Notes on labor activity preparatory group. Summary of the lesson on labor activity "Brigade Labor". Preparatory group. Lesson course: General game "Erase"

Purpose: formation of a positive attitude to work and its results, improvement of labor skills.

Tasks Educational area
Teach children to participate in the organized work of a collective of peers, to correlate their activities with the work of others and to understand that the work of the subgroup in which you work is part of the common cause of the collective.
Improve labor skills and abilities in the labor process, improve the ability to plan their activities, distribute responsibilities among themselves, evaluate the work of their group and the team as a whole.
Strengthen the ability to properly use material and equipment for work, observing safety precautions.
Build a belief in social value and need household labor.
To cultivate a benevolent relationship in the labor process, a desire to come to the rescue, a positive attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers.
Communication and personal development
Develop thinking, ability to predict. Cognitive development
Develop the explanatory function of speech. Speech development
Develop fine motor skills hands. Physical development
Encourage to see the beautiful in everyday life. Artistic and aesthetic development

Materials and equipment:postal parcel, rags, aprons, laundry soap, trays, oilcloth, rope, clothespins, washcloths, an envelope from the Fairy of Purity with application sheets, basins.

Preliminary work: conversation about work, memorizing proverbs and sayings about work, reading poems, looking at illustrations and albums about various professions of adults, consolidating ideas about work through didactic games.

Predicted result: as a result of collective household work, children will develop a value attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers; children will understand that after their work in the group it has become clean, light and beautiful.

1 part. The beginning of the lesson.

Q: Children, let's remember the proverbs and sayings about work.

D: You can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty.

Finished business - walk boldly.

Patience and work will grind everything.

The master's work is afraid.

Small bee, and even that works.

A diligent mouse will gnaw through the board.

Do you like to ride - love to carry sledges.

Measure seven times, cut once.

V .: Well done, you know a lot of proverbs about labor. I forgot to tell you that in the morning the postman brought the parcel, here it is (showing).

Q: Read, children, where did the package come from? (children read and find out that the package is from Moscow).

Q: I wonder what lies there? Are you guys interested? (they open the parcel and take out: aprons, rags, soap, ropes, clothespins).

Q: Why do you think we need all this? (children answer that they put things in order in aprons, clean up, soap to wash, rope and clothespins to hang clothes, rags to dust off, wash dishes or toys).

Q: But that's not all, here's a letter. (He offers to read the letter from whom, the children read and find out that the letter is from the Fairy of Purity).

Q: Dear guys, I am always concerned about cleanliness and order. I ask you to look around and think if you have order and cleanliness everywhere? I propose to open a household cleaning service in the group called "Clean".

Q: Children, what kind of community assistance services do you know? (rescue service, gas service, fire service, police, ambulance).

Q: How do you understand what a household service is? (children answer).

V.V .: That's right, the household service provides assistance to people in washing clothes, repairing clothes, cleaning premises.

Q: I suggest you split into 4 teams.

1 brigade - wipes dust in cupboards and arranges toys beautifully.

2 brigade - washes doll dishes.

3 brigade - washes doll clothes.

4 brigade - washes chairs.

Children are independently divided into 4 groups.

V .: I suggest that you choose a foreman by counting (children choose).

V .: I am appointing myself the director of the consumer services. I ask the foremen to come up to the table and draw out a leaflet for their brigade, i.e. who will do what.

Q: Each team should have a discussion about what equipment, what materials and how much should be taken with them to complete the application, assign responsibilities: who will do what. The quality of the work performed by the entire brigade will depend on the work of each separately.

I check what equipment the children are preparing, how they have it. If necessary, I ask leading questions (how do we save tables from excess moisture?), I advise, remind, encourage.

Part 2: Practical work.

Q: everyone has prepared their jobs well. The foremen correctly assigned responsibilities within the brigade.

Q: But before we start working, let's remember the rules of collective labor and safe handling of objects of labor.

