Famp is in the second junior group in FGOS. Famp is in the second junior group. construction with a famp for the second younger group. Study of geometric shapes

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 113"

Municipal formation of the city of Bratsk

Lesson summary

according to FEMP in the 2nd junior group according to FGOS

Topic: “Visiting Stepashka”.

Shatalova Alena Mikhailovna


Synopsis of the FEMP lesson in the 2nd junior group in FGOS.

Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, to answer the question "how much?" "In words one, many, not one.

Continue to form the ability to make a group of separate objects and select one object from it.

Preliminary work: Teach children to pay attention to the shape of objects when performing elementary actions with toys and objects in everyday life.

Consideration of one or many items.

Game "Find an object of the same shape in the group."

Software content. Educational tasks

Continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly;

To consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about the number of objects (one, many, none,

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the main colors: red, blue, yellow, green;

Developmental tasks:

Develop auditory and visual attention, imagination.

Develop speech, observation, mental activity - Expand and activate the vocabulary of children.

Develop logical thinking.

Educational tasks:

Foster a desire to work;

Foster kindness and responsiveness.

Equipment and materials:

Demonstration: soft toy Bunny. Big and small cubes. Big and small box

Handouts: Large and small cubes according to the number of children. Plates, one per child. Blue circles in rosettes for each child.

Venue: group (on the carpet and at tables)

Course of the lesson

1. Introduction to the educational-game situation

Introductions of the fairytale hero Bunny - Stepashka.

Guys, a guest will come to us today, I will ask you a riddle, and you guess who is he?

Lives in a mink - gnaws a carrot

From the fox and from the wolf, dexterous runs (who is it)

children's answers (bunny)

That's right, this is a bunny, his name is Stepashka.

2. The main part.

1. Game - task "Put the cubes in the boxes" (on the carpet)


Guys, our Stepashka is sad. Stepashka, why are you so sad?

Guys, he says that he has two boxes of cubes scattered. And really, look how many cubes are on our carpet. Let's look at them: - Egor which cubes are in size (larger and smaller). What color are the cubes?

Children name colors (blue, yellow, red, green)

Bunny asks to put the cubes in boxes: big cubes in a large box, and small cubes in a small box, let's help Bunny. Look at your cubes. Show big cube (show) Show small (show)

On the teacher's table there are demonstration cubes: large and small. The teacher is the first to lay out the boxes, accompanying the actions with speech.

Look at this what box? (large)

And what is this box? (small)

Guys, I will put a large cube in a large box, and a small one in a small box (children complete tasks after the teacher explains, one by one they come up and put the cubes in the boxes.)

So we helped Bunny: we put the big cubes in a large box, and the small ones in a small box. Bunny is pleased, he smiles.

Physical education;

One, two, three, four, five. The bunnies went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out and shoots the bunny straight.

Beer-pav-oh-oh. My bunny is running away!

Children, let's invite the Bunny to play with us at the tables.

2. Game task "one and many" (at the tables)

Plates are laid out on the table. Each child has their own white plate and a box with handouts (blue circles.)

Educator: Children on your table are white plate. What shape is it (round). And in front of you are the boxes, what's in them (circles) What color are they? (blue) how many circles? (many) And on plates (none.)

Now take a mug at a time and place it on your plate. How many circles did you have on the plate (one at a time) and how many are left in the box (many). Now make it so that there are many circles on the plate, but not a single one in the box. Children are doing the task.

How many circles are in the box? (no one)

And you have (a lot) on your plate. Guys, look, how many mugs are in the Bunny's plate? (no one). Come on, each of you will put one mug on his plate.

Vika, how many circles will you put (one)

Mila, how much are you? (one)

One, one, one, look. How many circles have the Bunny collected from you (a lot)

There was not one, but now there are many. Let's present this plate to the Bunny.

"Thank you children!" "Stepashka says to you.

Here are the good fellows we helped to collect large and small cubes for the Bunny and laid out circles (one, many, not one! Well done!

Guys, do you know how soon the holiday is (new year)

3. Game - round dance: The winter sun rises, sees the bunny coming.

Where are you going barefoot in a scythe on the snow?

in the yard now frost freeze tail and nose.

I'm not afraid of frost, I'm in a hurry to the tree

In kindergarten I was invited to dance in a smart hall!

Children with a teacher lead a round dance around the Christmas tree, and say to Zaika - Goodbye!

PURPOSE: to generalize the ability of children to distinguish and name the properties of objects - color, shape, size (large, medium, small, long, short, wide, narrow)
- to form ideas about the properties of objects: color, shape, size;
- to consolidate the ability to distinguish objects contrasting in size, using the words "big", "small";
-Continue to teach how to compare two groups of objects by means of superposition and application, to indicate the result of comparison with the words "equally, as much - how much";


Q. Guys, today I invite you to Toy Land. Imagine that not toys came to visit us, but you and I will now magically find ourselves in the Land of Toys.
Do you like toys? (Yes). And you, of course, have your favorite toys - cars, dolls, cubes and others. Did you know that toys can be upset, happy or sad? When children throw, throw, break toys, the toys get upset and cry, and if they take care of them, they put them back in place after the game - they rejoice and smile.
Come quietly to the group - to our Toy Land. Be calm - don't make noise, don't shout, don't upset our toys.
(children enter the group)
Q: Guys, look what beautiful toys! How many toys are there? (lot). See what a fun ball!
1) The game "More - less"
Q. Let's play the game "More - less" with our ball. To whom I throw the ball, he answers.
- Who is bigger: an elephant or a mouse?
- Which is higher: a table or a chair?
- Who is bigger: an owl or a sparrow?
- How many hairs on your head?
- How many stars are there in the sky?
- How many needles does a hedgehog have?
- Who is more - a camel or a dog?
- How many noses does a person have?
- And the sun in the sky? ... (one)
Well done. The ball enjoyed playing with you.
2) Game "Set the table for dolls"
Q. Guys, see how smart the dolls are here (shows three dolls of different sizes). What doll is Tanya? (large). What doll is Katya? (small). What about Olya's doll? (medium height). Let's sit them down and set the table for them. What kind of plates will we put? We will put Tanya - a plate ... (large). Katya - a plate ... (small). Ole - a plate ... (medium size). Let's give them a treat.
Well done, the dolls are very happy and thank you.
3) The game "Broken plates"
Q. Guys, the dolls accidentally broke their plates: look - these are the fragments left (shows colored circles cut into 3-4 parts). What to do? Can we help the dolls glue the plates? Come to the table. Here, Diana, you have a "broken plate", and Artyom will collect this plate.
(children put together "plates"). What shape are they? (round). What colour? (red, blue, yellow, etc.)
Thank you so much from the dolls guys.
4) Game "Gifts for dolls"
Q. Guys, they don't go on a visit without a gift. These beautiful bows (distributes bows) give each doll one bow. Let them be smart. Look, did all the dolls have enough bows? What more - bows or dolls? (there are more dolls, because one doll was left without a bow). What needs to be done to make the dolls and bows equal? (you need to bring another bow). Bring it, Polina. Now there are equal parts of dolls and bows? Why do you think they are equally divided? (because each doll has one bow). How many dolls, so many ... bows. How many bows, so many ... dolls. Well done, now all the dolls are with gifts.
5) The game "Shorter, longer"
Q. Guys, the dolls want to give these ribbons to you. Look, all the ribbons are of different lengths - some are shorter, others are longer.
Let's align one end of the ribbons and see which ribbon is longer.
What is the longest tape? (red). What is the shortest tape? (green). That's right, well done ...
6) Game "Listen to music" (dynamic pause)
Q. Guys, let's play with these ribbons an interesting dance game. While the music is playing, you can dance and move. Once the music stops, you must stop and not move until the music starts playing again. Be attentive, listen to music (children play). Well done, you were attentive.
7) Psycho-gymnastics "Merry and sad"
Q: Did you have fun? Dolls can be funny or sad too. Take a look at these pictures. If children do not throw dolls, do not offend - they are funny. Show how a funny doll smiles (children mimic a funny doll). What if the doll is sad? (children portray a sad doll).
8) The game "House for bunnies"
Q. Guys, look, a bunny has come to us. How sad he is.
- Bunny, what happened?
-The fox drove my bunny friends out of their houses. There she is, hiding under a tree. Now they have nowhere to live.
-What do you guys do? (you need to build houses for bunnies)
-Hare, guys will help you. Go, Rita, Alena, Aida.
What figures will you take to build houses? (take a square). Does the house need a roof? Which figure will you take? (triangle). Will there be windows? What shapes will you take? (circle, square and triangle).
(children put houses on the carpet).
What beautiful houses turned out. Come in, bunnies, do not be afraid (hides bunnies in houses).
Bunny: thanks guys. You have helped my friends so much.
B. Goodbye, bunny. Come to us again.
9) The game "Ice Tracks"
V. Bunny galloped away, and who is this? Look, there are two ice paths. We decided to ride on them ... a squirrel and a dog. Which track does the squirrel ride? (on narrow). Which track does the dog ride? (wide). Danil, jump over the narrow path. Well done! Rita, try to step over the wide path. Well done! The toys also decided to jump. Well done!
10) Finger gymnastics
Q. Our toy animals do not sleep in winter, but some forest animals do in winter. Let's play the finger game "Who sleeps in winter."
Hedgehog, bear, badger, raccoon
They sleep in the winter every year.
Wolf, hare, lynx, fox
And in the winter you will find it in the forest.
Well done, played well with your fingers

