A class hour on moral patriotic education. Class hour on the theme of "patriotic education." Class hour “They are not born heroes, they become heroes”

28.11.2014 4569 590

goal: The upbringing of a sense of patriotism, the development of oral speech of students; consolidate in practice the rules of oral presentation.

Decoratedie:Quotes from celebrities about their homeland,patriotism; books related music


Write discussion questions

Conduct a survey

Pick up quotes by topic

Musical accompaniment

Speech on the issue

Write an essay< С   what begins the homeland?\u003e

Quotes:<Я на все решусь, чтобы только еще иметь счастье видеть славу России и последнюю каплю, крови пожертвую ее благосостоянию>(P.I. Bagration)

<Главнейшими причинами нашего торжества в 1812 году должны быть признаваемы; патриотизм народа, мужество наших армий и искусство наших полководцев…>   (N.G. Chernyshevsky)

<Я не смею думать, у нас было немного патриотов; но не мне кажется, что мы излишне смиренны в мыслях о народном своем достоинстве. А смирение в политике вредно. Кто самого себя не уважает, того, без сомнения, и другие уважать не будут. Не говорю, чтобы любовь к Отечеству должна ослеплять нас, уверять, что мы во всем лучше; но русский должен, по крайней мере, знать себе цену свою>   (N.M. Karamzin)

I   Opening remarks by the host.

Dear high school students! Today we spend a cool hour''Patriotism. Question mark". The question is not whether patriotism is needed or not. Any country will crumble to dust if its citizens are not united by the attachment to the land on which they live, the desire to make life on this land better.

We are used to being proud of the feats of arms of our people, but victories in wars do not always make a country rich and happy,

We are justly proud of our culture, but for some reason it did not protect us from drunkenness and drug addiction, did not save us from rudeness and rudeness, vulgarity and immorality.

Perhaps the basis for our patriotism lies not so much in history as in today's respect for ourselves as free,   creative and full of creative energy to people.

Questions for discussioni :

1. What the Motherland begins with?

How do you understand the words ‘’ Homeland ’’ ’‘ ’Patriotism’ ’?

Do you consider yourself a patriot? Why?

What actions need to be done to be considered patriotic?

Are you ready to devote your life to the prosperity of the motherland?

2. Are you proud of your country?

What are the moments of national pride?

Are you interested in the heroic past of our country? Do you feel bitterness for defeats and mistakes?

Does the anthem of our country suit youwhat emotions evoke?

What is nationalism?

3. Do you connect patriotic duty with military service?

Does the country need a professional military?

Which one of you wants to go to military school??

Is the officer profession prestigious?

- Are you for or against military service?

4. Who is   patriot of modern Kazakhstan?

Where and when to start patriotic education?

Do I need a patriotic education in school?

Is the formation of the personality of an independent person necessary?

Do I need to be responsible for myself, my friends, how do you feel about mutual assistance?

Questions for questioning

1. Do you consider yourself a patriot.

2. Are you ready to devote your life to the prosperity of the motherland?

3. Would you like to leave Kazakhstan?

4. Are you proud that you are Kazakh, and not of another nationality?

5. Is the profession of a Kazakh officer prestigious?

6.Are you for or against military service?

7. Is patriotic education necessary at school?

8. Do you read periodicals, non-school books?

9. Do books help you in solving difficult situations?

10. Do you have a role model? Who!

Leading discussion material

1.What does the homeland begin with?

A man is born to live, and his main place in life is occupied by family, work, service to the Fatherland. Native mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books, nature - such simple, warm human values \u200b\u200bbecome the main true love in the Motherland.

They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the heart. Remember the song performed by Mark Bernes?

What does the homeland begin with?

From the picture in your primer.

With good and faithful comrades,

Living in a neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any trials

Nobody can be taken from us.

Patriotism, homeland.

Homeland-Fatherland, the country in which a person was born and the citizen of whom he is a member.

Patriotism is love, devotion and affection for the Fatherland, its people.

(D. N. Ushakov. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language.")

Patriotism is morality and a political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland.

(Philosophical Dictionary.)

2. Are you proud of your country?

Recently, it has become fashionable to scold the recent past of our country, to shout about repentance. It seems to me that scolding your story is like giving anathema to your parents.

I love my country as it is, with achievements and defeats, but I want it to be better, people to be happy, not to have violence, evil. Nevertheless, I am proud of my homeland, famous scientists, writers, artists, artists.

The nationalist is one of the principles of ideology and politics, which consists in preaching national isolation and exclusivity, distrust of other nations and ethnic hatred.

Now there are many neo-Nazi parties and movements. The newly-minted leaders claim unjust harassment by “strangers” and the need to put order in force, for which they create military units. And the less a person has an internal culture, the easier it is to convince him of his own exclusivity and the presence of enemies.

It is necessary to increase national self-awareness.

All people live under one sky. (Eastern saying)

The greatness of a nation is not measured by its size, just as the greatness of a person is not measured by its growth. (V. Hugo.)

4. Do you connect patriotic duty with military service ?

At present, the Kazakh army has many acute questions: low salaries, housing problems, due to military operations in Chechnya, called-up campaigns almost break down, the defense industry does not finance enough, because of this the army is insufficient, equipped with modern military equipment, nevertheless, the best samples of our weapons are sold abroad.

5. Who is such a patriot of modern Kazakhstan.

Who loves their homeland not in words but in deeds?

Anyone who likes to shave baldly, wear uniforms and walk in line, shout to everyone that he is a patriot, or one who considers military service to be his duty; or someone who wants to get a good education, learn the right profession, start a family, arrange his own life?

Our lesson is drawing to a close, I hope that it was useful to all of us, participants in the dialogue. Listen to the poem in conclusion:

Keep the fire of the native hearth

And do not lean on other people's lights-

Our ancestors lived by such a law

And bequeathed to us through the ages:

Keep the fire of the native hearth!

Lelei flap of the fatherland

No matter how swampy, no matter how stony he is,

Do not reach for the black earth clean,

What others have found for you

Lelei flap the fatherland!

And if the enemy decides to take

By your labor, a cultivated field

You will know what you stand for!
   You will know what you stand for!

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Class hour on the topic of patriotic education

Class hour “They are not born heroes, they become heroes”

Description of work:   This development will be useful for class teachers working in grades 7-8.

Goal: pedagogical motivation for self-education of moral stamina, will, determination, masculinity, sense of duty, patriotism and responsibility to society.


Summarize the students' knowledge of the country in which they live;

To form the idea of \u200b\u200bstudents about civic duty, courage, heroism;

Arouse a sense of admiration and pride in the exploits of his people.

To prepare: Picture "Athletes"; topic; on the sheets of the concept of "patriotism", "courage", "heroism", "feat"; blanks of expressions on sheets (to distribute to students); plots from the films "Star", "Stormy Gates"; a plot of heroism in peacetime; record - karaoke “Where does the Motherland begin?”; portraits of Napoleon, Hitler.

Class hour

The record is a karaoke “Where the Homeland Begins” (music by M. Blanter).

Teacher: What does it mean: My homeland?

You ask. I will answer:

First, the ground path

Runs towards you.

Then the garden will entice you

Each fragrant branch.

Then you will see a slender row

Multi-storey houses.

Then wheat fields

From edge to edge.

All this is your homeland

Your native land.

The older you get and the stronger

All the more before you

She is tempting ways

Trustingly open.

(N. Polyakova. My Motherland)

Teacher: What do you think this poem is about? (Children's answers - about the Motherland)

And what does the homeland mean to you? (Panfilovo, river, house, family).

