GCD for cognition in the middle group of kindergarten. Air, water, light. Summary of GCD for the middle group "To help the inhabitants of the forest. Abstract of the node knowledge in the middle group

Development of direct educational activities on cognitive research development for children of the middle group on the topic "Air, water, light".

Integration: communication, reading fiction, physical development,
The purpose of this development to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in the forest. This development can be useful for educators and parents of children 4 - 5 years old.
Program tasks:
To form children's knowledge about the meaning of the sun, air and water in the life of man, animal plants.
To give an idea to children about how a person breathes air.
To develop perception, the ability to highlight the various properties and relationships of water and air, including different senses: sight, touch, smell, taste.
To expand the knowledge of children about the properties of water (transparent, odorless, tasteless, takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured)

Promote the ability of children to conduct elementary experiments with water and air.
To foster a desire to protect and protect the surrounding nature.
Demonstration material: a bag with "air", a silhouette of a man with human respiratory organs, 2 balloons per child, a globe, transparent plastic glasses for experiments with water, doll dishes: saucer, cup, saucepan, salt, sugar, citric acid, iron tea spoon, pipettes for all children, valerian bottle, package citric acid.
Methods and techniques: the teacher's story, explanation, showing the experiences by the teacher with the participation of children, reading a poem, making riddles about air and water.

The course of educational activities:

Educator: children, look at what a wonderful bag I have in my hands (I show a bag filled with air), what do you think is in the bag?
Children's assumptions.
Educator: Want to know what's actually in the package?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Then guess the riddle:
Always surrounds us
We breathe it without difficulty.
It is odorless, colorless.
Guess what is it?
Children: air!
Educator: Look, but there is nothing in the package!
Can you see the air ?, touch?
Children: No!
Educator: how will we feel it?
Children's assumptions.
Educator: cover your nose with one hand and your mouth with the other.
What's happening?
Children: we can't breathe!
Educator: Yes, guys, there is no life without air, let's figure out how we breathe air.
Go to the board (a silhouette of a person with human respiratory organs hangs on the board.)
Breathe in the air, where did it go?
Children: in the nose
Educator: after that, it descends into the throat, the respiratory tube, then through the bronchi into the lungs.
To give you a better idea of \u200b\u200bhow this happens, we will conduct an experiment: air balloonsNow let the air out, this is how our lungs work.
Our light, big hard workers, they work all their lives, pump air and must be protected: dress for the weather so as not to get cold, and breathe only clean air!