B. Guys. where were we today? (in Toyland).
- What did we do? (they played, danced, helped the dolls to glue plates together, built houses for bunnies, drew a funny doll, etc.)
- What did you like the most?
I really liked the way you played.
("Comes in" a doll - a postman with a letter)
Guys, look - this is Christina the postman doll. She brought you a letter from the toys. Hear what the toys are writing to you?
(reads the letter)
“There are so many toys in the world,
And all of them, of course, love
All children in the world.
You gotta play
Have fun, make friends
And cherish each toy!
Love us children
Appreciate, store.
We love to play with you,
But we don't love
When we get dirty, bite,
They throw, tear and break.
Take care of us, children! "

Guys, do you love your toys? Do you offend them?
All good and kind children were sent gifts of toys - this is a package with gifts (he takes out an elegant box). Say goodbye to the guests and see what's in this fancy box.

Lesson 1

Software content

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube) regardless of the color and size of the figures.

Demonstration material. Large and small red balls, large and small green cubes; 2 boxes of red and green colors; toys: bear, truck.

Handout. Little red balls, little green cubes.

Methodical instructions

Part I... The teacher brings a truck into the group, in the back of which there are a bear, balls and cubes, and asks: “Who came to us? (Children look at the bear.) What did the bear bring in the truck? "

The teacher asks the children to find a ball (gives the concept of a ball): “What have you found? What color is the ball? "

The teacher asks to show what can be done with the ball. (Ride.)

Children perform similar tasks with a cube. (Actions with the cube are indicated by the word set.)

Part II. Game exercise "Hide the cube (ball)".

The teacher invites one of the children to take a ball in one hand, and a cube in the other and hide one of the figures behind their back. The rest of the children must guess what the child hid and what was left in his hand.

Part III... The teacher asks the children to help the bear put balls and cubes in boxes: the balls must be put in the red box, and the cubes in the green one.

In the process of completing the assignment, the teacher asks the children: “What did you put in the box? How many balls (cubes)? Are they the same color? How else are balls and cubes different? " (Big and small.)

The bear thanks the children for their help and says goodbye to them.

Session 2

Software content

Strengthen the ability to distinguish objects contrasting in size, using the words large, small.

Demonstration material. Large and small dolls, 2 beds of different sizes; 3 - 4 large cubes.

Handout. Small cubes (3 - 4 pcs. For each child).

Methodical instructions

Part I. Two dolls come to visit the children. The guys, together with the teacher, examine them, find out that one doll is big and the other is small, give them names.

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the beds: “Are the beds the same size? Show me a large crib. And now a little one. Where is the bed for the big doll, and where is the small one? Put the dolls to bed. Let's sing to them the lullaby "Tired toys are sleeping."

Part II.Game exercise "Build turrets".

The teacher places large and small cubes on the table, invites children to compare them in size, and then build turrets. The teacher on the carpet builds a tower from large cubes, and children build turrets from small cubes. At the end of the work, everyone looks at the buildings together, shows a large (small) tower.

FEMP lessons. Junior group. October

Lesson 1

Software content

Strengthen the ability to distinguish the number of objects using the words one, many, few.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Doll.

Handout. Matryoshka dolls (two more than children).

Methodical instructions

Educator. Matryoshkas have come to visit the doll Katya, and we will all lead a round dance around her. See how many nesting dolls came to visit? (A lot.) Take one matryoshka dolls and put them in a round dance around Katya's doll.

Children arrange nesting dolls.

Educator... How many dolls? How many nesting dolls are there in a round dance? Are all the nesting dolls in a round dance? How many nesting dolls don't have a round dance? (Few.)

In conclusion, the children dance around the doll and matryoshkas to the music.

Session 2

Software content

To acquaint with the compilation of a group of objects from separate objects and the selection of one object from it; learn to understand words a lot, one, none.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Parsley, basket.

Handout. Balls of the same color and size (one for each child).

Methodical instructions

Part I... Parsley brings a basket of balls to the children.

Educator... What did Petrushka bring? What color are the balls? How many balls did Petrushka bring?

Parsley pours balls onto the floor. At his request, children take one ball.

Educator(turns to the children in turn). How many balls did you take? How many balls are in the basket? (The concept of none is introduced.) What needs to be done to make Parsley a lot of balls in the basket?

Children put balls in the basket.

Educator... How many balls did you put in? How many balls are in the basket? How many balls are you holding?

Part II. An outdoor game "My cheerful, ringing ball".

The teacher reads a poem by S. Ya. Marshak:

My cheerful, ringing ball

Where did you run galloping,

Yellow, red, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

I clapped my palm.

You jumped and stomped loudly,

You are fifteen times in a row

Jumped to the corner and back.

And then you rolled

And did not return back,

Rolled into the garden

Came to the gate

Rolled up under the gate

I ran to the turn

There I got hit by a wheel

Burst, slammed - that's all!

Children jump to the beat of the poem. At the end of the poem, they scatter.

Session 3

Software content

To continue to form the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and to single out one object from it, to teach how to answer the question "how much?" and to define aggregates with the words one, many, none.

Introduce the circle; teach to examine its form by the tactile-motor way.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Doll, basket, circle, cardboard train without wheels, tray, napkin, basin of water.

Handout. Circles of the same size and color, ducks.

