Paw Patrol invitations. Birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol. Children pronounce the motto along with the leader. Then carry out rescue operations

In total we had four "puppies" (5 years old girl, and boys 6 years old, 3 years 7 months old, 3 years 10 months old). The roles were distributed in advance :) All the guys were painted mosi with face painting (this was already enough to “turn” them into puppies - they began to yelp, walk on all fours - funny))).

Then Ryder (that is, me) offered to check whether the guys know the cartoon well. We did a little quiz:

1. Who says what?
Racer: "Boldly for the cause!", "The matter is in reliable paws!", "The super agent is ready to take the trail." Marshall: "I'm burning to start!", "Well, let's light it up?", "Ready for roar-roar-work!". Sky: “The sky is my home”, “Puppies are born to fly”, “The sky is calling to fly!”. Robust: "Swarm deeper!", "Duty calls - ..., forward!", "Work is my passion!". Rocky: “No to a landfill - yes to ingenuity!”, “Give the green light!” Zuma: "Cut!", "Dive deeper!", "Ready, attention, flop!" Everest: “I was born to glide!”, “I’m walking on the snow, I’ll come to the rescue!”, “Ice or snow, I’m ready to go!”.

2. Riddles about puppies: So cheerful and good-natured! Curly ears hanging down, Flying is her goal in the cartoon. What breed? ... (Spaniel - Skye). Look from under the cap, Upturned nose, Very serious and affectionate dog. The coat is short, Plump side - This is a puppy of the breed ... (bulldog - Robust). It is easy to recognize him by his spots, And it is pleasant for him to run! There were once one hundred and one, They serve on patrol ... (Dalmatian - Marshall). He will make everything and fix it at once, “No,” he says to breakdowns and rubbish, Let it be without breed, even without embellishment, All puppies love and appreciate ... (mongrel - Rocky). Her house is in the mountains, in the snow, And there is so much affection in her eyes, She will always save you - Our puppy of the breed ... (husky - Everest) This puppy has a wonderful scent - There is no better gift for a policeman, He is a mischievous and very loyal friend, A we are talking about a puppy ... (shepherd dog - Racer) He is not afraid of water, He will save you from water troubles, He loves surfing very much, Scuba gear is usually with him. I am leading this conversation About a wonderful puppy ... (labrador - Zuma)

3. Woof quiz: Who is the youngest of the puppies? (Sturdy) How old is Ryder? (10) What color is Skye's helicopter? (Pink) What is the name of Captain Halibut's ship? ("Flounder") What is the name of the kitty Katie? (Cally) What makes the Racer sneeze? (For cat allergies) Is the mayor of Adventure Bay a man or a woman? (Female, Mayor Goodway) Which team are the main enemies of the Paw Patrol? (Team "KOTOstrofa") Who can scare Krepysh? (Spiders) Where does Marshall always fall? (In the elevator) Who is the most afraid of swimming? (Rocky) Who's afraid of being on stage? (Marshal or Racer) Who understands the language of owls? (Racer) What is the name of Captain Halibut's pet walrus? (Wally) What's the name of Mayor Goodway's chicken? (Tsipolleta).

Next: “Puppies, it looks like someone stole your cars! With your sense of smell, you can find the loss! I suggest everyone take a trace of their color! “They opened the door of the nursery, and there were traces of four colors (I had a blue elephant, a yellow giraffe, a green frog, a pink hare - cut out of colored paper). Each trail led to its own room, there was a car made out of a box (I did it every night, on average it took 1.5-2 hours for one car), the beast that “stole” the vehicle sat on it, and there was a piece of the map (useful for further work). "Puppies" took the trail, found their cars - there was no limit to joy! At that moment, the adults went to the table, and the children played on their own, they didn’t need anyone at that moment))

About half an hour later we continued. Ryder offered the puppies to refresh themselves before a responsible task - a treasure hunt! The children sat down at the table, but not to say that they ate directly (although I assumed so, but they drank a lot - we had a cherry compote).

“So, someone tore the map and now it needs to be collected! This is a task for the whole team.” Quite quickly, the puzzle was assembled and sealed with adhesive tape.

The first point is a narrow tunnel! Adults (and we had 10 of them) took hands in pairs and stood up as if in a game Brook - one after another. Someone sat down, someone stood. the children had to step over or "climb" through the tunnel - everyone did it with a bang!

The second point is a dump of tools! On a large sheet, I drew the outlines of the toy instruments and piled them in the center. It was a job for Rocky! Put everything in its place. While Rocky performed, the rest of the puppies suggested the names of the tools, where to put them.

The third point is the dark forest! The children ran into the room, and at the exit I put a basin with a burning candle. “While you were walking in the forest, a fire started here! We need to put it out immediately!" It was a task for the Racer (more logical, of course, for the Marshal, but we had such a choice of puppies). The rider, with my help, put out the flames with a water pistol. "Let's move on!"

