How to score retirement points. The number of pension points for receiving a pension. Data for calculating IPK

To obtain an insurance pension, citizens of the Russian Federation must reach a certain age and have work experience. Since 2015, a new condition has been introduced into the pension system - the availability of special points. What it is? And how to calculate them?

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What it is

Since 2015, individuals must:

  • reach the required age;
  • have insurance experience (work experience);
  • accumulate a sufficient number of points.

Since 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to gradually increase each of these indicators.

Pension points (BOP) is a special coefficient used for proportional indexation of pensions.

The reason for the introduction of the point system was the inability to accurately calculate the level of inflation. Therefore, all pension contributions are converted to points, the value of which changes annually on the basis of inflation.

Thus, regardless of future price increases, the value of the point will be increased, which means that the size of the pension for a particular citizen will be increased. The total amount of payments will directly depend on the total length of service and accumulated PB.

BOPs are accrued depending on the contributions paid by the employer for employees. Consequently, only citizens working on an official basis can count on savings.

The introduction of the need to accumulate PB is also connected with the desire to abolish clandestine employment and black or gray salaries. Despite the fact that the majority of citizens switched to work under an employment contract, many organizations still do not pay salaries according to TC standards.

To receive payments, a citizen must work for at least 15 years, during which the employer made insurance contributions. After the gradual pension increase program ends, the minimum amount of points will be 30.

Accrual Features

SBs are accrued for each year worked. At the same time, the coefficient cannot be accrued on gray or black salaries.

The calculation is based on two indicators:

  • maximum salary;
  • cost of PB with current indexation.

The calculation can be complicated for citizens working in the 90s, when no payments to the FIU were made, and information about the activities of the enterprise was not preserved. In such cases, the Pension Fund still accrues seniority to employees if there is a record of employment in that period in the workbook.

However, if there is no evidence base, the state cannot increase the length of service and take into account the amount of earnings when calculating pension payments.

How to convert to rubles

The cost of PB is established by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of inflation indicators. The remaining calculations are made by employees of the FIU. The initial cost of the ball was 64.1 rubles.

For 2019, 1 point costs 81.49 rubles. To convert the PB into rubles, you need to multiply the accumulated indicator by the cost. At the moment, the value of the point will increase until 2025.

Each year, the maximum number of BPs that can be obtained in a given year changes. Starting in 2021, the maximum value will be 10.

The conditions for receiving an old-age pension by years are presented in the table:

In practice, if the points are not enough, then they can be "bought up" in the FIU. For this, it is necessary to make additional contributions to the Fund. For many, this option becomes the only way to increase future retirement.

How to calculate a pension

The procedure for calculating points:

  1. Calculate the early work experience (before the reform) for the conversion of wages.
  2. Transfer the amount to PB.
  3. Multiply the value by the current value of the PB.
  4. Add to the value a fixed amount of state pension, which is paid regardless of the number of points.
  5. Add the result to the funded part of the pension.
  6. Get the size of the monthly payment.

Formula for detailed calculation:

RP \u003d IPC x SB + MV + LF

  • RP - the amount of pension payments monthly;
  • IPC - the total amount of PB;
  • SB - price for 1 point;
  • MV - fixed payment (for 2019 4 982.9 rubles);
  • LF - the funded part of the pension.

With official employment, the size of the future pension increases annually.

How to find out how many points are accumulated

You can find out the number of accumulated PBs on the PFR website or on the State Services portal. To do this, use a special calculator.

In addition to already scored points, an individual can look at a personal account and make sure that the employer provides the required information in a timely manner.

In addition to the calculator, you can order an official extract from the registry, which will contain information about the total length of service and the amount of deductions received. The FIU has also developed a mobile application for smartphones, with which you can find out the number of BPs.

It is worth remembering that information is available in the database only since 2000. To calculate earlier indicators, you will have to use a calculator.

Federal Law No. 400 establishes how many PBs are needed to receive a pension . For 2019, you need to gain 9 years of seniority and 13.8 PB.

As a result, by 2024, two conditions must be met:

  • experience - 15 years;
  • the number of points is 30.

According to changes in legislation, the FIU has the right to refuse pension provision to citizens who have not gained the established coefficient. However, the law provides options for increasing the amount of PB to cancel the refusal or increase the size of payments.

These options include:

Additional factors are also charged in the following cases:

  • military service;
  • for the birth and care of a child;
  • for caring for the elderly and disabled.

