Summary of classes on socio-emotional development in the preparatory group "etiquette lessons". Lesson in the world of politeness. Conversation in the preparatory group what is etiquette

Purpose:  the formation of a conscious attitude towards the implementation of norms and rules of behavior.


- clarify initial ideas about the norms and rules of relations acceptable in the Russian communicative culture;

- contribute to the manifestation of the need for the implementation of norms and rules of conduct corresponding to their gender and age;

- to promote the independent application of the acquired knowledge in the game, communication activities.

Equipment: video, cut out of colored paper petals for the game “Flower of politeness”, table-printed game “Etiquette Lessons”, voice recorder, video player.

Educator. Guys, a video letter came to our group, let's see it. Video content: “Hello guys! Your first-grader friends are contacting you for help. We recently read a poem about a boy

Petrus, who decided to become polite. Listen to this poem.

The teacher reads a poem by I. Kulskaya “Impolite politeness”.

Together we began to think whether Petrus could be called a polite boy? Our opinions were divided, and we even argued: some guys think that if a boy greets everyone, he can be called polite, and other guys do not agree: they think that the boy Petrus cannot be called polite, because he does not know the rules for greeting. And suddenly we remembered you guys and thought that you could resolve our dispute, because you read a lot in the kindergarten and talked about the rules of conduct. We know that on this subject in your group there are many different albums, pictures, books, games. ”

Do you guys agree to help our friends?

Children. Yes.

Educator.  And to answer correctly, I suggest recalling everything that you know about the rules of behavior. Listen to how similar the words are: right, rules, by the rules. If you know the rules and are doing right, what can you call?

Children. Polite, well-mannered children.

Educator.  Why does a person follow certain rules of behavior?

Children.  To be pleasant to others, to treat others kindly.

Educator.  He does not invent them himself. Do you think Petrus knew about this?

Children. No, he thought that each person himself came up with rules of conduct.

Educator. Who invented the rules of conduct?

Children.  People.

Educator. That's right, in order to better understand each other, people came up with the rules. Each of them has its own history and serves for good communication. Listen to this poem.

A child reads a good morning poem by N. Krasilnikov.

What does the word hello mean?

Children.  It means “be healthy”, this is a wish for health.

Educator.  That's right, pronouncing them, we wish our relatives and friends good health so that they have a bright and joyful day. Why does the establishment of good relations between people begin with the first welcome words?

Children. This means that people are pleased to see each other. Yes, in a bow, in short words of greeting, an important message is concluded: “I see you, man! I am pleased with you. I wish you health, peace, happiness! ”

Educator.  Why does the poem say that upon hearing the word “hello,” said with a smile, “everyone becomes kind, trusting”?

Children. Everyone is pleased when they greet them at a meeting.

Educator. How do you feel when you are greeted at a meeting?

Children. It becomes joyful, the words of greeting are good to hear, the mood becomes good.

Educator. Yes, from polite words spoken from the heart, with a smile on his face, it becomes warmer and more joyful. Listen to this poem.


Bowing we said to each other

Although they were completely unfamiliar:


What special topics did we say to each other?

Just Hello

After all, we did not say anything.

Why a bit

The sun has increased in the world?

Why a bit

Was life happier?

V. Soloukhin

Educator.Guys, and when you greet other people, how do you feel?

Children.  Joy.

Educator.  Listen to a poem about people who are happy that they wish others well-being.

Children take turns reading A. Yashin's poem Good morning!

Why does this poem say that it becomes warm and joyful not only to those who hear kind, polite words, but also to those who speak them?

Children.  If people smile at your friendly words, then you too will be joyful and warm from their smiles.

Educator. Yes, if people always follow these important rules, everyone will have a good mood. It is necessary to speak more to each other kind words and give smiles. I suggest everyone to sing the song "Smile" together.

Children perform the song "Smile" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatsky).

We continue our conversation about politeness. Do you think Petrus was polite?

Children. No, he does not know many rules of conduct; he cannot be called polite.

Educator. Is it easy to be polite?

Children.  This must be learned.

Educator. Yes, I agree with you: being polite is not so easy. Who can Petrus learn politeness from?

Children.Polite people, those who know how to greet others.

Educator.  And could you teach Petrus politely to greet others?

Children.  Yes.

Educator. Guys, why did Grandfather Fedot not like Petrus' greeting?

Children.  Because Petrus cried out very loudly, and the old watchman Fedot at that time “just dozed off, he did not sleep at night on duty”.

Educator. Did Petrus politely act towards grandfather Fedot?

Children. No.

Educator.  Why?

Children.He scared grandfather with his loud cry, did not let him doze off after work.

Educator.  Yes, a polite person is always polite. What was Petrus to do?

Children. He needed to wait until Grandfather Fedot wakes up, and then say hello to him.

Educator. Yes, guys, you can’t talk and scream loudly when a person who is asleep from fatigue is nearby, because this prevents him from resting. What are the rules for welcoming familiar adults Petrus should remember?

Children.  Come closer, call by name, patronymic, slightly tilt your head - bow, smile.

Educator.  Guys, what did Petrus do wrong by deciding to greet the girl Yarinka?

Children.  Petrus pulled her handkerchief, he ordered her to stop, and the girl did not like it.

Educator. How could Petrus greet the girl?

Children. Greetings, bow of head, hand movement.

Educator. I suggest you play a game during which you will remember how you can greet each other differently.

The game "Flower of politeness"

Children take the petals and stand in a circle. Each child calls a greeting word or makes a welcome gesture without repeating his comrades and thus making a flower of petals in the center of the circle. At the end of the game, the children all admire the resulting flower.

Educator.  Guys, why did the counselor call Petrus ignoramus?

Children.  Oh scared the counselor when he jumped off the fence. Petrus almost knocked him down; the counselor could drop the books he carried in his hands.

Educator.  Listen to the proverb about polite people: "The ability to behave adorns and costs nothing." Why does behaving adorn a person?

Children. People are pleased with those who know and follow the rules of conduct.

Educator.  Yes, in order to be pleasant to other people, not to cause them anxiety and inconvenience, a person follows certain rules of behavior. I propose to play a game that will remind you of the rules of conduct at a party, transport, theater.

The game "Etiquette Lessons"

For the game you will need three large cards, in the center of which there are images on the topics: “At the theater”, “Away”, “In transport”. Children are divided into three microgroups and distribute cards among themselves. Small cards with plot pictures are mixed and placed face up. At the signal of the host, the children select cards according to their topic and lay them out near the big card. In the case of the correct behavior of the characters in the picture, the player puts a small card near the big one so that the halves of the circles on them coincide, and in case of unacceptable behavior of the characters, the card is laid aside.

After all the microgroups have completed the task, the educator suggests analyzing the plots on their small cards, as well as assessing the behavior of the characters in the pending pictures. The teacher encourages those who were the first to choose the plot pictures correctly and best explain the situations on them. To summarize: "If all people will always follow these important rules, everyone will have a good mood."

Educator. Guys, we will send your stories about the rules of conduct recorded on the recorder to our first-grader friends. I think that they will help resolve their dispute about whether Petrus can be called polite or not?

Purpose.   Clarification of children's knowledge of the rules of etiquette.

Integration of areas.  “Socialization”, “Music”, “Communication”.

Program tasks.

  1. Create conditions for systematizing children's knowledge of etiquette.
  2. To formulate in children the correct understanding of moral norms and concepts: what is good breeding, politeness, culture, goodwill, habits.
  3. To ensure the development of the ability to analyze the actions of the characters in the illustrations; establish a causal relationship of actions and emotions.
  4. To promote the development of personal components of cognitive activity (activity, independence).
  5. To make children want to strive to observe the rules of etiquette: to be polite, cultured, well-mannered, friendly.
  6. To help get aesthetic pleasure, to show an emotional state.

Correctional tasks.

  1. To carry out the development of mental processes (thinking, memory, auditory perception).
  2. To form the ability to formulate and explain your statements and conclusions in speech.
  3. To promote the development of speech and movement correction.

Methodological support.

Multimedia equipment. Audio recording of the melody “Music for the Soul” (music. Bondarenko), audio recording “Song of Friends (music and words of LOVE). Petals of different colors. Didactic games "Collect the doll", "Pick up a couple." Cards with riddles. Cards of red and green color. Flanelegraf. Two dolls (or a hand-drawn version) dressed in neat and neat clothes. Sample flower with fun facial expressions. Samples of flowers with unfilled petals.

Preliminary work.

Reading Nosov’s short stories “On the Hill”, “Shurik at Grandfather”; Oseeva "Blue Leaves", "Magic Word"; Oster “Wrong habits.” Communication on the topics “Who is my friend”, “Let's visit.” Consideration of illustrations “New”, “What a bold.” Didactic game “Etiquette for kids.” Training “Kind words”, “Facial expressions”.

The course of the lesson.

(Sounds relaxing relaxing music. Children perform the relaxation exercise "Flowers")

Educator.   Squat, lower your head and arms. Imagine that you are small grains from which beautiful ones will grow. Here a warm ray of sunshine reached the earth and warmed grains in it. A sprout has woken up. A beautiful flower grew from a sprout. Stand, raise your hands and lower. Substitutes heat and light to each petal, turning the head after the sun, basking, basking. Smile at each other. A strong wind blew. The flowers crouched, the stalks bent down, the leaves hung. The wind died down, the sun came out again ...

