Features of the behavior of a small man. Napoleon's complex or short man's syndrome: how small stature affects a man's health. The main myths about people with small stature

How would you describe the concept of the Napoleon complex? Despite the serious faces of the adherents of the theory of its existence, the true definition in the dictionary would look like this: "A fashionable phrase used by amateur psychologists to explain the desire of undersized people to achieve career heights and self-improvement, as well as a tendency to aggression, tyranny and imperiousness." For many, the Napoleon complex is an explanation of all the problems and at the same time all the achievements of low people. But does the Napoleon complex exist in reality?

An unjustified image of an evil dwarf, ready to bite on the legs, has settled in the heads of most tall people, to humiliate women and destroy peoples only because they are above him. At the same time, Lenin (164 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Tamerlane (145 cm) are mentioned - really short men who have left a bad mark in history. But what can you say about the reasons for the despotism in the character of Osama bin Laden (194 cm) or Saddam Hussein (188 cm)? Why did not he become a tyrant, but the preacher of peace and love Mahatma Gandhi, who had a height of only 164 centimeters, went along the completely opposite path? And let's remember the great actors who brought so much kindness and laughter to the world - Charlie Chaplin (165 cm), Jammel Debbouz (165 cm), Louis de Funes (164 cm). What kind of tyrants are they? Something doesn't add up ...

Are short men aggressive?

No and no again. An experiment was conducted at the University of Central Lancashire to detect aggression in short men. During the experiment, the participants were divided into pairs, they were given chopsticks in their hands and asked to "fence" them, ostensibly to determine dexterity and reaction. In reality, one of the teammates was asked to hit the other participant on the fingers during the fight.
A more aggressive reaction was noted in tall men, while short ones reacted more restrainedly.

It proceeds from this that the "Napoleon complex" not only does not exist, but also discriminates against little people, accusing them of increased aggression, despotism and the desire for self-assertion at the expense of others that they do not really have.

Was Napoleon low?

The joke is that even the very name of the complex is untenable. Napoleon was not short. Some sources indicate a very tiny height of the great commander - 151 centimeters. But if you carefully read the literature, you can find that the numbers are different everywhere, and that with the growth of the emperor a lot of confusion arose. When His Majesty died, he was measured and recorded as 5 feet 2 inches tall. They just forgot to indicate that feet and inches are French, and they are shorter than English. So they translated French feet for some time by English standards, until they realized that since the emperor lived in France, they measured him accordingly. When the error was corrected, it turned out that Napoleon's height was 5 feet and 6.5 English inches, that is, 169 centimeters. During the reign of Napoleon, that is, in the early 1800s, the average height of a man was 164 centimeters. It turns out that Bonaparte was even taller than many Frenchmen.
Researchers believe that the myth about the short stature of the commander appeared due to the fact that in the paintings he is depicted surrounded by the grenadiers of the imperial guard, in which they accepted hefty fellows no less than 178 centimeters tall. For that time, they were real dildos.
Therefore, speaking of psychological complexes associated with short stature, it is better to call them something else. And leave the long-suffering Napoleon alone.

Napoleon's complex for women ...

… These are pure inventions. For most of the fair sex, small stature is more a reason for pride, and not a reason for grief. If we talk about women's complexes, it is better to remember Peter the Great, who was more than two meters tall. And all because the ideal of a woman for most of the history of mankind assumed diminutiveness, grace, fragility.

Mentioning the Napoleon complex in women, connoisseurs begin to list famous stars of show business, such as Shakira (150 cm), Natalia Andreevna from Comedy Woman (152 cm) or Alla Pugacheva (162 cm). It turns out that they achieved everything just because they did not come out in height? Okay, then where did the pursuit of fame come from for the rest of the higher celebrities? What and to whom did Uma Thurman (184 cm), Nicole Kidman (180 cm) and Sigourney Weaver (183 cm) want to prove? Perhaps, one should not associate such qualities as growth and determination, growth and ambition, growth and beauty ...

But problems in the career of undersized women do exist. Little ladies are often not taken seriously, not perceived as equals - especially men who look down at them in the literal and figurative sense. Little women have to prove over and over again that they are no worse than their tall fellow tribesmen. But here we are already talking not about the fact that the woman has achieved success thanks to her miniature growth, but rather the opposite.
The same story is with the representatives of the stronger sex. For every outstanding short man, there are five equally outstanding tall ones. People become successful not because they are short or tall, but because they dream, go to the goal and achieve their goal!