Educator: Where do you think clean air comes from?
Children's assumptions.
Educator: We breathe oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide, and plants are vice versa: they take carbon dioxide, and release oxygen, they are called "the lungs of our planet Earth"
What should be done to have a lot of oxygen?
Children: plant trees, do not break branches, do not tear leaves in vain, etc.
Educator: What do plants need to grow?
Children: water, sun, light.
Educator: Where can I get water?
Children: in a tap, in a river, in a puddle, in the sea
Educator: Do you know how much water is on our planet?
Children: Many
Educator: Yes, a lot, and now I will show you this, I take out a globe from behind the screen, this is our planet reduced many times, rivers, seas, oceans are indicated in blue, brown and in green land and woodland, which is more?
Children: Water
Educator: But not all the water on earth can be drunk, in the seas and oceans (I show it on the globe) the water is salty, now we will check it, you can drink sea water or not.
(I remove the screen, there are two glasses of water on the table with sea salt, cocktail tubes for all the children, I add sea \u200b\u200bsalt in one glass, stirring, showing to children)
Educator: look, outwardly the water in the glasses is the same, try the water in the first glass, what kind of water?
Children: tasteless
Educator: try in a second glass, what kind of water?
Children: salty!
Educator: What kind of water can you drink and what not?
Children: in the first glass
Educator: In the first glass, water is called fresh and fresh water on earth is very small, look at the globe: fresh water is in rivers, lakes, springs, and they, look, are indicated on the globe by a thin, blue strip, and salt water in the seas and oceans, look there is a lot of salt water on the globe that is not suitable for use by humans and animals.
What conclusion can be drawn?
Children: water must be protected!
Educator: how can you children save water?
Children: turn off the tap so that water does not drip in vain, do not douche with water, do not throw various garbage, bottles, paper into the river.
Educator: Well done, you will definitely save water!
Now let's play the game "Spring"
Purpose: To develop the ability to walk in pairs. Foster friendly feelings between children.
Educator: The course of the game: Zhenya and Katya hold hands and "open" the entrance to the fontanelle, children find a mate for themselves, stand behind the collar and our fontanelle will flow, Nastya was left without a pair, go through the gates and choose whoever you want and stand at the end! Now Maxim finds himself a mate!
The rules of the game: do not push the children in front, hold the comrade's hand to the end.
Our fontanel is flowing fast, breaking out of the ground and already turning into a river!
Educator: And now I invite you to our laboratory!
Do you want to become scientists for a while?
Children: want
Educator: You and I will turn into real scientists and will conduct experiments with water!
Children go to tables.
Educator: I will introduce you to some of the properties of water: Experience 1 Water has no smell
Take glasses of water and smell what it smells like
Children: nothing, water.
Educator: take a pipette, take a little valerian and add to the water, what does it smell like?
Children: valerian
Educator: take another glass of water and add a little citric acid, what smells?
Children: lemon
Educator: what conclusion can be drawn?
Children: the water smells like what is added to it
Educator: Experience 2 Water has no form.
Take a glass of water and pour a little into a saucer, a saucepan, a glass, what shape did the water take?
Children: water became like a saucer, a saucepan, a glass.
Educator: What's the conclusion?
Children: where the water is poured that shape takes.
Educator: Experience 3 Water is transparent.
Put a spoon in a glass of water, can you see it?
Children: yes
Educator: add pieces of plasticine to the glass, can you see them?
Children: see
Educator: what conclusion can be drawn?
Children: the water is transparent, you can see everything through it
Educator: We've worked with you, and now it's time to rest!
We will play the game: Streams and lakes
Purpose of the game: to teach children to run and make changes.
Game progress. Children stand in 2-3 columns with the same number of people playing in different parts of the hall - these are streams. At the signal "Brooks are running!" all run after each other in different directions (each in its own column). To the signal "Lakes!" players stop, join hands and build lake circles.
The children who build the circle faster will win.
Rules of the game. Run slowly without pushing each other. All children in the circle should join hands and lift them up.
Educator: Guys, you liked a new game?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Guys, what else is needed for the life and growth of humans and plants?
Children: Warmth, light, sun!
Educator: Right! If a person is put in a dark room for a long time, he will go blind, and the plants in the dark will wither and eventually disappear. I invite you to experience
We recently watched the seedlings of flowers in our "garden on the window", look how strong, green they are. We will leave the main part on the window, and put the seedlings in a glass in a dark cabinet and see what happens. (continue monitoring in a week)
Children put seedlings in a closet, attach a note with the start date of the experiment.
Educator: Children, it's time for us to turn into children from scientists again! What have we learned today? What experiences were you interested in? Why conserve water?
Children: Answers of children.
You did a great job today, don't forget to water the seedlings we have put in the closet!

Author details

Pyaternikova L.G.

Place of work, position:

teacher MBDOU - kindergarten number 64, Balakovo

Saratov region

Lesson characteristics (lessons)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The target audience:


Item (s):

The purpose of the lesson:

purpose: to consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children.

Students in the class:

Short description:

Plan - synopsis of the integrated GCD "Knowledge" in middle group.



- to consolidate the knowledge of children about trees, about birds;

- to clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals;

- to clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about fruits and vegetables;

- fix the name of the dish.

- fix the name of the furniture.

- to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish and name items of clothing, classify it by seasons - winter, spring .

- consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes in the ability to determine the size of an object and the names of colors, the concept of "many", "one".

