Lpg massage for cellulite - is it effective? Is LPG massage for cellulite so effective? LPG massage for cellulite

LPG massage for cellulite

LPG (or endermological) massage is an effective hardware technique for eliminating cellulite. Its principle of action is comparable to manual techniques: an intense mechanical effect is produced on the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Such a high efficiency of LPG hardware correction for cellulite lies in the combination of the work of rollers of a special design and vacuum:

  • actively massaging the folds of the skin, rollers violate the integrity of the membranes of fat cells, they are split and excreted from the body;
  • vacuum stimulates microcirculation in tissues and trophic processes;
  • due to deep massage, the outflow of lymph is activated, which helps to remove toxins and cellular debris;
  • restoration of nutrition and lipid metabolism processes provokes the renewal of all structural units of the subcutaneous fat layer: neocollagenesis and synthesis of elastin fibers increase.


Results of hardware treatment

The ability to change the intensity of the impact during the LPG massage from cellulite, as well as the duration of the course, determine the effectiveness of the procedures in eliminating aesthetic defects of various degrees and localization.

Vacuum correction successfully combats various problems:

  • fatty deposits on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen - the volume of the body in problem areas is noticeably reduced, and the contours of the figure become correct and proportional;
  • cellulite and edema on the body - the skin is elastic and smooth, without unaesthetic bulging bumps and irregularities;
  • sagging folds of the skin (after pregnancy, sharp weight loss) - due to intensive stimulation of tissue regeneration, lymphatic drainage and blood flow, a pronounced lifting effect is observed.

After hardware treatment, the skin relief is not only leveled - it is noticeably tightened and rejuvenated, and you lose weight without exhausting diets and exercises.

LPG massage for cellulite

At the consultation with a dermacosmetologist, the skin is diagnosed. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bcorrection, the severity of the problem and its localization, the depth of the effect of vacuum massage and the required number of sessions for the correction of aesthetic defects are determined.

The course of LPG machine treatment for cellulite usually consists of 6-15 procedures. The duration of each manipulation is up to 50 minutes. Before the session, it is necessary to put on a special suit that ensures the sliding of the rollers and eliminates pain, discomfort.


Despite the atraumatic nature and safety of the procedure, its implementation is limited by a number of general medical indications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • dermatological, infectious, inflammatory skin lesions in the treatment area;
  • oncopathology;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • a number of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • increased body temperature.

Not all of the listed pathologies and conditions are absolute - the degree of risk of LPG massage is determined when diagnosing and taking anamnesis by a cosmetologist.

How to sign up for hardware treatment in our clinic

We offer impeccable medical service in everything: from the development of effective cosmetology programs to their implementation - carrying out safe procedures with minimal discomfort, but maximum aesthetic result.

Caring for our clients is manifested even at the stage of organizing a consultation: you can quickly make an appointment with the dermacosmetologists of the clinic at a convenient time by phone or online.

Our advantages

Even those girls and women who do not have problems with being overweight may one day find “orange peel” on their bodies. Doctors agree that it is more difficult than losing a few pounds.

For years, girls have been looking for ways to combat cellulite that could guarantee successful getting rid of it. Of course, you can use different ones, as well as perform certain physical exercises. But the most pleasant and effective method of dealing with excess weight was and remains massage. In this article, we will look at the LPG anti-cellulite massage, which has been very popular among the fair sex in recent years.

What is this innovative massage system? Initially, the apparatus, which was invented by L. Gite, was an ordinary maniple. It was a camera with small rollers inside. With the help of a vacuum, they formed folds of the skin and influenced them.

In this form, the invention did not last long. Continuous development in the field of innovative technologies has made it possible to improve the massager. It is now a computerized system. This system is able to independently choose the required intensity of exposure.

Moreover, this intensity is selected on the basis of exactly what goals need to be achieved, in what condition the skin and adipose tissue are.

Please note that massage is performed only in specialized centers. The apparent simplicity of the procedure makes one believe that such a massage can be performed even at home. However, this is not the case, since only a specialist will be able to select the correct intensity, as well as the duration of the procedure. Now let's take a closer look at exactly how this massage is performed.

The procedure is not too different in technology from that which is carried out without the use of the apparatus. Therefore, the question arises, is LPG massage really better than manual anti-cellulite massage? Research has confirmed that it is actually more effective because it allows you to achieve visible results faster.

Sofia Demidova

I must say right away that the parameters of my body have not crossed the critical line (mass index is within the normal range), but they are infinitely far from my own ideals: traditional problem areas are problematic for me. I go to the fitness club two or three times a week, ride rollerbikes in summer, and ski-boards in winter. Sometimes, due to a long trip, vacation or winter hibernation, I get off track for a month or two. On weekdays, I don't eat after 19.00, six months ago I gave up meat, I don't abuse rolls, but I can't live without ice cream. In general, everything is like everyone else.