Small stature complex

The Napoleon complex in psychology is called differently - a complex of small stature. It is expressed in a completely different way from the way it was imposed on us by half-educated psychologists, and is not the reason for the dictatorial character or the desire to achieve fame.

The complex of small stature begins to manifest itself in childhood - when the boy is the last on the line, when he is teased by his classmates who have managed to stretch out, when he realizes that he cannot give back to a one-year-old, because he is bigger and stronger. The most interesting thing is that this complex takes root very deeply and makes itself felt even after the guy grows up, surpassing his peers. Yes, a man with a height of 185 centimeters may well suffer from a small stature complex. Sometimes this problem can manifest itself in quite ordinary boys average height who think they are not tall enough.

What does the small complex lead to?

It provokes depression, unwillingness to communicate with people, feelings of powerlessness and despair. It is difficult for people with such an attitude to adapt in life, it seems to them that they are not capable of anything, that they do not have a bright future.
The sad thing is that the complex of small stature in most cases is instilled by others. The coach says - where should you go in for sports, are you an ignoramus? The girl haughtily turns away in response to an invitation to go to the cinema. School hooligans can easily catch a guy behind garages and beat him up simply for being short. And how many poisonous witticisms do little people hear in their direction?

Each of them decides for himself which way to go - someone becomes a victim of the complex and remains a loser for the rest of his life. Many become embittered, become aggressive, try to suppress tall people with the help of other resources - money and connections. But there are many who conquer the small-stature complex, treat their size with humor and do not lose heart in the face of the difficulties that they have to struggle with until the end of their lives. Little people will have to prove every day that they are smart enough, hardworking and responsible for their position. They will have to prove this much more often than high colleagues with exactly the same personal qualities.
And this is the paradox. In most cases, it is not people with a short stature that are successful, but people who have overcome it.

How to deal with a complex of low stature?

I think society needs to fight it first of all. If those around them did not mock, did not say that it was impossible to achieve anything with such growth, did not consider low people to be flawed from childhood, they would hardly suffer from this complex. Most of them are worried not because of the very fact of their short stature, but because of the attitude of others.

If each of us learns to restrain unflattering comments towards short men, will teach children to respect everyone, regardless of physical indicators, to put personal qualities first, and not beauty or height, we will get rid of not only the so-called "Napoleon complex" and from many others.

Those for whom nature has not measured enough height can only be advised not to pay attention to fools. After all, a person's value lies not in growth, but in spiritual content - kindness, hard work, responsibility and many other qualities, the presence of which depends only on himself.

Napoleon Bonaparte went down in history not only as the great French emperor, who has the strongest will to win and has huge ambitions. He would be surprised a lot if he found out that today a cake, a pastry and one of the human complexes inherent in people with short stature and miniature forms are called after him. What is this unusual psychological problem? Let's figure it out.

The Napoleon complex in psychology

Why did it happen that it was Napoleon who had to do with the inferiority complex? Yes, because with an increase of only 1 m 51 cm, he was able to achieve great success and be remembered as a person with inexhaustible energy, self-confidence and dedication. Today, psychology considers the Napoleon complex as the desire of people of short stature to achieve fame, success and wealth.

Psychologist Alfred Adler was the first to mention this inferiority complex in his writings. He used the term "Napoleon Complex" when describing the behavior of short men who are highly active in various areas of human activity. Consider, this manifests itself in people of different sex.

Napoleonic complex in men

Another name that this phenomenon has is "short man syndrome" or "little man complex". The meaning of these terms is the same - people of short stature are complex because of their appearance, feel flawed and, realizing that nothing can be achieved with external data, they try to develop ambitions and a desire for success. Small men become aggressive from adolescence. Most often, anger towards others is the result of discrimination by peers or because of the refusal of a woman. Unlike tall men, "short men" are almost always sure that others look at them with disdain, and this fact exposes them to anger. There are also known facts that undersized men are much more jealous.

The Napoleon complex morally puts pressure on the psyche of men and this affects their relationships with others, especially with women. By the way, as far as women are concerned, the situation is exactly the opposite. Little men like tall women, and they fully reciprocate. As psychologists say, the reason here is that women value in men not so much appearance, but strength, determination, intelligence and charm. In addition, undersized men mature faster in intimate terms, their blood contains more hormones, which makes them much sexier than tall peers. In addition, little men are less likely to get sick and live longer.

