How to choose a mink coat in the market. How to choose a mink coat: important shopping secrets

How to choose a mink coat - experts in fur salons tell you what to look for when choosing a mink coat.

A mink fur coat is the dream of many women. And if you have the opportunity to buy a mink coat, be sure to do it, but before that, find out how to choose the right mink coat. This question is not simple - a mink coat is expensive, there are a lot of fakes on the market, therefore it is worth approaching the choice of a mink coat with all responsibility.

The choice of mink coats - quality fur

The most important thing when choosing a mink coat is to evaluate the quality of the fur.   To get started, stroke the fur “against the coat” and see how quickly it will regain its original appearance. If it stands upright and does not want to return to its original position, this indicates a low quality of the mink and one should not choose such a fur coat.

Next, we conduct a visual inspection: near the skin itself, you should see a light fluff covering its entire surface. Mink coat must have it! If you do not observe it, it is better to refuse a dubious purchase.

Another item without which it is impossible to choose the mink coat correctly is to test the fur product.   "For strength." Shake it or gently pull on the hairs. If fur fell from a mink coat or a decent bunch of hairs remained in your hand, this indicates the non-observance of the rules for the production or storage of fur products. Such a fur coat will quickly lose its presentation, so why pay so much money for low-quality goods?

By the way, are you sure that the coat you are considering is really made of mink and is not a fake? When choosing a mink coat, pay close attention to the length of the fur: the hairs on the entire surface of the fur coat should be the same length - this is a sign of authenticity of the fur.

And finally, the seams. We tell you absolutely seriously - manufacturers of real mink coats always leave an unstitched piece at the bottom of the lining, so that the buyer can look under the lining and see the quality of the seam. If everything is closed - think about it.

So, we remember the first rules for choosing a mink coat - the fur is the same length, immediately returns to its original position, has a skin down, does not crumble and allows you to see the seam.

Mink Coat Selection - Color

How to choose the color of the mink coat is an amateur's question, because each of us likes his own, and colored mink coats are in fashion today.   But there are moments that will tell you a lot about the quality of the mink and can affect your choice. So, if the fur is too dark, then the fur coat was either dyed or made of old fur. The first assumption is easy to verify. In its natural form, high-quality Mezdra is soft and has a light color and a characteristic luster. The skin of a colored coat will also be dark, and you can immediately find out about it if you carefully examine the skin under the undercoat.

In principle, the color of the mink in itself is by no means a sign of a poor-quality product. After all, fashion is constantly changing and depending on the trends of the season, various shades become relevant. Another thing is when sellers give out colored mink coats for some rare species, for example, the "black mink" that does not exist in nature, respectively, raising the price. But the quality of the coloring must be checked: lightly rub the fur with a light cloth and make sure that the paint and hairs do not remain on it.

Another point when choosing a mink coat is the question of how much you will wear it. A good mink coat can look great for 5, 7, and 10 years. If you do not plan to wear it for a long time, you can choose a mink coat of any color, but if this thing is for years, it is better to prefer natural shades of nature, that is, choose a classic. This, incidentally, applies to the style.

Another factor that you need to consider when choosing a mink coat is shine.   If the fur over the entire surface of the fur coat shimmers beautifully, such a product will not only attract envious glances, but also retain its original appearance for a long time. Dyed or natural mink coat - it doesn’t matter, the fur should shine.

The next points that you should definitely pay attention to those who want to correctly choose a mink coat are whether the mink coat is dyed, whether the paint is good and the mink coat is shiny.

How to choose a mink coat - fitting

A mink coat is not an expensive pleasure, so you need to slowly approach the choice of a fur coat. For this case mistakes in the fitting are typical - to buy a mink coat once having measured it in a store is wrong, for sellers you will always look amazing, and is it really so? Firstly, each of the products in question should not only be measured, but also walk in it for at least a few minutes. This will help you not to make a mistake with the size, you can make sure that you feel comfortable in the mink coat of this style, and, of course, you can intuitively evaluate the quality of the product.