How I fought cellulite

A couple of times a year I am overwhelmed with thoughts of a massive attack on cellulite and excess body fat... As a secret weapon, I tried manual massage, Charcot's shower, vacuum (cupping) massageas well as various gels and creams. At some point, a passion for technical innovations pushed me to try hardware "tools", in particular LPG. I found a salon in the center of St. Petersburg, studied the site and reviews, imbued with confidence and went to the appointment.

They examined me, identified problem areas - "breeches", sides, stomach, measured, weighed and recommended three or four sessions of pressure therapy and 10-12 procedures of LPG massage. Pressotherapy is when increased pressure is applied in a sealed suit, which increases the metabolic rate and improves the blood supply to the muscles, preparing the body for LPG. After a short briefing, I was given a chic nylon suit and taken to the ward.

Sofia Demidova

What is LPG massage?

The Cellu M 6 Keymodule i looks like a hybrid of a pay-for-service terminal, a Star Wars assassin droid, and a vacuum cleaner. Attached to it is an experienced beautician, probably honing his craft at home on long-pile carpets.

The LPG session in my salon took one hour. I spent this hour with pleasure: you are lying on the couch, and you are diligently "vacuuming". Usually I went to the procedures in the morning before work and spent another hour watching my dreams, interrupted by the cosmetologist's questions about my well-being: did it hurt, was it blowing, was it comfortable, etc. Well, once during the procedure, I had to force myself to roll over from my back onto stomach. No discomfort - the body is kneaded with a roller massager, sucking in the skin. I would say that this is a vacuum massage, but smart advertising sites write that it is not: LPG massage includes elements of electrolipolysis, vacuum and vibration massage.

The effectiveness of LPG massage

In general, everything is fine, but each next session began with weighing and measurements, and the indicators confidently held their positions. No miracles happened to the skin either, although they promised a visible and tangible result. Cellulite remains the same. The beautician wrinkled her forehead, marveling at my amazing case. At first, she explained this by the fact that the fluid is not excreted from the body after pressotherapy. She said that the quickly visible result will not appear. But over time, the explanations dried up, and the beautician moved from defense to offensive: maybe you don't finish talking and eat donuts at night? Do you like soda? Do you eat loaves whole or in halves? But I was offensively clean in front of myself and medicine: I ate right and rode my bike every day. As a result, my specialist threw up her hands and advised additional LPG sessions.

Sofia Demidova

I think such procedures have a minimal tangible result only in advanced cases, when extra pounds and volumes go away easily, because there are more of them and there is where to roam. In the meantime, everything is not so terrible, but already bad enough to start doing something, the result can be achieved only with sweat and blood. Or massage cups.

Or I came across an unsuccessful specialist who rarely cleans the house and has not mastered the skill. Or, perhaps, lying on the couch, it was necessary not to doze, but to control the process, shouting: “More! Stronger! Higher! Not here! ”, But I don’t recognize that.

LPG massage is a procedure that allows you to give the skin a healthy appearance and get rid of imperfections using a special apparatus. This massage has many benefits, but there are also specific contraindications. Therefore, before signing up for such a procedure, you must consult with a specialist.

What is LPG massage: description

The LPG massage procedure is performed with a special apparatus. It was created several decades ago by engineer Louis Paul Guite. The action of the mechanism is based on rollers and vacuum, which simultaneously massage the body. The rollers rotate and the vacuum sucks in the skin and stimulates the dermal and subcutaneous layers. This procedure is widely used in cosmetology, sports and various types of therapy.

In recent years, the popularity of LPG massage has increased due to its ability to work on the whole body. This treatment gives the skin a fresh look and removes many visual imperfections. Many women and men all over the world prefer to improve their appearance with the help of apparatus massage.

Lpg massage allows you to:

  • cure cellulite regardless of the stage of its development;
  • correct body contours;
  • tighten, make flabby and aging skin firm and elastic;
  • burn off the layer of fat that is under the skin;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • get rid of edema;
  • get rid of wrinkles;
  • improve complexion and make the skin look healthy;
  • activate the process of tissue regeneration, accelerate the process of cell renewal;
  • provide skin breathing;
  • eliminate excess weight;
  • eliminate muscle pain that accompanies athletes during and after training;
  • get rid of scars and scars from skin burns or after surgery.

There are other procedures that can have a similar effect, but they have some disadvantages that the LPG vacuum massage lacks.