D: - do everything that you can;

Don't forget to clean up after yourself;

Respect other people's work;

Before starting to work, prepare everything you need;

Do everything carefully, slowly;

Don't be distracted when you work;

Use the tools of labor correctly;

Don't leave work unfinished;

If you are not working alone, work together;

If you finished the case earlier, help others.

I propose to get started. Our motto is: "Ready for work, more action, fewer words."

During labor activity:

  • watching children and their work,
  • i pay special attention to the work of the foremen, I remind them that they not only have to work themselves, showing an example to the guys from their brigade, but also see who is working and how, help them, suggest;
  • i ask how the children have assigned responsibilities for work;
  • i help in the organization;
  • give advice;
  • i remind the order of work;
  • i encourage hurried and sloppy children to think about the quality of work, reminding them of the proverb “If you hurry, you will make people laugh”;
  • i provide individual assistance;
  • i encourage teams in which there are no quarrels and conflicts, where mutual assistance is manifested.

Part 3: Summing up the work. Assessment of the implementation of the application.

V .: If the work is done, the foremen can invite me to the brigade, with the guys, as the director of "Chistyula", they can report on the work done. If I, the director, accept the job, I will give you a command to clean the equipment.

V .: after the completion of the work, we will put things in order at the workplaces, we will put all materials and equipment in place

IN:. Guys, I propose to admire the results of labor.

The foremen take turns telling what they have done, giving their own assessment of the activities of their brigade. When the child-foreman explains the situation (what, who, how they did it), I clarify: did everyone work diligently? Was the work going well? Who helped the comrades?

Q: Each of you did his own little thing, but together you did a big thing. This is how clean and beautiful the room is now. I, as the director of the "Chistyulya" household service, thank you for the services rendered. Thanks to all the service workers. Our service "Clean" will continue to operate.

Self-analysis of the organization and management of collective household labor of children of the preparatory group on the topic

"Household service"

1. Tasks, delivered in the economic and labor activities of children, meet the requirements of the program, age characteristics of children, have a character integrated with various educational areas.

2. The way of organizing collective work.

When organizing children for collective work, we followed the recommendations of R.S. Bure:

  • united the whole group for work, since the children have already acquired the necessary work experience. The already acquired labor skills and abilities were only consolidated, and new training was not carried out;
  • the work is already familiar to children and ensured the active activity of each child. We did not introduce into the content of collective work what children do not yet know how to do;
  • the content of labor included the possibility of dividing it into relatively independent tasks for 4 links;
  • uniting children for collective labor activity, we took into account the peculiarities of interpersonal relations of children. By uniting the children into a link, mutual sympathies and wishes of the children were taken into account.

3. Equipment children prepared for work themselves, because know what they need for a particular type of work and where this equipment is stored.

4. Duration of labor was 20 minutes. The children were included in the work that was within their power, did not get tired, worked with interest and visible pleasure.

5. Children motivated to work an intriguing start: receiving a parcel with a letter, examining the contents of the parcel and offering to organize a “Chistyulya” household service.

6. The structure of the organization of labor activity of children observed, had a clear sequence:

  • organizing time,
  • management of the labor process,
  • summing up the results of labor.

7. Methods and techniques for managing the work of children: conversation, intriguing beginning, problematic questions, artistic word, practical work, reliance on the knowledge of children, explanation, demonstration, analysis.

8. The result of labor became the cleanliness and order that everyone needs. Cleaning of the premises is needed not by one of the labor participants, but by all children.

9. Educational nature of work. Labor contributed to problem solving moral education, the development of personal qualities of children, the formation of interpersonal relationships. In the process of labor, favorable conditions were created for the formation of children's skills to achieve a single goal, coordinate their actions, help each other, common responsibility, etc. Collective work developed a sense of security in children, taught mutual understanding, created a positive emotional attitude, i.e. performed tasks of an ethical nature.

10. General conclusion. The collective work of the children of the preparatory group was organized in accordance with the tasks and guidelines regarding this type of labor of children 6-7 years old.

Photo report
Collective labor

1 part. Organizational and motivational. Parcel arrived from Moscow

Valentina Mitina
Abstract of the lesson on labor activity "Brigade Labor". Preparatory group

IN preparatory group we continue to educate children on the value of collective labor.

