Who should use square glasses for vision. Men's sunglasses - how to choose the right type of face, brands and value

Popular in the 80s square glasses  again relevant and several consecutive seasons are a real hit! Many fashion designers prefer to use these accessories for their shows, they are also held in high esteem among the stars. We could not stay away and offer stylish products from leading brands - both sun-protection models and medical frames. So that even the most sophisticated fashionistas can choose their product to their liking, a wide selection is provided. And affordable prices for square-shaped glasses in the online store site just do not allow you to stay without pleasant and not too expensive purchases! You can also pick up not less remarkable clubmaster or cat's eye glasses, etc.

Fashion is fashion, but accessories must be to face!

Of course, fashion is fashionable, but accessories should be to face. One of the perhaps most important characteristics that square-shaped glasses have is versatility. They go to almost everyone, however, there are small nuances. So:

  • well suited for a round face shape, winning models with a colored frame, while the best solution would be textured frame in color
  • chubby people should be chosen to visually make the face oval or elongated. Products with a bright frame and wide arms cope with this task as effectively as, for example, pointed accessories that direct the look to the temples
  • perfectly fit the triangular shape of the face when it tapers towards the chin. To buy square glasses in this case means to balance a fairly wide top and a narrow bottom (models with rounded edges emphasize the beauty of a triangular face)
  • the oval shape of the face is considered ideal, so such accessories perfectly complement the images of its owners
  • as for the elongated shape of the face, large square products in metal or plastic frames give it elegance and perfectly complement any image.

The presented square glasses in the online store site, especially with an interesting and stylish decor of the arms, fully claim the main role in the image. Equally popular are classic straight arms and broken lines. If accessories are selected to correct vision, first of all, it is worth starting from the color of hair and skin tone.

Whatever you would like to buy square-shaped glasses in Moscow or another city in the country, this can be done quickly and easily on our website! And the attractive price for square glasses simply will not allow you to stay without a pleasant purchase!

An article on how not to get confused when choosing the right sun glasses and following the tips to get quality glasses.

  Glasses are not only an indispensable accessory, but also an excellent tool to prevent wrinkles around the eyes, as well as powerful vision protection from harmful UV rays. Correctly selected glasses will emphasize not only facial features, but can also add mystery to your image. No wonder they are constantly used by the stars of the show — business and other famous personalities.

How to choose women's sunglasses?

  • Doctors have long deduced the postulate that protecting the eyes from the sun is much more important than skin. That is why, when choosing glasses from the sun, you need to study the quality of the optics, the material from which the glasses are made, the availability of certificates and, of course, the country of manufacture.
  • Plastic glasses - not bad. Most manufacturers today make sun glasses from very high-quality, impact-resistant plastic, which is not inferior to glass in quality. At the same time, it is not always possible to apply additional filters from UVA and UVB rays to glass, and glass itself has the ability to retain only part of the sunlight.
  • Before buying glasses, always ask the seller for a glasses passport. It will indicate all the information about the manufacturer, what kind of ultraviolet waves they are able to filter out. Quality glasses must have a wavelength lock of at least 400 nm in the certificate.

Shapes of sunglasses: photo

  How to choose sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

Sunglasses - 5 degrees of protection against sun: tips for choosing

  How to choose sunglasses?

Sun glasses are divided into five categories of protection:

  • Zero protection (the number “0” stands) - these are glasses with a light translucent coating for cloudy weather that transmit 80 - 100% of the light.
  • Protection level “1” - assumes points for variable cloud cover, and are suitable for early spring, when there is not so much sun.
  • Protection level “2” - glasses with an average degree of spraying filters, which are suitable for protection from the sun in the middle lane, but not in the south.
  • Protection level “3” - glasses, one of the most common  and demanded and almost universal in all latitudes with prevailing sunny weather.
  • Protection level “4” - these glasses have polarized lenses and they transmit only 8 - 10% of the light. They are recommended for use high in the mountains or at sea to neutralize bright light and glare.
  • Go out into the street to see if the glasses are right for you. If you continue to squint in the sun, then this light protection is not enough for you.