Methodical instructions

Game situation "Gifts from Masha's doll".

Part I. The teacher takes out a circle from the basket of Masha's doll and tells the children: "This is a circle (draws his hand around it)." Then he clarifies the name of the subject: "What is this?" For several children, the teacher invites his hand to circle the circle.

Part II. The teacher invites the children to take Masha from the basket one circle at a time and asks: “What is the shape of the figure? What color are they?" Children, at the request of the teacher, draw a circle around the circle and find out that the circle can be rolled.

The teacher shows the train to the children: “Can I go on this train? (No, why?" (No wheels.) The teacher asks the children to prepare the train for the trip. The guys attach wheels (circles) to the train and, to the music, "go" to the park to feed the ducks.

Part III... The teacher takes a napkin off the tray and asks: “Who is this? (Ducks.) How many ducks? " (Lot.)

Children take one toy at a time, and the teacher asks: “How many ducks did each of you take? How many ducks are left on the tray? "

The teacher invites the children to play with the ducks. To the music of the "ducks" they run, peck at the grains.

The teacher puts a basin of water on the table and asks the children to make sure that there are many ducks in the basin. Children put their ducks in a basin. The teacher finds out: “How many ducks did each of you let in? (One.) How many ducks are in the basin? (A lot.) How many ducks are left in your hands? " (None.)

Doll Masha says goodbye to the guys. Children "go" home.

Session 4

Software content

Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle, examine it with a tactile motor way and compare the circles in size: large, small.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Machine, pouch, large and small circles of the same color.

Handout. Vegetables (by the number of children), clay (plasticine), modeling boards, napkins.

Methodical instructions

Part I... Game situation “Harvesting vegetables”.

On the floor there is an imitation of a vegetable garden. The teacher invites the children to see what is growing in the garden. The guys are listing vegetables. The teacher summarizes their answers ("these are vegetables"), then finds out: "How many vegetables have grown in the garden?"

The teacher offers to collect vegetables in the car (brings the car). Children take one vegetable at a time, and the teacher specifies: “What vegetable did you take? How many vegetables did you take? "

Children take turns putting vegetables in the car and commenting on their actions: “I put one carrot (beets, potatoes ...)” The teacher accompanies the actions of the children with the words: “There are more vegetables in the car”.

When the children fill the car, the teacher asks: "How many vegetables are in the car?"

Part II... The game "Wonderful bag".

In the car with vegetables, the children find a wonderful bag. They take a circle out of it, tell the name of the figure and what color it is.

The teacher attaches the circle to the flannelegraph and invites one of the children to circle the figure with his hand.

Similar actions are performed with another circle.

Then the children figure out how the figures are similar and how they differ.

Part III. Game exercise "Let's bake pancakes".

Children sculpt large and small pancakes from clay (plasticine). Then the teacher offers to put large pancakes on a large circle, small ones on a small one.

FEMP lessons. Junior group. November

Lesson 1

Software content

Learn to compare two objects in length and denote the result of the comparison with the words long - short, longer - shorter.

Improve the ability to compose a group of objects from separate objects and to single out one object from a group, to designate aggregates with the words one, many, not one.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Two cardboard tracks of the same color, but of different lengths, two baskets with large and small balls.

Handout. Big and small balls (one ball for each child).

Methodical instructions

Game situation "We are funny guys".

The lesson is held in the gym.

Part I... On the floor there are two cardboard tracks of different lengths.

The teacher asks the children what can be said about the length of the tracks. Shows how this can be learned with overlay and track app. Then he asks the children to show the long (short) path, walk the long (short) path. Clarifies the length of the tracks.

Part II... The teacher draws the attention of children to the baskets with balls: “What can be said about the size of the balls? How many big balls? (A lot.) Take one big ball at a time. How many balls did each of you take? (One.) How many big balls are in the basket now? (None.) Let's try to roll the balls along a long path. How do you make the basket again have a lot of balls? " (Children's answers.)

Children put balls in the basket. The teacher specifies how many balls each child put in the basket and how many there are.

Children perform a similar exercise with small balls. Children roll them along a short path, put them in a basket with large balls and answer the teacher's questions: “How many small balls? (A lot.) How many big balls? (A lot.) How many big and small balls are there together? " (Even more, a lot.)

Ill part. An outdoor game "Catch the ball".

The teacher pours balls from the basket and invites the children to catch up and take one ball at a time. (“How many balls did you catch?”) The children put the collected balls back into the basket, and the teacher asks: “How many balls did you put in the basket? How many balls are in the basket? "

The game is repeated several times.

Session 2

Software content

Learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to answer the question "how much?", Using the words one, many.

Continue to teach how to compare two objects in length by means of overlay and application, to indicate the comparison results with the words long - short, longer - shorter.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Four to five groups of toys, 2 boxes of different sizes, 2 ribbons of the same color in different lengths.

Handout. Ribbons of the same color, but different lengths (2 pcs. For each child).

Methodical instructions

Game situation "Toy store".

Part I. The teacher invites the children to visit the toy store. Toys are laid out on chairs and tables: one by one and several pieces. Together with the teacher, the children examine the objects and find out what toys are on sale in the store and how many there are. At the direction of the educator, children "buy" one or many toys. An adult asks: “What toys did you buy? How many toys have you bought? "

Part II.The teacher invites children to pick up ribbons for toy boxes.

Children examine the boxes, and the teacher asks: “How are the boxes different? Are the boxes the same size? Show a large (small) box. How can we tie the boxes? "

The teacher asks to compare the ribbons: “What can you say about the length of the ribbons? How can you find out? How to compare ribbons in length? " (Overlay or app.)

Children compare the ribbons by means of overlay or application, show a long (short) ribbon, the comparison results are indicated by the words long - short, longer - shorter.

Children put ribbons in boxes: long to large, short to small.

Part III. Game exercise "Tie the boxes with ribbons."

The teacher, together with the children, finds out which ribbon can be used to tie a large (small) box. First, they compare the ribbons in length, find a long (short) ribbon and tie the boxes.

Session 3

Software content

To continue teaching to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to designate the aggregates with the words one, many.

Introduce a square, teach to distinguish between a circle and a square.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. "Package" with toys (cars, nesting dolls, pyramid, ball); a square and a circle of the same color (the length of the sides of the square and the diameter of the circle are 14 cm).

Handout.Circles and squares of the same color (the length of the sides of the square and the diameter of the circle is 8 cm).

Methodical instructions

Game situation "The postman brought the package."

Part I. The teacher informs the children that the postman brought them a package. The teacher invites the children to see what was sent to them. He takes toys out of the box one by one, asks the children to name them, finds out the number of items: “How many pyramids have they sent to us? How many cars (nesting dolls, balls) are in the package? What kind of toys did they send us a lot? And what toys one by one? "

Part II... The teacher takes a circle out of the package and puts it on the flannelegraph: “What figure is this? (Circle.) What color is the circle? " The teacher invites the children to draw a circle around the contour with their hand.

Then he takes out a square, puts it next to the circle, names the figure, shows the sides, corners of the square and asks the children: “What does the square have? How many sides does a square have? How many corners does a square have? "

The teacher asks the children to circle the square along the contour, show its sides (corners).

Part III. Play exercise "Show and roll."

The children have circles and squares on their tables. The teacher invites the children to take a circle, name the figure and circle it with their hand.

Similar actions are performed with a square.