2. Developing:

- develop the attention of children;

- develop speech, memory.

3. Foster a desire to help others.

- continue to teach children to distinguish between sad and cheerful moods.

- enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns denoting the names of objects and adjectives: funny, sad, soft, fluffy, big, small.

develop speech breathing, fine motor skills hands.

Course of the lesson:

1. - Oh guys, who's that growling outside the door? (children's answers).

That's right, bear. He probably came to visit us. I'll go and take a look. (The teacher brings in the bear).

Hello bear, come in! Guys, invite the bear. (Children greet the bear and invite him to pass). Guys, touch the bear and tell me what it is? Inspection actions of children: the bear is large, soft, fluffy.

2. - Guys, while the bear was walking towards us, he was tired, he felt hot. Let's blow on him! (speech breathing: "doo-oo-oo-oo-oo").

3. - Guys, look at what bear? A model of a sad mood is shown.

Which bear? (sad). Why is he sad? (children's questions).

And a sad bear because he has a little friend at home - a bear cub. And he worries about him, no matter how trouble happens to him, because he was left alone. He also wanted to come to visit us, but he could not cross the river and stayed at home.

Guys, let's go get the bear ourselves! You, bear, sit in our kindergarten, and we will bring you your friend.


Guys, I suggest we go to the forest.

Wear down jackets, hats, mittens, felt boots.

What? (We do not have down jackets, warm hats.).

Why? (Hot).

What should we wear? (Pants, sweaters, etc.).

What clothes? (Spring).

Shoes? (sneakers).

And the boots, for what time of year? (For winter).

Sneakers? (For spring).

Well, what are you wearing? (Yes).

What do we have now season? (Spring)

Now, we are ready to go to the forest, but the path is very difficult and we have to overcome many obstacles, we are not afraid, we will overcome everything, because we are friendly, and when we are together we are not afraid of anything.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

The bear sat on a log,

I began to look at the sun

Don't look at the light, bear!

The eyes can get sore.

Self-massage with movement elements.

They stomped on the porch,

They patted my cheeks with their hands.

They closed their eyes with their hands.

And they parted the fingers, opened them.

They sat down together

We looked through our fingers.

We clench our fingers into a fist,

We take in air.

We unclench our fingers

We exhale the air.

We knock on the breast with our palms,

Let's pet it and keep quiet for a while.

4. We leave for the forest. It's dark in the forest, let's light our flashlights. Finger gymnastics (alternate flexion and extension of the fingers):

We'll light our lanterns

And then let's go for a walk,

Here the lanterns are shining

They light our way!

5. Guys, look how many roads are in front of us. What color are the tracks? How to choose which one should we go? I have a hint what color the forest is, and let's go along that path. We leave for the forest.

We walk little by little

We have trodden a path.

We walked, walked

We entered a dense forest

6. Educator: Here guys, we found ourselves in a spring forest.

Educator: Guys, the forest has its own rules of behavior, do not speak loudly, do not shout, do not make noise, as you can scare forest animals.

Educator:What forest animals do you know?

Children: Hare, squirrel, bear, fox, wolf.

Educator: That's right, they all live in the forest, how can they be called in one word?

Children:Wild animals.

Educator: Why are they called wild animals Danila?

Danila:Because they live in the forest.

Educator: Well done.

Who else lives in the forest?

Children: Birds.

Educator: Right.

Educator: Listen to how beautifully the birds sing in the forest.

(Birdsong music) - relaxation

Educator: Look around, what trees surround us?

Children: Christmas tree, birch.

Educator: That's right, well done.

Educator: Guys, look how many different birds on the trees. Tell me which birds are sitting on tree branches?

Children:Crow, magpie, woodpecker, titmouse, sparrow.

Educator: "Yana, what birds are sitting on the birch?" (Magpie, sparrow)

Katya, what kind of birds are sitting on the tree? (Crow, woodpecker, tit)

Educator: Well done.

Educator: Guys, where are we?