IMPORTANT: The color of the glasses does not determine the protection against UV rays. If the glasses are of high-quality production, then even with the zero group they will filter up to 70% of the light.

How to choose the right  Sunglasses?

  How to choose the right sunglasses?
  • When buying sunglasses, always pay attention to the fact that this is not only an element of your image, but also an important accessory for protecting your eyes. Therefore, buying glasses, of course, is always worth specialized  stores. After all, saving and buying a cheap product for the sake of beauty or a copy of the brand, you risk the health of the retina.
  • If the lens has an incorrect protective coating, the pupil will expand, and all the light through the glasses will directly penetrate the retina.
    According to researchers, our eye is most comfortable with glasses with lenses in brown and gray-green shades.
  • Bright palettes in lenses should be avoided, because ophthalmologists claim about their harmful effects on vision.
  • If you have the opportunity, and you get big points, then it is better to give preference to just such models. It is glasses with large lenses and a wide base that will more reliably hide your eyes from the penetration of side rays of light.

Sunglasses with diopters: how to choose?

  How to choose sunglasses with diopters?

Thanks to new innovations, people with low vision can now buy sunglasses with diopters, which is very convenient. In a room where there is little bright sun, they change the color of the lenses and become transparent, helping to efficiently work with documents and a computer. And in the sun they darken, showing protection from all types of harmful rays. Such glasses can be bought at any optics store, after measuring your level of vision.

IMPORTANT: Many users of such glasses complain of discomfort at first. This is normal - vision gradually gets used to such color differences of lenses and later you will be comfortable.

How to choose the shape of sunglasses?

  How to choose the shape of sunglasses?

The fashion for the shape of the glasses changes from year to year, but your style and glasses that will be perfect for him will remain unchanged.

  • There are glasses — large masks that look very creative, and come mainly with a thick frame.
  • Glass droplets with mirrored glasses are also a trend of this season and continue to attract their eccentricity.
  • Classically, Ray Ban glasses continue to conquer the market precisely because they look advantageous on almost any face and have a large number of colors and frame options.
  • Round glasses in the style of John Lennon will also find their masters among extraordinary youth and lovers to stand out from the crowd.

How to choose women's sunglasses according to the shape of the face?

  How to choose sunglasses?

You should also choose glasses according to the shape of your face:

  • Those with a narrow face are more likely to have oval or rounded shapes.
  • About round-face holders, it is best to opt for glasses with a square or rectangular shape.
  • For people with an oval face shape, glasses of almost any shape are suitable. You can especially pay attention to the shape of the cat-eye glasses. It is already the second season that pleases the owners, making their image original and unforgettable.
  • Well-known glasses — aviators are very successful, but unfortunately not all are suitable. They look very stylish on a triangular-shaped face, emphasizing the sophistication of its owner.

Who needs square women's sunglasses?

  How to choose sunglasses?

IMPORTANT: square shaped glasses contraindicated holders of a square face, in view of the fact that they emphasize the angularity of the forms.

  How to choose sunglasses?
  • Square glasses with contrasting colors - monophonic lenses and a bright frame, will go to younger girls. And more mature ladies will go in calmer shades with translucent  glasses.

Women's Sunglasses  for oval faces: how to choose?

  How to choose sunglasses on an oval face?

The oval shape of the face is a standard among models, and glasses of almost any shape are suitable for it. Therefore, the main task remains to maintain the harmonious proportions of the face.

Tip: It is very successful when in glasses the width of the frame itself coincides with the widest part of the cheekbones, and the top line runs just along the line of the eyebrows.

If you have very gentle and soft facial features, then you will go to the frames of a smooth shape in the form of a butterfly, glasses, cat's eye or a drop. If sharp features are present, then glasses with strict classical forms will go to you more.

Women's Sunglasses  to narrow face: how to choose?

  How to choose sunglasses for a narrow face?
  • For owners of a narrow face, you need to carefully select the shape of glasses that can visually give the face more volume
  • Most suitable for them are models with a rectangular shape with massive arches and expressive lenses.
  • Also, butterfly-shaped frames with slightly raised outer edges give the face more expressiveness  and bulk. It is worth avoiding square-shaped glasses that simply make your chin angular

Women's sunglasses on the face: photo

  How to choose sunglasses? How to buy sunglasses inexpensively on Aliexpress?