Do you think you have a sense of homeland? (Student Assumptions).

Conclusion: The feeling of the Motherland sprouts, like everything big, from a small seed. This little grain in childhood could be a river flowing in willows, a green slope with birches. It could be a forest edge, a wild neglected garden outside the outskirts, a ravine with fragrant herbs and a cold key at the bottom.

(To distribute to students on the prepared sheets, one reads out aloud) “... The homeland is like a huge tree on which you can’t count the leaves. And all that we do good, adds strength to him. But every tree has roots. The roots nourish the tree, bind it to the ground. The roots are what we lived yesterday, a year ago, one hundred, one thousand years ago, this is a story where courage and patriotism of heroes fighting for the triumph of good and justice were valued above all. These are our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. These are their deeds, silently living next to us ... "

Teacher: Guys, what human qualities associated with the feeling of the Motherland are hidden in this expression? (Answers of children).

Teacher: What do these words mean, let's turn to the explanatory dictionary ...

Patriotism   - devotion and love for one’s homeland, one’s people.

Courage - courage, the presence of the spirit in danger.

Heroism   - courage, determination and self-sacrifice in a critical environment.

Who possesses these qualities? (Student Assumptions)

The theme of our classroom hour is “Heroes are not born, they become heroes,” let's try to prove it today. (The topic is posted on the board).

Teacher: And what kind of people can be called heroes? Can these people be called heroes (show Vasnetsov's “Heroes” in the picture)? Why?

Even in ancient times, folklore reflected ideas about the ideal of a beautiful person. What are they like? Let's remember with you Russian epics, heroic tales ...

(To distribute to students on the prepared sheets, one or several in turn is read aloud) “... Epics about famous heroes are widely known: about three famous defenders of the Russian land - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. But were there really strong men and daredevils in the world who could playfully toss above the forest, under the clouds, a heavy club, and their swords weighed so much that none of the mere mortals could even raise them? In fact, they did not care about any trials and dangers, and from bloody battles with the enemy they certainly came out victorious?
All the epics glorify the exploits of the valiant and mighty defenders of the Russian Land - heroes. These brave knights stand guard over its borders and always prevail over evil thieves. The warriors alone fight with innumerable hordes that have flown by a cloud as dark as a black crow, and beat the enemy with power for three days and three nights, “bread and salt are not eatable, spring water is not drunk, and we cannot rest.”
The people see in the heroes noble intercessors who do not let offenses and insults to anyone, do not tolerate lies and injustice. They are ready to accept death, but not to stain themselves with a shameful act ... "

Teacher: Our fatherland survived the struggle against powerful insidious enemies, accomplishing feats.

How do you understand the word "feat"?

(Students reason)

Let us again turn to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

Feat   - heroic selfless act.

But did you know that there is a feat of one person, two, three, hundreds, thousands, and there is a feat of the people when the people rise to defend the Fatherland, its honor, dignity and freedom.

Teacher: It is impossible to forget the great calamities that the soldiers brought to our country and our people. What is war?

Reasoning about the war (2 students in turn):

1. Earth is not a simple planet. On earth, people fought a lot.

2. Wars are beneficial to kings - they gain new lands.

1. Millions of ambitious - they receive new orders.

2. There was one such hero, he called himself Napoleon Bonaparte and lived in France.

1. When fortune gave him power, he decided that the world should belong to him.

2. But people didn’t think so.

1. The war began, which scorched many lands with fire.

2. But the peoples proved to the emperor that they could live without him.

1. In the 20th century, another warrior appeared. He called himself "Fuhrer Adolf Hitler."

2. He raised a whole breed of people-barbarians who can only exterminate, and began the war, the worst in the world, in 1939.

1. The Soviet Union suffered more. The war lasted 4 years (1941-1945). The Nazis were expelled by the people from our land.

2. But the story of the war does not end there: in 80. Russian soldiers were participants in the Afghan events.

1. In 1992 - the Chechen war began.

Teacher: Please watch a few scenes from films about these wars.

(Watching films).

What did you see in these stories?

(Students reason)

Conclusion: people sacrifice their lives to protect their homeland.

Teacher: But there are heroes in our village. One cannot ignore the feat in the years of the Second World War of our fellow villager Pavel Gavrilovich Kupriyanov: (Story about the bunker)

Teacher: This is just a tiny fraction of the exploits of our people. Wars were for many a test of humanity, of loyalty to the motherland.

How did people stand in wars that began so tragically and ended in victory?

(Discussion). Because they possessed such qualities courage, heroism and loved their homeland and could not help but defend it.

(On the cards statements, students read them and then discuss) “The opportunity for achievement exists in the life of every person. But heroic deeds are not committed by accident. At first glance, they go to them insignificant, through the very daily routine, which at times becomes the most difficult test ”(G. T. Beregovoi, USSR pilot-cosmonaut).

“You can’t bring up a courageous person unless you put him in such conditions that he can show courage - all the same, in restraint, in a direct open word, in some deprivation, in patience and courage” (A. S. Makarenko).

"Courage and courage - these moral and strong-willed traits are necessary for every citizen not only in exceptional circumstances, but also in everyday life, in work." (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

What do these statements have in common?

What is the difference?

What is the main idea in these statements?

Conclusion: you can become a hero not only in wartime, but also in peace.

(An example of a situation from the film “Heroism in Peace”)

What would you do in this situation?

What qualities are needed for this?

Do you have these qualities?

Where do you use them?

Do you need these qualities in your studies?

And to help mom?

Conclusion: In life, there is always a place for a feat, but the path to it lies through the education in oneself of a sense of duty, a responsible attitude to one's duties, and moral stamina. Courage, the will to win, honesty and honesty - all these high moral qualities are not necessarily born in the fight against fire, but also in the fight against laziness, indiscipline, disorganization, and falsehood. In the victory over their weaknesses and shortcomings, that heroic character of a person is born, which is necessary for everyone to have a happy life. So we have proved that “they are not born heroes, they become heroes ...”

Sources used

1. Heroes of Russian history. - White City. M, 2005.

2. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Publishing house "Az", 1992.

3. Feature films by Nikolai Lebedev "Star".

4. Feature film by Andrei Malyukov "Stormy Gates".

5. I.A. Tislenkova. Moral education in high school. - Teacher, 2007.

6. E.P. Sgibneva. Cool hours in high school. - Iris Press, 2007.

Class hour on a patriotic theme

Class hour on the theme "Heroes of the Russian land"

A sense of patriotism, love for the motherland should be brought up from an early age on the examples of the heroic pages of Russian history.

In February 1995, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia” was adopted, where a list of these Dates was given. Each such date can be a good information occasion for a class hour of patriotic content from 5 to 11 classes.

In the proposed scenario, Dimitrovskaya Saturday (November 3), when it is customary to recall the soldiers who fell on the battlefield, is an informational occasion. This day was established by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy after the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo. But, speaking of the military feat of the Russian soldier, one cannot ignore those military victories that brought glory to Russia. From this point of view, the “Days of Russian Military Glory” calendar provides invaluable assistance in the work of the class teacher, which must be compiled and placed in a prominent place in the class. Individual students can be instructed to follow these dates and mark their onset, for example, pinning a flag or an asterisk to a date line.

Objectives: to acquaint children with the heroic pages of the history of the Russian people; to formulate in children a positive moral assessment of the defenders of their native land, to promote their perception as a positive ideal; cultivate respect for the past of their people; to help children in socialization, in self-awareness, of their family as part of Russian history and culture.

Form: reporting from the depths of centuries.

Preparatory work with children:

a) the class is divided into groups, and each group receives its task.

