Pedagogical practice: Study guide. Workshop for teachers "For the teacher about personal communication The personality of the teacher in the mirror of children's perception

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Introduction ……………………………………………………………. …… 3

1. Peculiarities of human perception by preschoolers ……. …… .5

2. Teacher in the mirror children's perception…………………….….9

2.1 Perception and understanding of the teacher by children ……………….….… 9

2.2 Features of children's perception of teachers of different styles of pedagogical communication ………………………………………………. …… 10

2.3 The image of the teacher in the pictures ……………………………………… ..12

Conclusion ……………………………………………………….… ..19

Literature ……………………………………………………….… ... 20

Among the problems, in the deep and comprehensive development of whichequally interested in both the theoretical sciences of man,and practice, an important place is occupied by the problem of reflectionpeople each other in the process different types activities.

Cognition and mutual influence of people on each other - obyaan essential element of any joint activity.Cognition is not only knowledge about objects and phenomena of reality, but also an attitude towards them. "In it, - as S. L. Rubinshtein justly notes," reflects not only the phenomena themselves, but also their significance for the subject, for his life and activity. " From how people reflect and interpret the appearance andconducting and assessing each other's capabilities, largely dependthe nature of their interaction and the results to which they comechildren in joint activities.

The communication process is a kind of interaction between people,in which the latter act in relation to each other onetemporarily (or sequentially) by both objects and subjects. Every person speaks toto communication partners not only as an object and subject of influencetions, but at the same time as an object and subject of knowledge.

While we, educators, teach, raise, educate a child, study his intellect, cognitive processes, psychological structures for pedagogical purposes with the help of science, in the meantime, without involving science, without being distracted by writing books and essays, he is successfully studying us adults. The teacher, being the subject of his activity, is at the same time an object of knowledge for their pupils.

Children look closely at us, adults, they have an extraordinary ability to recognize our mood and be charged by it; they are sensitive to how we treat them: are we ready to give in or adamant, irritated or complacent.

Acting as an object of cognition and action, a person is reflected in the minds of other people and determines their behavior, only "refracted through their inner world, the structure of their thoughts and relationships." This pattern is also manifested in relation to the knowledge of the educator by children. [5 ]

To date, a small amount of data has been accumulated that, in various aspects, illuminate the peculiarities of children's perception of the image. preschool teacher. In this work, we will consider how the process of human perception, perception and understanding by children of teachers of different styles of pedagogical communication occurs.

Child development - from birth to maturityty - is the formation of him as a member of society. During the formationthe child's development as a member of society, as a person, occurs andthe process of development of his psyche from elementary forms of reflection,inherent in an infant, to the highest forms of conscious reflection of reality, characteristic of an adult.

Human perception by human develops along with developmentthe perceiver himself, with the formation of his needsin communication, knowledge and work.The child's perception of a person is a necessary act of manifestation and satisfaction of the most important social need - the need for communication. At the same time, it is in the process of communication with an adult that the child's perception of him develops especially intensively. The development of communication with an adult, a change in its content makes it possible for the child not only to more subtly differentiate the external appearance of the people around him, but also to perceive them from different angles, to isolate their essential functions.

Studies of the problem of the genesis of children's communication at the early stages of ontogenesis, conducted under the guidance of M.I. Lisina, provided valuable information about the child's perception of an adult and about attitudes towards him.

In the preschool period, a person's perception is actively formed, which is largely facilitated by the child's mastering of new types of activity (especially collective ones), the expansion of the circle of communication and the emergence of extra-situational personal communication.

So, A.G. Ruzskaya identified the following types of children's relationships preschool age to adults: affectionate and hostile, trusting and distrustful, interested and indifferent, calm and restless. Certain steps towards solving the problem of understanding by children of adults were taken by other scientists, including Belarusian ones. However, in these works, the specificity of cognition and the attitude of preschoolers to the teacher at different stages of preschool childhood was not considered.

An active form of a preschooler's reflection of a person is a game in which he recreates the images of family members, the relationship between them. A. A. Lyublinskaya, D. B. Elhorse meat, developing the problem of the game, showed that in the gameactions of the child, the content of the life and activities of adults fromappears in a specific sequence.In specific conditions games through action with objects the child "enters" a personrelationship. The child reproduces in the game the image of another personcenturies, and each game action is evaluated and comradesthe game and the preschooler himself in terms of the correspondence of this effects of the image. As a result of such a comparison in the game of ownthe image and behavior and the appearance and behavior of an adult, the imagewhich he reproduces, the child develops awareness of thethem and the internal characteristics of another person.

The features of the reflection of a person by children are revealed in artistic creation, in particular in a fine figurechildren. The reflection of reality in the drawings of children is differentage is not the same.

The perception of the surrounding people by a six-year-old child is also expressed in his value judgments. Children give the most vivid positive assessment to those of the surrounding adults to whom they have a trusting attitude and affection. The perception of a person always, as A. A. Bodalev rightly notes, "reflects the position that a person generally occupies in the system of values \u200b\u200bto which the cognizing subject is guided in his daily behavior." It has been noticed that children with a high sociometric status in the group of “unpopular” ones more often rate the teacher positively on the basis of the teacher's personal attitude to the child.

The position of the child in a peer group is also manifested in the perception of each other by children. In special studies, it was found that the higher the position of the child in the group, the higher his peers evaluate, and vice versa. According to R.A.Maksimova, with a greater degree of objectivity (79-90%), children evaluate their peers who occupy a leading and middle position in interpersonal relations.

Influences the perception of each other by preschoolers and the nature of their relationship. Evaluating the children to whom they show sympathy, children name, in the overwhelming majority, only their positive qualities. Children who do not evoke sympathy in the speaker are characterized by him, as a rule, only from the negative side. Among the main positive qualities of a peer, six-year-old children note such traits as the ability to play well, kindness, camaraderie, lack of aggressiveness, hard work, ability, accuracy.

By the end of preschool age, children develop the ability, when assessing those around them, when they perceive them to "free themselves" to some extent from a direct relationship to them. When characterizing people they know, children, with a generally positive characteristic, sometimes note their negative qualities.

In the mutual assessment of preschoolers, some gender differences are also found.

It was revealed that different qualities of a person are not realized and adequately assessed by preschoolers at the same time. So, according to N.E. Ankudinova, preschool children perceive and evaluate physical qualities and the capabilities of their peers more correctly than moral ones.

Throughout preschool period the child's perception of a person changes significantly. If value judgments about the surrounding people of a younger preschooler are usually undifferentiated, unstable, changeable, situational, then with age they become more complete, detailed, adequate, concern not only the external, physical data of the perceived, but also his personal, internal qualities.

The perception of parents by preschoolers has its own distinctive features. Psychological features the perception of parents by children, the process of identification was studied by a number of psychologists (A.I. Zakharov, V.S.Mukhina, and others). The success of identification depends on the competence and prestige of the parent of the same sex as perceived by the children, as well as on the presence in the family of a member of the grandparent family identical to their gender (grandfather for boys and grandmother for girls). Identification is associated with an emotionally warm relationship with parents of the opposite sex.