Secondly,   even if it seems to you that you have chosen the perfect mink coat, do not buy it right away. Return to the store with a “support group” - girlfriends, colleagues, a man, and listen to the opinions of people whose taste you trust. And here it is especially important to listen just to criticism, and not to rave reviews. Still, mink coats are usually bought less often and it is better to be 100% confident in the purchase, the site believes, than then try to get rid of it in order to get something better.

Hence the good advice - when choosing a mink coat, be sure to show it to your family or friends, asking them to be extremely sincere.

  Victoria Krasnova All rights reserved

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Stylish and high-quality mink coats have traditionally been considered the embodiment of sophistication, a standard of luxury and an indicator of security. Despite the fact that the first clothes made of such material appeared many centuries ago, they have not lost their popularity today. Gorgeous things delight the eye, allow you to stay warm during the winter colds, emphasize the social status of its owner. But in order to rejoice along for a long time, it is worth competently approaching his choice.

Assessment of several factors

So, how to determine the quality of a mink coat without being an expert in this industry? Experts say that a good option is not afraid of moisture, warm, reliable. He will serve several seasons to his mistress. When choosing a product you need to be careful and attentive. Do not throw money on the first available option. The times when such things were truly unique have long passed. Today the choice is huge. So it’s worth scrupulously inspecting all the models you like.

Manufacturer as a key criterion

It is worth mentioning right away that European manufacturers offer better mink coats. The thing is that domestic companies do not bother to comply with all norms, rules and subtleties when:

  • dressing skins;
  • choosing reliable hardware;
  • compliance with basic requirements for the proper storage of finished products.

That is why it is recommended to give preference to models of foreign production, since their quality meets all standards in this field. But it should be borne in mind that the cost of a foreign model is slightly higher than the domestic counterpart.

If you decide to buy a mink coat from a domestic manufacturer, you should not look for high-quality solutions in the market or in mega-centers. In such places there are a lot of fakes.

How to choose a mink coat when buying correctly? First of all, you need to carefully study the model. You need to study every little thing. After all, astronomical value is not at all a guarantee of high quality. The criterion of “price-quality” in some cases does not “work”. That is why it is not worth starting from it alone. Even fake groundhog outfits today can look quite stylish and presentable. But it is not always possible to identify all the flaws. They are clearly manifested after one season of active wear of the product.

Fur rating

The colors of mink coats deserve special attention. It is especially important to evaluate the hue if the model is black or too dark. In some cases, this may indicate that the fur is very old. High-quality Mezdra is always light, soft, elastic and has a slight sheen. Also, fur is considered quality if it:

  • very smooth;
  • soft;
  • malleable;
  • silky;
  • incredibly nice to the touch.

Individually, you need to assess the degree of density of the undercoat. After all, it is he who retains heat.

If the ladies cannot afford the best mink coats, then it is worth giving preference to models created from animal filiks. This is a mink fur that is removed from the animal’s shoulder blades. It is worth considering that such models can not boast a unique socks, but they are quite high quality and have a democratic cost.

Checking the canvas in practice

Not knowing how to choose a mink coat, it is worth starting from the quality of the fur. A truly good solution will not only look luxurious, but also last at least five seasons. The canvas of the product can be evaluated by slight pinching of the hairs. If after such an action a fluff remains in the fingers, then it is worth giving up the acquisition of such a mantle. After all, this mink fur directly indicates the inadequate quality of the fur coat. The hairs remaining in the hands can talk about:

  • non-compliance with the sewing standards of the product;
  • low standard of skinning;
  • removing fur during molting.

Such an outfit a priori will not last long.

Special attention deserves the assessment of the fur of a painted fur coat. In this case, it is worth arming yourself with a clean, light napkin or handkerchief. It will take several times to hold the fabric over the fur. You need to rub it quite actively. If the material is painted over, then this product should not be purchased. It is unlikely that the service life of a mink coat in this case will please its new mistress.

What defects can be?

In the process of choosing a product, it is equally important to pay attention to the most common defects that occur in such outfits. Most often, flaws are the unevenness of the shade of the canvas, its fading, abrasions, fading. Usually, all these defects indicate the old age of the animal, from which the skins were removed for sewing mantos.

