Monthly pregnancy. Ninth month What week does the 9th month of pregnancy begin

Throughout pregnancy, a woman looks forward to when the baby is born. But at the same time, it becomes a little alarming, because a very crucial moment will soon come - childbirth. And the expectant mother would like to know in more detail how the last month of pregnancy will proceed and what can be expected from him. It's better to be prepared for anything than worry about nothing.


Pregnancy averages 280 days or 40 obstetric weeks. This corresponds to the usual 9 months with the addition of another 7 days. The period of bearing a child for each woman is individual, but it should not go beyond normal values. For example, if a baby is born before 37 weeks, he is considered premature, and after nine months - overdue.

It is extremely important to determine the gestational age itself, because from this all further calculations of the date of birth will be carried out. This is done in various ways:

  1. According to the last menstruation or date of conception.
  2. By the first movement of the fetus.
  3. According to the results of a gynecological examination.
  4. By ultrasound.
  5. Blood test for chorionic gonadotropin.

The simplest method is the calculation by calendar terms. A woman can even do this on her own, knowing when she had her last menstruation, had intercourse and ovulated. The time of release of the egg from the follicle is easily determined by measuring the basal (rectal) temperature. But for this you need to keep a diary for more than one cycle. A woman can find out the gestational age based on the time when she felt the first movement of the fetus. But this will happen much later - at 20 and 18 weeks (respectively, in primiparous and multiparous).

A gynecological examination will be more indicative, when the doctor, focusing on the size of the uterus during a bimanual (two-handed) examination, tells the woman the approximate gestational age. But this method also does not give full accuracy - the spread of values ​​\u200b\u200bis up to 2 weeks. Additional diagnostic methods are considered the most reliable, among which ultrasound is widely used. Chorionic gonadotropin is examined less frequently.

The term of the expected birth is calculated at the first examination of the doctor, when the pregnant woman is registered in the antenatal clinic. First, a preliminary calculation is carried out on the basis of anamnestic data - the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. Subtract 3 months from it and add 7 days. But this is only an approximate time, and it is still difficult to say how it will actually happen. More accurate information is obtained at the first ultrasound screening at 11-14 weeks.

You can find out the duration of pregnancy and childbirth in several ways, but it is better to focus on the most informative and reliable.

Fetal development

A baby at 9 months of pregnancy is already fully formed and is considered full-term. Therefore, he is quite ready to be born into the world and live in the external environment. Among the signs of morphological maturity, the following should be noted:

  • Weight more than 2.5 kg (usually around 3200-3400 g).
  • Body length at least 46 cm (mostly 50–52 cm).
  • Pink and clean skin, no grease residue.
  • The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed.
  • Vellus hair remained only on the head, shoulders and between the shoulder blades.
  • Formed auricles, cartilage is elastic.
  • The nails protrude slightly beyond the edge of the fingers.
  • In the open state, only a large fontanel.
  • The navel is located in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process and the womb.
  • The testicles in boys are located in the scrotum.
  • In girls, the genital slit is closed, small lips are covered with large ones.

If a child is born in the ninth month of pregnancy, then all systems are already developed, so he is completely ready for life outside the mother's womb. The signs of functional maturity of the newborn include:

  • Shout.
  • Movements in the limbs are active, chaotic.
  • Muscle tone is increased (flexion posture).
  • stable body temperature.
  • Respiratory rate 40–60 per minute, stable and without delay (apnea).
  • Heartbeat with a frequency of 120-140 per minute, rhythmic.
  • Reflexes of good liveliness, symmetrical.

It will not be superfluous for a future mother to know that a full-term baby has well-defined unconditioned reflexes. Some of them are vital (swallowing, sneezing and coughing), so they persist, while others exist during the first 6 months. The most important transient reflexes identified in a young child are:

  • Sucking.
  • Proboscis.
  • Prehensile.
  • Search.
  • Supports.
  • Protective.

At birth, the child's condition is assessed on a special scale that takes into account the most important morphological and functional characteristics: skin color, reflexes and muscle tone, heartbeat and breathing. In accordance with it, children's health groups are formed. Normally, on the Apgar scale, the child receives from 8 to 10 points.

A child born at the end of pregnancy, namely at 9 months, is full-term and is already fully formed.

Changes in a woman's body

With the approaching end of pregnancy, a woman already feels that the baby will be born soon. This can be recognized by a number of changes in the body. Starting from the 36th week, precursor contractions appear, which prepare the uterus for further childbirth. At this time, muscle fibers contract, which leads to pain in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum. They do not depend on external factors (body position or walking), which is how they differ from Braxton-Higgs pseudo contractions. But, like the latter, they are irregular and are not accompanied by the opening of the cervix. Most often they occur in the evenings or at night, causing a woman to wake up.

In addition to contractions-harbingers, the ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by other changes in the woman's body. The uterus is already decently enlarged in size. The height of the bottom is 36-38 cm, and the circumference of the abdomen approaches 100 cm. But about a week before the birth, the uterus descends more into the pelvic cavity, so the woman feels some relief: heartburn decreases and it becomes easier to breathe. Due to the absorption of amniotic fluid, it can even lose up to 1.5 kg in weight. However, in return, there are bursting and heaviness in the lower abdomen, dull pains in the pubic region and the sacrum due to the pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic nerves. And when walking, a woman may seem clumsy and awkward.

Given the growth of the uterus and fetus, in the last stages of pregnancy, unpleasant sensations become stronger, among which the following should be noted:

  1. Constipation and bloating.
  2. Frequent urination.
  3. Pain in the lumbar spine.
  4. Pastosity of the lower limbs.
  5. Cramps of the calf muscles.
  6. Skin itching and stretch marks on the abdomen.

At 37–40 weeks, symptoms characteristic of early periods may well appear. The woman suffers from mood swings, insomnia, as well as dizziness and fainting. But the latter are associated with the so-called inferior vena cava syndrome, when in the supine position the uterus presses on the vessels that carry blood to the heart. There are other signs, such as increased restlessness, anxiety, excitability and hyperactivity. Many are worried about the upcoming birth, which affects the psycho-emotional state.

