Kiss Nicole Kidman on the red carpet. Nizhny Novgorod paparazzi shot Leonardo Dicaprio and Lena Lenin in Cannes. Impeccable image or sacrifice of beauty

This year, Nizhny Novgorod photographer Denis Makarenko has a small anniversary - 15 years since he first went to the Cannes Film Festival. Then he just bought a tour package and went, one might say, into the unknown. Now he is already a regular in this prestigious film forum - he knows all the nooks and crannies there. And the photographs bring truly unique. So this time he spied on something that was not included in the official chronicle.

After another “cosmetic repair”, 63-year-olds walked along the red carpet twin brothers Grishka and Igor Bogdanoff. French physicists, TV hosts of science fiction programs have always been unhappy with their appearance. But they stubbornly denied the love of plastic. Devotees and fans in love with them with foam at the mouth claim that the twins have a terrible disease - acromegaly. But wait a minute! Who are they going to trick ?! Botox injections, regular facelifts, implants in the chin and cheeks, lips stuffed with gel - what’s called on the face!

Only on the third attempt to access the Cannes vanity stairs Lena Lenina   finally managed to attract the attention of world tabloids. A well-known narrow-minded writer, radio host, and owner of nail service salons, according to her press service, jammed a pink inflated condom on her head. Hence the question: “Elena, your skyscraper will not prevent the audience of the next rows from watching a movie ?!”

We do not have a movie worthy of Cannes, alas! So, we will surprise by the shocking access to the carpet. How Lena Lenin or the model get there Olga Sorokina, ladies are very far from the cinema, only they know. Makeup in the style of Boy George, a deep neckline plus a strange application of artificial plants, more like what is usually ordered on mournful days and ... success in the tabloids is guaranteed!

Designer Larisa Katz in a plastic dress. Photo: Denis MAKARENKO.

And here is another representative of the Russian elite. Designer Larisa Katz stepped on the red carpet in a dress of her own manufacture from plastic "little things." The only question is how could this “designer” fit in a passenger car, on which guests of the festival were brought up ?!

“Hilaria-ous!”, Which is a free translation of “Supportive!”, Shouted Alec Baldwin   raising up his pregnant wife, yoga instructor Hilary Thomas. The PR of family joys for the future dad was the photocall of the new documentary film by James Tobac, to which, you guessed it, Hilaria has nothing to do.

When the star of Angela A and Amelie appears Jameel Debbuz   everyone is waiting for an impromptu show. And the portfolio of photographers is replenished with emotional pictures. Nicole Kidman . A kiss in the light of the flash. Photo: Denis MAKARENKO. Nicole Kidman was also surprised. A candid kiss on the red carpet was discussed for a long time on the sidelines of the festival. Nevertheless, the main character of the festival was rain. This time he walked six days out of twelve, four last year, and ten years ago he was gone. Gallant Leonardo DiCaprio   as he could, helped his colleagues in the shower to get under the shower. The most common umbrellas (ay, designers, where are you?) Have become a popular attribute of the festival. While secular passions are boiling on the carpet, ordinary people dreaming of their five minutes of fame are hosting promotion on Boulevard de la Croisette. "We also want the red carpet!" Photo: Denis MAKARENKO.

When a star enters the red carpet, the whole world looks at her. At such moments, it is very important to look right. The well-known Australian actress Nicole Kidman has repeatedly demonstrated her sense of taste, perfectly selecting outfits for ceremonies and events.

1. Nicole at the 2013 Olympic Games and SAG 2017 Awards

Left - Movie star in an off-shoulder dress by L "Wren Scott. Right - In a glamorous Gucci dress.

2. Actress at the Oscars-2017 and the premiere of the movie “Fatal Temptation”

3. Star at the 2012 Emmy Awards and the premiere of the movie “Princess of Monaco”

4. Actress at the premiere of the thriller "Killing the Sacred Deer" and the film award "Oscar-2007"

5. Nicole Kidman at the Shanghai Film Festival and the 20th Screen Actors Guild Award

6. Actress at the Unicef \u200b\u200bcharity event and the 48th CMA Awards 2014

7. Star at the Pirelli 2017 Calendar Presentation and London Premiere in Australia at Leicester Square

Left - Kidman in a dazzling metallic-colored dress by Giorgio Armani. Right - In a white elegant outfit from L "Wren Scott.

8. Actress at the 2018 Screen Actors Guild Awards and the Women In Film 2015 Annual Award

9. Movie star at Omega's La Nuit Enchantee 2013 presentation and at the BFI London Film Festival

10. Nicole Kidman at the Evening Standard Theater Awards and Cannes Film Festival 2017

11. Actress at the Cannes Film Festival 2012 and the Oscars-2017

12. Nicole at the Power Your Passion Event and BAFTA Ceremony

13. Movie star at the 2013 Grammy Awards and Cannes Film Festival 2013

14. Actress at the premiere of "Before I Fall Asleep" in London and "Desert Queen" in Berlin

15. Kidman at the 2013 G’Day USA Los Angeles Black Tie Gala and Cannes Film Festival

Left - Kidman in a shiny dress by Louis Vuitton. Right - In a gorgeous outfit from Givenchy.

