Kinusaiga Christmas theme. Kinusaiga balls. So, to create a Christmas ball, we need

Kinusaiga is a type of art that combines applique, mosaic, patchwork and wood carving. Pictures are created from unusual scraps of fabric. This genre has arisen on a wave of economy when it was not desirable to throw out old things and it was necessary to give them a second life. This technique is part of the culture in Japan. All paintings that are made in this technique manually have a very high cost. In this article, we propose to take apart the most popular kinsaigue workshops for beginners. If you love creativity, then believe me, the movie saiga will drag you in.

Christmas balls

The step-by-step production of Christmas balls using the kinusage technique can be viewed on the example of a master class.

You need to take foam balls, lace, shreds of cotton cloth, a stationery knife, small scissors and a ballpoint pen, a tool for refilling the fabric.

The first step is to draw a small pattern on the upcoming Christmas ball. For beginners, it is worth doing geometry - squares, circles, because it is better to start with a simple one. We draw everything with a ballpoint pen.

On top we carry out a clerical knife, immersing the blade to a depth of 1 cm.

Now we take a small shred of fabric, it should be 2 cm larger for part of the pattern. For example, in our case it is a circle. We take our tool for dressing the fabric and set the fabric along the contour. At the edges should remain 5-8 mm. We cut off the excess fabric and set the edges inside the foam. Such a scheme works around the perimeter of the ball.

And as the last step, we decorate our New Year's products by gluing beautiful accessories: beads, lace, lace.

These are beautiful balls for the Christmas tree.

Bouquet of roses

Unfortunately, on the Internet there is no detailed scheme for creating a decorative panel of roses, but do not worry, we will tell you in detail and show how to make such a patchwork without a needle. And an example can be a panel from another flower, for example, sunflowers.

For work, take thin polystyrene foam, scissors, a stationery knife, cloth, a picture and a frame. The entire manufacturing process is presented in the photo.

We take out the cardboard from the frame and glue thin foam on it. We cut off the excess edges and put under the press for two hours.

Glue the pattern to the top with a glue stick. Carefully cut each line with a knife. We make small cuts, 2 mm deep. Next, we cut the fabric into shreds, wider than the required fragment by a couple of mm. Then we glue each piece of fabric into place and tuck all the edges into cuts.

Well, at the very end, insert the picture into the frame.

Panel diagrams

We offer to consider the most popular foam patchwork patterns that are perfect for wood. Products according to these schemes can be performed not only by the master, but also by the beginner. And some of them are suitable for children. They are distinguished by their simplicity. But you should pay attention that you need to work with a clerical knife, so you need to be careful.

These applications are done for a considerable amount of time, but the result is worth all the expectations. Embroidery of such a picture with threads will take much more time. And if you already know all the basics of creating panels with your own hands, then rather get to work. Suddenly, it is you who have a hidden talent for such a job!

The girl in the hat.

And some schemes are perfect for the kitchen. They will bring a completely new atmosphere and give comfort to the room. Among these drawings are children.

And here is the finished version.

Back in school years, children performed simple, but unique decorations for the New Year. Now with the help of different techniques you can create amazingly beautiful Christmas balls in your own hands quickly and simply. The only thing you need to stock up to make such products is fantasy, because there are no boundaries in creativity as such.

Learning to make a variety of Christmas balls with their own hands in MK

How to make small papier-mâché balls

To create such a creative papier-mâché balloon, you need some old glue newspapers and an inflatable balloon. This technique is familiar to everyone since childhood, so there should not be much difficulty.

  1. The ball must be inflated to the desired size and tightly tied with a thread.
  2. The newspaper needs to be crushed into small squares. It is not necessary to do this neatly important, so that the pieces are not too large.
  3. The first layer of newspapers is molded onto a ball without glue. This is necessary so that the ball itself does not stick to the paper and can be easily removed. It is enough to dip the paper in water, after which it can easily attach to the surface of the ball.
  4. All subsequent layers are smeared with glue to mold paper on it.
  5. You need to make at least 8 layers. The resulting product should be strong enough.
  6. Layers need to be increased so that the tail of the inflatable ball always remains outside.
  7. After all layers are ready, the product needs to be given time to dry. It takes a couple of hours.
  8. After all the layers have dried out, the inflatable balloon must be pierced with a needle and carefully removed from the cocoon of paper.
  9. The resulting hole must be masked with a couple of layers of paper while not forgetting to attach the tape. The tape is needed so that the ball can be hung on the spruce.
  10. If you plan to decorate the ball with paints, then you should make the last layer of white paper so that the colors look brighter.
  11. Turn on all your imagination to decorate the ball.

