Song "Cranes" music. Ya. Frenkel, lyrics. R. Gazmatova.

"Metronome" - Minute of Silence

Song: “Don’t forget, terrible years” by muses. A Pakhmutova, lyrics. M. Lvova.

"Heirs of Victory" music.

Progress of the holiday.


Dear children, dear guests! Congratulations

The Great Patriotic War. The path to Victory was difficult and heroic.


Today is Victory Day,

Happy, bright spring day.

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.


It was the Great Victory Day

Many years ago.

Grandfathers remember Victory Day,

Each of the guys knows.


We are talking about the first day of victory

We love to listen to our story,

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us.


We celebrate Victory Day! We celebrate liberation

Our Motherland from the fascist invaders. But this Victory was not easy. Many did not return home because they died heroically fighting for their homeland. They are alive in our hearts.

It is lit in memory of them and will always be lit. "Eternal flame"


Get up early this morning

Go out into the city and have a look.

How veterans walk

With orders on his chest.


For the native country people

They gave their lives.

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

Child: The fire is burning near the obelisk,

The birches stand in silence.

And we bowed low, low,

An unknown soldier is sleeping here. (Song “Eternal Flame”)


With pain in our souls, we mourn for those who did not return from the battlefield.

We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone will thank them in their hearts for the happy world in which we live.

Let us stand and bow our heads to their memory.

(MINUTES OF SILENCE.) They sit on the chairs.


People will never forget this day. For what we are now

together we rejoice, rejoice, laugh, dance, we are obliged

our grandparents, who defended the world in fierce battles. So let us gratefully cherish this world, in which

we are living.


Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring.

For silence, for a peaceful home

For the world in which we live.


We need a colorful world

And we will all be happy.

When they disappear on earth,

All bullets and shells.


Sailors, artillerymen,

Border guards, signalmen,

To everyone who protects our world

And guards the borders

For great things


(song about Peace.)


Our soldiers were distinguished not only by their heroism and intelligence, but also by their dashing and cheerful disposition. And how did their future generations grow up? We'll check now.

Attraction games are held.

Forward to the flag: Two teams: Goal: run between the pins, playing ball, pass the ball to the next one, the final one raises the flag.

(The first group to raise the flag wins.)

And what brave medical nurses they were, they carried the crippled wounded straight from the battlefield, when bullets whistled overhead.

and now the girls will demonstrate how to overcome difficulties.

- “Helping the wounded” Purpose:: bandage the injured and move from point “A” to point “B”

Attraction for attention: Three flags: 1 - green, marching.

2- blue, standing still. 3 - red, shout Hurray!


The war ended with victory, these years are behind us.

Many people have medals and orders on their chests.


Pigeons fly higher on a May morning at dawn.

They take off into the blue, wishing everyone happiness and peace on earth.


Glory! Glory to the veterans, glory to the dear Army.

Fly the three-digit flag over your dear homeland.


Let the fireworks of Victory thunder! The world is warmed by this light.

Congratulations to our grandfathers, a huge greeting to them!


Victory Day - Glory! Glory! Glory!



To veterans - Glory! Glory! Glory!

Kindergartens celebrate Victory Day together with all the people. Educators strive to make the celebration touching, bright, and memorable. On this day, kindergartens and schools welcome dear guests - veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The scripts necessarily include congratulations for veterans, concert program for them. To make May 9th a memorable day for your students and guests for a long time, use the holiday ideas presented in our section. Here you will find:

  • scenarios for holidays and meetings;
  • ideas for poetry competitions;
  • scripts for theatrical productions and literary and musical compositions;

Scenarios of events for the Victory Day

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 4624.
All sections | Victory Day. Scenarios festive events on May 9

Scenario for the musical and theatrical composition “Victory Day” Musical and theatrical performance «» Victory DayPrepared: Musical director Galina Lvovna Romanova, additional teacher. education Zabrodina Lada Borisovna Target: To instill in children a sense of pride and love for their Motherland, to remember and honor the memory of those soldiers...