Napoleon complex in women

Despite the fact that "little man syndrome" is considered to be a purely male ailment, women suffer no less from their diminutiveness. They strongly protest against the desire of men to protect them from all sorts of problems and surround them with care. What is the reason for this?

According to psychologists, women with a Napoleon complex are trying to make up for the missing centimeters with their heightened ambitions. This is manifested in the desire to lead others, to gain a sense of their own worth and the desire for leadership. In practice, it can be seen that undersized women still achieve career success, but in the process of moving up the job ladder, they often become cruel and aggressive. In history, there are many confirmations of the existence of the Napoleon complex in women. Among the famous miniature ladies are such as the English Queen Victoria (152 cm), the famous singer Edith Piaf (147 cm), the prima donna of the Russian stage Alla Pugacheva (162 cm) and, who made the almost impossible, one of the most sought-after models in the world, Eva Longoria ( 155 cm)!

Learning to live without complexes

There are many examples in history proving the presence of the Napoleon complex in men and women. What are such names as Alexander the Great (150 cm), Lenin (164 cm), Hitler (165 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Mussolini (160 cm). However, the representatives of low stature themselves have a very hard time in life. From fear, self-doubt to anger at the world... Undoubtedly, this complex shapes the character and attitude towards life. However, there are ways out of any situation. If you yourself are a miniature person and suffer from your height, try to remedy this situation with simple tips:

  1. Do not dwell on the flaws in your appearance. Perhaps for those around them, on the contrary, they are advantages.
  2. Wear vertical stripes. She will visually make you taller.
  3. Only wear thin straps.
  4. Monitor your weight. Extra pounds will make you look bigger.
  5. Sit and walk with your back straight. Try not to slouch.
  6. Wear a small heel or platform.

If your diminutiveness does not suit you, remember the most important thing - learn to love yourself the way nature created you. Growth is your virtue and you shouldn't try to change it. People around you love you in any way. Learn to accept yourself and love your reflection in the mirror.

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Almost all of us are dissatisfied with something.

Small stature problem

Weight reasons - starting with bad habits and ending with the appearance. We're talking about the most intrusive and difficult to repair - small stature. This prevents a girl's career, the young add uncertainty. Is there nothing I can do? Don't give up, there is always a way. Trust me, your height in inches is only important for recruiting an office, a peaceful life follows a number of laws, sometimes even more difficult than the military. Determined with motivation, because there are different ways to solve problems for different purposes.

How to increase growth? If you are an athlete and you are a few centimeters short of being on the basketball team, then there will be a special payout program. The only advice I can give is: don't listen practical advice... To select an individual exercise system to address your short stature, you need to contact a professional trainer without forgetting or consulting your doctor. Self-medication did not lead to any good.

For example, everyone knows that they can promote growth during puberty, you can consume calcium gluconate. But only those who are not lazy to consult a doctor know that you need to take silicone with you. Dosage and proportions are calculated based on the athlete's weight and daily load. Girls, if you want to test yourself in the image of the model, be very careful when choosing a trainer. Solving the problem of small stature, the coach-athlete is not the best assistant.

The fact is that stretching exercises in most cases are dangerous for a fragile girl with a narrow bone. Find a trainer at the fitness salon or beauty salons and don't forget about a good masseur. Men of small stature, big problems arise when a man begins to look for an explanation of his simple life in his physical characteristics, especially in their small mountain roste..Muzhskoe: I de In short, I do not like girls.

The complexes begin to develop, the person becomes unreliable, and therefore the girls do not really notice him.

The causal chain is exactly that. Remember your grades 5-6-7. it exact timewhen all the girls are older than all the boys in the class.

And who paid the most attention to women? Correct, small and shibutny. It doesn't matter if he stays low or wins basketball, he will still be everyone's favorite for maturity. This is not about external information, but about self-awareness and the ability to correctly represent oneself.