Children: In the woods.

7. Educator: - And here is the house of the bear, guys, look what beautiful table the bear covered. And tell me what is on the table?


Educator: Tell me what's here.

Children: Cup, plate, kettle.

Educator: Well done.

Educator: And what are the dishes on?

Children:On the table.

Educator: And what is near the table?

Children: Chairs.

Educator: Well done, but in a word, what is it called?

Children: Furniture.

Educator: Look guys, and here is a bear cub sitting in the corner, sad, what is he like, but he is not alone?

Who sits next to him and cries?

Children: Hedgehog!

Educator: shows a hedgehog, let's say together:

Hello forest inhabitants! Hedgehog, why are you crying?

Educator: Guys, our hedgehog is unusual, it has no thorns. And he needs thorns to protect himself from evil animals.

Can we help the hedgehog return the thorns?

Guys need to take one clothespin from the box and attach a hedgehog to the back.

carry out the task.

Educator: How many thorns did Ulyana attach to a hedgehog?



And how much is Arish?


Educator: Look how many thorns are on the hedgehog's back now?

Children: lot.

Educator: Pat on the back of the hedgehog, what has he become?

Children: prickly.

Hedgehog: Thanks guys for the help!

Educator: Well done. And here is the river through which the bear cub could not cross! How can we go further?

Children: Jump over, step over. (We perform actions)

Educator: Let's build a bridge over the river for the bear cub so that he can return to kindergarten with us. Take the logs (colored pencils), roll them out (between the palms) and place them one after another. So the bridge has turned out!

The bear cub goes through the bridge and goes with the children to the kindergarten.

Physical education:The bear walked through the forest,

And he was looking for children,

He searched for a long, long time.

He sat down on the grass and dozed off.

The children began to dance

They began to knock with their feet:

Misha, Misha, get up,

And catch up with the guys!

(children run away from the bear, he catches up with them)

8. So we came to kindergarten. Guys, look at what a mess! Geometric shapes are all mixed up and everyone wants to get into their own house. Survey actions of children. Give an assignment: disassemble a "circle" into one house, a "square" into another, triangles into a third.

9. Bears rejoice. A model of joyful mood is shown.

Guys, what is the mood of the bears? Why? And when the bear came to us, what was his mood? What's his mood now? Show! Why are they in this mood? (children's answers).

10. Well done guys! You have overcome many difficulties today, but you were friendly and helped each other and those who asked us for help. I am proud of you. You enjoyed our trip to the forest, and so did I. Today in the lesson you showed what you learned during the year, showed your knowledge and skills!

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 6" Solnyshko "

koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region

Abstract of GCD knowledge

in the middle group

Topic: "Bird World"


Sheveleva Natalia Vitalievna


Koryazhma, 2017

Tasks: 1) Clarify the knowledge of children about the world of birds: their appearance, lifestyle; about the world of plants: trees (oak, birch), shrubs and their differences. 2) stimulate the manifestation of speech activity. 3) Encourage interest in the properties and purpose of objects. 4) Develop phonemic perception.

Material: hat with the image of a crow or magpie (for each child; bird models - magpie, crow, bullfinch tit; model tree. Various food for birds; fat, mountain ash, seeds. Feeder for sparrows; pictures with images of various birds (bullfinch tit, sparrow, 10 pieces in total); pictures depicting various trees: aspen, willow, oak (5 pieces), birch (5 pieces), spruce, pine, pictures depicting hazel. Soft modules, small objects (cubes, rubber rings).

Educator: guys, today we will compose a fairy tale and we ourselves will participate in it as the main characters. And the fairy tale will be called "Bird World". Once upon a time there were two interesting birds. Guess who they are:

Grayish in color,

Thieving habits,

Screamer hoarse,

Famous person.

Children: crow.

Educator: guys, imagine that you are crows. Show yourself where the raven has a gray color? (children show - they run their hands from the neck along the chest, stomach and sides.