So, it is actively developing in before school age and the child's social perception. With age, preschoolers learn not only to more subtly differentiate the external appearance of people, but also more fully, deeper to perceive them from different angles, to isolate their essential functions. Social perception of the child reflects his relationship with people around him, his position among them, age, individual characteristics, etc. e. An adult plays an important role in the development of a child's social perception. An adult not only helps children to better understand the people around them, but also forms in them “points of view on people”, “standards” with which they must “check” their behavior and with which they must “measure” the behavior of their comrades. Very significant in this process is the behavior and appearance of the adult himself, the existing relationships in his personal microenvironment. A person in the role of an object of cognition, like any object, is a realitynosti, evokes a certain attitude among people who know it.

2.1 Perception and understanding of the teacher by children

The teacher, involved in interaction with pupils, students, simultaneously acts as a subject and object of knowledge. And the effectiveness of his work, communication is due to a large extent to how his children perceive, what they reflect in his behavior, appearance, inner world, how they relate to him. It is hardly possible to find more sensitive in relation to the behavior of the teacher, the nuances of his mood (and appearance), the intonation of speech of a living creature than a child, who comes into communication with him day after day, briskly observing all his manifestations.

Special studies (S. V. Kondratyeva, V. V. Vlasenko, J. Lendel and others) have revealed a number of features of the perception and understanding of the teacher by students. Less studied is the problem of children's cognition of the teacher kindergarten and attitudes towards him.

Among the first psychologists who addressed this problem were E. Rybalko and R. Vershinina. Their study found a high dependence of the attitude of two-year-old children to demands on the attitude towards the person making them. It was revealed that in children of this age there is no opposition between attitude and action.

The educator as an object of cognition by children evokes a certain attitude towards himself. The analysis of observation materials of verbal and non-verbal interaction of preschoolers aged three to six years with kindergarten teachers and experimental data obtained by other methods indicates a variety of attitudes towards the teacher and the richness of their shades among preschoolers. A.G. Ruzskaya notes that preschoolers have love, affection, empathy, and gratitude in this gamut of feelings in relation to educators ... At the same time, a negative attitude is noted - fear, ambivalence, and criticality.

Features of children's perception of teachers of different styles of pedagogical communication

Information about external and internal stable characteristics of another person, which accumulatesis kept and stored for a long time, is used with a generalassessment of the current and potential capabilities of this personand influences the development of a general approach to it.

The intensity of the severity of the positive attitude towards the teacher is manifested in different ways. In some it is pronounced and stable, in others it is less stable, in others it is hardly noticeable and unstable.

Preschoolers who have a relatively stable active-positive attitude towards the teacher, against the background of high trust in him, often show initiative in interaction with the teacher, invite to cooperation, participation in activities that are significant for them; quite often they "fight" for the right to be close to the teacher, they strive to earn praise, the attention of the teacher. In addition, they share their "secrets", sweets; show empathy, empathy for his troubles; express a desire to include the educator in their personal microenvironment. These children are characterized by openness, special compliance to the verbal and non-verbal influences of the teacher.

A sustained active-positive attitude is characteristic when the object children's cognition are educators with a consistently positive type of pedagogical interaction, distinguished by high professionalism and creativity. Less often, this type of attitude is manifested by teachers with a less pronounced level of professionalism and creativity, but at the same time having and demonstrating a positive attitude towards the child.

Typically, children generally give a positive assessment of the moral qualities of educators. Negative characterization ("angry", "angry") is extremely rare; it is given, as a rule, to educators with an authoritarian leadership style and an openly negative type of attitude towards children. For a guilty child in appearance and actions brought upthe greatest information load is carried by signs,informing about the mood of an adult, intentions towardsto the child, the degree of objectivity and sincerity in the assessment ofstupid.

The analysis of the content of the motivations of the attitude to the teacher shows that with age the assessment of the educator by the children changes:, for example, the degree of awareness of the attitude of the children to the teacher increases, the dominant role of motives increases.

The reasons for the child's current attitude to the teacher are different. Of course, age characteristics, changes in the preschooler's motivational, cognitive sphere, the development of his ideas about people, the emergence by the end of preschool childhood of awareness of his “social I”, etc. play an important role in this. However, the personality characteristics of each child, the subject of cognition, are also significant.

The child's attitude to the teacher is influenced by those around them - peers and adults, including parents, their attitude to kindergarten, their assessment of teachers.

By the end of the preschool period, the child's assessment of the teacher becomes more independent, some children are able to show a critical attitude to his activities. However, the manifestation of a critical attitude towards the teacher is not so common. It is not typical for a preschooler. It will become critical later - in adolescence, senior school age. Interesting information about the features of preschoolers' cognition of the teacher was obtained using method of reflected subjectivity, reception of personification (V.A.Petrovsky). Its essence lies in the fact that the child is given the task of playing the role of a kindergarten teacher, a specific educator of his group and "to lead" his peers on his behalf. A close connection was also found between the positive assessment of the activities of educators, the expression of sympathy, gentleness, joy in the tone of addressing children with the use of rewards. AB Nikolaeva for the first time used the method of personification to study the system of relations between the teacher and children. She noted such an interesting phenomenon: all preschoolers who played the role of an educator, on the one hand, clearly underestimated the positive manifestations of teachers, and on the other, exaggerated the negative ones. This effect is called the displacement effect.

Differences in the behavior of children when they fulfill the roles of educators of different leadership styles - autocrat and democrat - are revealed.

It is easy to see that in the role of a democratic educator, preschoolers less often demonstrate rigid means of communication (categorical addresses, addresses in the form of harsh remarks) and at the same time more often than when playing the role of an authoritarian teacher, they use positive assessments, show an attitude towards children in the forms of verbal and practical help.

2.3 The image of the teacher in the drawings of preschoolers

The features of a child's reflection of a person are also revealed by children's art. By what kind of people the child portrays, how he reveals their images, one can, to a certain extent, judge his attitude towards them, what is easily imprinted in a person, to which he pays more attention.

I would especially like to dwell on baby drawing, or rather, the image of a teacher in him. For this purpose is used drawing test "My teacher" and methods of "color background". It analyzes mainly the content of the picture and the activity reflected in it; composition; the spatial arrangement of people on it (the teacher is in the center, next to the children, isolated, absent), the sequence of creating images in the drawing, the manner of the image, the palette of colors used.

The analysis of children's drawings, obtained with their help, testifies to the differentiated attitude of children to the teacher. The overwhelming number of preschoolers expresses positive emotions towards the teacher, as evidenced by the attitude to the task, the drawing process itself, the products of children's activity - drawings, the image of the teacher created by his pupils using pencils and paints.

This tendency is more often and more intensively traced in relation to teachers with an active-positive attitude towards children than towards educators who show an unstable or openly negative and passive-negative attitude towards their pupils.

In response to the offer to draw a teacher, children usually draw one of two, preferred, favorite teacher. These include mainly educators with a high (or average) level of professionalism, an active positive attitude towards children and a democratic style of leadership. Preschoolers depict teachers with an authoritarian leadership style much less often. The drawings "My educator" testify to the importance of the educator in the life of his pupils, to the "presence" of the educator in the personal microenvironment of children. At the same time, these same drawings “speak” about the different place of the teacher in the microenvironment of his specific pupils, about the nuances in relation to the teacher.

