The woman wears a snow cap a stone side wrapped in clouds. The woman wears a snow cap with stone sides wrapped in clouds “Short whiskey and panties at any time of the year”

The doll Babka Baba presents the values \u200b\u200band tasks of a woman before marriage, when she is a girl, and after marriage, when she becomes a woman. Why does the rumor hurt it "turns into a woman"? Yes, because today the meaning of the word woman is completely different. It was very honorable to be called a woman, according to the ethnographer S. Velesova, and this had to be earned by giving birth to a continuer - a girl. The woman who gave birth to the life-giving power could only carry this title of Bab. And giving birth to sons remained young.

I started making the first doll at a master class at vokina   in the summer camp and finish at home. And I made the second myself specially for you.

1 We need: a birch stick 20 cm long, at least 1 cm in diameter, not more than 1.5 cm
plumbing flax for braids and linen tow for the head
two squares of double thread 22x22 cm
two different flaps for skirts of a girl and a woman 30-40 cm long (splendor) 12 cm high
optionally lace on the hem
red threads for tying hands and white strong for tying neck
red satin ribbon 1 cm wide for a girl on her head and in a braid
a scarf with a warrior, or laid braids with a scarf for a woman, a warrior woman is obligatory in both cases,
aprons, ribbons or braid for belts.

2 From both ends of the stick we wind the linen comb very tight. The main thing here is to observe the measure, to make the head neither large nor small. I took this into account on the second doll, on the first head it turned out to be big.

3 With the diagonal squares folded, we form the head and arms in the usual way.

4 We knit the neck with a light strong thread that is close in color, hands traditionally with a red thread. Add synthetic winterizer under the fabric, denoting the chest. A woman can have more.

5 Just as we arrange hair for a girl, i.e. without sewing and gluing. It is better not to do a very long braid, it interferes when the doll is a woman, or then make very magnificent skirts.

6 Determine the length of the braid.

7 You can take a headband for a long one, tie a rim on your head and without cutting it, braid it with your own braid.

8 For a woman there are two options for designing a head: either a warrior and a headscarf, or two braids and a headscarf braided around a head.

9 Braids must be made not thick.

10 We make a costume according to your desire. I like to make straps for a skirt, it turns a sundress. The skirt can be sewn down, you can not sew. Everyone will find their own way, it cannot be the same for everyone.

11 Clothing for girls corresponding to your ideas.

12 The skirt should completely cover the head of the woman. This is the special difficulty of this doll, to combine everything.

13 The image of a woman, a suit, again you create yourself according to your ideas.

14 Also, so that the skirt hides the maiden's head. We top the skirt on a strong thread with the left ends for tying.

15 My first Babka.

16 Skirts in this option are not sewn together.

I do not recommend dressing a woman in dark clothes, supposedly waiting for her after marriage, life in a "black body": under her husband and mother-in-law. This is a myth from the past, and most importantly - it is NOT the norm. It is necessary to cultivate and educate that only after marriage does a woman flourish, and the birth of a child turns her into a Goddess, especially during breastfeeding. After childbirth, a woman can pass chronic diseases without a trace. All the forces of the body are mobilized in it, it is rejuvenated. Of course, provided that all vital institutions in society for the family as a whole are normal.
Who wants to know more and see the options for the doll of the Babka Baba, you can read

(Login to clean the page.) Igor Irteniev.

Women wear stockings and tights,
And indifferent to cultural issues.
Twenty percent of them are idiots,
Thirty percent are full of fools.
Forty percent of them are psychopaths,
In total, this gives us ninety.
We have ten percent left over
And it's not easy to choose from these.

Tamara Panferova. Reply to Irteniev

Men wear mustaches and beards,
And they discuss any problems.
Twenty percent of them are blue.
Forty percent are vodka lovers.
Thirty percent of them are impotent,
Ten - with a head out of order.
In total, this gives us one hundred percent,
And we have nothing left.

Daniel Akulinin   (Panferova's answer).

You wear revealing clothes
And sometimes you have to shave.
Forty percent frigid without vodka,
Thirty percent in search of a prince.
Twenty percent of you are lesbians,
Ten percent of all fail.
From here we have blue and booze,
But we all have, though it’s dirty.

Ernst. Answer to Irteniev and Panferova

Forty percent of those in tights
Indifferent to vodka lovers.
Sometimes they like blue psychopaths,
True, they are not in order with their heads.
Fools are always impotent spared
And you idiots would like idiots.
In total, of course, we are one hundred percent:
Dur, idiot, goats, impotent

Victor Bichev   - the answer to all:

Forty percent of female artist
You need to have strong nerves with them.
Ten percent of them are feminists
And half are ordinary bitch
What to do to men with beards
If the interest here is such?
One of two things: il trust vodka,
Or all together go to the blue

Sergey Domnitsky   - the answer to all:

What is the use of comparing these percentages?
Let's not play name-calling.
Life will certainly accent
Despite all these landfills.