Many ladies do not know how to choose a good mink coat and what you should pay close attention to during the purchase process. Experts recommend evaluating furs. It should not be stuck together. Such options directly indicate that the basic technologies were not followed in the manufacture of the model. Also, storage standards may have been grossly violated. A good canvas is soft, gloss, supple, elastic. It is always enough to simply draw your hand over the surface of the mantle. High-quality fur instantly restores shape.

Uneven fur that resembles a haircut is not a fad. Such negligence in execution directly indicates that it is not worth throwing money away on a low-quality option. Most likely, the manufacturer used materials with traces of fur damage for tailoring. The presence of rust spots on the canvas belong to the same series. This defect is considered one of the most common. Typically, such spots occur when the mink was kept in cages with metal rods. It is worth making a reservation right away: even if such a fur coat remains with the seller. After all, it is impossible to remove such traces from the oxidation of metal and rye. Even cleaning experts in dry cleaning will not cope with them.

Weight and cost

Another important point when choosing a product is its weight. Mink coat, if it is of high quality and natural, is quite noticeable. It weighs slightly more than it might seem at first glance. But this criterion cannot be considered fundamental, since each woman can perceive the weight of a thing in her own way.

An integral fur coat at a reasonable price is most likely a myth, an ordinary fake, since such products are considered truly prestigious and very expensive. The cost of whole mantles is incredibly high.

It is equally important to evaluate not only the fur of the product, but also its quality from the inside. Goods need to be turned inside out, inspect the lining, the quality of the seams. They must be smooth, accurate, reliable. It is worth refusing to buy a mink coat, if the internal seams are sprawling. Such a thing will not be worn for a long time.

The question of how to choose a mink coat correctly is really complicated. But you can successfully solve it if you build on the moment of purchase not only from your visual perception of the model. Taking into account an adequate price indicator, choosing the right place to buy, evaluating all the details will help you make the perfect purchase that will delight a woman for several seasons.

The choice of a mink coat is a real problem for a potential buyer. The main reason for this is the presence of a large number of fakes, both in stores and in markets. In order not to fall for the tricks of fraudsters, and not to give a large sum for goods of dubious quality, you need to know the rules for buying natural fur products. This article will be a real helper for people who want to buy a high-quality mink coat.

When choosing a mink coat, it is necessary to pay attention to several criteria that indicate the quality of the product. These include:

  1. The appearance of the fur (its sheen, transfusion in the sun, etc.).
  2. The elasticity of the villi.
  3. Color fastness.
  4. High-quality dressing of animal skins.
  5. Condition and number of stitches.

Important! It is not enough just to choose and purchase a high-quality mink coat, it is also necessary to properly care for it. With proper care, she will serve more than one year.

The appearance of the fur.

Memo: choose a high-quality mink coat

The fur of a quality coat should be shiny, flowing and shimmering in the sun. The absence of such characteristics is the main sign that the product was handled and stored in an unusable room.

Tip. If the condition of the fur is in doubt, you should refuse to buy such a fur coat.

The resilience of the villi is another criterion to which you need to pay attention. They must be obedient and flexible, so that when stroking, they return to their original position.

Important! A good pile is characterized by a good pile, which does not fall out, has an equal length and density over the entire surface of the product.

Signs of a fake:

  • there are noticeable places of poor-quality dressing of the skin;
  • sticky pile;
  • uncharacteristic oily sheen.

Color fastness. This characteristic applies only to dyed mink products. Coloring should be even, without visible defects. To check its quality, it is necessary to hold a damp cloth over the entire surface of the coat. If she displays the paint of fur on herself, then one can doubt the quality of such a product!

Be sure to check the color fastness of the product, otherwise the coat will quickly lose its attractive appearance

High-quality dressing of animal skins. There are several characteristic signs that indicate a high-quality dressing of the skin:

  • pleasant softness of the material;
  • surface elasticity;
  • the complete absence of possible cracks on the surface of the skin and creaks when pressing on it.

Tip. Often, to hide a fake, scammers try to hide skin defects with the help of a lining. To find them, just ask the seller to show the inside of the skin (a little rebuff lining). If he refuses, then this store is better to bypass.