And then we heard a strange cry (the monkey pressed the button on the music poster). The children went into the room, and there a monkey got stuck on a tree (sports complex), and it urgently needs to be saved! Of course, this is a task for Skye. Our Sky herself rushed to save the poor animal - safely)))

And the last point is a stone blockage! Fortress had to disassemble it (the passage to the room was filled up with pillows). After the blockage was dismantled, the children saw big box- treasure! Opened - and balls flew out paw patrol and one Skye. The children were very happy! Then they presented the main gift - the Paw Patrol Base with new flying puppies. Children selflessly began to play on their own in the nursery. At the end of the evening, Ryder awarded each puppy with a medal (Paw Patrol medals), gave gifts - a Paw Patrol puzzle in a chest, a camera with pictures from a cartoon and a Paw Patrol book. They staged a "salute" - they slammed the Puppy Patrol with a cracker.

They had a round dance, ate a cake - everything was as usual :) When leaving, in addition to their gifts, the guests asked to take the cars with them (I am very pleased that the children liked them so much )

In the end, I want to say that many of the scripts that I read involve contests between children. In my script, the children acted as a team, each had their own task, there was no competition - there was a common goal, which brings them together and unites :) At the request of the children, we then “scrolled” the script again, having already exchanged tasks :)

For the holiday I bought a large poster Paw Patrol (it is really very large), a Happy Birthday garland, glasses, napkins, tubes, plates, medals, cameras, books, puzzles, horns, caps, crackers, balls -
- all Puppy Patrol, if necessary, I will share the links of the stores, since I myself have been looking for them for a long time.

A few photos

Are you familiar with the names Ryder, Racer, Marshal, Robust, Skye, Zuma, Rocky? If yes, then most likely you have repeatedly heard them from the lips of your child. If your little one has a birthday soon, you can get him excited in this way - spend a holiday in the style of "Paw Patrol"! What do we need to make the baby's "jam day" as fun and exciting as the plot of your favorite cartoon?

In contact with

room decoration

In the animated series, red, white and blue colors mainly predominate, therefore, when decorating a room, it is necessary to use them predominantly. What can serve as a decoration:

Festive table

The design of the birthday table also requires a single style. What is required for this:

Suits and accessories

A team of young rescuers should look the part! To do this, for a birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol", buy in advance for a child or all the children who come to visit T-shirts with bright prints of images from the cartoon. All cartoon puppies also wear vests, each in a different color. You can use this option, or you can just get by with a T-shirt. You can also use these ideas:

Birthday with an animator

The animator is a real salvation for parents who spin like squirrels in a wheel on a solemn day.

Children will be delighted if a whole team of puppies comes to visit them. You can order one, the most beloved hero of your child.

Colorful costumes usually do not leave anyone indifferent. Children - guests will be part of the participants in a fun and exciting adventure! Contests and events can be discussed in advance with the holidays agency and choose what you like best. In addition to the main program, the animator's services can be expanded - puppies can make magnets with children, hold a master class in making figures from balls, paint their faces. If desired, you can order a foam, paper show or a show of soap bubbles. Everyone will be happy with such a holiday - both children and their parents.

Birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol" without an animator: script and contests

If you do not like strangers in the house or just want to spend a children's party yourself, you can do without an animator. It will be quite easy to carry out activities with children:

After the children have run and played enough, give them prizes so that no one is left offended and take them to the table so that they eat and rest.

It's a great idea to have a PAW Patrol themed party. You can be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed, and the impressions of the celebration will be with your baby all year until the next holiday.

Even at a very early age, a person has his own preferences in entertainment. Young children love cartoons and are fans of fairy tale characters. It's not hard for them to remember a large number of the names of your favorite characters. They easily distinguish them by their clothes, they know what kind of magic this or that fairy has, or what a certain object can transform into when casting a spell.

Does your child want a paw patrol-themed birthday? Not surprisingly, this is one of the favorite cartoons of the kids. We recommend that you first get into the theme of the cartoon and watch a few episodes. And the rest of the organization you can learn from us.

Scenario of a children's, thematic event

To make it easier for us to navigate, let's conditionally divide the whole holiday into four parts.

  1. Paw Patrol decor
  2. Meeting the kids
  3. table part
  4. entertainment part

1. The surrounding atmosphere is quite important for children. It greatly affects their mood. Therefore, having spent a little time decorating the room, you will fully receive a reward for your work in the form of children's admiration. Of course, you can just hang balloons around the apartment. But since you are puzzled by a paw patrol-themed birthday party, then the paraphernalia around should match. If you think that the design can result in a tidy sum for you, then this is not so. All this can be done with your own hands, significantly reducing your consumption. Just print the files below on your printer.

If you need flags, print as many sheets as you need for the desired length.

It would be nice to print a poster for decoration.

You can also use invitations. Give each child a puppy-style personalized ticket in advance. They will be waiting for the approaching birthday of your angel with redoubled joy.

2. Well, here comes the long-awaited holiday! The kids are slowly starting to flock to your house. When meeting, give them holiday accessories prepared in advance - caps.

When all friends gather, you can arrange a small competition for the distribution of roles.

Do not forget that the main character on this day should be the birthday man

The rest can be offered a lottery, according to which they will receive roles. Although you can hold a small competition. For example, the one who barks the loudest or who roars the loudest, etc. will get this role. The main thing is that there are enough roles for everyone.

