The program of spiritual and moral education and development of preschool children. Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers in preschool educational establishments within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard Implementation of programs of spiritual and moral education in preschool educational establishments

Appeal to the experience of Orthodox pedagogy at the present time, when there is a search for the spiritual revival of Russia, is especially important, since society and the state are in dire need of educational models that provide spiritual and moral components of the content of education.

Today, the education system is faced with the task of building, in strict accordance with the legislative framework, a continuous system of spiritual and moral education at the levels of preschool, primary and basic general education, which in the future could be considered as a certain socio-cultural stabilizer of the life of society as a whole.

Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012. “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 87. Features of studying the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Features of obtaining theological and religious education, clause 1) indicates that “In order to form and develop a personality in accordance with family and social spiritual - moral and socio-cultural values ​​in the main educational programs, including on the basis of the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards, academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) aimed at obtaining knowledge about the fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation, about moral principles, about historical and cultural traditions of the world religion (world religions), or alternative subjects, courses, disciplines (modules)”.

The Concept emphasizes that education should be focused on achieving the national educational ideal, i.e. education of a highly moral, creative and competent citizen of Russia, "rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation."

A society can then solve large-scale national problems when it has a common system of moral guidelines. This system is being built gradually through the formation of respect for the native language, original national and cultural values, for the memory of ancestors and the history of their country.

Today, spiritual and moral education is supposed to be built on basic national values ​​(patriotism, social solidarity, citizenship, family, personality, work and creativity, science, traditional religions, art and literature, nature, humanity), transmitted from generation to generation and ensuring successful development countries in modern times. Basic national values, being priority moral principles, exist in cultural, family, socio-historical and religious traditions.

Note that the basic values ​​are primarily formed in the family. But only the education system is able to provide a systematic, consistent and conscious spiritual and moral development and education of the individual. The beginning of the spiritual and moral foundations of personality formation should be laid as early as possible, at preschool age, taking into account age characteristics and conditions of social and family education. The upbringing of a child should be aimed at the formation of civic responsibility, spirituality and culture, indifference, independence, and the ability to successfully socialize in society.

The problem arises: how to make sure that the child is internally free, and outwardly educated? If we want children to love their country in the future and strive to make life better in it, we need to lay the foundation for this love. The child, first of all, must learn the best that his compatriots have achieved and understand that these achievements are the result of the work of individuals in various fields.

The educational system for spiritual, moral and patriotic education ensures the unity of educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives and goes through all forms of work with children.

The essence of this upbringing is to sow and nurture in the souls of our children the seeds of love for their home, family, nature, for the history, culture and spiritual wealth of our people. Homeland, Fatherland, Unity, Spirituality in these words, images close to every person: mother and father, parents, those who give life to a new being, unity and the spiritual essence of each family.

What might interest a child? Our centuries-old history and culture. Patience, kindness, generosity, mercy, the desire for spirituality - this is what has always been at the heart of the life and traditions of the Russian people.

The purpose of educational work:

  • Preservation of the spiritual and moral health of children. Introducing them to the moral and spiritual values ​​of Orthodox culture.
  • Studying the history, culture, natural and ecological originality of the native land, Russia.
  • The desire to revive the traditions of family education.

Tasks educational work:

  • To create in the preschool educational institution the necessary conditions for organizing work on spiritual, moral, patriotic education.
  • Raise the professional level of teachers.
  • To provide the educational process with the necessary artistic and pedagogical literature.
  • Orient the family to the spiritual and moral education of children (familiarization of parents with the basics of Orthodox pedagogy and psychology, the formation of ideas about the forms of the traditional family way of life.)

Tasks of the educational system:

  • The development of moral consciousness, feelings, behavior of the child.
  • Formation of the emotional-volitional sphere of the personality of a preschooler.
  • Development of social skills and behavioral skills.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards the world.

Main idea:

The educational system that has developed in the preschool educational institution for the spiritual and moral development of the personality of a preschooler contributes to a holistic spiritual, moral and social development, the formation of an inner world and is aimed at developing the moral position of the child.

Educational system approaches

  • content component - mastery of children, accessible to age, the volume of ideas and concepts about the world around: the social structure of society, the life of the people, the history of the country, culture, traditions of the people, the nature of the native land,
  • emotionally motivating - experience by a person of a positive emotional attitude to the acquired knowledge, the world around him, showing interest in this information, the need to expand his horizons, the desire to participate in socially useful work;
  • active component - the realization of emotionally felt and conscious knowledge in activity, the presence of a complex of moral and volitional qualities, the development of which ensures an effective attitude towards the environment.

Principles for the implementation of work:

  • the principle of encyclopedia (the child forms ideas and knowledge about everything that surrounds him);
  • the principle of cultural conformity (taking into account national values ​​and traditions in education);
  • the principle of systematicity, consistency, continuity in training. By following this principle, you can achieve a positive result in your work;
  • performance principle. It assumes the obligatory communication of the educator with the child, finding out what and how he understood, felt. To this end, teachers develop questionnaires, tests;
  • the principle of development of intrinsically valuable forms of activity. In accordance with this principle, our pupils get the opportunity to learn about the world through those activities that are most attractive to them.

Additional programs on spiritual, moral and patriotic education.

Shevchenko L.L. "Good World" - Orthodox culture for kids, which is recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region and is being introduced into the practice of the preschool educational institution for spiritual and moral education

Program for civic-patriotic education

N.V. Aleshina "Introduction of preschoolers to the surrounding and social reality"

The name of the program

Purpose of the program

Children's age

N.G. Zelenova "We live in Russia"

Education of a humane, spiritually developed personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.

N.V. Aleshina

"Introducing preschoolers to the surrounding and social reality"

Education of love for the Motherland through the education of moral qualities: love for loved ones, affection for one's hometown, a sense of pride in one's country, a sense of respect for working people.

Shevchenko L.L. "Good World"

To lay the foundation for the moral culture of the child, to bring up in him such qualities that will help in life not only to distinguish good from evil, but also to resist evil.

L. V. Kolomiychenko, G. I. Chugaeva, L. I. Yugova "The way of goodness"

Timely, corresponding to the age, gender, ethnic characteristics of preschool children, and high-quality, ensuring the achievement of the optimal level, social and communicative development of preschool children.

The main provisions on the spiritual and moral education of children contained in these programs are successfully integrated with the educational areas of the educational program of the preschool educational institution: ensuring the development of children in all five complementary educational areas:

  • socio-communicative development;
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.

Expected results, child graduate:

  • should know and respect, taking into account his age characteristics, the main socio-forming domestic folk traditions, love the Motherland, native land, native home, love neighbors, respect elders;
  • children must learn to respect the work of other people, to consciously fulfill their duties;
  • keep the millennial traditions of the defenders of our Motherland, feel responsible for the lives of their loved ones and their Fatherland;
  • to consider one's own and other people's behavior from a traditional Christian moral point of view for Russia;
  • know and apply generally accepted norms and rules of conduct;
  • show a benevolent attitude towards people around, wildlife, culture, literature, art;
  • acquire age-appropriate communication skills and abilities;
  • the child should perceive the beauty of his native language, strive to avoid words and expressions that litter his native speech.

The attempts made to date to educate a spiritual and moral personality show that the weakest point in this activity is the family. As a rule, the main part of the parents of pupils consider themselves Orthodox people, but they have a poor idea of ​​Orthodox teachings, they do not often go to church. In addition, parents have very little knowledge about the age characteristics of children, about education, about folk pedagogy.

Therefore, it is necessary to help parents realize that, first of all, moral and spiritual customs and values ​​should be preserved and transmitted in the family, that it is parents who are responsible for raising children. The practice of work on spiritual and moral education shows that the main attention should be paid to working with the family. Our task is to help parents realize that it is the parents who are primarily responsible for the upbringing of their children.


1. The study by educators of methodological sources and pedagogical periodicals, the organization of the work of a creative group of teachers on patriotic, spiritual and moral education, the formation of an active position among parents on issues of patriotic, spiritual and moral education.

2. Organization of work on the development of long-term planning, the development and implementation of educational projects, the involvement of parents in joint events.

Forms of interaction with parents.

All work on the development of moral qualities in a preschooler must be carried out together with parents: inform them about the achievements and problems of children, consult with them about the individual characteristics of each child, identify the origin of factors hindering development, teach the parents themselves the techniques and methods of moral education in the family.

In order to establish close contacts with the family, to ensure unity in the education of moral culture, the following methods are used:

  • general and group parent meetings;
  • consultations;
  • visits by the teacher to the families of their pupils;
  • open days;
  • holding joint events (exhibitions, competitions, thematic parental seminars-interviews, holidays jointly organized with parents;
  • questioning and testing of parents for the purpose of advisory assistance on issues of family education;
  • individual consultations of specialists (methodologists, educational psychologists, clergymen);
  • the use of visibility: information stands for parents, folders, folders, exhibitions of children's work, didactic games, literature;
  • parental assistance to an educational institution (beautification of the territory, participation in the preparation of holidays, minor repairs, chores).

The main forms of work with children.

There are several areas of work with children in the activities of a preschool institution.

  1. Spiritual and educational. Here, teachers build the educational process, taking into account the level of moral, spiritual and social development of children. (Thematic classes, project activities, research work, conversations, reading literature, looking at illustrations, listening to audio recordings). To form the moral qualities of the personality of a preschool child in kindergarten, the following methods are used:
  2. Conversation . By talking with children, educators encourage them to think and speak. By asking them two or three questions, they give the guys a chance to speak. This allows teachers to understand what children think, what they know from personal experience. Ethical conversations are held in senior groups - these are planned, prepared classes with children. For example, "What fairy tale am I from?", where, using the example of fairy tale heroes, children's ideas about such human qualities as kindness, modesty, courage are fixed, showing them in comparison with negative qualities: cruelty, evil, cowardice, laziness. With the help of an educator, children learn to fairly evaluate the actions of their peers, and sometimes adults, learn to understand what is possible and what is not, what is good and what is bad.

Approximate topics of conversation: "Be always polite", "What is good, what is bad and why", "Your good deeds", "How can you please your mother", "What is friendship?", "What is a feat?", "Good and evil", etc.

  1. Reading and analysis of works of art , for example, L.N. Tolstoy “Two Comrades”, “Father and Sons”, “Grandfather and Grandson”, A. Kuznetsova “We quarreled”, K.D. Ushinsky “Know how to wait”, A. Barto “Helper”. The aesthetic background of the classes is created by poems, riddles, songs included both in the main part and in additional work with children. Literary material is indispensable in the spiritual and moral education of a child, since it is easier for children to evaluate the behavior and actions of others than their own. For the comprehensive development of the personality, it is necessary to include children in various activities related to fiction. For example, the guys create their own drawings based on fairy tales, stories, exhibitions of works are organized.
  2. The game. It is known that at preschool age, the closest and most understandable activity for a child is a game. In working with children, collective games-classes, games-exercises, dramatization games, games-fairy tales, role-playing games are used. With the help of the game, you can solve a variety of correctional tasks: the same game for one child can be a means of overcoming fear, increasing self-esteem; for another - a means of providing a tonic effect, for the third - a school for the development of moral feelings, humane relations with peers. Such games and exercises give a positive effect: “Let's greet each other”; “Pick a picture for “good” and “bad”; “Make a list of your duties from plot pictures for home and garden” (collective work in a group or pair); “Remember what actions you did this day”, “Draw, tell about them”; Help the children compile a Dictionary of Polite Words; Guests came to you: the game "Guest is the owner"; "You are in the theater"; "Talking on the phone"; “Draw a gift for a friend (mother…)”; "At the birthday party"; "Name day"; “If a friend feels bad…”; “Learning to communicate ...” (finish the phrase). Competition and defense of drawings "What did fairy tales teach you?"; game "What are your friends names?" (Children in groups discuss and express opinions about how they feel about nicknames, nicknames, address by last name). “What to do…: problem situations”; story "My character and my actions"; tell me how you help at home...