  How to choose sunglasses?

It is inexpensive to buy analogues of branded sunglasses on the Ali Express website by clicking on this link: buy sunglasses from Aliekspress.

  How to choose sunglasses?

Every girl dreams looks stylish and harmonious. It is correctly selected glasses in this can very help:

First, determine the shape of your face and, based on this, choose glasses. Following the tips above, you can emphasize the advantages of facial features and hide flaws.

Always buy glasses with the right protection to suit your needs. So you can protect your retina from harmful sunlight.

Video: How to choose sunglasses?

Square glasses for vision - a fashion that has returned to us from the eighties. This trend is aimed at classic and retro in a modern embodiment. The market offers a huge selection. Square black, large, men's, women's glasses with a square frame are produced. This year, the square shape was chosen by both designers for their shows and stars.

Who will suit square glasses

Regardless of fashion, the aesthetic function of square glasses is to complement the image and correct imperfections. The following recommendations apply to both women and men.

Square optical products with highly set arms are recommended for round face holders. These people have wide cheekbones, slightly puffy cheeks, a low forehead and a neat chin. An optical accessory with corners visually lengthens the face and accentuates the eyes. If the distance between the eyes is small, it is advisable to choose an optical accessory with a transparent handle.

The same can be said of oval faces.

And also square glasses will fit a rectangular face shape. Preferably large rather than miniature. So elongation visually shortens, and jewelry on the arms will make the face wider.

  Owners of a rhomboid shape (characterized by wide cheekbones, a narrow chin and forehead) optical accessory will balance the attention from the outside. It will be directed to the upper part of the face.

And for people whose face shape is square, wearing an optical accessory with this shape is contraindicated.

The same applies to holders of a triangular, heart-shaped and trapezoidal shape.

How to pick up square glasses

The choice is always difficult. After all, they must be combined with the color of the skin and hair, as well as with the style of clothing. Here is an example plan for making a choice:

  • When you put on your optical accessory and stood in front of the mirror, take a few steps back. Consider yourself whole.
  • Next, stop at the five most popular models.
  • Leave the three most suitable ones.
  • Choose the best model that perfectly complements your look.

It is believed that for brunettes, glasses with a black or brown frame are suitable. While blondes will look good in light models: transparent, pinkish.

Optical accessories should also be combined with clothing style and accessories. If your style is bright, then the product is recommended to be selected with transparent lenses and a thin frame.

Square large eyeglasses

A few words about why big square glasses will be in fashion this year. Their main advantage is that they protect not only the eyes, but also the surrounding tissue. Owners of large glasses do not need to squint to see any detail.

This will save eyesight and prevent wrinkles. However, it is sometimes necessary to remove the optical accessory. After all, a lack of sunlight for the eyes leads to.

Brands that influenced the popularization of square glasses

Square-shaped spectacles are so popular now that many brands set to make them.

Here are examples of popular brands:

  • Ray-Ban is a legendary brand that will celebrate its 80th anniversary this year. It was under this brand that glasses such as Aviator and Weifarer first came out. Under the Ray-Ben brand, a wide range of diverse lenses comes out. And photochromic, and mirror, and polarized, and simply darkened. And a variety of colors - to your taste.

  • Polaroid is a brand that mainly produces photographic equipment. Optical products for vision under this brand are distinguished by high polarization functionality. They absorb ultraviolet radiation, and also have side cushioning. Due to this, they are lightweight and shockproof.

  • Chanel is a world-famous French optics brand. It differs in that it focuses on design. In his style - the use of gilded elements and rhinestone appliqués on the frame.

Even if you are not so popular as to hide from the paparazzi, you can not do without sunglasses. And this is not surprising, because at any time of the year, even in cloudy weather, the sun emits rays that are not beneficial to the eyes. - One of the trends of the season, so we’ll talk about it in more detail.