It’s not a secret for everyone that there are fools,
And fools are just as often.
Homo natura
Drunk, fornication and others surround us.

Only one thing I wanted to answer
The main thing is, let me say
So that a woman would be a woman
And so that man, God forbid, was not a woman ...

the battle of poets continues - the parties paused in search of rhyme

   Help me please! Only 1 question! You are welcome! 6th grade!! Help!! In a poem in prose "Sphinx" Turgenev presents the Russian peasant mysterious

the sphinx. On what basis does the writer compare the Russian peasant with the sphinx? Here is a verse of Izhelt-gray, friable above, from below solid, squeaky sand ... sand without end, wherever you look!
  And over this sandy desert, over this sea of \u200b\u200bdead dust rises the enormous head of the Egyptian sphinx.
  What do these large, protruding lips, these motionlessly dilated, upturned nostrils want to say - and these eyes, these long, half-asleep, half-attentive eyes under the double arch of high eyebrows?
  And they want to say something! They even say - but only Oedipus can solve the riddle and understand their speechless speech.
  Bah! Yes, I recognize these features ... they are no longer Egyptian. White low forehead, prominent cheekbones, nose short and straight, beautiful white-toothed mouth, soft mustache and curly beard - and these wide-apart small eyes ... and on the head is a hat of hair cut apart by a parting .... Yes, it's you, Karp, Sidor, Semyon, Yaroslavl, Ryazan peasant, my friend, Russian bone! How long have you been in the sphinxes?
  Or do you also want to say something? Yes, and you too are the sphinx.
  And your eyes are these colorless, but deep eyes speak too .... And their speech is also silent and mysterious.
  But where is your Oedipus?
  Alas! it’s not enough to put on a murmur to become your Oedipus, O All-Russian Sphinx!


2) How do you understand the words: "And what a stone! The first stone! Understand the first!" ? Write down 1-2 sentences-answers to the question.

3) Make a description of the portrait of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Malachitnitsa.

4) How do you understand the words of the Mistress: "If you yourself thought up, I would give you such a stone, but now I can’t" ?? Continue the phrase:
The master wanted to get rid of the pangs of creativity and create a flower modeled after a magic one. But mastery is .....

5) Why did Danilo break his cup, but leave the custom-made cup? What tormented him?

I beg you !! Help me.))) Thank you from me !!

   Compare the fables of I.A. Krylova “Leaves and Roots” and “Stone and Worm”.

What is the proximity of the problems of the two works?

Stone and Worm
“How I got lost here! What an ignoramus! ”
About the rain speaks in the field Stone, lying:
“And everyone is happy for him, perhaps - look!
And they waited like a dear guest,
But what did he do this?
Only two or three hours walked.
Let them ask about me!
So I’ve been here forever: quiet, modest forever.
I lie quietly wherever they throw me:
But I never heard thanks to myself.
Not for nothing, right, they blaspheme the light:
I don’t see justice in it. ” -
“Be quiet! - Worm told him. -
This rain, no matter how brief the time,
I drank plenty of cornfield,
And the farmer he revived hope;
And you are in this field only an empty burden. ”
So boasts another that serves forty years:
But there is no use in it, as in this Stone.
(I.A. Krylov, 1814)

   SONG ABOUT THE DOG In the morning in rye snack,

Where are the mattes in a row
  Seven bitch
  Seven red puppies.

Until the evening, she caressed them,
  Combing my tongue
  And flowed snowball
  Under her warm belly.

And in the evening when the hens
  They are sitting on the hearth
  A gloomy master came out,
  He put seven of them in a bag.

She ran through the snowdrifts
  Rushing to run after him ...
  And trembling for so long, long
  The water is unfrozen.

And when I lagged a little back,
  Licking sweat from the sides
  She seemed a month above the hut
  One of her puppies.

In the blue sky loud
  She looked, whining,
  A month was slipping thin
  And hid behind a hill in the fields.

And deaf as from a handout,
  When they throw a stone at her in laughter
  Dog eyes rolled
  Gold stars in the snow.


answer pzhl to the questions: 1) Do you think that the owner accidentally does not have a name in the poem and the dog does not have a nickname 2) The dog’s eyes rolled
  Golden stars in the snow Uncover the meaning of this metaphor