2. Cultural and educational.(Entertainment, holidays, artistic and productive activities, excursions, targeted walks).

There are many festivals held in the kindergarten throughout the year. Orthodox holidays are special holidays. Previously, children need to explain in detail some traditions, customs, words directly related to this holiday. Children are introduced to stories that they can understand about the earthly life of Christ, about the sacrificial love of God for people, and about the path of human salvation. By the holiday, children make gifts, jewelry, learn poems, songs, dances. In joint activities, children are more easily aware of the rules of a good and pious life.

A special place is occupied by the formation of a careful and respectful attitude of children towards women. The revival of the tradition of celebrating Orthodox holidays contributes to understanding the role of women in the world, provides an opportunity to show and consolidate a worthy attitude towards women on a deeper basis.

Laying flowers at the monuments to those who died during the Second World War, meeting with the military, celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, visiting local history museums should become a tradition. Joint activities of such a plan help children learn the rules of a culture of behavior, cause emotional and aesthetic experiences, which are very important for creating a favorable climate, general spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

Thus, thanks to the cultural and cognitive direction, conditions are created under which the child before school receives knowledge about God, the world, man, with the active and joyful participation of the child himself.

  1. Moral and labor direction(all types of labor, productive activities) The labor of a preschool child is small and uncomplicated. However, it is necessary for the formation of his personality.

The inclusion of labor in the system of education makes possible the integral development of the child's personality. The formation of a kind and reasonable attitude towards nature, commanded by God to man, involves not so much the accumulation of knowledge about nature, but the cultivation of love for it. The ability to look at the world with love testifies to the positive development of the spiritual, moral and socio-cultural sphere of the child.

In the classroom for artistic and productive activities, children in all age groups, depending on their capabilities, try to convey in their drawings, applications and other works of manual labor the beauty of the world created by God: flowers, trees, birds, animals. Thus, the formation of a Christian picture of the world in children takes place not only in the process of theoretical study of the material, but mainly in live practical activity.

The teacher's smile, nodding or shaking his head, eye contact, facial expressions, joint actions with the child when performing an unpleasant task, joint activities (designing, modeling, coloring, etc.), listening, laughing at the child's jokes - all this affects the formation spiritual and moral qualities of the child's personality.

The spiritual and moral education of preschool children is a kind of core around which it is advisable to build the entire process of their education. The educator daily establishes a spiritual connection with the child. If this is achieved, then it is easy for the child to learn, easy to communicate, easy to live in a team. And only then the wise words of J. Korczak are embodied: "The educator who does not bind, but liberates, does not break, but forms, does not suppress, but elevates, does not dictate, but teaches, does not demand, but asks, experiences with the child many inspired minutes".

The main indicator of the quality of the work of the preschool educational institution is the “graduate model”: merciful, hardworking, kind, active, independent, emotionally responsive, loving loved ones, his homeland, his people, honoring its traditions and culture.


Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012.

The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia. A. Ya. Danilyuk, A. M. Kondakov, V. A. Tishkov. Publishing house "Enlightenment" 2009.

The main educational program "From birth to school" ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, 2015.

N.G. Zelenova "We live in Russia"

N.V. Aleshina "Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality."

Shevchenko L.L. "Good World"

L. V. Kolomiychenko, G. I. Chugaeva, L. I. Yugova "The way of goodness"

See the Concept, the definition of "spiritual and moral education of the personality of a citizen of Russia."

On the importance of the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​in children.

“Mind without heart, knowledge without morality

speaks of lack of spirituality and poverty"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Moral education has always been and remains the most important task. To believe or not to believe, what to believe in - everyone decides for himself, but the main thing is to convey to our children the moral principles and ethical standards that will give them a solid foundation for becoming in life. Children do not have an innate understanding of moral values. The process of formation of spiritual and moral values ​​is long, there can be no quick result. It is important not only to teach the child the rules of behavior, but to help them find the desire to live by them, to help plant a precious seed in the child's soul. The preschooler learns in the family and in kindergarten the correct perception of the authority of an adult.

The first school of education of a growing person is the family. Here he learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize. In the conditions of the family, emotional and moral experience is formed, the family determines the level and content of the emotional and social development of the child. Given the specifics of preschool childhood, it must be remembered that the level of development and education of the child largely depends not only on the personal and professional qualities of the teacher, but also on the pedagogical competence of parents. Therefore, one of the most important factors in the upbringing and education of preschoolers is the interaction between teachers and parents. The upbringing of a spiritual personality is possible only through the joint efforts of the family, educational institution and the state. One of the problems of modern education is that the historical continuity of generations is not respected in the process of education. Children are deprived of the opportunity to take an example from people who lived in the past, they do not know how people solved their problems. The attempts made to date to educate a spiritual and moral personality show that the weakest place in this activity is the family. Many parents simply do not know that it is precisely at preschool age that the assimilation of social norms, moral requirements and patterns of behavior based on imitation takes place. Therefore, first of all, the moral and spiritual customs and values ​​created by the ancestors should be preserved and transmitted in the family, and that it is the parents who are responsible for raising children.

Orthodox pedagogy directs education to a specific person, who must be responsible not only for his life, but also for the preservation and development of the historical and cultural traditions of his people. Orthodox pedagogy enriched secular pedagogy with the integrity of the worldview, the experience of the moral way of life, the development of a harmonious personality. The concepts of "moral" and "spiritual" in Orthodox pedagogy are defined as follows: spirituality is a state of closeness of the soul, the inner world of a person to the Higher and the Heavenly world; morality is a firm, constant determination of the will to follow the good inclinations of the heart and conscience (good morals).

Spiritual and moral education is understood as a purposeful activity aimed at introducing a person to the Upper and Upper world, at the gradual restoration of the integral structure of the personality, self-determination of a person and his improvement in virtue. Proceeding from this, the spiritual exercises of the mind, feelings and heart of the child are the main means of spiritual and moral education, and the main form is service to good, service to people.

The problem is that many modern parents shift their upbringing functions to employees of preschool educational institutions, not understanding the importance of uniform requirements for parents and educators. Family and kindergarten cannot replace each other; each of them has its own functions, its own methods of education. A preschooler is not a relay baton that the family passes into the hands of teachers. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions.

Cooperation between a preschool educational institution and the family involves joint determination of the goals of the activity, planning of future work, distribution of forces and means in accordance with the capabilities of each participant, joint monitoring and evaluation of the results of work, and then forecasting new goals, tasks and results.

However, this interaction is influenced by a number of factors. First of all, the discrepancy between the ideas, requests and expectations of parents in relation to the preschool institution and the ideas of educators about their functions in working with the family, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of their interaction in order to create a single educational space.

The moral education of preschool children is especially important, because it is at preschool age that a child is especially receptive to the assimilation of moral norms and requirements. This is one of the very important aspects of the process of shaping the personality of the child. In other words, the spiritual and moral education of young children can be viewed as a continuous process of assimilation by them of patterns of behavior established in society, which will further regulate their actions. As a result of such moral education, the child begins to act not because he wants to earn the approval of an adult, but because he considers it necessary to observe the very norm of behavior, as an important rule in relations between people.

At a younger age, the core that will determine the moral education of the child's personality is the establishment of humanistic relations between children, reliance on their feelings, emotional responsiveness. In the life of a child, emotions play a very important role, they help to respond to the surrounding reality and form their attitude towards it. As the baby grows, the world of his emotions develops, becomes more diverse and richer. The moral education of preschoolers is determined by the fact that during this period the baby learns the language of emotions and feelings, he masters the forms of expression of his experiences accepted in society using all kinds of verbal and non-verbal means. At the same time, the child learns to restrain himself in the manifestation of his feelings, too violently or abruptly. Unlike a two-year-old, a five-year-old baby can already hide his fear or hold back his tears. He masters the science of controlling his emotions, learns to clothe them in the form accepted in society. Use your feelings consciously.

The formation of the preschooler's emotional environment is closely connected with his moral upbringing and has its own dynamics. So the baby, based on examples from experience, adds up an understanding of what is good and what is bad, forms his attitude to greed, friendship, etc. This attitude to the fundamental concepts of our life continues to form in the future as he grows up. The main helper of the child on this path is an adult who, with concrete examples of his behavior, lays in the child the basic moral norms of behavior.

So, moral education at preschool age is determined by the fact that the child forms the very first moral assessments and judgments. He begins to understand what a moral norm is and forms his attitude towards it, which, however, does not always ensure its observance in real actions. The moral education of children takes place throughout their lives, and the environment in which they develop and grow plays a decisive role in the formation of a child's morality. Therefore, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the family in the moral education of preschoolers. The ways of behavior adopted in the family are very quickly absorbed by the child and are perceived by him, as a rule, as a generally accepted norm.

The first task of parents is to help the preschooler identify the objects of his feelings and make them socially valuable. Feelings allow a person to experience satisfaction after doing the right thing or make us feel remorse if moral standards have been violated. The basis of such feelings is laid in childhood, and the task of parents is to help their child in this. Discuss moral issues with him. Strive for the formation of a clear system of values ​​so that the baby understands which actions are unacceptable and which are desirable and approved by society. Effective moral education is impossible without discussing with the child the moral side of the actions of other people, characters of works of art, expressing his approval of his moral actions in the most understandable way for the child.

Children in communication form the ability to express their feelings, evaluate them, develop the ability to empathize and sympathy, which is very important in the moral upbringing of the baby. The inability to express one's emotions, to understand the feelings of others can lead to the formation of "communicative deafness", which can cause conflicts between the child and other children and negatively affect the process of forming his personality. Therefore, another very important direction in the moral education of children is to develop their ability to empathize. It is important to constantly draw the child's attention to what experiences he is experiencing, what the people around him feel, to enrich the baby's vocabulary with various words expressing experiences, emotions, feelings.

The strategy of moral education in kindergarten and at home should be directed not only to awareness of one's feelings and experiences, to the assimilation of socially significant rules and norms of behavior, but also to the development of a sense of community with other people, the formation of a positive attitude towards people in general. And such a task of moral education of children at preschool age can be solved by the game. It is in the game that the baby gets acquainted with different types of activities, masters new social roles for himself, improves communication skills, learns to express his feelings and understand the emotions of other people, finds himself in a situation where cooperation and mutual assistance is needed, accumulates an initial bank of moral ideas and tries to correlate them with their actions, learns to follow the acquired moral standards and independently make a moral choice.

Man is a spiritual being, he strives not only for physical development, but also for spiritual development. To unite in oneself the personal and the national, the earthly and the heavenly, the bodily and the spiritual - this is a natural human need, called into this world. Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A.A. Fursenko, in his report on priority areas for the development of Russian education, emphasized: “We must stop being ashamed of spiritual quests. Efforts aimed at the patriotic education of young people, countering drug addiction, extremism, social infantilism and other vices will be effective only when they are based on spiritual values.” In society, the measure of understanding is increasing that it is possible to achieve social peace in the country, high morality and culture, a full-fledged patriotic consciousness of the people only by working together - family, kindergarten, school and church. Only all together - an educational institution, family, church, state - through purposeful educational influence can lay the seeds of love for people and kindness in a person, lay the foundations for understanding that we must really hasten to do good, and not only and not so much "take from life everything” and “to act for the purpose of enrichment in any way”. The rector of the Russian Orthodox University of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, Archimandrite John (Ekonomtsev), especially emphasizes: “We cannot allow the spiritual, cultural and physical death of our people. Children and youth urgently need spiritual and moral education and upbringing.” In our time, especially, it is obvious that without the spirituality that Orthodoxy brings with it, we cannot survive, we cannot find harmony in society. It hurts that compassion, sympathy, eternal values, disappear from our souls. And without the spiritual help of Orthodoxy simply can not do. The Orthodox pedagogical tradition in Russia has been developing for ten centuries, and its basic foundation has always been love for people, so the problem of violence did not arise as such. Russian Orthodoxy traditionally sees the meaning of education in the spiritual enlightenment and upbringing of a person. The strength of Orthodoxy lies in the priority of spiritual values ​​over material goods, in an undistorted spiritual worldview and the purpose of a person. Spirituality is understood as the value dimension of the higher principles: goodness, love, truth, truth, beauty, life, humanity, sympathy, as the priority of such values ​​as Motherland, family, duty, feat. They should become the norms of our life, and the life of children.