Then the teacher asks the children to try to roll a circle on the table first, and then a square and asks: “Can I roll a square? What's stopping the square? " (Angles.)

Session 4

Software content

To consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to designate aggregates with the words one, many.

Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle and a square.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. The setting of the group is used - a play corner (dolls, chairs, cups, etc.; table, bear, kettle, etc.), a natural corner (plants, aquarium, watering can, cage, etc.), a book corner ( books, pictures; shelf, book holder, etc.); garage (several small cars, one large car); silhouette of a steam locomotive, sheets of colored paper (cars).

Handout. Circles and squares of the same color (square side length 8 cm, circle diameter 8 cm; one for each child).

Methodical instructions

Part I... Children travel in a group to the music "Blue Carriage" (music and lyrics by V. Ya. Shainsky). First stop at the dollhouse.

Educator. What's in the doll's corner? What toys are there many? Which toys are there only one?

Then the children stop in a book corner, a corner of nature, a garage and answer similar questions from the teacher.

Part II... Didactic game "Fix the train".

Circles and squares are laid out on the table. The teacher asks the children to find the circles and asks: “What color are the circles? What can you do with them? " (Ride.)

Then, on the instructions of the teacher, the children find the squares, name the figures and try to roll them on the table. The teacher reminds that the corners are in the way of the square, and asks the children to show them.

At the end of the lesson, the children "fix" the train, commenting on their actions: they put circles instead of wheels, squares instead of windows.

Abstract of a comprehensive lesson on FEMP and physical development in the 2nd junior group

"We are going to visit"

Abstract of GCD in the direction "Formation of elementary mathematical representations" in 2 ml. gr.

"We are going to visit"



Strengthen the ability to recognize geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Compare objects of contrasting sizes and indicate the result of comparison with the words: short - long

To consolidate the previously formed concepts "one, many, not one", to understand the question "How much?"

Reinforce knowledge of primary colors


Enrich children's musical experience, create a joyful mood

Develop the ability to listen to music, hear the beginning and end of a piece of music


To consolidate the knowledge of children about the names of toys and the generalizing word "toys"

Develop auditory attention

Physical education

Continue to introduce health-saving technologies: self-massage with massage balls.

Course of the lesson

Hello children! Let's say hello to each other and smile at each other.

Guys, we got a letter. (The teacher shows a colorful envelope). Want to know who it is from? To do this, you need to guess the riddle.

Shaggy, mustached

Soft paws, and scratches in the paws


Children guess. The teacher takes out a picture of a cat from an envelope.

That's how beautiful a cat is. Let's give her a name. Children offer their own options.

Guys, will you come with me to visit the Cat? And our Cat lives behind the stream. You have to go far. And how can you get to it, what kind of transport? (children list different types of transport, as soon as they name the train, show them the game "Fix the Train")

    Didactic game "Fix the train"

Circles and squares are laid out on the table. The teacher asks the children to find the circles and finds out “What color are the circles? What can you do with them? (Roll) ”Then, on the instructions of the teacher, the children find squares, name the figures and try to roll them on the table. The teacher reminds that the corners are in the way of the square, and asks the children to show them. At the end, the children "fix" the train, commenting on their actions: they put circles instead of wheels, and squares instead of windows.

Become each other

The train travels along the track.

Children are built one after another in a "train", and the teacher gives the command: "Let's go!" We walk like a snake around the hall, holding onto the shoulders of the one in front.

Have arrived. Stop "Cat's House".

(there is a house, a toy cat looks out of the window. Near the house there are "flower beds" of various geometric shapes: a circle, a triangle, a square)

Look what beautiful flower beds Kisonka made near her house. What are flower beds for? (to plant flowers) How many beds did the Cat make? (three) What is the shape of the flower bed? (round, square, triangular) Each flower bed has flower holes.

Guys, let's please the Cat, we will plant flowers on the flower beds. (the teacher distributes a flower to each child on a tray)

How many flowers do you have? (one) (The question is asked to each child) Come to the flower beds and plant your flowers in the holes. One flower can be planted in one hole. (Children plant flowers in flower beds)

Guys, admire how beautiful it became. How many flowers did Kirill planted? (the question is asked to each child). How many flowers are there in the flowerbed? (a lot) What about the number of holes and flowers? ( when answering, children use words a lot, equally, in the same way)

Ducks live next to the Cat's house. Let's do some exercises with them.

Gymnastics for the legs to music

1. "Ducklings walk to the river" I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind. Walking in place without lifting your socks off the floor.

2. "The duck walks waddle-stumbling" I. p. - the same. 1-2 - while lifting the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet. 3-4 - and. P.

3. "Ducklings met a caterpillar on the path" I. p. - the same. Crawling movements of the feet forward and backward using the fingers.

4. "Duck quacks" I. p. - the same. 1-2 - lifting the heels off the floor, spread them apart. ("beak opened", say "quack-quack" 3-4 - etc.

Guys, while you were planting flowers and playing with ducks, the Cat told me in secret that somewhere in the forest she had lost her favorite toys. Can we help the Cat find them? Get on the train, let's go!

Have arrived. Look, guys, there are two paths in front of us - what are they? (massage paths) (children answer: the tracks are long and short). Let's take the short path first. Now let's go down the long path.

Didactic game "Long - short"

Before the start of the game, the teacher puts sets of play didactic material (multi-colored ribbons, stripes) on two ottomans in advance. The teacher takes out two toys - a teddy bear and a doll Katya. Children, with the help of a teacher, try on and apply belts to toys. The teacher offers to consider the belts and asks to spread them side by side on the table, and then put a short ribbon on a long one. Asks which ribbon is long and which is short, that is, asks to name the quality of the quantity - length.

So we came to the lake (in front of the guys a hoop with three fish of different sizes: two small and one large) Who lives in the lake? (fish) what are they? (large and small) How many small fish? (two). How many big fish? (one) How many fish are there in total? (three). (we remove the fish, lay out the colored ribbons).

Well done. Let's play with the fish. There are many, many fish in the lake. (game "Find your color with a hoop and colored ribbons") While the tambourine is playing, you are swimming with your palms folded in front of you - this is "the fish is swimming." At the signal, children take any ribbon and stand on a “pebble” (mark) of the same color as the “fish” (ribbon in hand).

Get on the train, let's go! The next stop is Lesnaya. (walked around the hall) We arrived. Look at what a beautiful meadow we are in. There are also toys that the Cat lost. What are these toys? (balls). Who do they look like?

Exercises with massage (prickly) balls. (rhyme game)

1. "Hedgehog walks without paths through the forest, through the forest »

I. p. - standing, ball in palms. Roll the ball back and forth between your palms.

2. "Andpricks with its thorns, pricks »

I. p. - the same Roll the ball left and right with your hands, holding them with a "shelf" in front of your chest.

3. "And I will show the Hedgehog the hedgehog that path »

I. p. - the same Circular movements with palms, rotating the ball to the right and left.

4. "Where little bumps roll mice »

I. p. - sit down, press the ball to the stomach and hide with both hands.

After hand massage, go up to the parents and ask them to massage the back of the children, roll the massage balls around, and then vice versa.

Let's collect the balls and take them to the Cat. Children collect balls in a large basket and carry them to the house.

Guys, the Cat really liked you and in gratitude she wants to give you balloons. "Here's a gift from the Cat for your help, guys - balloons!"

Children are invited to play with the balls: toss them several times, raise the ball over their heads, spin from one side, then the other, hide the ball behind their backs and jump.