Educator: funnel children, wave your wings, what color are they? Children wave their arms, raise and lower their shoulders and say, "Black."

Educator: how does a crow cry?

Children: Kar!


And the second bird

As white as snow

Like soot black

I love to tell everyone in the forest

Tell me how I live.

Children: it's forty.

Educator: children, show me where the magpie has white feathers? Children run their hands from the neck along the chest, abdomen and sides.

Educator: wave your wings, what color are they? Children wave their arms, raise and lower their shoulders.

Educator: let's show how these birds can walk.

Children imitate movements: walking is normal on toes, with high knees.

Educator: children, let's divide into groups - some will be crows, and some will be magpies. Children wear hats.

Educator: these birds invited different birds to visit them

You are with this fashionista,

Of course I know

Turntable in place

Doesn't sit in any way

All boast

Your yellow frock coat

And be proud of a fashionable hat.

Children: it's a tit.

Educator: find this bird in our tree (children come up to the tree and look for blue bream, point to it). Show that it is yellow.

Children pat themselves on the bellies.

Educator: where is the titmouse blue colour (children raise their hands above their heads, lock them into a lock and perform movements with their hands above their heads back and forth, depicting a titmouse's hat). Pat yourself on the cheeks, what color are they on the titmouse?

Children: stroking themselves on the dots: "White!"

Educator: they loved very much when they flew to visit them ...

He comes to visit us in winter,

Flaunts red breasts.

Children: this is a bullfinch.

Educator: children, find a bullfinch on a branch (children find a bullfinch). How can you recognize him?

Children: he has a red tummy (stroking his stomach with his hands).

Educator: children, if you were titmouses, how would you behave on a branch?

Guys, this bird is called a forest acrobat (children imitate movements - turning the head, body to the sides; jumping - legs crossed - legs apart, one leg forward, the other back); both arms up and swinging forward and backward; one hand up, the other down and swinging.

Educator: guys, and if you were bullfinches, how would you behave in a tree (children imitate movements: starting position in a squat, reach with their hands to the floor and slowly turn their heads to the left - to the right). Children, show me. What is special about the flight of the bullfinch (children show the wave-like flight of the bullfinch). Guys, what time of the year do you think the bullfinch comes to us?

Children: the bullfinch comes to us in winter.

Educator: now we have winter. Let's feed our friends (children come up to the table, choose food for the titmouse and bullfinch. They refer the treat to the appropriate bird).

Educator: all the guests were treated to a magpie and a crow, and when the guests began to fly away, they climbed into the trees and waved their wings for a long time (children raise their hands to the sides, up, forward (at the same time, alternately).

Educator: children, do you know which trees they sat on? The magpie sat on a tree with a thick, gnarled trunk and branches. What is the name of this tree?

Children: this is an oak tree (they find it among the proposed pictures and put pictures along the wall).

Educator: and the crow sat on a birch. Find this tree (children find a birch tree from the proposed pictures and put a picture along the wall). Now remove the hats and place the forty near the oak, and the raven near the birches (children take off their hats and put them next to the oak, and the crows' hats next to the birch).

Educator: next to an oak and a birch, there was such a plant (shrub). Children, how are trees different from shrubs?

Children: a tree has a thick trunk, and a bush has branches.

Educator: let's depict a tree in calm weather (children depict - legs straight, arms up). And if the wind blew, the twigs bend.

Educator: depict a bush in calm weather (children stand straight, arms to the sides. The wind is blowing - the bushes sway forward, backward).

Educator: the magpie and the crow saw off their guests, and they themselves lay down on the trees in their nests to sleep. And our fairy tale - the journey is over. Do you remember what birds we talked about today? I invite each of you to be the bird that he liked the most. And by your movements I will try to guess the bird you have become (music sounds).

List of used literature

    Runova M.A., Butilova A.V. Getting to know nature through movement. For work with children 5-7 years old. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006 .-- 112 p.