Condition and number of stitches. A high-quality mink coat should have a few seams, so it will last much longer. It is necessary to pay attention to this aspect, since a fur product sewn from pieces will lose its presentable appearance after a short period of time.

Important! The cost of a mink coat is affected not only by the quality of the product (the quality of the skinning), but also by its color.

Color is one of the few characteristics that significantly affect the price formation of a mink coat:

  1. Fur coats from light brown to their dark tones are the most affordable for buyers. They have an acceptable cost, so they are most often purchased in specialized stores.
  2. Colored (blue, red, beige, gray) fur coats belong to products with an average price. They look very beautiful at their owner, give her originality and special sophistication.
  3. Smoky fur coats are characterized by a higher cost, in contrast to dyed or brown products. Their characteristic feature is the multi-colored fur pile, which goes from dark tones to beige.
  4. Fur coats of white mink (unpainted) are very expensive products. Of course, they are very beautiful and stylish, but because of their price, only a few can afford them.
  5. Natural black mink coats, which have an unusual velvet hue, are exclusive items. They are insanely expensive, only very wealthy people are able to acquire them.

Natural color fur coats are the most expensive

Since a mink coat is bought for more than one year, it is necessary to take its choice very seriously and seriously. Today, there are a great many ways that will help you choose the right natural fur product. The most common of them are video tutorials and detailed instructions on thematic websites. If it is not possible to use the World Wide Web, you can also pay attention to the reviews and recommendations of professional specialists in this field.

  • To purchase mink coats only in specialized stores, and not in markets or ordinary trading stalls.
  • Pay attention to the availability of certificates indicating the manufacturer of the fur product.

Also carefully check the quality of the seams.

  • Carefully inspect the inside of the fur coat to see for yourself what material it was made of (skins or small fur shreds).
  • Carefully examine the pile to make sure there are no bumps, various spots and other possible defects.

Choosing and buying a mink coat is a real test for a person. For them to be effective, you must always listen to professional advice. It will help not only to purchase a high-quality fur product, but also not to spend money in vain.

How to choose a high-quality mink coat: video

Today, mink coats are rightfully considered to be elite fur products. But in order to become the owner of a truly sophisticated wardrobe item, it’s not enough just to go shopping and buy the first thing you like, because due to the overcrowded market with all kinds of fakes, you can stumble on low-quality goods.

For the purchase of a mink coat, it is better to go only to trusted stores. Many will argue with this advice, arguing that in the market half the price you can buy a mink coat. But there is no need to build illusions on this score.

All mink coats offered on the market shelves are either repainted rabbit products or low-quality mink, the term and features of which use leave much to be desired.

Unfortunately, in some stores the quality of the goods is actually also very different from the declared one. Therefore, you should thoroughly prepare for the search for a mink coat of adequate quality and arm yourself with patience and knowledge.

No need to be afraid of high prices for fur coats in stores that have established themselves. Often, such a cost is commensurate with the quality of the product and the guarantee that the seller provides for it. The term of use of high-quality mink reaches 10 years, while cheap market counterparts already in the second year of operation can upset the owner of the flaws that have appeared.

Assessment of the mink coat

When choosing a mink coat, it is important not to get confused among the abundance of offers. The first step is to evaluate the fur coat. To do this, run a hand against the wool and look at its behavior.

In the case of a genuine coat, the wool regains its original position within a few seconds. But the ruffled wool indicates that in the hands is definitely not a mink product.

It is important to pay attention to the height of the pile. Real mink products differ in the same length of each hair, but the difference in pile height is more likely to be found in marmot fur coats, the cover of which is most often used for making fakes.

Recently, it has become popular when creating fakes using groundhog fur to trim it to the same length. In this case, it is important to know that the groundhog's fur is more prickly and stiffer compared to the mink.

Mink is known for its woolen coat, which is complemented by a characteristic fluff next to the skin. This feature is not characteristic of groundhog and rabbit products, which will help determine the authenticity of the goods.

The above tips will help avoid fakes and choose a fur coat really from a mink, which by the way also happens to be of different quality. To determine a quality product, the fur coat should be slightly shaken.