Prepared by senior teacher Kryucheshnikova S. Yu.

1. Target section

1.1. Explanatory note

It is impossible to heal other people's souls without curing yourself, to put in order someone else's spiritual

household with chaos in your own soul,

to bring peace to others without having it in oneself.

Priest Alexander Elchaninov

Currently, both at the regional and federal levels, the tasks of spiritual and moral education are being updated, which are being developed in setting the goal of spiritual and moral education in state regulations (The concept of education and development of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education, in which highlighted a new subject area "Spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia"), in the appearance of a large number of manuals, in the preparation of teachers for teaching spiritual and moral culture in the public education system. However, the main trend is manifested in the integration of the efforts of church-state social institutions in the preservation of the spiritual health of the younger generation. The basis of spiritual and moral education is laid in the family and continues in the children's educational institution.

The tasks of educating the spiritual and moral culture of children are currently an urgent task of the preschool education system. This is due to the introduction of a new subject area "Spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia" into the Standards of the new generation for elementary school.

Appeal to the spiritual and moral traditions of domestic education and upbringing seems to us the most promising, since it is associated with the restoration of traditions, way of life and forms of national experience. For Russia, there is no other way out of the crisis in the spiritual and moral sphere, except for the revival of the original Russian civilization on the traditional values ​​of national culture. And this is possible if the spiritual, moral and intellectual potential of the bearer of Russian culture, the Russian people, is restored.

In Russian pedagogy, education has always been associated with the development of the spiritual and moral sphere and has set itself the main goal - to raise a child who is thinking, virtuous, merciful, conscientious, believing in the possibility of improving the world and people.

By “spiritual and moral education” is meant the process of promoting the spiritual and moral development of a person, the formation of his moral feelings (conscience, duty, faith, responsibility, citizenship, patriotism), moral character (patience, mercy, gentleness), moral position (ability to distinguishing between good and evil, the manifestation of selfless love, readiness to overcome life's trials), moral behavior (willingness to serve people and the Fatherland, manifestations of spiritual prudence, good will).

Orthodox pedagogy enriches secular pedagogy with the integrity of world outlook, directing education towards the development of a harmonious personality.

Education given in an educational institution will not bring the expected benefits from it if parents do not try to maintain in their children those good rules of life taught to children by teachers. Many parents simply do not know that it is at preschool age that the assimilation of social norms, moral requirements and patterns of behavior based on imitation takes place. Why exactly this age cannot be missed for the formation of ideas about good and evil, about moral standards and moral norms of behavior and relationships. The family plays a central role in the mind of the child. What the family is obliged to give the baby, no one but her will give in full. Our task is to help parents realize that, first of all, the family should preserve and pass on the moral and spiritual customs and values ​​created by the ancestors, and that it is the parents who are responsible for the upbringing of children before society.

The general perspective of our work on spiritual and moral education, both with children and with parents, provides for the integration of spiritual and moral content into everyday life, both in kindergarten and in the family. Raising a baby from the cradle turns into preparation for school and the implementation of a successful career in life. And the pedagogical process, focused on learning to the detriment of education, displaces play, kind and lively communication with peers and adults from the life of a preschooler.

The relevance of the program is determined by the society's need for spiritual and moral education as a necessary element for the preservation and further development of society.

At the senior preschool age there is a beginning of conscious perception of the world. Therefore, this age is one of the favorable periods of education, in which the basic principles of a humane life are laid. “The ultimate goal of the intelligent upbringing of children is the gradual formation in the child of a clear understanding of the things of the world around him. Then the result of understanding should be the construction of the good instincts of children's nature into a conscious striving for the ideals of goodness and truth and, finally, the gradual formation of a firm and free will, ”wrote N.I. Pirogov.
The main goal is to educate, on the basis of cooperation between the family and the preschool educational institution, a person striving for spiritual growth, kindness, able to resist evil, preserve the moral health of older preschool children, familiarize them with moral values, and revive the best traditions of family education.

When creating the regulatory framework governing the activities of a preschool organization in the field of work on spiritual and moral education, we were guided by the main documents of the federal level:

Federal Law No. 273-FE of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”;

Federal state educational standard for preschool education: pp. 6 and 9 of paragraph 1.4, paragraphs. 5, 6 and 8 of clause 1.6 of section I; clause 2.6, section II (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155);

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating regime of preschool educational organizations””;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs of Preschool Education”;

The main educational program of a preschool educational organization;

Charter MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 205" (approved).

Local acts of the organization carrying out educational activities:

The main educational program of preschool education of an educational organization;

Regulations on the work program;

Order of the head of the organization on the approval of work programs;

Protocol of the pedagogical council on the consideration and adoption of the work program.

1.2 Purpose and objectives.

Target : promoting the development of the personality of a preschool child, the formation of a basic culture based on domestic traditional spiritual and moral values.


Formation of the principles of patriotism and citizenship;

Formation of a humane attitude towards people and the environment;

Formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the cultural heritage of their people;

Respect for one's nation;

Understanding of their national characteristics;

Formation of self-esteem as a representative of one's people;

Respect for representatives of other nationalities;

Formation of positive, friendly, collective relationships;

Cultivating a respectful attitude to work.
The program provides:

  • the unity of the educational, teaching and developing tasks of the process of educating preschool children;

  • is aimed at strengthening the spiritual and moral health of children, providing, through the introduction of the educational component "Spiritual and moral culture", the possibility of their comprehensive development;

  • is based on the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability;

  • is based on age-appropriate activities and forms of work with preschoolers;

  • ensures the organization of the educational process in the forms of joint activities of adults and children and forms of independent creative activity;

  • provides continuity with the tasks of personality development, set in the educational standard of elementary school at the stages of preschool and school childhood;

  • is aimed at interacting with the family in order to implement the spiritual and moral development of the child's personality, regardless of the cultural environment, ethnicity, confessional affiliation.

Given that the leading activity of preschool children is play activity, program content organized as a thematic travel game that starts in the senior group and ends in the preparatory group at the farewell party for the kindergarten. Game forms are integrated, variable, depending on the personal characteristics of children. In the process of mastering the program, children form the prerequisites for learning activities: the ability to observe the phenomena of the surrounding world, attention, analysis and value judgments, dialogue communication, moral standards of communication, etc.

The program offers age-appropriate forms of joint work with adults (teachers and parents), group and independent work: role-playing, story games, dramatization, conversation, observation, experimentation, discussion of problem situations, design, artistic creativity, music making, etc. -developing environment (walks - travel, exhibitions, performances, concerts, etc.).

The implementation of the program is based on a block-thematic construction of content, which is presented in different types of activities.

Acquaintance with spiritual culture within the framework of the general program “Spiritual and Moral Culture. When selecting the content of the program for preschoolers, the possibility of correlating knowledge in the field of spiritual and moral culture with its understanding by modern children, in the majority of whose families are not familiar with its traditions, was comprehended.
1.3 Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

I. Principles of spiritual and moral education

The basic principle of spiritual and moral education is the construction of life on the basis of the requirements of Christian perfection (free recognition of the rule - “Escape from evil and do good”),

The humanistic orientation of education (the attitude of the teacher to the pupil as a responsible subject of their own development) is realized through the formation of an attitude towards oneself, towards the world and with the world (love for one's neighbors).

Natural conformity (upbringing should be based on a scientific understanding of natural and social processes, be consistent with the general laws of human development in accordance with his gender and age).

Cultural conformity (upbringing should be built in accordance with the values ​​and norms of the national culture, in this case, Orthodoxy, and the characteristics inherent in the traditions of certain regions).

The secular nature of education and legality (compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation).

II. Principles for selecting the content of education

Scientific character and canonicity (a combination of modern achievements in pedagogy and psychology with canonicity).

Accounting for the requirements of standard programs.

Multi-level (showing a broad picture of the world, taking into account the age capabilities of children).

III. Principles of organizing classes

Visibility, consciousness and activity, accessibility and measure, scientific character, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, systematicity and consistency, strength of knowledge acquisition, connection of theory with teaching practice and life, upbringing in the learning process; variable approach.

1.4 Characteristics of the developmental features of children of senior preschool age

The older preschool age plays a special role in the development of the child: during this period of life, new psychological mechanisms of activity and behavior begin to form. The age of 5 - 6 years is characterized by the activation of the growth process: in a year a child can grow by 7 - 10 cm, the proportions of the body change. Movements are being improved, children's motor experience is expanding, motor abilities are actively developing. Significantly improves coordination and stability of balance, so necessary when performing most movements. In this case, girls have some advantage over boys. There are great changes in higher nervous activity. During the sixth year of life, the main nervous processes are improved - excitation and especially inhibition. This has a beneficial effect on the possibilities of self-regulation. Emotional reactions at this age become more stable, balanced. Children actively turn to rules in regulating their relationships with peers. Social representations of a moral plan are being formed, older preschoolers already distinguish between good and bad deeds, have an idea of ​​good and evil, and can give relevant specific examples from personal experience or literature. In assessing the actions of their peers, they are quite categorical and demanding, in relation to their own behavior they are more condescending and not objective enough. According to its characteristics, the brain of a six-year-old child is approaching the indicators of the brain of an adult - the intellectual capabilities of children are expanding. The child not only identifies essential features in objects and phenomena, but also begins to establish cause-and-effect relationships between them, spatial, temporal and other relationships. Children operate with a sufficient amount of temporal representations: morning - afternoon - evening - night; yesterday - today - tomorrow - earlier - later; are oriented in the sequence of days of the week, seasons and months related to each season. Quite confidently they master orientation in space and on the plane: from left to right, above - below, in front - behind, close - far, above - below, etc. The general horizons of children are expanding. The interests of older preschoolers gradually go beyond the immediate environment of the kindergarten and family. Children are attracted by the wide social and natural world, unusual events and facts. They are interested in the inhabitants of the jungle and oceans, space and distant countries, and much more. The senior preschooler tries to independently comprehend and explain the information received. From the age of five, the real flowering of the ideas of "little philosophers" about the origin of the moon, sun, stars and other things begins. To explain to children, knowledge drawn from films and television programs is involved: about astronauts, moon rovers, space travel, star wars. Children with keen interest listen to stories from the life of their parents, grandparents. Familiarization with technology, various types of labor, and the professions of parents ensures the child's further entry into the modern world, familiarization with its values. Under the guidance of a teacher, six-year-olds are included in search activities, accept and independently set cognitive tasks, put forward assumptions about the causes and results of observed phenomena, use different methods of verification; experiments, heuristic reasoning, long-term comparative observations, independently make small “discoveries”. The older preschool age plays a special role in the development of the child: during this period of life, new psychological mechanisms of activity and behavior begin to form.

The development of children 5-7 years old is successful, provided that the leading social needs of preschoolers are met in the educational process:

  • the need for positive emotional contacts with others (teacher, children), love and goodwill;

  • the need for active knowledge and information exchange;

  • the need for independence and a variety of activities according to interests;

  • the need for active communication and cooperation with adults and peers;

  • the need for self-affirmation, self-realization and recognition of their achievements by adults and peers.
Adults need to take into account and support the manifestations of individuality in the child. By his behavior, the educator shows examples of a kind, caring attitude towards people, he encourages the children to notice the state of their peers (offended, upset, bored) and show sympathy, willingness to help. It draws the attention of children to the external signs of expressing the emotional and physical state of people, teaches them to read emotions, encourages children to notice the emotional state of people around them and their peers (offended, upset, bored) and show sympathy and willingness to help. The educator specifically creates situations of a humanistic orientation in the group that encourage children to show care, attention, and help. This enriches the moral experience of children. It is necessary to lay the foundations of a personal culture: a culture of feelings, communication, interaction, habits of a benevolent, friendly attitude towards people, a willingness to show sympathy and care, the desire to find (with the help of a teacher and independently) ways of a fair and humane solution to emerging problems.