Changes in the function of the genital organs. Physiological secretions (leucorrhoea) become thicker and more abundant. They may contain an admixture of blood (streaks) or acquire a brownish tint. Immediately before childbirth, the mucous plug leaves, which leads to an increase in the amount of discharge. Colostrum is already beginning to stand out from the breast - a thick white mass - which indicates the readiness of the gland for lactation.

The ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by a mass of changes in the body of a woman, by which one can recognize the approaching birth.


At the end of pregnancy, a woman should be attentive to her health, because a crucial stage is approaching - its completion. For this purpose, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the future mother and child. Weekly monitoring is required, which primarily includes a medical examination. First, the specialist determines the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, body weight, position and presentation of the fetus. Then the blood pressure is measured, the results of the urine test (protein, sugar) are checked. This is necessary to identify likely signs of preeclampsia and other obstetric pathologies (for example, gestational diabetes).

To determine the condition of the fetus, an ultrasound examination is performed. The last screening is done at 34–37 weeks of gestation. But if necessary, it is also repeated before childbirth. If the fetus has signs of hypoxia, the doctor will also prescribe cardiotocography. And in the first stage of labor, it will also show the dynamics of contractions (frequency, duration and intensity).

Start of labor

Many women who have stepped into the 9th month of pregnancy are wondering how they can find out that childbirth is starting. This moment is unlikely to go unnoticed, because it comes with the following symptoms:

  • Removal of the mucous plug from the cervical canal.
  • Outflow of amniotic fluid (rupture of the fetal bladder).
  • Regular uterine contractions (contractions).

The mucus plug comes off about 1-2 days before the onset of contractions. This can be seen in the pinkish discharge. Sometimes this is observed at the beginning of labor, when the cervix begins to open. Amniotic fluid is poured out immediately or in parts. They depart the day before the birth or directly in the first period: first, a small portion (front), and with the release of the child, all the rest.

Labor pains are regular contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. At first they last no more than 20 seconds with an interval of 15-30 minutes. Then the contractions become more frequent, longer and more intense. The last contractions come in a few minutes and turn into attempts.

You can find out about the approach of childbirth by a number of signs, which are quite difficult not to notice.

When the ninth month of pregnancy has come, a woman should be even more attentive to herself. She will hear important recommendations from the doctor and must carefully follow them. These include the following:

  1. More often to be in the fresh air.
  2. Do not subject yourself to physical stress.
  3. Eat properly and nutritiously.
  4. Change sanitary pads regularly.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, if necessary - a prenatal bandage.
  6. Prepare breasts for lactation.

A special place is occupied by the issue of sex in the last month of pregnancy. But only a doctor can answer for sure. Some recommend refraining from sexual intercourse at this time, as this can provoke early childbirth. Others do not prohibit, unless the woman has amniotic fluid leakage, placenta previa, multiple pregnancies and the risk of preterm birth. But before having sex, it is better to consult a doctor about this. If he allows, then poses that exclude pressure on the stomach are best suited: on the side or in the knee-elbow position. Sometimes sexual intimacy can be considered a good stimulant if childbirth is delayed for some reason.

It is important for a woman to psychologically prepare for the approaching end of pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Courses for future parents help a lot with this. After waiting for the ninth month, you should go through another important stage - childbirth. And after that, you can truly feel the joy of motherhood, relax and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of caring for a child.

Pregnancy lasts not 9 months, as most people think, but 10 ... But not calendar days of 30-31 days, but lunar ones - 28 days each. On average, pregnancy lasts exactly 280 days. And each of the ten months carries something very important. The information below, given in the form of a brief monthly calendar, will be very useful to all expectant mothers without exception!

The first month of pregnancy is 1-4 obstetric weeks inclusive. The monthly cycle of a woman, in the middle of which a child is conceived. But mom does not yet know about such a significant event. The earliest you can find out about pregnancy is 5-6 days before your missed period. While in the uterus there is a tiny fetal egg, which is not visible on ultrasound.

The 2nd month of pregnancy, 5-8 weeks, is notable for the appearance of its signs. In expectant mothers, there is a delay in menstruation, toxicosis, hyperfatigue and drowsiness, sore breasts, and frequent urination appear. Some women also complain of pain in the lower abdomen and a slight increase in body temperature. This is a variant of the norm, if the pain is not frequent and not severe, the temperature is not higher than 37.5 degrees and is easily reduced without antipyretics in the absence of any painful symptoms.
At 5 weeks, an ultrasound shows a fetal egg. At 6 weeks, the embryo is in it. And at 7 weeks already, his heartbeat is easily determined by ultrasound. This month is critical for the baby. If something goes wrong, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur.

In the third month, that is, at 9-12 weeks, some mothers notice an increase in the abdomen. Is the baby growing that fast? Not at all. This visual illusion is caused by increased gas production and relaxation of the abdominal wall due to the action of the hormone progesterone. All signs of pregnancy persist. The toxicosis is still in force. But by the end of this month, the fetus (the child is already called that way) is almost completely formed, although it is still tiny in size. By the time of the first routine screening, at 12 weeks, 5-6 cm in length.

The next month of pregnancy, 13-16 weeks, is one of the most comfortable for expectant mothers. Manifestations of toxicosis disappear, there is a surge of strength. In multiparous women, in reality, the tummy begins to increase (this is no longer gas), and some of them even feel the first timid movements of the babies. By the way, by the end of the fourth month, they weigh about 80 grams. Their size can be compared to an avocado.

The 5th month of pregnancy starts at 17 weeks and ends at 20. Moms buy clothes for pregnant women, as they no longer fit in a normal tummy. Yes, and the weight is added, the clothes become small. In the first half of pregnancy, they recover by an average of 4-5 kilograms. Women who have suffered from severe toxicosis may gain less, and some even lose weight.
By the 20th week of pregnancy, almost all mothers hear the movements of their babies and ... even see them. At this time, a second planned ultrasound is performed to exclude fetal malformations and isthmic-cervical (cervical) insufficiency (the most common cause of long-term miscarriages and premature births).