Sunglasses are necessary to protect the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.  Sunlight activity occurs in spring and summer, however, wearing sunglasses is also necessary on sunny winter days. Why? Yes, because the glasses not only protect the eyes from the sun, but also protect eyesight from accidental glare on the roofs of houses, bright snow, the luster of the road surface, etc. If you ignore this, the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes will regularly have harmful effects, which will lead not only to deterioration vision, but also to the appearance of cataracts even at an early age. In order not to “run” your own vision, you should make it a rule to wear sunglasses on sunny days.

Some people are used to wearing glasses in any weather in any light. Of course, if there is a need for eye protection when working in a brightly lit room, then you can wear sunglasses, if, of course, you choose the right degree of lens darkening. However, if such a need does not arise and wearing glasses becomes a habit, the consequences can also be disastrous - the eyes will no longer independently fight the effects of ultraviolet radiation, which will lead to the formation of another disease - glaucoma. The eyes still need sunlight, but within reasonable limits.

  • In sunny weather (in the city, on a picnic, for a walk in the park)
  • On vacation near the sea, river, lake, outdoor pool, because the surface of the water perfectly reflects the sun's rays
  • When practicing winter sports (snowboarding, skiing, figure skating)
  • When climbing mountains, etc.
  • Sunglasses are not only a concern for your health, but also a fashion accessory!

The main criterion for choosing sunglasses is not their shape or frame, but lenses, which can vary among themselves. Poor quality lenses may not protect, but, on the contrary, impair vision or, even worse, lead to burns. The reason for this is the price, or more precisely, the technology that was used in the process of creating lenses. Poor coverage leads to the fact that the pupils expand due to exposure to ultraviolet rays and as a result, more rays of blue and violet spectra penetrate the eyes. Such burns can be the cause of eye diseases such as photokeratitis, photophobia, increased lacrimation.

Sunglasses with high quality lenses have a special coating that can absorb a certain amount of ultraviolet radiation. You should not build illusions that the best and most expensive sunglasses will protect you from ultraviolet radiation “one hundred percent”. High-quality lenses can eliminate only rays directed along the visual axis of the eyeball. A small particle of solar radiation will surely fall into the eyes, because the rays, due to their characteristics, have the ability to go around obstacles. The fact is that if sunglasses with high quality lenses are preferred, then the dose of ultraviolet light will be negligible.

There are several types of lenses used in the manufacture of sunglasses.

  • Corrective lenses or colored glass lenses. Creating this type of lens, mineral glass is used. Such lenses act as a corrector for vision in tandem with an eye protector from harmful sunlight. In most cases, the technology involves the addition of various metal salts to the glass. For example, it can be nickel and cobalt, which allow you to get purple glass. Blue lenses can be obtained by mixing salts of copper and cobalt, green - salts of chromium, yellow - iron and cadmium, red - copper, selenium and gold. By mixing different types of salts, it is possible to create lenses with different degrees of light transmission. The optical density of such lenses is dependent on their thickness. It should be borne in mind that thick lenses do not always look aesthetically pleasing, which brings discomfort to the wearer of glasses, because such lenses make glasses bulky and heavy.
  • Organic lenses.  The most popular colors for organic lenses are brown, gray, blue, green and yellow. The color transfer also depends on the color of organic lenses. You will be able to get natural colors when wearing square gray sunglasses, and brown lenses will help to adjust the contrast.
  • Photochromic lenses.  This technology is highly appreciated in the production of prescription sunglasses, when lenses must be made to order. Popularly, photochromic lenses are called “chameleons,” because they perfectly adapt to changes in light — when the light is bright, the glasses darken, and when it becomes brighter, they brighten. At the same time, high-quality photochromic lenses darken only in the sun, and not under artificial lighting. Bad glasses "chameleons" will change the color of the lenses even under the influence of a table lamp.
  • Mineral lenses with diopters.  Such lenses do not provide complete protection from the sun, but are the most popular method of creating lenses for sunglasses. The darkest lenses in this series transmit ultraviolet rays in the range of 320-240 nm. Square sunglasses in this line should be used for short-term sunbathing.
  • Mirror coated lenses. Like many things, mirror glasses are now in fashion, then they are forgotten. The manufacturer obtains the mirror effect by applying metal oxides such as zirconium, titanium, etc. to the glass. In the modern fashion, a gradient coating, which involves the technology of creating mirror lenses, is relevant. In such glasses, mirror spraying reaches no more than a third of each lens. The middle part of the lens in such glasses serves as corrective glasses, and the rest reflects excess sunlight. Mirrored sunglasses can be called universal. They can be worn on vacation near the sea, or when descending or ascending a snow mountain, and in the city, and when driving a car.
  • Polarizing lenses. Great for motorists. The color of such lenses can be the most diverse - yellow, red, green.
  • Plastic lenses.  There are also lenses made of plastic, however, one should be extremely careful in their selection, since such lenses can be deformed when exposed to high temperatures. The image viewed through such lenses may be distorted, therefore, a person wearing such glasses may experience discomfort, for example, in the form of dizziness. When selecting glasses with plastic lenses, preference should be given to lenses having an acrylic coating. Acrylic-coated lenses protect eyes well and have zero gravity, but glasses can quickly suffer if the lenses are scratched.
  • Nylon, polycarbonate lenses.  Lenses from a polymer such as nylon are flexible, and lenses made from polycarbonate tend to not break when dropped or even crumble. Sunglasses with such lenses are used for the manufacture of sports models of glasses.