We say goodbye to Kisonka, thank for the gifts and go to the group.

Municipal educational institution

"Kukui Education Center"

structural unit Kukuy kindergarten






Educator: Grebenyuk

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

village Kukui, 2017

The purpose of the lesson: consolidation of the passed material.


- educational: learn to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square; define geometric shapes by tactile sensations, distinguish figures by superimposing them on top of each other; distinguish their physical properties; learn to answer the question "how much?"; teach how to compare two objects in length by overlay and application;

- developing: develop coherent speech; develop observation, attention, memory, mental operations, spatial orientation;

- educational: cultivate kindness, responsiveness;

- health-saving: increase mental and physical performance, prevent overwork.

Occupation type: integrated, fixing.

Lesson form: travel game.

Duration: 15 minutes.

Participants: children of the second younger group, educator.

Students age: 3-4 years.

Equipment and materials: tabletop theater "Teremok", building material (large cubes), kolobok figurine, cut geometric shapes (circles in red, yellow, blue and green), two tracks of different sizes (yellow and green), three teddy bears (different sizes), a basket with cookies (round and square cookies).

Preliminary preparation: free communication on fairy tales ("Teremok", "Kolobok", "Three Bears"), conversation about the heroes of the fairy tale, looking at pictures with the heroes of these fairy tales, guessing riddles, didactic games for the development of mathematical abilities, cut pictures and puzzles based on fairy tales ("Teremok "," Kolobok "," Three Bears "), active and sedentary games.

Methods and techniques for working with children:

Artistic word;

Problematic situations (how to help the animals, because the bear broke their house; how to help the bun, because he lost a jar of soap bubbles in the forest);

D idactic games aimed at the development of mental operations of comparison, classification, the development of memory, perception, attention ("Blow up, bubble", "Treat the bears with cookies");

R reflection "Where have we been?"

Lesson structure:

- Conversation on the content of the fairy tale "Kolobok";

Problematic situations;

- Didactic game "Build a house";

Physical education "We are going on a hike";

D idactic games: Blow Up, Bubble, Treat the Bears with Cookies;


R reflection "Where have we been?"

Course of the lesson:

Preparatory stage:

Children enter the group.

Educator: Guys, we have an unusual day with you. Do you like fairy tales? (children's answers).

Educator: I will be a sorceress, and we will go with you to the land of fairy tales. Do you agree? (children's answers).

Educator: What transport will we take there? (children name types of transport).

Educator: We will fly there by plane. You forgot that I am a sorceress! Now I will turn our carpet into a plane! Rex, pex, fex! Done! Sit on the carpet and close your eyes, and I will say the magic words: "Where are you, fairy tales, answer, show us guys!" (music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds).

The main stage:

Educator: So we flew into the first fairy tale. And try to guess what kind of fairy tale it is:

The animals lived in that house

But the bear broke their house

He couldn't get into it ...

This is a fairytale…

Children: Teremok!

Educator: Look, guys, the heroes of the Teremok fairy tale are meeting us!

On the table are figures from the Teremok tabletop theater.

Educator: Guys, remember what animals settled in the house?

Children: Mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

Educator: Guys, tell me, how many animals have settled in the house? (lot).

Educator: How many mice were there? Frogs? Chanterelle? (one).

Educator: How many children do we have in our group? (lot).

Educator: Well done! Let's remember what the bear did in this fairy tale?

Children: Broke the house.

Educator: Why did it happen that the bear broke the house?

Children: Because the house was small and the bear was big.

Educator: Guys, the animals ask us to build a new house for them. Let's help them? (Yes).

Didactic game using large blocks "Build a house" (Appendix 1.).

Educator: Well done! The animals thank you for your new home. Now they will not freeze in winter. Let's say goodbye to the tale "Teremok" and hurry to a new tale.

Physical education:

Let's go hiking!

How many discoveries await us. (Walking in place)

We step one after another

Forest and green meadow. (Walking in circles one after another)

We only entered the forest -

Mosquitoes appeared.

Hands up - clap

Hands down - another clap. (Actions according to the text)

Ahead from behind a bush

The sly fox is looking. (Squat)

We will outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes. (Running on tiptoes)

Educator: Guys, to find out what kind of fairy tale we are in, try to guess the riddle:

It was baked from flour, mixed with sour cream.

He froze at the window, he rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was bold, and on the way he sang a song.

A bunny, a gray wolf and a brown bear wanted to eat it.

And when the kid in the forest met a red fox,

I couldn't get away from her. What a fairy tale?

Children: Kolobok!

Educator: That's right, we are visiting a kolobok. But look, the bun is not funny at all. Let's ask what happened.

The teacher brings the kolobok to the ear.

Educator: Guys, the bun told me that while he was rolling through the forest, he lost a jar of soap bubbles. Now he can’t blow bubbles. Let's help him and blow one big soap bubble.

Didactic game "Blow up, bubble" (Appendix 2.).

Educator: Guys, look carefully and tell me, do you have circles of the same color or different?

Children: Miscellaneous!

Ask each child what color the bubble is.

Educator: What geometric shape does the bubble look like?

Children: To the circle!

Educator: Right! How many laps did we get?

Children: Lot!

Educator: The gingerbread man was delighted and thanks you for the gifts. And it's time for us to say goodbye to him and go to another fairy tale!

Children: Goodbye, Kolobok!

Educator: Guys, look, there are two tracks, but they are different. Let's compare them in color! What color is this track? And what color is this path? (children's answers: green, yellow).

Educator: Right! Now look carefully and tell me, which path will we take to the next fairy tale faster?

Children: By yellow.

Educator: Right! And why?

Children: Because it is shorter than green.

Educator: How did you know this track is shorter and the other is longer?

Children: You need to put one track on another and connect their upper edge.

Educator: Well done! Let's hurry along the short path to the next fairy tale. To find out which fairy tale we are in, you will have to solve the riddle again:

Near the forest, at the edge,

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint who the heroes of this tale are?

Children: Three Bears!

Three bears are sitting on different chairs.

Educator: Let's remember what the bears were called?

The teacher with the children: Mikhailo Potapych, Anastasia Petrovna and Mishutka.

Educator: Which one is the biggest? (children's answers).

Educator: Who is the smallest? (children's answers).

Educator: What do bears like to eat?

Children : Honey, raspberries.

Educator: So we came to the bears today not empty-handed. They brought them gifts - honey cookies. Look into my magic basket. How many cookies do I have?

Children: Lot.

Educator: Are they the same or different?

Children: Various.

Educator: And the cookies look like what geometric shapes?

Children: Into a square and a circle.

Educator: Guys, what is the difference between a square and a circle?

Children: A square has corners and a circle has no corners.

Educator: Right! Now, let's give the bears some cookies.

Didactic game "Treat the bears with cookies" (Appendix 3.).

Educator: Children, do you remember how many cookies I had in my basket?

Children: Lot.

Educator: Look in my basket, how many cookies do I have left?

Children: No one.

Educator: Well done! Bears thank you for the treat and say thank you! And it's time for us to return to the group. Let's say goodbye to the bears, say goodbye to them and hurry to the flying carpet. We close our eyes and fly! Group, group, respond, show yourself to us guys!

Music sounds.

The final stage:

Educator: Here we are again in the group. Did you guys like our trip?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What fairy tales have we visited?

Children: "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Three Bears".

Educator: What good deeds have we done?