And do not forget to explain to the children that different roles are needed, all sorts of roles are important. You can involve adults in the game, children willingly repeat various actions for moms and dads. They gladly accept them in their games.

After the roles are distributed, and all accessories are dressed, do not rush to seat the children at the table. Give them 20-30 minutes of free communication. They must adapt and merge into the general atmosphere of the holiday. In addition, the birthday boy just needs to brag about his gifts and throw out emotions, because he was waiting for this.

3. After the children have mastered, accepted the rules of the game, and most importantly, they are hungry, it's time to seat them at the table. A festive feast for a birthday should be planned and interesting. You can prepare a comic congratulation for the birthday man.

You grow big big
Just don't be a jerk!
Love mom, dad and friends,
You will live, more fun!

Let each kid during the meal, congratulate your birthday person personally, tell a poem or his wish.

Often, one of the children eats first. As a result, it turns out that one part of the guests is already ready to run, and the second is still chewing food. At this moment, it's time to play a board game to keep those already satiated with something.

"Sweetie": A sweet (sweetie, chocolate, cake, cookie, etc.) is placed in an opaque deep container. Those who have already eaten are invited to guess what kind of sweetness it is. You can give a sniff, shake. If they can’t guess for a long time, it will be possible to give hints. Of course, the guesser gets this sweetness.
And you can lure their attention with riddles. But since our topic is "Paw Patrol", then the questions will be about them. Let's see if you can guess the puppies.

On average, children should be kept at the table for 25-30 minutes, they simply won’t sit any longer.

4. This is the most important part of your holiday. From this moment the most interesting begins. It is necessary to intrigue the children by announcing that they are waiting for contests and, most importantly, gifts.

“Dear friends, we have a problem, the Puppy Patrol is gone! We don't have a single lifeguard left in Adventure Bay! I announce an urgent set, in a new team. The task of the new patrol is to restore order in the bay of adventure and find the puppies!
But just like that, they don’t take just anyone on the patrol, in order to become a lifeguard and get a badge of distinction, you must first pass an exam on the knowledge of the Paw Patrol.

"Don't tell me, I know": You have to ask questions on a given topic, the answerer receives a distinction. Those who receive a medal become a new patrol. Need to guess whose motto it is?

"Bold for business!" - Racer Chase
"I'm on fire to start!" - Marshall
"The sky is calling to fly!" - Skye
"Duty calls - Fortress forward!" - Fortress
"Give the green light!" - Rocky
"On the start, attention, plop!" - Zuma

Now that the team is formed, let's hit the road.

"Race to the bottom": For her, we need two cars and a starting flag (the latter can be replaced simply with a handkerchief). Rules of the game - divide the guests into two teams, choose from the adults who will start with a flag. After the start, the participants one by one run around the starter and pass the car to a teammate. The game continues until the last player. The team that finishes the race first wins.

Making such a machine is easy. To do this, you need a cardboard box, tape or electrical tape different colors. Well, the day before the appointed holiday, by joint efforts, you can arrange a car workshop for the manufacture of cars.

Dog Footprint: Cut out a dog footprint from plain A4 white paper. They will need as many as there will be players.
Lay out on the floor, in a circle - your blanks, one piece less than the players. On command to the music, the children begin to run in a circle. As soon as the music stops, you need to step on some footprint. Whoever doesn't get it is out. After each circle, remove one piece at a time until one footprint and two players remain. The last round is decisive. Make it harder and make the players run backwards. It will be very amusing for the dropouts. I would like to say that such knockout fun is a classic of the genre. With a little imagination, you can come up with your own configuration of such a game.

Puppy Cafe: A very simple speed contest. Two bowls are placed in front of the participants, juice is poured into one, and cookies, preferably not large ones, are placed in the other. Whoever empties their bowls faster after the "Start" wins. All this is done, of course, without hands, like real puppies from patrol.

"Accident": This is a very simple entertainment, but always causes a storm of emotions. The host announces that there has been an accident on the road. Two trucks collided, one of them was carrying Karakum sweets, the other was carrying Snickers sweets. During the accident, everything crumbled and mixed up. The task of the players is to collect all the candies and sort them into different boxes.
You will need: two containers and two types of candy. After the game, everyone can be rewarded with the collected material.

Tow Truck: Divide the participants into two teams and give them a strong rope. Define the boundaries of the playing space. Rivals can pull the rope one by one or all together, it's up to you. The end of the game, in order to smooth out the rivalry of the guests, becomes an additional round. Friends, all together, must tow one of the adults behind the victory line.
For example: "Dear rescuers, our largest dump truck Bilaz broke down, let's tow it to the base for repairs." Children really like this process and they are ready to drag their dad or uncle around the room until they are completely exhausted.

"Refueling cars": As well as possible, this contest is suitable after active games. The kids are tired and thirsty. Invite them to refuel their "cars" with fuel.
To carry out this prank, it is necessary to distribute glasses, cocktail tubes to everyone and pour a drink or juice into them in equal proportions. On a prearranged signal, you need to quickly drink a drink through a straw, the one who drank should raise his hand up and shout: "I refueled."
You can modify this fun a little. Take two deep bowls and pour the drink into them. Divide the children into teams and distribute tubes to each, arrange a mass gas station. The detachment that drinks from its bowl faster wins.