The sixth month of pregnancy falls at 21-24 weeks. By the end of this period, the weight of children can reach 600 grams, plus water, placenta, fat deposits on the abdomen - a solid load on the lower back is obtained. Do you feel uncomfortable? It's time to wear a bandage. Consult your doctor about this.

The next month of pregnancy is interesting because babies born during this period, that is, at 25-28 weeks, doctors are required to save and nurse. These are deeply premature babies who need to develop for a long time in special conditions and rehabilitate. But some of them grow up quite healthy children. Your task is to carefully monitor your well-being and immediately inform the doctor about the ailment, if any. A dangerous symptom is soreness in the uterus, cramping pains. This happens with the threat of premature birth.

The eighth month of gestation, 29-32 weeks is the rest time for mom. At 30 weeks, mothers go on maternity leave. Their bellies are already clearly visible to others. Babies grow fast and are active. By the way, movements are easily determined by dads if they put their hand on mom's stomach.
The weight of the fetus is determined at the third planned ultrasound at 32 weeks. And it is equal to an average of 2 kg. By the time of birth, it can double.

At the ninth month, a woman feels a full set of ailments - this is heartburn, back pain, insomnia, and leg cramps at night. Well, you need to be patient, there is not much left. 33-36 weeks is the time when mommy especially needs the support of loved ones. If the dowry for the child has not yet been bought, it's time to do it. He will most likely be born next month!

And finally, the tenth gestational month. 37-40th obstetric week. Every woman who sees a doctor is given an estimated due date. But it rarely coincides with the true. Childbirth begins when the child is fully mature. For some, this is a period of 38 weeks, while for others it is 40 or even 41 weeks. The last days of pregnancy remain. Enjoy your position, take photos and videos of yourself. There will be something to remember!

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  • The length of the embryo is about 6 mm.

  • Duration 2 trimesters

    3rd trimester. His dangers

    Reacts to bright light.

    • Problems with placental function
    • Anomalies of the uterus and cervix
    • Bad habits in a pregnant woman
    • Lower back pain
    • Swelling and heaviness in the legs
    • Increased urination
    • Increasing pressure
    • Late toxicosis
    • Other ailments

    Trimester analyzes

    • Characteristics of blood
    • HCG level in blood or urine
    • The presence of sugar in the blood and urine
    • General indicators of urine
    • General blood analysis

    Last trimester:

    • Blood chemistry

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    Ninth month of pregnancy

    So the long-awaited last month of pregnancy has come. The expectant mother is looking forward to the start of childbirth, because the state of a pregnant woman in the ninth month can hardly be called pleasant and joyful. The body of a woman is actively preparing for the upcoming birth, causing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the woman. The kid has already reached his maximum height and is waiting for the cherished moment to see the world. The ninth month of pregnancy has begun and childbirth can occur quite suddenly at any time. You should not be afraid of this, because a child in the ninth month is considered full-term. In the meantime, it's time to prepare everything you need for the hospital, put the finishing touches in the nursery for your beloved baby and wait for the real contractions.

    Ninth month of pregnancy how many weeks

    Most expectant mothers know the duration of their pregnancy to within a week, but for future daddies it can be quite difficult to determine from which week the ninth month of pregnancy begins. The ninth month of pregnancy lasts from 37 to 41 weeks. At this time, knowing your gestational age is necessary in order to suggest at what time childbirth may occur. And they can happen completely unexpectedly, so you need to have an already assembled bag to the hospital (what you need to take with you to the hospital) and all the necessary documents.

    Baby in the ninth month of pregnancy

    The baby in the ninth month of pregnancy is already completely ready for life outside the mother's belly. The baby has developed a sucking reflex, which the first year of a baby's life will be vital. The digestive system is ready to start receiving and processing breast milk, and the baby's lungs make respiratory movements.

    At the ninth month of pregnancy, the fetus looks like a perfectly proportional little man, his skin has acquired a soft pink color, and the lanugo fluff has practically disappeared from the body.

    After birth, primordial lubrication and lanugo may remain in those areas of the skin where special protection is required. For example, on delicate shoulders or folds.

    At the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby is already in the position from which it will be born. The normal position of the fetus is head presentation, when the baby is placed head down. In this position, he tries until the birth itself. If the baby takes the wrong position, then this may be an indication for a caesarean section.

    Now the baby occupies the entire uterine cavity and has practically no space for active movements. However, this does not mean that he should not move. It's just that his movements will become smoother and not so sharp. Counts. That before childbirth, the baby calms down a little, gaining strength before the upcoming journey through the birth canal.

    The nervous system brings the finishing touches to its development. The intestines are ready to work and even the first feces of the baby - meconium - have accumulated in it. This is the result of a bulkhead of amniotic fluid, decayed blood cells and dead cells of the intestines and skin. A sufficient amount of iron has already accumulated in the liver, which will ensure the functioning of hematopoiesis for the first year of a baby's life. However, until the birth itself, iron in the liver will continue to accumulate. Ready to work in the outside world and the heart of the child. After the baby is born, the hole in the central septum will close and blood will circulate through the lungs. Now the process of blood circulation bypasses the lungs, because the baby is not yet breathing for real.

    The baby's immune system is still developing, and this process will continue after birth. Now the baby receives antibodies through the placenta, and then they will get to the baby through breast milk. Therefore, it is very important that the baby is breastfed for the first year of life. The reproductive system in girls is already fully developed, but in boys the process of lowering the testicles into the scrotum is still ongoing. In rare cases, the baby may be born before this process is completed.

    By the time of birth, the child, according to average indicators, reaches a weight of 3500 kg and a height of 53 cm. However, it should be understood that these indicators are very average. The size of the baby depends only on the individual characteristics of the development of pregnancy.

    Ninth month of pregnancy sensations

    A few weeks before the birth, the expectant mother will feel that it has become easier for her to breathe. This is due to the fact that the baby has sunk its head to the bottom of the pelvis and the uterus no longer squeezes the lungs. But at the same time, there will be a dull, pressing pain in the pubic region due to the pressure of the child's head on the nerve endings.