At the senior preschool age, the play experience of children is significantly expanded. The entire game palette becomes available to children: plot-role-playing, directorial, theatrical games, games with ready-made content and rules, game experimentation, constructive building and board-printed games, outdoor and musical games. The future school position is reflected in school-themed games. Gradually, the game becomes an integrative activity, which is closely related to different types of children's activities - speech, cognitive, communicative, artistic and productive, constructive, etc. For children, not only the process of playing becomes important, but also such a result as a new game environment, the possibility of presenting the products of their activities (homemade toys, costume details, etc.). In communication with peers, same-sex contacts predominate. Children play in small groups of two to five people. Sometimes these groups become permanent in composition. This is how the first friends appear - those with whom the child best achieves mutual understanding and mutual sympathy. Children become selective in relationships and communication: they have permanent play partners (although they may change several times during the year), preference for certain types of games is becoming more pronounced. The gaming interests and preferences of boys and girls are determined. Children independently create a play space, build the plot and the course of the game, distribute roles. In a joint game, there is a need to regulate relationships with peers, norms of moral behavior are formed, moral feelings are manifested. Behavior is formed, mediated by the image of another person. As a result of interaction and comparison of their behavior with the behavior of their peers, the child has the opportunity to better understand himself, his "I". There is more active interest in cooperation, in the joint solution of a common problem. Children tend to negotiate among themselves to achieve the ultimate goal. The educator needs to help children learn specific ways to achieve mutual understanding based on the interests of partners.

Course work

Moral education of children of middle preschool age in a preschool educational institution


In our time, a generalized image of a person who meets the requirements of the twenty-first century has already emerged in the public mind. This is a physically healthy, educated creative person, capable of purposeful social work, building his own life, habitat and communication, in accordance with fundamental moral principles. Therefore, the problem of moral education in kindergarten at the present stage of society's life is of particular relevance and significance.

Preschool childhood is a period of assimilation of moral norms and social ways of behavior. When a child begins an active life in human society, he encounters many problems and difficulties. They are connected not only with the fact that he still knows little about this world, but must and wants to know it. And for this it is important to understand how people communicate with each other, what they value, what they blame, for what they praise, and for what they scold or even punish. And in the process of this complex cognition, the child himself becomes a personality, with his own worldview, with his own understanding of good and evil, with his own reactions to the actions of others and his own behavior.

The new political concept of society has strengthened the social significance of education and upbringing, and has necessitated its qualitative renewal. The source of the latter is the moral orientation of education

One of the significant problems of our time is the lack of morality, the rupture of communication between generations, the education of young people outside the cultural and historical traditions, the value system and the mentality of their people.

The most susceptible to negative influences due to the lack of formation of worldview positions turned out to be children, adolescents, and youth. Obviously, in such a situation, the importance of moral and aesthetic education especially increases, including through the comprehension and implementation of moral ideals and values.

The philosophers Aristotle, A. Baumgarten, H.A. Berdyaev, Hegel, Helvetii, F.M. Dostoevsky, Socrates, Plato, I. Kant, A.F. Losev, V.S. Solovyov, Spinoza, F. Schiller, F. Schelling, Shefstsbury, F. Hutcheson, N. Chernyshevsky and others. , B. T. Likhachev, B. M. Nemensky, L. N. Stolovich, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, M. P. Yakobson, etc.); studies on the humanization of education (Sh.A. Amonashvili, M.N. Berulava, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, A.A. Bodalev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, B.S. Gershunsky, V.P. Zinchenko, V.V. Kraevsky, Z. A. Malkova, N. S. Rozov and others.

The formation of the foundations of a person's moral qualities begins in preschool childhood. The further moral development of children largely depends on how successfully this process is carried out. It is important from the very beginning to educate a child in the spirit of the high principles of the moral code, to form in him the necessary moral feelings, ideas, concepts and, on their basis, actions that correspond to the norms of behavior of a citizen of society.

In the preschool years, under the guidance of adults, the child acquires the initial experience of behavior, relationships with loved ones, peers, things, nature, and learns the moral norms of society.

The relevance of the study determined the choice of this topic: "The moral education of children of middle preschool age in a preschool educational institution."

The purpose of the work: to analyze and empirically test the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical support of the conditions for the moral education of children of middle preschool age.

Object of study: the process of moral education in a preschool educational institution.

Subject of study: psychological and pedagogical conditions for the moral education of children of middle preschool age in a preschool educational institution.

To achieve our goal, we have identified the following work tasks: and analyze the literature on the research topic;

2.reveal the theoretical foundations of moral education in modern science;

.to study experimentally the level of moral education of children of middle preschool age;

Research methods: literature analysis, generalization and systematization of data on the topic of work, testing, modeling, observation, questioning.

1. Theoretical foundations of the moral education of preschool children

1.1 Modern psychological and pedagogical theories about the moral education of preschool children

pedagogical educational preschool education

Preschool age is a period of active development of moral norms, the formation of moral habits, feelings, relationships. Independence, elements of self-awareness are actively developing, the system of relations between the child and adults that has developed at the previous age level is changing.

Primary ethical ideas arise on the basis of the assimilation of the rules of behavior and the corresponding moral assessments of adults. Along with the tasks of forming the foundations of moral behavior and feelings of children at the preschool age, the task of forming elementary moral ideas about the rules of behavior, about good and bad deeds, etc. is being solved.

The moral education of children of primary and secondary preschool age is carried out primarily in the process of activity, in the conditions of a collective way of life in kindergarten. In games, classes, in work under the guidance of a teacher, children gradually learn to follow the rules of behavior, practice moral deeds, and practically learn to establish positive relationships with peers. Valuable for the moral development of the child, the desire to be useful to the surrounding adults, to show attention and care for peers is formed. The main direction of work in moral education is to give these relations a positive, humanistic character, to instill in the child the habit of fulfilling the requirements of an adult, and gradually to make moral tendencies prevail in his relations to the world around him.

An educational system based on free education presupposes the freedom of the individual, the mediation of pedagogical influences, and equal relations between adults and children. The first attempts to implement this educational system in preschool institutions were unsuccessful (K.N. Wentzel, L.N. Tolstoy), however, the ideas of free education excite teachers in many countries, and today many of its modifications have been created.

The democratic system of education is an attempt to combine all the best that has been created by supporters of authoritarian pedagogy and free education. These include the humanistic direction, personality-oriented pedagogy, "education in the spirit of the world", the pedagogy of S. Frenet, etc.

Each educational system has its own methods of education. An analysis of the modern system of education in our country testifies to the confusion in the systems of education: we set democratic goals, but we still implement them in an authoritarian manner. Hence the many miscalculations in the upbringing of children.

Morality is an integral part of the personality, ensuring its voluntary compliance with existing norms, rules and principles of behavior. They find expression in relation to society, the collective, individual people, to work, to oneself and the results of labor.

In pedagogical literature, it is customary to understand moral education as one of the forms of reproduction, inheritance of morality in society.

Moral education is a purposeful and systematic impact on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of pupils in order to form their moral qualities that meet the requirements of public morality.

Moral education as a social phenomenon performs a social function. Its task has always been to pass on the moral experience accumulated by society to the younger generations. In this sense, education has always been and will be its permanent function.

In modern pedagogical theory, two approaches to building a system of moral education are most widely used: intellectualistic, which attaches paramount importance to the formation of knowledge in the younger generation, and behavioral, when the main attention is paid to the development of behavioral skills in students, the accumulation of experience of life in a team. However, each of these approaches separately cannot be taken as approaches in building a system of moral education.

In modern theories of moral education, the emphasis is on the predominant role of the individual. Thus, the position on moral relations and their influence on the moral formation of the child's personality was deepened by I.S. Maryenko. Moral relations, in his opinion, can be objective and subjective. “Objective moral relations,” the scientist noted, “are formed and exist in the conditions of social and family life, in the conditions of the activities of the team. The child, entering into these relationships, develops his views and beliefs on the reality surrounding him ... ".

Morality (from Lat. moralitas - tradition, folk custom, character), the same as morality. Live, i.e. In ordinary language, moral is most often understood as good, kind, right, and immoral - bad, evil, wrong. In a philosophical sense, morality is the values ​​and norms (rules) that regulate people's behavior. The sphere of morality includes both good and evil, both fair and unjust. Therefore, from a philosophical point of view, the moral is that which is related to morality. The moral is opposed by the extramoral - it has nothing to do with morality. This means that in order to understand what morality is, it is important at least to know what good and evil, justice and injustice, virtue and vice consist of.

Considering morality as a form of social consciousness, as a reflection in the minds of people of their social relations, B.T. Likhachev noted that “if moral norms are a reflection of real life relations, then it is easy to understand that the assimilation of moral rules by people, their transformation into convictions, occurs not as a result of verbal exercises, but as a result of participation in these real life relations themselves” .

The totality of moral relations that characterize the relationship of the child with the outside world and other people constitutes the social content that is objectively assigned to him in the process of education and determines the moral essence of his personality. Therefore, according to I.S. Maryenko, “when analyzing the real process of upbringing, attention should be paid to the study of moral relations, since the social essence of a child is determined by the relations that he enters into in the process of activity and communication. In the system of moral education, such an approach should be fundamental.

The formation of the moral qualities of a person and their moral manifestation, according to L.A. Vysotina, occurs in the process of direct or indirect relationships with people, as well as in the system of collective relations, and is determined by the objective conditions of the external environment and pedagogical influences. As a result of the influence of external (objective and subjective) factors on the basis of their internal processing, qualitative changes occur in the consciousness, feelings and behavior of schoolchildren, which, in turn, ensure the formation of certain moral qualities.

The modern personality-oriented concept is based on a personal approach, according to which moral education is seen as a purposeful process of forming moral qualities in children. The idea of ​​moral qualities as psychological formations of the inner sphere of the child allows us to determine the main general theoretical approach to the scientific development of the theoretical foundations of the concept of personality-oriented education and the solution of its practical problems. “This approach,” notes V.T. Chepikov, - shows that personal qualities act as the goal and result of education, and those individual psychological changes that occur in the internal psychological sphere of the child's personality are the main indicators of his upbringing, determine the nature of his social relations, the direction of behavior and activity ".

Questions of the theory of modern moral education based on a personality-oriented approach were considered in the works of S. Belova, M.V. Beniaminova, Z.I. Vasilyeva, V.I. Lesnyak, A.V. Zosimovsky, V.M. Korotkova.

In constructing the theory of moral education, it is necessary to take into account that the essence of an educated person is knowledge, skills and habits of behavior and relationships that a person enters into and develops independently in the process of activity, communication and accumulation of experience in social behavior.

The complexity of the process of moral education, its vital importance requires not only an understanding of its modern, current tasks, but also the disclosure of trends in its development.

The moral education of the younger generation makes it possible to ensure development that is somewhat ahead of the general level of the moral development of society. If new generations in their behavior reproduced the achievements of previous generations, the progress of society would stop. Moral education is an activity aimed at the future. Forming the consciousness, feelings and behavior of the child today, it is important to take into account the moral requirements that will be presented to them tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The tasks and main content of educational activities are usually determined ahead of time. The design of new moral qualities, to a certain extent, ahead of the achieved level of moral development of the people, the tendencies of the moral progress of our society, the moral development of the individual are taken into account.

Moral education achieves its goal, provided that it is combined with self-education, supplemented by it. Properly organized upbringing usually stimulates self-education, encourages children to work on themselves independently. It opens the way to personal development. Self-education, in turn, complements education, reinforces it. It activates the personality and influences the results of education. There is a close connection and interdependence between education and self-education.

The moral formation of the teenage generation occurs in constant communication and interaction with adults. The nature of the relationship of children with other people leaves a serious imprint on their consciousness and behavior.

The moral formation of a person begins in the family, in kindergarten it becomes even more systematic and purposeful. Teachers, in close alliance with parents, take care of the upbringing in the younger generation of truly social activity, morality, which is not limited to personal self-improvement, but requires mandatory participation in the improvement of all life around, in the dissemination and implementation of morality.

