New Year's stories from the life of stars. New Year jokes. Only for two

The president Russian Union industrialists and entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin

In the morning, the daughter demanded feeding. We jumped up and turned on the light in the apartment. At this time, some spree company, seeing a light in the only window of the house, decided to wander into it. They began to break into our door with bottles, with snacks, shouting something about Builders Street, Nadya and jellied fish ... The child burst into tears, my wife and I tried to explain something to uninvited guests, and the guests right under the door uncorked champagne and drank for Moscow, Leningrad, Stroiteley Street and our family. In my opinion, they felt like the heroes of the film, and my wife and I got the role of unintentional spectators.

Boris Moiseev

I once spoke on December 31st to a very high-ranking official. At midnight I was invited to a festive table. Deciding to joke, I tell the guests with a serious face: "You know, there is a sign: if in new year's eve run around the house and shout out your cherished desire, then it will come true. The more circles you make, the more chances that it will come true! And the louder you scream, the better!" At first, the people doubted: "Are you serious?" - "Absolutely. I have already had three dreams come true. "What started here! Everyone rushed like crazy. There was such a cry ... "I want a yacht, like Berezovsky's!", "I want a villa!", "I want to marry ..." (followed by the names Hollywood stars), "I want to earn a billion dollars!" This show lasted for almost an hour. I laughed to tears. Thank God they didn't kill me when they realized it was a joke...

President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin

In 1976, when the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath" was first shown on TV, our child was very young. For this reason New Year my wife and I met in a quiet home environment. We sat at the festive table, watched a movie and went to bed.

In the morning, the daughter demanded feeding. We jumped up and turned on the light in the apartment. At this time, some spree company, seeing a light in the only window of the house, decided to wander into it. They began to break into our door with bottles, with snacks, shouting something about Builders Street, Nadya and jellied fish ... The child burst into tears, my wife and I tried to explain something to uninvited guests, and the guests right under the door uncorked champagne and drank for Moscow, Leningrad, Stroiteley Street and our family. In my opinion, they felt like the heroes of the film, and my wife and I got the role of unintentional spectators.

Olympic champion in ice dancing Oksana Grischuk

At the end of 1998, we, the skaters, went on a tour of America. On New Year's Eve we were in San Francisco. Then we had a romantic period with Sasha Zhulin, and I hoped that the holidays would also be unusual. And so it happened.

On the morning before the New Year, I woke up, suddenly I hear a sound from the street. I looked out the window and found this picture: Zhulin, with a bouquet of flowers under his arm, is climbing the fire escape. I gasped! Just like in the movie Pretty Woman, he walked up to the window of our room, got down on one knee and handed me a bouquet with a small box. In the box was wedding ring. This New Year was unforgettable. But despite such a romantic engagement, we never got married.

Clara Novikova

Every New Year, dogs come on stage to me. Some kind of mysticism ... At first I was surprised by such a phenomenon, but now I have stopped, and now you will not surprise my regular viewers with this either. Probably the dogs are lonely: everyone is celebrating, drinking. They seem to be missing the company. So they find it in my face.

And from real family stories I will tell the following. Once, when she was little, my daughter came to ... a drunken Santa Claus. I, seeing in what "grandfather" state, I say: "Maybe you can pour some tea?" To which Masha replied: "Mom, what are you doing! It's already melting!" - and pointed to wet footprints from "grandfather's" boots.

Vladimir Devyatov

I remember one case. There were regular tours and we somehow drove from the city of Astana to Krasnoyarsk on New Year's Eve, we wanted to have time to celebrate the New Year there. It was a contented large group of artists, including Shirvindt and Derzhavin. And suddenly a terrible snowfall began. We realized that we were simply not enough to eat for Krasnoyarsk, and we had all we needed with us - champagne. In general, we phoned each other (we were driving 4 cars) We decided to stop and just saw in the middle of the taiga a small construction trailer with a cafe inscription. Time 11.00 I went to investigate, I open the door, and a guy is sleeping behind the counter, I say: "Is there a snack ?!" He raised his head, says: "Yes." I then called everyone else. You should have seen the guy's face when he saw so many "faces from and TV" here in the middle of the taiga, and even on New Year's Eve.


The most memorable was last New Year! I met him on the plane: we were flying from Ramzan Kadyrov's concert to Moscow and just at 12 o'clock we were in the air! It was certainly fun, but to be honest, I would not want to celebrate this New Year in the air.

Timur Rodriguez

Christmas stories are better to show than to tell! There are a lot of them and they are all connected with 1995, and maybe even earlier - it's just the same time when I was in school and played Babu Yaga on New Year's trees. I had a mask that my dad brought from the theater, costumes, and I spoke in the same voice as Alexander Revva now in Comedy. It was in this image that I felt great and never wanted to be a bunny or Santa Claus. I love negative characters very much, because they are much more interesting and you can always make something funny out of them, because the humor and jokes of positive characters are not as interesting as those of negative ones, since the negative character is much more interesting, sharper and "diverse" .

A lot of stories are connected precisely with these children's New Year's Eve, when they did some unknown thing with me and my partners, when they tried to catch us after the words of Santa Claus: "Guys, let's not let them out of the circle!". This is where the funniest part began. Boys - dandelions in white shirts and girls in golfs with pom-poms flew at us with such force that they tore all the gauze on me - the flyaway that I had on my suit, and my girlfriend had a kikimora, who diligently crafted from green paper all night yourself mud on a suit, there is nothing left! For one Christmas tree, they ripped off everything from us! Of course, there were kids who let us out of the circle, and there were those who could hit their fists very hard (laughs). But everything did without serious injuries, usually only the costumes suffered, which we restored every night and supplemented with the missing details!

Marika (Masha Kravtsova)

Last New Year we met just in my apartment. All my friends have gathered. We agreed in advance that everyone would bring one dish to festive table. Someone brought a pig, someone brought a chicken, someone brought pilaf. Everyone wanted to be original. Despite the modest size of the apartment, there were 16 of us. Somehow everyone sat down: on chairs, stools, suitcases. They even made a bench out of an ironing board. There was a large tree in the room, where everyone who came put gifts. All of them were signed and then, after the clock struck 12, we opened them.

Mikhail Shufutinsky

I remember how we celebrated our first New Year in New York. I invited Santa Claus home. So he arrived in a yellow taxi, got out with a huge bright scarlet bag, and came to us. And he began to entertain the children, and, despite the fact that he spoke English, he had a terrible Eastern European accent. He says to his son: "Come on, get up on a chair, read a rhyme." But our children were brought up differently, they immediately became embarrassed. I still say to my wife in Russian: "What a moron this Santa Claus is." And he turns to me and says also in Russian, "And not a moron at all." It also turned out to be an immigrant, a former actor. Later we even became friends, drank a bottle of vodka for the new year

It was 5 years ago. Then we just started building our country house. And, first of all, rebuilt the garage. It even had heating and electricity. Here, I just didn’t want to do the finishing work at all. It was a gray concrete box, inside of which building materials were scattered: piles of bricks, boards, cans of paint, nails. In general, in our garage it was possible to shoot a blockbuster without additional scenery.
My sister and I decided to have a New Year's party in the garage. We knew that it would be difficult to persuade parents who value comfort. And my sister and I promised that we would take over everything organizational issues and turn the garage into a real one fairytale house. The parents agreed.
Since it was impossible to take the building materials out of the garage, we put everything into action. A pile of bricks was covered with white sheets and covered with crumbled foam on top - in general, they built a hill. They made a Christmas tree out of boards. By connecting them together and nailing nails to them. To be honest, I must say that builders helped us with all these transformations. Otherwise, I, at 17 years old, would not have been able to nail so many nails. At first, it didn’t look like a Christmas tree, but, using our decorating abilities, we got out of the situation. Having hung this "Christmas tree" with rain, tinsel, hanging balls on nails, we were surprised to find that it is "real" (laughs). This whole structure was insanely fragile, therefore, as it stood in the middle of the garage, it remained. And on the walls, with the help of paint from spray cans, we applied drawings on the New Year theme.
We were going to celebrate with the family. True, unexpectedly, a friend from Germany came to us. He had never been to Russia before and this Russian feast was the first in his life. It was already deep past midnight. Our friend raises a glass to Russia and warm hospitality. Before he had time to finish his toast, which stretched from drunk for as long as 20 minutes, a terrible roar thundered, and our entire board - Christmas tree construction crashed onto the New Year's table with a wild crack.