There are six main characters in this cartoon. Approximately the same number of events should be in your script. After each task, you can take out a card with one of the puppies and announce that we saved him. By the end of the game part, you will find the entire patrol and report the reward. Of course, a cake with candles will be a gift.

The scenario, a birthday in the style of a paw patrol, can be made to a child at the age of 3, or even older children. It will be equally interesting to children of different ages. I would like to express my opinion that holding and organizing a holiday by yourself is not at all difficult. But it is preferable to hire a professional (animator) for a children's birthday, then your holiday will definitely succeed. And you can pay more attention to your baby, and not waste time on holiday chores. Trust me, it's worth it. Happy birthday to you!

"Paw Patrol" is one of the most beloved animated series of many children. Patrol heroes are valiant assistants, true friends, and role models.

Children's birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol"

Children will be delighted if there is a team of rescue puppies on the holiday. The patrol needs helpers, so why not let the kids be part of an exciting adventure?! Invite animators dressed as star puppies to your birthday party. You can order one or more heroes. The more of them, the more fun and varied the contests will be.

Racer Chase is the leader of the team, he keeps order on the streets of the city. Sky is cheerful and groovy, patrols in the sky with the help of a backpack-helicopter. Dalmatian Marshall is a nurse and a firefighter, despite his absent-mindedness, he does his job well. Sentimental Robust in the team is responsible for installation and construction work. Different and tasks will also be useful. For example, you can learn new building tools, learn more about spy gadgets and the first medical care, be smart in riddles, prepare for a rescue operation, make applications, do twisting. This thematic holiday Not only kids will be happy, but also parents.

Birthday decoration in the style of "Paw Patrol"

Don't limit yourself to animators. Prepare props related to your four-legged friends, such as a PAW Patrol birthday poster, puzzles, coloring pages. Invitations, caps, masks, balls, badges can also be made in this theme.

The story about a cheerful and kind boy Zika and his six puppies fell in love with the kids. The animated series teaches to help others in difficult situations, to be kind. At the same time, the cartoon characters are very funny, mischievous, which is what the kids like so much. So don't be surprised if your child asks you to celebrate his birthday in the style of a paw patrol.

The design of such a holiday is dominated by a “dog” theme. For organization, everything related to dogs is suitable for us - booths, bowls, bones, paw marks.

If speak about color scheme holiday, then there is no single solution, you can choose colors for decor based on your preferences. Often, a paw patrol-style children's birthday is done in the range of the emblem - a combination of blue, blue and red. You can also use yellow, white colors.

Another nuance of this theme is that it can be adjusted both for a birthday boy and for a birthday girl, because in the cartoon there is a puppy girl - Skye. For a little birthday girl, you can make a holiday only in the Sky theme and in the appropriate color scheme, but we will consider a more general and more universal option.

Well, now more about how to organize a birthday party in the style of a paw patrol with your own hands.

Traditionally, we consider two options for postcards - rectangular shape and non-standard. To make a rectangular postcard look more fun, we make it a multi-colored bright frame. And of course, we decorate with the image of cartoon characters.

A figured postcard can be made in the form of a fire hydrant or a bone. You can also take as a basis the template of the emblem of the rescuers.

We decorate the room

Perhaps the main attribute of a birthday is a congratulatory banner. We decorate it with dog paw prints and images of the main characters of the cartoon. You can also make an original streamer from emblems with paws and bones.

The walls will be decorated with a garland of circles in the colors of the holiday, and the ceiling will be decorated with spiral pendants with cartoon characters and images of paws at the ends.

The holiday will not do without balloons. If foil balloons are made in the shape of heroes or with their image, latex balloons will have to be reincarnated a little to fit into our puppy theme.

And here are a few ideas for decorating a number-topper, a three-dimensional number or a letter:

Well, to complement the doggy birthday style, you can build a booth out of a cardboard box.

The image of the birthday

Since this theme of the holiday is more suitable for a boy, we will consider exactly the option of an outfit for a boy. One of the most vivid images in the cartoon - the image of the Dalmatian Marshal. In order for the birthday boy to become like this hero, you will need a white raglan with black spots that you can draw yourself, a red vest and a red helmet.

A helmet can be purchased at any toy store - they are usually sold in sets of a young fireman. Well, there should be no problems with a vest - you can buy it or sew it yourself using the simplest pattern.

We meet guests

In order for the guests to understand that they have come to the right address, we decorate the front door with a sign in the form of the emblem of the rescuers, and we paint the path to the door with dog paw prints.

Immediately upon entering, we dress up guests in the style of a puppy patrol. For these purposes, thematic caps or hoops with dog ears are suitable. Also, each guest can wear an emblem on which to write his name - so the children will get to know each other faster if they do not know each other yet.

Serving and refreshments

In the table setting we use a combination of blue and red colors. And to make the festive table look more fun, we complement it with bright yellow napkins.