Preschoolers often depicted their favorite teacher on their preferred “color background”; when creating his image, they used mainly colors associated with positive emotions (green, yellow, etc.). When drawing a teacher with an actively positive type of attitude towards children, the process itself began, as a rule, with the creation of his image, in which the child's interest and diligence were manifested. Creating the image of an educator with an active-positive type of attitude towards children, of a high and medium level of professionalism, preschoolers placed his figure in the center of a sheet of paper, and themselves and other children - next to (often holding hands). When portraying a teacher showing a negative attitude towards his pupils, he, as a rule, was aloof, separate from the children; quite often children even drew a “wall”, a barrier between themselves and the teacher (which is a sign of conflict, tension in relationships).

The plots and content of children's drawings on the theme "My teacher" are different. They testify to the perception and cognition of different aspects of pedagogical activity by preschoolers.

Drawings children of different preschool ages on this topic have differences of a different nature, related to their visual, technical side, associated with the mastery of the kindergarten pupils of the visual activity, the development of their drawing abilities with age. So, when drawing a favorite teacher, six-year-old children more often than younger peers resort to detailing the image of the teacher, decorating; richer, as a rule, the very content of the drawings, the more diverse the number (children, adults), inanimate objects associated with the activities of the teacher.

A lot of valuable information about the attitude of preschoolers to their teachers is provided by the analysis of the drawings "My teacher". To study the relationship in the child-teacher system, drawing tests are used: "The road to kindergarten", "Educator ... (acting)", "We are with the teacher ... (acting) for a walk", " Our musical director ”,“ Our nanny ”.

They showed their differentiated attitude towards teachers of different styles by different means. Thus, it was found that older preschoolers often drew the figure of the educator of the democratic leadership style in the center of the sheet. At the same time, depicting an autocrat educator, children much more often than when drawing a democrat or a liberal, placed his figure remotely from themselves and other children, on the side of the sheet, isolated the educator from themselves and their peers; placed an inanimate object in the center of the sheet, thereby showing the desire to protect themselves from the possible negative impact of a particular educator, the lack of deep emotional and personal contact with him.

Note that in this way (“holding hands”, as a monolithic group united by common positive emotions, of which the author himself was a member), the children portrayed only a teacher with a harmonious positive style of pedagogical interaction.

Children showed their desire to “fence off” the authoritarian teacher and his possible negative influences in other ways: they placed him in a closed, limited space, placed him in the corner of the sheet, and sometimes used more rigid means of protecting him from him.

The results of comparing the figures shown in the figure of the teacher and the children turned out to be informative. In most drawings, the teacher is larger than the children. At the same time, there were cases when preschoolers painted themselves, their peers, equal in size, and sometimes larger in comparison with the figure of the teacher.

The images of educators created by children differ in completeness and detail. Depicting educators of a democratic leadership style, older preschoolers often decorate his clothes with a pattern, add attributes to the drawing that symbolize significance, femininity (crown, veil, jewelry, bow, etc.).

Color is also widely used by children to express differentiated attitudes towards teachers of different leadership styles. As you know, the color image of an object has great intonation and expressive capabilities compared to black and white, since color, being an integral feature of natural objects, carries additional information that is lost in black and white images.

When drawing a teacher, children use both warm and cold tones. The intensity of the use of a particular color in creating an image of the teacher of a particular leadership style is different.

Drawings on the theme "We with the teacher ..." "gave out" not only the nuances in the attitude of children to teachers, previously unnoticeable. Depicting the teacher of a specific leadership style, the child "introduced" into the drawing both the dominant psychological atmosphere created by the teacher in the group and the existing system of relations in it, which affected the depiction in the drawing of the author himself and other kindergarten students.

In the course of a comparative analysis of children's drawings, the following tendency was also noted: drawing his figure next to a democrat educator, the child often depicts himself firmly on his feet. And vice versa, depicting themselves in the same picture with an autocrat teacher, the figures of children are unstable, often schematic, lean on shaky legs (or they are absent altogether).

Such a picture in the self-image is characteristic of children who, according to J. Dileo, lack a basic sense of security, support, and experience anxiety.

An analysis of the products of children's activities on the proposed topics also revealed gender differences in the perception of the teacher and the attitude towards him. They were expressed by various graphic means, including the composition of the picture. Girls much more often than boys placed the teacher's figure in the center of a sheet of paper when they depicted him alone, along with the children next to their own figure. Girls showed their desire for intimacy, affection for the teacher more often than boys, placing the teacher on the side of the sheet in the drawings, but at the same time next to themselves or other children.

This tendency is to a certain extent due to the fact that female representatives are more inclined to turn to authorities, feel more confident and are more active in situations related to communication.

Boys more often than girls place an inanimate object in the center of the sheet, isolate, “shield” the teacher from themselves and their peers, do not introduce the figure of the teacher into their drawing, thereby showing a “colder” attitude towards the teacher, tension in relationships with him, and in some cases and conflict. Were identified gender differences in the ratio of the size of the figures of the teacher and the children (including themselves). So, the figure of the educator is taller, girls portray themselves as larger in size more often than boys; as an equal - much less often; taller than oneself, larger than the teacher - in extremely rare cases. This tendency can be interpreted as a manifestation of a different degree of authority of the educator for representatives of different genders: for girls, a female teacher is a more influential, significant, authoritative person than for boys, with a tendency for many of them to overestimate themselves and insufficient criticality.

It was also noticed that when portraying an authoritarian style teacher, boys more vividly and boldly than girls express their negative attitude towards him (they depicted his figure in the pose of an aggressive person, with arms raised and long fingers; shaded it with black pencil; much more often girls were drawn schematically not only the teacher, but also the children next to him. A more frequent manifestation in the drawings of boys of a negative and indifferent attitude towards the teacher is often a response to the limitation of motor activity, a negative assessment of their behavior associated with "rejection", violation of the rules introduced by the teacher, which are more often, as a rule, addressed to boys. In the proposed drawing tests, girls more often than boys portrayed a teacher "walking" with children on a walk through the territory of a kindergarten, in a park, in a meadow, as an organizer and an accomplice play activities children, in the process of teaching children in class, communicating with them, interacting with parents. In the drawings of boys, the teacher with children is more often than in the drawings of girls, is engaged in labor and household activities, is depicted outside the preschool institution.

Gender differences were also found in the structure of the graphic image of the educator in the drawings of older preschoolers. In girls, the image of a teacher is not only emotionally more attractive, colorful, but also fuller and more detailed. The pictures show a great expression of their psychological observation.

When creating a graphic image of the teacher, both boys and girls resorted to decorating, detailing her clothes, and the latter more often.

Concerning colors, then when preschoolers created the image of a teacher, both boys and girls used the entire palette of colors offered by him. However, in boys red, yellow, black, brown, orange, green colors predominated more often; girls have red, yellow, orange, brown, black, pink, blue. The intensity of the use of warm colors in girls' drawings on the proposed themes is more clearly expressed.

The graphic images of the educator created by the girls are generally more colorful, emotionally attractive, which is also reflected in such a characteristic of the female sex as their superiority over the males in the development of sensory centers, in the perception of color and its shades (T. Khripkova, G. Khrizman et al. etc.). Girls have more time spend to complete tasks to create an image of a teacher, rather than boys.