    Edema in the ninth month of pregnancy still makes itself felt, along with private urination. Due to the huge load and the increased amount of fluid in the body of the expectant mother, most often the ninth month of pregnancy, the legs swell. In addition to following a special diet and limiting fluid intake, special attention should be paid to proper rest.

    The belly in the last month of pregnancy no longer grows, but the skin is under enormous stress and can itch unbearably. No need to scratch it and do not neglect the daily use of a special cream or oil for stretch marks. Many pregnant women claim that they went to bed with a beautiful tummy, and woke up with red stripes on it. Therefore, it is gentle to remember that stretch marks can appear literally overnight, but getting rid of them is already very difficult, and often impossible.

    In late pregnancy, unpleasant symptoms of the first trimester may appear, namely fainting and dizziness. Only now they have nothing to do with stuffy rooms and lack of oxygen, now the cause of their appearance was the clamped vena cava while resting on the back. It is for this reason that it is very important for a pregnant woman to know how to sleep in late pregnancy so that no complications arise. Most experts recommend sleeping on your side during late pregnancy so that the vena cava is not compressed.

    At this stage of pregnancy, a woman becomes especially absent-minded and forgetful. Nevertheless, bursts of violent energy occur before childbirth. Physical and emotional fatigue goes away and is replaced by the nesting syndrome, when the expectant mother wants to do everything and equip the apartment as much as possible before the baby arrives.

    The last month is especially difficult for the expectant mother. Pregnancy in the ninth month of pain does not leave the woman until the birth itself. They appear here and there and are associated with a huge load and changes in the body of a pregnant woman. At night, the legs cramp with painful cramps, the ninth month of pregnancy, the stomach hurts and pulling pains in the lower back, pressing dull pain in the pubic region, pain in the buttocks and pelvic region, uterine contractions are becoming more noticeable and this is not the whole list. Now the strength of the expectant mother is simply at the limit, but it is worth remembering that not a single pregnancy has lasted forever and very soon everything will end, it remains only to be patient a little.

    Ninth month of pregnancy discharge

    At the end of the ninth month of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge changes. It is now considered absolutely normal to secrete mucus, in which blood streaks may be present. As a rule, such discharge can be provoked by an examination by a gynecologist, or after intimacy with a spouse. But a few weeks before the birth, the mucous plug may begin to slough off. This is normal before childbirth, but if the expectant mother has concerns about this, then you should see a doctor. Bleeding in the ninth month of pregnancy, as in any other period, is of particular concern to a pregnant woman. If it occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist. Most often, at this stage of pregnancy, every fourth case of bleeding is provoked by premature detachment of the placenta. At the same time, mother and baby should feel good. Minor placental abruption at the final stage of pregnancy remains without consequences and may even go completely unnoticed. However, only a doctor can diagnose the exact cause of bleeding.

    Detachment of a large part of the placenta can threaten with quite serious external and internal bleeding, which can resemble menstruation with some clots. At the same time, the woman's blood pressure decreases, the pulse quickens, pallor and weakness appear.

    Bleeding in the ninth month of pregnancy, what are the consequences

    With the appearance of bleeding caused by premature detachment of a larger area of ​​the placenta, at best, the expectant mother is prescribed bed rest under the constant supervision of a doctor. In difficult cases, it is possible to use a caesarean section or induce premature birth. In any case, when bleeding occurs, timely participation of the attending physician is necessary.

    Harbingers of childbirth

    Every pregnant woman in the ninth month looks forward to the onset of labor and with close attention is looking for changes or symptoms that indicate the onset of the birth process. It is impossible to know the exact date of the birth of the baby, even during an ultrasound, the specialist only says the approximate date of birth, because only the baby decides when to be born. However, there are some harbingers of childbirth that can tell the expectant mother that childbirth is just around the corner.

    The prolapse of the abdomen speaks most clearly about the approaching birth, when the baby descends into the pelvic area. In addition, a slight decrease in weight can signal an upcoming event. Some experts argue that a woman can lose 1-2 kg in a few days, this is due to hormonal changes before childbirth.

    However, it should be understood that pregnancy is individual in nature and one pregnant woman may have weight loss, while the other will not have it at all, or the birth itself will not begin in a few days, but, for example, in a few weeks.

    The discharge of the mucous plug also speaks of the approaching birth. As soon as the cervix begins to mature, its canal opens slightly. The mucus plug that has served as a protective barrier all this time is starting to come out. As a rule, the mucus is colorless or with a yellow tinge, but sometimes it is streaked with blood.

    While the body is completing preparations for childbirth, the expectant mother has time to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming event, but the main thing is to remain calm and positive. Considering that childbirth can occur at any time, it is better to always take your passport and exchange card with you when leaving home.

    Nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy

    In the ninth month of pregnancy, nutrition is still a very important moment in the life of the expectant mother. Not only the overall weight gain, but also the well-being of the mother and baby, as well as the development of the upcoming birth, depend on how well she eats. Weight in the ninth month of pregnancy should normally increase by 12-14 kg from the moment of pregnancy. However, for each expectant mother, the weight is made up of individual parameters. However, if the increase in the expectant mother significantly exceeds the norm, attention should be paid to proper nutrition.

    Salty, fried, spicy foods, confectionery in the last month of pregnancy should completely disappear from the diet of the expectant mother. Now it is also worth reducing the intake of foods high in calcium. Preference now should be given to vegetables and fruits, various cereals with a small addition of meat.

    Sex in the ninth month of pregnancy

    In the ninth month of pregnancy, you can have sex or not, each family decides individually. The opinion of experts in this regard differs. Some claim. That at such a late stage of pregnancy it is better to refrain from intimate relationships, because they can provoke premature birth. Other experts do not see good reasons for refusing the physical proximity of the spouses, in the absence of contraindications during pregnancy.

    There are times when the baby stays in the tummy longer than expected, and then sex can become one of the methods of natural stimulation of childbirth.