Thus, the total amount of the pension depends not only on the fixed part paid by the state to all individuals, but also on the citizen himself.

In addition to insurance contributions made by the employer, an individual has the opportunity to make voluntary contributions to the FIU, which will further increase the total pension.

Due to recent changes in pension legislation, many people still have an open question about how to calculate pension points. Speaking about the size of the insurance pension, they use a special formula where you need to know how many points are available. They are calculated on the basis of contributions, as well as a certain period of going on well-deserved rest.

Payout by age is calculated by multiplying the coefficient by the value available on the day when payments begin. A fixed component is added to the accrued figure. This pension is paid regardless of the funded part.

The concept

If we talk about what pension points are, and how they are considered, it should be noted that these include units that are formed on the basis of a person’s work activity and depending on their salary. To receive it, at present, we need not only a certain length of service, which should be at least fifteen years, but also the presence of their minimum number.

The accrued value has been gradually increasing since 2015, starting from 6.6. Each year, the indicator increases by 2.4, until the level of the individual pension coefficient reaches the mark of 30. This will happen in 2025.

Why use them

The number of pension points affects how much insurance an older person will receive. Size is calculated using the following formula:

  • old-age insurance pension \u003d coefficient * cost of 1 point on the appointed day.

The same formula calculates pensions based on the onset of disability and the loss of a breadwinner.


  The method, according to the accruals, is defined in the relevant law. In this case, the following formula is used:

  • the number on the day the pension is awarded \u003d the sum of individual coefficients multiplied by the increasing coefficient.


The indicator of the value of points until the first of January 2015 \u003d the sum of the ratio of the size of the insurance part calculated by age, labor - by the onset of disability or loss of a breadwinner until 12/31/2014 to the assessment of the score as of 01/01/2015 and the ratio of the coefficient by which the insurance pension for the onset of disability is calculated to the coefficient, in connection with which the insurance payment is formed by age, disability and loss of breadwinner.

To calculate your pension accruals after 2015, you should divide the total points from 2015 and the sum of the coefficients for each year by the coefficients for receiving payments by age, onset of disability and loss of breadwinner.

It turns out that after the 2015 annual milestone, the points depend on what kind of pension contributions the employer makes. So the state seeks to stimulate workers to look for exactly white wages.

In the calculation, the NP coefficient (equal to 1.8) is also interesting, with the help of which the method is implemented how to calculate pension points for a whole year for such a time as:

  • emergency service;
  • service in law enforcement agencies, fire fighting, drug control, in the system of criminal punishment;
  • care for a disabled person of the 1st group, a person older than 80 years, a disabled child;
  • residence of military spouses with spouses, where they did not have the opportunity to work, but not more than 5 years;
  • residence abroad of spouses sent to consular organizations and with diplomatic missions;
  • in terms of how these coefficients are calculated when caring for a child of 1.5 years, not more than 6 years in aggregate, indicators such as:

- 1.8 - for the 1st baby up to 1.5 years old;

- 3.6 - for a 2nd child up to 1.5 years old;

- 5.4 - for a 3rd or 4th baby up to 1.5 years old.

Maximum value

Important! The law sets the maximum number of points. The size is affected by the year (during the transition period until 2025 they are gradually transferred upward), as well as whether the funded part is charged or not. For example, you need to calculate pension points in 2019, taking into account the fact that those who pay contributions can be up to 5.26, and those who do not make these payments - 8.26. But since 2025, for those who pay contributions, the retirement point can reach the level of 6.25, and the rest - 10.00.

In addition, the law introduced increasing coefficients. For insurance payments by age and loss of breadwinner, they are used for:

  • first appointment;
  • refusal of old-age pension and further recovery or reappointment;
  • receipt of the loss of a breadwinner who does not apply for an old-age pension after the corresponding right has been transferred to him.

Point value

The law provides for indexation of both a point unit and a fixed part. So, from February 1, the index increases for the previous year, and from April 1, the difference between the salary index for the year and the adjustment coefficient is calculated taking into account price increases for the previous year. For example, one pension point since April 1 of this year is 78.58 rubles.

If a person does not have a minimum of points for retirement age, he will not be paid an insurance pension.

Pensioners may have a question as to how, according to the law, points earned during Soviet times are currently considered. Those who wondered how to calculate these retirement points should contact the PFR office at the place of registration. Then the employee will determine what charges he will have before and since 2002. For the calculation, a special formula is used that takes into account the experience for the Soviet period.