Children's drawings also speak of differences in the degree of "openness" of the teacher to pupils of different sex.

Children's drawing ... The information obtained with its help broadened and deepened the understanding of the differentiated attitude of children with individual-typological characteristics to the teacher, their position in the system of interpersonal relations in the "children's society", of different sex.

So, the child next to us vigilantly looks at us and comprehends us, and through us - the whole world; and the peculiarities of children's perception of adults should be guidelines for the latter, determining the child's entry into the complex world of adults, preferably without significant losses.

In drawings, children express their attitude towards the teacher most fully and openly. In the graphic image of the teacher, created by his pupils, there are many attractive qualities: in most drawings, first of all, this is the importance of the educator (teacher) for the child and, most importantly, a positive attitude towards him, and often love. At the same time, the analysis of children's drawings reveals many, unfortunately, "wounds", sometimes deep enough, inflicted by the teacher on the child's soul. A feeling of anxiety is caused by the reflection in children's drawings, the unfavorable psychological climate in the group, the desire to "fence off" the teacher, his influences, conflict in relations with him.

Having examined his image in the “mirror” of children's perception and not being satisfied with it, or maybe even upset, a teacher aimed at children will want to change himself, become more attractive for his pupils, and will be able to more accurately determine the “field” for professional self-improvement.

1. Bodalev A.A. Perception and understanding of a person to a personcom. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow. University, 1982 .-- 200 p.

2. Child psychology: Textbook. allowance / Ya. L. Kolominsky, EA Panko, AN Belous and others; ed. Ya.L. Kolominsky, E.A. Panko. - Minsk: Universitetskoe, 1988 .-- 399 p.

3. Kolominskiy Ya.L., Panko E.A. Psychology of children of six years of age: Textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - Mn .: Uni version i tetskae, 1999 .-- 316 p.

4. Nikolaeva A. Personality of the teacher in the mirror of children's perception // Preschool education... - 1987. - No. 9. - p. 35 - 39.

5. E.A. Panko Educator of a preschool institution: Psychology: a guide for preschool teachers. institutions: 2nd ed., rev. and add. / E.A. Panko. - Minsk: Zorny Verasen, 2006 .-- 264 p.

6. E.A. Panko The attitude of preschoolers to the personality of the educator // History of psychology in Belarus: Reader / auth.-comp. L.A. Kandybovich, J.L. Kolominsky. - Minsk: Theseus, 2004. S.259-267.

7. Praleska: program preschool education / E.A. Panko [and others]. - Minsk: NIO; Avershev, 2007 .-- 320 p.

Order writing a unique work 1.

Svetlana Valentinovna Varkentin
Workshop-workshop for teachers "Educator about personal communication"

Workshop workshop number 2 "For the teacher about personal communication"

teacher - psychologist MADOU CRR d / s number 131


Seminar structure.

1. Pre-test (self-reflection).

2. Informational part: The problem of psychological health at the present stage; Creation of psychological comfort in the school, its role in the development of the child's personality. Or “How do you react to the actions of children?”; Do you know which child is with you? Literary types of children; Study of the teacher's professional consciousness - the method of E. V. Borova and V. M. Slutsky. (Petrovsky V.A. The personal position of the educator); How do children see you? Influence and consequences of this influence on children ... The halo effect.

3. Practical tools: diagnostic techniques for teachers to assess the psychological climate and emotional well-being of a child in a group of children; techniques for relieving emotional stress in teachers; natural ways of body regulation and self-regulation; psychological speech settings; semantic situation (metaphors).

4. After - test (self-reflection). The value of the acquired experience.

5. Reflection of the lesson "Free Report"

Pre - test, after - test (self-reflection) The value of the acquired experience.

1. 4 quadrants of health Elisabeth Kubler - Ross;

2. Objective reasons and consequences of psychological discomfort for a child in a kindergarten group;

3. Literary types of children;

4. A child in whom I see a personality;

5. Halo effect (positive, negative);

6. Conditions for the emotional well-being of the child in the kindergarten group.

Semantic situation (metaphors).

In powerlessness, anger is very strong. Indeed, in a heart weak from love, one cannot assume calmness and firmness. You cannot sow one thing and get another. What seed is sown, it will sprout. Understand what living beings feel in a similar way, seeking the pleasant and removing the unpleasant. Therefore, what is undesirable for you, do not try to do to others either. The world is full of joy for the one who looks at everyone without enmity and prejudice. Patience is the virtue of the powerless and the adornment of the strong.

The consequences of psychological discomfort for the child:The appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness;

The transition of psychological experiences into somatic disorders, when a child who has received a psychological trauma falls ill physically (a certain instinct for self-preservation of the body); The manifestation of psychological trauma received in childhood, in a more mature age period in the form of psychological protection - positions of avoidance (isolation, drugs, suicidal tendencies, manifestations of aggressive behavioral reactions (running away from home, vandalism, etc.)

Objective reasons for psychological discomfort in kindergarten groups:

high occupancy of groups; long absence of a partner; unfavorable family environment.

Literary types of children.

Only in books is the Tom Sawyer loved. And in life they are not loved - not in the school, not at school. / From the confessions of a crying mother /.

Tom Sawyer is the type you know well. A mobile, active child prone to risky decisions and actions (not necessarily a boy). He must strive to carry out his risky plans. Often he is guided only by his own far from complete ideas about what is allowed and what is not. Always ready for mysterious and terrible experiences. Appreciates these experiences, perhaps without realizing it. They adjoin Tom, making up, as it were, one company, Karlson and Buratino, each with their own characteristics.

Carlson is always ready to have fun and feast on. And Pinocchio is simpler than Carlson and Tom, but overly curious. Like Carlson, always a leader. Cheerful, resourceful, never discouraged (unlike Tom). He wants to have everything as soon as possible.

Cinderella is a child who seeks to help and serve others: children and adults. Often this happens in order to be accepted into play or allowed to play (at least for a short time) with an attractive toy that belongs to other children. Usually does not cry, does not complain in front of others. Children of this type most often expect an eternally dependent, subordinate position. They are entrusted with the most "non-prestigious" work in the group, but for the teacher such children are comfortable and never interfere.

A boy-with-finger is usually a small child, the smallest of all in the group, but very quick-witted, coming up with interesting games, new fun, is the leader in the group. Loved by children and adults, never breaks the order in the group, although the Boy-with-a-finger or Thumbelina is forgiven a lot.

Mamlik is a shy, reserved child. He is usually not chosen for performances at the holidays. It is usually assumed that such a child will be frightened, shy and ruin a well-prepared script. He (she) always lacks a flag, a tambourine, etc., a place on the bench when everyone else is already seated.

Little Muck is a child whom the children of the group, often disguised from the adults, choose as a victim. They scoff, scoff at his clothes, hairstyle, face, his words and actions. This is an unhappy, downtrodden (sometimes literally) child, rejected by everyone, unnoticed by adults. If open bullying does not begin, then teachers, more often than not, do not know about the suffering of Little Flour.

Malvina is a beautiful, well-dressed and fashionably dressed child, always distinguished by adults. To be noticed, not like everyone else, such a child is really ready to dye his hair not only blue, but any other color. Knowing about his superiority over other children, usually supported by adults, is distinguished by supervision. In assignments and instructions, she imitates adults. In a group, very often - right hand educator. On holidays - constant soloing. The habits of a novice "star".