Alexander Peskov

Perhaps the most memorable New Year's story can be considered an incident that happened to me back in 1984, when I was just starting my artistic career. Then I served at the theater in the city of Kotlas. There was a tradition to arrange annual New Year's skits for spectators. I was the youngest actor and was in search of my role. But, nevertheless, I already knew that in the parody genre I have many chances to surprise the viewer. Then, as you know, in the country, parody was not considered a separate genre in art and was perceived by many not quite adequately. That evening, I decided to show the audience my very first parody of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. It was sort of a debut. But, apparently, my innovation did not impress everyone, because after the number, an angry fan of Alla Borisovna ran backstage, who did not like my number at all. Literally pounced with fists, shouting that I was discrediting the image of the great singer. Having hardly escaped from her tenacious hands, I ran away. But it was not there. Persistent madam, apparently decided to discourage me from going on stage at all and scoured the theater building all evening, shouting: "Where is this impudent one? As soon as I find it, I will immediately strangle it!". I had to sit out in the annex of the theater and while away new Year's Eve in the company of a caretaker.
But, ironically, in 1988 it was this number with Pugacheva that made me famous and opened the way for me to the big stage. And with light hand Alla Borisovna herself! It’s not funny how, after one of the performances, they brought me a huge bouquet of flowers with a note: “Alexander, you are irresistible! Good luck and creative success! I wildly apologize for the inconvenience caused by me ....”. There was no signature, but I immediately realized that a note was written, now my former worst enemy. It was a laugh, you can't imagine!

Alexander Malinin

I always strive to spend the new year with my family. And this time we will celebrate at home. And I would advise everyone to stick to this approach. We also have our own traditions. For example, every year on December 31, we go to the Moscow House of Music, where Vladimir Spivakov gives his amazing New Year's concerts. We also order horse-drawn sleighs and ride them to the forest, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out of the forest to the children with gifts. Children tell him poems, sing songs. I myself, of course, also like to receive gifts, the most dear to my heart - from my wife, from children. For example, last New Year the kids gave me their drawings.

Anastasia Volochkova

For me, the most important thing in the New Year is that loved ones and close people come. Each of my friends is very dear to me, whether he is a celebrity or not. The material side of the gift is not so important to me. It is much more important that it is presented with sincere feelings and from the bottom of the heart. I still remember the present that a little girl gave me:
In winter, after one of the concerts in St. with my own hands. These are two small teddy bears, fastened to each other and holding a heart in their hands. This cute, touching and funny toy has been in my home for many years. Warmth emanates from her and it is felt that the toy has good energy. Children made and gave it with all their hearts, with all their souls. And this warmth is transmitted to me, even when I just look at the toy. Bears are on a shelf in my house. And every time I pass by them, I smile and rejoice.

Because they know that tens of millions of people will follow the "unpredictable" story about how four friends decided to go to the bathhouse on New Year's Eve. "Irony of Fate ..." for someone a fairy tale, for someone a comedy, for someone a crime detective with a happy ending. And for someone and a true story! Miracles really happen on New Year's Eve, and, having gone through trials and pain, you can find love, save the doomed, stay alive. Our stories are about real people, our readers, whose lives changed overnight. New Year's.

Fell, woke up and... got married

This story happened to Galina Sotnikova from Kursk 10 years ago, on the eve of the New Year, 1999. “I was returning by train to Kursk from Vladivostok, where I was visiting relatives,” says Galina.

She got the top seat in the compartment, but the fellow travelers were cool: a young married couple and a tall handsome brunette Sergey. He treated everyone to his mother's pies, sang songs with a guitar and tirelessly poisoned jokes. And then he gallantly invited Galina to take his lower shelf, and he himself settled down on her upper one.

At night, Galina had a wonderful dream: as if she were swimming with dolphins in a butterfly style. Then suddenly a shark swam up to her and bit her leg. She screamed from wild pain and woke up ... Sergey stood on her leg and with a groan held his hand, from which blood dripped. "What's wrong with you?" - with horror asked Galina. “Yes, it fell off the shelf unsuccessfully. Looks like he broke his arm."

“As it turned out, not only Sergey was injured: my leg was injured, on which, falling, my fellow traveler stepped on,” recalls Galina.

“We will be discharged in a month,” the doctor of the hospital, to which they were both taken from the train, reassured the young people. And so it happened that random fellow travelers had to spend in the hospital not only the New Year, but also Christmas and the old New Year. Home they with Sergei again returned together. Since Galina's leg was still in a cast, Sergei carried her in his arms. So he still wears it - 8 years after the wedding, which happily ended their New Year's injuries.

Elena Baibakova, AiF-Kursk


I put a gift under the tree for my beloved for the New Year!

- And what is she?

- And she is still looking for him: the taiga is big!

Salute against prudence

There was nothing unusual in the meeting between my mother and now stepfather - a short conversation in a grocery supermarket did not portend a continuation.

Although Uncle Yura (that's my stepfather's name) found a reason to take my mother home. It was then that it turned out that they live “window to window”, they park cars in the same parking lot, they even have common acquaintances. And from the next day, flowers appeared on my mother’s car every morning, gifts were under the door ... Romantic, but impractical, my mother thought, and of the two marriage options - for love or for convenience - she chose the second. After some time, a parcel from Uncle Yura appeared at the door of our apartment - an album with romantic personal photographs, as if the story of their short but bright relationship. It was more than just a gift. But there was no one to be nostalgic - my mother moved.

The next day, December 31, on a dark morning at six o'clock, Uncle Yura called. I immediately admitted that my mother was gone. And Uncle Yura, in a doomed, sad, sad voice, asked me to go to the window. “Be with me” was drawn in huge neat letters on the snow. A moment later, fireworks began, which I will never forget. I looked at the flickering lights of the miraculous salute fading before my eyes and cried. My hysteria made my mother agree to at least talk with Uncle Yura. It cannot be said that he convinced his mother that with his words and gifts he inspired her love. He just helped a little to free my mother's heart from the influences of the mind. And she did right choice I preferred option #1.

Ekaterina S i v k o v a, Perm

Well, Vanya, you did it!

It happened 30 years ago on New Year's Eve. Vanya served as an officer in a military unit in the dense forests of Yaroslavl, I was a student at a Moscow university. Ivan and I were friends for two years, and I was waiting for a marriage proposal. But he was restrained in his feelings. On December 31, I was going to come to his unit. Early in the morning on the day of departure, a telegram arrived: "Don't come." All day, not finding a place for myself, I thought, but still I went. Barely made it to the gate. Since no one met me, I walked four kilometers from the bus through the forest, shaking with fear. The sentry at the gate stunned me with the very first phrase: "But there is no lieutenant in the unit, he is on leave." I roared out loud. They gave me tea to drink and drove me to the bus station in a gas truck, but it was only possible to leave in the morning. In a hat on one side, with makeup smeared from tears on my face, I fell asleep on a bench. Woke me up… Vanya.

"What are you doing here?! he exclaimed. - I lost a whole day looking for you in Moscow! He returned to the unit, and you left from there too!

It turned out that Vanya decided to surprise me with his arrival. He succeeded! We celebrated the New Year at the station. But it was the brightest holiday in my life. And soon after that we got married.

Valentina E g o r o v a, Moscow region


Announcement at the Christmas tree market: “Buyer, remember: who has a house faux Christmas tree, a fake Santa Claus will come with fake gifts!

The elevator made enemies spouses

Neighbors on the entrance Maxim and Marina from Barnaul hated each other for a long time. Either Maxim’s dog, not waiting for the owner to finish digging in the mailbox, will pounce under Marina’s door, then the guy’s bag will burst with garbage and he will fly straight to the new suede boots neighbors ... But one New Year's Eve changed everything.

It happened five years ago, on December 31, half an hour before the chiming clock. Maxim and Marina, returning (separately, of course) home with full packages of holiday provisions, stepped into the elevator. Somewhere between the 4th and 5th floors, he suddenly shook, the light blinked, and then went out completely ... Panic "stuck!" both burst out at the same time.