But look what happened to our flower? (draws attention to the screen, slide number 1).  Why is he sad? (children's answers). Yes, guys, a strong wind blew, and the petals of the flower flew apart. Look, we have these petals throughout the group.

Here is the blue petal, what is it called?(children read the name on the petal).This is a petal of courtesy, he suggests us to call polite words. Game "Speak a word."

- Even a block of ice is growing

From the word warm ... (thanks).

- The old stump will turn green

When you hear ... (good afternoon).

- When they scold us for pranks,

We say: ... (sorry, please).

- Both in France and in Denmark

They say goodbye ... (goodbye).

The teacher draws attention to slide number 2

Educator.   Well done, and look, the petal returns to the flower(slide number 3)

In your opinion, what determines the power of “magic words”? I’ll share a secret with you: the power of “magic words” depends on how you say them. If politely, affably, looking at the one you are addressing, then there will be success, but if on the contrary, in a sharp tone, looking away, then there will not be a good result.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that the game “Good or bad” lies near the red petal, the children read the name of the petal and find out that it is a petal of good breeding.

Educator.   So, we have a petal of good breeding and asks to determine good and kind deeds.

(the children complete the task from the didactic game “Good or Bad”: big cards come into play, where topics, situations are shown in the central column, and children’s behaviors are shown on the left and right; the children must determine each situation, tell them what they are observing and put on the contrary on an empty place your chip-assessment of the behavior of children in the picture, explaining your choice with detailed answers).

Educator.   So who can be called educated?(slide number 4).

A well-educated person can be called one who always and everywhere behaves correctly. Look guys and this petal is back to flower(slide number 5)

Children offer to approach the green petal, read its name: "Petal of goodwill."

Educator.   Guys, I know that you are very kind and lovely. So let us now show a friendly attitude towards each other.

Psychological training “Give a smile” is conducted to the cheerful music.

(children are invited to stand in pairs, look into each other's eyes and, smiling kindly, utter kind words; the children swap in pairs for cotton).

Educator.   Clarify, so who is friendly?(slide number 6)

And this petal returns to the flower(slide number 7).

Educator.   Let's look for a yellow petal. What is it called?(children read).   This is the petal of culture. On the petal task: the competition "Sit at the table." The rules of behavior at the table have evolved over the centuries and now remain the most intelligent and comfortable.

(In this contest, children are offered questions and answer options. On the tables are cards corresponding to the answer options: red - “A”, green - “B”. Each correct answer is marked with a chip)

  1. Your place at the festive table is determined by:

A) Mistress B) You yourself

2. Who invites guests to the table, first sits down and begins to eat?

A) Guest of honor B) Mistress

3. At the table, the boy first of all pays attention to the one who:

A) Sitting to his right B) To the main guest

4. You sit down at the table, take a beautifully folded plate and:

A) Put her on her knees B) Tuck her by the collar

5. During lunch, you:

A) You will make sure that your hands do not lie on the table

B) You will try to keep your hands on the table

6. On the festive table and to the right and left of the plate are two knives and two forks, respectively, and behind the plate is a teaspoon and a fruit knife. First you use:

B) Devices closest to the plate

7. What to do if you took a piece of something in your mouth and found that the dish is not entirely appetizing:

A) immediately spit out a piece on the fork and put it on the edge of the plate

B) the piece taken in the mouth must be swallowed without explanation

8. Should guests leaving to thank the hosts:

A) Guests are grateful for the hospitality

B) Should only if they liked to visit and have a good mood

(The teacher determines the results of the competition by the number of chips)

The teacher draws attention to slide number 8.

Educator.   So, and our petal returns to the flower (slide number 9).

Educator.   I have a blue petal in my hands, read the name of the petal(children read "Culture of appearance").

(Two dolls are depicted on a flannelograph or blackboard. One is neat and the other is in dirty clothes)

Educator.   Look, these are Olya and Kolya dolls. Which of them is dressed neatly and which is not? Explain your option?(children's answers).   I suggest you complete the practical task “Dress the doll”.

(Children at the table perform the task: of the proposed options for clothes, shoes, hairstyles "dress" dolls)

Educator.   What makes a person smart?(children's answers).   Smart do not make a person expensive things and jewelry, but cleanliness and neatness. And the blue petal is already there(slide number 10).

Children take an orange petal, read the name - "Petal of habits."

Educator.   To return the petal to the flower, play a game with a ball. To whom the leader will throw the ball, he calls the habit(slide 11; children's answers).Well done, children, you named all the habits correctly. ANDpetal flies up to a flower(slide number 12).

Educator.   And here is the last petal. He offers you to solve the crossword puzzle and tells you what we are talking about today.


1.Will decorate a house for a century,

And he will heal everyone in the house.

The flower is plain-looking,

But as a healer famous (aloe).

2.Beautiful flowers bloomed in the garden,

Dazzled with paints, and autumn on the nose (asters).

3. Ears in the field rye.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower

Bright blue and fluffy,

It’s only a pity that it’s not fragrant (cornflower).

4.From green chicken,

All covered with fluff

I'm getting proud

Scarlet cockerel (poppy).

5. In snow-covered bumps,

Under the white snow cap.

We found a small flower

Half-dead, slightly alive (snowdrop).

6. We have no fingers, no hands -

Just the petals around.

We are unusually called

But we don’t need manicure (marigolds).

Slide number 13. Children from the selected letters read the word "etiquette".

Educator. The purple petal returns to the flower(slide number 14).

Educator.   Well done, children, you know the rules of etiquette well. Let's call them again(children’s answers: a person should be polite, cultured, educated, friendly, with good habits).

Educator.   We need etiquette rules in order to communicate with each other, so that all friends, neighbors and even strangers would always treat us carefully, with respect. Only people who are polite, well-mannered are the people around them always kind. Such a person is respected, loved. And he has faithful and reliable friends.

Educator.   Kids, look, our flower is more cheerful(shows a flower sample with funny facial expressions).He gives you his portrait, and you paint over the petals at home and tell your parents the rules of etiquette.

(3 votes: 5.0 out of 5)

Etiquette is so ancient that most people do not even know where it came from in our land. Even wild wild monkeys in the jungle of the Amazon have their own specific rules of behavior - a kind of etiquette, if you want. We do not urge to study monkey etiquette and follow it.

The fact is that from the etiquette of homo sapiens, the rules of the good manners of monkeys and others inhabiting the jungle are strikingly different.

From this section, students will learn not only how to introduce themselves and set the table perfectly, but also how to “let off steam” in a civilized way, telling the person everything that you currently think about him. In our century of technological progress, few people turn to the epistolary genre, but nevertheless sometimes it is necessary to do this, and in order not to hit the dirt in front of their addressee, certain rules must be learned. Of course, the history of etiquette in general and each rule in particular is very confused, but with the help of the materials in this section, almost all the unknowns in this equation will cease to exist for you.

Teachers will find here scripts, abstracts of extracurricular activities, classroom hours and conversations on the topic: Etiquette.

  Summary of classes in the preparatory group. Cultural man

  A lesson in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution on the topic “Who is a Cultural Man”

purpose: the formation of a conscious attitude to the role of man in the development of culture.


Enrich the initial understanding of the role of man in the development of culture;

To instill a cognitive interest in the culture of one's own and other peoples;

To form ways of independent use of information in gaming activities.

Equipment: cover and sheets of paper of the same size, different color for the design of the book “Who is a Cultural Man”, board-printed games “Lay out the writing instruments in order”, “Etiquette Lessons”, illustrations for the fairy tale (“The Frog Princess”, “The Tale of the Fisherman” and fish "AS Pushkin," By the pike command ").

  GCD progress

Educator. Guys, the tutor of the senior group Natalya Yuryevna turned to you for help. She wants to talk with the children of her group about who such a cultural person, how a person has become cultural. To do this, she needs a book in which there would be a lot of pictures and games on this topic, because young children like to look at pictures and play, and not just listen! But, unfortunately, Natalya Yuryevna could not find such a book anywhere. Then she remembered you guys. She saw in your group many books that you made with the help of your parents, she knows that you were told and read a lot about the cultural heritage, about who such a cultural person is, so she decided to turn to you for help. Do you guys agree to make a book for kids?

Children. Yes.

Educator. What will it be called?

Children speculate.

And to make the book interesting, I suggest today in class to recall everything that you know about who a cultured person is. We’ll start making the book right now. In the last lesson, you became familiar with what a natural and cultural heritage is. First, remember what legacy is.

Children. Legacy is what people pass on to each other from older to younger.

Educator. The legacy is different: natural and cultural. What is natural heritage?

Children.  These are plants, animals, mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, seas.

Educator. How to relate to natural heritage?

Children. Carefully.

Educator. For what?

Children. To keep the water in the river always clear, there were many beautiful flowers and plants, birds and animals.

Educator. Everything is true, if people will be careless about the natural heritage, there will be nothing left for descendants: clear water, green forests, vibrant flowers, chirping birds, beautiful animals. Guys, what is cultural heritage?

Children.Dishes, paintings, songs, fairy tales and more.

Educator. Who creates the cultural heritage?