A woman evaluates a person according to a number of criteria, and in addition to external data, it is important how you look at her, how you behave. Lovelace's secret is that it doesn't feel like this. An honest smile and a beautiful look do the job, even if you like the girl significantly higher than you. Think about Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

The brightest Hollywood couple have lived together for about 10 years, characterized by the fact that the man Nicole is 10 inches, and with heels of all 20. Sekret masculine charm is 100% confidence. It doesn't matter where it is shown. If he hesitates and gets lost with a girl, but she sees her professional achievements and respects you as an expert, or if you respect your friends, you are on the right track.

Women with a slight increase in thirst for women are slightly less. Girls (women) are small in height, like most men. But there was a catch here too: it seems like the little little girl is seriously neglected. It is possible, but growth is secondary here. Repeat the chain again: due to her short stature, the woman begins to get complicated, she does not want to express her opinion, while others believe that she has no opinion.

If a person does not take you seriously, it is not at all a fact that he will notice friends of more impressive sizes. If a person lives according to the principle "all women are fools", the growth of the spouse does not affect.

Think about it ten times before connecting your life with such a person. A girl's small height will help to emphasize her most important virtue - fragility and femininity. Even if you choose a unisex style, most men will nonetheless take you as care and protection.

The Root of the Small Stature Problem To understand how relationships between men and women are established, it is important to note the circumstances in which they were actually created.

A woman is a fireman's security guard, a matter of care and protection, an object of pride. Man is a protector and hunter.

IN modern society the schema solves a much more complex form, but it can be traced in every way. So, if a man puts his behavior in the position of a leader, the woman will admire him from bottom to top, even if he is below him. Conversely, if a woman emphatically emphasizes her feminine essence, she will be chosen chosen, slightly patronizing, even if she is higher and listens, even if she is lower, because she is dealing with her.

Is growth in the company that small? There are many examples when people with low stature have achieved significant success in business, they became directors of large companies.

Children's complexes play an important role. The desire to train, make a person work and, of course, brings results. If you think you are not serious about your small stature, prove your superiority in a completely different area.

After all, an expert does not value his outside information. But we must not forget about the appearance: if a person is naturally athletic, then he can afford an unintended style. To push your small stature, you always have to look perfect.

Avoid drastic changes in dress style - this will make you appreciate each other more vizualno.Est psychological tricks that will help you hide a small increase for conferences, presentations, negotiations t.p.Odentes in a neutral outfit, add some frustration: cufflinks, interesting tie. Thus, the enemy will look at you and then look at these details. Pay attention to your opponent's face during negotiations.

This means that the essence of the conversation (transactions), described in the documents lying on the table, visually related to the person.

To do this while talking, touch the temple's hands or fix the glasses. Your facial expression is also important: sometimes the movement of the eyebrows is remembered for a very long time and helps to better imitate the emotions and gestures of vyrazheniy.Ne stand next to your older colleagues or with objects that are comparable to human height: with hangers, with palms in a vat.

You can get up and walk around the office to give you the meaning of your speech, if circumstances permit. Use this technique unexpectedly but calmly while your audience is seated. This will create the effect of a teacher in the classroom. If you are talking to a large crowd, you do not have large objects in your hands: folder, surface of the ground, laptop.

There are many other cases where small stature in some circumstances becomes simply invisible to others.

For example, teacher low levelwho asked students to place posters on the blackboard can sit at a desk for a while. Obviously, even if the students are taller than the teacher, no one compares a person sitting with a standing person. And most importantly, never forget about self-respect and self-respect.

Finally, great person and a tall man are completely different.

Some adolescents lag behind their peers in height, but at some period (from 12 to 18 years old) a race occurs, and they stretch out and become even taller than their comrades. This is due to the fact that adolescents grow unevenly, plus each organism has its own characteristics.

The periods of accelerated growth alternate with slower ones. Everyone has known for a long time that at first girls surpass boys in height, but by the senior grades boys stretch out, this is due to puberty, because the peak of growth falls on him.

In girls, it begins earlier, but ends earlier (at 17-19 years old), in guys, puberty begins later, but ends later (at 19-22 years old).

But, nevertheless, in adolescence you should pay attention to your height, because while the teenager develops there is an opportunity to increase growth.

There can be many reasons for the slow development of growth in adolescents:

  1. Genetic short stature.

    When all family members are not high growth... There are no delays in sexual development.

  2. Diseases in childhood that affect growth.
  3. Reception of some drugs (hormones, Ritalin).
  4. Delay in constitutional development.