    Preschool pedagogy. Tutorial for students of pedagogical schools / Edited by S. A. Kozlova, T. A. Kulikova. - M: Publishing Center "Academy" 2007.

    Molodova L.P. Game environmental activities with children. Educational method. A guide for kindergarten teachers and teachers. Minsk: "Asar" - 1996. - 128 p.

    Golitsina N.S. summaries of complex thematic classes preparatory group... An integrated approach. Edition 2, revised and enlarged. - M .: "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2016. - 568 p.

Office of General Education Administration

Rtischevsky municipal district Saratov region

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 9" Lastochka ", Rtischevo, Saratov region"

(MDOU "Kindergarten No. 9" Lastochka ", Rtishchevo, Saratov region)

Summary of GCD for cognition in the middle group

"We preserve forest resources"

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 9" Swallow ", Rtishchevo, Saratov region

Educator: Semenova N.V.


2017 academic year

Purpose: To give children the idea that the forest is our wealth.Expand children's understanding of the benefits of forests in human life. Formation of environmental awareness, respect for nature.


    Learning tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe meaning of forests in nature and in the life of every person, about the need for a careful attitude to forest resources.

    Developing tasks: develop cognitive interest, observation, the ability to draw conclusions, expand the vocabulary of children.

    Educational tasks: to foster a feeling of love for the natural resources around us, sensitivity, understanding of the various secrets hidden in nature and a careful attitude towards them.

GCD content:


Hi gentle morning,

Hello kindergarten,

Hello good friend,

Hello everyone around.

We are very glad to have guests,

We give you warmth.

(Children greet guests)

Educator: Guys, we received a letter. Let's read.

« Good morning, guys! Writes to youfairy of the Forest. The forest became gloomy, lifeless, birds began to fly away from it, animals left. People come to the forest and leave trash, they scream, destroy birds' nests, tear up rare plants and break trees. Please help me save the forest. Come soon, I'll be looking forward to you!

Educator: Guys, are you ready to go to the forest and help its inhabitants? What is a forest?


The forest is our wealth and our gold

Various animals, medicinal herbs

There are many birds and berries full of

The air is fresh and easy to breathe.

Educator: Rguys, which one of you was in the woods? What is there? (trees, shrubs, birds, wild animals) Is it beautiful in the forest? And what is the forest for? The forest must be treated very carefully. If you cut down the entire forest, then all rivers and lakes can dry out. The forest purifies the air, is beneficial and thereforewemust protect the forest and protect it.

Guys, what time of year is it? (Spring). That's right, but what happens in the spring?


Everything comes alive, everything blooms

A warm breeze blows everyone

Merry streams murmur everywhere

Joyful birds fly from the south.

Educator: Therefore, we are going to the spring, fabulous forest.Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the forest. Everything is fine in the forest. The forest decorates the earth, retains moisture, helping a person to grow a good harvest. And how easy and free to breathe in the forest! The forest is a huge oxygen factory that is necessary for all life on earth. The forest is a home for animals and birds, an amazing storehouse of inexhaustible wealth. And the main gift of the forest is wood. It is used for the construction of houses, for the manufacture of furniture. The forest is the healthiest resting place for people.

We are guests in the forest, but to be good guests, you must follow the rules of conduct.

These rules of conduct we we will fix it in the game "You can not" (with a ball)

1. Walk in the forest along the paths (you can)

2. Collect mushrooms in the forest (you can)

3. Pull them out by the roots (not allowed)

4. Listen to birds singing (you can)

5. And make noise in the forest, turn on loud music (you can't)

6. Breaking tree branches (not allowed)

7. And destroy anthills? (not allowed)

8. Can I take cubs of wild animals home? (not allowed)

Why?! Because the home of wild animals is the forest.

9.Rip the nests (not allowed)

10 light bonfires (not allowed)

Educator : People love to go for walks in the forest, pick berries, mushrooms, cones. But not everyone understands the importance of nature and forests.Spring comes, and people go to nature, kindle fires that lead to fires. The worst enemy of the forest is fire.