    Ninth month of pregnancy video

    Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev

    Pregnancy is a joyful event in the life of every woman who wants to have a baby. In addition, this is also a very responsible and difficult period, which can bring not only joy, but also anxiety. Pregnancy is known to last 9 months or 40 weeks. For convenience, the division of this entire period into trimesters, of which there are only three, is accepted. We publish a convenient table of pregnancy trimesters by week in this article. You will learn how the weeks and months of pregnancy are divided into trimesters and what to expect from each trimester, all this should be known to any woman preparing to become a mother.

    Very often we are asked - "the first, second, third trimester is how many weeks?" let's figure it out in order.

    When does the 1st trimester start and how long does it take?

    The beginning of pregnancy is counted from the last menstruation. Thus, it turns out that the first month of pregnancy begins even before conception. What happens in the first trimester of pregnancy:

    • At 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, ovulation and fertilization of the egg occurs.
    • At 3-4 weeks, the egg descends through the fallopian tubes into the uterus and is implanted in its wall.

    If everything went well, the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, then the pregnancy develops further. Therefore, 2-3 weeks of pregnancy are considered an important moment for its further course.

  • In the following weeks, the embryo grows and develops.

    Important systems of the body begin to form: nervous, bone, muscle.

  • By week 6, the heart, arms and legs are formed.

    The length of the embryo is about 6 mm.

  • At 7-8 weeks, the rudiments of eyes, chest, and abdomen appear in the crumbs.

    The first sense organs appear.

  • 8-10 weeks - the child has a formed face, fingers and toes.

    The fetus begins to move, but the mother does not feel it yet. The length of the embryo is about 12 mm.

  • By the end of the first trimester, by 13 weeks, the baby's eyelids have formed, the child's genitals are distinguishable, and the sex of the child can be determined.
  • The first trimester lasts three months or 12-13 weeks. This period is very important for the development of the unborn child. Sometimes at this time, an abortion may occur if there are any pathologies of the embryo or violations of the health of the mother.

    Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle in the first trimester, get rid of bad habits, exclude medications and any substances that can harm the health of the future crumbs.

    The body of a woman during this period is actively rebuilt. The hormonal background is changing. Breasts swell, nipples become sensitive. A pregnant woman becomes more emotional: quickly irritated or crying.

    There are frequent urges to the toilet, because the growing uterus presses on the bladder. Toxicosis may begin.

    Immunity is reduced so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo. In the first trimester, a woman should be especially careful about her health.

    More rest, sleep, walk, eat well, avoid overwork and stress. The health of the unborn child depends on the health of the mother.

    Duration 2 trimesters

    The second trimester is considered to be from the fourth month or 14 weeks of pregnancy. Border week 13 sometimes refers to the second trimester. But this is not so significant. At 13 weeks, the main organs and systems of the fetus are already formed, and the fetus takes on the appearance of a little man.

    This trimester is characterized by the active growth of the child. From a length of 12-15 mm at the beginning of 14 weeks and a weight of 35 grams, it grows to 35 cm and weighs up to 1-1.2 kilograms by the end of the second trimester (27 weeks).

    Border week 28 may refer to the second or third trimester. At 28 weeks the fetus is already developed. that with proper care is capable of survival.

    By the fifth month, the rudiments of teeth are formed in the fetus, the fluff on the head grows. Eyelashes and eyebrows grow, but they are still colorless, melanin pigment is not yet produced. Individual convolutions appear on the fingers of the pens - prints.

    At 6 months (22-25, 26, 27 weeks) the child's bone marrow functions, and the intensive development of the brain continues. The nervous system of the baby is already quite developed. He hears sounds from outside. Loud sounds frighten him, calm music has a beneficial effect.

    In the second trimester, around 18 weeks, a woman first begins to feel the baby's movements (many as early as 16). This period usually proceeds quite well. Toxicosis passes, hormonal changes are completed, and with it abrupt mood changes and other early troubles.

    The woman's belly becomes more and more noticeable and by the end of the sixth month, back pain may occur due to the increased load on the spine. In this case, the doctor may advise wearing a special bandage.

    In the second trimester, it is important to undergo an ultrasound scan to assess the development of the child, to identify existing pathologies.

    3rd trimester. His dangers

    The final stage of pregnancy is the last three months or the third trimester. What week does it start? Usually it is considered from 28 to 40 weeks of gestation.

    Starting from the 28th week, the baby's lungs are so formed that they are able to inhale ordinary air. The child sleeps and is awake, able to close and open his eyes.

    By the end of 32 weeks, the weight of the child reaches 2.5 kg, and the length is 45 cm. From 33 to 37 weeks, the lungs have fully developed, the skin is smoothed, it becomes pinkish.

    Muscle tone increases, the child can raise his head and turn it.

    Reacts to bright light.

    From 38 weeks, the baby is fully formed and ready for childbirth.

    At 40 weeks, labor begins. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes labor can begin 1-2 weeks earlier or later than the due date.

    Prolongation of pregnancy can have unpleasant consequences, so you need to go to the hospital if the deadline has come up, but there are no contractions.

    Termination of pregnancy at this time can occur with some complications, although it is more accurate to call it premature birth. After all, a child after 28 weeks is already quite viable, although it requires special care. Complications of pregnancy during this period include:

    • Problems with placental function
    • High blood pressure in pregnancy (preeclampsia)
    • Anomalies of the uterus and cervix
    • Bad habits in a pregnant woman

    This period is most often the most difficult for the expectant mother. The discomfort from the growing belly increases, the internal organs located in the neighborhood are squeezed. In the third trimester, the following problems may occur:

    • Difficulty breathing due to constriction of the diaphragm
    • Lower back pain
    • Swelling and heaviness in the legs
    • Varicose veins in the legs
    • Increased urination
    • Increasing pressure
    • Late toxicosis
    • Other ailments

    You need to tell your gynecologist about any problems of your body, which you need to visit weekly from now on. Most of these problems resolve after childbirth, but may require supportive care during pregnancy.

    Thus, pregnancy is conditionally divided into three periods - trimesters. The table for trimesters of pregnancy looks like this:

    This table shows the trimesters of pregnancy by week and month.