Educator. Yes, guys, people create and appropriate cultural heritage. How to relate to it?

Children.  Carefully, because a person creates different objects himself.

Educator.  Yes, guys, a person not only protects the cultural heritage, but also enhances it, he himself creates various objects (dishes, paintings, songs, fairy tales). Why do you think people cherish and create a cultural heritage?

Children.  To know how people lived before, what they liked.

Educator. All right. From the cultural heritage left by our ancestors, one can judge how people lived before, which was valuable to them. As a person develops, changes throughout his life from childhood to old age, so culture has changed throughout its history. Guys, I suggest you play a game that will remind you that people's culture is changing over time.

The game "Put it in order"

Children arrange, in order, pictures depicting a person’s writing instruments at different times (stick, goose and metal feathers, pencil, ballpoint pen, typewriter, computer). If the children complete the task correctly, it turns out that the tape gradually expands from beginning to end (if some picture is not in its place, the tape comes out uneven).

Educator.  What did this game tell us about?

Children.  About how writing devices changed over time.

Educator.  Why did they change?

Children.  People want everything that surrounds them to be comfortable and beautiful.

Educator. What other games do you know that tell about the change over time of objects, machines, equipment?

Children. “What was earlier, what is now”, “The history of utensils”, “The history of various objects”, “What works from electricity?”.

Educator. Guys, what do you think, can these games be placed in the book, which we are making at the request of Natalya Yuryevna?

Children. Yes.

Educator. I also think that these games will appeal to the guys. The more a person knows, knows how, the more carefully he treats the world around him, to himself, the more cultured he is. A person develops and achieves much in life when he learns the culture of his people and other people, he himself is cultural and creates culture. Guys, how can you tell on the pages of our book that a cultured person takes care of his health?

Children.  You can come up with stories, pick up pictures, proverbs, songs, talk about our games.

Educator.  Guys, why since childhood is it important to be kind, caring, not to frown, not to be capricious?

Children.  Kind people like everyone, they have a good mood.

Educator. Yes, a good mood prolongs a person’s life, improves his health. The greatest thinker of ancient Greece Aristotle said: "To do good, you must have it." How do you understand this statement?

Children. If a person is evil, he will not do good, only a good person can do good deeds.

Educator.  Yes, you need to have good feelings in order to help others. Guys, what if someone does a good deed for us, gives us something that we say?

Children. “Thank you!”, “Thank you!”

Educator. Yes, we thank them, as if we are responding to good with good. And rightly so, rightly so - good must be answered with good. But is it possible to thank someone, i.e. to give good, not only for good, but also for evil? Hard question! To thank for evil means to return good to evil. And if you say good, it means reducing evil. And what do you think: what can a person doing evil do a little better? What can help him more: our evil or our good? Of course, good. If we did this, evil would become less. Guys, remember, in what fairy tales do the heroes thank someone?

Children.In the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”, a bear, a duck, a pike and a hare helped Ivan Tsarevich for saving his life. In the fairy tale "At the command of the pike," the pike thanks Emelya for her kindness. In "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish," A.S. Pushkin grateful goldfish fulfills almost all the wishes of the old man.

Children's answers are accompanied by illustrations of fairy tales.

Educator.  Do you guys think you can put illustrations from fairy tales in our book that can teach kindness?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Yes, a cultured person likes to listen to fairy tales. What has always been glorified in fairy tales?

Children.  Welcome, help to elders, ability to work.

Educator. They always glorified goodness, hard work, diligence, modesty, patience. This is what is written in the poem by O. Dryz, “The Grain of Kindness”. Listen to him.

The teacher reads a poem.

We continue the design of our book about a cultural man. Guys, how can you tell that a cultured person knows how to behave with other people without upsetting or offending them?

Children. You can put the game “Good - Bad” in the book, proverbs and sayings about kindness, poems and stories, tell about our games.

Educator.  Guys, listen to the proverb about polite people: "The ability to behave adorns and costs nothing." Why does behaving adorn a person?

Children. All people are pleased with those who know and follow the rules of conduct.


  The game "Etiquette Lessons"

For the game you will need three large cards, in the center of which are images on the themes: “At the theater”, “Away”, “In transport”. Children are divided into three microgroups and distribute cards among themselves. Small cards with plot pictures are mixed and placed face up. At the signal of the host, the children select cards according to their topic and lay them out near the big card. In the case of the correct behavior of the characters in the picture, the player puts a small card near the big one so that the halves of the circles on them coincide, and in case of unacceptable behavior of the characters, the card is laid aside.

After all the participants complete the task, the teacher offers each microgroup to analyze the plots on their small cards, as well as to evaluate the behavior of the characters in the pending pictures. The teacher encourages those who were the first to choose the plot pictures correctly and best explain the situations on them. To summarize: "If all people will always follow these important rules, everyone will have a good mood."

Educator. Guys, but what else a person’s good mood depends on, which gives him joy, you will remember if you listen to a story by V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Beauty, Inspiration, Joy and Mystery."

A little Boy came to the forest. Met the old man walking from the forest. The old man walked tired, but smiled joyfully.

“Why are you smiling, Grandpa? - asked the boy. “Perhaps there is something good in the forest?” “Yes, Boy, there is Beauty, Inspiration, Joy and Mystery in the forest. I saw them, and I wanted to live for many, many years. ”

The boy ran into the forest.

He looked around him. Everything is beautiful: a mighty oak, and an elegant spruce, and a weeping willow, and a white birch. But the Boy seemed the most beautiful little flower of violets. He raised his blue head from the grass with a purple eye and looked in amazement at the boy.

“This is Beauty,” the Boy whispered softly.

The Boy listened and heard a far, far quiet song of a wild pigeon: "Tour ... tour ...". And at that moment the Boy remembered something kind and kind. The boy remembered his mother's hands. He wanted to sing a song about his mother himself. “This is Inspiration,” the Boy whispered softly.

The Boy around him looked even more closely. The sun shone brightly, birds shone high in the blue sky, green waves of the forest floated to the horizon.

“It’s good that I see and feel all this,” the Boy thought. “The world is Joy, living is Joy.”

“But where is the Secret?” For a long, very long time the Boy watched and listened, but did not notice the Secrets.

The Boy went to the forest on the second day. Again I met Grandfather coming from the forest. The Boy told how he met Beauty, Inspiration and Joy, but he did not meet the Secret. "Grandpa, where is the Mystery?"

Grandfather smiled mysteriously and replied: "If you survive to gray hair, you will see the Secret."

Many years later. The boy grew up, became an adult. He married, raised children, and his children became adults. He became a gray-haired Old Man.

Once the Old Man went into the forest. Many years have passed since he heard the words about Beauty, Inspiration, Joy and Mystery as a little Boy. And now he remembered the words of Grandfather.

The first thing he saw in the forest was an amazingly beautiful violet in the green grass.

“This is the flower that I saw here many years ago,” the Old Man thought, “is it really eternal?”

The Old Man listened: grass also whispers, leaves rustle. He raised his head and saw: white clouds are floating, crane wedges are flying in the blue sky ...

“So this is the Secret,” the Old Man guessed, “Beauty is eternal.”

Do you guys think this story can be put in a book? Children. Yes.

Educator.What can he teach?

Children.  Protect nature, notice its beauty.

Educator.  Why does every person from childhood have to learn to notice the beauty of nature, to be surprised at its incomparable colors and forms?

Children. In order not to harm nature.

Educator. All right! If he appreciates the beauty of nature and admires it, he will never harm it. What is beauty?

Children. This is what gives people joy.

What do we see beauty in? Where do we find her?

Children. In nature, the actions of people, works of art.

Educator. Yes, we find beauty primarily in nature, art, thoughts and actions of man. How can we talk about this on the pages of our book?

Children. You can put pictures of beautiful nature in it, illustrations from our albums about paintings by artists, theater, architecture, good deeds of people.

Educator. So we told in a book that a cultured person knows how to behave with other people without upsetting or offending them; knows a lot, takes care of his health; likes to listen to music, fairy tales, consider paintings of great artists; carefully treats nature, the results of labor of other people; strives to create beauty, restore order and cleanliness in everything; He loves his house, kindergarten, hometown, his country. Not only every person aspires to become cultural, but also every family, village, city, country. Guys, what determines their culture?

Children. The culture of the people.

Educator. Yes, guys, the culture of a family, village, city, country is determined by the culture of an individual. Today, after a nap, we will continue to design a book for children of the older group. I think that it will be interesting, useful, beautiful.

  Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. Theme: Etiquette

  Lesson in kindergarten for children on the topic: "Etiquette and its history"

Purpose:  the formation of a conscious attitude towards the implementation of norms and rules of behavior.


Clarify the initial understanding of the norms and rules of relations acceptable in the Russian communicative culture;

To promote the manifestation of the need to comply with the norms and rules of conduct corresponding to one's gender and age;

To promote the independent application of the acquired knowledge in gaming, communicative activity.

Equipment: video, cut out of colored paper petals for the game “Flower of politeness”, table-printed game “Etiquette Lessons”, voice recorder, video player.

Educator. Guys, a video letter came to our group, let's see it. Video content: “Hello guys! Your first-grader friends are contacting you for help. We recently read a poem about a boy

Petrus, who decided to become polite. Listen to this poem.