    Such children grow up slowly in the first years of their life, but after 3 years they catch up and even overtake their peers. Puberty occurs later than in peers. The final height depends on the height of the parents.

  5. Endocrine and non-endocrine causes listed in this article Growth hormone deficiency in children.
  6. Early or late puberty.

    Depression due to short stature: do you have it?

    Growth rates are known to decline and subside after puberty. The earlier it started, the faster the growth will end, and vice versa.

  7. Smoking cigarettes. Carbon dioxide is released into the bloodstream, which leads to a decrease in oxygen in the blood, which is necessary for overall development and growth.
  8. Diets, poor and unbalanced nutrition. Many girls between the ages of 12 and 17, at the peak of their height, sin with various diets, and thus, without suspecting, slow down their growth.

    For full growth, a teenager needs all macronutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Lack of vitamins, minerals and protein, which is the main "builder" of our body, can affect growth. An excess of fatty cholesterol foods also negatively affects growth. Girls who suffer from short stature, but at the same time are afraid of gaining weight, should in no case go on diets, it is best to follow proper nutrition and adhere to its principles.

  9. Eat a balanced diet.

    Fat people always seem lower visually than slender people.

    • Eat more protein (not fatty!)... Protein-rich foods - white meat of chicken, turkey, lean meat, fish, regular cheese, tofu cheese, dairy products.

      All of these foods help build muscle in our body and support bones. And fast carbohydrates (McDonald's, chips, chocolates, etc.) have a bad effect on muscles and bones.

    • Get more calcium.It is found in dairy products, spinach and kale. Don't like cabbage and spinach buy vitamins.
    • Eat foods rich in zinc.

      Scientific studies point to a likely relationship between zinc deficiency and stunted growth in a young male body. Sources of zinc are peanuts, crab meat, oysters, pumpkin. Again, not everyone can afford to eat crab and oysters, you can buy vitamins.

    • Be sure to include vitamin D.

      The growth of children directly depends on vitamin D. Its deficiency leads to growth retardation

  10. Sedentary lifestyle. Exercise promotes growth (swimming, cycling, stretching, yoga) Physical activity is of particular importance during puberty. To grow, you need to be active.
    • Can be written in gym ... The subscription will give you access to many simulators, including the horizontal bar, plus it will motivate you, as you spent money on the subscription.
    • Join the basketball, volleyball team.

      Basketball helps a lot to stretch in growth, because the movements are directed upward towards the stretch.

    • Walk more.
  11. Certain sports can also negatively affect growth. For example, exercises with a barbell, lifting any weights on a constant basis - the spine sags.
  12. Bad sleep. Growth peaks during sleep, so the growth - good, deep sleep.

    The body grows during sleep, so the longer and more soundly you sleep, the more is given to the body for growth. Children and adolescents under the age of 20 are advised to sleep not 6-8 hours, but 9-11 hours every day. Sound sleep promotes the synthesis of growth hormone.

  13. Caffeine abuse. He himself does not slow down the growth process, but he provokes sleep disturbances. As you know, children and adolescents should sleep about 9-11 hours a day. Caffeine can have a detrimental effect on the quality and length of sleep.
  14. Hormonal disbalance.

    If the delay occurs for this reason, you should immediately consult a doctor and he will prescribe treatment.

  15. Stress and nervous breakdowns negatively affect.

In this article, we looked at the reasons that affect the height of adolescents, in the next article We look at ways to increase height.

"A little reel to make it expensive" - \u200b\u200bthis is how very flattering phrases are often heard in their name by a little girl to a small extent.

Small stature is a great virtue: 3 reasons that are not difficult

Indeed: no matter how popular the beautiful model with a height of 170 centimeters is, the small miniature ink was, will and will be unrivaled. First, girls with a small magnification look very, very beautiful - like little porcelain dolls.

Secondly (a very urgent problem in the field of personal relationships), in addition to girls, men have no complexes in short stature - put on heels and stilettos of any height, and will still work very harmoniously with him. Thirdly, small and slender girls always look smoother and more feminine than girls.

Fourth, even if you are a girl with curves or even plump, but at the same low height, your petite charm will still be stronger than tall and plump ladies.

You can name another million plus a little growth. For example, small women are older than their tall friends up to their age.