The original idea is to serve dishes in dog bowls. Please use new bowls for this purpose)

We also decorate the dishes themselves in puppy style: we cut out “bones” from hard cheese, sausage and vegetables. You can do this with a cookie cutter. The same form will be needed for the cookies themselves, which we will bake for a puppy-style sweet table.

Under the color of the tablecloth and plates, we select the same bright spoons and forks. If there were none, then ordinary white appliances can be wrapped in colored napkins - it will be no less elegant.

We glue labels with the image of puppies on the cups for drinks.

candy bar

This is what a sweet table looks like in red-blue-blue tones:

If this option seems too cold to you, you can try to dilute the candy bar yellow. It will look something like this:

One of the main treats of the sweet table is cupcakes. It is easy to decorate them yourself, it is enough to lay out the print of a dog's paw from a dragee.

The candy bar will be decorated with gingerbreads painted in the style of a paw patrol.

But such cookies can be baked even by the birthday man himself:

The cake can be made as a traditional round shape, or more creatively approach this moment and decorate the main sweetness of the holiday in the form of a paw or a bone. Moreover, even a novice confectioner can do it.

Do not forget about drinks at the holiday: we decorate water containers and straws.


The birthday will pass, and all that will remain of it are funny photos. Therefore, diversify your photos with the help of thematic props.

Games, contests

After eating and taking pictures, it's time to stretch and have some fun. Here are some options for mobile contests for guests:

relay race with bowl

Props - two plastic bowls. The participants are divided into two identical teams. The first participant on all fours crawls to the bowl, takes it and comes back, passes it to the next participant. The next participant takes the bowl to the finish line and returns. So the participants alternate with each other until everyone has covered the distance. The fastest team wins.

musical paws

Competition based on musical chairs. Props - sheets of paper with painted paws. Participants dance to the music, and when the music ends, they jump on a piece of paper with a paw. But there are one fewer leaves than the participants, and the one who did not have time to jump is out of the game.

The most accurate

You will need a column or pipe and rings from disposable plates. The winner is the one who throws more rings on the pipe.


The most difficult competition in terms of preparation, as you will need a stand in the form of a burning house, as well as several small pillows. The goal of the participants is to throw as many pillows as possible through the windows of the house, that is, to put out the fire.

Well, when everyone runs and dances, it's time to hold calm contests and games, to captivate the kids with drawing and collecting. Here are some ideas for such activities:


A favorite pastime for many kids. We choose or print coloring pages with the main characters of the cartoon and give young guests the opportunity to show their imagination and creativity.


You can also paint a paper bone. You can draw anything on it - patterns, drawings, your name.


If there is no suitable ready-made puzzle, just cut the cards with the image of puppies into several parts. Participants must complete speed puzzles.


Let's transform the famous game by replacing the tic-tac-toe with paws and bones.

Prizes in competitions

The winners are supposed to be awarded prizes. At a paw patrol-style birthday, such prizes can be holiday-themed sweets, notebooks or books with puppies, as well as the puppies themselves - small Stuffed Toys, which will remain for guests as a memory of a fun holiday.

This article uses images from

The story about a cheerful and kind boy Zika and his six puppies fell in love with the kids. The animated series teaches to help others in difficult situations, to be kind. At the same time, the cartoon characters are very funny, mischievous, which is what the kids like so much. So don't be surprised if your child asks you to celebrate his birthday in the style of a paw patrol.

The design of such a holiday is dominated by a “dog” theme. For organization, everything related to dogs is suitable for us - booths, bowls, bones, paw marks.

If we talk about the color scheme of the holiday, then there is no single solution, you can choose colors for the decor based on your preferences. Often, a paw patrol-style children's birthday is done in the range of emblems - a combination of blue, blue and red. You can also use yellow, white colors.

Another nuance of this theme is that it can be adjusted both for a birthday boy and for a birthday girl, because in the cartoon there is a puppy girl - Skye. For a little birthday girl, you can make a holiday only in the Sky theme and in the appropriate color scheme, but we will consider a more general and more universal option.

Well, now more about how to organize a birthday party in the style of a paw patrol with your own hands.

Traditionally, we consider two options for postcards - rectangular and non-standard. To make a rectangular postcard look more fun, we make it a multi-colored bright frame. And of course, we decorate with the image of cartoon characters.

A figured postcard can be made in the form of a fire hydrant or a bone. You can also take as a basis the template of the emblem of the rescuers.

We decorate the room

Perhaps the main attribute of a birthday is a congratulatory banner. We decorate it with dog paw prints and images of the main characters of the cartoon. You can also make an original streamer from emblems with paws and bones.

The walls will be decorated with a garland of circles in the colors of the holiday, and the ceiling will be decorated with spiral pendants with cartoon characters and images of paws at the ends.

A party is not complete without balloons. If foil balloons are made in the shape of heroes or with their image, latex balloons will have to be reincarnated a little to fit into our puppy theme.

And here are a few ideas for decorating a number-topper, a three-dimensional number or a letter:

Well, to complement the doggy birthday style, you can build a booth out of a cardboard box.