The subsequent appearance of wool indicates that for the manufacture of a fur coat, wool obtained during shedding was used, or there were violations of the rules for storing fur products. Such a fur coat will not last long.

Sometimes mink coats are stained and it is important to evaluate the color. So, its similarity with natural color, as a rule, should alert. What is the purpose of dyeing natural mink fur in a natural color? Often this is done to hide obvious flaws.

Sometimes, with the help of coloring, manufacturers try to give products some fashionable shades. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate the uniformity of staining and professionalism by running a white scarf over the fur. The absence of marks on the scarf and wool indicates a high quality product.

In order to recognize self-dressing and factory fur, it is necessary to smell it. The result of artisanal production is unpleasant, but factory coats practically do not smell.

Direct sewing of a fur coat is preceded by preparatory stages associated with the dressing of skins. This process determines the quality features of the future coat. Professional dressing of the skin is the key to durability, softness, density, lightness and resistance to cold mink products.

To evaluate the skins, you should first of all look under the lining. A feature of a good skin is white and the lack of yellowness. The skins should be stitched together, not glued together.

As a rule, well-known manufacturers try to leave them unlined. But the complete closure of the inside and the unwillingness of the seller to show the lining should be a reason to doubt the quality.

And the last piece of advice is associated with a general assessment of the appearance of a mink coat, the quality of which is determined by its brilliance, transfusion under the sun's rays and the absence of bumps and bald patches.

Choose a fur coat correctly and enjoy the result!

A fur coat made of high-quality natural fur is the dream of many women. And, despite the warm, mild winters, this garment does not go out of fashion. Mink coats are especially popular among girls. Of course, this is an expensive purchase that not everyone can afford. But, if you decide to purchase a fur product, you need to know what nuances you should pay attention to so that the purchase does not turn into a useless thing after a couple of seasons. Do not think that any mink coat will satisfy every customer. To choose the right model, it is important to consider a lot of individual features.

Choose a mink coat

Where to buy

Thinking about purchasing a fur product, you need to know where you can choose a quality product. The place of purchase is important because unverified sellers can offer a good fake at a low cost. But such an acquisition will not be a pleasure. After the first wet in the rain, the fake will get an unpleasant appearance and smell. Well, of course, remember that mink cannot be cheap. Given the "pitfalls", you should not go for a fur coat to the market. The quality of the fur products presented in the market ranks may be normal, or may be doubtful. And since they do not give out checks on the market, returning such a purchase will be very problematic.

The best place to buy mink is a specialized store with a long reputation. Of course, the purchase price in a boutique may be higher than in the market. Do not skimp in this case. As a rule, owners of fur boutiques are responsible for the quality of the products offered. Moreover, experienced sellers will help you choose the right fur coat model and accessories to create a great look.

Having visited a specialty store, each customer can personally verify the variety of mink furs, which are presented in three varieties:

  • The fur is ordinary.
  • Plucked.
  • Sheared.

To make the purchase happy for many years, you need to know the nuances of each type. So, a fur coat from ordinary mink is a high-quality product with high wear resistance. This is a fur that has undergone minimal processing. In appearance, it should be elastic, crumbly and have a uniform hair length. In order for the product to warm up in the most severe frosts, the downfills must be uniform and dense. Tips on how to choose a fur coat from mink, suggest that ordinary fur will perfectly serve more than one season.

To obtain pinch fur, manufacturers from natural raw materials used a special method to pluck out all protruding and hard hairs. Sheared fur is obtained by shearing the upper cover to the underfill. When choosing a mink fur coat from sheared or plucked fur, it is necessary to carefully study the uniformity of the material. Some manufacturers, using the above methods, can hide various defects on the fur surface.

Knowing all the nuances, how to choose a high-quality mink coat? A clear sign of high quality is the natural luster of the fur. The product should not look dull and not attractive. If there are any defects in appearance, it is better to refuse to purchase this product. It is likely that the coat was stored incorrectly with a gross violation of the rules.

Features of tailoring

In addition to the appearance and the right size of the fur product, it is important to pay attention to the quality of tailoring. The advice of experienced sellers suggests that a mink coat should consist of a minimum number of seams. If at the time of purchase it was found that the fur coat is sewn from many small pieces, do not stop choosing this product. Otherwise, the fur coat will open at the seams after two or three donning.