The teacher reads a poem by I. Kulskaya “Impolite politeness”.

Together we began to think whether Petrus could be called a polite boy? Our opinions were divided, and we even argued: some guys think that if a boy greets everyone, he can be called polite, and other guys do not agree: they think that the boy Petrus cannot be called polite, because he does not know the rules for greeting. And suddenly we remembered you guys and thought that you could resolve our dispute, because you read a lot in the kindergarten and talked about the rules of conduct. We know that on this subject in your group there are many different albums, pictures, books, games. ”

Do you guys agree to help our friends?

Children. Yes.

Educator.  And to answer correctly, I suggest recalling everything that you know about the rules of behavior. Listen to how similar the words are: right, rules, by the rules. If you know the rules and are doing right, what can you call?

Children. Polite, well-mannered children.

Educator.  Why does a person follow certain rules of behavior?

Children.  To be pleasant to others, to treat others kindly.

Educator.  He does not invent them himself. Do you think Petrus knew about this?

Children. No, he thought that each person himself came up with rules of conduct.

Educator. Who invented the rules of conduct?

Children.  People.

Educator. That's right, in order to better understand each other, people came up with the rules. Each of them has its own history and serves for good communication. Listen to this poem.

A child reads a good morning poem by N. Krasilnikov.

What does the word hello mean?

Children.  It means “be healthy”, this is a wish for health.

Educator.  That's right, pronouncing them, we wish our relatives and friends good health so that they have a bright and joyful day. Why does the establishment of good relations between people begin with the first welcome words?

Children. This means that people are pleased to see each other. Yes, in a bow, in short words of greeting, an important message is concluded: “I see you, man! I am pleased with you. I wish you health, peace, happiness! ”

Educator.  Why does the poem say that upon hearing the word “hello,” said with a smile, “everyone becomes kind, trusting”?

Children. Everyone is pleased when they greet them at a meeting.

Educator. How do you feel when you are greeted at a meeting?

Children. It becomes joyful, the words of greeting are good to hear, the mood becomes good.

Educator. Yes, from polite words spoken from the heart, with a smile on his face, it becomes warmer and more joyful. Listen to this poem.


Bowing we said to each other
  Although they were completely unfamiliar:
  What special topics did we say to each other?
  Just Hello
  After all, we did not say anything.
  Why a bit
  The sun has increased in the world?
  Why a bit
  Was life happier?
V. Soloukhin

Educator.Guys, and when you greet other people, how do you feel?

Children.  Joy.

Educator.  Listen to a poem about people who are happy that they wish others well-being.

Children take turns reading A. Yashin's poem Good morning!

Why does this poem say that it becomes warm and joyful not only to those who hear kind, polite words, but also to those who speak them?

Children.  If people smile at your friendly words, then you too will be joyful and warm from their smiles.

Educator. Yes, if people always follow these important rules, everyone will have a good mood. It is necessary to speak more to each other kind words and give smiles. I suggest everyone to sing the song "Smile" together.

Children perform the song "Smile" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatsky).

We continue our conversation about politeness. Do you think Petrus was polite?

Children. No, he does not know many rules of conduct; he cannot be called polite.

Educator. Is it easy to be polite?

Children.  This must be learned.

Educator. Yes, I agree with you: being polite is not so easy. Who can Petrus learn politeness from?

Children.Polite people, those who know how to greet others.

Educator.  And could you teach Petrus politely to greet others?

Children.  Yes.

Educator. Guys, why did Grandfather Fedot not like Petrus' greeting?

Children.  Because Petrus cried out very loudly, and the old watchman Fedot at that time “just dozed off, he did not sleep at night on duty”.

Educator. Did Petrus politely act towards grandfather Fedot?

Children. No.

Educator.  Why?

Children.He scared grandfather with his loud cry, did not let him doze off after work.

Educator.  Yes, a polite person is always polite. What was Petrus to do?

Children. He needed to wait until Grandfather Fedot wakes up, and then say hello to him.

Educator. Yes, guys, you can’t talk and scream loudly when a person who is asleep from fatigue is nearby, because this prevents him from resting. What are the rules for welcoming familiar adults Petrus should remember?

Children.  Come closer, call by name, patronymic, slightly tilt your head - bow, smile.

Educator.  Guys, what did Petrus do wrong by deciding to greet the girl Yarinka?

Children.  Petrus pulled her handkerchief, he ordered her to stop, and the girl did not like it.

Educator. How could Petrus greet the girl?

Children. Greetings, bow of head, hand movement.

Educator. I suggest you play a game during which you will remember how you can greet each other differently.

  The game "Flower of politeness"

Children take the petals and stand in a circle. Each child calls a greeting word or makes a welcome gesture without repeating his comrades and thus making a flower of petals in the center of the circle. At the end of the game, the children all admire the resulting flower.

Educator.  Guys, why did the counselor call Petrus ignoramus?

Children.  Oh scared the counselor when he jumped off the fence. Petrus almost knocked him down; the counselor could drop the books he carried in his hands.

Educator.  Listen to the proverb about polite people: "The ability to behave adorns and costs nothing." Why does behaving adorn a person?

Children. People are pleased with those who know and follow the rules of conduct.

Educator.  Yes, in order to be pleasant to other people, not to cause them anxiety and inconvenience, a person follows certain rules of behavior. I propose to play a game that will remind you of the rules of conduct at a party, transport, theater.

  The game "Etiquette Lessons"

For the game you will need three large cards, in the center of which there are images on the topics: “At the theater”, “Away”, “In transport”. Children are divided into three microgroups and distribute cards among themselves. Small cards with plot pictures are mixed and placed face up. At the signal of the host, the children select cards according to their topic and lay them out near the big card. In the case of the correct behavior of the characters in the picture, the player puts a small card near the big one so that the halves of the circles on them coincide, and in case of unacceptable behavior of the characters, the card is laid aside.

After all the microgroups have completed the task, the educator suggests analyzing the plots on their small cards, as well as assessing the behavior of the characters in the pending pictures. The teacher encourages those who were the first to choose the plot pictures correctly and best explain the situations on them. To summarize: "If all people will always follow these important rules, everyone will have a good mood."

Educator. Guys, we will send your stories about the rules of conduct recorded on the recorder to our first-grader friends. I think that they will help resolve their dispute about whether Petrus can be called polite or not?

  Conversations about the rules of conduct in an extended day group

  Conversations in the GPA on the topic "ABC of behavior." Summaries

The teacher acquaints students with the rules of behavior, illustrating them with situations from practice, plot pictures.

1. Behavior in the tram and bus.

You must remember that the tram has nothing to do with the springboard - it is absolutely not suitable for jumping. The same, however, can be said of other modes of transport. If you managed to take a free place, do not pretend that you are unusually occupied by the landscape that opens outside the window. All the same, no one will believe that you, for this reason alone, notice a woman standing next to you. If you want to, but as long as your gray hair does not go silver in your temples, you should feel like a hare in an open field in all modes of transport, who, although he crouched for a while, is ready to break loose at any moment. You’ll have to get up when your peer is nearby. Age in this case does not play a role. It is enough that she is a girl, and you are a future man. You have the opportunity to show yourself a knight.

It would be nice if you didn’t forget during the trip that there are people around and passengers sitting, who inevitably have to listen to what you are telling your friend about. That is why the tram and bus cannot be considered a suitable place for emotional outbursts. Keep your secrets to yourself. Once in a large society, young people often show a penchant for drawing. The same thing happens in transport. And not surprisingly: the auditorium is full, the public is arriving. Well, how to stay here and not start acting? And the audience, even if your solo or choral performance does not delight them, will still not leave the hall, that is, a tram or a bus. No wonder they sat down. And if so - make noise, clown around, carry any nonsense. Let everyone look and be surprised, but then do not be offended if you hear not too flattering remarks addressed to you: “Well, young people today! The wind in my head and nothing more! Children don’t know how to behave! ” However, we assume that this will not happen.

Issues for discussion:

1. How to behave in transport?

2. Why in transport it is impossible to talk loudly, shout, laugh?

3. What would you do in these situations?

II. Do gestures, facial expressions, manners matter in communication?

Hands perform the most diverse work. But what happens to them when they are not busy?

Incidentally, the "behavior" of the hands can often be used to judge the state of mind of their owner and his ability to control himself. Here is an example, you went to the blackboard to read a poem. There was silence in the class, everyone prepared to listen. You have already opened your mouth to start, when you suddenly notice that one of your hands is scratching the back of your head, the other, having gone deep into your pocket, is looking for something like that. If you don’t take your hands “in your hands” and don’t stop unscrewing the button on the jacket, the teacher may think that you haven’t prepared the lesson, and the button will come off.

It is very important to learn how to control your hands - "machines". It often happens that, while talking with a friend, you don’t notice how your hands peel the bark from a young tree, pick plaster from the wall, fold a notebook into a tube, etc. Remember: when you talk about something, the mouth they say, but their hands are silent. But you don’t need to be embarrassed that you have hands, and there is no need to constantly hide them in your pockets, especially during a conversation with someone. This is perceived as disrespect for the interlocutor. All this does not mean, of course, that when talking with any of the adults, you should stand still at attention. But you need to take your hands out of your pockets.