The image of the birthday

Since this theme of the holiday is more suitable for a boy, we will consider exactly the option of an outfit for a boy. One of the most striking images in the cartoon is the image of Marshal the Dalmatian. In order for the birthday boy to become like this hero, you will need a white raglan with black spots that you can draw yourself, a red vest and a red helmet.

A helmet can be purchased at any toy store - they are usually sold in sets of a young fireman. Well, there should be no problems with a vest - you can buy it or sew it yourself using the simplest pattern.

We meet guests

In order for the guests to understand that they have come to the right address, we decorate the front door with a sign in the form of the emblem of the rescuers, and we paint the path to the door with dog paw prints.

Immediately upon entering, we dress up guests in the style of a puppy patrol. For these purposes, thematic caps or hoops with dog ears are suitable. Also, each guest can put on an emblem on which to write his name - so the children will get to know each other faster, if they do not already know each other.

Serving and refreshments

In the table setting we use a combination of blue and red colors. And to festive table looked more fun, we complement it with bright yellow napkins.

The original idea is to serve dishes in dog bowls. Please use new bowls for this purpose)

The dishes themselves are also decorated in a puppy style: we cut out “bones” from hard cheese, sausage and vegetables. You can do this with a cookie cutter. The same form will be needed for the cookies themselves, which we will bake for a puppy-style sweet table.

Under the color of the tablecloth and plates, we select the same bright spoons and forks. If there were none, then ordinary white appliances can be wrapped in colored napkins - it will be no less elegant.

We glue labels with the image of puppies on the cups for drinks.

candy bar

This is what a sweet table looks like in red-blue-blue tones:

If this option seems too cold to you, you can try diluting the candy bar with yellow. It will look something like this:

One of the main treats of the sweet table is cupcakes. It is easy to decorate them yourself, it is enough to lay out the print of a dog's paw from a dragee.

The candy bar will be decorated with gingerbreads painted in the style of a paw patrol.

But such cookies can be baked even by the birthday man himself:

The cake can be made as a traditional round shape, or more creatively approach this moment and decorate the main sweetness of the holiday in the form of a paw or a bone. Moreover, even a novice confectioner can do it.

Do not forget about drinks at the holiday: we decorate water containers and straws.


The birthday will pass, and all that will remain of it is funny photos. Therefore, diversify your photos with the help of thematic props.

Games, contests

After eating and taking pictures, it's time to stretch and have some fun. Here are some options for mobile contests for guests:

relay race with bowl

Props - two plastic bowls. The participants are divided into two identical teams. The first participant on all fours crawls to the bowl, takes it and comes back, passes it to the next participant. The next participant takes the bowl to the finish line and returns. So the participants alternate with each other until everyone has covered the distance. The fastest team wins.

musical paws

Competition based on musical chairs. Props - sheets of paper with painted paws. Participants dance to the music, and when the music ends, they jump on a piece of paper with a paw. But there are one fewer leaves than the participants, and the one who did not have time to jump is out of the game.

The most accurate

You will need a column or pipe and rings from disposable plates. The winner is the one who throws more rings on the pipe.


The most difficult competition in terms of preparation, as you will need a stand in the form of a burning house, as well as several small pillows. The goal of the participants is to throw as many pillows as possible through the windows of the house, that is, to put out the fire.

Well, when everyone runs and dances, it's time to hold calm contests and games, to captivate the kids with drawing and collecting. Here are some ideas for such activities:


A favorite pastime for many kids. We choose or print coloring pages with the main characters of the cartoon and give young guests the opportunity to show their imagination and creativity.


You can also paint a paper bone. You can draw anything on it - patterns, drawings, your name.


If there is no suitable ready-made puzzle, just cut the cards with the image of puppies into several parts. Participants must complete speed puzzles.


Let's transform the famous game by replacing the tic-tac-toe with paws and bones.

Prizes in competitions

The winners are supposed to be awarded prizes. At a Puppy Patrol-style birthday, such prizes can be holiday-themed sweets, notebooks or books with puppies, as well as the puppies themselves - small soft toys that will remain for guests as a memory of a fun holiday.

This article uses images from

The idea of ​​decor for a boy's birthday based on the animated series "Paw Patrol". Here you will find an example of the design of such a holiday (photo), a set for decor (flags, labels, labels, garlands, caps, etc.) - 13 PDF files, as well as a description of thematic outdoor games that can entertain children on such a children's party.

Games for the children's holiday "Paw Patrol"

1. Fly like Sky!
For this game you will need two simple plastic hoops, ribbons and paper airplanes. If the game takes place outdoors, then the hoops can be hung by ribbons from a tree branch or the crossbar of a street horizontal bar. If this is not possible, then two adults (from among the parents invited to the holiday of children) can hold one hoop in their outstretched hand. Each child receives one paper airplane and tries to launch it into flight so that it flies through the hoop. The winner is the one (or that team, if you divide the children into two competing teams), whose airplane most often flies through the hoop.

2. Put out the fire!
For this game, you will need balloons filled with water and two burning flame posters. This game should be played outdoors. Hang the posters on the wall at a sufficiently large distance from each other. divide guests into 2 teams. Each team receives water balloons (3 balloons per player). The player's task is to throw his ball and hit it on a poster with fire, that is, put out the fire. The winner is the team whose balls hit the target more often than others.