Even short girls have a small foot (which, by the way, is soft with two edges: the tiny shoes look cute, but finding size 33-35 shoes is not an easy task). There is also a phrase that is not very pleasant for high beauty, but it still goes on: "Tall women are made for work, and small ones for love." Loving the same strength can be tall and short girls, but if you count the benefits, it is obvious who has more.

How to get smaller?

It is unlikely that he will be able to reduce his height. Be that as it may, modern medicine does not stand still: there are certain procedures that allow you to lengthen your legs (and completely brutal methods), since there is a way back - to reduce your height. High risks health benefits cannot be compared with results that are very small or unlikely.

Plus, if you're tall and you want them to appear lower, you shouldn't bite at all!

The eternal back of the back can cause a curvature of the spine, and, moreover, age adds that for a young girl and a young woman, the possibility is completely unacceptable. No matter how tall you are, hold your post and lift your head proudly!

It looks like the shorter stature may be other than endless back pain.

So, if you want it to look lower, it is best to ditch high heels - the first and most straight path.

Don't give up: lots of nice shoes, not crazy stilettos. For example, the same elegant ballet boards or beautiful boats with small "glasses" heels. Or, for example, sports shoes. But strange, it's best not to overuse sports style - female classics always look more comfortable, therefore a woman is a woman and therefore petite.

Vertical lines always visually stretch the image, making you thinner and taller.

Horizontal lines, on the other hand, can be played in their hands, which gives the illusion of below actual height. Therefore, choose things with wide narrow horizontal ribbons, especially since they never go out of style!

The stripes don't have to be geometrically flat - they are patterns or even color transitions.

Use horizontal lines not only in one piece of clothing, but once in more. They cut out, shared the picture, and you look smaller. More horizontal lines are better. For example: ballet flat with the ankle covering the ankle, with the hem of the midi skirt extending just above the knees, shirt or blouse that ends at the waistline of the long neck and necklace, Choker that covers the throat.

However, you can come up with several horizontal lines, for example, a stylish knee or a high tight stocking (do not be afraid to use them - unlike lace thin socks or stockings with wide elastic, thick colored socks do not look vulgar), gloves, high or low , snap-on sleeves, three-quarter sleeves, folding collar with puffy, all kinds of belts and belts - all women's wardrobes are available!

As for the hair, there is also no need to choose long beams or long ponies. Large fit and straight feet. In general, chela of any shape is good way draw attention to hair and face, distracting attention due to high growth.

Do not ignore such tricks, they think in their own way about some bright details that will pay attention to their surroundings in the first place. It can be a bright accent in clothes, unusual equipment, a very large or, conversely, a small bag or, for example, bright lipstick and large sunglasses... For example, one girl, for example, even pierced her nose to distract her from the height.

Also, don't forget about colors: dark colors in clothes are thin and therefore increase in quantity.

The return effect gives light shades... You will also need to forget about matte fabrics and long hair on the wings if you want them to appear below - all subtle and pulled the image. Use shiny fabrics - visually reduce the height.

Hello comrades! Vadim Dmitriev with you. I constantly see how people are overcome by a heavy internal sadness associated with their body parameters. In particular, complexes of small stature and depression on this soil are very common. There is nothing good about this, so let's look at how you can make your life easier.

First, I suggest you take a short test to determine the likelihood of getting depressed due to growth. Below are questions to help you determine your level of anxiety, social relevance, and the like. Think and answer them.

  1. Have you ever avoided social interaction because you imagined people would laugh at you because of your height?
  2. Are you telling yourself that you cannot do some business because you are not tall?
  3. Have you often been ridiculed by tall people and offended by them for it?
  4. Do you feel that you will never achieve true success in life because you are small?
  5. Do you avoid public relations with tall people?
  6. Are you avoiding leadership positions because of your height?
  7. Do you avoid doing any sports just because you are short?
  8. Did you break up with your / your boyfriend / girlfriend because you thought it was really not worth it because you are too short / short for him / her?

If you answered yes to two or more questions, then you could easily have depression associated with growth now or in the future.

How to perceive your height?

There is a great saying, "You can see a glass half empty or half full." In the same way, you can evaluate your growth in different ways - optimistic or pessimistic. But the fact is that you are truly an exceptional person. Regardless of your height, you have talents that others do not. To look for their use, develop and share them - in my opinion, this is one of the meanings of our life, which makes every person happy.