In senior group children have already got used to the new organization of the workplace, and now they prepare workplaces and select the necessary equipment on their own. The content of their actions has become more complex. If the senior group all brigades do one task step by step: the first washes, the second rinses, the third hangs, then in preparatory group each team will perform a separate task. The volume of work does not increase (1-2 things at work)... The main thing in these brigades - self-organization... Children should have feeling: "I could still do as much!" Such work brings joysatisfying all four needs: self-affirmation, cognition, communication, play.

Also, the children face a difficult task to unite in brigades and distribute the work among themselves. In three years, children have learned to think individually and do the work on their own until the result. But there is a motive in choosing a partner. "Neighborhood",sympathy.

Upon appointment foremen it is necessary to make a choice in favor of reasonable, balanced, skillful children.

purpose: continue teaching children to participate in organized labor peer group.


Relate your activities with difficulty others and understandwhat work subgroups, wherein you work, is part of the common cause of the team.

Form a habit of maintaining cleanliness and order.

Strengthen planning skills activity, to distribute responsibilities among themselves.

Learn to assess activities of their brigade and the team as a whole.

To form a belief in social significance and the need for everyday labor.

Preliminary work:

On the eve, a conversation is held with children about the collective labor, how you can do the necessary work faster and organize work on the formation brigades.

The teacher talks to four possible foremen... Your candidacies for the role children nominate foremen themselves.

Q. You have decided to take care of the little ones. What would you like to do? And you?. And you? (I would like to wash toys) There will be many toys, you alone will do this work for a long time. Probably in there is someone else in the groupwho, like you, would like to wash toys? Can you find four more people to wash toys with? (No, I can't find four people) Well, okay, go play. Since you can't find four people, we'll take care. Appeals to to another: Will you be able to find four people who would wash doll dresses with you? (Yes.) Go find yourself four comrades. You will come to me when you decide what you are up to and with whom. Why is it necessary? So that we do not waste time on conversations when they bring the material with which to work. Why do we need to know what material to work with? To know what tools and equipment prepare.

Q. Have you agreed on who will work with whom? Your brigadewhat will you do? What do you need to work? Can you cook everything? What will the guys do in your brigade?

Equipment and materials: tables, basins, soap, dry rags, sponges for washing, a stretched rope for hanging the washed linen; toys, dishes, doll clothes, doll bedding.

Stroke lessons: General game "We erase"

Younger educator groups brings material for labor: toys, dishes, doll clothes, doll bedding.

IN. (junior gr.) While I was about to bring you dirty dresses, I had so many dirty toys, dirty dishes, dirty linen, that I could not handle it alone, and you cannot leave enough work for a whole week.

B. Do not worry, we have decided to take care of your little ones, we have distributed all the work on brigades and we will do everything in one day.

IN. (junior gr.)Thank! Rescued. Will your children cope, there is a lot of work?

B. Let's see (Educator junior gr. Leaves)... I gave my word, won't we let you down?

Q. Maybe we will not consider what they brought us, but we will immediately start working. Why consider?

D. We must consider what kind of material in order to know what tools, equipment to cook.

IN. (referring to foreman) What are you up to?

B. make toys clean

Q. what do you need to work?

B. we need basins, soap, a sponge.

Q. how much does each one need?

B. Two basins, soap, sponge

Q. Everyone knows about this, right? What will you take care of?

B. We need to check if there is enough for everyone.

Also talk to others foremen.

B. Prepare jobs and get started.

Process duration labor: 10 minutes - children organize workplace; 10 minutes work; 5 minutes cleaning; 10 minutes - closing conversation.

Closing conversation:

Q. How did you take care of the little ones? And how are you?

Children's answers

V. You are able to wash, washed clean! You know how to wash, washed clean! Now, let's see if you are older or not. What do you think?

D. Seniors.

Q. How do you prove that you are the elders?

D. We worked together, accurately, quickly. We managed to do everything.

Q. That's right, only the elders do this. Did you do a good job today? Are you tired? If the babies bring in again, will we take care of them?