Children: They built a house for animals, gave soap bubbles to Kolobok, treated the bears with cookies.

Educator: What did we build a house for animals from?

Children: From cubes.

Educator: What geometric shape does the cube look like?

Children: Square.

Educator: And what geometric shape does the bubble go to for Kolobok?

Children : On a circle.

Educator: What were the bears treated to?

Children: Cookies.

Educator: Was the cookie the same shape or different?

Children: Different: square and round.

Educator: You are great! Were attentive and active in the class! Now it's time for a walk.


    Complex lessons in the second junior group of a kindergarten, Bondarenko T.M .: A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: Uchitel Publishing House, 2006 - 272p.

    Complex classes according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilieva, V.V. Heraldic, T. S. Komarova. Second junior group / author-comp. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kos'yanenko, O. V. Pavlova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011 .-- 234p.

    Methods of teaching mathematics in kindergarten, Shcherbakova E.I. - M .: Academy, 2010.

    FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. An approximate general educational program of preschool education, / Ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIKA SINTEZ, 2014 .-- 368 p.

    Reading to kids / Planet of childhood. - M: AST Publishing House LLC. 2006 .-- 240s.

Appendix 1.

Didactic game "Build a house".

Purpose: Teach children to build a house from large blocks; continue acquaintance with such a geometric figure as a square.

Game progress:

Educator: What are we going to build a house from?

Children: From cubes.

Educator: What geometric shape does the cube remind us of?

Children: Square.

Educator: Guys, let's take one cube in our right and left hands and build a big house together.

Children build a house for animals from large cubes.

Appendix 2.

Didactic game "Blow up, bubble".

Purpose: to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic image of an object, to teach to correlate the image of a representation with a holistic image of a real object, to add a geometric figure cut into 3-4 parts. Act by applying. To educate children in attention, perseverance, perseverance in the implementation of the task.

Game progress:

Educator: Let's imagine that we are blowing a big bubble (children are blowing). Bubble inflated, inflated and burst! Pieces of it scattered in different directions. The bun was even more upset. Guys, what to do? We must help him somehow! Oh, look what is on the tables? Yes, these are particles from bubbles! Try to collect one bubble from the particles each.

Children collect circles of the same color from three and four parts.

Appendix 3.

Didactic game "Treat the bears with cookies".

Purpose: Continue your acquaintance with such geometric shapes as a square, a circle; to consolidate the knowledge of children to lay out objects by size.

Game progress:

Educator: Let's give the bears some cookies. Arrange the cookies so that Mikhailo Potapych has the big ones, Anastasia Petrovna has the smaller ones, and Mishutka has the small ones.

Children lay out cookies.

Summary of FEMP classes in the 2nd junior group

Educator MBDOU №81 "Malvina", Surgut

G.A. Kartakaeva


" One - many "

Purpose: consolidation of the knowledge of children acquired during the school year.

Educational tasks:

Strengthen the skills of children:

Find one and many objects in a specially created environment,

answer the question "how much?", using the words "one", "many";

To navigate in contrasting parts of the day: day - night, morning - evening;

Distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle.),

basic colors (red, blue, yellow, green.).

Compare two items in length (long - short).

Conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked,

answer it.

Run in different directions.

Developmental tasks:

Continue to promote the development of auditory and visual attention;

Memory, speech;

Observation, mental activity;

Coordination of movements.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate kindness and responsiveness, love for animals.

Preliminary work:

Teach children to pay attention to the shape and color of objects in everyday life

life. Consideration of one or many items.

Equipment and materials: squirrel toy, pictures "Parts of the day",

cones, geometric shapes for each child, stripes (different

length), hoops.

The course of the lesson.

Org. moment"Give a smile" (children stand in a circle)

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tight

And we will smile at each other ...

(Knock on the door)

Surprise moment:

Oh! Someone is knocking at us, I’ll go and open the door. (Motivation)

Guys, a guest has come to us, but to find out who she is, you need to guess

Tikhon, make a riddle about her!

Red-haired little animal

Jumping and jumping through the trees.

He does not live on earth

And in a tree, in a hollow. (Squirrel).

That's right guys, this is Squirrel!

Good morning, Squirrel! Come in, sit down.

Is this animal wild or domestic? (Wild)

Where does the squirrel live? (In the woods)


Game exercise "How much?"

See how many cones a squirrel has in a basket? (Lot)

(I give out to everyone) - Eva, how many cones do you have? (One)

And you, Artem? (One) etc. - everyone has.

How many cones are left in the basket? (None)

(Children put pine cones in a basket)

How many cones are in the basket? (Lot)

Guys, the squirrel has become sad, probably tired !? Let's do a warm-up.

Fizminutka "Squirrel".

Squirrel jumped, jumped (children jump)

By winter, the pantries were filling. (slopes)

Here are nuts (turn right)

Here is a mushroom (turn left)

For sons and daughters. (walking in place)

- Guys, sit on your chairs and we will continue to play with the squirrel.

Oh, guys, the squirrel says that it's time for her to return home, otherwise

soon the night will come, it is time for her to sleep.

What are you, squirrel, even before nightfall.

Listen, children will now guess the riddles "When does this happen?"

(And you guys, listen carefully: answer correctly!

confuse our guest)

When the cockerel

Is the sun calling to meet? (In the morning)

The sun shines brightly in the sky

The children went out for a walk

When does this happen? (In the afternoon)

It began to get dark outside the window

The birds began to sing more quietly.

You need to remove toys

Mom calls everyone to dinner.

When does this happen? (In the evening)

The stars in the sky lit up

The guys settled down to sleep,

Evening, day rushed away.

They were replaced by ... (Night)

Now, what time of day? (Morning)

That's right guys. So, squirrel, take your time!

And wait for a present from the guys!

Guys, let's make a present for our guest. I suggest

red-haired beauty to make beads from geometric shapes.

What is this figure? (Square)

What color is the square? (Red Square)

(Blue circle, green triangle)

Before we start working, we will have a little rest.

Finger gymnastics.

A squirrel rode on a cart,

Selling nuts to everyone.

Chanterelle - sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the clubfoot bear.

Zainke mustache.

You have plates on your tables, and what is on them?

(Geometric shapes, stripes - long and short)

Which strip will you choose to fit all the shapes? (Long)

Geometric shapes need to be placed as I have on


(Children collect)

What beautiful beads you got!

(We give the squirrel beads)

- Squirrel says that she was too late, jump, wanted to run.

Let's play now the game "Find your house".

Hoops are your houses (Children receive cards where they

geometric figures.)

While I play tambourine, you run; as soon as the tambourine stops sounding -

everyone runs to their own house.

The result.(Everybody sits down on the carpet)

Squirrel says thank you!

She liked it with us.

Guys, how did we make our guest happy? What did you do today?

2 younger group

Educational tasks:

Reinforce knowledge of geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square, rectangle).

Learn to recognize and name colors.

To strengthen the ability to determine the size of objects, to reflect the result of comparison in speech: large, small, smaller.

Exercise in comparing two objects in height.

Find high and low objects.

Developmental tasks:

To activate memory, attention, thinking.

Activate the children's vocabulary: introduce words into speech that determine the size of objects.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate the ability to listen to the teacher,

Accuracy when working with pencils,

Develop communication skills,

Teach children to work in a small team together.


-demonstration: chanterelle, box - surprise, figurines - little men.