Girlfriends were about to come to Marina, and the table had not yet been laid; friends were supposed to come for Maxim any minute to go to celebrate the holiday in night club. But while it was possible to shout to someone, contact the elevator operator, achieve release, it took ... four and a half hours. Some of the neighbors even tried to run to the elevator operators in the neighboring house, but they were not there. So the enemies had to meet the most vile New Year in a cold elevator.

During this time, they managed: for a start - to sort out the relationship and express the accumulated claims to each other, then - to get to know each other and finally - to fall in love with each other without memory. They left the elevator to the muttering of the master “How tired I am of you all” and the applause of the audience.

Two months after New Year's Eve in the elevator, young people applied to the registry office and for almost 5 years they have been happily married, however, they now live in St. Petersburg. And every New Year for them is a double holiday!

Tatyana Furs, AiF-Altai

Send us your Christmas story!

New Year in every family is the most main holiday. Share the stories that happened to you on the eve or during the celebration itself, and we will publish them on our website!

Story from a star

"Mom, this is my fiancee!"

Nadezhda Babkina, singer:

Usually, like most of my colleagues, I celebrate every New Year at work. But a couple of years ago I finally decided to spend New Year's Eve in a human way - at home. The fact that I could have fun in the circle of family and friends, that I could overeat homemade Olivier salad and watch TV - this was already something incredible for me. But the main surprise that New Year's Eve was ahead of me. Half an hour after the chiming clock, my son Danila called me with the words: “Mom, urgently go outside, I have to tell you something important.” I, being incredibly intrigued and excited, instantly jumped out to my son on the street. “Mom, meet me, this is my fiancee Tanya!” he blurted out. I never expected such a turn. In general, I remembered that New Year for the rest of my life.

Where are you going to celebrate the New Year (in %)?

  • Houses - 77
  • Away - 13
  • In a restaurant, club - 2
  • At the cottage - 2
  • At home rest - 1
  • I won't celebrate - 2
  • Difficult to answer - 5

The VTsIOM survey was conducted on December 6-7, 2008, 1600 people were interviewed in 140 settlements in 42 regions, territories and republics of Russia

There is such a sign: how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it! But sometimes such funny and ridiculous stories happen, remembering which you understand: this could only happen on December 31st. Along with OK! famous artists remembered what happened to them on New Year's Eve.

Photo: DR

Ingrid Olerinsky,actress

I decided to celebrate the first New Year after the release of the film “Inadequate People” with friends in one of the entertainment venues in Moscow. I was really looking forward to this holiday, because I like to spend rare free days in the company of close people. The party on the occasion of the New Year was a costume party, and I could not think of anything better than to wear a schoolgirl dress, which, in fact, starred in Inadequate People. Then I was also glad that the props came in handy! But I did not think that such a choice would make me more recognizable. And so it happened. In the end, I spent the New Year taking pictures and talking to fans, and my friends had to have fun without me.

Vlad Sokolovsky, singer

Since childhood, I have traditionally participated in all school productions and, of course, in Christmas trees, played three performances a day. We had a huge Friendly team. And then one day on New Year's Eve, when I was thirteen years old, I fell in love with a girl. On December 31, at five o'clock in the evening, we went for a walk around Yekaterinburg with her. She decided to show it to me so that I could see the city through her eyes. (Smiles.) I remember that I really wanted to kiss her, but somehow it didn’t work out. Besides, I was very timid. We came to the embankment, and there is such a “stone of love”, usually near it, the newlyweds make a wish. I thought about it and also wished that we would have a romantic relationship with this girl. Believe it or not, it happened. And right after I made that wish.

Photo: Igor Lobanov/DR

Elvira T,singer

I still associate the New Year with miracles and Santa Claus. Thanks to my parents for keeping this fairy tale for me for a long time. I remember, I was seven or eight years old, we were leaving for the New Year to my grandmother, and especially before leaving, I checked the Christmas tree inside and out to make sure that there was nothing there. We went to the elevator, and suddenly dad says that he needs to check if he turned off everything in the apartment. In fact, it was his cunning plan! When we returned home on January 1, right from the doorway, in boots, I ran to the Christmas tree and found two huge encyclopedias there! Of course, after that I was one hundred percent sure that Santa Claus exists. (Laughs.)

Mark Tishman, singer and composer

About seven years ago, on New Year's Eve, I was returning home on the last train. There was almost no one on the street, only snow was falling in large flakes. I followed the two girls and involuntarily listened to their conversation. One says to the other: “You know, today I heard a song on the radio - “I will become your angel and will be with you in happiness, and in grief, and in trouble.” How it covered me! I sobbed so!” I follow them and I can't believe it. I’m a rather closed person, but I couldn’t resist and in the dark I tell them: “I sing this.” They were frightened, fell silent and only added a step. Then I began to sing this song, and the girl screamed: “Yes, yes! This is the same song! I had a homemade CD in my bag, one of those that I delivered to radio stations, and I gave it to them. For me, this was a good sign. And it was in the coming year that Konstantin Meladze took me to the Star Factory with this very song. Now I pay attention to the signs and believe in New Year's miracles.

Tatyana Kotova,singer

New Year - family celebration. Therefore, I try to always celebrate it in the company of relatives. True, once violated this tradition. A few years ago, on New Year's Eve, I was abroad, in Thailand. My friend and I flew to Pattaya and already on December 30 we were basking on the beach under the sun. On January 1, we went to the city and, in order not to stand in traffic jams, we rented a motorcycle. I got behind the wheel, drove several tens of meters and lost my balance at a dangerous turn. As a result, it turned out like in the movie: "Fell, woke up - plaster." So until the end of the vacation and passed with a bandaged hand.

Photo: DR

Dominic Joker, singer

One of the most unusual New Year's stories that remained in my memory for a lifetime happened to me in 2000 in Prague, where we flew on tour as part of the 2x2 group. Everyone knows that Prague is an example of real Gothic architecture, a city of mystical atmosphere and occultism. After the concert, in the midst of New Year's Eve, we ended up in an old castle, where we celebrated the New Year. Naturally, while the chefs were preparing festive dishes and setting the table, we began to recall various terrible stories and beliefs, argued whether the clock would reset or not, in general, “waited” for the end of the world. At some point in our lively conversation, the lights went out, even the generator did not work. In order to enhance the effect, we decided to light torches and explore the castle and its territory: we went into the chapels, numerous rooms and cellars. In a word, we decided to 100% feel like medieval seekers of treasures and adventures, ready to fight with otherworldly power. As a result, we met the New Year by candlelight, in the old castle, cooking meat on coals and on a spit. We flew to Prague as part of a Russian delegation of 30 people, of the artists we were the only ones.

Marina Kim,TV presenter

I had the most "fragrant" and exotic New Year at the age of ten. Then, as usual, we were waiting for dad from work, who traditionally came home with gifts that day: a doll for me, a car for my brother, and perfume for mom. But this time, instead of gifts, dad brought a huge box the size of a man. As it turned out, it contained 25 kilograms of Ecuadorian bananas. Then it was the most scarce product! I rushed around the apartment with them, hid them under the pillow, under the bed and distributed them to my neighbors. And we also made porridge with bananas, pancakes, fried them, steamed them and made jam. And they even decorated the Christmas tree with bananas, after which they called it a palm tree!

Natalya Bardo,actress

New Year is my favorite holiday! With trepidation I wait for December, magic and a miracle. New Year's Eve chores, festive fuss and the smell of tangerines are especially pleasant. And I also believe in one single sign: if you burn a note with a cherished desire and swallow it before the chiming clock, the wish will certainly come true. We celebrated last New Year in London, and our foreign friends were very surprised when, at the culminating moment of the holiday, I suddenly began to “make a fire” unexpectedly. (Laughs.) Without thinking twice, they wrote down their desires and, together with me, also began to swallow burnt pieces of paper. It was fun! I don’t know about my friends, but my wish came true again. Right after new year holidays I started shooting the serial film "Angelica", which I dreamed about.

Photo: DR

Jasmine, singer

“I always celebrate the New Year with my family and friends. She broke this tradition only once and went to warm countries. So, on December 31, I went to the seashore, saw surfers on the beach, and the feeling of a holiday immediately disappeared somewhere, ”says singer Jasmine. “It sounds strange, but on New Year’s I want a light wind, a little frost and snow creaking under my feet ... Without all this, the New Year is not a holiday, but just a change of leaf in the calendar.”