Also, the ball can not be covered with white paper, so it will look much more interesting. On newsprint, you can draw muzzles of animals, which will look pretty funny and interesting.

Learn step by step quilling technique in decorating the ball

The quilling technique is quite simple in execution, but requires perseverance. Having mastered a couple of tricks of this technique, you can make such a Christmas ball. Quilling has in its assortment a lot of techniques with which you can create truly sophisticated interior decorations. As a basis, you can use a foam ball.

Weave with a detailed description of unusual balls of thread

  1. Inflate the ball to the desired size.
  2. Wrap it well with thread and glue it.
  3. Hang in a dry and warm place so that the glue is completely dry.
  4. Break the balloon with a needle and pull the threads out of the cocoon.

In order for the ball of thread to look more bright and creative, you need to sprinkle it with glitter or other material until the glue has dried.

Let's try to make a simple ball of paper

  1. The paper needs to be twisted into a bundle. In order for it to be enough, you need to connect several harnesses together with glue.
  2. Taking a ball of foam, you need to glue one end of the bundle to the top.
  3. With a tourniquet you need to wrap the entire ball so that there is no gap between the poisons. Each row of the flagellum must be coated with glue.
  4. When the whole ball of paper is ready, you need to attach to the thread in the form of a loop.

When the ball is ready, it can be covered with spray paint or regular paint.

How to make a Christmas ball with your own hands using decoupage technique

  1. To decorate balls using decoupage technique, ordinary plastic Christmas toys are suitable. First you need to prepare such a ball. To do this, the wire fastener should be removed.
  2. Treat the entire surface of the ball with sandpaper and wash off the paint with nail polish remover. This is necessary in order to better paint lay on the surface.
  3. After the paint is removed, the surface must be primed. This requires mixing pva glue and regular gouache. This mixture must be applied in several layers to the surface of the ball. Each layer needs to be given time to dry.
  4. Once the balls are dry, you can proceed directly to the design using the decoupage technique. To do this, you need napkins with an interesting pattern for you. The figure needs to be cut out and applied to the surface of the ball, and then smeared with glue on top.
  5. After the drawing dries, you need to carefully cover the ball with another layer of paint. This is necessary in order to even out the line between the pattern and the main surface of the ball.

Video on the topic of the article

There are many techniques for creating Christmas balls and their decorations. In the video master classes, such techniques as artichoke, kanzashi, crocheting and many other techniques are presented.

We present you a video compilation with master classes for creating various balls.

Following the instructions from the video, you will make a wonderful ball of beads.

In the process of watching this video you will get acquainted with the wonderful artichoke technique and learn how to make Christmas decorations in this technique.

In order to make a ball using the kinunsig technique, no glue or thread is required. How exactly this technique is performed, you can find out in detail in the video.

Any jewelry in this technique looks very unusual, and the kanzashi ball is truly amazing.

The long-awaited New Year holidays are approaching, on the threshold of which I would like to suggest that you make Christmas balls with your own hands. Such a ball will not take you much time, and you will certainly have time to dress up your green beauty.

Kinusaiga is a Japanese technique of creating paintings from silk, an art genre that arose, so to speak, on the basis of economy. Rather, Japanese frugality. Initially, it was a way to “recycle" the old, old kimono.

In the modern needlework world, based on this technique, needlewomen create caskets, decorate Easter eggs, create panels and paintings, and, in particular, decorate Christmas balls, which I propose to do today. So, to create a Christmas ball, we need:

   * round foam blank

* manicure scissors or a thick skewer

* fabric flaps

* stationery knife for slots in the workpiece

* decorative braid, beads, satin ribbons for decor.

First of all, we make marks on the ball’s blank, on which we will cut the ball. It is convenient to divide the workpiece into segments. After that we take a clerical knife, and we make not too deep cuts. In them we will hide the flaps of fabric.

To make it smoother, it is convenient to use the thread, wrapping the ball and adjusting the lines that the thread forms. You can divide the ball into as many slices as you wish. But here, I think, the main thing is not to overdo it and not make too thin slices, otherwise the workpiece in the process of cutting and “hiding” the fabric may crumble. Slices can be of different widths, some wider, others smaller. Here there is where to go for a fantasy. I'm not talking about the patchwork combination of colors and textures.