Even if there are few seams, each of them must be stitched with thread. Conscientious manufacturers never glue mink fur. Only the use of threads can guarantee the high quality of the product. At the same time, each seam should be neat, not stiff.

When choosing a mink coat, it is very important to assess the condition of the inside. A quality product must have a soft lining. If the lining is stiff and creaks, you should refuse to buy such a fur coat. Remember that a fur product with a hard lining may become cracked over time. Not a bad choice - a mink coat without an inner lining. This indicates the high quality of the product, as well as the fact that the manufacturer has nothing to hide from the buyer. Read more on how to choose a fur coat from a mink in the video.

About the color of fur coats

To conquer others with your new thing, think about choosing the color of the mink coat. Today on sale are various options for artificial coloring. But fashion is changeable and after a year, the chosen color may be unfashionable. And since the mink coat is purchased for several seasons, it is better to stop the choice on the natural color. Sellers of fur stores offer to opt for such options:

  • Black mink fur coat made of North American mink fur.
  • White unpainted model.
  • Expensive fur coat made of high-quality smoky fur.
  • Products from the middle price category, painted in gray, red and beige colors.
  • All models are light and dark brown.

Choose a fur coat from nutria


In order for the mink coat to please the owner for many years, you need to choose the right style and size of the product. First of all, you need to consider individual preferences and style in clothes. For girls who prefer to wear jeans and pants, the best choice is a mink fur coat. For lovers of skirts and dresses, it is reasonable to purchase long coats of the right size. This will allow you to feel warm and comfortable in any, even the most frosty weather.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the purchase of a mink coat is a responsible task. Since this is an expensive acquisition, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and advice of professionals. Only following the recommendations, you can purchase a high-quality, beautiful mink coat. If any part is embarrassing and suspicious, you should refuse to purchase the product. The mink coat should be absolutely flawless and of high quality.

What is the standard of luxury, wealth, presentability for a woman? Of course, this is a mink coat. Chic fur with precious tints is able to decorate any lady. But how to choose a high-quality mink coat? What to pay close attention to?

Fur color is an important indicator

In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, every woman should know how to choose high-quality mink fur. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the color of the product. Of course, there can be no consensus. Some ladies like dark models. Other ladies are delighted with milky beige or silver shades. Still others have no particular preferences at all and are repelled only from fashion trends.

However, it is worth noting a few points that indicate the quality of the fur. It is believed that too intense coloring of the pile indicates sewing of the product from old skins or dyeing. The latter is pretty simple to check.

Not knowing how to choose mink fur, it is very important to remember the criteria for quality pile. Such fur coats are characterized by:

  • a light shade of mezdra;
  • its unique softness;
  • exquisite brilliance.

The dyed product is distinguished by a dark, almost black, mezdra. Under the undercoat, you must also have a good look at the model.

It is worth mentioning right away that dyeing a fur product in itself cannot be called a drawback. Indeed, every year fashion trends change, and sometimes red, blue, and purple models appear at the peak of popularity. Shades can be very different, which only competent coloring allows to achieve.

Here the matter lies elsewhere. Unprincipled manufacturers often in this way try to pass off their products as exclusive.

It is impossible to know everything about mink coats. However, one must remember that in nature there is no black mink. That is why you do not need to listen to scammers who offer similar models.

Ladies should know how to choose a good fur coat and check the quality of its color. For experience, a simple handkerchief is usually sufficient. They need to lightly rub the fur. If there are no hairs and paint left on the fabric, then the product is made with high quality.

The choice of the shade of the product is influenced by the question of the estimated time to wear a fur coat. Such a fur can be very wear resistant. It withstands 5 to 10 years of wear. If the model is purchased for a couple of years, then the shade can be absolutely anything. When the purchase becomes fundamental and is done for a long period, preference should be given to natural, natural colors. Classic out of fashion trends. This criterion applies not only to the choice of color, but also to the style of the product.