Handout: pictures for coloring for each child, sets of colored pencils according to the number of children.

Course of the lesson

1 part. Introductory.

Educator: Guys, a chanterelle came to visit us today. Let's say hello to her (children say hello). The chanterelle wants to play with you, and that's why she brought with her such a beautiful box. Let's see what is in this box (the teacher looks into the box and starts asking riddles). Only those who are attentive can play with the fox.

2 part. Acquaintance with geometric men.

So listen to the first riddle:

I have no corners and I look like a saucer.

On the plate and on the lid

On the ring and wheel.

Guess, friends, who am I?

Children: A circle.

Educator: Right, well done. And who is this with us (the teacher takes out a round man). This is a round man. He has handles. What are they?

Children: Round.

Educator: It has legs. What are they?

Children: Round.

Educator: What else does the round man have?

Children: Eyes, mouth. They are round too.

Educator: Quite right. What color is the little man?

Children: The man is yellow.

Educator: Now find something round in our group. (Children call round objects.)

Educator: Hear the following riddle from the chanterelle:

Three peaks, three corners, three sides I have. Who am I?

Children: Triangle.

Educator: (shows a triangular man). Meet this triangular man. What colour is he? That he has?

Children: The man is red, he has arms, legs, eyes, mouth. They are all triangular.

Educator: What looks like a triangle?

Children: Flag, pyramid, roof of the house.

Educator: What good fellows you are! And we with the fox still have riddles and only the most attentive will guess them.

What looks like a postcard

For an envelope and a scarf?

Tell me what to compare

With a blanket and carpet?

What kind of figure is it?

Children: Rectangle.

Educator: Does our rectangular man have round hands?

Children: Not. They are rectangular.

Educator: And the legs, eyes, mouth, what figure do they look like?

Children: To the rectangle.

Educator: Show the long sides of the rectangle, the short sides. Good. What color is our rectangle?

Children: The rectangle is green.

Educator: And now remember what you saw on the rectangular street?

Children: Windows, doors, bricks.

Educator: Well done! Hear the following riddle:

I am not an oval or a circle, a triangle is not a friend,

I'm a brother to the rectangle.

And my name is ...

Children: Square.

Educator: Meet - this is a square person. Why is it called that?

Children: A person is like a square.

Educator: What else does the square man have?

Children: Pens, eyes, legs, mouth. They are square.

Educator: Look closely at our group and find something square.

Children: book, window, cube.

Educator: Chanterelle asks you what color the square man is?

Children: Blue.

Educator: I AM I think the fox really enjoyed playing with you. Now we will rest. I invite you to play Three Bears.

3 part. Physical education.

1,2,3 - turn around and turn into bears.

Three bears went home (represent bears)

Daddy was big, big (hands up)

Mom with him is smaller, (hands in front of the chest)

And sonny is just a baby, (sit down)

He was very small

I walked with a rattle. (hands in fists, represent a rattle)


1,2,3 - turn around and turn into children.

Part 4. Practical.

Educator: And now we have another interesting job. I invite you to the Magic Garden.

Children sit down at tables. For each child - a sheet with the task: paint over apples on a tall apple tree in yellow, and on a low apple tree in red.

Educator: Look how many apple trees are in the garden. Guys, are the apple trees the same or different?

Children: Various. One is tall and the other is low.

Educator: The chanterelle asks you to paint the apples. Take a yellow pencil and paint the apples yellow on the tall apple tree. And use a red pencil to paint the apples on the low apple tree.

(Children complete the task, those who can quickly offer to paint the trunks and the trees themselves). Pay attention that the apples on the apple trees are round, you need to paint carefully - do not leave the contour.

Educator: Well, how do you like it in our Magic Garden? What a flavor from your ripe apples! Today you pleased both me and the fox with your game. Therefore, she wants to treat you to apples (the chanterelle treats the children and says goodbye).

GCD for FEMP in the 2nd junior group

Prepared and conducted by the educator Bulbas N.P.

Topic:"We will count all the toys"


Exercise in drawing up a group of objects and the ability to select one from a group of objects.

  • Consolidate knowledge of concepts: one, many, a little.

Introduce the geometric shape of the circle.

Exercise in the correct naming of the geometric shape circle and the generalizing concept of "toys".

Demonstration equipment: toys - bear, hare, car; handout: small toys of three types - one, several, many, (cubes, pyramids, ball) colored circles according to the number of children.

Course of the lesson

Educator - Guys, today I brought toys to the group, but for some reason they are nowhere to be found, only the letter is on the table. Let's read and find out what is written in it.

Letter: An evil wizard writes to you who took your toys if you

guess the riddles about them, I will return them to you.

Educator - Well, guys, are we going to guess riddles?

Children - Yes.

Educator - Listen carefully.

Educator - A funny beast sewn from plush.

There are paws, there are ears.

Give some honey to the beast

And give him a den.

Children - Bear.

Educator - Drinks gasoline like milk,

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

You know her, of course?

Children - Machine.

Educator - Lump of fluff,

Long ear.

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

Children - Hare

(Under the fabulous music, toys Mishka, Bunny and a car appear)

Educator - I am very glad that you have solved all the riddles correctly.

Educator - Guys, how to call a bear, a bunny and a car in one word?

Children are toys.

Educator - Right, but what are toys for?

Children - To play with them.

Educator - Guys, toys brought you gifts,

toys small toys

Educator - Kirill, how many balls did the bear bring?

Cyril - One.

Educator - Nastya, how many cubes did the car bring?

Nastya - A lot.

Educator - Vika, how many pyramids did the bunny bring?

Vika -Two.

Educator - Is this a lot or a little?

Vika - A little, little.

Educator - Assignments:

Take a ball for one of the children and put it on the table. How many balls does the bear have and how much is on the table?

Children - The bear has no balls. There is one ball on the table.

Educator - Nastya take cubes and put them on the table.

Educator - Nastya, how many cubes did you put on the table?

Nastya - I put five cubes.

Educator - How much is left in the car?

Nastya - Not a single cube is left in the car.

Educator - Bunny invites Rodion to take

pyramids, put on the table near the car.

Educator - Rodion, how many pyramids did the bunny give you?

Rodion - Two pyramids.

Educator - Well done guys. You all completed the assignment correctly.

Physical education.

We are funny nesting dolls Clap your hands.

Okay, okay.

We have boots on our feet Stompers.

Okay, okay.

In our colorful sundresses, Whirling, hands on the belt.

Okay, okay.

We are like sisters

Okay, okay.

Educator - I have interesting figures

different colors, look.

Educator - What do they look like?

Children - To the circle, wheel, sun.

Educator - Right. I'll tell you about the geometric shape of a circle. (gesturing his circle)

Educator - I suggest you take your little circles and also show how round they are, roll in your hands, admire them.

Educator - Guys, show who has green circles. (Children raise their circles)

Educator - Well done, guys, I'm glad you know the color green.

What else does the green circle look like?

Children - At the green traffic light.

Educator - Right.

Educator - Let's look at our car.

Tell me if the car has parts that look like a circle?

Children - Yes. These are wheels.

Educator - Indeed, look how they spin and the car can go along the road.

Educator - Guys, I hear that Mishka and Bunny are talking about something with each other. They want to tell me something.

Educator - Guys, our toys want to apologize, it's time to visit another group. We all enjoyed counting and playing with a circle figure, but our lesson is also coming to an end.

Let's say goodbye to toys. We'll tell them before we meet again.