Major changes have taken place in our country in recent years. Russia is striving to become a democratic society open to the world, building a market economy and a state governed by the rule of law, in which a person who has a much greater measure of freedom and responsibility than before should be put in the first place. These processes unfold in the global context of the transition of civilization to a new state.

One of the leading trends in education today is the transition to a humanistic paradigm. Orientation to this trend objectively requires pedagogical science to develop a conceptual system of views that integrates the value bases of traditional and innovative processes.

Morality is the defining aspect of culture, its form, which gives the general basis for human activity, from the individual to society, from humanity to a small group. The destruction of morality leads to the disintegration and disintegration of society; a change in morality leads to a change in social relations. Morality is formed through various kinds of social institutions (family, educational institution, national traditions, additional educational institution, etc.), through the protection of cultural values. The absence or weakness of these mechanisms deprives society of the ability to protect morality from distant and hidden threats, which makes it vulnerable to unexpected dangers and moral decay.

At present, people are striving to create a legal society with a high culture of relations between people, which will be determined by social justice, conscience and discipline. Such a society necessitates the moral upbringing of everyone. Morality in society is supported by the power of public opinion, the expression of public assessment of the moral and immoral acts of the individual. Of great importance in the moral development of the individual is his own attitude to the actions and deeds performed, to the observance of the moral requirements established in society. It is necessary that the personality itself strives to be moral, so that it observes moral norms and rules by virtue of its own inner attraction and a deep understanding of their necessity.

The process of moral education is a set of consistent interactions between the educator and the team aimed at achieving the effectiveness and quality of pedagogical activity and the proper level of moral education of the child's personality.

Morals are those standards and norms that guide people in their behavior, in their daily actions. Morals are not eternal or immutable categories. They are reproduced by the force of habit of the masses, supported by the authority of public opinion, and not of legal provisions. At the same time, moral requirements, norms, rights receive a certain justification in the form of ideas about how one should behave in society.

Moral norms are an expression of certain relations prescribed by the morality of society to the behavior and activities of an individual in various fields.

The main function of moral education is to form in the younger generation moral consciousness, sustainable moral behavior and moral feelings that correspond to the modern way of life, to form an active life position of each person, the habit of being guided in their actions, actions, relationships by feelings of public duty.

Pedagogy, in the field of moral education, distinguishes such pedagogical concepts as moral consciousness and moral behavior. The system of historically established and continuously updated knowledge, refracted through a person's personal experience, is the content of human consciousness. One of the characteristics of consciousness is given in its very name as a body of knowledge about the surrounding world (consciousness). Without knowledge there is no consciousness. "The way in which consciousness exists, and in the way that something exists for it, is knowledge."

Social experience is reflected in the public moral consciousness: moral ideas, theories, concepts reflect the real relations of people that develop in the process of activity and communication. Beliefs are the highest level of formation of moral consciousness. They become regulators of actions, actions of a person. The moral stability of the individual depends on them. Persuasion is characterized by a strong assimilation of a system of moral concepts, the development of moral feelings, and the generalization of the experience of behavior and relationships.

What are the main guidelines for moral education in the modern education system, what integrative concepts and characteristics should be designated as ideal foundations to which one should strive. The most significant, as pedagogical practice and its analysis shows, should be considered:

· Humanism, which is based on respect and benevolence towards another person, kindness as a source of feelings, actions and attitudes towards the world around.

· Responsibility as a moral readiness to take responsibility for one's thoughts and actions, to correlate them with possible consequences.

· Duty as awareness and readiness to manifest one's obligations to the state, society, people and oneself.

· Conscience as a regulatory basis of all human life.

· Self-esteem as a moral self-affirmation based on an emotionally reflexive and positively colored attitude towards self-respect and respect for another person.

· Citizenship as a sense of the Motherland, an inextricable connection with the fatherland, involvement in its fate.

The emphasis on these characteristics allows children to comprehend, join in the process of education and master, in relation to their manifestations, such collective and figurative concepts as:

· The culture of feelings is the ability and desire for emotional self-manifestation in the horizon of measure and morality.

· The ability to moral effort, "human effort to be" (Mamardashvili) as a basis for self-esteem, self-determination and self-improvement.

· The feeling of empathy is the emotional "feeling" of another, the commensuration of one's behavior in accordance with the state of another person. On the basis of the ability to empathy, tolerance develops as tolerance for dissent, religion and the corresponding manifestation in connection with this.

The principles of moral education in modern pedagogy are called:

The interrelation and interaction of knowledge - feelings - behavior as the most important principle of correlating assimilation with the development and appropriation of meaningful meanings of human life. Of essential importance here is the emotional "living" of moral knowledge as an emotional factor in the personal development of children, stimulating their inclusion in the experience of behavior. Psychologists have proved that the humanization of education is impossible without the emotional component as the most important psychological and pedagogical parameter of the child’s personal development and the formation of semantic meanings in their subjective definition of the worldview, the parameters of the psychological and pedagogical ways of forming an emotionally colored moral climate of the team, building student relationships as the most important condition for a full-fledged development.

Dialogue, dialogic interaction between teachers and pupils as the main principle of the entire educational policy of the education system. It acts as an incentive basis for the self-determination of the child, a source of moral understanding of human life in society, self-understanding. The form of dialogue is an effective tool for developing independent, non-dogmatic thinking.

Actualization of the problematic nature of educational situations that involve the involvement of cognitive, ethical and aesthetic abilities of consciousness, reflective reactions of pupils, which makes them an indispensable tool for building a productive educational pedagogy.

All this contributes to the transfer of modern education from "an educated person" to "a person of culture", which also determines the psychological and pedagogical parameters of moral education.

Morality is not an ordinary goal that can be achieved in a certain period of time with the help of a certain set of specific actions; rather, it can be called the ultimate, highest goal, a kind of goal of goals that makes possible the existence of all other goals and is not so much ahead of, but at the basis of human activity itself. More precisely, morality can be called not a goal, but an ideal - a regulative principle and a scale for assessing human behavior.

.2 Psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of moral education of preschool children

Moral education is the most important aspect of the formation and development of personality. The moral formation of a person begins at birth. Preschool age is of particular importance.

At preschool age, the most favorable conditions for the moral development of children are created. During this period, the system of relationships between the child and adults and peers expands and restructures, activities become more complicated, and joint activities with peers arise. A preschooler comprehends the world of human relations, discovers the laws by which the interaction of people is built, that is, the norms of behavior. In an effort to become an adult, a preschooler subordinates his actions to social norms and rules of behavior.

The leading type of activity is a role-playing game, where the child models the ways of behavior, actions, relationships between adults. It highlights the relationship between people and the meaning of their work. Performing roles, the child learns to act in accordance with the moral standards accepted in human society.

The process of assimilation by the child of the rules and norms by which he is guided in managing his behavior was studied in the work of V.A. Gorbacheva. Based on long-term observations, analysis of the behavior of children and their statements, she came to the conclusion that seven-year-old children clearly differentiate both the behavior of their comrades and their own. They consciously single out the rules themselves and begin to be guided by them. Behavior becomes more free and stable. Children influence the actions and actions of each other, demanding the implementation of the rules, and can accept the rules given by the teacher in a generalized form.

The same point of view is shared by L.I. Ruvinsky. But, supplementing, he believes that the child has not yet established a connection between behavior and his shortcomings, is not aware of his qualities. And, despite the presence of all the obvious prerequisites for understanding the personality, children are not able to establish connections between their actions and qualities, they explain their behavior only by external circumstances. The inability of children to transfer the established connections between actions and personality traits to other situations in which the same shortcomings or virtues appear, according to L.I. Ruvinsky, indicate that children only formally repeat the opinions of adults, do not establish a connection between actions and personality traits, and are not aware of the latter.

In other works, psychologists S.L. Rubinstein, L.I. Ruvinsky found that preschool age is characterized by susceptibility to external influences, faith in the truth of everything that is taught, what they say, in the unconditionality and necessity of moral standards.

Moral education is a pedagogical activity to form a system of moral knowledge, feelings and assessments, correct behavior among pupils.

The moral development of a preschooler includes three interrelated areas. In the sphere of moral knowledge, judgments, ideas, that is, the cognitive sphere, children master various aspects of public moral consciousness, and above all, an understanding of moral requirements, criteria for moral assessment. The child learns to voluntarily follow the norms of morality, even if its violation is associated with personal gain and the child is confident in impunity. Thus, having mastered moral behavior, the child is able to make the right moral choice not in words, but in action. In the sphere of morally valuable experiences, the child develops morally valuable and morally approved relationships with other people. Thus, the child develops humanistic, altruistic feelings and attitudes, for example, attention to the needs and interests of others, the ability to take them into account, sympathy for other people's troubles and joys, as well as the experience of guilt when norms are violated.

All moral norms are characterized by the fact that they reinforce the social mode of behavior, which preschoolers “express as follows: “You must not deceive adults”, “You must not offend little ones”, etc. That is, children state what can be done and what cannot be done. We can talk about the formation of an understanding of a moral norm if the child explains why the norm must be observed.

The moral upbringing of children is determined by their conscientious attitude to learning, to work for the common good; concern for the overall success of the group; strong friendship and mutual assistance; exemplary behavior in an educational institution and in the family.

In modern conditions, when forming worldview and moral convictions, attitudes of students, it is reasonable, obviously, to accept the principle of tolerance, tolerance for the views of children, the principle of self-determination of the individual, i.e. provide free choice and responsibility for their decisions and actions.

For the development of views in children, the position of the teacher is very important. He himself must have convictions, live in accordance with them, be able to talk about them with children, without imposing them and at the same time not abandoning them for opportunistic reasons. We can assume that in the domestic education system, the teacher traditionally acts as the bearer of certain norms, ideals and worldview positions.

Three levels of moral development are distinguished in their studies by T.A. Markova and L.A. Penkov:

  1. high - knowledge, emotions, will are combined;
  2. medium - unstable behavior of children: they cannot constantly show goodwill and responsive attitude towards their comrades and relatives, they are insensitive, rude, their behavior depends on the specific situation;
  3. low - children are indifferent to relatives, peers.

Among the actions of children, a special group is made up of joint actions by two or three. Most often, the "leaders" of such groups are older guys. In this case, one should distinguish between intentional and unintentional actions; random, but uniting the whole team. A typical example is "mass" pranks.

The general line of behavior and each individual act of the child have their own motivating forces. Without knowing them, it is impossible to correctly judge the true relationship of the child to the environment. Although we have general positive results in the field of moral education of preschool children, the negative phenomena in the level of their moral education are still significant. Their manifestation can and should be prevented and overcome. And for a more successful management of the process of moral education and development of children, actively influence all the conditions of their life and upbringing, activate the entire educational process.

In the process of a child's moral development, we distinguish the following groups of contradictions:

First, internal contradictions between the established and emerging needs and capabilities of the child. This is expressed, for example. in constant clashes "I want" and "I can"; "I want to but I can not"; "I can, but I do not want".

Secondly, the contradictions between needs, opportunities. the child and the system of education as a purposeful organization of his entire life and activity (“must” and “don’t want”). These contradictions are daily manifested in the relationship between the child and his educators, the children's team and the child.

Thirdly, between the existing capabilities of the child, the aspirations of educators and the influence of the environment. And among them, influences should be singled out that contribute to the achievement of the tasks of education and oppose this by virtue of both unintended and intentional influences.

Thus, combining everything listed in the studies, we can say that at preschool age, children have significant reserves of development. Their identification and effective use is one of the main tasks of pedagogy.

Proper upbringing prevents the child from accumulating negative experience, prevents the development of undesirable skills and behavioral habits, which can adversely affect the formation of his moral qualities.

In the upbringing of a child from the first years of life, a great place is occupied by the formation of moral feelings. In the process of communication with adults, a feeling of affection and love for them is brought up, a desire to act in accordance with their instructions, to please them, to refrain from actions that upset loved ones. The child experiences excitement, seeing grief or dissatisfaction with his prank, oversight, rejoices at a smile in response to his positive deed, experiences pleasure from the approval of people close to him. Emotional responsiveness becomes the basis for the formation of moral feelings in him: satisfaction from good deeds, approval of adults, shame, grief, unpleasant experiences from his bad deed, from the remark, discontent of an adult. Responsiveness, sympathy, kindness, joy for others are also formed in preschool childhood. Feelings encourage children to take action: help, show care, attention, calm, please.

