The big difference between husband and wife. Is the age of the spouses important for a happy family life

All my life it was believed that a man should be older than a woman. Today, women find themselves much younger than men. How correct is this? What is the ideal age difference between a man and a woman?

4-8 years older man

Most experts believe that the difference in age of 4-8 years is optimal. A man manages to get the necessary life experience and is already more responsible in his relationship. Couples with such a difference in age have many more children than others - this has been proved by many sociological studies.

8-16 years older man

Society is fairly loyal to marriages, where a man is 10 years older than a woman. If the difference is greater, then the attitude to marriages will be negative. Many people believe that a difference of more than 10 years is a deviation from the norm.

But here, one does not need to judge everything so strictly. A man at this age can achieve great success in life - to build a career, provide for his family and be confident in himself and his wife. At this age, men will not make the stupid mistakes that they made earlier. They are wiser, more tolerant and more sensitive.

Man is 20-30 years older

In the distant past, marriages where a man was more than 20 years older than a girl were quite natural. Now the situation has changed quite a lot. Parents do not make a choice for the girl, she herself has the right to decide with which person she should build her personal life.

Scientists believe that such an unequal age marriage can harm spouses: a negative attitude of others, gossip, constant gossip will only cause stress and depression, which will negatively affect their health.

A woman will age rapidly, spouses may have problems with having a baby and in the future the wife will have to take care of her husband's health.

4-8 years older woman

Now such families are a frequent occurrence. Five years or more is not a very big age difference and many couples live very happily.

A woman who is 5 years older than her husband will try her best to look more attractive and worthy wife. Such a wife is much more experienced and wiser, it is easier to relate to quarrels and domestic turmoil. Cons can be considered that a woman can become quite jealous and suspicious.

8-16 years older woman

Such marriages are very rare, almost any man prefers a girl younger than himself. Therefore, if a woman is much older than her man, then there is a chance that he will go to a younger girl. However, such marriages exist and many of them are truly happy.

These marriages face great difficulties and not everyone can overcome them. It is also not easy to survive the reaction of others to the fact that a woman is much older than her husband.

Woman older than 20-30 years

Everything is clear here - a woman wants to feel loved and attractive at any age. She is quite experienced and can easily interest a young gentleman.

Experts argue that such a marriage will not bring much joy and love. Therefore, young guys who choose such ladies have some psychological problems, or purely for their own interest.

Age difference - video

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: According to the calculations of experts, it does not matter which spouse is older, the main thing is what is the difference in age. So...

According to the calculations of experts, it does not matter which spouse is older, the main thing is what is the difference in age. So...

The difference is zero.

In such marriages, better work out household relations, but much worse with self-development and boring in sex.

The difference is 1 year.

In such unions, the dominant role usually belongs to the woman, although she does not often have to use her domineering power.

The difference is 2 years.

Such marriages are extremely financially unstable, even with high earnings, money oozes like sand through the fingers. Relationships are built on emotions, which on takeoff give an unforgettable experience, and on a recession can lead to a break.

The difference is 3 years, 6 years, 9 years.

A husband and wife with such an age difference do not so much differ in their views on life, but are prone to a conflict of temperaments. However, they manage to get along even though they are completely unable to appreciate each other's worth.

  © Annie Leibovitz

The difference is 4 years.The spiritual and sexual aspects of life are harmonious, which is a guarantee of a stable and long marriage. If the marriage nevertheless breaks up, then the former partners will still remain friends.

The difference is 5 years, 10 years, 15 years.

Relations are especially successful if the professional or creative life of the spouses is on the same plane.

The difference is 7 years, 14 years.

Such pairs usually exist in an atmosphere of insincerity., where partners hide even completely innocent details of their past or present from each other (for example, earnings or health problems). However, the probability of divorce is extremely small - these two are drawn to each other.

The difference is 8 years.