To appreciate all the advantages of the procedure, you can compare it with other types:

Lpg massage machine Hand massage Vacuum massage
What the patient feels With LPG massage, there are no unpleasant sensations The session is painful enough The procedure gives a lot of unpleasant sensations
Complexity of execution You need to use a special apparatus and a massage suit The massage therapist must be qualified and make a lot of effort to complete the procedure You need special equipment that will allow you to perform a vacuum effect on the skin. Banks are often used
Eliminate excess weight After carrying out the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases significantly Fat is not broken down so well, as the intensity of exposure is weaker Adds elasticity and tone the skin
Result The protocol requires at least 15 sessions to achieve the desired effect Changes can be noticed after six sessions The greater effect will be after 20 sessions

Application for face

LPJI massage is actively used in cosmetology. How many sessions are needed depends on the problem. The effect of LPG facial massage, in particular, is expected to be:

  1. Collagen synthesis will increase, due to which cells will rejuvenate faster.
  2. The blood circulation will improve.
  3. The facial muscles are relaxed.

LPG facial massage is performed as follows:

  • It is necessary to cleanse the face of makeup and impurities.
  • The skin is treated with special milk and tonic.
  • Depending on the problem, the expected result and the patient's age, a program of the intensity of the action of the nozzle is selected.
  • The massage is done in a circular motion, moving the rollers along the massage lines. The forehead, cheeks and lower face are affected.
  • The area around the eyes is massaged with a separate nozzle, as the skin there is very delicate. In order not to damage it, the entire procedure must be carried out with soft and progressive movements.
  • After the massage, a special moisturizer is applied to the face.

Lpg massage for cellulite and other body problems

LPG massage for men and women in order to improve the condition of the body is carried out in several ways, depending on the problem:

  1. Lpg anti-cellulite massage is called lipomassage. It removes fat deposits under the skin and asymmetric folds.
  2. Therapeutic endermology can help to get rid of scars, joint pain and spine pain.
  3. Sports endermology is a body massage that relieves swelling and muscle pain.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • examine the patient, determine the presence of problem areas;
  • before getting a massage, a person is dressed in a special suit;
  • markings are applied to the suit in order to know which areas of the body to perform the impact on;
  • select the necessary equipment. Anti-cellulite massage is usually performed in a vacuum.

The specialist carries out the procedure using the following movements:

  • twisting. They enhance the anti-cellulite effect;
  • rocking will help get rid of fat deposits under the skin;
  • sliding allows you to adjust the contours of the body;
  • thanks to resurfacing, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

To improve the effect, various gels can be additionally used.

To consolidate the result after the Lpg procedure is done, you need to follow the recommendations of a specialist. First of all, it is recommended to refrain from food for three hours after the session. Also, to maintain the effect for a longer period, you must drink at least three liters of liquid per day.

Indications and contraindications

The following indications are required for the session:

  1. Decreased skin tone.
  2. Fat deposition and folds in the buttocks.
  3. The presence of a double chin, drooping of the corners of the mouth.
  4. Sagging skin on the face or décolleté.
  5. Obesity, different degrees of cellulite.
  6. Wrinkles of varying severity.
  7. Sagging abdominal tissue after pregnancy.
  8. Bad complexion.
  9. Varicose veins. LPG massage for varicose veins effectively helps to get rid of the manifestations of the disease. The procedure reduces the load on the veins, but only a doctor should carry out it, since this disease has its own characteristics.

Contraindications for LPG massage are as follows:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • Lpg massage during lactation is prohibited;
  • the presence of tumors in the body. The procedure stimulates blood flow and accelerates the processes of cell division, so the tumor will grow rapidly;
  • hemophilia. A person with such a problem may develop hematomas on the skin;
  • epilepsy. The device acts on the skin in a vacuum. Such exposure can cause an epileptic seizure;
  • it is forbidden to do massage during menstruation, as it can lead to an increase in the amount of blood discharge;
  • the presence of wounds and cuts. The procedure can additionally injure the skin. For the same reason, LPG massage after cesarean is not recommended;
  • chronic diseases during an exacerbation;
  • increased hair on the face and neck.

Lpg procedure cost

Before carrying out such a procedure, it is imperative to inform a specialist about any health problems. Only a doctor can determine whether it is possible to apply Lpg technology in a particular case.

Depending on what problems the patient wants to solve and the stage of their neglect, one session can last from twenty to forty minutes. It may take 10-20 procedures.

The cost depends on the type of procedure and can fluctuate between 1000-1600 rubles per session. The patient must also purchase a massage suit. It costs about 1,500 rubles. The cost is indicated for one session.

Different salons may have different prices. It all depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the rental of premises, the status of the salon.

Lpg is a relatively new procedure that gets rid of many problems. The main thing is to take into account the presence of contraindications and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. The author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

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