Holiday scenario for older preschoolers “May 9 - Victory Day” Educational region: social and communicative development, speech development, cognitive development. Age focus: senior preschool age (6 – 7 years. Target: Cultivating patriotism among older preschoolers, a sense of pride in the feat of our people in the Great...

Victory Day. Scenarios for festive events on May 9 - Scenario for the concert for Victory Day on May 9

Publication “Scenario of the concert for Victory Day 9...” Concert script for Victory Day on May 9 (60 min) Episode 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today this room is warm due to the friendly atmosphere and close due to the closeness of eras and generations. 2 ved: Happy great holiday, power, with victorious light on the way! There is perhaps no brighter holiday on the entire planet...

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When a victorious spring came to the wounded Earth, It penetrated into every home like a wave of popular joy! Victory parade. flags. faces. and songs of a festive tune, It’s as if a bird with a colored ribbon is flying over the square. From April 29 to May 8, 2019, on the eve of the Victory Day celebrations in...

Holiday script for May 9 for older preschoolers “We remember - we are proud!” Scenario of the holiday “We remember - we are proud! (for children of senior preschool age) Pupils, to the music of “Victory Day”, enter the music room, change formations and sit down on chairs. Host: Dear guys, dear guests, today is the most...

Scenario of the event “May 9 - Victory Day” for older preschoolers Holiday, dedicated to the Day Victory "May 9 - Victory Day" for older preschoolers. Prepared and conducted by teacher: Antonevich E.V. Goal: the formation of patriotic feelings through the historical and heroic past of our Motherland. Objectives: - to introduce the history of our country in...

Victory Day. Scenarios for festive events on May 9 - Summary of the competition in the preparatory group on the theme “Victory Day”

Lesson notes in preparatory group“Victory Day” Goals: -Continue to work on instilling patriotism in older preschoolers. - To instill in children a sense of pride for their people, respect and gratitude for veterans of the Great Patriotic War. - Give an idea of...

Scenario for celebrating Victory Day in the second younger group Goal: To cultivate respect for the feat of one’s people during the Great Patriotic War. Tasks: Form elementary representations about the history of the Fatherland. Enrich ideas about Victory Day. Develop cognitive...

Summary of GCD for children of the preparatory group for school in the form of a quiz “And the children remember about the war” Goal: to bring children to the idea of ​​the importance of moral values ​​in the lives of people and people. Educational objectives: to clarify knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, to help children remember the feat of the Russian people, the liberating warrior; putting the skill into practice...

Plan of events in the preparatory group dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Yablonka" r.p. Mullovka municipal formation "Melekessky district" Ulyanovsk region"Plan of activities in the preparatory group dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War...

Victory Day holiday in kindergarten

May 9 is a significant day for every person in our country. And despite the fact that more than six decades have passed since Victory Day, we still remember and know a lot about those years. I think this is due to the fact that we were given knowledge about the war and the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers at school, or even in kindergarten. And it is right. It’s not for nothing that they say that early childhood the foundation or foundation is laid for everything on which a harmonious personality can later be built.

You can celebrate the holidays dedicated to the ninth of May in older groups or attract help from preparatory students. The holiday script, as well as preliminary preparation options, can be found on the website. In order for the holiday to be emotional and successful, the teacher must tell the group in advance about the significance of Victory Day. It is best if the teacher reads thematic literature, books about victory, about fascism and the heroism of our soldiers. You can even reinforce the material you have covered with a thematic drawing lesson.

The site also has a great idea for holding a holiday for war veterans and home front workers. The teachers organized a meeting with war participants and delighted the grandparents with musical numbers and songs from the war years. The article on this subject correctly noted that wars should never be forgotten. And not only because this is a feat of the whole country and a historical event. When a war is forgotten, the ancients said, a new one begins, because memory is the main enemy of war.