This seems to be the best age difference possible.   The marriage will pass any test and its "authors" will be unconditionally recognized as happy. Spouses will be given everything - both love and understanding,
  and tenderness and sexual attraction.

The difference is 11 years.

The relationship of such spouses is similar to tragedy. Stormy scandals give way to no less stormy sex, and reconciliation is followed by a new scandal.   Breaks and divorces will be required, as will subsequent reunions and love games.

The difference is 12 years.

Relationships of partners are complex, up to the point of drama, but interesting. To save such a marriage can only the ability of both to compromise. In happy moments of life there is no one more beautiful than this couple.

The difference is 13 years.

Such people are kept and happy in marriage by a spiritual community. Best of all, if one of the partners is a big value in his work, and the second is an associate of his half.

The difference is 16 years.

Marriage is rare, but the happiest.   Even happier than 4 and 8 year olds. Happiness is just over the edge.

As you can see, astrologers limited themselves to analyzing marriages with a difference of up to 16 years. And if the age gap is even greater? Years 20, 30 or 40? Psychologists analyzed the success and failure of such unions and came to the following conclusions.

  © Annie Leibovitz

Husband is much younger, wife is much older



At first, there will be a complete idyll in sex. A woman has reached the peak of sexuality, is liberated, knows what she wants and knows how to express her feelings and desires. If she will take care of herself and continue to surprise her husband with the pleasures of sexual expression, then the harmony in intimate life will be long or lifelong. If a woman “launches” herself externally or allows sex to become routine, then adultery of the young husband is inevitable, possibly right up to divorce.


With a young wife, the wife is better to be healthy and energetic. An eternally ill wife will look even older, making the couple more disharmonious. A sick husband in such a tandem will not be abandoned, but will be perceived by others as "an unfriendly child of a caring mother."


Girlfriends of the same age as his wife will intensely captivate the "boy", and it is possible that some of them will succeed. However, the company of the peers of the young husband is even less preferable, since against her background the solid age of the wife will especially stand out. In addition, this party will be a sea of \u200b\u200byoung competitors. Therefore, the best option is to communicate less with friends, limiting ourselves to casual and non-binding acquaintances.


Most parents do not want to hear anything about “overripe” daughters-in-law and “young” grooms. However, if a couple manages to establish itself as happy or at least harmonious, backing it all up with the birth of a healthy baby, then it is likely that irreconcilable relatives will replace anger with mercy and recognize a son-in-law or a daughter-in-law.

The heirs.

Young men, as a rule, are worthless fathers, they still need to grow and mature before paternity. However, if a man wants to be the "adult husband" of a respectable lady, then he will react to his father's duties with double responsibility.

If a woman already has children, then the situation is complicated.   Due to the small age difference, they will not perceive their mother’s husband as a dad (and it hardly makes sense to force them). Worse if they show mutual or one-sided sexual interest in each other. This is certainly the end of an unequal marriage - scandalous and traumatic.


A wife with a respectable number of years and a weighty wallet next to a cute dipper without a penny in her pocket is a ratio that is often found and does not last long. Young people without complexes often easily enter into such marriages, considering them sponsorship. If the money runs out, then the "love" of the spouse ends. If he is not only young, but also entrepreneurial in the commercial plan, then, having gained at least some independence in the financial plan, he will decisively leave the family nest. It rarely happens differently.


Any marriage needs them. With the ratio “wife is older, husband is youth”, a woman will have to close her eyes and forgive, forgive, forgive for much in her husband’s behavior. A man will have to put up with endless jealousy and suspicions, as well as always prove that he is a man, and not a jerk-dependent.

Husband is much older, wife is much younger



The peak of the groom’s sexuality has long been behind, so you can not expect a frenzied pressure and African passion from him. If he is in good shape, goes in for sports, or is sexually active by nature, then the young wife will at first be quite pleased with the intimate side of life, discovering love with a mature partner. As female sexuality grows with the number of years in the bedroom, the crisis will increase. Young husbands of peers will awaken special feelings in a woman. In order to turn the situation to their advantage, the elderly spouse will have to either allow (explicitly or behind the scenes) the wife to have a lover for an intimate pastime, or "make" her more children - then she will not be "stupid".