Shcherbaty - Thunderstorm Arbat is a pugnacious child that all children are afraid of. He does not obey the orders of adults, he likes to insist on his own. Shows stubbornness. Serves as a negative example for all children of the group.

Tsarevna-Nesmeyana (or Revushka-Korovushka) is a whiny child, very touchy and, as adults often think, capricious. Unlike Cinderella, she addresses her cry either to a specific person or to a whole group. By crying and "whims" can bring an adult to "white heat".

Which children are preferable for the teacher?Using a trick developed by our colleagues

E. V. Borovoy and V. M. Slutskiy, in order to study the professional consciousness of educators, determined that for the majority of educators, "a child like everyone else" is the same as an "ideal child"; and "a child who is different from others" is "a child who annoys me."

The orientation towards the "average" child, towards a certain impersonal standard, determines the real attitude towards children, no matter what humanistic ideas the educator declares in response to a question about the values \u200b\u200bof education ...

How do children see you?

Experiment. Divide the group into two subgroups. You (the teacher) are unexpectedly "called" to the head of the school. You should leave the group for a while and invite some of the children to stay behind, in fact, take on the role of a teacher. In the second subgroup, your partner does the same.

Purpose: to see how children behave, who will become "you" for a while.

Leaving, you say to the child: "You stay for me!" Thus, it is possible to see a specific educator in the "mirror" of children's perception, in the behavior of the children themselves, to compare the results relating to two different educators working with the same group of preschoolers.

The halo effect is the spread in conditions of a lack of information about a person of a general evaluative impression about him on the perception of his actions and personal qualities. During the formation and development of the first impression about a person, the "halo effect" can appear in the form of positive evaluative bias ("positive halo") and negative evaluative bias ("negative halo").

Practical tools.

Color diagnostics "Houses". (Practical seminars for teachers. / Authors - compiled by S. V. Terpigorieva)

The purpose of the methodology is to determine the emotional state that reflects the child's attitude to the preschool educational institution. Color diagnostics is carried out individually with each child: during the first month of visiting kindergarten, after three and six months of being in a preschool educational institution.

Children are invited to game form choose one of the houses of different colors: blue, green, red, yellow, purple, brown, gray, black.

Instructions: “This is a girl Katya (boy Kolya). Katya goes to kindergarten. Choose a kindergarten for Katya. "

After choosing a house, a conversation is held with the child:

Does Katya like going to the d / s?

What will Katya do in the d / s?

What does Katya like most about the d / s?

What does Katya dislike about the d / s?

During the diagnosis, indicators are recorded and recorded.

Emotional Attitude Test.

Material: a sheet of paper, colored pencils.

Younger and middle children are given ready-made cards with 5 circles drawn. Older children are invited to draw 5 circles across the cell.

The children are seated one at a time. You can choose the questions yourself.

1. Fill in the first circle with the same color as your mood when you go to the d / s.

2. Fill in the second circle with the same color as your mood when you do math.

3. .... when you play.

4. The fourth circle .... when you go home.

5. Fifth circle when you go to bed.

The test is carried out up to 3 times.

Color designation.

Red - excitement, enthusiastic attitude.

Orange - joyful, pleasant.

Yellow is warm, friendly.

Green is calm.

Blue - sad, unsatisfactory.

Purple, brown - alarming.

Black - sadness, despondency.

If one or several types of activity are constantly painted over in black, then the educator should immediately pay attention to this. For example, in the classroom: revise the structure, content so that the child is interested, and so on for each type of activity.

Techniques for relieving emotional stress among teachers.(psychological shower is a set of exercises that increase energy potential).

1. Standing, bring your shoulder blades together, smile, wink with your right eye, then with your left, repeat: "I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot."

2. Putting his palm on his chest: "I am smarter than everyone in the world ....".

3. Bouncing on the right, then on the left leg, repeat: "I am vigorous and energetic, and things are going great."

4. Rubbing palm on palm, repeat: “I attract good luck, every day I become richer”.

5. Standing on tiptoe, close your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: "I am warmed by the sunbeam, I deserve the best!"

6. Putting your left palm on your forehead, then your right one, repeat: "I solve any problem, I always have love and luck with me."

7. Hands on hips. Making bends with the body forward - backward, repeat: “Any situation is within my control. The world is beautiful and I am beautiful! "

8. Hands on the waist, performing bends to the right - to the left, repeat: "Peace and a smile are always ashore, and everyone will help me, and I will help."

9. With our hands folded in the lock, we take a deep breath: "The universe smiles at me"; deep exhalation "And everything works out for me."


Students-interns Popkova Yana Sergeevna

Psychological and pedagogical faculty 1 course

The practice is held at preschool educational institution No. 158

Practice leader:

Head of the DOE: Vera Nikolaevna Krylova

Educators: Anna Alekseevna, Anastasia Rashidovna

DOE address: Tver 1st Suvorov Street 17

Phone: 42-41-98

Exercise 1

The preschool educational institution number 158 has:

    methodical office

    manager's office

    medical office

    psychologist's office


  • music hall

    areas for walking children

When examining the premises of the kindergarten, one can distinguish the convenience of the location of the group cells. Each group has a separate entrance from the street. The room is well lit, as the kindergarten is equipped with large windows. Each group is equipped with comfortable furniture for children, which corresponds to the age of the children.

The teaching room is located on the third floor of the kindergarten and is equipped with comfortable cupboards containing books and teaching materials.

The gym is well lit. There are benches, a rope, balls of different sizes, hoops, pins, but the equipment is not enough to train all the children of the group at the same time.

The music hall is large and light, there are carpets on the floor, walls are decorated with bright fabrics, there is a piano, a tape recorder, disks and cassettes for playing music.

The study area is spacious and clean. There is a gazebo, an asphalt area for drawing with chalk. At each participation there is a children's sandbox. The subject-developing environment in the kindergarten is built in accordance with the principles of building a subject-developing environment.

Day 2:

2. The subject environment of the kindergarten develops different types of activities of the preschooler and becomes the basis for his independent development. The entire environment of the kindergarten is equipped in accordance with the age characteristics of the children. Each group is equipped with high-quality furniture, the room is spacious, so every child can find a comfortable place to study. groups have a corner of nature, where children look after and observe the plants.

The institutions have an efficient and creative team, most of the employees have been working since the very opening of the kindergarten.

Day 3:

Assignment 2

The teacher is the main actor in the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. Professional and personal requirements for him in modern conditions are very high. And the speech communication between the teacher and the children is of particular importance. The teacher's speech is a model for children. In the classroom, children listen to the teacher and, thus , exercise in mastering the Russian language. If there are flaws in the teacher's speech, then they are passed on to the children and it will be difficult for them to get rid of them later.

a) When the teacher communicates with the younger and children, the teacher's speech is simple and concise. In relation to the little ones, the educators avoid comments and, together with those, talk to them more categorically than with the elders, since children given age I can not comprehend the arguments that are perceived by older children

b) Preschool age is a sensitive period of the child's speech development, therefore, one of the leading activities of a kindergarten teacher is the formation of oral speech and communication skills, based on the knowledge of the native literary language.