T-Killah, singer

I don't usually fall for tradition and folk omens, but once I decided to make a wish to the sound of the chimes: write a wish on a small piece of paper, burn it, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it. According to rumors, if everything is done correctly, then the desire will certainly come true. But probably, mine was somehow supernatural, and at that moment it was not destined to come true. The paper got stuck in my throat, and to the sound of the chiming clock the whole family helped me pull it out. When rescue operation ended, I already forgot what I was thinking.

Nastya Zadorozhnaya,actress

To celebrate the New Year at home is a great success for the artist. A couple of years ago, Seryoga and I (Sergey Slavnov, figure skater, Nastya is a young man. - Approx. OK!) We still got such a chance. Realizing that on December 31 we are not working, we went shopping to buy food. It seems that they bought everything, came home with provisions, joyfully decorated the Christmas tree and began to cook. Literally an hour and a half before the New Year, I realized that we completely forgot to buy tangerines. Well, what is the New Year without tangerines? And I, like crazy, rushed to the store. And then everything happened, as in a joke: the first New Year at home for many years, and I was in the wildest traffic jam with tangerines - apparently, from the same forgetful "lucky ones". I flew into the apartment literally under the chiming clock. But we celebrated the New Year at home!

Olga Shelest,TV presenter

Once, as a gift for our French friends, I bought a Russian rocket. It was huge cardboard craft almost human height. But I couldn’t even imagine that I would be dragging her all the way on me: at first they refused to take her in luggage, then she didn’t fit anywhere on the plane and blocked the passage. When I finally got to Paris with my gift, I barely got on the train with it. I drove with a frankly guilty look, but I could not do anything. When my friends saw what a gift I brought them, they were very surprised. To them, it looked like I had accomplished a real feat.

Photo: DR

Dmitry Sharakois,actor

Before the New Year, 1991, dad asked me: “Dima, what do you want to get from Santa Claus?” I thought for a very long time: there is a pistol that shoots suckers, there are handcuffs, there is also a machine ... Eh, I have everything! A few days later, I realized that I wanted a compass, which I immediately told my dad about. And then the New Year came, kindergarten solemn distribution of gifts. Santa Claus comes up to the first boy and takes out a huge transformer from the bag, the second - a car, the third - a colored ship. Gradually, I began to understand that I had to ask, but at that moment Santa Claus approached me and took out a compass wrapped in Soviet magazine paper. sitting behind New Year's table, I only thought about one thing: why didn't I ask for a normal gift?!

Irina Nelson,singer

A few years ago we decided to go to India for the New Year. It was necessary to remove the accumulated fatigue and relax after the bustle of the metropolis. I have known about the ancient yogic procedure Shirodara for a long time and dreamed of taking the full course. The procedure is very simple: you lie relaxed, and at this time a thin stream of oil with five different herbs is poured on your forehead. It helps to get rid of headaches, irritability and significantly improves memory. After a few hours in an Ayurvedic spa, you begin to feel the world with your skin. And so, on the 20th of December, we flew to India and immediately went to take a Shirodara course, deciding that we would recover just in time for the New Year and, relaxed, celebrate the holiday with our friends. We dreamed of dressing up a palm tree and swimming in the ocean right at midnight ... But all these calming procedures made us too relaxed, slightly detached, and we overslept the New Year. But sleeping is great too! (Smiling.)

Photo: DR

Maria Pakhar,Opera singer

A few years ago, on New Year's Eve, I went by train to visit my parents in Izhevsk. I woke up in the morning and found that my boots were gone! Apparently, they were taken by a neighbor in the compartment, who left before me. As a result, I ended up in the cold in a fluffy coat and slippers. However, my mood from this only improved: there was a feeling of a funny adventure, and I had a presentiment that the coming year would bring a lot of new and interesting things. And indeed, the changes were not long in coming: at the very beginning of the year, the legendary singer Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya heard my performance, she immediately invited me to Moscow to continue my studies at her Opera Singing Center. In the same year I sang the role of Natasha Rostova in the opera War and Peace at the Bolshoi Theatre.

Photo: DR

And I,soloist of the group "City 312"

I caught the time when people were friends at home and entire porches. One day, my housemates and I decided to celebrate the New Year in this way: dressed in costumes, move from one apartment to another. Uncle Vanya got the costume of Santa Claus, and my dad, outwardly very similar to Shurik from the "Prisoner of the Caucasus", - the Snow Maiden. Gypsies, snowflakes, chanterelles and bunnies, led by Father Frost Vanya and Snow Maiden Tolya, “walked” around the apartments in a noisy crowd. In the middle of the night, everyone rolled out into the street in a crowd, and suddenly an unfamiliar man stuck to my mother (a large snowflake). Mom politely explained to him that she was married, but the passer-by turned out to be very persistent and confidently said: “My husband is not a wall, you can move it away!” It was then that the father-Snow Maiden could no longer remain silent and with one movement laid the newly-made boyfriend into the ditch.

Nastya Krainova,singer

In ten years of my creative career, only once I was able to celebrate the New Year at home with my family, with gifts under the Christmas tree and an incredibly delicious homemade table, with Russian salad and tangerines and a Christmas tree with a star on top. Therefore, we were very reverently preparing for this celebration, buying gifts, hiding them from each other and even hiding them. And then this magical moment came: the president makes a speech, the chimes strike, we drink champagne and go to open gifts. What was my surprise when, having opened the boxes, we found that, together with mommy and best friend Sveta gave each other the same pajamas! We laughed, put them on and had a fun New Year's Eve.

Art group "Soprano Turkish"

Last year, just a few hours before the New Year, we flew to perform in Germany, in Munich. The road was very long, and we were terribly hungry. Therefore, at the hotel, we dressed up as Snow Maidens and, having found some time, went in search of food. But all restaurants and even shops were closed. We returned to the club where we were supposed to perform, went on stage, and they were just setting the table for us. Having worked out the first block of the program, we were glad that we would finally have dinner, but it wasn’t there ... As soon as we sat down at the table, we were again asked to go on stage and sing one more song, and then another and another. And here it is already midnight on the clock - it's time to sing Happy New Year ... In general, we sing, but we ourselves have all our thoughts only about food! And at this moment we see that the waiters are already taking away our plates from the table ... You can't imagine how sad and funny we were at the same time.

Anna Tikhomirova,ballerina

My debut took place when I was only six years old. In the hall of the Kremlin Palace on New Year's Eve, I performed a small children's solo in the play "The Nutcracker". I didn't feel the slightest bit of stage fright and just enjoyed what I was doing. Then I studied at a school where a former Bolshoi ballerina taught choreography. When she noticed my dancing abilities, she immediately began to learn with me the serious part of Masha from The Nutcracker. Since then, almost every year on December 31, in the morning and in the evening, I dance in this performance. (Smiling.)

Photo: DR

It was in the nineties. To my mom - school teacher- I came up with an idea how to congratulate the guys before the New Year. A fine day was chosen, the children were taken by bus on a nature history tour to the nearest forest - to hang bird feeders, to look for hare tracks. Previously, a team of three people was equipped in the same forest - a driver and two teachers in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who dressed up a pretty Christmas tree in the clearing and hid bags with gifts under it. When the tour "accidentally found" a decorated Christmas tree in the forest and a REAL Santa Claus came out to them from a REAL forest - there was no limit to the delight of children!
Santa Claus was my two-meter father, and his costume was very colorful.
And then one year, while they were waiting for children, the father, already in full dress, went into the forest a little further away and heard: "Bake .. Bale ..." He looked out over the snowdrift - and there a man with an ax was poaching. Well, my father approached him quietly, put his mittened hand on his shoulder, and bellowed in a bass voice:
- What are you, man, CUTTING MY FIR-TREE???

My father never saw such crazy eyes ... Well, for an ax and one felt boot, that man never returned, no matter how much his father shouted after him ...

And soon the New Year. For two days now, the house has smelled of tangerines. Mom bought them a whole big bag and hid them on the balcony. Sometimes you can quietly steal two things from there - yourself and your sister, and quickly eat them, stuffing the orange fleshy skins under the bed.