For archivists, write down all 15 dates of the days of military glory of Russia on a piece of paper and comment on these dates with the words from the script (the list of these dates is in additional materials at the end of the classroom);

To reporters (2 students) - to report from the past, give the word to “eyewitnesses” of the events (Rusich, warriors and Mongols), comment on their stories (the words of reporters in the script);

Rusichs (2 students), Mongol warriors (2 students) - present historical events through the eyes of eyewitnesses, draw a map of the Battle of Kulikovo, draw a portrait of Dmitry Donskoy as they imagine it (the words of all the heroes are in the script);

b) give all children an assignment: with the help of their parents, make a note with the names of their family members who died on the battlefields.

Equipment: toy swords, chain mail, helmets, shields, gloves for warriors and Mongol warriors.

Class design

At a break before the classroom hour:

a) notes are made on the board: Genghis Khan, Golden Horde, 1237, yoke, Ivan Kalita, Mamai, 1380, Dmitry Donskoy;

b) all materials are posted: the poster "Days of Military Glory", a portrait of Dmitry Donskoy, a diagram of the Battle of Kulikovo.

Classroom plan

1. Opening remarks.

2. The story of the days of military glory of Russia.

3. Interactive conversation.

4. Reporting from the depths of centuries.

5. “Soldier's memory in my family” (or “Memorial note”), Children's stories about soldiers from their family.

6. A moment of silence.

7. Summing up (reflection).

Class hour

I. Introduction

Classroom teacher. Each nation has glorious military victories in the name of the Fatherland, the memory of which is passed down from generation to generation. On such victories, the spirit of the nation, pride in the greatness of the ancestors are brought up.

Over its centuries-old history, Russia had to defend national independence more than once in the fight against foreign invaders. Both Russia and Russia were forced to wage numerous wars. Our people, their army, fleet have repeatedly saved European civilization from greedy and aggressive invaders who wanted to conquer the whole world.

The Russian people gratefully keep the memory of these military victories, of commanders and soldiers who glorified themselves, protecting the people and the Fatherland. In honor of these great victories, special holidays are set. Our class hour today is dedicated to these holidays. This event was prepared by a creative group of guys from our class. I give the floor to a group of archivists.

II. The story of the days of military glory of Russia

Archivist 1. In 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted a law by which 15 days of military glory were established in Russia.

Archivist 2. Each date is an outstanding victory for Russian soldiers, Russian weapons. This is a victory that went down in history.

Archivist 3. We prepared a poster on which we recorded all these victories. All of them are known to every Russian.

Archivist 1. Battle of the Ice, Battle of Kulikovo, Battle of Poltava, Battle of Borodino, victorious battles of Suvorov, Battle of Kursk, Stalingrad, the liberation of Moscow, the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad.

Archivist 2. All these victories went down in history, brought world fame to Russian weapons.

Archivist 3. One of the most significant victories is the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo.

In these autumn days, all the people recall the feat of Russian soldiers. On September 21, 1380, Russian regiments led by the Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy defeated the Tatar-Mongol army of Khan Mamaia.

Archivists sit at their desks.

III. Interactive conversation

The following notes are made on the board: Genghis Khan, Golden Horde, 1237, I yoke, Ivan Kalita, Mamai, 7380, Dmitry Donskoy.

Classroom teacher. Guys, someone left mysterious letters on our board. Do they relate to the theme of our classroom hour?

Sample answers of children:

Genghis Khan is the ruler who created the great Tatar-Mongolian state - the Golden Horde.

In 1237, the Mongol troops conquered Russia and the Tatar-Mongol yoke began.

The yoke is oppression. The Golden Horde took tribute from the Russian princes with bread, furs, cattle and honey.

The best craftsmen were taken by the Mongols into slavery.

Ivan Kalita is the Prince of Moscow, in which the Principality of Moscow strengthened and became richer.

Mamai is a Mongol khan who became the ruler of the Golden Horde, killing his siblings, father and many rival khans.

1380 is the year of the Battle of Kulikovo.

IV. Report from the depths of centuries

Classroom teacher. Most recently, September 21, we celebrated the anniversary of the victory of Russian squads in the Battle of Kulikovo. Let's try to recall these long-standing events. Imagine that our special correspondents (last names, names of students) went to the XIV century to conduct a report from the distant past and present historical events through the eyes of eyewitnesses. Reporting is information from the scene. So, the television camera takes us to the distant 1380 year.

A musical interruption or any sound signal. Reporters come to the forefront with microphones in their hands, two rusichs are standing next to reporters.

Reporter 1. Hello, dear viewers. On our calendar is 1380. The scene is Moscow. An alarm reigns in the palace of Moscow Prince Dmitry.

Reporter 2. The messengers brought the prince an unkind word. The army of Khan Mamaia is moving to Russia.

Reporter 1. The enemy has already stood on the Voronezh River, waiting for reinforcements from Lithuania, Crimea, and the Caucasus.

Reporter 2. How did the people meet this news? I ask this question to ordinary Russian people whom we met on Moscow land (gives the microphone to the first Rusich).

Rusich 1. Prince Dmitry called on everyone who wants to protect the Russian land to collect a militia.

Rusich 2. And from all ends of Russia the great army moved towards Dmitry.

Rusich 1. From Yaroslavl, Rostov, Ustyug, Moscow, Vladimir, Kostroma, Novgorod, Pskov, Bryansk, Smolensk ...

Rusich 1. Warriors came from 36 Russian cities. Only about 150 thousand soldiers! Everyone wanted to fight for Russia, for the Orthodox faith.

Rusich 2. The abbot of the Trinity Monastery, Sergius of Radonezh, blessed the Moscow prince “battling from the Tatars” and sent him monk soldiers: Alexander Peresvet and Rodion Oslyabya, “who have the power, and the daring, and the courage”.

Rusich, saying their words, sit down at their desks.

Reporter 1. Grand Duke Dmitry already knows where he will give the battle - this is the Kulikovo field, lying at the junction of the Don and Non-rivers.

Reporter 2. Crossing the Don, the prince orders to burn the bridges. There is no way to retreat. Behind the Russian land, for which the soldiers are ready to fight to the last drop of blood.

Reporter 1. And what kind of enemy is opposing the Russian squads in this battle?

Reporter 2. We go to the camp of Mamaia to ask this question to the soldiers who are preparing for the battle.

Next to the reporters are two Mongol warriors.

Mongol warrior 1. We are the heirs of the great Genghis Khan, who created the most powerful state in Asia. Our army can conquer the whole world.

Mongol warrior 2. Army of the Golden Horde - the strongest and most powerful in the world! Every man in the Golden Horde is a warrior.

Mongol warrior 1. Our army is divided into tens, hundreds, thousands. Not a single warrior will leave the battlefield, will not leave the wounded.

Mongolian warrior 2. Our laws are harsh: if in battle one of a dozen escapes from the enemy, then they execute the whole ten, if a dozen escapes in a hundred, then they execute an entire hundred, if a thousand escapes in a thousand and open a breach to the enemy, then a thousand are executed .

The Mongol warriors, having spoken their words, sit down at their desks. Near the reporters are two warriors.

Reporter 1. Yes, the Mongol warriors are used to victories. How did Prince Dmitry conceive to defeat such a strong opponent?

Reporter 2. Now we are in the camp of Russian soldiers. How do they prepare for battle? We ask this question to Russian warriors.

Warrior 1. Our Prince Dmitry is an experienced commander. No wonder he chose the battle of Kulikovo field. Here nature itself will help us protect our native land.