Have you ever thought about what additional opportunities tall people have? Yes, they can be good, be successful politicians, high-paid actors, but who prevents people of low or medium height from doing the same? Do you dream of becoming a professional basketball player? Great, because you have every chance of doing it and your growth will not stop you. Read on and you will understand that short basketball players have already proven that they can play on equal terms with the rest. There are so many politicians and actors among people of short and medium height that there is nothing to discuss here.

Short people are great for a variety of jobs. They can choose from most of the existing professions. Even tall guys and girls can work as models. In fact, miniature models are in great demand. Just need to find the right people... This is also true for people who are overweight. You may be overweight, but you can easily get an order for a photo shoot to advertise some kind of diet or weight loss simulator.

A person suffering from a short stature complex uses an ineffective approach to their problems. If you continue to tear yourself apart from the inside, thinking about your imperfection, then it can end very badly. For fun, google for information on the causes of suicide. It says that the number one reason for parting with life is just the inability to work with internal problems. An effective approach is to look for new ways in a difficult situation, look at things differently, analyze and understand what needs to be left in your life and what not.

If you realize that you are being driven because of your height, then it is already good. First of all, you need to stop winding up negative thoughts in your head, since this is ineffective for a quality life. Do it now.

You have probably met in your life people who have experienced some kind of unpleasant situation at school or college and even after many years continue to remember it with horror. And imagine that a person is 60 or 70 years old and he continues to remember this. Do you understand how much this complicates and limits the activities of such people throughout their lives? Unpleasant situations from childhood form the majority of stereotypes and complexes. You can rest assured that the small complex, if you have one, was already placed in your head then. Without realizing this, throughout your life you will unconsciously seek confirmation of it, not seeing the beauty of life.

As trite as it sounds, try to think positively! Be flexible, learn to change your thinking to your advantage, and be attentive to all your thoughts. Effective thinking is such an important part of our life that it needs to be taught to everyone, without exception, from birth, but usually no one does. It doesn't matter what is right and what is wrong, what matters is what is effective. Negative thoughts about growth are ineffective, they interfere with achieving goals, being happy person, which means that they need to be controlled and gradually removed. After that, it will be possible not only to avoid psychological problems in the future, but also to find ways out of difficult situations that have already happened.

In addition, we are constantly taught that a man's high growth is a guarantee of success and attractiveness. Long legs and tall stature in the modern girl are considered the standard of beauty, thanks to runway models with a height under 180. These ideals have been loaded into each of us through the media over the years. This was done mainly to create false problems in our heads and then sell us solutions. Unfortunately, some people have been so badly brainwashed by various standards that they don't even think about who sets those standards and why.

Life among those who are above you can feel like torment when your head is full of false values \u200b\u200band goals. In fact, neither the size of the body nor the size of its individual parts is the cause of the problem. The reason is that a person listens to the wrong people and misuses what is given to him by nature. We can always achieve happiness, self-realization and self-respect if we know our worth. You should start by accepting yourself with all your imperfections and always filtering out informational garbage that does not bring any practical benefit.

That said, I'm not saying that the desire to be taller is something abnormal, as some doctors claim. On the contrary, I consider it a worthy goal in terms of physical development. But it is very unreasonable to live only in order to become taller or to be slimmer, more pumped up, and so on. There are also other equally important areas in life in which you can and should reveal yourself to the maximum.

Don't create an imbalance in your development. Is it difficult to grow your body? Then work on it, but do not forget to strive upward in other areas of life, for example, in finance, career, relationships, and so on. Start looking further. What is it that you really want to do in life, what are you better than others? Find out your global purpose in life, then place it at the center of your consciousness and miracles will begin to happen. If you find yourself and live in accordance with your credo, all complexes will fade into the background. That same Napoleon found himself and became a great commander. True, he chopped up half of Europe, but he forced himself to respect ... Maybe not a very good example to follow, however, I think you understand where I am leading \u003d).

That, in general, is all for today. The complex of small stature and depression because of this must be removed from life. Eliminate any thoughts about the imperfection of your body and move to more important, meaningful things. Good luck!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

In search engines there are many answers to the question of what the "Napoleon complex" is. Basically, historical data is provided related to short people who reached the top in politics, sports or on the stage.