When choosing sunglasses, do not forget to pay attention to the color of the lenses. The darker the lens, the more light they can absorb. You should carefully examine the inner temples of the glasses, where there are special signs that tell about the color of the lenses and the percentage of the color that they absorb. Here are a couple of examples of marking.

  • B-15. Marking indicates the brown color of the lenses, which transmit 15% of the light, retaining 85%.
  • G-20. Gray lenses that transmit 20% of the light.

Square sunglasses will be relevant among several categories of girls and women. So who should they choose?

  • Square sunglasses should be chosen by chubby girls who need to visually make their face elongated or oval. Square sunglasses with wide arms and a bright frame will do this task just as effectively as pointed square sunglasses that direct your eyes to your temples.
  • Square glasses are perfect for persons with a triangular face shape when the face narrows to the chin. In this case, the glasses will balance the narrow bottom and the wide enough top. Square sunglasses with rounded edges accentuate the beauty of a triangular face.
  • The oval shape of the face among girls is considered to be ideal, and therefore square-shaped glasses perfectly complement their images.
  • Elongated face shape. Large square glasses in plastic or metal frames allow you to look elegant and perfectly complement any look.

  How much are square sunglasses?

If we talk about fashion and quality, it should definitely be said that good sunglasses can not cost less than $ 50. On average, points from companies such as Ray Ban or Palaroid cost 3000-5000 rubles.

  • Transparent square sun glasses Super Sunglasses.  The cost of sunglasses of this company is 7800 rubles. The degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation is 400 nm, smoky-colored lenses are made of plastic.
  • Sunglasses AJ Morgan.  Square glasses in a metal frame with light plastic lenses will cost you 2000 rubles.

Be sure to use an accessory such as sunglasses to complement your look. Square-shaped glasses in bright or neutral frames fit almost everyone, and if you are one of these people, you should not miss this chance!

The trendy "cat's eye" is not for everyone, the round tishides are all the more so. We tell you how to avoid falling into trouble and choose a frame of sunglasses or corrective glasses that is ideal for your type of face.

There are seven types of face shapes. We explain how they differ from each other, and which “frames” are most suitable for them. Just approach this issue responsibly (and close to the mirror) and forget about the problem of choosing a perfect frame forever. Our recommendations are suitable for both sunglasses and corrective glasses.

Round face

Jackie Chan

Jacqueline Kennedy

This type of face is distinguished by a wide forehead, a "protruding" chin and puffy cheeks. The length and width of the oval are proportionate, as if a circle was drawn with a compass. Usually, owners of this type of face dream of reducing roundness a bit and adding more geometry to the face. Glasses without rounded elements will help to achieve an “angular” effect: rectangular frames or legendary wifarers will do. It is important that the glasses are not square - in width they should be much narrower than in length (otherwise you will achieve the same effect as if you put on round “lenons” - emphasize the cheeks and chin even more). Oversizing glasses are also not exactly your option: they will cover most of the face and create the wrong geometry.