Related publications:

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Mikhailova Svetlana Anatolyevna
Synopsis of a labor training lesson for children of the preparatory group "Household service" Solnyshko "

Software content:

1. Learn children participate in organized labor peer group, to agree on the distribution of work, to exercise control and self-control of the quality of actions in the performance of common work.

2. Develop positive and moral qualities diligence and accuracy... Foster a responsible attitude towards labor and respect for toys.

4. Strengthen the ability to properly use material and equipment for laborobserving safety precautions.

3. To form a belief in the social significance and the need for household labor.

4. Nurturing friendly relationships in the process labor, the desire to help, a positive attitude towards one's own work and work of their peers.

Materials and equipment: postal parcel, rags, aprons, laundry soap, trays, oilcloth, clothesline for drying clothes, clothespins, an envelope from the Fairy of Purity with sheets - applications, basins.

Organization labor:

Stage 1. Staging labor task.

Children, together with the teacher, recall proverbs and sayings about labor... Unexpectedly, the teacher remembers that in group in the morning the postman brought the parcel. Asks the junior teacher to bring it and offers to consider it.

Educator: Read, children, where did the package come from? (children read and find out that the package is from Moscow).

Educator: And what do you know about this city, tell (children talk briefly)

Educator: I wonder what lies there. Are you guys interested? (children open the parcel and take out from there: aprons, rags, soap, rope, clothespins).

Educator: What do you think we need all this for? (children answer that they put things in order in aprons, clean up, soap to wash, rope and clothespins to hang clothes, rags to dust off, wash dishes or toys)

Educator: But that's not all, here's a letter. (Offers to read the letter from whom, the children read and find out that the letter is from the Fairy of Purity)

The teacher reads a letter in which the Fairy of Purity suggests opening a service group cleaning the premises « Sun» .

Educator: Children, what service on helping the population you know? ( emergency, gas service, fire department service, police, ambulance)

Educator: How do you understand what is household service? (children answer)... Right, household service assists people in washing clothes, repairing clothes, cleaning premises. The teacher pays attention children on leaflets with pictures - applications and offers to understand them. We found out that there are only 4 applications, so you need to split into 4 teams.

1 brigade - wipes dust in lockers and arranges toys beautifully

2 brigade - washes doll dishes

3 brigade - washes doll clothes

4 brigade - washes the chairs

Children are independently divided into 4 groups and the foreman is chosen by counting. The teacher appoints herself the director household services... He asks the foremen to come to the table and draw out an application leaflet for their team, which says which team will perform what. After that, he invites each team to discuss what equipment, what materials and how much you need to take with you to complete the application. Offers to distribute duties: who will do what, says that the quality of the work performed by the entire team will depend on the work of each individually.

The teacher suggests going to their workplaces and getting started. But before you start work, the children, together with the teacher, remembered the rules for the safe handling of objects labor.

Stage 2. Manual labor... During labor activities, the educator gives advice, helps in the organization, reminds the order of work; asks how the children have assigned responsibilities for labor, provides individual assistance. Observing activity children, follows the action children towards each other, calling for a polite and benevolent attitude. Reminds proverbs about labor: Patience and work will grind everything... It's bad to do just remodel and so on.

Stage 3. Completion of work. Summing up the results of the work. Assessment of the implementation of the application. The teacher makes sure that after the end of the work, the children put things in order at their workplaces, all materials and equipment are removed in place. Then he offers to admire the results of our work. The foremen take turns telling what they have done, giving their own assessment of the activities of their brigade.

Educator: Each of you did his own little thing, but together you did a big thing. This is how clean and beautiful the room is now. I, as a director household services, I thank you for the services rendered. Thanks to all employees household services... Our service« Sun» will continue to operate.

Lesson summary for labor education "Toys love cleanliness"

Purpose: formation of a positive attitude towards work in preschool children.


    To consolidate and improve the skills acquired earlier in labor activity.