Educator: Oh guys, look, someone is waving at us. Yes, the same Fairy of the Forest.

Fairy: (vote)Hello my friends, thank you for coming. I am concerned about the state of our forest. Forest resources are slowly disappearing, and we do not know how to save them. The forest is in danger, help him!

Educator: what do we need to do?

Fairy: Now you will follow this path and see everything for yourself.

Educator: guys, why do you have to walk along the path? (In order not to disrupt the life of birds and animals, do not step on insects, do not wrinkle flowers). Oh, how sad, boring and dark in the forest and you can hear birds singing.

(go out into the clearing)

Look around carefully and tell me what shouldn't be in the forest?

Children : garbage.

Educator : Do you guys like this forest?

Children: Not.

Educator: What to do, how to help the forest? (you need to collect all the garbage in a bag, and then throw it into the trash container). Guys, I have a suggestion. Let's clean up all the trash in the clearing. And then our forest and all its inhabitants will be very happy.

See how it became clean and beautiful! Well done, you are true friends of the forest. The fairy gives the first ray. With each completed task, the forest will become brighter.

Educator: In such a forest it is not only pleasant to travel, but also pleasant to play.

Forest physical training

The wind shakes the forest trees,

(children perform bends to the right, left with raised hands).

Bright butterflies flutter everywhere

(flap their arms like wings).

A squirrel with a squirrel is jumping on the branches, (jumping).

A bear and a teddy bear walk through the forest (they waddle)

Children eat strawberries in the forest ...

(squatting, children imitate how they eat strawberries).

So our game is over.

Educator : Guys, Fairy says that there is one more problem in the forest - animals leave here, do not want to live here and raise their offspring, as people very often behave badly towards them. Do you know how to help forest dwellers?

1 child : If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air.

Run, jump and play.

Just don't forget.

2 child : You don't need to catch everyone here.

Stomp, run, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is an oak and an elk.

D / And "Who lives where?" ( Children lay out pictures of animals under the corresponding house, and explain their choice)

The fairy gives one more ray.


We went out to the forest lawn,
Raising my legs higher
Through bushes and bumps
Through branches and stumps.
Who walked so high
Did not stumble, did not fall.

Children: This is us!

So we came to the clearing. What are these flowers? Guess the riddle:

The first to get out of the land

On the thaw

He is not afraid of frost

Though small. (Snowdrop).

What are we going to do with them? (Let's admire). Why don't we pick flowers?


If we pick all the flowers

All the glades will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

Educator: right, and these flowers are also very rare. Let's put a sign so that other visitors to the forest do not pick and trample the flowers.

The fairy gives one more ray. Move on.

Educator: look, the branches of the tree are broken, what do we need to do?

Children : treat the tree.

Children perform applique work, glue twigs to the tree.

Educator: sticks the birds. The forest sounds are recorded.

Guys, you hear, it seems we were able to help the forest! What do you hear?

Children : the birds sang songs.

Educator: we must protect nature!

Song "Vesnyanka"

Fairy: You guys have completed all the tasks. See how light has become in the forest.


What benefits does the forest bring to man?

What does it mean to love nature?

What do you need to remember and do for this?

The forest must be protected, because this is our home, our wealth. There are many herbs, trees, flowers, berries, mushrooms growing in the forest. The forest is of great benefit to us. We must take good care of the forest resources, all living things that surround us.

We love the forest at any time of the year

We hear slow speech of rivers,

All this is called nature

Let's always take care of it !!!

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the middle group, in the field of "Cognition", on the topic: "Properties of objects"

Prepared by the teacher: Kanevskaya E.A.

Software content:

Reveal the level of knowledge of children about the properties of objects.

Develop cognitive interest, speech, thinking, attention, through the proposed game situation.

To foster love for nature, animals and respect for them.