Using hands as direction indicators has long been out of fashion.

And now about the legs ... True, it’s less trouble with them than with your hands, although some of you, especially boys, sometimes force them to do exactly what they are intended for: they knock on the door with their feet and substitute a leg for comrades. When you are sitting, your legs should rest quietly on the floor. Putting your feet on your feet, dangling your feet under the table, leaning them on different objects is ugly. Sex is the most suitable place for legs.

The teacher organizes the discussion of the article.

III. Positive and bad habits of behavior.

Imagine that you rushed from school hungry, like a hundred wolves, and without undressing, without washing your hands, rushing to the kitchen, grab a spoon and swallow everything that was left to you directly from the pan. “Uh, I'm full,” you say, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. How after that you will feel at the table in the name of a friend?

And here’s how: a knife and a fork will jump in your hands, potatoes on a plate run like alive, and your hand will bend at the elbow by itself to wipe its mouth with a sleeve. Needless to say, eating from the pan is much easier!

And if you ate every day at home as expected, at the table, using a knife and a fork, how easy and convenient it would seem to you! For those guys who are inclined to play a double game (role) - one at home, the other - for show, we offer such a game. Each of us probably has a friend, whose opinion we value very much, on which we want to be like. We think about this person, we try to be in his society more often. Now imagine that this friend is always somewhere nearby and is constantly watching you. It will change you beyond recognition. You will no longer be able to pull the younger brother's ear or scold a friend. Under the gaze of this man, it won’t even occur to you when you return from school to throw a coat in a corner, lick a plate or mumble some kind of nonsense to your mother. So imagination will help you to behave yourself at home, eat normally and be polite to others. And after a while (try, and you will see for yourself) a small pile of bread in a dirty hand will not seem so tasty, the bad manners of your comrades will upset you, and the mess in the apartment will annoy you. It will take some time, and you will feel that good manners have become a habit and an internal need. Now let's name the features that prevent you from becoming a truly educated, polite, cultured person. This is the inability to keep one's word, irresponsibility, non-punctuality, indiscretion, inability to keep someone else's secret. Our conclusion can be given the form of a formula, as is done in books on mathematics, physics:

L x Y + ZPP \u003d KP

That is, Goodwill multiplied by Respect, plus Knowledge of the Rules of Behavior constitute a Culture of Behavior.

Only having mastered this formula, you can safely go on a journey through life. And your relationship with others will develop as well as possible. So, bon voyage!

The teacher organizes a discussion of the article with conclusions.

IV. Behavior in the theater.

A visit to the theater is a holiday for which we recommend that you carefully prepare yourself - get better dressed, put yourself in order. Spectators usually leave their coats and raincoats in the wardrobe. Having found the right row, turn to face the audience already sitting there, not your back and go to your place. A polite smile on your face will mean that you apologize for the anxiety. After you have safely settled down and the curtain has risen, only the stage can be the only source of sounds. All that you want to say, put off until intermission. There is during the performance, to rustle with pieces of paper, to fidget in an armchair that creaks, whispering and laughed in no case. This disturbs viewers and actors. Various plays are staged at the theater, there are those that describe the distant times when people expressed their feelings and thoughts differently than we did, dressed differently. Something may surprise you and even make you laugh. But to laugh at a moment tragic for the hero of the play, not being able to suppress a cheerful mood would be the height of indecency.

There are, of course, entertaining performances. Their goal is to amuse and amuse the audience. Then you can laugh heartily at comic situations and funny cues. In no case do you need to "help" the actors with different cries like: "Do not believe him, he is lying!" or "Run! They’ll kill you. ” The author took care of the fate of the heroes of the play, he carefully thought out everything that should happen to them, and nothing can be changed.

When the performance is over, don’t get out of place, as if a fire broke out in the theater, and don’t rush into the wardrobe. First, thank the applause of the actors. Think for yourself if it will be pleasant for them, bowing in a farewell bow, to see your backs alone and the hall empty before our eyes. Maybe they should, having uttered the last remark, rush behind the curtains, dropping off wigs and suits on the go? After all, they are tired and rush home.

Discussion article. Output.

V. Conversations "Let's talk about good breeding."

  1. How to behave in a store.

- Tell us about the purchase.

- What kind of purchase?

- About the purchase, about the purchase, about my little purchase.

This is a tongue twister. Everyone knows her. Therefore, when I asked the seller of Detsky Mir Alla Vasilyevna: “Tell us about ...”, she did not listen, she laughed.

“No,” I said, “not about the purchase, but about the buyers.”

- Our main customers are guys. We love them. Just what to talk about them? Better see for yourself. And we went into departments. A long line stretched to the counter with Christmas toys. The guys in warm coats and hats were exhausted from the heat. But they stood in a continuous dense mass, closely clinging to each other, as if they were afraid that there would be even a tiny crack between the standing ... They eagerly pressed forward: it seemed to them that those who reached the counter were choosing toys too slowly. The tall boy rushed another customer in a hat with a big pompom: “Well, you, come on quickly!” ...

The school goods department was much quieter. The boy asked for ten notebooks in a cage, said “thank you,” and walked away. Two girls examined sets of decals and quietly consulted. Finally, they chose: “This one, please” ...

In the toy department, the student persistently interrogated the saleswoman:

“Do you have guns?”

- How much are?

She called the prices.

- Do you have automatic machines too?

Everything repeated. Then the boy left without buying anything. I noticed: there were pistols and machine guns in the window. Each item had a price tag. Now re-read this article again and try to make rules on how to behave in the store.

B. Busheleva

  2. How to choose a gift.

Who and when made the first gift? How did this happen? We do not know anything about this. But you can vouch for three things: someone gave something valuable to another, saw gratitude on his face and made the greatest discovery that giving, perhaps even more joyfully, than taking. This is the main thing in the gift. And if choosing a gift, you are looking among your things for what is worse, what you yourself do not need is not a gift.

And if you went to the store and in a hurry bought what was horrible and brought, if only it were believed that you had fulfilled your duty, this, of course, cannot be called a real gift either. There are times when a gift can upset you. This is what a sad story told me about it.

Vika dreamed of having a dog, but her mother did not agree: the apartment is small, adults all day at work ... And in general, my mother was right. On Vika's birthday, her friends Julia and Olya arrived in the morning with mysterious and solemn faces. Of course, you guessed that the girls brought a funny and fat miracle with a wonderful name to their friend - a puppy. In the evening, mother returned from work ... The puppy had to be attributed to the owner. From grief and tears, Vika was ill for almost a week.

Conclusion and Advice: you want to please a loved one, a comrade with some special, amazing gift, first be sure to consult with adults.

B. Busheleva

  3. The behavior of the student in relation to the teacher.

Strange and wrong, I think the views of some of the guys on how the student should behave in relation to the teacher, what is considered to be bad, what is good. And so that our conversation on this topic does not turn out unfounded, please read the beginning of a story from school life.

“At the very end of the quarter in the 6th“ B ”class a newcomer appeared. Once, Maria Dmitrievna collected diaries for verification, and he suddenly approached her and said: “Allow me, I will help you take them to the teacher’s”. The class was alert. Over the next week, information was collected about Veshkin (new). It turned out that he was opening a heavy front door in the lobby in front of the director, in front of the teachers, and in the dining room he helped the head teacher of Claudia Pavlovna bring lunch. By the end of the week, information was brought into the system, analyzed, discussed. On the 6th “B” this Veshkin definitely did not like it. ” But why?

After all, the guys should really respect the teachers, reckon with their opinions, appreciate their praise, turn to them for advice and help in all matters. And if suddenly a teacher had trouble, many are ready to help them. But in ordinary, everyday school life, some are embarrassed to show a good attitude towards the teacher: skip the doorway, say hello, help carry a heavy bundle of notebooks, give a fallen pointer, chalk, give way, etc. But this is so obvious that there’s nothing to think about. We must pay tribute to many of the guys: they have become familiar with this behavior. And if you go up a notch? If in addition to the mandatory to show a little more attention, sensitivity? Imagine how pleasant it is for a teacher when suddenly, albeit the smallest, modest ones, bunches of flowers will appear on his desk not on Teacher’s Day, and not on the eighth of March, but just like that!

Feel free to be caring and sensitive students.

B. Busheleva

  What did you do good

Not cheap
  Happiness is difficult roads.
  What did you do good?
  How did you help people?
  This measure is measured
  All earthly labors.
  Maybe grown a tree
  On the land of Kulunda?
  Maybe you're building a rocket?
  Hydro station? House?
  Warm the planet
  Peaceful swimming trunks warm?
  Ile under snow powder
  Save life to whom?
  To do good to people -
  To look good yourself.

L. Tatyanicheva

“The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and loved ones!”

A. M. Gorky

Do not forget the boys!

The month of March, like a schoolboy jumping
  So naughty rushed to us.
  Get the bouquets, boys
  Congratulations to classmates on spring!
  Where there are flowers, frost will recede
  So that the streams will ring near the schools.
  Put don't forget mimosa
  In the morning at the teacher's desk.
  The tops of the trees are exposed
  Forgetting your winter dreams.
  Freckles sparkled fervently
  On the face of laughter-spring.
  A sunny little bunny jumps on school desks,
  Bird twitter floats from above.
  From the smiles of a merry March
  Flowers appear everywhere.
  Telegrams, cards, greetings -
  March brings its eighth day closer.
  Do not forget the boys, bouquets.
  Congratulations to classmates on spring.