Imitation is one of the main mechanisms for children to master their native language, which is why high demands are placed on the speech of a teacher of a preschool educational institution, and the problem of improving the culture of a teacher's speech is considered in the context of increasing preschool education.

The teacher's speech should be:


  • Logical


    Pure (the absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language)


2. The image of the educator is an emotionally colored stereotype of the perception of the image of the teacher in the minds of pupils, colleagues, social environment, in the mass consciousness. When forming the image of a teacher, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others. A modern preschool educator must combine both the features of the educator proper (custody, replacement of the mother) and the features of a teacher.

Let's highlight the main components of the educator's image:

Visual appeal;

Verbal behavior;

Non-verbal behavior;

Manners, etiquette;


The teacher's appearance should be aesthetically expressive. Careless attitude to his appearance is unacceptable, but excessive attention to her is also unpleasant.

3. We all know that for the full development of the speech of our pupils, we must constantly talk with them. One of the techniques is speech games in regime moments. When everything that happens around, the teacher, and then, gradually memorizing, and the children, speak out loud. It has long been proven that poetic language is perceived by the child's brain much more effectively than prosaic language.

For example, in the morning, having met the guys, you can say:

Children came to kindergarten,

Here toys are waiting for the guys

The camel is waiting for Ksyusha here,

A big elephant is waiting for Sasha,

Dasha plays with a bear,

The theme helps Dasha,

Milechka is nursing a monkey,

And Kiryusha looks at the book.

Children have fun in the garden!

I will come here with them.

The educator is a mirror of the spiritual culture of our future!

There are many professions on earth. Among them is the profession of educator, not quite usual. After all, educators are busy preparing, if I may say so, our future, educating those who will replace the current generation tomorrow, working, so to speak, with "living material", the damage of which is equated to a disaster.
An educator is not only a profession, it is a vocation that not every person is marked with, this vocation must be earned, earned with your work, your talent, your desire to constantly change, transform, improve.
A child is a blank sheet on which adults can “write down” anything they want. An educator for a preschooler is the first person after parents to teach him the rules of life in society, broaden his horizons, and form his interaction in human society. He bears great responsibility for the present and future life of the pupil, which requires high professionalism and enormous mental strength from the teacher. Even VA Sukhomlinsky said that "a person's speech culture is a mirror of his spiritual culture." The child - a great observer and imitator - notices any mother's and father's actions, hears all their words, adopts judgments and behavior from them. Unfortunately, the influence of adults is not always beneficial for a growing baby, and contributes to the development of a harmonious personality with high moral principles. The worst thing is that the parents themselves are a bad role model, but even if they are cultured people and take seriously the upbringing of a child, one should not forget about the influence that the teachers who meet him in life have on him.
The role of the educator in raising children cannot be overemphasized. Already from kindergarten, the educator is the person who is the guide of the baby to the world around him. Often times, caregivers and children spend much more time together than children and parents. How the child will behave in the future depends largely on whether the teacher and the children find a common language. Will he become a self-sufficient person, or, conversely, will suffer from complexes all his life. Each of us probably remembers our kindergarten teacher, despite the fact that not a single decade has passed since then. This once again testifies to how deep our childhood impressions are and how much they affect our future life.
Education is considered by pedagogy as a leading factor, since it is a specially organized system of influencing the growing person to transfer the accumulated social experience. The role of the educator is very important here, and especially his skill and acting skills. The social environment is of primary importance in the development of the individual: the level of development of production and the nature of social relations determine the nature of activities and the outlook of people.
Genetics - believes that people have hundreds of different inclinations - from absolute hearing, exceptional visual memory, lightning-fast reaction to rare mathematical and artistic talent. And in this case, acting plays a huge role. But the inclinations by themselves do not yet provide abilities and high performance results. Only in the process of education and training, social life and activity, the assimilation of knowledge and skills in a person on the basis of inclinations are formed abilities. The inclinations can be realized only when the organism interacts with the surrounding social and natural environment. Acting helps the teacher to catch the attention of children, to win them over.
Every day, living part of their life in kindergarten, children learn a lot, and perhaps the most important thing - flexibility in communication and a peaceful existence among people. At the center of communication with peers is one's own personality, "I" in relation to other "I" in the light of the assessment of others. The personality of the educator is viewed as the ultimate truth and is surrounded by a halo of infallibility or a halo of overcontrol. Throughout the preschool age, the teacher with his individual characteristics is a model for the child. Moreover, children take the teacher as a moral model, regardless of his emotional attractiveness. The role characteristics of the educator are to some extent idealized by children; from evaluating external qualities, the child proceeds to evaluating his activities, and then to evaluating his moral qualities. The attitude towards the teacher is due to the attitude of the teacher to the children, although generally preschoolers always evaluate the teacher positively. An even better attitude towards a demanding and strict educator was noticed than towards a democratic one. Because, according to children, a good educator is the one who brings up.
The teacher is faced with a difficult task - as an adult who develops and trains the child to understand and feel children's World, combine severity and kindness, respect for little man and exactingness. But children are so different! Some people like to live according to the rules, with the help of which they feel familiar with the world of adults, while others, on the contrary, want to do what is not allowed - this is how they defend their personality. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology.
In kindergarten, a child goes through a whole life with its joys, difficulties, relationships, achievements and disappointments. And it depends on the educator whether the door to this life will be ajar for us, whether we find out, whether we understand what it consists of. The teacher can become our helper in making the life of our children in the kindergarten more joyful and successful.
Parents, in turn, should respectfully treat a person who is a specialist in the field of child rearing and not impose on him a model of interaction between the educator and the children.

An educator is a person who combines the traits of a psychologist, an artist, a friend, a mentor, etc. The teacher must reincarnate several times during the whole day, and the more believable the master of his craft makes, the more tangible the result. The creative potential of the pupil depends on the creative potential of the educator himself, therefore, great attention should be paid to the development of creative imagination.
An educator is a creative worker, a master of his craft, an innovator, a leader healthy image life, who uses the latest methodological developments in his work.
An educator is a patriot of his homeland. The educator is called upon to be an authority for children and their parents, together with the family to solve important problems of upbringing. The country trusts them the most precious thing - its future.

Man has two worlds:
One - who created us,
Another - which we are until the century
We create to the best of our ability.
N. Zabolotsky
Child education -
Not an easy job
You need to teach the child
All the basics of being.

So that the child gets dressed
And he knew about art,
Knew what was bad and what was not
Developed my intellect.

Kindergarten is his world
The teacher in him is an idol,
Helps kids
Substituting for mom's day.

Task 5.

Study of the culture of the teacher's pedagogical activity.

Purpose: stimulating the need to improve the culture of pedagogical activity.

1. Make an analysis of the teacher's speech communication with children, based on two speech positions: a) the content of communication; b) the culture of the teacher's speech in communication.

2. Pay attention to the appearance of the caregiver, caregiver and all kindergarten staff.

3. Pick up proverbs, sayings, songs, jokes to use when conducting regime processes with children of different age groups.
Task 6.

Studying the personality of the educator in the "mirror of children's perception"

(organization of communication with children).

Purpose: to determine the motives of the attitude of children to the educator and children's ideas about the activities of the educator.