After the ball is prepared, it is necessary to cut the flaps, cutting the fabric into rectangles suitable for the length and width of your slices. I leave a good allowance on the patches, which can always be cut off after the fabric is hidden in the incision. Otherwise, if you leave too little allowance, you may just not have enough shreds.

The preparatory phase is completed, and the fun begins) We begin to hide the fabric in the cuts. Sometimes it is recommended to coat the workpiece with PVA glue, glue the flap, and then hide it in the incisions. I did not use glue, and did not regret it. Everything turns out smoothly and evenly. In order to hide the fabric in the incisions, I used closed manicure scissors, it is very convenient to hold in my hand. It turned out to be inconvenient for me to work with a skewer, it was rather thin and round, I wanted something flat and stable in my hand. You can choose a tool that is convenient for you.

First we hide one side of the lobule, then the second. When everything is ready, and you like it, we confidently cut the remaining allowances, and hide the rest in an incision.

I did not use glue on purpose, because if the fabric is pulled to one side or something is knocked down, you can always take out a shred and try again, achieving the best result. And if the fabric is glued, this will not work. In addition, without glue, in my opinion, the tension is more successful, so that the mosquito of the nose does not tarnish \u003d) There is another nuance here. When you hide a patch in an incision, it is better to hold the fabric with the finger of your left hand and move from the center of the lobule, first in one direction, for example, to the right incision, and then to the other in the left. If you move with pressure movements from the middle to the edge, the fabric will lie more evenly and without wrinkles. Here, my manicure scissors turned out to be the most successful tool, because with a skewer it will not be possible to straighten the fabric. When both edges of the patch are hidden, I slowly run the scissors from top to bottom along the incisions so that the small folds formed in the places where the fabric is hidden straighten out.

Our first slice is ready. We do the same with each sector.

When your ball is completely "stuffed" with shreds, the only thing left is to decorate the toy. Seams are closed with satin ribbons, decorative braid, bead thread, in general, whatever you wish. I deeply hid the braid tails with scissors in the ball itself. Deep so that the ball, albeit weightless, hangs comfortably and holds its loop \u003d))) I would advise you not to rush to cut the tape or braid. First, one tail needs to be hidden in the crown of the ball, wrap the ball with it, and at the same place on the crown hide the second end of the tape, already trimmed. So do with each seam of the ball. On one of the seams, do not forget to leave the braid more authentic to form a loop.

I wish you a pleasant New Year's Eve, exciting preparation for the holiday, home comfort and smiles. Let all your plans be in time, and a magical holiday will come to your house as soon as possible. Happy New Year!

Before the holidays, the eternal question arises of choosing a gift. Of course, you can buy cheap souvenirs at the nearest store, and the problem is solved. But a formal approach is not possible when it comes to close and dear people. We analyze a master class on the study of kinusayge techniques will help to create a miracle for beginners and create unique crafts for the home. This technique allows you to make charming roses on a panel postcard, which is perfect as a gift for a wedding or Valentine's Day.

Another type of crafts in this technique is souvenirs for the kitchen.

And even New Year's gifts can be made using the kinusage technique - look at these original soft Christmas balls.

As can be seen from the photos of the finished works, the kinusage is somewhat similar to patchwork, a really different name for this art - patchwork without a needle. The schemes for the kinusayge are varied: from rectangular houses to complex pictures with animals and people.

The basis for the work is a soft material - foam. Therefore, this type of needlework is quite suitable for children and will not cause them difficulties. The kid himself will be able to make New Year's balls or a patchwork on polystyrene as a gift for grandparents. A step-by-step description and video will help you deal with kinusayge.

We study a step-by-step kinusage master class for beginners and for children

Work begins with the preparation of the necessary materials and a drawing for the panel. For kinusayge required:

  • remnants of colored fabric;
  • a piece of foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • a seam spreader, a breadboard knife for paper, a nail file or any sharp object (which will be convenient, you will understand in the process of performing the patchwork);
  • buttons and needles.

For the first craft, you should not take complex drawings. Let's start learning the technique by making a flower on polystyrene foam. This picture is easily drawn by both an adult and a child. The sheet with the sketch is fixed on the foam piece with the buttons.

To transfer the picture, we prick it with a needle along the contour at small intervals.

The next stage of work is the most dangerous, therefore it is better for the baby not to trust him. With a sharp knife (or a seam spreader), the picture on the foam is cut through the points.