    We understand together: doppler during pregnancy - what is it and why is it done? Is this examination really necessary?

    An excellent device for relieving stress from the back - which bandage is better to choose for pregnant women and how do they differ?

    Trimester analyzes

    Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother and child are under the supervision of a doctor.

    Pregnancy management plans include regular check-ups, weighing, abdominal measurements by an obstetrician-gynecologist; consultations of other specialists, analyzes and research.

    They will help determine whether everything is in order with the mother and child, and if problems are found, prescribe treatment in time.

    Most examinations and analyzes will have to be done in the first trimester, when registering for pregnancy with your gynecologist.

    In the first trimester, tests are taken to evaluate the following indicators:

    • Characteristics of blood
    • HCG level in blood or urine
    • The presence of sugar in the blood and urine
    • General indicators of urine
    • The blood type and Rh factor are determined, if the mother has a negative Rh, it is necessary to determine the father's Rh
    • The presence of infections in the blood (HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, etc.)
    • Antibodies to ToRCH infections (toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes)
    • The microflora of the vagina is determined by a smear and seeding for PPI
    • At a period of 12 weeks, the first screening is carried out - a comprehensive examination, including ultrasound and a blood test from a vein. The main task of screening is to identify genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

    This survey is optional. However, in some cases, or simply at will, a doctor may recommend it.

    Looking for a gift for a newborn? Make a diaper cake with your own hands: step-by-step manufacturing photos will help you with your work.

    In the second trimester, re-examine:

    • General blood analysis
    • Once a month they give urine for analysis
    • Second screening at 16-18 weeks
    • The second ultrasound at 18-21 weeks, if the second screening was not done

    The second screening includes a triple test. At the same time, the level of proteins is determined - AFP, hCG and estriol. This helps to rule out genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and neural tube defects. Ultrasound looks at deviations in the formed organs and systems of the fetus.

    Last trimester:

    • Repeated blood test for infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis)
    • A smear for microflora and genital infections from the vagina
    • Urinalysis is given more often every 1-2 weeks
    • Blood chemistry
    • Last ultrasound and preferably dopplerography

    Such analyzes by trimesters are mandatory for pregnant women during the normal course of pregnancy. However, when a woman has health problems or complications arise, the doctor will prescribe additional tests and studies, as well as specialist advice if necessary.

    No matter what difficulties a woman faces in different trimesters of pregnancy, there will always be positive moments. After all, it is so wonderful to watch how a baby is born, develops and grows. And such a miracle as the birth of a new life overshadows any difficulties that may arise during pregnancy and during childbirth.

    How is the intrauterine development of the child

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    Pregnancy is a joyful event in the life of every woman who wants to have a baby. In addition, this is also a very responsible and difficult period, which can bring not only joy, but also anxiety. Pregnancy is known to last 9 months or 40 weeks. For convenience, the division of this entire period into trimesters, of which there are only three, is accepted. We publish a convenient table of pregnancy trimesters by week in this article. You will learn how the weeks and months of pregnancy are divided into trimesters and what to expect from each trimester, all this should be known to any woman preparing to become a mother.

    Very often we are asked - "the first, second, third trimester is how many weeks?" let's figure it out in order.

    When does the 1st trimester start and how long does it take?

    The beginning of pregnancy is counted from the last menstruation. Thus, it turns out that the first month of pregnancy begins even before conception. What happens in the first trimester of pregnancy:

    • At 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, ovulation and fertilization of the egg occurs.
    • At 3-4 weeks, the egg descends through the fallopian tubes into the uterus and is implanted in its wall.

    If everything went well, the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, then the pregnancy develops further. Therefore, 2-3 weeks of pregnancy are considered an important moment for its further course.

  • In the following weeks, the embryo grows and develops.

    Important systems of the body begin to form: nervous, bone, muscle.

  • By week 6, the heart, arms and legs are formed.

    The length of the embryo is about 6 mm.

  • At 7-8 weeks, the rudiments of eyes, chest, and abdomen appear in the crumbs.

    The first sense organs appear.

  • 8-10 weeks - the child has a formed face, fingers and toes.

    The fetus begins to move, but the mother does not feel it yet. The length of the embryo is about 12 mm.

  • By the end of the first trimester, by 13 weeks, the baby's eyelids have formed, the child's genitals are distinguishable, and the sex of the child can be determined.
  • The first trimester lasts three months or 12-13 weeks. This period is very important for the development of the unborn child. Sometimes at this time, an abortion may occur if there are any pathologies of the embryo or violations of the health of the mother.

    Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle in the first trimester, get rid of bad habits, exclude medications and any substances that can harm the health of the future crumbs.

    The body of a woman during this period is actively rebuilt. The hormonal background is changing. Breasts swell, nipples become sensitive. A pregnant woman becomes more emotional: quickly irritated or crying.

    There are frequent urges to the toilet, because the growing uterus presses on the bladder. Toxicosis may begin.

    Immunity is reduced so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo. In the first trimester, a woman should be especially careful about her health.

    More rest, sleep, walk, eat well, avoid overwork and stress. The health of the unborn child depends on the health of the mother.

    Duration 2 trimesters

    The second trimester is considered to be from the fourth month or 14 weeks of pregnancy. Border week 13 sometimes refers to the second trimester. But this is not so significant. At 13 weeks, the main organs and systems of the fetus are already formed, and the fetus takes on the appearance of a little man.

    This trimester is characterized by the active growth of the child. From a length of 12-15 mm at the beginning of 14 weeks and a weight of 35 grams, it grows to 35 cm and weighs up to 1-1.2 kilograms by the end of the second trimester (27 weeks).

    Border week 28 may refer to the second or third trimester. At 28 weeks the fetus is already developed. that with proper care is capable of survival.

    By the fifth month, the rudiments of teeth are formed in the fetus, the fluff on the head grows. Eyelashes and eyebrows grow, but they are still colorless, melanin pigment is not yet produced. Individual convolutions appear on the fingers of the pens - prints.