3. Catch if you can!
All the puppies have run away and they need to be found urgently. For this game, print out images of all the puppies from Ryder's team and hide them in the hall where your children's holiday. The team or the player who finds the most puppies wins.

4. Get my badge back!
Print on a poster a picture of Chase's puppy and some pictures of his police badge. Hang the poster on the wall so that the playing child can easily reach it. The player is blindfolded and given 1 badge (with reverse side glue a piece of double-sided tape for each badge) and offer to “blindly” attach the badge to the puppy’s chest. The player whose icon is closest to the original wins.

5. Load the stones into the dump truck!
To play, you will need cotton balls, plastic spoons, 2 toy dump trucks, or two plastic containers if you don't have toy dump trucks. Players are divided into 2 teams. Cotton balls and spoons are prepared on the table for each team. At a great distance from the table, 2 chairs are placed (one for the team), toy dump trucks are placed on the chairs. Each player receives a plastic spoon. He must take a spoonful of one cotton ball, quickly bring it to the dump truck, while not dropping it and trying to get ahead of the opponent. Since the game is played for a while, the team will win, all the players of which will fill the dump truck with cotton "pebbles" faster.

1. To download round cupcake tags, click:

2. To download tags with pictures of puppies, click:

3. To download dessert cards 1, click:

4. To download dessert cards 2, click:

5. To download boxes for desserts, click:

6. To download Cupcake cups, click:

7. To download water bottle labels or juice, click:

8. To download round dessert tags, click:

9. To download shields and poster, click:

10. To download garland of triangular flags, click:

Birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol" - a great theme for fans of the cartoon "Paw Patrol", suitable for the birth of children from 2-3 years old and preschool age. You will learn how to organize a Paw Patrol birthday party, choose a script, games, costumes, decorate a room, a festive table and much more on this selection page.


The main colors that should be used at a birthday party are the colors of the main characters of the cartoon: for boys, blue or blue colors are good, for girls, pink (like Skye) or pale lilac (like Everest), you can also make it multi-colored, because there are characters of red, green, orange colors.

Use these colors for balloons and compositions from them, in paper garlands, streamers and banners.

Cartoon characters, drawn or printed, are perfect for decorating doors, walls, and, of course, for a themed photo zone.

Additional decor can be foil Balloons, figures from balloons or piñata in the form of cartoon characters and / or with their image.

Thematic decor is distinctive signs, for example, dog tracks, from which you can make an intricate path or hidden bones.

For your works (photoshop, paint)
birthday Paw Patrol

Tailored for your creativity birthday in the style of Paw Patrol this useful collection of materials for working in photo editors and photoshop: clipart on a transparent background, digital backgrounds (textures) for photoshop, files for editing in psd format, various files in png format (with a transparent background) for inserting photos.

To work with these files, you will need installed programs: Photoshop (psd-files), paint is a standard built-in file editing program, you can add labels to JPG or PNG files in it. Photos in png format frame files must be inserted in photo editors (photoshop, illustrator, and others).

Thematic decor
birthday Paw Patrol

Thematic decor: photo props, masks, numbers posters - stylized under the theme of the Paw Patrol - this is always a very good and simple technique in order to support the overall style of the holiday. Numbers decor can be used in the form of a poster, curly toppers, pendants for balloons. Print masks, photo props, numbers - you are guaranteed fun for children.

Free Templates
birthday Paw Patrol

birthday Paw Patrol

birthday Paw Patrol

Real experience birthday in the style of Paw Patrol from our subscribers. Here you can find interesting ideas decoration, as well as look at the already assembled sets for the holiday (paper candy bar), if it was used. For your convenience, links to printed materials have been added to the photo reports. I thank all the authors of the photos for the photos from the bottom of my heart!

In total we had four "puppies" (5 years old girl, and boys 6 years old, 3 years 7 months old, 3 years 10 months old). The roles were distributed in advance :) All the guys were painted mosi with face painting (this was already enough to “turn” them into puppies - they began to yelp, walk on all fours - funny))).

Then Ryder (that is, me) offered to check whether the guys know the cartoon well. We did a little quiz:

1. Who says what?
Racer: "Boldly for the cause!", "The matter is in reliable paws!", "The super agent is ready to take the trail." Marshall: "I'm burning to start!", "Well, let's light it up?", "Ready for roar-roar-work!". Sky: “The sky is my home”, “Puppies are born to fly”, “The sky is calling to fly!”. Robust: "Swarm deeper!", "Duty calls - ..., forward!", "Work is my passion!". Rocky: “No to a landfill - yes to ingenuity!”, “Give the green light!” Zuma: "Cut!", "Dive deeper!", "Ready, attention, flop!" Everest: “I was born to glide!”, “I’m walking on the snow, I’ll come to the rescue!”, “Ice or snow, I’m ready to go!”.