A healthy man, much less a husband, is better than a sick man, regardless of age.   With an active and at the same time sparing the body's lifestyle, in principle, you can maintain health until old age. Ailments of a husband are easier to bear if he does not focus on them and does not neglect the prescriptions of doctors.


If the interests coincide, then the age of the husband’s friends is of little importance. And the spouse will not mind if young girlfriends visit his young wife. But on visiting friends of the same age, with or without girlfriends, a smart mature husband will ban. It is best for such spouses to communicate with similar couples. Adult uncles will gossip about theirs, and girls will tweet about theirs.


Parents of the husband (if alive) will treat the daughter-in-law patronizing or indifferent. If they suspect her of a mercantile choice of the groom, they will hate and begin to plot.The most correct thing is to pick up one key or another to them and establish relations. Parents of the bride will be the same age or even younger than the groom. If they are against the choice of a daughter, then all the same in relations with the son-in-law they will maintain a respectful or restrained tone.

The heirs.

My husband probably already has them, besides they’re the same age or older than their young wife. They are unlikely to like dad's new wife, and you should not count on their goodwill.Having a baby from an older spouse is also good. Mature man likely to be a wonderful caring father seekingconvey to the child all his experience and wisdom.


Young and old girls do not marry the elderly and poor - there is no need. Unless for very talented, but not recognized, or for registration. In most cases, the groom is not too young, but very wealthy, which gives him confidence. He is likely to share the inheritance between former and real wives and children, than everyone will be extremely unhappy.

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A woman who marries a man who is ten years older than her needs to reconcile with the idea that she will give her best years to her elderly spouse, and at 40 - 45 she will be left alone and, most likely, she will not marry again. A man in his years, taking a girl as a wife, will have to pretend that he does not see how she "licks" at young men, how she breaks into discos and youth parties. And finally, how will she try to have a lover ...published

What is the ideal age difference between husband and wife? Today, this question does not concern many, because more often the new generation listens to the well-known saying: "Love is submissive to all ages," so the age difference does not have any significant meaning. Marriages in which a husband is much older than his wife are found everywhere, however, unions where a woman is 3-10 years older than her chosen one are also not uncommon. In any case, choosing a mate by age is the last thing. Love and other benefits that the emerging union can give are often much more significant than the age difference. However, psychologists still have their own purely personal opinion about the ideal age difference between husband and wife.

  1. A married woman is older.
  2. Peers or weather.

From time immemorial, it was believed that an ideal couple is one in which a man is several years older than a woman. Thus, the difference of 5-10 years between husband and wife is considered classic. Usually a man begins to think about marriage only after he is relatively firmly on his feet and makes decisive creeps toward his dreams. It was believed that a man should bring his young wife to his own apartment, and in the future should fully provide for her and the children, while a younger woman should devote herself to the birth and raising of children.

Among couples who consider the ideal age difference between husband and wife to be 4–10 years old, the age of men usually ranges from 30–36, and women - 20–28.

According to psychologists, such a difference between lovers helps to create a really strong union. In this case, the leading role is often assigned to a more experienced and mature man, whose main mistake may be dictatorship and tyranny.

Married woman older

Such a marriage is obviously doomed to gossip. A young man who is longing for an old lady can be called an Alphonse for her eyes, and a woman an old maid. It is generally accepted in society that husbands in such families “peck” exclusively for money. However, couples in which the difference between a man and a woman is less than 5 years old are less likely to be criticized by society. It is quite another thing when a woman is older than 10 years or more.

According to the psychologist, in such a marriage a woman plays the role of a mother, and a man plays the role of a son. In 90% of cases, a woman becomes the leader, and a man in such a marriage risks becoming an eternal child, unable to make his own decisions.