Fit:  rectangular and trapezoidal, “cat's eye”, aviators, wifarers.

Unsuitable:  round and oversized frames.

Square face

Johnny Depp

Olivia Wilde

Owners of angular facial features need to pay attention to models that will visually soften sharp cheekbones, a very prominent chin line and a wide forehead. These options include round and oval frames, as well as the cat's eye ─ they visually round the lines. In this case, oversized models are also shown. Feel free to choose the most unusual of them, like a pentagon or with applications that go beyond the contour of the rim ─ all geometry will play only to the good.

Fit:  "Cat's eye", round, oval.

Unsuitable:  square and rectangular.

Oval face

Justin Timberlake

Princess Diana

You are very lucky: this type is distinguished by a balance of forms and proportions ─ a not very wide forehead, a high noble cheekbone line, a narrow chin and, thanks to all of the above, a wide-open look. Such a face will be suitable for almost any shape option, but when choosing a frame, you will need to pay attention to: it should sit like a glove, otherwise the glasses will constantly fall off. Rounded glasses will add femininity and softness, angular options - brutality and rigidity. In any case, everything will be complementary to the oval face. The only remark: too massive “half face” glasses can kill all the charm ─ be careful with them.

Fit:  "Cat's eye", round, square, aviators and wifarers.

Unsuitable:  oversized frames too large.

Heart-shaped face

Brad Pitt

Rachel Harris

The main signs of such a person are a wide prominent forehead, high cheekbones and a sharp chin. Your task is to balance a small disproportionality, making the “bottom” of the face heavier and removing the emphasis from the “top”. The most ideal form of glasses for such a person is aviators (a thin metal frame and lens angles directed from the face will look extremely advantageous). Wifarerers are also suitable, which similarly emphasize angularity, but at the same time they soften and balance the shape of the face (try if you are in love with your cheekbones).

Fit:  round and oval glasses, cat's eye, aviators and wifarers.

Unsuitable:  square and rectangular.

Triangular face

Ryan Reynolds

Lady Gaga

For this shape of the face (it is also called pear-shaped), a sharp prominent line of the chin and a slightly widened forehead are characteristic. In general, she is very attractive, just a few know how to love, appreciate and emphasize it favorably. The main rule when choosing glasses for a triangular face is to give preference to models with a lightened “bottom”, that is, those that will be more “active” on top (this can relate to both shape and color accents or patterns). Glasses with elongated corners, such as a cat's eye, are definitely suitable. Try experimenting with oversize models, but only round shapes ─ too geometric and with sharp corners will age.

Fit:  "Cat's eye", aviators, oversize.

Unsuitable:  square.

Oblong face

Katy Perry

Oblong from an oval shape is distinguished by a greater elongation vertically. All “horizontal” models are shown to such persons ─ those that focus on the width of the face, and not on its length (for example, the same tisheids). Glasses of unusual shapes will look interesting: traditionally they shorten faces, but in this case, on the contrary, it will benefit. You can try on glasses in the shape of hearts or flowers that are dearly loved by fans of music festivals. But if you dare to bet on something else more original - honor and honor.

Fit:  "Cat's eye", round.

Unsuitable:  narrow and rectangular.

Rhomboid face

Domenico Dolce

Cate blanchett

This face shape is often compared to a diamond. It is distinguished by the fact that the widest part is located along the cheekbones, the forehead is quite massive, and the chin is sharp and narrow. In this case, the main task with the help of glasses is to achieve proportionality of the bottom and top of the face. Choose glasses that smooth the cheekbones line and add “weight” to the lower part of the face ─ for example, aviators or wifarers. Oversized glasses will also be appropriate if you choose them correctly: such models should protrude beyond the oval line by no more than a couple of centimeters, and be elongated rather than round in shape.

Fit:  aviators, wifarers, oversize.

Unsuitable:  round.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives