Rooster made of rubber bands. Rooster made of rubber bands on the machine (master class) Rooster made of rubber bands

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A rooster made of rubber bands on the machine turns out to be small, voluminous, interesting. In this master class, I will share with you information on how to weave a rooster figurine from Rainbow Loom rubber bands. To work on this we need some material.

What you need for weaving a rooster:

- white rubber bands
- red rubber bands
- black rubber bands
- yellow rubber bands
- machine for weaving rubber bands,
- Crochet hook,
- any filler.

Cockerel made of rubber bands on the machine - a master class

When all the material is prepared, we proceed to the weaving process itself. Let's start with the location of the machine. We arrange the middle strip of columns so that it is to the left of the upper and lower strips, as you see in the photo. Now not a big fix. So that in the future you do not have to drag the workpiece further along the columns, you can start working immediately from the fourth columns or from the middle. I started from the beginning, and then in the process just carried all the work further. Therefore, I advise you to immediately start working on the center of the machine. But in the text, I will still leave a mention of the first and second columns, so that it is more clear to you and you can compare what is written with the picture.
So, we begin to weave a figure of a rooster from elastic bands. We put on one rubber band from the first central column to the third central one. In this case, we will bypass the second column. Next, from the first column of the lower strip, we put on the second column of the upper strip.

Now let's make a simple preparation. To do this, prepare two white elastic bands and nine red ones.

We wind one elastic band of red color on the hook in three turns. Remove the twisted elastic band into two red elastic bands. And we will make such blanks in triplicate.

And these white elastic bands, on which we have a red blank, are removed on the first column of the upper strip and on the second column of the lower strip. Thus, all the columns are occupied in a circle.

Let's put on one more row of white elastic bands in a circle and again drop one elastic band from the bottom to the center through the posts. On those columns, which we had three elastic bands each (due to the workpiece), this time we will drop two lower elastic bands. At the same time, two white elastic bands should remain on each column.

Prepare black rubber bands. Twist one rubber band in four turns. Then we twist the second on the fingers in half and remove the twisted workpiece on it (double).

We will also pass the next circle from white elastic bands, but for two columns in a row, one hundred ordinary white elastic bands with eyes.

Let's drop two lower elastic bands to the center through the posts. On top of another circle we will make from white rubber bands

Let's go back to preparations. Twist one red elastic band in four turns on the hook.

Then take the yellow elastic band and twist it in four turns on the hook.

Let's shoot on a double-twisted white elastic band, first a red blank, then a yellow one, as seen in the photo.

Grab the crochet gum from the column, which is located in the middle of the eyes. Remove the beak on these elastic bands and return the white elastic bands to their place.

In this case, the beak should be between the center and the column. In a word, inside.

Now it's time to increase our work, stretch it, because the torso of a rubber band rooster should be larger than the head. From each column, we need to increase the next column. We look closely at the photo. Be careful when removing the elastic from the column, you need to consider the following. For example, we remove the elastic bands to start with the third central column and transfer them to the second column. We will do the same from the fifth column (we will remove both elastic bands on the sixth). Thus, we made room for stretching the elastic bands from the third column of the lower strip and the upper one. Now we look. We remove one upper elastic band from the third column and sip it, depending on where it stretches from. If this elastic band stretches from the fourth column, we do not touch it, hold it with our fingers, grab the lower elastic band from the same column and remove it to the second column, and return the one that we hold with our fingers to its place. And we will do the same with all the columns similar.
Now let's move on to those columns that we just removed for the far central one. That is, for example, to the second central column. We remove the upper elastic band and the one that stretches from the bottom strip of the columns, we will send it to the first lower strip, and the one from the upper strip, respectively, to the upper first column.
Thus, we have expanded our entire figure blank.

Now, in a new wide circle, we will put on one white elastic band. We should get a rectangle.

For one wing, we need to wind one red elastic band on the hook in four turns, then remove the one on the hook with two red elastic bands. Then, on the next two elastic bands, remove those on the hook and again in the same way.

We should have three such details of the blanks. We take the last single red elastic band, twist it in half and remove all the blanks from the hook on it.
We got one wing. Let's do another one in the same way.

We calculate the elastic bands and on the extreme sides we will fasten the blanks of the wings. We report from the center from the eyes and beak, respectively. We grab the rubber bands from the first column, which we marked for attaching the wing and remove one side of the blank rubber bands on them. We fasten the second temporarily to any free column.

So I took off the second side of the workpiece on a free column.

Now put on a new circle of white rubber bands.

Then we crochet the same elastic bands from the posts, where we have one part of the wing blank. And in the same way as before, we drop the second side of the wing blank. Thus, our wings are already fixed on the posts.
Let's make blanks from white rubber bands. Take two white elastic bands and wind them in three turns on the hook.

We remove this blank on two white rubber bands. In the same way, we will make another blank.

In a circle we will pass more white elastic bands. The only thing on those posts where our eyes were attached to you will need to remove blanks from white rubber bands.

And we finish our work as follows. We will put one white elastic band on the last two columns.

We transfer these elastic bands to the adjacent two columns, then we will remove the lower elastic bands on them, which we have on the columns, and so on. In a word, we will need to drop all the rubber bands from the posts on this elastic band.

Here we have a rooster removed from the machine. But there are two rubber bands left on the hook.

We take any filler. Gently fill the rooster with elastic bands, stretching the lower elastic bands.

Then we form a loop from the rubber bands that we have left on the hook, and hide the tip in the cockerel. And now the figurine is ready!

How many interesting crafts and figures can be woven from rubber bands. All of them are interesting in their own way, and the knitting process itself is fascinating, because unusual products are obtained from individual elastic bands!

Here, for example, a rooster made of rubber bands on the machine is easy to do. In this master class, I will share with you with great pleasure my scheme for weaving a rooster from colored rubber bands. This figurine will serve as an interesting decoration for a pen or pencil.

So, for work we need the following:

- machine for weaving rubber bands,
- white rubber bands,
- red rubber bands
- yellow rubber bands,
- Crochet hook.

So, let's start with setting up our machine. We arrange the strips of columns in such a way that the middle strip is to the left of the left strip and the right one. And then we move on to creating the first blank. To do this, take four red rubber bands. We wind one elastic band in three turns on the hook.

Next, twist the second elastic band with your fingers in half and remove the one that we had wound on the hook onto the double elastic band. We will also do for the other two rubber bands. Here's what we should get.

We will make the same blanks again. In total, we need three such blanks.

Then we take a pair of white rubber bands and remove all the blanks from the hook on them. A scallop made of rubber bands for a rooster is ready.

Now let's make the beak blank. To do this, wind one elastic band on the hook in three turns. And we will remove it on four single elastic bands.

Take two more red elastic bands and remove all the elastic bands from the hook on them. Prepare one yellow gum.

Send this twisted yellow rubber band between the red ones, as seen in the photo.

Then we will remove it on the first double red elastic band.

Let's move on to the base of the rooster. Let's start putting on a pair of white elastic bands from the first to the third column, the central one through the second. Then from the first column of the lower to the second upper, through the central second. And from the first top to the second bottom we will remove the blank of our scallop.

After that, we begin to put on a pair of white elastic bands over those that are already on the posts. But this time we put on elastic bands in a circle, as seen in the photo.

Prepare rubber bands in black and white. Let's do a couple more pieces.

Let's form the eyes. We wind the black elastic band in four turns and remove it on two white elastic bands. So let's make two blanks. We remove these eyes on the front columns (from the first central to the first left and from the central to the first right). On the remaining columns in a circle we will put on a pair of white rubber bands.

We remove the bottom two white elastic bands through the columns and pass the next row in a circle through a pair of white elastic bands.

We also remove a pair of lower rubber bands to the center. And now we will hook the elastic bands from the first central column. Let's remove the key blank on these elastic bands, so that the yellow elastic band is at the top, that is, between the eyes in front of the beak itself.

Remove and then send the beak between the center and the column. And we will return the white rubber bands to their place again.

Let's take them to the center. After that, we will go around in a circle with pairs of white rubber bands. So we will do three or four more circles. The length of the rooster's head from rubber bands depends on the number of these rubber bands. When you decide to finish your work, we will need to knit elastic bands as follows. We start the hook in the third column in the center and pull out the bottom white elastic bands (a pair). We stretch them to the next column (second from the left). Next, we pull out the bottom two white elastic bands from the inside of this column and send them in a circle to the adjacent column. And so we knit in a circle to the end. We stop at the last column, from which we started the knitting.

We remove the work from the machine, while the last pair of elastic bands remains on the hook.

We pass a single white elastic band through the last pair. We form a loop and tighten it.

So our rubber cockerel is ready. We straighten the beak, comb and eyes, if necessary.

Here is our finished figurine!

Author: arivederchy

You can also weave

The celebration of the New Year 2017 is approaching - the year of the Red Fire Rooster, have you already thought about how you will please your loved ones and friends? A great idea would be souvenirs - cockerels made with love with your own hands and now we will tell you how to make a cockerel from rubber bands.

You will need for work:

  • elastic bands of various colors (white, red, black, yellow);
  • weaving device - machine;
  • crochet hook;
  • stuffing material.

So, let's start making a cockerel. From the 1st center column to the 3rd we put on the 1st elastic band, while we bypass the 2nd one. Further from the bottom 1st row we put on the 2nd top. Next, let's start a small blank, you will need 2 white and 9 red ones. We wind one red in 3 turns. We remove the twisted elastic band on 2 red ones and make this part in 3 copies.

We shoot them on 2 white ones. We move these white rubber bands with the blank to the 1st top row and to the 2nd column of the bottom row. It should be a circle. Now we dress around the 1st light one on top of the already located ones. Through the pegs, we remove the gum from the bottom and transfer it to the middle.

We put on another row of light ones around the circumference and also transfer them along the 1st from the bottom to the middle. Where, due to the blanks, there were three, we throw off 2 lower rubber bands. As a result, 2 light ones should turn out on the pole. Ready for black. Twist one thing in 4 turns, twist the second one on your fingers twice and remove the twisted part on it. Make another one (these will be bird eyes). Take off the eyes separately on white.

Further, the circle is made of white ones, but for 2 columns there are completely a hundred white ones and blanks with eyes. Two lower through the pillars to the middle. Wrap another circle on top of the light ones. Let's move on to the next details. On the hook, twist the red one 4 times. Remove with a double-twisted rubber band.

We take the yellow one and twist it on the hook four times. On the light twisted twice, we first shift the workpiece of red color, then yellow. We cover the rubber band from the column located in the middle of the eyes with a hook, shift the beak onto them and return the white ones back. The beak should be located between the row and the center, that is, inside.

Next, you need to stretch the product, since the cockerel's body should be voluminous. It is necessary to increase the product by an adjacent column from each column. This moment requires special attention and the following must be taken into account: for example, to start the rubber bands from the 3rd column, we transfer them to the 2nd, from the 5th to the 6th, so there is a distance for stretching from the 3rd column from the bottom and above. Remove the top one from the 3rd column and see where it stretches from. If from the 4th, you don’t need to touch it, hold it with your finger, grab it from below and remove it to the 2nd pillar, and return the one that was held back. Do the same with the rest of the pillars. Then we will return to those that we have so far simply dropped onto the central pillar, that is, to the 2nd main one. We shift the top one and transfer the one that stretches from below to the bottom 1st column, and from the top to the top 1st. It turned out to be an expanded product.

Preparing blanks for the wings of a cockerel. Screw 1 red on the hook in four turns, then throw it on 2 red ones, then take off those that remained on the hook for 2 more and repeat again. You should get 3 parts. On a single double-twisted red we remove all the blanks from the hook.

The first wing is ready, we do the second in the same way. On the last columns we will fix the wings on the sides. We count from the middle of the beak and eyes in proportion. We cover the elastic bands from the 1st column, intended for fixing the wing and throw one side of the workpiece onto them. For now, we strengthen the second one on a free column. We will do the same with the other bird wing. The new turn is made in white.

More and more people are starting to weave various figures or decorations from rubber bands. And this is done not only by children, but also by adults. In almost any store you can buy a set with elastic bands of different colors and weaving devices. All bracelets and figures from them look beautiful and interesting. It seems that making them yourself is unrealistic. But in fact, you can easily and quickly weave a figure out of rubber bands. How to do this is easy to figure out.

Lumigurumi is a modern trend in needlework. Previously, craftswomen knitted various figurines from threads. After the Rainbow Loom came into fashion, the needlewomen decided to try to take elastic bands instead of threads, and such interesting needlework appeared.

Beginning craftswomen or masters first learn how to make loops correctly, then weave bracelets, and only at the very end, having gained experience, weave figures of various animals, vegetables, fruits, towers, balls, cubes and much more.

People who have been practicing this art form for a long time are familiar with such a concept as "Loom Bands". Literally, this phrase translates as "rainbow on a loom". If you look closely, the crafts really resemble a rainbow, thanks to their colorful colors. And the process of creating a small masterpiece takes place like on a loom.

Where did needlework come from?

Such needlework came to us from America. There it was invented as an activity for children who could not sit still for a long time and were not at all interested in any needlework. It was the only way to instill perseverance in children and interest in a particular occupation for a long time.

It all started with the simplest elements that looked like simple bracelets or chains. But the children became so interested in this art that they began to invent various interesting combinations of colors and figures on their own. The main thing is that you can not only put the craft at home like a trophy, but hang it on your bag, wear it on your arm, or give it to your friends.

  • development of motor skills of the fingers;
  • perseverance;
  • concentration of attention.

There are many benefits for parents as well. One of the main ones is the inexpensive cost of the set. As a result, the child is busy almost the whole day.

Or maybe mom or dad will also be interested in weaving, and so a common favorite activity will appear, the result of which can then be sold for money.

For whom is weaving rubber bands suitable?

The ideal age for weaving is seven years and older. At this age, both boys and girls come up with new weaving patterns, color combinations, various figures.

Also, the lesson is suitable for adult assiduous people, as a hobby. Some even use it as a source of income. Quality crafts worth good money.

Special fixtures

Before looking for how to weave a figure on a hook from rubber bands, you need to get everything you need. To weave figures from elastic bands, you will need several devices. They are sold in one set, you do not need to look for them anywhere else. If you wish, you can make them with your own hands from improvised means.

What you need for weaving figurines:

  • colorful rubber bands. They are different: there are dense, thin, matte, luminous, wavy, with openwork edges;
  • plastic slingshot with two or more teeth;
  • hook.

This set is considered a classic set. With it, you can create any simple craft. You can purchase a set of elastic bands without a slingshot and a hook, or you can make them at home.

A slingshot can be replaced by two pencils, a fork or two fingers. The hook can be replaced with an ordinary one for knitting. But experienced craftswomen say that plastic ones are much more convenient.

To make the craft more complicated and more beautiful, you can use a special machine. It is a plastic base with several rows of posts. With it, you can twist the elastic in the right direction without much difficulty.

But if you own a hook, like with your own hands, then you can do without a machine. The main thing is that the creation of masterpieces brings pleasure.

Funny animals on a crochet loom

For the first time, it will be enough to figure out in detail how to weave one figure from rubber bands. Since they have approximately the same scheme, only the position of the loops and colors change. In this needlework, the main thing is - not even skill, but fantasy. Only she can help create a funny figure. To complement your product, you can weave various beads, pendants, locks and much more that comes to mind along with rubber bands.

To make a rubber band snake, you need to use the machine in three rows. To create a hood for a cobra, additional ones should be added on the sides. The eyes are made separately from the hood and must be of a different color, otherwise everything will merge.

Weaving from elastic bands on the hook of a turtle figurine will be a little harder. You will need a machine again. Rubber bands need to be distributed in shape, highlighting the paws, shell, head in different colors.

You can weave a turtle without a loom, only with a hook, it will turn out a little faster, since everything will happen in your hands, as with ordinary knitting.

It is necessary to string the elastic bands on the hook with ordinary rings and fasten in the center. The more colors used, the more colorful the fake will turn out. The result is a bright flower that can be worn as a brooch or bracelet.

To create a heart, you will need a machine and a hook. 7 elastic bands are put on two pairs of columns, it is necessary to alternately move them with a hook one column. At the end, you can attach a heart to another and get an interesting bracelet.

On the Internet there are many examples of weaving rubber bands on the hook of various animals. You can create a request, for example, how to weave a rooster out of rubber bands. As a result, different videos will appear on how a fake is made.

Rubber cockerel

Start with the body of the cockerel. To do this, you need to make 5 rows, in total you get 12 loops. 6 row consists of 16 air loops, each with two elastic bands. In the seventh row there are also 16 loops in one, 8 row - 24 loops in two, 9 - 11 rows - 24 loops in one. From the 12th row, the number of loops decreases.

At the same time, cotton wool or any other filler is added inside so that the cockerel is voluminous. Separately, the beak, wings, paws and eyes are created with air loops. For the eyes, in addition to rubber bands, you will need two black beads.

In the same way, from increasing to decreasing loops, a pear is also created, since their shape is approximately the same. The combination of colors for cockerel and pear may be different. The main thing is that the performer likes the fake.

rubber band girl

For creating ballerina girls you will need elastic bands, a hook, and for additional help - a machine. Put it with a ledge forward, and the free ends of the columns should look to the right. Take one pair of hair ties and transfer it to the first columns of the top and first row. The following are also transferred to the middle row and the second.

Next, paired irises are transferred to the first and second pins of the upper and lower rows. That is, everything is diagonal, this is how the head is formed. The neck and arms are done in the same way. Only the arms go into the side columns diagonally. Then follows the creation of a dress and legs.

The whole girl is done in the same way, the only difference is that the loops move in different directions. In no case should you get confused in the colors of the loops, otherwise you will have to redo it. When the main row is ready on the machine, you need to create volume using a hook and adding additional elastic bands.

Creating fakes is not an easy job, but if there is a desire to learn and improve, then real masterpieces will soon begin to turn out. The main thing is to enjoy the work done.