    Promote the mastery of the culture of performing activities (observing three rules of work: the suit is clean, the workplace is clean, the result of work is clean)

    To contribute to the enrichment of the child's development of interest in the activities of adults; desire to help, creating a positive atmosphere in work.

Materials: dirty toys, a bag, basins, tables, a bench, soap dishes, sponges, napkins, buckets of water; Teddy bear character.


Organizing time

1. Conversation about favorite toys


Guys, listen, I’ll read you a poem:

Let toys be friends with us

We will not offend them

Let's play and then

Let's put everything in place

We will help ourselves

We will put them in their places

Toys are not people, but everyone understands

And they really don't like it when they are broken!


What are your favorite toys? Want to play with our toys? The toys are in their places and are waiting for us!
The people are gathering, the locomotive whistles to tu-tu: "We are going, going, going. To distant lands, Good neighbors, funny friends!"

2. Bear with a bag.

(In the group sits a Mishka with a bag, through it you can see that there are toys in the bag. Children stand around Mishka).


Hello, Bear ?! Bear, we wanted to play, and you put our toys in a bag?


No, I didn't. I have toys here, but they are bear cubs. For some reason, the cubs do not want to play with them. I brought you, I don’t understand what they don’t like?

(The teacher takes the toy out of the bag, puts it on the tray, disgustedly).


Of course, who would want to play with such a dirty man? How can you help the cubs, because they are bored without toys? And we wanted to play ourselves! What are we going to do? Play or do we do good for the cubs?

Yes, the cubs are small, clumsy. And we have grown up, already almost older, we can wait with the game!

Main part

1. The game "Erase".

Physical education (Imitation of movements).

We wash, we wash, we wash all day.

Are you ready to go to work again?

We rinse, rinse, rinse all day.

Look, arms, legs, are they tired?

We wring out, wringing out, wringing out all day.

Look, arms, legs, are they tired?

Are you ready to go to work again?

We hang, hang, hang all day.

Look, arms, legs, are they tired?

Are you ready to go to work again?

2. Conversation about the labor process.


What have we decided to do with you?(Wash teddy bear toys).


Yes, I also guessed that I needed to wash it, I even prepared the basin. (Takes it out of the bag). Pour water and wash! Do it quickly and you will play your games!


Bear, take your time. One basin is not enough, you have a lot of toys! So, we decided to wash the toys. Show on your face that you will be happy to do good to the cubs. We will prepare everything now, I am sure that each of you will cope with this matter!

3. Preparing the workplace.

Go, Rita, put all the basins, please, on the bench so that the guys are comfortable taking them. Ksyusha and Gleb, put the soap dishes on the table. Nastya, go spread your lips. And Olga Ivanovna will pour water into our buckets.

Look at yourself, are you ready to work your hands? Is your head ready?

Go, prepare your seats, then come up to Mishka, he will give you a toy. And you make it clean and put it on a napkin to dry.

(Children prepare the places, the assistant educator pours water into the pots, for those who organized the workplace).

4. Labor process.

Independent labor process.


Who finished, put everything away, put clean toys on a napkin next to Mishka, let him look at your efforts!

Final part

A moment of silence (poetry).


Listen, our guys know the friendship poem.

V. Viktorov.

The bee and the flower are friends.

The leaf and the moth are friends.

Rivers and forests are friends.

The sun and spring are friends.

The stars and the moon are friends.

Ships are friends at sea.

Children of the whole earth are friends!


A funny poem? And why are the bee and the flower friends? Why are the sun and spring friends?

3. Assessment of the result of labor.

We will soon go out into the street with you and check who is friends with whom? Now let's go to Mishka. Look at the toys, what have they become? Will the cubs enjoy playing with them? Katya, is your toy clean? Lisa, tell me how you made the toy clean?


Well, Mishka, we promised to help you, we did it, let your cubs happily play with clean toys, well, we'll go for a walk.

Mishka: Thank you!

Joint labor activity on the theme “Flower!

educator: Maltseva Zh.V.

Purpose: foster a positive attitude towards work


    To form labor skills and abilities when planting flowers.