It should be emphasized the sincerity of children's feelings and actions caused by them. So, the kid looked at the picture, which depicts a child taking the ball from a peer and waving his fist at him. Seeing then a crying peer, he pats him on the head (as his mother does, consoling him himself) and gives the toy with which he himself had just played.

In middle preschool age, moral feelings become more conscious. Children develop a sense of love for their native land, feelings of respect and appreciation for working people.

At preschool age, on the basis of emerging moral feelings, self-esteem, the beginnings of a sense of duty, justice, respect for people, as well as responsibility for the assigned work are brought up. A feature of preschool children is a pronounced ability to imitate. At the same time, insufficiently developed arbitrariness of behavior, the inability to control one's actions, to be aware of their moral content can lead to undesirable actions. These circumstances make the task of forming moral habits of behavior, which develop into moral habits in the process of accumulating experience, a paramount task. The teacher forms in children a variety of behavioral skills that reflect respect for adults, a positive attitude towards peers, a careful attitude to things that, turning into habits, become the norm of behavior: the habit of saying hello and goodbye, thanking for the service, putting any thing in its place, culturally yourself in public places, politely make a request.

An urgent task at present is to educate preschoolers of moral and volitional qualities: independence, organization, perseverance, responsibility, discipline.

The formation of the moral-volitional sphere is an important condition for the comprehensive education of the child's personality. How a preschooler will be brought up morally and volitionally depends not only on his successful schooling, but also on the formation of a life position.

Underestimating the importance of educating volitional qualities from an early age leads to the establishment of incorrect relationships between adults and children, to excessive guardianship of the latter, which can cause laziness, lack of independence in children, self-doubt, low self-esteem, dependency and selfishness.

Observations show that many parents tend to underestimate the volitional capabilities of children, distrust their strength, and strive to patronize. Often, children who show independence in kindergarten, in the presence of their parents, become helpless, insecure, and get lost when difficulties arise in solving feasible tasks. Adult family members are concerned about the problems of preparing a child for school, but they are primarily interested in issues of social preparation - learning to read, count, write, and parents do not attach much importance to the education of such qualities as independence, perseverance, responsibility, organization.

It is known that the family plays a leading role in moral education. A normal prosperous family is characterized by an atmosphere of family emotional ties, saturation, immediacy and openness of their manifestations of love, care and experience. The influence of this atmosphere on the child at preschool age is greatest. The kid especially needs the love and affection of his parents, he has a huge need to communicate with adults, which is most fully satisfied by the family. The love of parents for the child, their concern for him evokes a response in the baby, makes him especially susceptible to the moral attitudes and requirements of the mother and father.

If a child is surrounded by love, feels that he is loved no matter what he is, this gives him a sense of security, a sense of emotional well-being, he realizes the value of his own "I". All this makes him open to good, positive influence.

Respect for the personality of the child, recognition of the value of his inner world, his needs and interests contribute to the development of his self-esteem. A person deprived of this feeling will allow both himself and the other to be humiliated, to allow injustice. Self-esteem helps the child to correctly evaluate his actions and the actions of others from the point of view of their humanity: he himself, acutely feeling humiliation or injustice, he can imagine how painful it will be for another.

Self-respect, self-respect or disrespect, i.e. self-esteem, are formed in the child in the process of communicating with adults who evaluate him positively or negatively. Of particular importance for the baby is the assessment by those adults who treat him with trust and respect. Evaluation should fix the child's attention not only on how he acted - good or bad, but also on what consequences this has for other people. So gradually the child learns to focus in his behavior on how his act will affect others.

Great attention to the development of the child's moral feelings is given by reading fairy tales, stories, which describe the struggle of positive and negative characters. The child empathizes with the successes and failures of the hero and his friends, fervently wishes them victory. This is how his idea of ​​good and evil, his attitude to moral and immoral is formed.

Children who, by the beginning of schooling, have not developed the ability to actively act to achieve the goal, independently fulfill daily requirements and solve new problems, and persevere in overcoming difficulties, often cannot organize themselves to fulfill the tasks of the teacher. This negatively affects the academic work and behavior of the first-grader, becomes the reason for his poor progress, indiscipline.

The desire of preschoolers for independence is known. It acquires a moral meaning in the activity in which the baby shows his attitude towards others. This is not only the execution of individual assignments of adults, but also his self-service activities. The kid does not yet realize that his first labor activity is necessary for himself and those around him, since mastering the necessary skills allows him to do without outside help, without making it difficult for other people to take care of themselves. The child does not yet understand that by doing so he takes care of them. Such a motive for the work of a child of middle preschool age is formed only under the influence of adults. Mastering self-service skills allows the child to provide real help to other children, requires him to make certain efforts to achieve the desired result and contributes to the development of perseverance.

Thus, mastering self-service skills by preschoolers is an effective means of educating such moral and volitional qualities as independence and perseverance.

.3 Formation of moral concepts of children of middle preschool age in a preschool educational institution.

Preschool age is a period of active development of moral norms, the formation of moral habits, feelings, relationships.

The average preschool age covers the period from 4 to 5 years of a child's life. During this time, the child develops intensively not only mentally, but also physically.

In the middle preschool age, the need for "business" communication, cooperation with an adult develops. In the fifth year of life, the transition of the child from activities carried out jointly with adults to activities carried out independently is completed.

There is a growing desire to imitate an adult in their behavior. Gradually, the behavior of an adult becomes a model for a child of 4-5 years old, which he more and more consciously follows. Primary ethical ideas arise on the basis of the assimilation of the rules of behavior and the corresponding moral assessments of adults. By the age of 5, the child's ability to arbitrarily subordinate his actions to certain moral requirements increases. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that at this age only elements of arbitrariness of behavior are formed. Children of middle preschool age are still quite impulsive, their behavior is often determined by external circumstances, mood and requires constant guidance and reasonable control by an adult.

The organization of a joint lifestyle of children in the middle group of the kindergarten is aimed at forming friendly and benevolent relations, which involve friendly, polite treatment of children to each other, the ability to show responsiveness and sympathy for peers, provide the necessary assistance, and enter into cooperation for joint activities. Such relations create the basis for further education of humane, collectivistic relations between children. The upbringing of relationships is associated with the formation in each child of self-awareness as an equal member of the children's team; with the development of children's social feelings - sympathy for each other, sensitivity, responsiveness; with the practical development of ways to cooperate with peers in joint activities; mastering the rules of the culture of behavior in the team.

The basis of children's lives is a variety of meaningful collective activities in which children practically learn to negotiate and give in to each other, coordinate their actions, provide mutual assistance, and achieve a common result. This leads to the further development of friendly, benevolent relations as an important part of the formation of the foundations of collective relationships. There is a complication of the content of children's activities. Play, work acquire a collective character, children actively learn new forms of cooperation.

The ability to arbitrarily control one's behavior increases. This creates the prerequisites for the cultivation of restraint and organization.

Children show an active desire for collective games. In plot-role-playing - they model the activities of adults, the relationships they enter into, moral norms. Techniques for managing children's games are aimed at enriching their moral content and ensuring the establishment of fair, friendly relations between the players. In the middle group, the educator uses methods of indirect influence on the game more widely or is included in the game team in an “ordinary” role, helping children to correctly conduct a “collusion” on the game, enrich the plot, and establish the right relationships.

The experience of friendly cooperation with peers is also acquired by children of 5 years in the process of joint duty, the performance of common labor assignments, in collective labor activity. The educator consistently teaches children to set a common goal of activity or to follow the set goal, helps to carry out elementary planning, shows specific ways of cooperation in joint work. After completing the general task, the teacher evaluates the quality of the result and the ability of children to establish friendly relationships, gradually forming in children the idea that only through friendly cooperation can a good result be achieved in common activities.

Throughout middle age, the need for communication with peers is steadily increasing, forms of communication become more diverse. There are quite stable relationships between children based on personal sympathy. By the age of 5, collective games begin to occupy a predominant place in the game communication of children. In the process of joint activities, children independently unite in small groups, get used to coordinating their actions with each other in order to achieve a common goal, to help their peers.

The emotional sphere is actively developing. The feelings of the child begin to acquire a social orientation. By the age of 5, feelings become more stable and manageable, the role of the word in their regulation increases. Children show interest in classes, actively learn the rules of behavior, which gradually leads to increasing organization and discipline. The tasks of the moral education of preschoolers provide for the comprehensive development of moral feelings, behavior, and moral ideas.

Emotional responsiveness of children of middle preschool age is one of the important features that determine their moral development. The task of forming the moral feelings of children is given paramount attention during this period. There is a further development of a feeling of love for loved ones, attachment to the educator. On this basis, the recognition of the authority of an adult, the habit of fulfilling his requirements is formed, which ensures the formation of respect for elders and obedience as behavioral traits by the age of 5. The development of responsiveness, caring attitude towards peers continues. This becomes the basis for the gradual formation of collectivism, a humane attitude towards others. The task is to form a feeling of love for nature, for the native city, for kindergarten - an important condition for educating love for the Motherland. The implementation of this task can be carried out through an event with an environmental, local history orientation, organization and conduct of excursions, organization of the labor activity of children. The main methods will be example methods, demonstrations.

It is necessary to give the emerging feelings of children 4-5 years old an active, effective character, to ensure their embodiment in real actions: caring for plants, maintaining order in the group, etc. Therefore, the task of developing the moral feelings of children is inextricably linked with the task of forming the foundations of moral behavior, moral habits. From the age of 4, the task of educating friendly, benevolent relationships between children and peers is actively solved. By the age of 5, children have a fairly stable friendly disposition towards each other, the ability to reckon with the interests and ideas of their comrades, to help them, the desire to play and work together.

The main tasks of the moral education of preschoolers include the formation of moral feelings in children, positive skills and habits of behavior, moral ideas and motives for behavior.

Much attention is paid to the task of educating preschoolers of moral behavior towards adults: obey their elders (follow the requirements and rules of behavior), be polite, be able to express their affection to adults (bring a chair and offer to sit down, affectionately address loved ones, please them with a gift for the holiday: drawing, crafts, etc.). This task is implemented in the form of requirements, organizing joint events, cooperation, doing crafts for the elders, etc.

The task of mastering the basics of a culture of behavior is put forward, the habits of a polite attitude towards others are formed. In the middle preschool age, children develop the skills of everyday culture, courtesy, and joint play. In middle preschool age, a habit is developed to constantly follow these rules (greeting, saying goodbye, thanking for services, etc.). Some rules of the culture of behavior in public places are also mastered (do not interfere with others, behave calmly, speak quietly, be friendly), the rules of a collective game and work, the habit of taking care of things, maintaining cleanliness and order is fixed. This direction can be implemented in the organization of role-playing games, in the process of organizing labor activity.

The experience of behavior among preschoolers 4-5 years old is only developing, therefore, the task of timely formation of independence as a factor in the development of children's relationships and moral behavior is of particular importance. Under the influence of the educator, there is a transition from elementary independence in the implementation of individual techniques and simple processes in the middle preschool age to more complex and diverse independent activities in the middle preschool age and to the formation of independence as a dominant feature of behavior and activity in the future.

Along with the tasks of forming the foundations of moral behavior and feelings of children at the stage of middle preschool age, the task of forming elementary moral ideas about the rules of behavior, about good and bad deeds, etc. is being solved. The teacher uses the concrete manifestations of children in play and work activities to reveal the moral meaning of their behavior: whether they played together, whether they shared toys, whether they gave in to each other, whether they helped their comrades. Reading stories and poems, looking at pictures, watching dramatizations, talking with children on moral topics - all this contributes to the formation of the first moral ideas.

In the middle group, children are involved in collective labor activity of a humanistic content - an activity guided by humanistic motives for caring for others.