1. While observing the interaction between children and the caregiver, pay attention to the following points:

Frequency of requests;

Emotional involvement of the child in communication;

The dominant type of behavior in the presence of a teacher.

2. Conduct a discussion with the children about the following questions:

Would you like to transfer to another kindergarten?

If the kindergarten was closed for renovations, with whom would you like to transfer to another kindergarten?

Which educator would you take with you? Why?

Would you like to be like a teacher? Why?

These questions make it possible to determine the motives of the child's relationship to the teacher.

We offer to record the conversation according to the following scheme:

Child's name, age

1st question

2nd question

3rd question

4th question


Each student must interview at least 3-4 children.

3. To study children's ideas about the activities of the teacher, conduct a second conversation with the children (N.Ya. Mikhaileiko).

- What does the teacher do?

Does the teacher play with you?

Why doesn't he play, can't or can't?

Does the teacher talk to you about anything?

Would you like to be a teacher?

4. “Draw” the image of the educator through the “prism of children's perception”, based on the children's answers about his activities.
Topic 5. Personal development of a preschooler in labor activities

Task 7.

Study of the equipment required for the organization labor activity preschoolers.

Purpose: to develop the ability of students to analyze the organization of an appropriate subject-spatial environment for the inclusion of preschoolers in elementary work.

To implement the tasks and content of labor education of preschoolers in kindergarten, special equipment is needed. In each age group and on the site of the kindergarten there should be items for household work, labor in nature, manual artwork and self-service labor.

It is customary to place this equipment in special corners: a corner of household work, a corner of environmental work, etc. At the same time, it is necessary that the child can easily find the thing he needs, there would be a place for doing this type of work, so as not to interfere with other children.

It is necessary to identify:

a) the presence of work corners in the group room and on the site;

b) selection of the necessary labor equipment and its placement;

c) compliance of the equipment with hygienic and pedagogical requirements.
Issues for discussion:

1. What kind of work areas are there in the group rooms or on the site?

2. How does the equipment differ in different age groups, does it meet the pedagogical and hygienic requirements?

3. What are the features of using the equipment for labor education preschoolers in different age groups?

4. What advice can you give to improve the organization of work corners?
Study of the types of labor and their development by children of one of the age groups of the kindergarten.

Purpose: to develop the gnostic skills of students (pedagogical diagnostics of the level of development of various types of labor by children).

It is necessary to identify:

a) what types of work did preschoolers do;

b) how many children were involved in various types of labor;

c) children's attitude to work;

d) what are the motives for the labor activity of children;

e) how the features of management of various types of labor manifest themselves in various forms of its organization.

Students write down what types of work and in what forms of organization the children were engaged during the day: in the morning period of time, during preparation for breakfast, for classes, between GCD, on a walk; note how many children participated during the day in different types of labor (environmental protection, household, self-service work). It is recommended to acquaint students with the following forms of organization of these types of work: duty in a corner of nature (or in an ecological room), in the classroom and in the dining room; collective household labor (cleaning a group room, territory, etc.); joint work in the garden.
Questions of talking with children (2-3):

1. What did you do? Did you get everything you wanted?

2. Why did you do it? What is it for?

3. How did you do it?

4. Do you like to work? Why do you like to work?

5. What kind of work do you dislike?

6. What do you dislike doing the most? Why?

7. What do you like to do the most? All data is entered into a table.
Questions for analysis:

1. What types of work are used in the age group, do they meet the requirements of the education and training program in kindergarten?

2. What are the tasks of labor education in different age groups (to formulate on the basis of the data obtained and the requirements of the program)?

3. How do the tasks and content of labor education become more complex from group to group?

4. What is the degree of mastering by children of this age group in different types of work, do the labor skills and skills meet the requirements of the program?

5. What methodological techniques did the teacher use to establish personality-oriented interaction in work?
Task 8.

Independent organization and management of the work of preschoolers.

Purpose: to form students' professional skills to manage the work of preschoolers as a joint activity of a child and a "significant adult", to form their pedagogical reflection and professional attitude that "there are no bad students, there are bad teachers."

1. When drawing up a plan-outline for the organization of elementary work of preschoolers (the type of work and the form of its organization, the student chooses on his own), note that this is a type of joint activity of a child and an adult. Therefore, when determining the content of work, it is necessary to clearly think over your participation in it.

2. Organize child labor into subgroups, providing for a combination of its different types and assigning children according to their interests.

3. After working independently with children, answer the following questions:

How did you feel working with the children?

What is the role of work in child development?

What can you teach your pupils today?
Topic 6. Artistic and aesthetic development

Task 9.

Study of ways to develop productive activities.

Purpose: to develop students' ability to analyze the organization of productive activities.

1. When reviewing art classes, pay attention to the following points:

Distinctive features of the GCD methodology in different age groups;

The complex nature of GCD for fine arts;

The variability of the visual material used and the child's right to choose it;

Methodological techniques used by educators of different age groups, stimulating children's artistic creativity;

Individual approach to the development of children's fine art;

Children's interest in the lesson, their emotional state;

The degree of children's mastery of technical and visual techniques.

Note: trainees watch GCD for drawing, applique, modeling, design, as well as a complex lesson that includes various means of image.

2. After the lesson, select two children's works you like and talk with their authors:

What is shown in your drawing?

Did you manage to draw (sculpt, stick) everything that you intended?

Do you like your job?

What else would you like to finish? And what do you need for this? (What paints, pencils, paper, and other materials do you need?)

3. Take the previous work of these children from the teacher. After talking with the teacher and analyzing the work of children, make a conclusion about the "advancement" of preschoolers in mastering the visual activity.
Task 10.

Independently conducting a lesson in fine arts.

Purpose: to form students' professional skills in the management of visual activities.

Students independently prepare a summary of the lesson on visual activity (the lesson can be complex, and the work of the children - collective).
Task 11.

Study of the types of musical activity and their development by children of one of the age groups of the kindergarten.

Purpose: to develop the ability of students to analyze the organization of music education in kindergarten.

One of the conditions for a good class is careful preparation of the teacher. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the degree of mastering by children of songs, games, think over a preliminary short conversation for a new song, select the appropriate illustrative material. Preparing for the performance of songs, an instrumental work, the teacher outlines the necessary techniques.

Before class, the hall or group room is well ventilated, the floor is wiped with a damp cloth. While the children are playing, the teacher prepares everything necessary for classes: notes, toys, flags, scarves, ribbons, etc.

IN younger group the teacher arranges the chairs himself. Sometimes children help him at will.

In middle, senior and preparatory groups in preparation for the lesson, you need to create an interest in the children in it, say what they will do now.

Children should practice in lightweight suits and slippers.
Organization and methodology of work on musical education

  1. Equipment of the pedagogical process for musical education.

  2. Musical education in the process of different types of activities of children:
- the use of music in various types of games (musical and didactic round dance, role-playing, folk, theatrical.

The use of music in gymnastics.

Individual work with children on learning to play musical instruments.

Music in various classes of activity, physical education, acquaintance with others, etc.

3. Observation and analysis of music lessons in two age groups.

Questions for conducting and analyzing a music lesson.