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Using IPC allows you to make all the necessary operations to calculate the pension in relative units  (points), the transfer of which into rubles occurs at the final stage - at its appointment.

The cost of the individual pension coefficient for 2017 as a result of the previous indexation was set at 78 rubles 58 kopecks.

Thus, in 2018 it is planned to increase pensions by 3.7%, as a result of which the cost of one point will be set at 81 ruble 49 kopecks.

Pension formula after pension reform

The latest fundamental changes in the legislation of Russia occurred in connection with the adoption on December 28, 2013 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”effective from January 1, 2015.

The provisions contained in article 15 of the above law establish a new procedure for calculating pensions using, as a unit of account (IPC), into which pension rights of citizens are converted.

The formula used in the calculation old-age insurance pension since 2015, as follows:

SP \u003d (PV x K) + (IPC x SIPK x K),

The procedure for increasing (indexing) the cost of IPC from February 1

Each year on February 1, the Government of the Russian Federation establishes, by a separate decree, indicators of inflation processes in the country over the past year, on which the cost of one pension coefficient for the current one will depend. Also, from April 1, the cost of the IPC is established by the Federal Law on the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the next year and planning period.

The head of the Ministry of Labor, Maxim Topilin, made a statement when discussing the budget that insurance pensions will be indexed in 2018 higher than inflation and a month earlier, since the planned inflation rate was about 4 percent.

However, such a measure valid only in 2018, next year, the established indexation procedure will be restored.

The cost of a retirement point in 2018

In January there was an increase in insurance pension by 3.7%despite inflation of 2.5% last year. Thus, for 2018, the value of one point will be set in the amount of 81.49 rubles. At the same time, earlier in the draft budget of the FIU for 2018 it was envisaged from April that the cost of the IPC should have been 81.96 rublesHowever, this measure is abolished in the adopted law.

The size of the latter is determined by pension points, which take into account such initial data as seniority, salary, age at which a person retires. New orders apply to all who apply for a pension. The size can be reduced (increased), depending on the accumulated pension point. Where and how to find out retirement points?

What are retirement points and how are they awarded?

Conditional indicators reflecting a person’s contribution to a future pension. They are annually accrued to citizens on the basis of paid insurance premiums, salaries, type of insurance contributions. The latter can be made at the expense of funded pension or insurance, if the citizen prefers the latter. The scoring is influenced by additional factors:

  • military service life;
  • parental leave time;
  • elderly care leave time.

The cost of a retirement point in 2019 is 87.24 rubles. The fixed payment supplementing the amount of the insurance pension in 2019 is 4982.9 rubles. In the future, the value of the pension point will be indexed by the state together with the supplement amount, taking into account inflationary processes and changes in the level of wages.

How to calculate retirement points in 2019?

The amount of the pension is formed on the basis of the pension points earned from 2015 until the end of employment. Savings formed before 2015 are converted into points without reduction and are taken into account when calculating payments. The maximum number of points is limited. The law provides that by 2021 the maximum number of points will be 10.

The maximum number of points depends on the type of insurance. If an insurance and funded pension are accrued at the same time, the maximum score will be 6.25 instead of 10 (part of the contributions will be transferred to the funded fund). If an insurance pension is chosen exclusively, the annual maximum retirement point is 10.

Citizens born in 1967 and younger can change the system of insurance and accumulative pension insurance by sending all contributions to the accumulation of pension points.

Those who began to pay insurance premiums in 2014 can immediately choose which pension system will suit them: insurance, funded, mixed. The time for which they must make a final decision is 5 years from the start of paying the first installments.

Insurance pension is indexed by the state, funded - by investing in NPFs. In the latter case, it all depends on the return on investment. The option of loss rather than profit is not ruled out. Then only the amount paid will be provided for payment, without indexation.

To receive an old-age pension, citizens must:

  • to reach retirement age.
  • have 15 or more years of work experience;
  • have at least 30 pension points.

The amount of pension points can be greatly increased by issuing a pension much later than the retirement age. Each year of processing increases retirement points by appropriate factors. There will also be a fixed payment.

If you apply for a pension at 65 years old instead of 60, the fixed payment will be higher by 36%, and pension points - by 45%. If it’s 70, then the growth will be 2.11 and 2.32 times.

How to find out the number of retirement points?

The number of accumulated pension points can be found in the PF department. To do this, you need to go there with a statement. There is an easier and faster way - to control your retirement savings through the Internet.