If you want to see even more bright starry outfits, then you should take a look at these. Twenty shots from the most juicy angles!

Evolution Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman - one of the main beauties of Hollywood. Today, in this gorgeous woman, it’s hard to recognize the once modest Australian with lush red curls and a bunch of freckles on her chubby face. A couple of days ago, admiring the beauty of Nicole during the Oscars, we wondered: how does the actress manage to preserve youth and beauty? Good genes, skillful plastic surgeons? Or does a star know a secret?

GettyImages; Rex / Fotodom

This year Nicole Kidman is 50 years old. During her career, the actress repeatedly "played" with her appearance, but her every image was bright and interesting. Among the famous handsome men who could not resist Nicole's charms were Tom Cruise, Jude Law, Lenny Kravitz and Robbie Williams. For the past 10 years, the actress has been married to Australian musician Keith Urban, and, apparently, their relationship is still as romantic as at the very beginning - otherwise how can I explain that this couple was almost expelled from the Oscar's red carpet for too passionate kisses ?! Bravo, Nicole! Keep it up! Today we invite you to see how Nicole Kidman's appearance has changed over the past 25 years.

In her youth, Nicole Kidman practically did not use makeup and did nothing with a shock of small "fiery" curls. According to the actress herself, in her youth she considered herself an “ugly duckling”.

Porcelain leather, a confident look and handsome Tom Cruise is nearby. What else is needed for happiness ?!

Curly "cutie" is in the past! Long live the fatal beauty Nicole Kidman! The actress straightened her hair and began to brighten up. Hollywood submissive!

Nicole is nostalgic for her youth: two pigtails, a minimum of makeup, a rustic hat and a flower dress.

Makeup? Hairstyle? No, I have not heard! Nicole Kidman is more like a modest Australian housewife than an Oscar-winning Hollywood diva.

Nicole defeated her naughty curls: voluminous high hairstyle goes very much to the actress. And, finally, "matured" to make-up.

Dramatic changes in the image began after filming in the film by Stanley Kubrick "Eyes Wide Shut." Nicole could no longer afford the image of a “simple girl” and turned into a real Hollywood diva: naughty curls were replaced by luxurious curls, and makeup became brighter and more neat.

After a divorce from Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman radically changed her image: she finally got rid of her curls, dyed her blonde hair and made a stylish haircut.

A strict hairstyle, laid on a side part, is very Nicole.

After the premiere of the film "Stepford Wives," Nicole Kidman returned to her curls and restrained makeup.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban announced their engagement. The actress glows with happiness: her hair carelessly loose over her shoulders, thick bangs and light make-up emphasize Nicole's femininity and natural beauty.

Oh-oh-oh ... But, what to do, beauty-misses also happen in Hollywood stars.

Luxurious honey shade of hair, porcelain skin and skillful makeup - here it is, Nicole Kidman in all its glory!

Great hairstyle, beautiful makeup, but all attention is focused on the "new" nose of the actress. Nicole Kidman made rhinoplasty: the tip of the star’s nose became more elongated and neat.

And again a gorgeous blond! And a new chest ... What prompted the already sexy beauty Nicole Kidman to insert implants - fans are still wondering. Fortunately, after a couple of years, the actress changed her mind and returned to her previous forms.

Nicole Kidman "found herself": light styling, bright lips and porcelain skin - henceforth, the inalienable attributes of a beauty image of the actress.

Of course, we are doing our best to appreciate the new stylish haircut of the star, but all attention is focused on white powder. Makeup artist on the soap!

Nicole Kidman is famous for his love of Botox injections. The actress, of course, denies that she has been “sitting on the needle” for a long time, but the facts suggest the opposite: lifeless facial expressions, perfectly smooth face and characteristic skin shine.

To enter the Oscars-2017 red carpet, Nicole chose a stylish sloppy bun and classic red lipstick. But the journalists still slandered: with Botox it’s too much, doesn’t know how to applaud, and even exposes her feelings for the show ... Well, Nicole Kidman does not want to grow old! And rightly so!

The fact that 49-year-old Nicole Kidman, who fought for an Oscar in the nomination for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, did not receive the coveted figurine, did not spoil her mood. Her passionate kisses with her husband Keith Urban on the red carpet of the event made them the best couple of the evening.

Significant other

Nicole Kidman, like many movie figures, appeared at the Oscars 2017 along with her soulmate, 49-year-old Keith Urban. It seems that a 10-year marriage did not cool the ardor of lovers. Nicole and Kit appeared hand in hand at the photo call and arranged a hot photo shoot in front of the media.

The actress and musician, not noticing anyone around, began passionately kissing under the flash of cameras. Their kisses were so frank that someone from the crowd jokingly started screaming so that they would not waste time in vain, but would retire.