    Develop the ability to negotiate, collaborate, and be proactive in protecting the landing method.

    To foster independence and responsibility, the ability to bring the work started to the end.


We are at an exhibition of paintings on the theme of Flowers.

    This work was done by Maxim and he will tell you about it now.

    This picture was painted by Vasilisa. Tell us about her.

This is Arina's still life, tell us about it.

Children go to the group and sit on the chairs

Game "The fourth extra"

    look at the slides, tell me what is superfluous and why.

Children, what do you know about flowers?

    What is the use of flowers?

    What is the harm from flowers?

    What do you want to know about flowers?

What can you do to make flowers grow?

game "Seed"

    Guys follow the text movements.

Let's take one seed,
We will put in a hole at the bottom!
Do not be afraid, dear,
It's okay that it's dark there.

To the light, to the sun from the earth
You sprout quickly go.
Here in the spring, at an early hour,
The seed has sprung up with us.

A sprout appeared from the ground:

    Hello sun, I was born!

Small is still a sprout-child,
Just got out of the diaper!

    What did you put in the ground in the game?

    What came out of the earth?

    Why did a sprout appear from a seed?

    what does it take for a plant to grow?

The teacher brings a tray.

    This was sent from junior group and asked to help grow flowers.

    What are the ways to grow a flower?

What are cuttings for?

The cultivation method is cuttings. Let's say "Cutting" together

What should be done with seedlings?

choose a method of planting a flower (models will help you) and go to the workplaces.

The teacher asks the teams.

What do you think these models mean?

    Correctly your models correspond to the method of planting a flower.

    get ready for work, agree among yourself who will water the earth, since there is only one watering can.

    The flower growers are ready!

Start landing!

    Well done, dry your hands, agree who from the team will talk about the method of planting a flower.

    where do we put the plants after planting?

Thank you, you did a good job. Organize your workplace.

These are daisies. Wildflowers. This work was performed using applique technique.

It's a rose. Garden flower. The picture was drawn with colored pencils.

This is a bouquet of wildflowers. Poppy, Cornflower, Chamomile. The still life was made using the technique of plastinography.

Extra birch, because it is a tree, not a flower.

Extra violet because it is a houseplant, not a garden flower.

We know that there are garden flowers, wildflowers and indoor plants. A flower has a root, a stem, leaves, and a flower has petals.

Flowers give us oxygen. They are treating us.

Insects feed on the nectar of flowers. They delight us with beauty.

Flowers can be poisoned. They can be weeds and prevent vegetables from growing.

How the flower grows.

Learn and see how a sprout appears.

Why does a flower have petals falling?

Sow flower seeds. To plant flowers. Water the flowers.

Children squat down

Children get up slowly - "grow up"

Children stretch

Children raise their hands above their heads, waving their hands

Children put their hands down Children tilt their heads in different directions

They put a seed in the ground

A sprout appeared from the ground.

Because the seed grows.

A plant needs land, water, heat, light and air to grow

You can grow a flower from a seed.

A flower can be grown from a bulb.

A flower can be grown from a leaf

A flower can be grown from a cuttings.

Dive seedlings

Children choose

1 team - means that we will sow seeds.

2- plant the bulbs.

3- plant cuttings

4- plant leaves

5 - dive

Children wear aprons.


Children plant flowers in the chosen way. (using models)

Group 1 - We planted Kalanchoe cuttings. They poured the earth, made a hole, planted a stalk and quietly pressed the earth around it. They poured it again.

Group 2 - planted marigold seeds. They poured the earth, made a hole, put a seed, sprinkled it with earth. Watered.

3 - planted zephyranthes bulbs. They poured the earth, made a hole, put an onion, sprinkled it with earth. Watered.

4 - planted violet leaves. They poured the earth, made a hole, planted a leaf and quietly pressed the earth around it. They poured it again.

5 - dived seedlings of mirabilis. They watered the earth, made a hole, planted one plant, and gently pressed the earth around it. They poured it again.

Let's put it in the light. On the windowsill.