2. Riddles about puppies: So cheerful and good-natured! Curly ears hanging down, Flying is her goal in the cartoon. What breed? ... (Spaniel - Skye). Look from under the cap, Upturned nose, Very serious and affectionate dog. The coat is short, Plump side - This is a puppy of the breed ... (bulldog - Robust). It is easy to recognize him by his spots, And it is pleasant for him to run! There were once one hundred and one, They serve on patrol ... (Dalmatian - Marshall). He will make everything and fix it at once, “No,” he says to breakdowns and rubbish, Let it be without breed, even without embellishment, All puppies love and appreciate ... (mongrel - Rocky). Her house is in the mountains, in the snow, And there is so much affection in her eyes, She will always save you - Our puppy of the breed ... (husky - Everest) This puppy has a wonderful scent - No for a policeman the best gift, He is a mischievous and very loyal friend, And we are talking about a puppy ... (shepherd dog - Racer) He is not afraid of water, He will save you from water troubles, He loves surfing very much, Scuba gear is usually with him. I am leading this conversation About a wonderful puppy ... (labrador - Zuma)

3. Woof quiz: Who is the youngest of the puppies? (Sturdy) How old is Ryder? (10) What color is Skye's helicopter? (Pink) What is the name of Captain Halibut's ship? ("Flounder") What is the name of the kitty Katie? (Cally) What makes the Racer sneeze? (For cat allergies) Is the mayor of Adventure Bay a man or a woman? (Female, Mayor Goodway) Which team are the main enemies of the Paw Patrol? (Team "KOTOstrofa") Who can scare Krepysh? (Spiders) Where does Marshall always fall? (In the elevator) Who is the most afraid of swimming? (Rocky) Who's afraid of being on stage? (Marshal or Racer) Who understands the language of owls? (Racer) What is the name of Captain Halibut's pet walrus? (Wally) What's the name of Mayor Goodway's chicken? (Tsipolleta).

Next: “Puppies, it looks like someone stole your cars! With your sense of smell, you can find the loss! I suggest everyone take a trace of their color! “They opened the door of the nursery, and there were traces of four colors (I had a blue elephant, a yellow giraffe, a green frog, a pink hare - cut out of colored paper). Each trail led to its own room, there was a car made out of a box (I did it every night, on average it took 1.5-2 hours for one car), the beast that “stole” the vehicle sat on it, and there was a piece of the map (useful for further work). "Puppies" took the trail, found their cars - there was no limit to joy! At that moment, the adults went to the table, and the children played on their own, they didn’t need anyone at that moment))

About half an hour later we continued. Ryder offered the puppies to refresh themselves before a responsible task - a treasure hunt! The children sat down at the table, but not to say that they ate directly (although I assumed so, but they drank a lot - we had a cherry compote).

“So, someone tore the map and now it needs to be collected! This is a task for the whole team.” Quite quickly, the puzzle was assembled and sealed with adhesive tape.

The first point is a narrow tunnel! Adults (and we had 10 of them) took hands in pairs and stood up as if in a game Brook - one after another. Someone sat down, someone stood. the children had to step over or "climb" through the tunnel - everyone did it with a bang!

The second point is a dump of tools! On a large sheet, I drew the outlines of the toy instruments and piled them in the center. It was a job for Rocky! Put everything in its place. While Rocky performed, the rest of the puppies suggested the names of the tools, where to put them.

The third point is the dark forest! The children ran into the room, and at the exit I put a basin with a burning candle. “While you were walking in the forest, a fire started here! We need to put it out immediately!" It was a task for the Racer (more logical, of course, for the Marshal, but we had such a choice of puppies). The rider, with my help, put out the flames with a water pistol. "Let's move on!"

And then we heard a strange cry (the monkey pressed the button on the music poster). The children went into the room, and there a monkey got stuck on a tree (sports complex), and it urgently needs to be saved! Of course, this is a task for Skye. Our Sky herself rushed to save the poor animal - safely)))

And the last point is a stone blockage! Fortress had to disassemble it (the passage to the room was filled up with pillows). After the blockage was dismantled, the children saw a large box - a treasure! They opened it - and from there balloons Puppy Patrol and one Skye balloon flew out. The children were very happy! Then they presented the main gift - the Paw Patrol Base with new flying puppies. Children selflessly began to play on their own in the nursery. At the end of the evening, Ryder awarded each puppy with a medal (Paw Patrol medals), gave gifts - a Paw Patrol puzzle in a chest, a camera with pictures from a cartoon and a Paw Patrol book. They staged a "salute" - they slammed the Puppy Patrol with a cracker.

They had a round dance, ate a cake - everything was as usual :) When leaving, in addition to their gifts, the guests asked to take the cars with them (I am very pleased that the children liked them so much )

In the end, I want to say that many of the scripts that I read involve contests between children. In my script, the children acted as a team, each had their own task, there was no competition - there was a common goal, which brings them together and unites :) At the request of the children, we then “scrolled” the script again, having already exchanged tasks :)

For the holiday I bought a large poster Paw Patrol (it is really very large), a Happy Birthday garland, glasses, napkins, tubes, plates, medals, cameras, books, puzzles, horns, caps, crackers, balls -
- all Puppy Patrol, if necessary, I will share the links of the stores, since I myself have been looking for them for a long time.

A few photos