In a large room, in the corner, there is a Christmas tree. Dad brought her three days ago, and we all dressed her up. Mom got it from the mezzanine big box from under boots, tied with twine, in which, drowning in cotton wool, lie fragile glass balls and figurines. This squirrel was given to me in kindergarten. For winning some competition at a matinee. And this is the king. Everyone knows that this is my mother's king. He is quite old, and with a hole in his side. But mom always hangs it in the most prominent place. Because this king is older than herself, as she says. And we have a garland. All confused. We unravel it carefully, and hang it on the Christmas tree. And then dad turns off the light, and plugs the garland into the outlet. At first, nothing happens for a long time. We sit in the dark and breathe. And suddenly the garland starts blinking, illuminating the wadded Santa Claus standing on a white sheet under the Christmas tree, who is also older than my mother, and our faces with my sister. Masha has it either red or green. I probably have too.

This morning, mom and dad have been hanging out in the kitchen, cooking something. There is a sound of knives on a cutting board, and voices “Check the jelly on the balcony, maybe it’s time to put it in the refrigerator?”, “Are you going to bake the whole chicken or marinate?” and “Well, that’s where you put it, huh? Crazy? I cut fruit on it, and he cuts herring! On TV they show "Irony of Fate" and a red-haired girl sings about three white horses. It's still light outside, but it's boring at home. They don’t let me into the kitchen with misted windows, so as not to interfere. I start whining and freaking out. I get a slap on the ass from my mother, and my father puts aside half of the herring, washes his hands, and takes me by the shoulder: “Get out the skates and help Masha get dressed.” I squeal and run down the corridor, getting tangled in slipped pantyhose that are not my size, and I shout “Masha, we’ll go to the skating rink right now!”

Masha does not know how to skate at all, she fell twice, pouted, and dad took her to a bench, where he silently began to take off her skates, which made Masha pout even more, and then roared. It got dark quite imperceptibly. So it's New Year's Eve. Dad waves at me, and I roll up to the bench, willingly extend my leg in the skate to my dad, and, holding on to my dad's neck, wait for him to put on blue plastic covers for the blades. If dad wasn't with us, I would never have put on covers. I would hobble to a piece of asphalt near the sewer manhole, and hit it with my skate to make sparks fly. Like Silver Hoof. Once dad saw it and punished me. I didn't go to the rink for a month. Next time I'll shoot sparks away from my house. Behind Irkin's house there is also a manhole with asphalt.

Mom opens the door for us. She has curlers on her head, and one eye is made up. In her hand she holds a box of mascara, into which she spits, and wiggles with a brush there. I want to do the same all the time. Spit and poke around. But Mom always takes her makeup bag when she goes to work. Mom looks at Masha and me and scolds dad. “They are all wet as mice! Why did you let them wallow in the snow? I just got back from sick leave! Right now, both will fall ill again, and who will sit with them ?! Dad silently helps us take off our skates, and mom waves her brush and runs into the bathroom to finish painting the other eye. From the bathroom you can hear mom's "Ugh!". And it is not clear: either she spat in the ink, or got angry with dad. It's not visible from here.

Masha and I dress up in costumes. I'm like Little Red Riding Hood, and Masha is like a snowflake in a crown. I also want a crown, but I already have a red cap on my head. I’m thinking of how to put this crown on top of a hat so that nothing falls off. Mom, with makeup on both eyes, in curlers, runs around the apartment with plates. Masha and I discreetly drag sausage from them. For myself and the dog Mishka. And we diligently mask the baldness on a plate with sausage with dill. I really want to eat. Dad in a gray suit nervously walks around the room, pulling his tie and looking sideways at a bottle of vodka. Dad will get drunk today and will dance funny, bending his knees. Masha and I always laugh when he dances like that. We don't drink vodka. For us, my mother bought a lot of bottles of Tarragon, Pinocchio and Wild Berry. Pinocchio can be poured into "adult" crystal glasses, thinking that it is champagne, and then pretending to be drunk, and dancing on half-bent legs.

Mom comes in, looks at her watch, and says: “We are spending Old year". Masha and I immediately set to sausage so that my mother does not notice the bald spot under the dill. We shout “I need tarragon”, “And I need Pinocchio”, “Then I also need Pinocchio!”, “Why are you repeating everything after me? Drink your Tarragon! On TV again they show the Irony of Fate, only on a different channel. Masha and I have already eaten, and we already want gifts. But we sit and keep silent. And also watch the Irony of Fate. When the Kremlin wall, chimes, and a round roof with a red flag suddenly appeared on the screen, my mother shouted “Slava, turn off the light soon!”. Dad turned off the light, lit a garland, and Gorbachev's face appeared on the screen with a bruise on his bald head. He spoke incomprehensibly, and mom and dad listened, holding glasses of champagne in their hands. And Masha and I also got up and raised our wine glasses with Pinocchio. And then the chimes began to beat, and my mother said, “Hurry, make a wish!” I made myself a Juliet doll and a tape recorder, and Masha, this is already clear, railway. I guessed everything very quickly, and the chimes kept beating and beating. It became a pity that I no longer had desires, and I quickly made another wish so that all people in the world would never get sick. As soon as I thought about all the people - on TV they sang "The Union of the Indestructible Republics of the Free." I also sang. I have this anthem written on the back cover of all my school notebooks. I know all the words by heart. Dad turned on the light and shouted "Hurrah!" and Mom shouted. And Masha and I too. They wanted to clink glasses with their Pinocchio with their parents, but they did not allow it.

Masha whispered in my ear: “And now there will be gifts,” and we looked at dad. Dad tugged at his tie, listened to something, and suddenly grabbed my hand: “Run! I hear that there is someone on the stairs! It's Santa Claus!" We ran. Masha dropped her crown, and my cap fell, but I picked it up. There was no one on the stairs. We looked at dad, and he was dragging us up the stairs. "He ran higher, catch up!" We ran from the second floor to the ninth, but Santa Claus was not found. Masha roared, but I restrained myself. The elevator doors opened. It was dad who came for us. “What, he says, did they miss Santa Claus? And he has already managed to come to our house and leave gifts for you. Hurry up the elevator." Masha stopped crying, and I thought that dad was lying. Santa Claus could not run away from us so quickly and return to our home with gifts. But dad did not disappoint. The balcony door was wide open in the room, and real snow lay on the carpet, on which human footprints were imprinted! And under the tree lay a gray bag, and there was something in it! I touched the snow on the floor, and asked my mother: “Is it true that Santa Claus came?”, And my mother said, “Of course. You just ran away - and suddenly the balcony door swings open, the blizzard is such that you can not see anything, and Santa Claus appeared. In felt boots and with a bag. He says, “Where is Masha and Lida?” I told him: “Grandfather, they are looking for you on the stairs,” and Santa Claus apologized, said: “Oh, I won’t have time to see them, other kids are still waiting for me,” and left. this blizzard, and Santa Claus with a bag. The snow on the palace had already melted, and I remembered what traces there were. It's definitely from boots. Masha has already untied the bag, and now she is sniffing and rummaging through it. I climbed too. I push Masha, and she pushes me away. Only we still understood who what gift. For me - a doll Juliet, and Mashka a railway. Ha, and Irka says that Santa Claus does not exist, and gifts are given by mom and dad. She's all lying. Mom and dad didn’t even know that Masha and I thought of the chiming clock. For some reason, there is no tape recorder. Probably on next year will give. When I grow up Anyway, I don’t even have any cassettes to listen to music ...

*** And soon the New Year. Soon it will be necessary to go to the "Metro" and buy boxes of champagne, vodka, sausage, canned food. I'll have to call Masha, she always gets me good caviar through her husband. I need to get my white dress, in which I was at Zhenya's wedding in the summer. I think there is a stain. I'll have to take it to the dry cleaners if I remember. I need to decide where I will celebrate the New Year: at home, at a party, or in the country. You need to buy stockings, and dig out white shoes. I don't remember where I put them. Irka would not forget to call. She promised to give me a salad recipe. Make a gift list so you don't forget anyone. Son - an MP3 player, Masha - a toy motorcycle, for her collection, mom - perfume and new mascara, she hinted shyly, and dad ... And I will give this story to dad. I'll give it to him over the phone, exactly at midnight. While the chimes are striking and the Russian anthem is playing. I will read this to him from the sheet, and restrain myself so as not to cry. As then. Twenty three years ago. On the stairs. On the ninth floor. When it seemed to me for just one second that dad could deceive me ... (c)

When I was 10 years old, we celebrated the New Year as a family. Mom, Dad and I. At 12 o'clock we went out of the entrance to the street to launch fireworks. While I was admiring the colorful lights, my father managed to run to the neighbors, take the bicycle, which was temporarily lying with them, and put it under the Christmas tree, then return to us. I didn't even notice it. When we went back home, my happiness knew no bounds, then I believed in a miracle.