Having finished posing, the couple continued their kisses in the auditorium and at the after party ceremony.

Clapping hands

In addition, Kidman deserved special attention from the press covering the Oscars thanks to her applause. The actress was very strange clapping her hands to colleagues receiving awards. Nicole unnaturally arched her arms and netizens compared her to Christmas kidnapper Grinch.

Trying to explain the movements of a celebrity, users suggested that Kidman was interrupted by massive rings on his fingers.

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Impeccable image or sacrifice of beauty

By the way, this is not all the inconvenience that the actress was forced to endure that evening. Kidman's neck, which pleased the audience with a flesh-colored glamorous dress from Armani Privé, decorated with stones and embroidery, appeared red irritation. Harnesses from dress to red rubbed her delicate skin.

The other day, Jennifer Lopez appeared with “this” on her face, it’s hard to call this creation of a makeup artist with the loud word “makeup”. Black smokey-ays look “dirty” and resemble the eyes of a panda, but they are pathetic nothing compared to the brown outline around the lips of a star. We assume that Jay Law, like all ordinary mortals, could “jump up” a sore on her lip, which had to be masked. Alas, this is exactly the case when you just had to stay at home. Interestingly, this is the work of the famous makeup artist Mary Phillips? If so, then we are surprised how she manages to save the job!

Angelina Jolie

Many remember this "star" exit of Angelina Jolie with a face stained with flour. No, it wasn’t at the culinary show ... Powder with reflective particles plays such a cruel joke on celebrities! In ordinary lighting everything looks great, but if you just use the flash, we immediately see the “scheme”, according to which the makeup artist “sculpted” the face of the beauty.


Christina Aguilera

With whom it doesn’t happen: I used tanning, sweated a little (we will call a spade a spade), the tone flowed ... Everything would be fine if you were not performing at that moment on stage in front of a multimillion-dollar audience, like Christina Aguilera. Then I'm sorry, everyone will discuss your failure ...

Tyra Banks

This Tyra Banks makeup can be considered canonical. With a minus sign. We do not believe that such a miracle on the model’s face could be done by a make-up artist: terrible black shadows that are unevenly applied to the very eyebrows, and suddenly - lilac-pink lipstick! Tyra, admit you painted yourself.

Nicole Kidman

And again, our favorite reflective powder: such mistakes have happened with Nicole Kidman, and more than once! The whole face is in white spots, although at the time of the photo shoot the actress was sure that she looked great. I wonder what it is like to see your photos later?

Eva Longoria

It’s hard to imagine what Eva Longoria did at night to get such bruises under her eyes. Obviously, they had to be whitewashed. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the riot of concealer under the eyes of a star.

Drew Barrymore

And here is the famous Drew Barrymore exit: powdering so diligently that even the hair seemed to be in crumbling plaster! The funny thing is that this is not Halloween, no. Drew, where have you been?

Lindsey Lohan

From one extreme to another, someone is powdering to be “all rouge and whiter,” while someone like Lindsay Lohan uses brown shoe polish. Tanning Lindsay smeared, as the last time. And lips, lips!

Miley Cyrus

I wonder why makeup artist Miley so diligently glossed her chin with a highlighter. It seems that the singer has such a beautiful jaw shape ... In any case, at this event everyone looked only at Cyrus's chin, because he shone in the literal sense of the word.

Ginnifer Goodwin

This famous beauty failure by Ginnifer Goodwin is a great illustration of the fact that creativity in makeup is not always good. So, we remember the golden rule of creating an evening look: never dye your eyebrows with charcoal and never try to connect them with your eyes with black arrows! The trick, as they say, was performed by professionals.

Sienna Miller

Sienna Miller - beauty, smart, style icon. What happened to her that day? Cheeks like apples! Baked apples. Very burnt.

Pamela Anderson

Once Pamela Anderson bought a bronzer, and then it began ... In this form, Pam often came out, literally blinding her radiance. And no, girls, this is not strobing, it’s just some disgrace. By the way, again, brown eyeliner around the lips - warm greetings from Jennifer Lopez!

Sharon Stone

Some fashion brands do release gold lipstick. Models even manage to look good with her in the photo. Apparently, the beautiful Sharon Stone “led” to this: she will remember her “golden” way out for a long time ... Because only the lazy did not discuss the painful appearance of the star. Fortunately, this is not hepatitis, but just makeup!

Kelly Osbourne

This is now Kelly Osbourne looks great and is anxious about her beauty looks. And before our parties, our rebel wasn’t particularly soared. We assume that she simply called neighbors and asked them to make up her. Remember, when we were 5 years old, we also painted like that when we got to my mother’s cosmetic bag?

Uma Thurman

The worst image of Uma Thurman of “all times and peoples”, for which a makeup artist should be brought to justice. This make-up is like a manual “How to categorically be painted”: dark lipstick has aged the actress, light shiny shadows have visually reduced eyes, and the contour of the foundation is visible even on the hairline! Interestingly, Quentin Tarantino that evening still found his muse incredibly attractive?