  1. Hygienic conditions (furniture, wet cleaning, children's appearance).

  2. Repertoire compliance with software requirements.

  3. The expediency and logic of the lesson.

  4. Visual, verbal and play techniques aimed at focusing the attention and interest of children in music, the development of activity and initiative.

  5. Singing teaching techniques (game verbal instructions, introductory conversation, showing a sample and performance of a musical word, singing in chorus, dividing children into subgroups in games and dances).

  6. Methods of an individual approach to children.

  7. The condition of program content by children, what techniques contributed to the creation of naturalness and expressiveness of movement.

  8. Were used techniques that activate the initiative and creativity of children.

  9. Distribution of work between educators and music worker:

    • The consistency of their actions;

    • The role of the educator in a music lesson.

Independent musical activity of children

Analyze the music corner of the kindergarten.

Feasibility of placement, aesthetic design.

2. The use of musical toys and instruments by children.

3. The role of the educator in the development of various musical instruments by children.
Task 12.

Independent teaching of music education lessons.

Purpose: to form students' professional skills in the management of musical activities.

Students independently prepare a synopsis of the "Day of Music" (inclusion of work on the musical education of preschoolers in the regime moments, use the integration of various types of activities).
Topic 7. Development of gaming activities

Task 13.

Study of ways to develop play activities.

Purpose: to develop students' ability to analyze the organization of play activities

Questions for the observation and analysis of the play activity of preschool children.

  1. In which group was the game activity observed?

  2. What types of games took place in the play activity of children?

  3. The duration of the role-playing games, the participants in the games, their age.

  4. Play conditions: Was there enough time for play, space, toys, play, materials?

  5. The emergence of games: who invented the game and organized it, how were the roles assigned?

  6. The content of the game: what was portrayed in the game, in what sequence, what kind of fiction was manifested?

  7. Use of toys and play material in the game: what toys were at the disposal of children, what was added during the game, what did the children do themselves, whether ingenuity was shown.

  8. The relationship between the players: how did the children agree among themselves, how did they relate to their role, what conflicts were between the children and how were they resolved?

  9. Manual role-playing games, selection of toys and play material, influence on the theme and content of games, on the development of the plot, on the implementation of the children's plan. The influence of the teacher on the organization of the game and on the relationship of children in the game, on the distribution of roles. The participation of the educator in the game. Raising feelings and interests in the game.

  10. Educator's guidance with didactic games: offering games to children, explaining the rules of the game, didactic tasks, monitoring their implementation, maintaining children's interest in the game, ending the game.


  1. What knowledge did the children need to participate in the game?

  2. The degree to which children master the content and rules.

  3. Whether the game was disrupted by a lack of knowledge.

  4. What mental activities were used by the children?

    • Analysis of the situation, choosing a method of action, determining the sequence of actions, shaping actions in speech, comparison, classification, orientation in space, in the properties and qualities of objects, etc.

  5. What are the causes of mistakes and failures (lack of knowledge, lack of formation of mental actions).

  6. The most effective techniques and guidelines for mental education.


  1. What activities of children preceded the game (work, other games, entertainment, household activities).

  2. What was the reason for the start of the game: the introduction of the toy, the proposal of one of the participants of the educator?

  3. How were the rest of the participants involved in the game?

  4. Game theme. Was there a collusion for the game, its content (game planning, distribution of roles, etc.).

  5. Preparing the environment for the game:

    • Are the children re-creating the environment or using the existing one.

    • Use only ready-made toys or adjust other things, make missing ones.

    • The role of the teacher in preparing for the game, what techniques the teacher used.

  6. Development of the plot: how the events depicted in the game developed, on whose initiative, the emotional state of the playing children, difficulties, conflicts, ways to overcome them.

  7. Manifestations of children's creativity.

  8. If someone is out of the game before, state the reasons.

  9. Did the game end or was interrupted?

  10. The duration of the game.

  11. The teacher's assessment of the activities of children.

Conversation with children: did you like the game? Do you often play this game?

  • what are the motives for choosing and the distribution of roles;

  • motives for actions and decisions in conflicts.

Conversation with educators:what was the teacher guided by in the choice of methods of influencing the game, what tasks did he set?

  • How the teacher evaluates the content of the game and the relationship of children.

Task 14.

Independent organization and management of preschoolers' play activities.

Purpose: to form students' professional skills to manage the game of preschoolers as a joint activity of a child and a “significant adult”.

Students independently prepare a synopsis on the play activity of preschoolers, please note that this is a type of joint activity between a child and an adult. Therefore, when determining the content of the game, you must clearly think over your participation in it.

PM.03 Organization of classes in basic general education programs
Topic 8. Environmental education of preschoolers

Task 15.

Study of the peculiarities of work on environmental education in different age groups (outside the classroom).

Purpose: to form students' system of professional knowledge necessary for the implementation of the tasks of ecological education of preschoolers, to improve the ecological culture of future teachers, "preschoolers".

1. Analyze the conditions created in the preschool organization for the environmental education of preschoolers:

- "corner of nature", its equipment and equipment (taking into account the age principle);

Microecosystems at the kindergarten site (corner of a forest, field, meadow, garden, ecological path);

Ecological room: its inhabitants and equipment, ecological passport;
2. Getting acquainted with the "corner of nature", reflect the following points in your diary:

Does the selection of objects meet general pedagogical requirements (didactic value, safety for children's health, typicality of objects, accessibility to care for them, etc.)?

Have the biological characteristics of plants been taken into account in the selection (the possibility of carrying out the biological cycle in a "corner of nature", meeting needs, etc.)?

What is the manifestation of taking into account the age capabilities of children when selecting objects?

Have the differentiated plant needs been taken into account when placing objects?

H. Observe and analyze the content of the organization of environmental protection activities of the teacher and preschoolers in a corner of nature in the morning.

4. Prepare and teach the children a nature game.
Task 16.

Studying the features of conducting educational activities environmental education preschoolers in different age groups.

Purpose: to improve the culture of pedagogical activity of the future "preschooler" teacher, to form students' interest in new pedagogical technologies.

Review and analysis of educational activities in environmental education:

1. When analyzing the viewed lessons, answer the following questions:

To what stage of work on fostering a humane attitude towards wildlife do they relate to?

What is the originality of the forms, methods and techniques of environmental education in different age groups?

Organization of the situation (placement of objects of observation; conditions created for them; selection and location of equipment and materials used in the course of observation). Accommodation for children;

Methods of attracting the attention of children to observing the excitement of interest (surprise moments, riddles, setting a cognitive task, problem situation), their effectiveness;

The nature of assignments and questions, the sequence of their posing (the logic of conducting educational activities). The nature and content of children's responses;

Inclusion of survey actions in the course of observation, their nature, effectiveness;

The use of techniques for enhancing mental activity (search questions and actions, comparisons, the use of children's experience, etc.);

Demonstration of children's interest during observation (emotions, questions, concentration of attention);

Individual manifestations of children in the classroom and an individual approach to them;

Use in the classroom the results of everyday observations conducted by children.
Task 17.

Students independently conduct educational activities in environmental education.

Purpose: to form students 'attitude towards an individual style in pedagogical activity, to stimulate students' need for self-improvement.

Students independently conduct: work in a corner of nature and educational activities in environmental education.