V. Shumilin

  4. Exposure and composure.

A well-mannered person knows how to suppress anger, irritation, bad mood in himself. Not every day brings with it joys and good fortune, and a person does not always dance with delight and sings, like a spring lark. Nevertheless, turning for any reason into a fire-breathing volcano and spewing swearing words - not to mention assault - is simply ... ridiculous.

Some species of monkeys beat themselves in the chest with their fists in moments of excitement, an angry dog \u200b\u200bgrowls and grins its teeth, a rested horse beats with a hoof, an elephant waves its trunk. A man is obliged to control himself - for that he is a man! Is it bad if someone is said to have iron nerves, that nothing can unbalance him? Exposure is much appreciated by people. It is a pity that it is not easy to give. Need a lot of willpower and perseverance.

But if you learn self-mastery, it will serve you well. For example, you sat down to play something with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. You rejoice in the coming pleasure in advance. But here you are starting to lose. You are clearly not at ease. You become suspicious, check every move of the opponent, argue, and even begin to quarrel. You did not manage to master your feelings, again there was not enough self-control. And as a result - a double loss: not only did you lose, you showed that you do not know how to control yourself.

Have you ever wondered: what, in fact, interests you - a game or a victory over an opponent? Of course, losing is not too nice. Therefore, before starting the game, tell yourself: one of us must lose. If this is my opponent, I will not swell with pride and puff up, trying to completely humiliate him with my piercing remarks. If I lose, I will behave with dignity and will never show my chagrin, I will be fair and say to myself: “There is nothing to be done, my friend played better than me”, and I will calmly continue the game, because I like the game, and besides, it’s much more interesting to meet a strong opponent than one that is much weaker than you. In general, a game is entertainment, a test of strength, friendly competition, and not a duel, as a result of which the vanquished dies.

Discussion article. The conclusion is made by the teacher.

  Lesson on the theme of "speech etiquette" for children 5-7 years old

  Lesson from the series "Etiquette for Children"

  Theme of the lesson: Acquaintance

The purpose of the lesson:  learning the rules of speech behavior during dating.

The child should make an idea about the rules of acquaintance, about etiquette expressions adopted in these cases: allow me to introduce myself, let me introduce myself, etc.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that adults and children behave differently during dating. Adults give their last name, first name and middle name, and children - their last name and full name. When people get to know each other, they should be friendly and friendly. Therefore, having heard the surname and name of a new acquaintance, they say: very nice, very happy or very happy. Adults shake hands, and the children slightly bend their heads and immediately raise it. These are etiquette movements and etiquette gestures.

Memorizing these rules will help the text proposed for reading and a conversation on its content. Read the text several times until the child has mastered the correct expressions. He can remember the wrong ones, but at the same time know that they are not generally accepted.

Text to read:

In one big city on one of the streets there was a big house. In the apartment on the fourth floor there lived one friendly family.

Once, mother’s girlfriend Valentina Stepanovna came to visit them.


Let me introduce myself - Kurbatov -

And introduce my older brother.

My name is Alexander Fomich.

The brother's name is Nikolai Fomich.

And this is our father - Thomas Kuzmich.

Let me introduce, we will be familiar,

The oldest in our house:

Kurbatova Lidia Ignatovna.

Valentina Stepanovna:

Very happy! Very nice!


We, too, are always very welcome guests.

Valentina Stepanovna:

Hospitality for guest reward.

Dad helps Valentina Stepanovna take off her coat. Everyone goes into the room. Valentina Stepanovna sits in a chair. At this time, the door opens. Petya runs in, followed by Ksenia.

Aunt, meet your older brother.

I am the main in the house - Petka Kurbatov.

And the one that hung the popcorn ears

Salaga and crybaby, my sister Ksenia.

Valentina Stepanovna was very surprised, but did not answer. Nikolai Fomich took Petya’s hand and went with him to another room.

Here is what Petya said when he returned:

Excuse me, please, I'm not feeling well

Yes, I did not know how to get acquainted ...

I am Peter Kurbatov, and this is Ksyusha -

The girl is smart and obedient.

Valentina Stepanovna:

I am glad to meet Petya and Ksenia.

I want to treat you with fragrant pears.

Petya grabbed two pears at once and, in turn, biting, began to eat them with great appetite.

And here is what Ksenia did. Looking at the guest, she said sadly:

Thanks. And you help yourself. Delicious.

Valentina Stepanovna smiled:

You are good and comfortable at home.

Nice meeting. We will be familiar!

Issues for discussion:

Well done dad that introduced the guest to all family members. Why did dad do this? (Valentina Stepanovna came to visit her mother for the first time, she was not yet familiar with the Kurbatov family.)

We will also meet the Kurbatov family: grandparents, mom and dad, Nikolai Fomich and, of course, Ksenia and Petya.

What words do adults say when they meet?

What words do children say when they meet?

When people get to know each other, they try to say nice words to each other. What are these words? Repeat them please.

Did Petya behave well at first? What did he say unsuccessfully?

When talking with children, you don’t need to sharply scold Petya. It is necessary to explain that the boy was in such a hurry to get acquainted that he forgot how to behave, what is customary to say during an acquaintance. He does know that to brag, to offend his sister, to pronounce rude words is not customary. This does not like others, worsens their mood.

How did Petya correct his mistake? Repeat the expressions the boy used to represent the guest himself and his sister.

And what should you say when you are treated? How did Petya behave?

Talk with the children how to give thanks for the gift, for the treat. Show on the example of Petit’s behavior that to show greed, immoderation is ugly and funny. You always need to think about others, not just yourself.

How did Ksenia thank Valentina Stepanovna?

Invite the children to pick up other gratitude options: Thank you so much; Thanks for the delicious pears; What a delicious pear! Many thanks. These are our favorite fruits, etc.

Game situation: guys came to your child, a game of acquaintance.

May I be a grandmother, Katya and Sasha - mom and dad, and Seryozha and Tanya are children. An unfamiliar guest came to visit us. Let them be Kolya. We all need to get to know each other.

Come in, Kolya. How do you introduce yourself?

Now we introduce ourselves to him. Who will start? Of course, adults.

Let the children laugh a bit, portraying the polite and impolite "owners". The main thing is to understand: being polite is better than being rude.

Other options: a girl comes to visit her friend; a boy introduces parents to his friend; sister introduces brother to her friend; brother introduces sister to his friend.

  Games in kindergarten on the topic of "Etiquette" for older preschoolers

  Etiquette Games in Kindergarten

  The staging game "Uneducated Dunno"

Characters:  Dunno, Znayka leading.

Leading: A magic kind word can cheer up a person in difficult times, and help dispel a bad mood. Not only words should be kind to you, but also actions so that they would not be ashamed of you, nor your parents, nor your friends. Today, Znayka and Dunno will come to visit us, and together with them we will talk about “kind” words.

The music includes Znayka and Dunno.

Znayka:  Hello, Dunno!

Dunno  (through clenched teeth): Hi.

Znayka: What are you so sad today? Maybe the task is not completed?

Dunno: I coped with the task poorly.

Znayka: Why?

Dunno: Because I do not know how to restrain myself.

3th find:  And what do you think, is it nice for people to talk to you when you're so angry?

Dunno: Here's another! Who does not want, let not talk, I will not cry.

Znayka:  Dunno, please answer, in what tone are you talking?

Dunno:  What does it mean - in what tone? Ordinary.

Znayka: Wait, Dunno, let the guys tell you if you really have an ordinary tone. (Answers of the guys) I noticed that you speak in such a tone not only with the guys, but, unfortunately, with adults as well.

Dunno: There was no such thing, it was not, it was not ... Maybe, sometimes I speak a little loudly and moodyly. But I’m a good friend, I help everyone, I like to amuse everyone. Only some jokes do not understand. Just yesterday, for example, I go and see: The tube slipped and how it slams to the ground. Of course, I started laughing and asked him: “Well, how did the landing go?” For some reason he was offended and left. And what did I say bad to him? Or the teacher set Shpuntiku for the blot, and I sang to console him: “Blot-waxa-shoe polish, hot pancake on my nose!” What was there! He was very angry. But I did want to cheer him up. He didn’t do well, right guys? (Answers guys)

Znayka:  I think the guys told you right: you did wrong. It is always necessary to think first, whether you will offend a person by what you tell him. You need to monitor your words.

Dunno: Am I alone talking like that? Yes, I can say, I'm learning from the guys. Here they attack me, explain what is right, what is wrong. How do they talk? Let them say, but, shut up! Because many of them are very similar to me. Is not it? There are such! Yes, yes, I heard it myself! Because of the little things they call each other rude words, they tease, do not give in to each other, laugh at the failures of their comrades.

Let's guys, we will not argue who is worse, who behaves better, but we just all become kinder. Well did I come up, Znayka?

Znayka: You came up with this great thing! No wonder the people say: "The word heals, the word hurts." Remember this. (Going to the music.)

Stage-play “Telephone Conversation”

Characters: Barbie doll lead.

Leading:  Guys, Barbie called me in the morning, she promised to come to visit us today. (Knock on the door.) And, probably, she too. Come in, Barbie doll.

Barbie: Hello guys! How long I have not seen you and really missed you. I would really like to see the album "Good Deeds". (Looks at the album and talks with the children.)

Oh guys, I completely forgot, I need to urgently call my friend Ken. Do you have a phone in the group? I must congratulate him on his birthday.

Leading:  Please, Barbie, you can call.

Barbie: (Calling.) Hello! Hello Ken! Do you hear me well? I wish you a happy birthday and wish you good health, a happy holiday and a good mood! See you! Till!

Leading: Guys, which of you have a telephone at home? And who are you calling? (Conversation.)

Barbie: Guys, do you know how to politely talk on the phone? What rules of telephone etiquette do you know?

What would you do:

If you dial a number and your friend’s mother comes to the phone?

You dial a number, they answer you, and it turns out that you didn’t get there?

Leading: Well done, guys, you answered Barbie's questions correctly. And now we will play the game "Hello". Divide into pairs who would like to call someone.

The guys stage a variety of telephone conversations.

Leading:  So guys, the phone is a wonderful thing! And what would we do without him?! ..

Barbie:  But you need to guys remember that in a conversation on the phone you must follow the rules of etiquette. Let's remember them again. For each correct answer you will receive a badge from me.

The phone rings. Go to the phone, pick up the phone, answer "Hello" or "Yes."

Do not occupy your phone with empty long conversations - maybe someone needs to urgently call an ambulance.

It is impolite to call someone early in the morning or late in the evening: you can disturb people.

Sorry if you got in the wrong place.

Ask for permission to call when you are at someone's house (if necessary).

Barbie: Guys, you are great, you are cultured and well-bred children. I say goodbye to you. See you, wait for my call, I'm in a hurry for Ken’s birthday.

Staging game "Birthday"

Characters:  Barbie, Ken, presenter.

Leading: Guys, an invitation came to our group: “Dear guys, I invite you to my birthday. Barbie".

Leading: Do you like to visit? Tell us how you prepare to go on a visit. What rules do you know? (Answers of the children.)

So, we are going to visit you on your birthday. What should you think about first? (About the gift.) What do you think you can give a girl? What about the boy? How do you decide whether to buy a gift? (You can do it yourself.)

I suggest giving Barbie flowers that you recently made on manual labor (drawings, crafts, etc. can be made).

We have discussed the gift, and it is already ready. Now you need to think about your suit, dress, hairstyle. (To show several drawings depicting children in different clothes, you can use the fashion magazine for children.)

Discuss the appearance with children:

You need to be clean, smart; clothes should be ironed.

Do not forget to take replaceable shoes.

Hair should be combed.

Nails trimmed.

Handkerchief washed.

Shoes are cleaned.

Leading:  Guys, think what words you can congratulate Barbie. (Discussion.) On the road.

To the music, the children go to visit. Children are greeted by Ken.

Ken:  Hello guys! Did you come for Barbie's birthday? She lingers a little, and I was ordered to set the table. Will you help me?

Leading:Help guys? Sit down while in the meadow, wherever it is convenient. Boys, take care of the girls.

The host explains how to set the table.

The table needs to be covered with a clean tablecloth.

By the number of guests are placed appliances.

The backing plate will stand until the end of dinner, they remove it only before tea.

A diner is placed on the front plate.

A fork is placed on the left side, and a knife on the right.

A glass of drinks and napkins are placed in front of the plates.

Barbie appears. Greets children. Children give gifts, congratulate her on her birthday.

Barbie:  Ken, what a fellow you are! How beautifully and correctly you set the table!

Ken:  Guys helped me!

Barbie: Do you know how to behave at the table?

You have to sit straight.

Do not overhang the plate.

Do not fall apart on a chair.

Do not put your elbows on the table. This is ugly and can interfere with a neighbor.

Very ugly slurp and swing a fork.

Use a napkin.

Don’t crumble.

Do not reach for the dish across the entire table - do not be shy, ask the neighbor to pass.

Don’t eat too fast, don’t take a lot of food in your mouth and don’t talk with your mouth full.

Barbie:  Guests are not only treated to a birthday. Let us and you play your favorite games (1-2 games).

In the end, Barbie and Ken say goodbye to the children.

Leading:Guys, let’s invite Barbie and Ken to our house, we’ll arrange a holiday for them. Expect an invitation from us. Thanks again for the wonderful holiday. Bye.

The play "Our friendly family"

Leading:  Who has grandparents living in the family? (Answers of the children.) This is such a big family - you have three generations living together. Everyone cares about each other. It’s good when your grandmother lives with you and takes care of you. She will feed tasty, and regret, and caress. Warm, affectionate grandmother's hands will remove all worries, protect from trouble.

If the grandmother said:
  - Don’t touch it! Don’t dare!
  You have to listen because
  Our house rests on it!
  We are without grandmother once
  Cooked dinner
  They washed the dishes themselves -
  And since then there are no dishes!
  Devotes parenting
  Dad is your free day!
  Just in case this day
  Grandmother hides the belt.
  Goes to school for meetings
  Grandmother is cooking broth.
  Her for it every month
  The postman carries the money.

(M. Tanin)

Leading:  Lovely, kind, a little grouchy, but always fair grandparents. They raised and raised your parents, now you. Do not forget to congratulate grandparents on their birthday, on other holidays, say good words to them that you love them.

Who has brothers and sisters? Do you often quarrel with them? Little brothers and sisters need to be spared, take care of them, accustom to order, share toys with them.

How cool it is -

  Here is my new plane.
  Ride - I will be glad!
  Here are the sweets - one, two, three! -
  I do not mind - take it!
  They want to catch the ball -
  Let his brother catch him!
  How cool it is -
  Share everything with friends equally!

(G. Satir)

Leading:  Guys, let's take a look at your family photos. Tell about your loved ones. (Children's stories.)

Every creature in the world, man, animal has a mother. When mom is near, it becomes lighter and warmer, and you are not afraid of anything in the world. Tell us what you like most about your mom, why do you love her? (Answers of the children.)

Have you noticed how fatigue appears in your mother’s eyes when she sees things, toys, dirty clothes thrown by you in a mess? Your mother just needs your help. The more you help her, the less upset you are, the longer she will be young, beautiful and healthy. Just do not want you to be like the girl Tanya.


Tanyusha has a lot to do
  Tanya has a lot to do:
  In the morning I helped my brother,
  He ate sweets in the morning.
  Here is Tanya's business:
  Tanya ate, drank tea,
  She sat down with her mom,
  I got up, went to my grandmother.
  Before going to bed, she said to her mother:
  - You undress me yourself,
  I'm tired, I can’t
  I will help you tomorrow.

(A. Barto)

Leading:I think you are good mom's helpers. Let's play.

Who will put things in order faster? (Two players quickly collect scattered toys, carefully arrange them in a specific place.)

(To be continued…)

Preparatory Group Etiquette

MDOU number 4

TOPIC: Etiquette rules are the key to success

TARGET:Continue to form children's understanding of the need to comply with the rules and norms of ethical behavior. To consolidate knowledge of cultural behavior at the table. Continue to enrich children's vocabulary with other forms of greeting words. Develop creative abilities of children, expressiveness of speech. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards peers and adults, a desire to bring joy to another person.


Children are in the hall. Guests enter the room to the music of "Smile". Guests sit on chairs.

Vos:  - Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's greet them.

Children: -  Hello.

Vos:  - Guys, how else can you greet our guests with what words?

Children:  - Good afternoon, good morning, we are glad to see you.

Vos: - Guys, is it possible to greet our guests with the word "hello"? After all, this is also a word - a greeting?

Children:  - No, it will look indecent. “Hello” can be said only to the closest people (mom, grandmother, dad, grandfather, brother, sister) or a friend.

Vos:  - And Nastya, for example, can say “hello” to Alyosha?

Children:  “Yes, because they are friends.”

Vos:  - And now, guys, I suggest you sit on the chairs.

Vos:  - And today, guys, we are not just in the hall, but at a television studio where they will shoot the program “Let them talk.” We have guests in our studio who came to our program, you are the heroes of the program, and I am Natalya Sergeevna, the host of this program. We will be watched by children from other kindergartens. Guys, I have a microphone in my hands, if you or any studio guests have questions, raise your hands and I will come.

And so, on our program “Let them talk” we discuss fictional stories, but only those that concern us directly. And the theme of our program is called "Etiquette." Why do we need etiquette? We have talked a lot about this word. And I have the first question for you: What is etiquette?

Children:  - Etiquette is the rules of behavior and courtesy in public places.

Rep: -  Guys, what kind of public places do you mean?

Children:- The rules of conduct in transport, theater, circus, kindergarten, on the street, at the table, at a party, in the hospital, etc.

Rep: -  Well, for example, you come to visit a kindergarten or other public place, who is the first, or what is the first word you should say?

Children: -  Hello.

Rep: -  Of course, "hello." Let's go back to this word - a greeting, because this is the most important thing, the very first word, wherever we are.

Guys, who knows what that word means?

Children:  - If a person says hello, then he wants another health.

Vos: - Indeed, when acquaintances meet each other, each of them should say hello, this word is a greeting, a sign of good respect for people to each other. And it means it is the same - a wish for health - hello, i.e. be healthy, do not be sick.

Guys, do you know that there are such tribes where people greet their noses, elbows, and in Russia there is such a beautiful word "hello".

Or maybe one of you will tell us a poem.

Children:-  Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting greet:

Good morning!

Good morning!

To the sun and the birds

Good morning-

Smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind, gullible

Good morning lasts until evening.

Vos: - Guys, it turns out that our Russian folk tales also teach us how to say hello. I suggest you look at and show an excerpt from the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf." And M. Kristina and D. Alyosha will help me in this (children stage a fairy tale using a table theater).

Child:- Met kumalisa yes gray wolf. "Hello, little fox" - "Hello, kumanek."

Vos:  - Guys, did you notice how the fox greeted?

Children:-  Sly, affectionately.

Vos:  - And the wolf?

Children:- Kindly.

Rep: -  And we have one more fairy tale, and as they say, you yourself will name. And Seryozha K. and Nastya R. will help me show her (a fairy tale staging)

Children:- According to the stepmother’s order, the old man put the old woman’s daughter in a sled, drove her to the forest, dumped her in a snowdrift under a tall spruce and left. Starukhina daughter sits, bangs her teeth. And Morozko crackles in the forest, jumps from tree to tree, and daughter looks at the old woman:

Hello girl.

Great old man.

Is the girl warm to you? Are you warm red?

Oh, completely cold! Piss off, damn it, damned Frost!

Vos:  - Guys, how did the stepmother's daughter answer?

Children:- Rude, impolite

Vos:  - Remember, as a stepdaughter, Nastya answered Morozko?

Children:-  Hello Morozko, hello father. Affectionately.

Vos:  - Guys, this fairy tale has come down to us from time immemorial, from the years when people still could not write to record the tale itself, it was simply transmitted from one person to another, as they say by word of mouth - from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. But even then, in ancient times, people knew that one should speak with each other politely, with respect, and wish each other health.

Vos:  - But, and now we will break into a little musical pause (the children sing “Hello - speak” and perform movements to the music).

Vos:  - We rested a bit, and now I suggest to sit down.

Guys, we have accumulated a lot of questions on etiquette in the studio. Give help to answer them.

1. –Guys, one boy on the street saw his teacher, but she was on the opposite side of the road. He cried out all over the street, "Marya Ivanovna, hello!" did he do the right thing?

2. - Guys, they gave me an unnecessary ugly thing. What can I say to the person who gave it?

3. - Guys, what should I do if I am late to the theater.

4. - What should I do if I got on the bus and saw that my friends were standing on the back platform, should I greet them? If necessary, how to do it?

5. - Once I came to visit the guys and saw how they behaved ugly at the table. I left. Have I done the right thing?

Rep: - Just about this, we have something interesting. I suggest everyone to listen carefully and see (the teacher’s story is accompanied by pictures).

Rep: -  Why is Katya gone?

Children: -  The guys behaved ugly.

Rep: - And what did they do wrong?

Children:  - You can’t blow on hot soup, but you need to stir with a spoon so that it cools down as soon as possible. You can’t put your elbows on the table, only wrists should be on the table. From cutlets it is necessary to break off the pieces with a fork. Compote bones should be placed on a platter. You can’t talk with your mouth full if you are asked a question, you first need to live and swallow food, and then answer.

Vos:  - And what rules of etiquette do you still know?

Children: -  Before eating, wash your hands. Side dish: potatoes, cutlets and other vegetables need to be eaten with a fork. The knife must be held in the right hand, and the fork in the left hand. Leaving the table to say "Thank you", etc.

Children:  - Guys, answer me now the question of what would happen to people if there were no etiquette rules.

Children:  - Answers of the children.

Vos:  - There would be a mess. How great that they exist.

Unfortunately, our program is drawing to a close and in conclusion, our program heroes would like to give some advice to other children.

If you are polite

In the shower, not for the mind

On the bus you help

Climb the disabled person.

If you are polite

Will you help mom

And offer her help

Without a request - that is, themselves.

And if you are polite

Then in conversation with aunt

Both with the grandmother, and with the grandfather

You will not kill them.

And if you are polite

One who is weaker

You will be the protector

Before the strong, not timid.

Vos:  - Guys, what do we need to tell our guests.

Children:  - Bye.

Rep: -  Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Purpose: o the enrichment and expansion of children's knowledge about the rules of conduct, about etiquette in kindergarten.


  • introduce the concept of "etiquette";
  • learn to find the right solutions in various problem situations;
  • improve the culture of dialogical speech: listen to the interlocutor, answer questions with complete sentences and phrases;
  • exercise in the use of polite words;
  • foster a culture of communication and a culture of behavior in kindergarten;
  • to formulate cultural, ethically literate behavior skills;
  • to develop mental activity in children.

Preliminary work:  memorizing poems about etiquette, polite words


  • toiletries: soap, toothbrush, comb, towel; mirror; hairpin;
  • circles of red and green in number of children;
  • chamomile with rules of conduct in various places;
  •   "Magic wand".

Course progress:


The clear sun has risen
  "Good morning!" - said
"Good morning" - no wonder they say
  Good morning tells you to be kinder
  Honest and more persistent and more fun
  Invented wisely "Good morning."

Educator:   the first words we start the day with are Good Morning. What do we say with these words?Children answer in turn: we wish you health, fun, happiness, good mood, we want all day to be joyful, bright, kind.


Hello! -

You will tell man.

Hello, -

He smiles back.

And probably won’t go to the pharmacy

And it will be healthy for many years.

Educator:   At all times, riding bad manners and disrespect to others was considered if a person avoided greeting or did not answer it.

GREETING - This is one of the most important etiquette rules. And what is etiquette?

These are the rules,
  You need to know them from an early age!

What to say, when to enter,
  How to behave at a party
  What with magic words
  Do at home and on the go

If you become polite
  And be brought up
  That will always be everywhere
  Respect you and love!

Educator:   Guys, we all know that there are a lot of etiquette rules. Some of them are collected in one flower. Look carefully and tell me where it is necessary to observe the rules of behavior (but I want to remind you that you can’t interrupt each other and talk one at a time.) (Daisy flower, children call: in kindergarten, in the theater, on the street, in transport, away, at the hospital.)

Educator:   Well done boys. But today we will focus on etiquette in kindergarten.

(the doll is introduced - “slut”)

Educator:   What are you screaming, running. Tell me what happened to you?

Doll: I overslept.

Educator : why are you so untidy and ugly dressed?

Doll:   I was in a hurry and thought it would do.

Educator : Children. Look how ugly a person is when he is dirty and sloppy dressed. In this form, you can come to kindergarten?It is necessary to correct the situation.
  Children, help the doll?

Children: Yes.

(To do this, take turns, go to the doll and help her tidy herself up)

Educator: Let's show our guests and the girl how we are celebrating a new day.

Sports minute:

Early in the morning we woke up

Rub your eyes with your fists

Sweet, sweet stretched!

Reach up

To sleep gone - yawned


The run on the spot woke us up


They ran into the bath together

  "Draw" a rectangle in the air

Wash and splash

Imitate the movement of washing

They tried to clean their teeth,

  "Brush" your teeth

Combed neatly

  "Comb your hair"

Dressed up everything neatly.

Run your hands over the body - "dress"

We do not want to sleep anymore

Threatening a finger

We will have fun playing !!!

Clap your hands.

And how do you think all of you behaved correctly and beautifully? I want to say that you and I will still learn a lot and work so that they say about all of you: “These are well-mannered and polite


The doll is leaving.

Educator:   She forgot to say thank you. Gratitude - a feeling of gratitude to someone for the attention and kindness. Unfortunately, we often forget to say magic words, and they are so necessary. I invite you to sit in a big circle, we will give each other a “sweet word”.

I’ll take the “Magic Wand” in my hands, and I’ll say an affectionate word to my friend. Children in a circle pass each other a “magic wand,” while saying kind, kind words.

Educator : Guys, I suggest you play. I will name the actions, and you, silently in your places, will raise a red or green circle. If a good deed, raise a green circle, and if a bad deed - red.

1. Take toys from friends.

2. Help adults.

3. Scream, talk out loud.

4. Do not quarrel with friends, try to play together.

5. Greetings at a meeting.

6. Sit at the table dirty, unwashed.

7. Monitor your appearance

Educator : But to be brought up is not only to say polite words, but also to try to make other people pleasant. And this is the observance of important rules. The guys want to read poems about some very important rules.

1 child:

Don’t take sweets in the kindergarten,
  After all, other children are offended.
  See Mom calmly
  And behave with dignity.
  Listen to the teacher
  Sleep and eat without orders.

2 children:

Get dressed quickly
  Do not hold back the children.
  Don’t take the toy away
  Take another, play.
  Don't go with a stranger
  Call the teacher.
  Mom joyfully meet
  Don't miss your girlfriends

Introspection:   What are you guys talking about today?

Children:   About the rules of conduct, about etiquette.

Educator: That's right.

And how do you think all of you behaved correctly and beautifully? I want to say that you and I will learn a lot and work so that they say about all of you: "These are well-mannered and polite children."