    At 6 months (22-25, 26, 27 weeks) the child's bone marrow functions, and the intensive development of the brain continues. The nervous system of the baby is already quite developed. He hears sounds from outside. Loud sounds frighten him, calm music has a beneficial effect.

    In the second trimester, around 18 weeks, a woman first begins to feel the baby's movements (many as early as 16). This period usually proceeds quite well. Toxicosis passes, hormonal changes are completed, and with it abrupt mood changes and other early troubles.

    The woman's belly becomes more and more noticeable and by the end of the sixth month, back pain may occur due to the increased load on the spine. In this case, the doctor may advise wearing a special bandage.

    In the second trimester, it is important to undergo an ultrasound scan to assess the development of the child, to identify existing pathologies.

    3rd trimester. His dangers

    The final stage of pregnancy is the last three months or the third trimester. What week does it start? Usually it is considered from 28 to 40 weeks of gestation.

    Starting from the 28th week, the baby's lungs are so formed that they are able to inhale ordinary air. The child sleeps and is awake, able to close and open his eyes.

    By the end of 32 weeks, the weight of the child reaches 2.5 kg, and the length is 45 cm. From 33 to 37 weeks, the lungs have fully developed, the skin is smoothed, it becomes pinkish.

    Muscle tone increases, the child can raise his head and turn it.

    Reacts to bright light.

    From 38 weeks, the baby is fully formed and ready for childbirth.

    At 40 weeks, labor begins. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes labor can begin 1-2 weeks earlier or later than the due date.

    Prolongation of pregnancy can have unpleasant consequences, so you need to go to the hospital if the deadline has come up, but there are no contractions.

    Termination of pregnancy at this time can occur with some complications, although it is more accurate to call it premature birth. After all, a child after 28 weeks is already quite viable, although it requires special care. Complications of pregnancy during this period include:

    • Problems with placental function
    • High blood pressure in pregnancy (preeclampsia)
    • Anomalies of the uterus and cervix
    • Bad habits in a pregnant woman

    This period is most often the most difficult for the expectant mother. The discomfort from the growing belly increases, the internal organs located in the neighborhood are squeezed. In the third trimester, the following problems may occur:

    • Difficulty breathing due to constriction of the diaphragm
    • Lower back pain
    • Swelling and heaviness in the legs
    • Varicose veins in the legs
    • Increased urination
    • Increasing pressure
    • Late toxicosis
    • Other ailments

    You need to tell your gynecologist about any problems of your body, which you need to visit weekly from now on. Most of these problems resolve after childbirth, but may require supportive care during pregnancy.

    Thus, pregnancy is conditionally divided into three periods - trimesters. The table for trimesters of pregnancy looks like this:

    This table shows the trimesters of pregnancy by week and month.

    We understand together: doppler during pregnancy - what is it and why is it done? Is this examination really necessary?

    An excellent device for relieving stress from the back - which bandage is better to choose for pregnant women and how do they differ?

    Trimester analyzes

    Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother and child are under the supervision of a doctor.

    Pregnancy management plans include regular check-ups, weighing, abdominal measurements by an obstetrician-gynecologist; consultations of other specialists, analyzes and research.

    They will help determine whether everything is in order with the mother and child, and if problems are found, prescribe treatment in time.

    Most examinations and analyzes will have to be done in the first trimester, when registering for pregnancy with your gynecologist.

    In the first trimester, tests are taken to evaluate the following indicators:

    • Characteristics of blood
    • HCG level in blood or urine
    • The presence of sugar in the blood and urine
    • General indicators of urine
    • The blood type and Rh factor are determined, if the mother has a negative Rh, it is necessary to determine the father's Rh
    • The presence of infections in the blood (HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, etc.)
    • Antibodies to ToRCH infections (toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes)
    • The microflora of the vagina is determined by a smear and seeding for PPI
    • At a period of 12 weeks, the first screening is carried out - a comprehensive examination, including ultrasound and a blood test from a vein. The main task of screening is to identify genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

    This survey is optional. However, in some cases, or simply at will, a doctor may recommend it.

    Looking for a gift for a newborn? Make a diaper cake with your own hands: step-by-step manufacturing photos will help you with your work.

    In the second trimester, re-examine:

    • General blood analysis
    • Once a month they give urine for analysis
    • Second screening at 16-18 weeks
    • The second ultrasound at 18-21 weeks, if the second screening was not done

    The second screening includes a triple test. At the same time, the level of proteins is determined - AFP, hCG and estriol. This helps to rule out genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and neural tube defects. Ultrasound looks at deviations in the formed organs and systems of the fetus.

    Last trimester:

    • Repeated blood test for infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis)
    • A smear for microflora and genital infections from the vagina
    • Urinalysis is given more often every 1-2 weeks
    • Blood chemistry
    • Last ultrasound and preferably dopplerography

    Such analyzes by trimesters are mandatory for pregnant women during the normal course of pregnancy. However, when a woman has health problems or complications arise, the doctor will prescribe additional tests and studies, as well as specialist advice if necessary.

    No matter what difficulties a woman faces in different trimesters of pregnancy, there will always be positive moments. After all, it is so wonderful to watch how a baby is born, develops and grows. And such a miracle as the birth of a new life overshadows any difficulties that may arise during pregnancy and during childbirth.

    How is the intrauterine development of the child

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    As you know, the 9th calendar month of pregnancy is the final stage of the entire gestational period. This time period is the most exciting for the expectant mother herself, because. there is very little time left before the main event of the entire pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at the 9th month of pregnancy, talk about the sensations, determine: from which week it starts, and what changes occur at this time.

    How does the expectant mother feel at 9 months?

    Before talking about the well-being of a pregnant woman at such a period, it must be said that in obstetric weeks this period is 36, and the 9th month begins from the 33rd week of gestation. Thus, according to the calculations of physicians, a woman still has 4 weeks before the baby is born. However, in practice, childbirth can be observed already at 38-39 weeks, especially when it comes to multiparous women. Recall that a full-term baby is considered to be the one who was born in the period of 37-40 weeks.