Then comes the fun part! The work begins with the smallest detail. For her, a piece of cloth is cut, which is glued to the base. So that the patches correspond to the parts of the picture, you can cut them out using the previously drawn sketch and not forgetting to make allowances of 0.5 cm on each side of the part. The cut out piece of material is applied to the foam and, using a sharp object, is tucked into the slot.

Thus, the whole flower is “filled” in sequence.

If it is difficult to make a background for your baby, you can cover it with acrylic paints, for example, this is done for the second job. Here are some interesting pictures in the end. Simple materials, a little time - and the panel as a gift is ready!

We try volumetric kinusayge on the example of Christmas toys

Using voluminous blanks in the form of foam balls, you can make unusual decorations for the Christmas tree.

The first stage is the most responsible. It is necessary to divide the ball into "slices" as smooth and accurate as possible. Dividing lines are drawn with a regular ballpoint pen.

Advice for beginners: wrap the workpiece with a regular thread, adjusting which you can get the required number of parts of the ball. Lobules can be from four to eight. More is not worth it. Too thin pieces on polystyrene foam will also require thin fabric patches that will crumble in the process of “hiding” them. In principle, the drawing on the toy can be any. The ball with fabric strips of different sizes looks interesting.

On the planned lines, the foam blank is cut with a sharp knife to a depth of 1 cm.

Then, using elegant patches of fabric, preferably with glitter or New Year's motifs, the decoration of the future toy is performed. A piece is cut from the material, which, using a sharp knife or nail file, is tucked into the slot. Everything, as in the manufacture of panels! To make work faster, you can make a pattern for "slices". The allowance for dressing should be at least 0.5 cm. This is how a piece of fabric already laid looks like.

The remaining parts of the ball are filled similarly. The result is such a toy.

Elegant ribbons, cords, lace, rhinestones and beads will make it elegant and festive. To begin with, the joints are closed with a golden lace, which is fixed with PVA glue.

The final stage - we make a bow and a ribbon so that the toy can be placed on a New Year tree.

Video tutorials for beginners on the topic of the article

So, the Kinusaige technique is mastered and you already want to do something with your own hands. There are plenty of ideas for creativity, and to see this, we watch the video.

On the eve of the New Year, it is very important to be inspired and do something beautiful with your own hands to please your family on a holiday, at the same time passing long autumn evenings. Maybe my master class on the New Year's toy in the technique of Kinusaig will inspire you.

To make a toy using the kinusaig technique, we need the following:

  • foam ball,
  • several types of fabric, matching each other in color and quality,
  • a stationery knife, small scissors or a thin file for nails (as you prefer),
  • various ribbons and laces in color for the final decoration of the ball,
  • and also scissors, a ruler, a pen.

So let's get started. First we find the poles at the ball. I took a ball with a diameter of 8 cm. We stick it into the poles with a tailor’s needle, then we stretch a thread between them and draw along the contour with a pen. And so on all sides. I drew 8 stripes on a ball to make 8 parts. Everything should be done as carefully and evenly as possible so that all parts are the same.

Now we take a clerical knife and cut along the marked lines to a depth of about a centimeter.

The technical part is over. Time to plug in the fantasy. I took three types of fabric: golden, green and black with a floral pattern. Fabrics matching each other. We take the fabric and cut off from it a piece of arbitrary shape approximately the size of our drawn segments on the ball plus 1.5 centimeters on each side. To save tissue, you can prepare a pattern, or you can not waste time, and then just cut off everything unnecessary. Now with the help of a nail file we stick the edges of the fabric into our slots.

We do it gently, without folds, cut off the excess and finally hide all the edges.

We take another fabric and do the same. Filling all parts of the ball with pieces of fabric, we get just such a "raw" ball.

Now you need to make it a real holiday attribute. We take a golden ribbon or lace, fasten the end on top of the ball in the center. I used PVA glue.

Now we wrap all our slots with a lace, glue the lace in places with glue, so that later it will not slip.

We put a thin satin ribbon in the tone of green fabric on the needle in the same way.

and fasten to the center of the ball. From the lace that we already used, we make a loop and fasten, it will be the suspension of the ball.

From a golden ribbon we make a wider bow and also attach it to the ball with a needle.

In my opinion, it turned out a wonderful Christmas ball.

Making such a ball with your own hands is not at all difficult. Everyone at home has remnants of waste fabric. The main thing is desire and a little imagination. It’s so nice to make such a gift to your family and friends!

Or make smart .