The Pension Fund has opened its own website with a “personal account”, in which you can find out everything about your pension rights.

For the best protection of personal data, registration on the Pension Fund portal takes place in two stages: first you need to enter registration data (address, full name, TIN and SNILS), then enter the confirmation code. This code can be obtained by mail or in a letter from the PF.

After entering the code confirming the identity of the citizen, information about the experience, accumulated pension points becomes available. There is also a calculator that allows you to calculate the points that will be awarded in the coming year.

How many points and seniority do you need to retire in 2018? What are the prerequisites for eligibility for retirement?

How much seniority and points are needed for retirement

in 2018: an example of calculating retirement points

Since 2015, a point system for calculating labor (insurance) pensions for citizens has been operating, in which insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund by the employer for their employees are converted from rubles to relative values \u200b\u200b(points). The amount of contributions recorded for the year is related to the maximum accountable amount of contributions approved by the Government, which corresponds to 10 pension points(this is the maximum that can be obtained in one year).

But in order to obtain the right to retire according to the established deadlines, compliance with three prerequisites:

  • the onset of age established by law;
  • the presence of insurance (employment) experience;
  • the presence of the established value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC), or in other words, the amount of pension points.

It should be noted that this applies only to old-age pensions! Other types of compulsory pension insurance pensions (disability, survivor) assigned independently on the duration of the labor (insurance) experience and the number of points received.

Since 2018, a prerequisite for the appointment of a pension  upon reaching retirement age (now it is 55 years for women and 60 years for men) is the presence of:

  • 9 years of experience
  • and 13.8 pointsindividual pension coefficient (IPC).

Example of calculating pension points from 2015 to 2018

  • For a man born in 1965, he has an official salary before income tax (PIT) in the amount of 30,000 rubles (respectively, for a year, earnings are 360,000 rubles).
  • Suppose that since 2015, this citizen has never been raised. At the same time, deductions for the funded part of the pension are not made for him, as he was born earlier than 1967.
  • Thus, the employer deducts for this man insurance contributions to an individual personal account in the amount of 16% of earnings before personal income tax deduction - that is, 16% × 360,000 \u003d 57,600 rubles per year.
  • We calculate how many points this man earned for the period from 2015, when the new pension formula began to operate.

The Government annually approves the so-called salary limit, the amount of mandatory deductions from which in the FIU to the individual personal account of a citizen is 16%.

So, the maximum salary limit for a country from 2015 to 2018 is as follows (see table below):

In 2018, the insurance base of contributions to the Pension Fund will amount to 1,021,000 rubles in accordance with the Government Decree of November 15, 2017 No. 1378. Then the maximum amount of insurance premiums taken into account for a year taken at 10 points will be 163,360 rubles (an increase of almost 17 at once from 2017) %).

Therefore, each ruble earned in 2018 will “depreciate” when transferred to pension points relative to 2017 immediately by 1 - (1 / 1.17) \u003d 15%, and relative to the level of 2015 - by more than 30!

Therefore, it is not enough to have only a constant high salary for the formation of decent pension rights.

So that their volume does not decrease from year to year, according to the new pension formula salary should grow by at least 10% per year  (see table above).

Let's get back to our example:

To translate a monthly salary of 30,000 rubles into points, you need to correlate salary data (taking 16% of the annual salary, which in this example will be 57,600 rubles a year) to the established limit values \u200b\u200band multiply by 10:

  • 57600/113760 × 10 \u003d 5.06 points earned by a citizen in 2015;
  • 57600/127360 × 10 \u003d 4.52 points in 2016;
  • 57600/140 160 × 10 \u003d 4.11 points in 2017;
  • 57600/163360 × 10 \u003d 3.53 points will be earned in 2018.

Thus, in just 4 years, while maintaining the same level of wages (in this example, this is 30 thousand rubles per month) the number of accrued pension points decreased by 30%  (in this example, from 5.06 points in 2015 to 3.53 points in 2018).

Thus, in the modern pension system, a mechanism has been put in place that leads to a decrease in the level of annually accrued pension rights while maintaining the same salary!

Accordingly, in the considered example, from 2015, a citizen earned 5.06 + 4.52 + 4.11 + 3.53 \u003d 17.22 points. Moreover, if a citizen had the right to a pension in 2017, then all points accrued to him must be multiplied by 78.58 rubles - this is the cost of the insurance point from April 1, 2017. And if the right to a pension arises in 2018, then from January 1 it will be necessary to multiply by 81.49 rubles.