Material: crumpled paper, stones, iron and wood objects, mixed groats, explorer's briefcase, picture bags for trash, soap, plastic bottles, cups, strainers, symbols to protect nature, nature rules cards, bubble sticks, ant toys , birds, forest animals, a pallet with water, a pallet with sharp iron objects (nuts, buttons, nails), a plastic tree, a large houseplant (tree), a paper feeder, memorial signs "Protectors of Nature".

Motivation of children's activities:

Guys, I invite you to the spring forest. Let's see what changes have occurred in the forest with the arrival of spring. Before we go into the forest, let's remember the rules of conduct in the forest.

We will take the explorer's suitcase on our journey.

We put on hats, jackets, put on boots and hit the road. (children imitate dressing)

Event progress:

When entering the forest, a panorama of a muddy meadow opens in front of the children.

Look, someone was relaxing in the forest and left trash. There is still snow in some places, but a lot of debris can be seen through the thawed patches.

But garbage is dangerous for nature and forest dwellers.

Let's put things in order here

Each bag has a picture: stones in one bag, wooden objects in another bag, etc.

Stones are collected by Masha and Misha, paper by Ksyusha and Zhenya, wooden objects by Denis and Nikita.

And here is a thawed patch with sharp objects. How do we collect them quickly? This is where our explorer's briefcase comes in handy.

How can we collect these items? Why?

Take the magnet and collect the iron items in the bag.

Well done, we collected all the items. When we leave the forest, we will take the trash with us.

And I will take samples of items with a failure, I think they will come in handy on the way.

(1 tablet, 1 stone, 1 sheet of paper, a jar of cereals (rice, buckwheat), mixed semolina with millet)

Guys, why did we quickly collect sharp objects? (magnet attracts iron)

(next situation)

Children meet an ant.

The ant wants to cross to the other side of the lake (pallet with water)

How do we get it across?

Our suitcase will help us.

(The teacher shows a glass with objects: stone, paper, wood, iron)

Maybe this will help? (the teacher shows the nail)

Children: No, iron sinks, it's heavy.

Or maybe this? (the paper will get wet and tear)

Can we transport it on a stone? (heavy, will drown)

Let's put it on a wooden plank. (plant)

Let's make the ant a fair wind, let's blow.

Why did we choose a wooden plank? (wood is a light object, floats on water, and a heavy one sinks)

It is still cold in the spring forest, there is snow, it is difficult for birds to get their own food.

Let's feed them. Our suitcase will help us again.

How can we feed them? Birds love millet.

But we have all the groats mixed, if we sort it out, it will take a very long time.

What items can help us? (strainers)

Take a strainer and sift the cereals into a bowl.

Now sprinkle the millet in the trough.

Well done, we fed the birds.

Why did we manage to sift the groats so quickly? (semolina is small cereal, it sifted through the holes of the strainer, and the millet is larger, remained in the strainer)

Sad animals are sitting under the tree.

How can we help them? (children speak out)

Let's take a look at the items in the suitcase.

There is soap in the suitcase, and with the help of it we can come up with an interesting, fun activity? ( bubble)

But how do we prepare the liquid for soap bubbles?

It is necessary to pour water into a bowl, add liquid soap and stir with a stick.

Prepare a soapy liquid. (independent activity of children)

Have you prepared? Blow bubbles.

Well done, they amused the animals.

What do you need to prepare soap bubbles? ( liquid soap and water)

To get liquid soap, what should you do? (soak soap in water)

What properties does water have? (dissolves substances, takes on a different color, shape, smell)

Well done! How many good deeds have been done.

The materials that we took with us at the beginning of the trip were useful to us.

Items are all different, but they have common properties.

What kind? (objects have a shape, color, weight, make sounds)

Any trash can be used.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. (children go back)

Here is the garbage that we have collected, we will take it with us.

We leave the forest. Here we are in the group, put the trash bags in the bucket.

Take off warm clothes.

Summarizing conclusion:

Today we made a trip to the spring forest.

We helped nature and forest dwellers, and as a keepsake of our journey, I want to give you the memorial signs "Defenders of Nature".