The educational role of this activity is fully revealed if the educator, firstly, ensures that each child personally accepts the humanistic goal of the activity. This is achieved with the help of pedagogical techniques aimed at creating appropriate emotional experiences and feelings in children. For example, involving children in preparing an album of drawings to send to a sick friend, the teacher emotionally tells the children how badly the sick child is alone, how he wants to meet his comrades, how happy he will be to send children, etc. Having evoked an emotional response in the children, the teacher discusses with each child what kind of drawing he should draw so that it turns out well and would please a sick peer. This ensures the personal acceptance of the humanistic goal of the activity and the personal participation of everyone in its implementation.

Secondly, the educator ensures the active functioning of the humanistic motive throughout the entire activity. The humanistic motive of activity adopted by the child remains relevant if the child has the means to achieve the result. Otherwise, the difficulties experienced by the child, the lack of the necessary skills will lead to the attenuation of a valuable motive, even if the child accepts it emotionally at the beginning of the activity, for example, if the children give a friend a craft that is too difficult for them as a gift or if the teacher emotionally encourages children to help each other, but at the same time does not show them specific ways of its manifestation.

Thirdly, by involving children in activities, the educator ensures the children's emotional experience of satisfaction from the results of the activity. Children rejoice, presenting their gifts to the birthday man on his birthday, listen with excitement to the teacher's story about how a sick friend was delighted with an album with drawings, etc.

In the middle preschool age, the formation of the first ideas about the work of people, about public holidays, about people's lives takes place. The moral education of children of middle preschool age is carried out primarily in the process of activity, in the conditions of a collective way of life in kindergarten. In games, classes, in work under the guidance of a teacher, children gradually learn to follow the rules of behavior, practice moral deeds, practically learn to establish positive relationships with their peers. Gradually, a child of 4-5 years old learns to subordinate his desires to the requirements of an adult, to the ideas of the children's team. The beginnings of a sense of responsibility for the task assigned, the result of which is important for others, appear. Valuable for the moral development of the child, the desire is formed to be useful to the surrounding adults, to show attention and care for peers.

Thus, the tasks and content of the moral education of children aged 4-5 are aimed at the gradual formation of elements of moral behavior, feelings and consciousness of the child and affect different areas of his interaction with the environment: the child's relations with adults, peers, with the objective world. The main direction of work in moral education is to give these relations a positive, humanistic character, to instill in the child the habit of fulfilling the requirements of an adult, and gradually to make moral tendencies prevail in his relations to the world around him.

2. Study of the psychological and pedagogical support of the conditions for the moral education of children of middle preschool age

To study children's awareness of moral norms, the technique of G.A. Uruntaeva and Yu.A. Afonkina. The situations were modified according to the research topic and the age of the children. In our study, 3 unfinished situations were used that describe the fulfillment and violation of moral standards. Each of the situations involves some manifestation of the studied moral qualities:

· The child shares something unimportant to him personally with a stranger or friend;

· The child shares what he himself needs with close relatives;

Diagnostics was carried out according to the methodology “What is good and what is bad”, “Finish the sentence”.

Data processing, analysis, as far as children are aware of moral norms, took place according to 3 parameters:

  1. Situation - whether in all the proposed situations the child acts the same,
  2. Availability
  3. motivation:
  4. High level - in all three situations, the child does the right thing and motivates his action (motives are social in nature);
  5. Average level - motivation does not correspond to this situation, or is not expressed in all cases;
  6. Low level - there is no motivation and there is no manifestation of this quality.
  7. The circle of distribution - how this quality manifests itself in relation to friends and relatives.

The data obtained are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Analysis of the level of formation of moral concepts

No. F.I. childMoral conceptsHonestyKindnessJusticeRudenessBenevolence1Lena+++++2Sasha++3Ilya+++4Artem+++5Danila+++++6Vasilisa+++7Anya+++8Vova+++9Yan+++10Nazar+++Total:80%70 %60%60%70%

The data is visualized in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1. Analysis of the level of formation of moral concepts (in the order of designation honesty, kindness, justice, rudeness, goodwill)

Thus, it can be noted that the concept of honesty is formed most of all among children of middle preschool age - 80%. Slightly less children understand the essence of kindness, benevolence and friendship, only 60% of all respondents identified the essence of the concepts of "fairness" and "rudeness".

If we analyze the answers of each child, then Lena and Danil have formed moral concepts to the greatest extent (100% correct answers each), Yan gave slightly fewer correct answers (80%), the predominant part of preschoolers (60% of the total number) correctly noted only 3 concepts (60% of formation), a low level of formation of Narrative concepts in Sasha (40%).

Analyzing the data obtained, we can say about the level of upbringing of children in the middle group.

  • Higher results in the manifestation of qualities in two situations:

1 situation - 64%,

situation - 28%

situation - 80%

The data is visually presented in Diagram 2.

Diagram 2. Manifestation of moral qualities in a specific situation

  • Differences in the number of children with medium and low levels of motivation:
  • high level - 24%
  • average level - 40%
  • low level - 36%

The data is visually presented in Diagram 3.

Diagram 3. Assessment of the level of motivation for the manifestation of moral qualities in a specific situation

Diagnosing the level of a child's moral development, ascertaining the level of upbringing for each age group, makes it possible to more or less correctly judge the real results of upbringing. The complexity of solving this problem lies not only in the versatility of influences that determine the development of the child (external factors - environment, kindergarten, family and internal factors - real life experience, attitudes, needs, motives formed in children), but also in the complexity of the development process itself, its versatility and inconsistency.

The study of the understanding of concepts by children of preschool age, the lexical meanings of words in children's perception was carried out by determining the lexical meanings of words. The generally accepted moral categories became the most accessible to children: kindness, honesty, justice, benevolence; The categories of sympathy, tolerance, conscientiousness caused difficulty.

To improve morality, we have selected and proposed to educators recommendations for creating educational situations for preschool children that contribute to the formation of moral behavior.

Methods that ensure the creation of practical experience in social behavior in children include:

Education of moral habits;

An example of an adult or other children;

Purposeful observations of the work of adults or the play of children;

Organization of joint activities;

Joint game.

The moral education of children is proposed to be carried out in a variety of conditions: in household and everyday activities, in the game and in specially organized classes.

The second group of methods aimed at the formation of moral ideas, judgments and assessments includes: a teacher's conversation on ethical topics; reading fiction; looking at and discussing pictures; method of persuasion, as well as the method of rewards and punishments.

Another method of education is the formation of moral assessments and judgments: ideas about good and evil, about the norms of moral behavior, about right and wrong actions. This method presupposes the assumption that moral ideas develop into the motives of the child's own actions and become the guarantee and source of his altruistic behavior. This method is the most understandable and attractive from a pedagogical point of view, since it involves traditional and accessible pedagogical means: “explanation”, reading literature, giving positive examples. Apparently, because of this, this strategy remains the most common. It is generally accepted and obvious that the necessary condition for the formation of moral behavior is the awareness of moral norms. The educational impact of teachers and parents on kids should be uniform, constant and consistent. A visual demonstration and explanation of actions, ways of behavior in a form that is interesting for the child is very important. Everyday communication with children is built on the basis of goodwill. It evokes in children emotional responsiveness, reciprocal goodwill, and many other feelings based on it - cheerfulness, affection for relatives, politeness.

When educating children of middle preschool age, the attention of teachers and parents should be paid to expanding the "scope" of behavior culture skills. Children of this age are already able to show great activity, independence, not only in games and self-service, but also in a variety of work, in the classroom. They use the acquired and learned skills in situations that are new to them, for example, they wash their hands not only before eating and after using the toilet, but also after caring for animals, plants, cleaning the group room, playing with sand, and extend care, polite and friendly attitude to everyone around, even strangers. The children take care of nature, not only carefully use toys, things, but also repair them, put them in order.

At the age of 4-5 years, the skills of moral behavior of children gradually turn into a habit, become a natural need, because children have mastered elementary ideas about morality, a humane attitude towards people. Therefore, along with showing examples of children's behavior in various situations, they should be specially trained in moral deeds. The teacher, for example, not only takes care of the clear organization of the way of life of his group, maintaining the usual living conditions for children, games, relationships, but also teaches them to act properly in a new or partially changed environment.

It is equally important to use conversations with children, including ethical ones, watching dramatizations, where characters loved by children participate with a mandatory assessment of their actions, reading works of children's fiction, examining and discussing reproductions of paintings, drawings, art photographs.

These techniques help children to understand the rules of moral behavior from the standpoint of generally accepted norms. Influencing the emotional and volitional effective-practical components of the child's personality, they support his desire to do the right thing, contribute to the formation of habits of moral behavior.


Education of moral qualities is the most important link in the formation of moral behavior. The emerging moral habits of the child are reflected primarily in his culture of behavior, appearance, speech, his attitude to things, the nature of communication with people around him.

When they talk about the culture of behavior of preschool children, they mean the whole sum of skills and abilities. They allow you to maintain a general order in the daily routine, the way of life of the family, at home, in establishing the correct relationship of the child with adults and peers. These skills are associated with personal neatness, accuracy, cleanliness of clothes, shoes; with the culture of food (behavior at the table, the ability to use cutlery); with a culture of relationships with adults and peers (at home, in the yard, on the street, in public places, in kindergarten, at home); with a culture of organization (attitude towards the regime), with a culture of play, training sessions, performance of work duties; with the culture of speech (form of address, culture of vocabulary, tone, rate of speech).

The culture of behavior is brought up by the whole way of life of the family.

The time when it is more expedient to instill in a child this or that habit of cultural behavior best of all suggests the beginning of one or another of his activities. So, at 3-4 years old, when children begin to take an active part in self-service, adults teach them to be clean, neat, tidy. At the same age - with the development and understanding of the speech of others - the skills to make a request, ask for a service, express one's speech intelligibly for others, etc. are developed.

In cultivating the skills of cultural behavior, it is necessary to influence the mind and feelings of the child and at the same time make sure that he has the opportunity to exercise (and exercise in various ways) in these skills.

The problem of moral development, which is currently attracting more and more attention of psychologists, is important and relevant for the complex of sciences related to moral education: psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, and ethics. In Russian psychology, in accordance with its methodological principles, the moral development of a child is seen as a process of assimilation of patterns of behavior set by society, as a result of which these patterns become regulators (motives) of the child's behavior.

The theoretical and empirical research carried out by us made it possible to achieve the goal that we defined at the beginning of the work.

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Considering moral education as one of the most important components of the development of a child's personality, one cannot but think about the formation of a child's character. As has been noted more than once, the goal of moral education is the formation of moral behavior, and not from case to case, but in everyday life. The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky rightly believed: “Kindness should become the same ordinary state of a person as thinking. It should become a habit."

Important in the process of moral education is the focus on the goals, objectives of the educational process, the choice of effective means.

Methods that ensure the creation of practical experience of moral behavior in children include:

  • 1. Education of moral habits;
  • 2. An example of an adult or other children;
  • 3. Purposeful observations of the work of adults or the play of children;
  • 4. Organization of joint activities;
  • 5. Joint game.

The moral education of children is proposed to be carried out in a variety of conditions: in household and everyday activities, in the game and in specially organized classes. The second group of methods aimed at the formation of moral qualities includes:

  • 1. teacher's conversation on ethical topics;
  • 2. reading fiction;
  • 3. examination and discussion of paintings;
  • 4. method of persuasion;
  • 5. method of rewards and punishments.

The main emphasis in the "Program of training and education in kindergarten" ed. M.A. Vasilyeva is done on the formation of a collectivist orientation of children. The task is not to cultivate empathy and sympathy for another, but to form a sense of one's connection with the group and awareness of oneself as part of the team. With this approach, the human personality (both one's own and another's) is not singled out, but, on the contrary, is erased and dissolved in the team.

Although the tasks proclaim the development of humane feelings and positive relationships, the proposed methods are aimed either at the formation of correct behavior (reproduction of positive patterns, the formation of positive habits), or at the formation of ideas, assessments and judgments.

The present time is characterized by extreme variability and variety of preschool education programs - "Development", "Rainbow", "Golden Key", "Childhood", "Friendly Guys", "Origins".