When I was 7 years old, my parents made me believe in a miracle. When the chimes had already struck, the lights suddenly went out in the whole house, and immediately after a second it lit up, and there were already a bunch of gifts under the tree. Thank you for the New Year's miracle.

1996, 2nd grade. And in our provincial school they arranged new year's masquerade. In our family, even normal clothes are a rare guest. Mom immediately honestly said that there was no money for a costume, we must understand and forgive. But dad didn’t lose his head: he found a stick in the shape of a pistol, painted it black with a marker, dressed me in a black turtleneck, trousers, attached a “holster” mitten, and gave me his black glasses. I was mafia. It was a complete sensation and delight. All these musketeers, batmen and lions were crying with envy.)

I remember how on New Year's Eve my dad, with me and my brother, chose a ring for my mom as a gift. A few minutes before midnight, I quietly opened the door, rang the bell, as if I opened the door and ran to my mother with a box from Santa Claus. Mom then went happy with dad and boasted to him that Santa Claus himself proposed to her))

I always believed in the New Year's miracle and every year the wish came true .. But one New Year's Eve, I made a wish not for myself, but for my friend, with whom we have been friends since the age of five. Fate has already scattered us across different countries. But we keep our friendship no matter what.
I was very worried about her about the children, so I wanted her to become a mother. And for the New Year, she wished that she would become pregnant this year.
A year passed, and she still did not get pregnant ... I waited. Then in October I decided to visit her for two weeks. And a miracle happened, in November the news about the pregnancy ... that's when I told her about my New Year's wish.
Doctors gave her a due date of August 6, and she gave birth on 12 ... on my birthday.

I want to tell you the story of my little miracle. That year, on the 31st, I returned from work upset, plans for New Year's Eve collapsed, the man went on an urgent business trip and I had no choice but to meet ng alone. I go into the entrance, weeping, and Santa Claus comes out of the elevator (you know, people work part-time), he calls me and asks what is in such magical holiday I have tears in my eyes, and then I just burst into hysterics, he calms me down and takes out some box from his bag, this is for you, he says, and forgive me for having to wait so long, but now you need it more, believe in miracles, daughter, and they will definitely happen. I do not have time to say anything in response, as he is already leaving the entrance. Deciding that there is an ordinary children's sweet gift, I come home, I pour tea and I am going to seize my grief. There were no sweets in the box .. a box with a ballerina, clockwork, musical, green, exactly the one that I asked Santa Claus at the age of 12, writing him a long letter and flying out of the window, in the last year, my faith in him. Nobody gave me the casket then, of course. Now I am writing and she is standing on the shelf and playing, I don’t know who it was, a coincidence, an accident or ..., think for yourself. But since then, I again began to believe in miracles!

As a child, they did not live well. And somehow, on New Year's Eve, my mother simply did not have the money to buy something worthwhile for me as a gift. She took a beautiful bag and put in it various brochures from pharmacies and shops. And I was happy, because these were "documents" with which I played business)

I remember decorating the Christmas tree with my family as a child. beautiful toys- old, sprinkled, which you can no longer find now. And there was a big ball among them of blue color, on which phosphorus stars are drawn. It was a whole ceremony: open the box, take out the ball, "charge" the phosphor under the lamp so that the stars glow in the dark with this special greenish light ... We always hung this ball on the Christmas tree first. From that moment on, the magical expectation of the holiday began for us. The ball is still alive :)

I wonder who was who on New Year's Eve kindergarten? I well remember one such holiday in the garden, all the girls were beautiful, someone was a beautiful snowflake, someone was a bright cracker, Malvina or even a queen, and I .... I was a TEST !!! Only not because there was no money for a costume, but because my mother was a musical worker and came up with scripts for matinees, and in one of them I got out of a huge pot, read a poem and ran away, and then changed into a beautiful fox)

Now there are so many beautiful, modern toys and decorations for the Christmas tree for sale - choose what your heart desires, the choice is huge! And I still feel incredibly tender and warm feelings for the old Christmas decorations from the 80s and 90s, which all families had the same: multi-colored cones, decorated birds, balls with snowflakes ... My favorite toy was a little silver astronaut. I still decorate the Christmas tree with this miracle from childhood and seem to be transported into the past.)

I recently had a conversation with a guy:
- Honey, I've got a surprise for you! Guess where we will celebrate the New Year: the name of this place begins with the letter M, there is a sea and sandy beaches.
Are we going to the Maldives?
-No, we will go to Murmansk for the New Year and admire the northern lights)

December 30, 1998, my mother and I are in a trolley bus. Sadness, crisis, no money, the new year is gone: no Christmas tree, no tangerines, no gifts. We meet the father of my friend Katya, with whom I am in a quarrel, he is interested in how I am doing, tells how Katya is doing, asks: did you dress up the Christmas tree? We're joking: we'll dress up in January when they give away the Christmas tree for free. On that they parted. December 31, evening, the doorbell rings, we open - FIR-TREE! Katya's dad brought it! Tears Happiness New Year ... With Katyukha to this day we remember and roar ...

I remember very well the new year 2000. I was then 6 years old, there was practically no money, it was only enough to get to the theater square, then a whole ice town was built there. It was late in the evening, there were a lot of people on the bus, and then I noticed 500 rubles (a lot of money for that time) next to our seat, I told my mother about this, and she kept her foot on the banknote almost all the way. Bought goodies and still celebrated the new year!

I love winter because I can finally write various pleasant "messages" on foggy windows. And today, as usual, I wrote on the window of the minibus "May all your wishes come true!" and went to pay the fare. My mother and daughter took my place. The daughter immediately began to ask her mother what the inscriptions on the window were and who wrote them. Her mother, winking at me, replied that it was Santa Claus.

She walked angry through the old city, no mood, no snow. When I walked past the shop, I saw a mechanical toy singing a Christmas song, smiled and in a second it began to snow. The mood has risen, I write and still smile. :)

When I was 8 years old, on New Year's Eve, closer to the night I was playing some kind of constructor on the couch. I sat so that behind my back was the front door to the room, the tree on the left, which I looked at every half a minute, and kept lamenting to myself, they say, what a beautiful tree we have, and then looking back again, I saw a bunch of gifts under it! That's how I believed in miracles.
I should have been sneaking around with those sacks so I didn't even notice! Among other things, there lay Teddy bear who became a childhood friend. Still sitting on my shelf, and I'm almost thirty years old)

In our childhood, when we lived in an old apartment in a five-story building, every New Year they decorated the stairwell, they painted symbols of the year on the walls (the neighbor was an artist). God, it was beautiful. We lived on the 5th - last floor. And exactly at 00:05 after the chimes, all 4 doors opened. Music played everywhere. Everyone went to each other not being afraid that something would be lost and so on. Everywhere there was champagne, their "signature" salads. Gifts for us then still children. It was magical. Friendly atmosphere)

The most unforgettable, warm, joyful and incredibly mysterious New Year I met in 2000. I was 7 years old and our grandmother and her company of cheerful and resourceful fellow students participating in hiking, kayaking along the rivers of the Urals and Transbaikalia, tireless seekers of adventure and romance by nature, geographers and biologists by education, arranged a real fairy tale. In the snowy forest they dressed up a real live Christmas tree seven meters in height, and with improvised home-made decorations as in the cartoon "Prostokvashino", they themselves dressed up in costumes of Baba Yaga, Leshy and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, played a performance, read poetry and sang songs around the fire. danced round the Christmas tree, lit sparklers and laughed. I will never forget this feeling when you stand in the middle of the night forest, sparks from the fire play on the branches of trees and snowdrifts, and around - pitch velvet darkness, the chimes are beating on the radio and someone is saying softly, winking at us, the grandchildren, they say, hear the whistle? This is Santa Claus rushing to our light. And we listen with bated breath. At that moment I really believed in a miracle!))