Children - Goodbye.

(To cheerful music, the toys leave by car)

For example: “How many buttons are there on the red strip? How many buttons are there on the blue strip? Now tell me how many buttons on the blue strip and how many on the red one. " The child is led to the reflection of the bonds: "There is one button on the red strip, and many buttons on the blue one." The teacher gives a sample answer or starts it, and the child finishes. To understand the method of action, children are asked to say in the course of work what and how they are doing, and when the action has already been mastered, before starting work, to express what and how to do it. “What should be done to find out which board is wider? How do you know if there are enough pencils for everyone? " This is how connections are established between the properties of things and the actions with which they are revealed. At the same time, the teacher uses only those words, the meaning of which is clear to children.

Self-analysis of nodes on the famp in the 2nd younger group "in search of Ivanushka"


The use of these methods and techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of primary preschool age will allow the teacher to successfully cope with the task and will help children to qualitatively master new knowledge and apply it in practice. Literature:

  1. Vodopyanov, E.N. Formation of initial geometric concepts in preschoolers. / E.N. Vodopyanov. // Doshk. education, 2000, no. 3.
  2. Erofeeva, T.I., Pavlova, L.N., Novikova, V.

P. Mathematics for preschoolers: Book. For the teacher children. garden. - M .: Education, 1992.
  • Zhitomirsky, V.G., Shevrin, L.N. Geometry for kids. - M .: 1996.
  • Korneeva, GA, Museibova, TA Methodical instructions for studying the course "Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschool children."

    - M., 2000.

  • Korneeva, G.A.
  • Methodology for conducting a lesson in the second junior group

    Summary of the culminating event according to FEMP "In Search of Prizes" in the senior group municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of combined type Kindergarten "Rodnichok" r. Chishmy settlement of the municipal district. Summary of OD on FEMP in the preparatory group "In search of the lost planet" Summary of OD on FEMP in the preparatory group on the topic: "In search of the lost planet". Objectives: To improve the ability to find the place of a number.


    Lesson in the senior group on FEMP "Counting within 10. In search of treasure" PURPOSE: - to improve the ability to count within 10. INTEGRATION OF EDUCATIONAL AREAS: cognitive development, speech development ,.

    Summary of GCD on FEMP "In search of treasures" in the senior group Program content: - Continue to teach children to navigate in space; - Continue to acquaint with the quantitative composition of the number.

    Synopsis "mathematics" femp (2 younger group)

    We bring to your attention a video recording of direct educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts based on the fairy tale "Geese - Swans" in the 2nd junior group "In Search of Ivanushka". in educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Fiction", "Health" Direction: cognitive, speech development. Topic of the lesson: "In search of Ivanushka" Children aged 3 to 4 years (2 younger group). I set the following goals for myself: Educational: to continue the formation of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification); to form ideas about the properties of objects: color, shape, size; the ability to distinguish and explain the signs of similarity and difference of objects, to combine them into groups according to a common feature; fix the account to 5; develop the skill of complete answers to questions.

    3. analysis of the "harmony" program in mathematics in kindergarten

    Taking all this into account, I outlined the goal, objectives, content, determined the form of implementation, methods, techniques and means necessary for positive results. The purpose of the lesson: to summarize the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired during the year. I set the following tasks: Educational: to continue to form elementary mathematical concepts: - to distinguish the shape, color, size of objects and objects; - mastering simple connections and relationships: more (less) in size, the same, more (less) in number, the same, the same and different in color and size; - to consolidate the ability to compose an image of an object from parts; - the ability to navigate in a small space: in front (behind), above (below), on the right (left).
    Developing: - to develop speech and cognitive activity, attention, memory, thinking, ingenuity, imagination; development of sensory culture.


    Purposeful work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts begins with the second junior group. It is very important to organize the successful perception by children of spatial forms of real objects and their quantitative relations in a given age period, because the further successful development of mathematical concepts among pupils depends on this. Acquaintance of children with elements of mathematical concepts is carried out on the basis of set theory.

    When working with children of younger preschool age, many objects are used, characterized by one common feature that unites these objects. Thus, we form in children the ability to highlight the qualitative features of various objects (shape, color, texture).

    Analysis of the femp in the second younger group

    In an effort to prevent possible errors, he shows all the methods of work and explains in detail the sequence of actions. Its explanations are extremely clear, clear, concrete, given at a pace that is accessible to the perception of a small child. The most complex methods of action are demonstrated 2-3 times, with the teacher each time drawing the attention of the kids to new details.

    Only repeated demonstration and naming of the same actions in different situations when changing visual material allows children to learn ways of action. In the course of work, it is important not only to point out mistakes to children, but also to find out their reasons. Errors are corrected directly in action with didactic material. The educator's explanations are unobtrusive and laconic. Sometimes mistakes are best corrected without explanation.
    Didactic games on FEMP in the second junior group Interesting tasks in a playful way help children learn a lot of new and interesting things. You need to learn with preschoolers through didactic games. The formation of elementary mathematical concepts offers many didactic games for the study of material.
    In the summer, you can consolidate all the knowledge gained during the academic year. This should be done by playing: "Let's compare objects" (offer the children 2 toys: high and low). “Who learned to compare stripes? Where is wide, where is narrow? ”; "What color ran away from us?" (show 5 squares of primary colors, then hide one. They like to guess what color is gone). You can also hide geometric shapes.
    There is a very interesting and famous game at all times: "hot-cold" (let them play the detective and find a small toy hidden by the teacher).

    At the main stage of the NODA, the following tasks were solved: Tasks: "At the forest edge", "Three bears", "Strawberry for bears", "Teremok" were aimed at addressing previously accumulated experience, developing memory, quick wits, knowledge of mathematical concepts, ideas about geometric shapes. During the lesson, children were engaged in productive activities, which were aimed at the ability to compose an image of an object from parts. (Animal houses). In order to strengthen the health of children, I used gymnastics (physical education).

    Educational activity for 15 minutes was dynamic, provided for a quick change in children's activities, which made it possible to avoid children's fatigue. Children performed all tasks and exercises with pleasure and interest, throughout their educational activities they were active and curious. The atmosphere in the class was friendly.
    At the beginning of the school year, children are given simple tasks to compose sets of objects that have only one feature that unites them, for example, to collect all the balls from a group of objects with different geometric shapes. Further, the tasks become more complicated, children are invited to make a group of objects characterized by two common features, for example, to assemble a group consisting of red balls. Later, children are taught to make groups of a certain number of objects, united by a common feature or several features, and also to find a feature in two groups that unites or distinguishes these two groups. The main attention in this age period is paid to classes in comparison of the qualitative characteristics of objects: shape, color, length, width, height. When teaching children of younger groups, a visual-effective method is used.
    All parents want their child to be smart and developed. Therefore, many try to teach kids to count and write right away. Teachers do not recommend working with children in this way.

    They believe that the child must first master basic mathematical concepts. These are not numbers. First of all, the child must understand: a little, a lot, top, bottom, big, small, etc. Numbers are a small part of mathematics. They should be available to the baby no earlier than 4 years old.

    Every year the child's understanding of mathematics is expanding more and more. Children in the second junior group master well what forms, colors, etc. are. Even orientation in space is considered mathematics.

    Therefore, FEMP in the second junior group does not provide numbers. Before training, you need to develop a lesson plan for the year. This will help you ensure that your kids have all the math they need to know.