At present, the “Development” program developed by L.A. Wenger and his students. It was based on two theoretical provisions: the theory of A.V. Zaporozhets about the inherent value of the preschool period of development and the concept of L.A. Wenger on the Development of Ability. Accordingly, the goals of this program are the development of mental and artistic abilities, as well as specifically preschool activities.

The authors of the program do not set themselves the special task of moral education of children, believing that it is achieved by "the general organization of the life of the group, activities that are emotionally attractive to children, attention on the part of adults to each child and to the relationship of children among themselves."

Despite the authors' lack of interest in the development of emotional and personal relationships between children, the program contains the prerequisites for the development of these relationships through play, visual activity and familiarization with fiction. However, the question of whether moral development is actually achieved by these means remains open. Therefore, it is quite difficult to judge the degree of effectiveness of this program for moral development. It can be assumed that it is rather determined by the personality of the educator than by the content of the program itself.

The Rainbow program is currently quite popular. This is a comprehensive program for the upbringing, education and development of children. It is aimed at solving three main tasks: health promotion, the full mental development of each child and ensuring a joyful and meaningful life in kindergarten. Among the goals of education stand out, in particular, the development of friendliness and tolerance towards peers. This is achieved through the formation of moral norms: rituals of greeting and farewell, rituals of celebrating birthdays, helping children in conflict situations, neutralizing aggressive manifestations, as well as demonstrating to children the norms of justice and their equal rights.

Another important goal of education is the formation of emotional responsiveness to the experiences and problems of other children. It is proposed to solve this problem by encouraging children to respond to the pain and experiences of adults and peers, demonstrating examples of a sensitive attitude towards living beings, as well as focusing on the similarity of the feelings of all people (pain, fear).

At the same time, it should be noted that the program suffers from an insufficient development of practical means for achieving the noble goals and objectives that it sets. Behind a detailed and substantiated setting of goals and general ways to solve them, there is no description of specific pedagogical methods and techniques for achieving them.

The Golden Key program, developed by E.E. and G.G. Kravtsov. The scientific basis of this program is put forward by L.S. Vygotsky "the principle of the unity of affect and intellect".

The goal of the program is “to achieve an organic unity of conditions that provide children with the most complete, age-appropriate development and at the same time emotional well-being and a happy, joyful life for every child” .

The essence of this provision lies in the fact that the emotional-volitional and cognitive development of the child cannot be carried out in isolation, these two lines of child development are interdependent and must constitute an organic unity. The authors rightly emphasize that in preschool age, intellectual development is subordinated to the development of the emotional sphere; it is the emotional attractiveness and saturation of the material that ensures its assimilation and cognitive development of children. Based on this, the task of education is to maximize the richness of the life of children with a variety of exciting events.

The main emphasis is on the development of knowledge, skills and abilities. In the Criteria for Evaluating Child Development by the End of the Year, the results of the development of the emotional sphere are mentioned only in passing, and even then only in the first and last years. The main method of emotional development is the creation of special living conditions for children in one group, as well as the organization of vivid impressions and events.

Recently, the comprehensive educational program "Childhood", developed by the staff of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after I.I. A.I. Herzen.

Unlike other programs, the moral development of the child and the formation of humane relations with other children is one of the central tasks in it. The motto of the program is "Feel-Know-Create". Accordingly, the problem of the emotional development of a preschooler, ensuring the emotionally comfortable state of the child in communication with adults and peers and the harmony of the child with the objective world is solved in the "Feelings" section, whose tasks include the development of "emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, readiness to manifest a humane attitude in children's activities, behavior and actions.

The main means of solving the tasks set, the authors consider "the assimilation of the idea of ​​the unity of all living things by children." The educator, through conversations and discussions of problem situations, introduces children to emotional experiences, states, problems and actions of people that are understandable at this age. Thanks to this, according to the authors, the children themselves begin to understand what actions and deeds lead to the same experiences, the concept of humane and inhumane behavior is formed in children.

Another important means of developing the emotional responsiveness of preschoolers in the Childhood program, as in many others, is familiarization with art: music, literature, folk culture.

Many kindergartens widely use the program "Friendly Guys", developed by a team of authors led by R.S. Bure. This program, unlike many others, is aimed directly at educating a humanistic orientation, namely, at the formation of humane feelings and friendly relations among preschoolers. The formation of humane feelings, according to the authors, is achieved by realizing the value of a benevolent attitude towards others and through learning to emotionally anticipate the consequences of one's actions.

The humanistic orientation of behavior is understood as a generalized characteristic of the child's behavior, which reflects his ability to navigate the social situation that has arisen, to realize the essence of what is happening, to show emotional sensitivity to the state of his peers. The authors offer the following methods and means of educating humane feelings and friendly relations among preschoolers:

  • Examination of pictures that reflect life situations and experiences familiar to the child;
  • · Reading works of fiction with descriptions of typical moral situations and subsequent discussion of the characters' actions;
  • games-exercises in which children are invited to solve familiar moral problems;
  • · a positive assessment of the real manifestations of the humanistic orientation of behavior, an explanation of the meaning of one's own act and the act of a peer.

Responsiveness is characterized in the program as the ability to notice situations in which his peer is experiencing disadvantage, and to find effective ways to help the peer restore emotional comfort. As the main methods of educating responsiveness, the authors propose to teach children to pay attention to the emotional distress of their peers and to overcome their own and others' emotional distress.

This is how the experience of practical actions aimed at helping another is accumulated; children are encouraged to show responsiveness and goodwill. The educator explains the reasons that cause the emotional distress of a peer, and is directly involved in the interaction of children, demonstrating ways to show responsiveness.

Thus, despite the novelty of the stated goals of the program, their implementation implies old means and methods.

At present, the basic program "Origins" has been actively introduced into kindergartens. The goal of the program is the versatile and full development of the child, the formation of his universal, including creative, abilities to a level corresponding to the age capabilities and requirements of modern society.

One of the four lines of development of a preschooler (along with physical, cognitive and aesthetic) is social and personal development. The basis of such development is the child’s communication with adults and peers, which is “the main condition for the child to assimilate moral universal values, national traditions, citizenship, love for his family and homeland, as the basis for the formation of his self-awareness.”

For each age, the program highlights the relevant tasks of social development, as well as options for implementing these tasks in practice.

The tasks of social development are, on the one hand, in the development of moral consciousness (to distinguish between the emotional states of adults and children, to form ideas about what is good and what is bad, what is possible, what is impossible), and on the other hand, in the formation of communication skills ( greet and say goodbye, politely make requests, etc.).

It should be noted that the authors of the "Origins" program repeatedly emphasize the importance of fostering a child's friendly relations with adults and peers. The main method of forming friendly relations is the encouragement of an adult, his positive assessment. The mechanism of social learning is paramount here.

Today, all preschool teachers are puzzled by the new situation in the system of preschool education - the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution in accordance with federal state requirements (FGT).

They face a very specific task: to model the educational process in accordance with the new requirements, while maintaining the positive aspects of the theory and practice of preschool education, and to make changes to the educational programs of preschool educational institutions.

The planned final results of mastering the basic general educational program of preschool education by children describe the integrative qualities of the child in the field of moral education, which he can acquire as a result of mastering the general educational program - this is an emotionally responsive child who responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends, empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories .

Thus, it can be noted that in most of the considered programs there is a significant discrepancy between the goals of moral education and the methods of their practical implementation.

When comparing tasks and methods for solving them, it turns out that, despite the diversity and novelty of the goals of innovative programs, many of them involve the old tools that were used in the standard program.

Despite the fact that the main task of education in most programs is the development of moral feelings and humane relations between children, the main methods in all programs remain, on the one hand, the formation of communication skills, on the other hand, correct assessments and moral judgments.

It is assumed that the formation of behavioral skills and knowledge of moral standards is the key to moral development.

Despite the fact that the main task of moral education is the development of the child's feelings, the main methods of education are, on the one hand, the development of communication skills and abilities, and on the other hand, the moral judgments of the child. It is believed that moral feelings are the result or sum of behavioral skills and moral judgments.

Preschool age is that period in a child's life when parents and educators can make a significant contribution to the formation of the moral traits of his character, moreover, numerous studies have shown that at the age of 4-6 years, with purposeful education, the foundations of the moral qualities of the individual are laid.

By the first trip to school, the child may well have formed stable forms of behavior and attitude towards the surrounding reality in accordance with the moral norms and rules he has learned.

Due to the psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children, moral education in preschool educational institutions and families becomes the basis that develops throughout their lives and becomes a measure of the child's actions.

A child aged 4-6 years from a younger age is distinguished by a high susceptibility to information coming from outside and easy learning, since their nervous system is plastic and is able to actively respond to signals coming from the environment. Everything that the child sees and hears is amenable to his understanding and awareness, any actions of parents or other close adults are amenable to careful analysis and, according to their pattern, the child’s behavior is subsequently built. However, the lack of life experience, increased emotionality and bias prevent the child from distinguishing good from bad and choosing the right behavior and reaction to the situation. That is why it is so important that moral education be systematically carried out in the preschool educational institution and in the families of preschool children.

Features of the moral education of preschoolers

In the process of a child's communication with parents and other adults who are included in his circle of communication, the first experience of the moral behavior of a preschooler is formed. As you know, the need for communication is the most important social need of a person, and the people around the child are the necessary source that can satisfy it. An important feature of the moral education of preschoolers is that the content of their communication with adults should be pedagogically valuable, only in this case it can have the necessary moral impact on the child.

Moral education in the preschool educational institution is carried out in the conditions of a children's society, where for each child an opportunity is formed to deepen and accumulate positive experience and relationships with children and adults.

The main tasks of moral education in preschool educational institutions include the following:

  • Humane relations between children and adults through the implementation of the elementary rules of the hostel, caring attitude towards others and loved ones, goodwill and responsiveness;
  • Education of a culture of behavior and diligence;
  • Formation of collectivistic relationships of children;
  • Raising patriotic love for the motherland.

Achieving the fulfillment of the above tasks allows the teacher to influence the sphere of feelings of children, educate them in the habits of moral behavior, gradually develop the ability to evaluate and mutually evaluate, and also form a correct idea of ​​the moral qualities of people and phenomena of social life.

By developing the simplest habits in children through moral education in a preschool educational institution, the educator achieves their conscious and willing fulfillment of social norms and rules of behavior in society. As a result, by instilling the simplest positive habits in children, the employees of the preschool educational institution make a valuable contribution to the moral development of the wards. From a very young age, through moral education in a preschool educational institution, a child develops the ability to empathize and the ability, thanks to which he can find a response in his inner world to the sadness and joy of other people. Parents, together with educators, can teach the child at this age to overcome obstacles that arise, to be responsible for the actions taken, to show initiative and, which is very important, to bring the work started to the end.

Fairy tale as a means of moral education

The formation of moral values, which are the most important indicator of the integrity of the individual, is a rather difficult task. Any society is directly interested in preserving and transferring the experience accumulated over the centuries, otherwise its existence and development simply become impossible. The preservation and transfer of this experience directly depends on the system of education and upbringing, which is formed in the conditions of the socio-cultural development of this society and the characteristics of its worldview. To solve the problems of the development of society, a fairy tale acts as a necessary effective tool as a means of moral education of the younger generation.

Regardless of gender and age, fairy tales are of great psychological importance for children, since it is they who are able to answer a number of questions and problems that arise in children's minds. Reading fairy tales together with the child, parents see how simply the baby tries on the role of positive characters, whether it be Ivan Tsarevich or the Swan Princess, at the same time clearly understanding that the fairy tale is unreal, but at the same time assuming that the events taking place in it may also occur in real life.

Thanks to fairy tales, the baby develops a craving for goodness and justice, a tendency to fantasize and believe in miracles. In addition to the craving for the magical and unusual, the children's imagination also has a need to imitate adults who seem so smart and dexterous to the baby. It is in a fairy tale that a child can realize all his unconscious desires, defeat all the villains and find himself in a magical world.

Carrying out moral education in a preschool educational institution, educators use fairy tales to develop in children such concepts as compassion, humanity, faith in goodness and justice.