I remember, for the new year in kindergarten, we were gathered in a large hall with a Christmas tree. Parents with photo and video cameras, smart kids, everything is as usual. We, the children, were seated on chairs, after some time Santa Claus entered the hall, everyone was happy. Except me. I sat and saw with my own eyes this terrible deception: in the costume of Santa Claus was Valentina Konstantinovna, our teacher. And when she asked the children a classic question for this holiday from the cartoon: "Guess, children, who am I?", I alone did not interfere with my voice in the general choir, but jumped to my feet and began to open the children's eyes to what is hiding under the guise of Grandfather auntie. Ruined matinee. From that day on, even the photo still remains, where the whole group, except for me, pouting or crying, sits against the backdrop of the Christmas tree. ;)

I was 11 years old when in the evening, before the New Year, I was sent across the road for bread. I cross the tram tracks, and I see a box lying between the rails. Bent over to look - it's a box of sweets new year gift. I pick it up, and it turned out to be full and unopened! And there are no people around, no one is looking for a box. Brought home an unexpected gift.
Many years have passed, but that feeling New Year's miracle I still remember.

A few years ago, I agreed with a neighbor that on New Year's Eve he would come in, make some noise and leave gifts for my children under the tree. And now it’s one in the morning, I put the children to bed and say that you need to at least pretend to be asleep so that Santa Claus comes. The whole family fell into bed and pretended to sleep. We hear the door open, someone comes in, says something and leaves, and when we leave the bedroom, we see gifts under the tree. If I had not organized it myself, I would have believed in it myself.))
Children have emotions and a miracle!)

I live separately from my parents. I went to visit them, on the way I went to the store and, among other things, bought chocolates. Ahead of NG, I decided to throw chocolates in their mailbox and a note, they say, from Santa Claus's assistants. In the evening, dad comes and says, imagine, he found chocolates in a box, threw them into the garbage chute, you never know, now is a turbulent time. Didn't see the note!

A few years ago, celebrating the New Year with relatives, she ran out into the street at midnight all in tinsel, in a pocket of tangerines. Having embraced with neighbors, she went to the road to meet her brother, on the other side she saw a guy. He walked very sad, as if he was in no hurry to go anywhere. And around laughter, fireworks .. I felt so uneasy. She ran across the road and congratulated, held out tangerines. He took it, smiled and left .. Every New Year I remember him and make a wish: to everyone who is lonely, at least a little holiday miracle and warmth in their hearts!

When I was 5 years old, my mother organized a Christmas tree at work for the children of employees. None of the men agreed to be Santa Claus. During the celebration, I began to look for my mother in the crowd, and then Santa Claus came in, eerily familiar eyes and a smile. I approached him boldly and asked: "Santa Claus, are you my mother?" I don’t remember anything else, but it’s still warm in my soul every New Year from the fact that my mother is “Santa Claus”)))

On New Year's Eve, my mother puts a bag of sweets under the Christmas tree for me and my brother. And now, having considered all the gifts, my brother and I sit under the Christmas tree, pour out our sweets and exchange them. And if there are candies that both of us don’t like, we give them to dad. I'm 20 and my brother is 27. And we still do it.

Starting from the first of December and until the New Year, every day I throw a letter for my daughter into our mailbox on behalf of the Snowflake fairy. The letter contains a New Year's task and a small gift. My daughter is looking forward to the New Year, a fairy, every day a small miracle happens for her personally.
I write letters in between work, I run to buy souvenirs at lunchtime, I suffer with inventing tasks. This is for others I'm a gloomy fussy aunt in a ridiculous hat with a pompom, but in fact I'm a fairy :)

Our family has certain traditions for the New Year. The Christmas tree is always real and always up to the ceiling. On it are toys, those that grandparents, Santa Claus and Snegurka bought back in the 50s and 60s, also from those times, my mother periodically glues and tints them. Be sure to have two rows of lights and rain to the floor. (This is for a cat, she loves him very much. She also loves to drink water from a bucket under the Christmas tree. You need to follow this so that the tinsel is allowed to go as you eat and that there is always water). But most importantly, sweet gifts for children!! This year, 4 such gifts are expected, for children 19, 20, 32 and 47 years old. And everyone should be the same! (and then we will fight)). In general, what a blessing that every January 1, early in the morning, we find these traditional gifts"From Santa Claus"

In my kindergarten New Year's party all children were offered costumes to choose from (whoever takes it first). There were all sorts of little animals; and now I liked the piglet costume. My girlfriend also liked it, the friendship with which broke off on the same day. Having gone through tears, snot, a fight and a showdown between our parents, I safely got the costume. And now I’m looking at a photo from that matinee: I’m standing among seals and hares, such a happy, toothless (the front one fell out the day before) pig.

On New Year's Eve, we do not just put gifts for children under the Christmas tree, but leave a note from Santa Claus: "Did you think gifts would be so easy to get??? Well, look for them .... there .." For example, in washing machine. And there is a note again) and the kids run around the house for 5-7 minutes in search of a treasure, in the wake of the notes. You can not imagine what a general children's delight! And now, before each NY, the child not only orders a gift from Santa Claus, but writes to be sure to hide it deeper!)))

When entering the elevator of her old nine-story building, she got used to smelling garbage, cigarettes, or something worse. And this morning it smelled like tangerines, all over the elevator. New Year is coming:3

All the girls in the first grade dressed up as snowflakes and princesses for the Christmas tree. I, an animal lover, categorically did not like such cute costumes. Therefore, my parents and I came up with a dog costume. I had a cap with a dog face. A fox tail, shirt-front and cuffs were sewn to woolen trousers and a sweater. Such a cute fluffy dog ​​came out :) ... In the gym where the matinee was held, there was a terrible dubak! All the princesses were dressed in sweaters and leggings! The vidocq was still the same! And I was very warm :)

I got out on one of the New Year's weekends, neither light nor dawn from the house. In a half-asleep state, I got to the subway, at the station of which the dream was taken away. Still: Santa Claus was coming down the stairs! Well, Santa Claus before the New Year (and after) is not very surprising, but it was not quite an ordinary Santa Claus! It was Santa Claus-Negro! 88-o Not some Santa Claus, not Kolotun Ata (or whatever it is in Turkic?), but our, domestic Santa Claus! Spectacle, I tell you
indescribable! Especially for the mid-90s in Kyiv. I came to my senses and almost twisted my neck in search of a similar Snow Maiden. But, unfortunately, I didn't see it. :(

Once we were sitting in the evening after a tiring day at work in my friend's kitchen, and I must say that we both work with him as Santa Clauses, and often we tell all sorts of stories about the New Year. And so he told me such a story, a real one, he even showed a photograph as proof: it was several years ago.

Once a man called him and wants to order Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to congratulate his six-year-old daughter. This man asked for a long time on the phone about the program, everyone was interested in whether he was an experienced Santa Claus or a beginner. I specifically asked about shoes. It turns out that Grandfather came to him last year a little tipsy and in sneakers. And his daughter noticed this and suspected something, began to ask tricky questions to dad. Dad was also very worried, he didn’t want his daughter to have all this New Year’s romance go to waste ahead of time. And he began to select a worthy contender for the role of Santa Claus in good suit, always in felt boots and with a luxurious white beard. In general, they agreed that a month later, at exactly four o'clock, Santa Claus (my friend) was to ring the doorbell of his apartment.

A month has passed, my friend is getting ready and going with his Snow Maiden to this peasant. And it's a long ride, the outskirts of Moscow and from the metro it's still a minibus to cut for about forty minutes. He gets into a minibus and quite by chance notices four more young people, boys and girls, with a characteristic load (large bags and plastic bags, with some kind of clothes). He does not attach any importance to this, calmly gets off at his stop. Then he watches with great interest how these couples go out with him. And in a slender march, looking at each other, they go foot to foot to the same house. And more than that to one entrance! My friend is starting to get a little nervous, and his fellow travelers are also clearly feeling restless. They enter the entrance, politely letting each other through, still in tense silence, and take the elevator to the same floor. Then my friend breaks through, and he asks a sacramental question: “Which apartment are you in?”. It turns out that they all came at the same time, and at the same time! Well, they stood in front of the door, talked and found out that, apparently, this man decided to play it safe, but his memory turned out to be bad and he forgot that he agreed with someone a month ago, and then forgot to cancel another order, and in As a result, all true to their word and very angry Santas gathered at his apartment ... What to do? The order is outside the ring, the road is long and snowy, everyone wants to get money for the order ...