However, this issue is revealed more from the historical side than from human psychology. Napoleon's syndrome is a personality defect that prevents a person from enjoying life.

More often, a similar quality is inherent in men, and it begins with childhood... Then, when at school or other educational institutions, a guy suffers ridicule and loses faith in himself. There was a little boy in every classroom who was teased.


Girls choose strong and pretty gentleman candidates, and it's more difficult for a small and also frail guy to create a relationship.

Having accumulated in himself severe pain and streaks of failures, the "Napoleonist" promises himself to grow, become better than everyone else and reach the maximum heights in life, which he strives for in the future.

Wanting to stand out in all situations, he studies diligently, fulfills the instructions of his superiors, but his soul is filled with revenge and expects the hour of reckoning. Such people strive to have a car and housing, a lot of money and a high position in society.

Having received the position of the chief, their lurking resentment breaks out. Now they prove to others and subordinates their height and advantage. Consequently, these people humiliate others and try to subdue those around them for self-satisfaction.

Napoleon complex in short women

Now let's look at the Napoleonic complex in women. On the one hand, being small is good: a neat figure, you can wear high heels. Short stature gives a person mobility and dexterity. In some sports, it is welcome. But for some reason, more and more often short girls tend to be taller. Growth is a major challenge for some of us.

If men behave aggressively with this syndrome, the girls hold back their emotions. They are less susceptible to frustration and only emphasize invented shortcomings with high shoes.

It is not excluded that the lady will set a goal and begin to strive for it. So, that's even good. A person who wants to make a career, gain status in society and be independent becomes a source of envy for other ladies, which will help the sufferer regain the lack of confidence.

Having proved her importance and supremacy, a woman will find comfort and get rid of mental trauma.

The Napoleon Complex in Popular Psychology provides the following guidelines for those who are ridiculed:

Psychologists advise making a list for yourself. Divide a piece of paper into 2 columns. In one column, write a description for tall people. On the other half for myself. To build confidence, take a friend or acquaintance who is taller than you as an example. Describe the pros and cons of both of you. Deep down, everyone loves themselves, so your pluses will outweigh your opponent's.

In search engines there are many answers to the question of what the "Napoleon complex" is. Basically, historical data is provided related to short people who reached the top in politics, sports or on the stage.

However, this issue is revealed more from the historical side than from human psychology. Napoleon's syndrome is a personality defect that prevents a person from enjoying life.

More often, this quality is inherent in men, and it begins from childhood. Then, when at school or other educational institutions, a guy suffers ridicule and loses faith in himself. There was a little boy in every classroom who was teased.


Girls choose strong and pretty gentleman candidates, and it's more difficult for a small and also frail guy to create a relationship.

Having accumulated in himself severe pain and streaks of failures, the "Napoleonist" promises himself to grow, become better than everyone else and reach the maximum heights in life, which he strives for in the future.

Wanting to stand out in all situations, he studies diligently, fulfills the instructions of his superiors, but his soul is filled with revenge and expects the hour of reckoning. Such people strive to have a car and housing, a lot of money and a high position in society.

Having received the position of the chief, their lurking resentment breaks out. Now they prove to others and subordinates their height and advantage. Consequently, these people humiliate others and try to subdue those around them for self-satisfaction.

Napoleon complex in short women

Now let's look at the Napoleonic complex in women. On the one hand, being small is good: a neat figure, you can wear high heels. Short stature gives a person mobility and agility. In some sports, it is welcome. But for some reason, more and more often short girls tend to be taller. Growth is a major challenge for some of us.

If men behave aggressively with this syndrome, the girls hold back their emotions. They are less susceptible to frustration and only emphasize invented shortcomings with high shoes.

It is not excluded that the lady will set a goal and begin to strive for it. So, that's even good. A person who wants to make a career, gain status in society and be independent becomes a source of envy for other ladies, which will help the sufferer regain the lack of confidence.

Having proved her importance and supremacy, a woman will find comfort and get rid of mental trauma.

The Napoleon Complex in Popular Psychology provides the following guidelines for those who are ridiculed:

Psychologists advise making a list for yourself. Divide a piece of paper into 2 columns. In one column, write a description for tall people. On the other half for myself. To build confidence, take a friend or acquaintance who is taller than you as an example. Describe the pros and cons of both of you. Deep down, everyone loves themselves, so your pluses will outweigh your opponent's.