    The abdomen at the 9th month of pregnancy in terms of volume and shape looks like a large watermelon. The bottom of the uterus is set at a level of 35-40 cm above the womb. It is with this fact that, first of all, the sensations of a pregnant woman are connected.

    Due to the fact that the uterus occupies all the free space in the abdominal cavity, its bottom strongly presses on the diaphragm. As a result, quite often at the end of pregnancy, women experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing (there is a feeling of lack of air). As a rule, such a feeling is present for the entire ninth month. Only 2-3 weeks before the onset of childbirth, when a woman notes an improvement in well-being.

    In view of the fact that the free space in the abdomen is limited, the organs located in it, in particular those related to the digestive system, change their position. That is why pregnant women often experience heartburn at this time. To prevent this from happening, great attention must be paid to nutrition at the 9th month of pregnancy. The diet should be free of fried foods, smoking, pickles. Useful for the expectant mother will be dairy products, boiled meat, fresh vegetables.

    As for changes in the body of a pregnant woman, by the end of the 9th month of pregnancy, the placenta begins to reduce the synthesis of hormones, primarily progesterone. In response to this, the body synthesizes a hormone in a larger volume, which helps to increase the tone of the uterine myometrium, and thereby provokes the early onset of the birth process.

    The circulatory system of a woman at this time begins to actively produce more red blood cells. Thus, the body prepares for possible blood loss during childbirth.

    What changes does the fetus undergo at the 9th month of pregnancy?

    The baby's body is actively preparing for the birth. So, changes in the respiratory system are noted: a substance such as surfactant begins to be synthesized, the highest concentration of which is noted by 36 weeks. It is it that is necessary for straightening the lungs during the first breath after birth. At the same time, there is an improvement in the work of internal organs and systems.

    As for weight gain, during this period the fetus can add 15-30 g per day. At the same time, its body length reaches 45-47 cm by the end of the month.

    What difficulties can a pregnant woman face at 9 months?

    In view of the fact that the stomach at this time is large, expectant mothers are thinking about how to sleep properly at 9 months of pregnancy. The only acceptable position for sleeping and resting is the position on the left side.

    Also, often at the 9th month of pregnancy, the expectant mother complains that her stomach hurts. In such cases, it is very important to understand the cause of the pain. If the pains are mild, aching in nature, localized in the lower abdomen and occur only periodically, then most likely this is due to the divergence of the articulation of the small pelvis. So the body prepares for the upcoming birth.

    If the pain is severe, occurs in attacks, intensifies over time, then in such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is caused by an increased tone of the uterus, which requires medical supervision. As a rule, such women are placed in a hospital.

    We're heading to the finish line. There is very little left - and the miracle that you dreamed of will happen. The less time left until that long-awaited moment, the more you think about how it will happen. You listen and look at yourself in anticipation of signs of an approaching birth. And though ninth month the latter, but it also needs to be lived. May it be remembered by you as one of the happiest in your life.

    What happens in the body of the expectant mother?

    The abdomen no longer increases in size. From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises by 36-40 cm - for everyone in different ways.

    By the end the ninth month of pregnancy, the total weight gain is on average 8 to 15 kg. And in recent weeks, you may not get better at all.

    Already from the beginning ninth month your body began to "accelerate" to rebuild from "preserving pregnancy" to "preparing for childbirth." The placental clock, laid down by nature, reports the last days of your pregnancy. From the 36th week, the placenta begins to reduce the production of hormones, primarily progesterone. Relative placental insufficiency develops, and the fetus begins to lack components for nutrition and respiration. In addition, due to the high growth rate of the fetus and the decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, the uterus covers it more and more. In response to stress, the adrenal glands of the fetus begin to secrete large amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone. In addition, it is believed that the normal course of childbirth is possible only with the formation of a "birth dominant" in the brain of a pregnant woman - a state of the brain that ensures proper regulation of childbirth - while the work of the cerebral cortex is somewhat inhibited, the areas of the brain that control internal organs, in particular organs involved in childbirth.

    In response to these processes, the hormonal balance in the mother changes. In the blood of a woman, the level of oxytocin increases, a pituitary hormone that ensures the release of prostaglandins and the release of other substances that stimulate uterine muscle contraction. The state of readiness for childbirth is most accurately manifested in determining the "maturity" of the cervix during vaginal examination.

    Your hematopoietic system is producing more red blood cells in preparation for blood loss during childbirth, so anemia (low hemoglobin) may decrease.

    Future child

    With an occipital presentation at 38 weeks, the fetal head usually descends to the entrance to the small pelvis and occupies a characteristic position: the baby's body is bent, the head is pressed to the chest, the arms are crossed on the chest, and the legs are bent at the knee and hip joints and pressed to the tummy. In this position, the baby will move through the birth canal.

    The beginning of contractions - regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus. What is important is not the strength of painful sensations, but their frequency. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15-20 minutes, and the intervals between them should be reduced. When you count 3-4 contractions in 30 minutes, get ready for the hospital.

    Discharge of water. When the rupture of the fetal bladder pain is not felt. The amniotic fluid is usually clear. After the outflow of amniotic fluid, it is worth hurrying up with the fees and going to the hospital, even if there are no contractions.

    Try not to be away from home for a long time and very far. Always and everywhere carry your passport, exchange card, birth certificate, just in case - a diaper.

    What to take to the hospital?

    You, of course, should already have a bag with things that you take to the hospital. In addition to personal belongings, it must contain your medical documents and passport. This is necessary to avoid unnecessary turmoil at the last moment. With careful preparation, you can calmly, without nervousness and tension, meet the most important moment. When it arrives, you will have some time to shower, put on clean underwear, cut your nails and remove the varnish from them (manicures will interfere with your care for the baby). For many women, shaving the perineum upon admission to the hospital is a very unpleasant moment. However, this procedure is necessary, as it allows you to control the degree of stretching of the perineum during childbirth, to prevent its rupture, and in case of injury, it is better to match the tissues during suturing. Feelings of embarrassment can be avoided if you perform this simple procedure at home on your own. In the last days before the birth, reconsider whether everything was bought for the baby, give your family detailed instructions for urgent purchases.