The main stumbling block in such a marriage may be excessive custody of the older woman.

Peers or weather

Ideal age difference between husband and wife, many consider 1-2 years. Weather or peers often have a common circle of friends and interests, they are open to new perspectives and, walking hand in hand, can comprehend together an invaluable life experience. On the other hand, the weather or peers will hardly be able to teach each other some worldly wisdom of the weather. Scandals on the basis of ascertaining who is the leader in the family are not excluded. In addition, between peers, there is a great risk that they may bother each other.

The ideal age difference between husband and wife is a subjective concept, however, not only psychologists are trying to calculate this indicator, but also reproductive scientists. For example, according to Finnish scholars, the ideal age difference between a man and a woman is 15 years (a man is older), and in Switzerland - 6 years (a man is older). In Ukraine, in recent years, marriages with the minimum age difference of 1-4 years have become the most frequent, however, and the statistics of divorces in our country are off scale.

In any case, we advise you not to look for the ideal marriage formula, based on the age factor. The presence of mutual respect and love is very important, and age - it is not eternal, which is why it is not worth looking back at it.

Love can break out between any people, despite their birth dates and social status. But will such a marriage be happy, or is it better to enjoy moments of passion and look for a more suitable partner? You will learn how this relationship will develop if there is a difference in age between a woman and a man in this article.

What could be the age difference between a woman and a man?

Harmony in a pair, of course, depends on the emotional flexibility of partners and the ability to negotiate. But certain statistics do exist.

The ideal age difference between a man and a woman

It is believed that the strongest marital unions are created if the husband is two to five years older than his wife. In this case, the mental development of the partners is approximately the same. And the man is already able to stand at the helm of the family, he will protect his half from adversity, while not exerting strong pressure.

But if the partners are adults and have crossed the thirty-year age limit, then a strong marriage between peers is possible.

A couple will be happy, where a woman is a little older than her husband, because by this age a man becomes self-sufficient. And for a thirty-year-old woman, unlike a young girl, representatives of the opposite sex look a little younger attractive and interesting.

If the age difference between men and women is more than five years

There are more and more marriages, where the spouse is much older than the husband. Society is becoming more tolerant of such couples, and ladies now retain their freshness and attractiveness for much longer. Such a union will be strong if ...

Both partners are satisfied with the dominance of women, as more intelligent, experienced and often financially secure;

The husband, despite his young age, becomes the head of the family, and the spouse allows him to make decisions;

Partners crossed the forty-year milestone when the difference of five to ten years becomes not so significant.

But all the same, there are more unions where the gentleman is much older than his spouse. A young partner attracts such a man with freshness and naivety. Girls enter into such marriages, fascinated by the wisdom of a mature lover and his experience in solving problems. The young woman feels protected: most peers are unlikely to offer her stability, including material.

All ages are submissive to love ... A famous Russian proverb hints that a person can find his soul mate, regardless of the number of celebrated name days. Having fallen in love with a person with whom you feel a kinship of the soul, a community of views and interests, you rarely think about the years that separate you. What is the optimal age difference between a woman and a man and what does a relationship deviate from a generally accepted norm?


The most standard model of relationships recognized unions among peers. This is due to the simultaneous growing up, the utmost mutual understanding, the same interests and similar life positions. In such marriages, as a rule, they are in no hurry to have children, both partners study or work, live for themselves.

A promising beginning does not guarantee the preservation of the union until the end of life. According to statistics, 53% of couples in 2-3 years lose interest in each other. Marriage is no longer based on passionate love and sex drive, but requires reinforcement by friendship, needs patience and support. Feelings must be regularly refreshed, making pleasant surprises, organizing joint pastimes and taking new steps for the common good.

Wife older than husband

Girls can hardly decide on a close relationship with a male who is younger. Ladies fear public censure, often shy and complex against the backdrop of young partners. The difference in 2-3 years is neglected by many, and a more significant age gap causes a resonance. Relationships are ascending only when the wife gives the "reins" to her husband, considering him to be the main in the family, remaining guided. When a mature woman constantly takes care of and educates her lover, gradually turning him into a "son", the union is guaranteed a sad fate - this will quickly bore the partner, and he will seek respect and equality on the side. What is the difference in age between spouses?

3-5 years

Age difference , when a woman older than a couple of years is almost not noticeable. If the spouse carefully monitors her appearance, looks young, she is energetic and sociable, and her soulmate is a serious and responsible man, even those around her will not be able to notice the difference in age of 5 years and that the woman is older. The partners have the same sexual activity, mutual friends, and strong marriages. They are dominated by a woman who is usually already financially independent, she acts veiled and achieves the goal, without diminishing the dignity of the beloved. In such families there are fewer conflicts, more wisdom and mutual understanding.

6-10 years

Relations where partners have 6 years of age difference, women who have crossed the 30-year frontier allow themselves. They are self-confident, live an active life, are not against experiments in bed, and most often have a stable financial situation. They are able to show female wisdom, keep silent and show patience. Such a union is to the benefit of the girl - she strives to always look good, keeps an eye on fashion and takes care of herself to match the young lover.

If a woman is 10 years older , the difference becomes tangible. The relationship will constantly feel the tension caused by the fear of being abandoned and jealousy. Guys usually do not stand the total control of a lover and the couple breaks up.

More than 15 years

Falling in love with a mature lady usually has a material background. A young man may be interested in expensive gifts and seek financial benefits, especially if the object of his “adoration” has a good cash income. Women give young lovers generous gifts, take care of his appearance and wardrobe, provide their protection and help climb the career ladder. Such a connection does not last long and breaks when it ceases to be a "sponsor". Although exceptions to the rules are still found, including among celebrities.

Husband is older than wife

Men do not care about public opinion. Marriages, where the husband is much older than the wife, have been encouraged since the time when the parents chose the spouse for the daughter. Today, despite the freedom of choice, the tendency to conclude a marriage between partners of different ages has not lost popularity. The husband is proud of his young wife and is trying to match her. What age difference can be considered optimal?

5-7 years old

The man already has a wealth of life experience, stands on his feet and is ready to create a family. In these marriages, more children are born, the role of leader is assigned to the man, and the woman feels protected. Lovers are bound by sincere feelings, their sexual activity coincides, he takes part on equal terms with her in raising children. In such families, the risk of betrayal is minimal, because the girl is young and attractive. Common friends and interests, joint leisure and relaxation only strengthen the union.

10-12 years old

The difference of 10 years between a man and a woman is not a big gap. In the eyes of the companion of life, the representative of the stronger sex looks mature and serious, it inspires confidence and attracts more peers. Experienced guys look more beautifully, do not require to become a sex slave, better understand the partner and can give her a lot in moral and financial terms.

If a man is 10 years older , balanced approach to creating a family. He will be able to surround his beloved with care and provide her; he does not make mistakes that can lead to the destruction of the marriage.

More than 15-20 years

Different ages are not a hindrance to happiness. But if the chosen one suits the girl as a father, it is worth considering the necessity and expediency of such a relationship. 20 years of the difference between a man and a woman suggests that they belong to different eras. For him, family and stability are in the foreground; for her, an opportunity to hide behind a strong back. To marry an adult and an accomplished person, girls who are deprived of the attention of their father or who want to derive material gain strive to marry. In this case, it is impossible to avoid problems with jealousy for a young wife and the preservation of common hobbies, the birth of children and the joint pastime of spouses are in question.

What is the ideal difference between a man and a woman? It is difficult to answer this question. Give a choice to your heart and in choosing a life partner, be guided not only by feelings, but also by common sense, then the union will be strong and long.

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