Warrior 2. The Horde horsemen are not used to direct attacks and always try to surround the enemy, but they will not succeed: on all sides this field is surrounded by rivers, so the enemy can approach us only from the south, from the red hill. Here we will meet him with dignity!

Reporter 1. And here is the battle plan, for us now it no longer represents military secrets. (Shows a battle plan drawn on a blackboard or drawn on a poster.)

Warrior 1 (explains the scheme of the battle). Ahead the prince put forward the regiment, behind it is a large regiment led by the prince himself. The left and right flanks cover the regiment of the right hand and the regiment of the left hand.

Warrior 2. Beyond the left flank, the prince set up a reserve and an ambush regiment, since here the enemies could try to surround us.

Reporter 1. And here is the early morning of September 8, 1380. At sunrise, the fog stands "like darkness." Prince Dmitry for the last time goes around the shelves, calling on the soldiers for a feat for their homeland, "for our brotherhood."

Reporter 2. They blow trumpets, and the regiments, not seeing each other in dense fog, prepare for battle. The forces, according to historians, are approximately equal - from 50 to 150 thousand soldiers on both sides.

Reporter 1. Here comes from the Tatar army the great and terrible Murza Celebey. He challenges the daredevils to a duel. A simple warrior Alexander Peresvet accepts the challenge. The heroes struck so loud and strong that the earth shook, and both fell to the ground dead.

Reporter 2. And two troops converge in a terrible battle. Russians suffer significant losses. Victory seems to be leaning toward Mamaia. But the sudden attack of the ambush regiment decides the outcome of the battle in favor of the Russian troops.

Reporter 1. The enemy is running. Chasing the enemy, the Russians destroy the remains of Mamaev’s troops.

Reporter 2. The losses on both sides are huge ... Many of the glorious sons of Russia fell on the Kulikovo field. All of it was abundantly saturated with blood, and the waters of the Don are red from blood for three days ...

Reporter 1. Eight days buried dead Russian soldiers. The people kept the memory of the great battle in epics, legends, and songs.

Reporter 2. After the Battle of Kulikovo, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich received the honorary nickname of Donskoy.

Warrior 1. Not only the Prince of Moscow won, but Russian Orthodoxy won.

Warrior 2. With this victory, the whole Orthodox Great Russia around Moscow will unite and finally throw off the hated yoke.

Reporters and warriors sit at their desks.

V. “Soldier's memory in my family” (or “Memorial Note”). Children's stories of warriors from their family

Classroom teacher. Guys, in memory of the Battle of Kulikovo, Dmitry Donskoy set a special memorial day. In honor of Dmitry Donskoy, people called this day Dimitrovskaya Saturday. At first it was a memorial day for Russian soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo. Then on that day they began to commemorate all the soldiers, "for Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, they put their stomach on the battle." On this day (November 3), for almost seven centuries, people have come to churches, write memorial notes with the names of the soldiers who fell in the battles for their Fatherland.

And in Russia there is not a single family in which there would not be such warriors.

In preparation for the class hour, you all got the task to compose such a note too. With the help of parents, grandparents, you learned the names of your relatives who fell on the battlefield, the circumstances of their military fate. Now we will listen to your stories. So, whose names will your family remember on Dimitrov’s Saturday?

Children, without going to the blackboard, talk about their relatives who died on the battlefields.

VI. Minute of silence

Classroom teacher. There has long been a tradition to remember the fallen with a moment of silence. We will support this tradition. So, a minute of silence is announced.

The metronome or music turns on. Everyone gets up. After a minute, the teacher invites everyone to sit down.

Classroom teacher. A moment of silence expired. Please sit down.

VII. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. Did you guys like our class hour today? What feelings did your reporting from the glorious past of Russia arouse in you?

Sample answers of children:

A sense of pride in their people, for their glorious history.

Admiration for the courage of Russian soldiers.

Pity for the dead, for their mothers, wives, children.

Hatred of invaders who bring death and destruction.

Additional material

From the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia” (adopted by the State Duma on February 10, 1995)

April 1.18 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice 1242).

September 2.21 - Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380).

November 3.7 - Day of the liberation of Moscow by the militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish invaders (1612).

July 4 - Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709).

5. August 9 - Day of the first naval victory of the Russian fleet in Russian history under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714).

6. December 24 - Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790).

7. September 11 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakova over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790).

8. September 8 - Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812).

9. December 1 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853).

10. February 23 - Day of the Red Army victory over the Kaiser forces of Germany (1918) - Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

11. December 5 - Day of the beginning of the counterattack of the Soviet troops against the Nazi troops in the battle of Moscow (1941).

12. December 2 - Day of the defeat by Soviet troops of German troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943).

13. August 23 - Day of the defeat by the Soviet troops of the Nazi troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943).

15. May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945).

What does it mean to be a patriot? To love - yes, but not only to love your land, but also to do something specific for it.

Vasily Rozanov.

“A patriot is a person animated by patriotism, or a person devoted to the interests of some business, passionately loving something.”

Dictionary S.I.Ozhegova

Bernard Show


  • to reveal the attitude of young people to the problems of patriotism and help to become positive creators, since young people today are Russia tomorrow;


The theme of patriotism is now a burning and sore subject for our country, for Russian people. How to awaken in a child a feeling of love for the motherland? It is to “awaken”, because it is in every soul, and it is necessary to strengthen it with an accurate, pure tone. You can’t be forced to love the Fatherland. Love must be brought up. That was the purpose of the debate “What does it mean to be a patriot today?”

“Patriotism”, “love for the motherland”, “Fatherland faithful sons” ... Today, only the lazy one does not remember these words - lofty, noble and at the same time - because of the frequent mention of completely obliterated and lost their original luster and even meaning. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the “problem of patriotism” has become almost the most exaggerated in our country. For everyone and everyone today is vying with each other to talk about false patriotism, true patriots, to whom they classify themselves, trying to explain what exactly their "exclusive" love for the Motherland is made of and expressed. A win-win patriotic theme on the eve of the election becomes especially fashionable, which is understandable. However, this circumstance, perhaps, only complicates the search for an answer to the main question: "What does it mean to be a patriot in Russia today?" Of course, one can recall the well-known truth that “patriotism is love for one’s people, and nationalism is hatred for others,” and limit ourselves to that. But, it seems, winged words, no matter how beautiful they are, do not exhaust the whole depth of the problem. So let's figure out what is patriotism? And what new did our difficult time bring to his understanding? How, after all, is to educate a patriot in modern difficult conditions, full of contradictions? Let's try to express our thoughts

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   “Classroom hour about patriotism”

The classroom hour is a dispute: "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

What does it mean to be a patriot? To love - yes, but not only to love your land, but also to do something specific for it.

Vasily Rozanov.

“A patriot is a person animated by patriotism, or a person devoted to the interests of some business, passionately loving something.”

Dictionary S.I.Ozhegova

Patriotism: the conviction that your country is better than others because you were born in it.

Bernard Show


    to reveal the attitude of young people to the problems of patriotism and help to become positive creators, since young people today are Russia tomorrow;

    determine the role of patriotism in the life of modern society;

    to form in schoolchildren concepts and ideas related to patriotism.


The theme of patriotism is now a burning and sore subject for our country, for Russian people. How to awaken in a child a feeling of love for the motherland? It is to “awaken”, because it is in every soul, and it is necessary to strengthen it with an accurate, pure tone. You can’t be forced to love the Fatherland. Love must be brought up. That was the purpose of the debate “What does it mean to be a patriot today?”

“Patriotism”, “love for the motherland”, “Fatherland faithful sons” ... Today, only the lazy one does not remember these words - lofty, noble and at the same time - because of the frequent mention of completely obliterated and lost their original luster and even meaning. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the “problem of patriotism” has become almost the most exaggerated in our country. For everyone and everyone today is vying with each other to talk about false patriotism, true patriots, to whom they classify themselves, trying to explain what exactly their "exclusive" love for the Motherland is made of and expressed. A win-win patriotic theme on the eve of the election becomes especially fashionable, which is understandable. However, this circumstance, perhaps, only complicates the search for an answer to the main question: "What does it mean to be a patriot in Russia today?" Of course, one can recall the well-known truth that “patriotism is love for one’s people, and nationalism is hatred for others,” and limit ourselves to that. But, it seems, winged words, no matter how beautiful they are, do not exhaust the whole depth of the problem. So let's figure out what is patriotism? And what new did our difficult time bring to his understanding? How, after all, is to educate a patriot in modern difficult conditions, full of contradictions? Let's try to express our thoughts on this subject.

1. Respect for the past of your country.

Two feelings are marvelously close to us -
They find food in the heart -
Love for the native ashes
Love for fatherly coffins.

Who does not know these Pushkin lines? But do everyone think about their meaning? The poet proclaimed his love for the past of the Fatherland, in which - he knew it very well - not only roses bloomed. He proclaimed, for he understood that respect for the past is an indispensable component of respect for his contemporaries, for himself. For the younger generation, an example of selfless service to the Motherland is provided by our grandfathers and fathers, who defended freedom and independence of the country in a difficult battle with the enemy in the fields of the Great Patriotic War.

Someone from the wise said: "Where the cultural and historical past of the country is forgotten, the moral decay of the nation invariably begins."

Indeed, the historical past is not only a present based on achievements and merit. These are still failures and mistakes, which, unfortunately, were many and which, alas, cannot be fixed.

    Is it necessary today to cherish the past, to respect it? Isn't it more correct to build a new life without relying on the experience of our predecessors?

Conclusion: At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. The lessons of citizenship, patriotism must begin with a conversation about the historical past, without which neither the present nor the future is possible.

People who are not indifferent to the fate of the country and people should not forget their history, be ashamed of it, just as they should not forget and be ashamed of their parents.

According to the Bible, freedom is one of the most sacred gifts that God has given to man. In the Bible we find many times a description of how God seeks to teach man to use freedom. Could there be more joy for the father than that which he experiences when he sees how his son skillfully takes advantage of the opportunity to choose? Why are we people afraid to make a choice, and if we make it, then bad?

Often the freedom that God has given us can be construed as a weakness on the part of God. However, He prefers this state of affairs. He could have created us with robots programmed for submission, but he did not. He could deprive us of the opportunity to sin, but then we would not be free remaining slaves of good, and God does not want us to be slaves of even good deeds, even good. This is contrary to His essence.

In many foreign schools, children have been studying the political process since school, they are aware that they are citizens and must take an active part in society. For this purposeful work is carried out on the political education of students. This is very correct, because people begin to realize themselves as citizens of their country, which, unfortunately, is not with us. And only a sense of personal responsibility, deep patriotism and awareness of direct involvement in the country's public life make conscious citizens go to the polls.

    How can you relate to those who do not go to the polls? Do you need to apply any measure of punishment to them?

Conclusion: In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Part 2 of Article 32), citizens have the right to elect and be elected to state authorities and local governments. Thus, participation in elections is precisely the right, and not the duty of a citizen.

In order to make the participation of citizens in elections mandatory, a change in the Constitution will be required. Some countries provide for mandatory voting. In particular, in Australia, non-participation in elections entails administrative liability in the form of a fine. However, most democracies recognize that participation in elections is an exclusive right of citizens. In Russia, both the older and the younger generation often do not understand that by their non-participation in the elections they provoke the creation of such a system in the country that will by no means contribute to their prosperity and well-being. Therefore, participation in the vote is an active participation in the life of one’s country, a sense of oneself as its integral part.

3. Military service.

The national holiday, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, became the personification of the allegiance to the oath, the conscientious fulfillment of the sacred duty to the motherland. The army has always been the focus of Russian society. In Soviet times, it was very honorable to serve in it, and someone who was not taken there was looked askance. Now, the prospect of “walking two years in the construction battalion” does not cause any desire, much less pleasure. And yet, the army is a school of courage, training for every man, an institution for educating patriots. Going to service, a young man should know that he is protecting his people, home, mother, bride, sister ...

Being interested in the opinions of the parents of future conscripts, sociologists heard very contradictory arguments for and against military service.

The main reasons for the reluctance to send their children to the army, according to the parents surveyed, are:

    “The army is a waste of time.”

    “Scary for the lives of children” (“hot spots”, injuries in the army, etc.).

    “I’m not sure that this will be of any use to the son and the country.”

    “It is all about the current state of the army: when the reforms in it take place, then we must serve.”

    Hazing in the army.

    “There is one lawlessness.”

    "I am ready to serve again, if only he did not serve."

At the same time, supporters of serving their children, motivate this as follows:

    “The army will help make him a real man.”

    “This is the duty of every man.”

    “The army teaches life.”

    “Guys must defend their homeland.”

    “The army disciplines.”

    “The army makes a man strong.”

    “The guy is ashamed not to serve!”

Conclusion: It is wonderful that our potential conscripts are ready to fulfill their civic duty, despite the abundance of negative information present in the media. Today, society is discussing the reform of the Russian army, its modernization and even the possible inclusion of girls in the recruits. Let us hope that the transition of the Armed Forces to an alternative service or service on a contract basis will solve many of the problems that have accumulated in the modern army, will make it more combat-ready and mobile.

4. Tolerance in the national question.

Patriotism should be distinguished from nationalism, chauvinism and racism, which are based on the ideas of national superiority and exclusivity, the opposition of one nation to another. In terms of the diversity of the national composition of its population, Russia, perhaps, has no equal: here, for centuries, side by side, they have been living peacefully and working, building houses, raising children, together joyful and grieving people over a hundred nationalities together because of common troubles.

The national question in Russia will remain acute for a long time, because we are a multinational state. It is no coincidence that today we speak so often and so much about tolerance. To the question of a sociological study “Why do people dislike representatives of other nationalities?” 46% of respondents said that such a reason is that they do not reckon with the customs and norms of behavior adopted in Russia, do not know how to behave, are alien to this country, therefore they are not its patriots. That is, we are talking about the fact that in their behavior, in its most diverse forms, they behave differently from most Russians.

Migrants are not a single entity, they are divided into three groups: refugees, internally displaced persons and labor migrants. Refugees are mainly citizens of foreign countries who, due to a number of reasons - political, technological, maybe even climatic - were forced to leave their country.

The national policy of the state should not only help its citizens to answer the questions: “Who are we? Where from? ”, But also explain the historical and current meaning of the existence of the state. Otherwise, it will not be clear in the name of what it is necessary to preserve and maintain this unity, and if necessary, what price to pay for it, and if necessary, what sacrifices to make. Without a well-structured and meaningful national policy, one cannot understand what brought together representatives of different nationalities together on such a vast territory.

Our fellow citizens abroad have many problems now. Representatives of the Russian civil nation living outside the Russian Federation are Russian citizens and compatriots. Compatriot - a person who has the citizenship of another country, but retains loyalty).

“I was born and live in Latvia, but with all my heart I love Russia. With bated breath I read the news, vote for Russian artists and so on. I am a patriot of Russia. I don’t blame this country for not being able to “warm me up” like Russia, I blame politics. I will never be able to consider the “home" of the country in which they consider me an invader, I can not love the part of the population that hates Russians. I do not speak on behalf of all Russians living in Latvia, I speak for myself. I’m just very unhappy here, this is not the place on Earth that I want to call my Homeland, home. ”

    Have you encountered a national problem in your life? How did you resolve it or what methods of resolution could you offer? Is it a statement that representatives of other countries cannot be patriots of Russia?

Conclusion: Belonging to one’s country, one’s state should unite people. The authorities must do a lot in order for Russia to finally develop a new political civic community, uniting all the peoples of the country. In the history of Russia there are many examples of selfless love and devotion to it from representatives of national minorities. We don’t remember nationality when it comes to all sorts of achievements: in sports - Marat Safin, Kostya Dzyu; in literature - Chingiz Aitmatov, Musa Jalil; in medicine - Roshal, Leo Bakeria; in science - Ginzburg, Landau. Patriotism is a constant work of the mind and soul, love and respect for elders, everyday efforts to ensure that our common homeland - Russia becomes more powerful and more beautiful, so that citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their nationality, live better and believe in the future of their children and grandchildren .

5. Support domestic manufacturer.

Surprisingly, today most Russians speak out in favor of supporting domestic producers and restricting access to the Russian market of imported goods. This is evidenced by a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM).

Almost unanimously, the Russians declare their desire to buy Russian products (only 93%), which speaks of the support of the domestic producer, and speak out for restricting the import of imported goods.

Equally friendly, the country's inhabitants urge the state to support our oil and gas industry (91%) and aircraft construction (88%).

Most Russians, namely 70% of respondents, are sure: the state should protect domestic automobile production and restrict access to the Russian market of foreign cars.

The parade for state support for domestic producers - whether it is the production of furniture, clothing or household appliances - in most cases, Russians are prepared to put up with rising prices and not always high quality "native" products.

Support for domestic producers should not be limited in the access of foreign goods to the Russian market. This opinion was also expressed by the Russian president at a press conference in the Kremlin.

According to him, the ban on the import of foreign products is "the easiest, but the most dangerous way. One just has to overdo it and prices will immediately noticeably creep up."

The president also said that this principle should apply to Russian culture: "The dominance of foreign television, film and book production cannot please our producers." In addition, in the cultural sphere, Russia can successfully compete with other countries.

Conclusion: Perhaps the assertion that the support of a domestic producer should be seen as a manifestation of a patriotic beginning is not entirely true, but also not without reason. Making a choice in favor of Russian products, we thereby provide not only support, but also trust the manufacturer, give him the chance to catch up and overtake his competitor in his industry. And the development of all sectoral structures makes the state the strongest and most powerful state.

6. Belief in the revival of Russia as a strong power.

"Recently, I talked with a friend of mine, whom I knew as a normal person who was proud (earlier) of his country. We have not seen each other for a long time and both have changed a lot. He is essentially a secluded person who loves computer games. In a word,“ Gamer. " we got into a conversation about games in which Russian soldiers are the enemies (or the Soviet one doesn’t change matters), but these games are enough now, so my friend praised them with great graphics, plot, artificial intelligence, etc. After he asked my attitude to games like that Oda, I said that I don’t play such games, and if I play, it’s not for long, because I don’t like games in which you need to kill Russian soldiers !!! I understand that this is stupid (this is just a game), but still, every person should have at least a share of patriotism, I think so. So my friend answered this completely unexpectedly, he said that patriotism is stupid, what difference does it make to kill anyone. To which I replied that in the game you it’s all the same who to kill, but patriotism is not stupidity at all. We started a debate about patriotism about what the Motherland is and whether it should be protected at all. As a result, it turned out that having played enough in pro-American games, my friend stopped being a patriot, and the phrase that “defending the homeland is stupid, and pride in the country is a stupid prejudice and all this is a figment of the imagination” struck me on the spot. This is terrible!!!

Our generation, having played enough in various games, degrades and generally loses any sense of patriotism. You can not do it this way. What would our ancestors think of, defending our Motherland, dying for their wives and children ... .. The word Homeland has never been washed by the blood of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And you need to remember and appreciate it.

I judge by myself, because my heart sank at the sound of our anthem, I love my country, whatever it may be, and I respect the past of our great state. Maybe I’m wrong about something, I don’t know ........ "

    Do you think patriotism today is reality or utopia? Do you believe in the revival of Russia and what do you think you need to do to do this?

Conclusion: Young people advocate the revival of Russia as a strong power, as well as economic and financial stabilization in Russia. Thus, in their aspirations, values \u200b\u200band life plans, young people are very close to the older generation, and in this sense we can talk about a revival of continuity. But for the revival of Russia it is only necessary to work. A lot and blessedly. Stop hoping for someone (we always know what and how to do someone, but not for us), but to equip our own life and the life of others, to be the source of the best cultural traditions and moral purity.

/ During the dispute, the wording of the issues discussed is placed on the board under the word PATRIOTISM, which, ultimately, is expressed in the following scheme: /

CONCLUSION: From an ethical point of view, “patriotism” is a social and moral principle that characterizes the attitude of people towards their country, which manifests itself in a certain course of action and a complex set of social feelings, usually called love for the homeland. Love for the motherland includes: caring for the interests and historical destinies of the country and readiness for self-sacrifice for its sake; loyalty to the homeland, fighting against enemies; pride in the social and cultural achievements of their country, sympathy for the suffering of the people and negative attitude towards social vices of society; respect for the historical past of the homeland and the traditions inherited from it; attachment to the place of residence.

Our task is to help youth become positive creators, since youth today is Russia tomorrow. What we invest in our guys today will give corresponding results tomorrow. We will give birth to idlers, ignoramuses and drug addicts - that means we will destroy our state with our own hands. We educate patriots, business and healthy people, so you can be sure of the development and establishment of a stable society.

It is no accident that as an epigraph to our conversation I quote the words of Vasily Rozanov: “What does it mean to be a patriot? To love - yes, but not only to love your land, but also to do something specific for it. ”

Therefore, being a patriot is not so difficult, true love is not only and not so much expressed in a word, but reinforced by concrete deeds. So - everything is in your hands!

Goal:To instill a sense of patriotism, a sense of duty to the motherland, a sense of responsibility for their actions.


  • Show the meaning of the homeland in the life of every person.
  • To reveal the attitude of students to the problems of patriotism;
  • To develop students' cognitive interest in memorial places, in fellow villagers, participants in the Second World War, graduates who served in hot spots;
  • To develop critical thinking, the ability to determine your own life position.

Equipment:computer screen.

Form of carrying out:lesson - reflection, viewing a multimedia presentation.

Preparatory work:

  • Student Surveys
  • Student Memos

Event progress

Slide 1. The theme of our lesson is reflections: “Am I a patriot?”.

Slide 2. Recently, more and more often we can hear the words “Homeland”, “Citizen”, “Patriot”, “feat”, “service” ...

A man is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, study, work. Native mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books, nature - all this is our homeland.

Slide 3. Reader 1: (Valya)

If they say the word "homeland",
   Immediately remembers
   Old garden, in the garden - currants,
   Thick poplar at the gate.
   The river is a shy birch
   And chamomile mound,
   And others will probably remember
   My own beautiful yard,
   The first boats in the puddles
   Stomp feet above the rope
   And a large neighboring factory
   A loud, joyful beep
   ... Or the steppe from poppies is red,
   Golden virgin ...
   Homeland is different,
   But everyone has one.

Homeland! Everyone has known this word since childhood, because as soon as a small person is born, he receives his first document - a birth certificate, which states that he is a citizen of the Russian Federation. Let's try to define the word “homeland”.

Slide 4. Homeland - Fatherland, the country in which a person was born and whose citizen he is.

And how do you guys understand the lexical meaning of the word “Citizen”?

A citizen is a resident of a country with citizenship rights.

A citizen is, first of all, a person who is not indifferent, knowing and loving his Motherland.

The word "citizen" from more ancient times has a deep meaning associated with freedom, rights and duties. And already at that time far off for us to lose the status of a citizen was a great shame.

To become a worthy citizen of your homeland, you need to know a lot and be able to. I think that gradually you will learn about all the laws, you can ponder your words and control your actions, learn to appreciate other people's work, respect not only yourself, but also the people around you, you can appreciate the country where you were born. You are the future of our country. You build a new Russia, increase its fame and protect its wealth.

An exhaustive answer to this question we hear in the song performed by Mark Bernes “Where does the Homeland begin?” (song sounds)

And how do you, today's schoolchildren, understand who such a patriot is?

Slide 5. Patriot is a person who is proud of his Motherland, worries about her; ready to defend the homeland; devoted to the homeland and defends its interests; loves the motherland.

Patriotism is love, devotion and attachment to the Fatherland, to one’s people.

What does each of you see in your patriotic service to your homeland?

Are you ready today for any sacrifices and exploits in the name of the interests of your homeland?

Is it easy to live without a homeland? There is only one answer to this question: difficult. Someone may answer in the negative: no, easy. What does it depend on? It depends on many things and, first of all, on what patriots of our Motherland we are, how much we love and cherish it.

What character traits are characteristic of a patriot?

Characteristic features of a patriot include loyalty, responsibility, justice, steadfastness, generosity, honesty, courage, fidelity, self-confidence, the ability to love, compassion, kindness, selflessness? patience, courage, determination, gratitude.   (Students go out and write words on the board)

Slide 6. Analysis of student surveys.

  1. When you say the word “Homeland,” what can you immediately imagine?
  2. Would you like to be born in some other country? If yes, then why?
  3. What kind of person can be called a patriot of his homeland?
  4. Which of the people you know can be called a patriot of their homeland?
  5. Do you think it is difficult for a person to live without a homeland? Why?
  6. Do you consider yourself a patriot of your homeland? How is it shown?
  7. Are you interested in the history, culture of your homeland? Do your parents support you in this? What memorable places of your homeland have you visited (a), what do you remember about this?
  8. So that you would like to tell about your homeland with pride if you had the opportunity to meet with your peer - a representative of another country?

Slide 7.   Reader 2. (Ira)

To be a patriot ... What does this mean?
   And that means - to love the motherland,
And that means honestly, disinterestedly
   Beloved homeland to serve.
   Love his gray hair story
   The holy faces of Russian mothers,
   Which more than once a year is evil
   Own children were escorted into battle.
   Teach children to be proud of their family
   And the honor of keeping and keeping him,
   To be the best part of the Russian people,
   Which no one could bend.

The honor and dignity of our country has always been defended by a valiant army.

Slide 8. We also have someone to be proud of - these, of course, are our fellow villagers who went to the front to defend our Motherland. These are our memorable places where there are monuments to soldiers who died in the Second World War.

Slide 9-20. Our pride is also the graduates participating in the hot spots. (Read from slides).

(Include a video with the song “I Serve Russia”)

Slide 21. Physical education.

Zhura - Zhura - the crane,
   You flew around a hundred lands
   He flew around
   Wings, legs toil.
   We asked the crane:
   “Where is the best land?”
   He answered, flying:
   “Better there is no native land!”
   Discussion of situations.

Slide 22. Situation 1.   Dad and mom suggest the boy go with them to the places of military battles. Their grandfather participated in them. But the boy really does not want to, as his friend gave him the latest computer game that he had long dreamed of. What can a boy do? (Memorable places, especially their ancestors, are sacred. If you didn’t go, you showed your disrespect to your grandfather. The game can be downloaded and played another time).

Slide 23.   Situation 2.   A new girl appeared in the classroom. She came from Armenia. Some guys in the class offer the rest of the guys not to talk to her, explaining that the girl is “non-Russian”. What will you do? (Russia is a multinational country. And all the people in our country who have received citizenship are equal. Therefore, everyone should be treated with respect.)

Slide 24.   Situation 3.Class students are invited to take part in the landing of the Walk of Fame on a day off. Several students refused to participate, citing the fact that their parents did not allow them to go somewhere on a day off. What would you do in their place? (Parents will never mind having their children participate in such an event, especially since trees plant for many years. You can be proud and tell your children about it in the future and bring them on excursions to this place).

Slide 25. Situation 4.The teacher makes a remark to students who, during the performance of the national anthem, laugh, behave cheekily, and talk. After the line, he makes an entry in the diary. The guys are outraged that the teacher made a remark to them. And what do you think, is the teacher right or wrong? (Yes, right, because this is disrespect for their country by students).

Slide 26. Reader 3. (Katya)

“What does it mean to be a patriot?
   To love - yes, but not only to love your land, but also to do something specific for it. ”
   Any country will crumble to dust if its citizens are not united by the attachment to the land on which they live, the desire to make life on this land better.
   We are used to being proud of the feats of arms of our people, but victories in wars do not always make a country rich and happy.
   Perhaps the foundations for our patriotism lie not so much in history as in today's respect for ourselves as free, creative, and full of creative energy people.
   How to awaken in a person a feeling of love for the motherland? It is to “awaken”, because it is in every soul, and it is necessary to strengthen it with an accurate, pure tone. You can’t be forced to love the Fatherland. Love must be brought up.
   Therefore, to be a patriot is not so difficult, true love is not only expressed in a word, but is supported by concrete deeds.
   Patriots are not born, they become. So - everything is in our hands! Who if not you!

Slide 27. Reader 4. (Kostya)

Take care of Russia -
   There is no other Russia.
   Take care of her peace and quiet
   It's the sky and the sun
   And the native window
   In a forgotten village ...
   Take care of Russia -
   We can't live without her
   Take care of her to be her forever
   Our truth and power
   All our destiny.
   Take care of Russia -
   There is no other Russia!
(E. Sinitsyn)

Summing up classroom hours.

Slide 28. “What does it mean to be a patriot?” - let's answer with you to our posed question at the beginning of the lesson. (Student Answers).

Slide 29. Which option is right for you?

2. I do not consider myself a patriot

I'm a patriot. I am Russian air
   I love Russian land.
   I believe that nowhere else in the world
   I will not find such a second. N.Kogan

Slide 31. P amyatka for students

  1. If you want to grow up as a worthy person and citizen, don’t speak badly about the country in which you and your parents live, where your family tree originated.
  2. Learn the history of your country, its past and present, its joyful days and bitter.
  3. Get to know the memorable and historical places of your homeland, get to know yourself and tell other people about it. Believe me, our country is so rich in history that any person will be interested in your story.
  4. The more often you visit museums and historical places of your country, the more interesting it will be for you to return to them again and again.
  5. Remember that the more you complain about every day you live, the fewer friends and comrades will be with you. People do not like people all the time with something unhappy.
  6. Show yourself on the positive side, do not be afraid to be proactive, try to show your knowledge and skills, erudition and curiosity.
  7. Watch programs, movies about people who glorified the country in which you live.
  8. Do not be indifferent and indifferent to the events that take place in your country. This is the country in which you live for many years. From how you will be interested in her fate, her interest in your fate depends.
  9. Feel pride in the people who glorify your country.
  10. Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

Slide 32. Thank you for your attention!

Municipal government educational institution
secondary school number 10
rossosh city, Voronezh region.


Theme class hours
on civic patriotic education

“As long as I remember - I live”

for grades 6-9.

Designed by: Borisenko Lyubov Ivanovna,

teacher of history and social studies VKK,

MKOU secondary school No. 10 of Rossosh

Explanatory note.

Patriotism- a feeling of love for their homeland, for the homeland, readiness for it

protection from enemies.

At present, events are taking place in Russian society related to changes in all spheres of our lives. Economic transformations, the stratification of society that affected every family, led to a change in the perceptions and value orientations of children and adolescents, their alienation from the adult world, a negative attitude towards the concepts of human dignity, civic duty, and personal responsibility increased. The growing deficit of humanity, social tension, deformation of families negatively affect the moral and physical health of the younger generation. A new type of war has appeared - terrorist wars, from which civilians, primarily, unprepared for extreme situations, suffer. Any country needs an effective system of civil-patriotic education. The program of patriotic education affects to one extent or another all aspects of life, based on education, culture, physical development, and psychology.

The recent rise of national self-knowledge has led to a social order for personality traits such as patriotism and citizenship.

Patriotic consciousness forms knowledge about the Fatherland, its history, culture, nature; people and nationalities, about the homeland, which as a mother, do not choose. Homeland as a reflection and symbol of care and love of the closest and dearest people.

Therefore, the educational task arises very sharply: the formation of personality and a stable civic position in life.

The upbringing of a patriot is inherently humanistic, since its foundation is love and respect - feelings that have been forming since childhood throughout a person’s life. It is loyalty to the Motherland, a sense of pride in it, for one’s people that gives a person that energy, support that allows them to influence the development of society, have goals and values, and take care of the state.

The basis for the development of the program:

    The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" from 05.10.2010

    Constitution of the Russian Federation, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Law of the Russian Federation “On basic guarantees of the rights of the child”

    The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

A distinctive feature of the program on civic-patriotic education is that we invite veterans of the Great Patriotic War, interesting people of the city to the thematic classrooms, who, by their own examples, cultivate devotion to their homeland and the country as a whole, and pride in them.

The purpose of the program:

The development of citizenship and patriotism among students as the most important spiritual, moral and social values.

    increased attention, care and assistance to participants in the Great Patriotic War.

    education of a citizen for life in a democratic state, civil society.

    the formation of students' civic responsibility and legal consciousness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market.

    development of the ability to work independently with historical and social information, to solve creative problems.

    fostering students' love for the "small" and "large" homeland;

educating students of sincerity, genuine feelings, involvement in the events of distant and close war years, awareness of their civic duty, reverent attitude to a living historical memory and responsibility for the Fatherland, for its present and tomorrow;

Her achievement becomes possible through decision following tasks:

Direction "I come from Russia"
Goal:   The formation of the civil and legal orientation of the individual, an active life position of students.

Direction "History in us"

Goal:Consolidation of patriotic values, views and beliefs in the students' consciousness, fostering respect for the historical past of the country and native land.

Direction "My small homeland"

Goal:   Education of students with love for their native land and pride in their small homeland.

Program participants.

The program is designed for students in grades 6-9.

Program implementation mechanism

Its implementation is carried out during one academic year. The program involves various forms of class hours:

  • contests

    business games



Literary and musical compositions.

Basic principles of educational organization

The principle of openness. Pupils plan life in the classroom together with the teacher and parents, make adjustments and suggestions. The teacher listens to the views of children.

The principle of attractiveness of the future business. The teacher should captivate students with the end result of the job.

The principle of activity. The teacher offers students a variety of extracurricular activities in which all children can actively participate, look successful in the eyes of the teacher, parents, classmates.

The principle of freedom of participation. When offering students events, it is necessary to take into account their opinion when choosing a task taking into account their interests, personal qualities and capabilities.

Feedback principle. Each event should end with reflection.

The principle of co-creation. Working with children, the teacher provides students with the right to choose partners in the ongoing work. This increases the effectiveness of the work performed by students, stimulates its success.

The principle of success. Both an adult and a child need to be meaningful and successful. The teacher should see the participation of each student in extracurricular work and appreciate it.

activity on the implementation of the program

Class level:

5th grade

    The action "Letters of soldiers"

    Cognitive game "Russia is our home"

    Patriotic hour “On courage, valor, glory”

    Class hour: "Heroes of the Fatherland"

    Lesson of courage “They are not born heroes - they become heroes”

    Game-competition "Power is strong"

    Dispute “Your Rights and Responsibilities”

    Competition "Serving Russia is destined for you and me"

    Business game "From irresponsibility to crime is one step"

    A lesson in courage: “Rossoshansky soldiers are soldiers”

6th grade

    The action "Addresses of care"

    Cognitive game "My home is Russia!"

    “In this world, everyone is equal” - a lesson in tolerance

    Patriotic hour "The memory of the heroes will not go into oblivion"

    A lesson in courage “Proud of the glory of heroes”

    Business game "Your Rights and Responsibilities"

    Conference "Their Names Forever in Our Memory"

    Lesson of courage "Rossosh in a soldier's greatcoat"

    Oral journal “What is good and what is bad?”

    Song flashmob “We Holy Remember”

7th grade

    The action "Do good"

    Cognitive game "My Home - Russia!"

    “We are different, but we are all together” - a lesson in tolerance

    Patriotic hour “Courage, valor, glory”

    Literary and musical composition "Bread of War"

    Intellectual game "History of the Fatherland: events, people"

    Business game "The Constitution of Russia - The Basic Law of the State"

    Conversation "The Constitution is the law, we all live by it!"

    Legal game "From birth to adulthood"

    Lesson of courage: “The feat of the people to live forever”

    The meeting "Rossosh - my source of fate"

8th grade

  • The action "Do good."

    Cognitive game "Symbols of Russia in our hearts"

    “Here is the beginning of Russia for me” - a lesson in tolerance

    Patriotic hour “Proud of the glory of heroes”

    Lesson of courage "Rossosh in a soldier's greatcoat"

    "Intellectual competition" History of the Fatherland: events, people "

    Conference "Constitution on the Rights of the Child"

    The intellectual game “Citizen must be”

    Discussion "The act gives rise to fate"

    Lesson in courage: Requiem

Grade 9

    The action “Veteran lives nearby”, the action “St. George Ribbon”

    Competition "Kindness Will Save the World", dedicated to the Day of an elderly person

    Conference "We are One"

    Dispute "You and the Constitution"

    Lesson in courage "There is a memorable date in January"

    The meeting "There is such a profession - to defend the homeland"

    Business game "I want to become president"

    Lesson in courage “We remember, we are proud”

Expected Results, Their Social and Economic Efficiency

Civil-patriotic maturity of school students:

High ethical standards of behavior and life;

Active citizenship;

The desire for spiritual enrichment and development;

A sense of patriotism, humanism and tolerance;

Respect for parents;

Knowledge, veneration and continuation of the best traditions of the family, school, native land, people;

The pursuit of a healthy lifestyle;

Participation in annual school projects.

Creation of a databank of events that took place on our earth, about people who have made a significant contribution to the development of their native land

During the implementation of the program, analyzing the intermediate results, the results are summarized:

    design drawings, posters, combat leaflets, stands;

    interclass competitions;

The implementation of the program will lay the foundation for:

Achievement of a given quality of civil-patriotic education;

Updates of the content of educational and developmental work of the school;

Ensuring the continuity and continuity of education and development of students.