We all decided to go! Only at intervals of ten minutes. And off we go, first one pair, ten minutes later the second, and my friend with his Snow Maiden are the last. Some say: "We are Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden from the North Pole." Others: "We are Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden from the South Pole." And my friend thought and thought where he could be from, and he said with annoyance: “And we, he says, are from the equator!” ...

The man was stunned by such an influx, stood in the corridor and blinked his eyes, but his daughter really liked it! She then told her dad that it was her best New Year! So what can you do for a child? He had to pay all Grandfathers! He, of course, was upset, but he behaved well, even began to smile at the end. So they all took a picture together, and my friend still has this picture, and he shows it to everyone. And the girl, probably, has already grown up, but she still remembers such a New Year.

There was a dispute in our company about which profession is the most dangerous. Some say one thing, others offer another. I listened to them and declare: You supposedly set out everything very convincingly, but still, the most dangerous profession- This is Santa Claus. (I, like many of the acting fraternity, earn extra money in this area every year). Well, people are skeptical.
- What, - they say, - is so terrible in this area? Can't you find your way home from drunkenness?
- And here I am, - I say, - I will tell you one story from my practice, and you will decide for yourself: how much for Grandfathers, we get a piece of bread.
Once I was ordered (as we, the Morozovs, it is customary to say) to congratulate the employees of one company. The manager (who hired me) turned out to be unfortunately creative and in no case agreed that Santa Claus would appear as a normal person - that is, through the door. In general, I decided that I would climb through the window.
Well, the thing is, in general, simple - I have acquaintances who are climbing masters: they hung ropes from the roof of the building, insured me in a 100% reliable way, attached me to these same ropes and said: “Come on! Push off with your feet from the wall - press the carabiner - a meter down and slide down. And so on…” He hung a mobile phone on his belt – he should appear exactly on a signal and climbed. The building has seven floors, my office is on the third. Well, I think I’ll get slowly to the fourth, but as soon as the signal arrives, I’ll immediately attract. It wasn't there. Somewhere between the fifth and sixth, my beard caught on a carabiner. Started to untangle and only aggravated. I took off my mittens to make it more comfortable, one down and dropped it. Okay, - I think - I'll hold one hand behind my back, maybe they won't pay attention. He began to untangle further, and then the call. My name is. Right now, I say, I will unhook the beard and I will. I hurried, and she damned only curls around the ropes worse. (If you think that this is a simple matter, I recommend trying it yourself)
While fiddling with the beard, the felt boots fell off. And on the car - some kind of thumped. She, of course, yelled, people began to gather below. Who laughs, and who looks sternly upstairs (the owner of the car, apparently). Okay, I think a fur coat - almost to the toes - will not be noticed. How to untangle a beard? I call upstairs - my climbers - so, they say, and so, I say - go down to help.
- We can not, - they say, - only one set of ropes was captured. And your two can not stand it.
- What to do, - I ask?
- Cut!
- So I'll fall then!
- Yes, not a rope, foolish head, cut your beard!
- Understood, - I answer and drop the phone. A hand without a mitten froze - not the month of May in the yard.
Easy to say - cut! What about cutting? There are no scissors, the ax is also at home. I had to chew. (Have you tried to gnaw Santa Claus’s beard? And I don’t advise ...)

In general, after about twenty minutes I bit off half of my beard and hastily continued my descent. They promised to prepare the window, so that I just pushed from the outside and it opened. In a hurry I did not calculate and pushed so that it fell inside with the frame. Well, yes, I don’t care anymore - he turned blue from the cold, you can see through the makeup. Happy New Year, I say, with new happiness. And you answer me, right there! and squeal. I looked around and I see - they didn’t wait for me here, oh they didn’t wait ... I made a mistake on the floor and ended up in the medical center, and even exactly in the gynecological room.
I won’t tell you further, I think you will now believe that the profession of Santa Claus is the most dangerous.

Christmas shopping. Shop dialogue.
We have one store here, in which they constantly visit chocolate cakes. Two kinds. "Caprice" (this is Moscow), and "Fad" (this is Kharkov). with various additives and different sizes. Yesterday I go to this store and hear:
- Girl, tell me: do you have any whims?
- There are no whims today. But I have a big quirk. show you?

The New Year has sprung. When my son was 3-3.5 years old, we decided to surprise him with Santa Claus for the New Year. The role of Santa Claus was played by my mother. And dressed up as it should be: a hat, glasses, a beard, a sheepskin coat, etc. went out to the landing and began to call the apartment. My wife and I took him to the door and asked him to open it. On the threshold of Santa Claus. My son has fifty-fifty eyes, his jaw dropped. Mother in a voice changed beyond recognition: "Hello, Zhenechka, did you recognize me?" Zhenya with a dropped jaw: "I found out, I found out, grandmother Zina."

Half an hour ago we met the new year, spent the old one - everything is like with normal people. Without staying at home for a long time, I went to my friend's apartment, where quite a few people were supposed to gather. I go out into the street - there is a celebration in full in the form of launching all kinds of rockets and explosions of firecrackers. A man sits on all fours by the road and tries to light the fuse of another rocket (the previous one started literally 10 seconds ago). Some small yard dog jumps out from around the corner and starts barking furiously at him. The man reluctantly turns his head in her direction (the drunk alcohol makes itself felt;) and with a slurred tongue, at the same time full of enthusiasm for the conqueror of space, gives out:
- Ooo! Arrow!!! Right now, we'll let you go!!!

We "overheard" the most touching New Year's stories told by truly happy people.

We have a New Year tradition. At the end of December, absolutely all the residents of our entrance decorate their landings. Garlands, toys, tinsel, even several Christmas trees. Festive mood secured for weeks ahead. One day is appointed when a competition will be held for the best design. They appoint Santa Claus and assistants and go to all the apartments. Children recite poems, and at the end everyone celebrates right on the stairwell, where the table is laid and music is playing. I'm showing off!

My nephew stopped believing in Santa Claus at the age of 6. We stand with him at the window on the eve of the New Year. I told him: “Scream“ Grandfather Frost! ”- he will appear.” Meanwhile, the wife hides gifts under the Christmas tree. Plemyash shouted, and - what would you think! - Santa Claus rushed along Ostankinskaya street on a sleigh pulled by a troika. His nephew's eyes sparkled, his face was as if he had received the most cherished dream. Who would show me my face...

Taking off the wallpaper in the room, we found a wall painting under them: Santa Claus and a Christmas tree with a red star on top. Judging by the inscription on Grandfather's hat, the first tenants of this apartment met the new year, 1976, with bare walls and global plans for repairs. Let's draw a Snow Maiden in the company of Santa Claus and sign it in 2017! After all, with a granddaughter, everything is more fun! Perhaps, in 40-50 years, someone will also stumble upon such a greeting from the past and get a charge of New Year's mood, despite the bad weather outside the window.

It was the best New Year in my life! I dressed up as Santa Claus and congratulated people on the street. Adults and children sang, danced, recited poems, receiving sweets and tangerines as a gift from me. It was insanely nice to give people a little New Year's miracle!

As a child, every New Year, I believed my dad that after the chiming clock, the whole city fired salutes in my honor. She waved her hand out the window and felt like a queen. My dad is a good guy.

On New Year's Eve, when I was 7–8 years old, my mother went out onto the terrace, returned from there with gifts and said that Santa Claus had come on a sleigh, ordered his daughter to pass the gift. Without hesitation, I ran there to see him, but I only saw what seemed to me to be a sleigh with lights driving off and how one of them waved to me. The charge of mood was unreal: after all, Santa Claus, at least a little, but I saw. Later, the parents said that they asked the neighbors through 2 houses to play along with them. But anyway, thank you for this New Year's mood!

My sister just said: "Santa Claus lives at the north pole." I am a computer programmer. Neighing :)

Time passes, everything changes, and my mother still traditionally hides the sweets prepared for the holiday on the balcony and hopes that this time I won’t find them for sure.

Somehow, for the New Year, I wished to be with a guy named Artem. She loved him very much. It's been a year and we still haven't met. I don’t even know what to do, there is no reciprocity. She spat on him. I thought that all these desires under the chimes were nonsense, but then I realized that my brother had a son exactly a year ago and named him Artem. The whole family does not have a soul in him. I love him unspeakably, and when I arrive, he does not leave me. Wishes come true, but a little differently :)