Gloss and number of seams

Shine is another key factor that should be considered for ladies who do not know how to choose the right mink coat. The fur should be refined, luxuriously poured. Such a game of halftones should be beautiful and traceable over the entire surface of the clothing, and not just in its individual areas. Moreover, both natural and dyed fur should shine and shimmer.

How to choose a mink coat? To enjoy the luxurious replenishment of a winter wardrobe for a long time, it is very important to pay attention to the number of seams in the process of purchasing a fur product. It should be minimal on the back of the clothes. This criterion is responsible for maintaining the attractive appearance of the model for a long period.

If the item is sewn from several small fragments, it is recommended to refuse such an acquisition. The thing is that such models literally sprawl after a couple of seasons.

Not all ladies know how to choose a mink coat correctly: expert advice will help you make a bargain and enjoy it for many seasons.

Mezra quality

One of the important factors in choosing a fur product is the quality of the production of furs. It is necessary to evaluate the back of the skins. Mezdra should be not only soft, but also:

  • elastic;
  • elastic;
  • dense and integral, without cracks.

When pressed, the back of the mink skins should not creak.

Assessing the condition and quality of the dressing of Mezra is quite simple, given all the above criteria. As a rule, the responsible manufacturer does not sew the lining “tightly”. This indicates that he has nothing to hide. If the lining is sewn thoroughly, it is worth asking the seller to tear it a little. Usually stores that value their reputation and name go without a problem. After all, it is important for them to prove the high quality of the goods offered.

Fur condition

How to choose a good mink coat that will last several seasons? One of the basic rules of quality choice is to assess the condition of the pile. The fur should be stroked against the hairline. After that, it is recommended to evaluate how it will return to its original position. When the pile for a long time after such manipulation literally puffs and sticks out, not returning to its place, this is considered extremely low quality fur. It is worth refusing to make such a purchase, even if the price is very attractive.

If a woman first buys a fur product and does not know how to choose a fur coat, she should visually thoroughly evaluate the model. During the inspection, it is recommended that you carefully pay attention to the area near the skin of the skins. There should be a small, barely noticeable fluff. Moreover, it should not cover individual sections of paintings, but the entire surface of the winter product. If such a gun was not found during the visual inspection, then the appropriateness of the purchase is called into question.

Knowing how to choose a good mink coat, you should also test the product. What is a strength test?

How to choose a mink coat

Nothing dangerous and scary! It is recommended to pull the liked model slightly by the pile. If the fur has sprinkled or, even worse, whole bundles remain in the fingers, you should refuse to buy such a fur coat. This indicates improper storage of the model or non-compliance with the rules and regulations for the manufacture of the product.

Another test for those who do not know how to choose a mink coat is a simple procedure. Just shake the winter clothes a little. It is not recommended to give money for a thing that, as a result of such a manipulation:

  • strews;
  • cracking;
  • "Thunders."

Such a fur new thing in an extremely short time will lose its attractive appearance, it will seem disheveled and shabby.

How to choose a high-quality mink coat? What else should you pay close attention to? If there is doubt about the authenticity of the fur, then it is very important to evaluate the length of the pile. Over the entire surface of the fur product, the hairs should be the same size. This is precisely the first indication of the authenticity of the skins.

Purchase after fitting

Since a mink coat belongs to the category of far from the cheapest acquisitions, you should not buy it through the Internet. Such a thing must be tried on and walk in it before buying at least 5 minutes. Do not listen to the enthusiastic exclamations of sellers. This is not an indication that the product really goes to a potential buyer and sits well on it. You need to objectively look at yourself in the mirror.

You need to try on several models, which will allow you to find the most convenient option for yourself.

Knowing how to choose the right mink coat, and taking into account all the criteria, it is almost impossible to miscalculate. Taking into account the main factors will make a really profitable purchase.

Which mink is better long-haired or short-haired?

The opinion of the master

If we consider in which warmer, then that other mink fur is warm.

Subject to the cultivation technology, both types of fur retain heat very well.

The second side is the beauty of the fur. Therefore, short-haired mink is more in demand, it is a novelty, since recently it has been bred and increased interest in it.

Interesting to know

When choosing a new luxurious mink coat, many ladies pay attention to the length of the hair (outer hair).

It is widely believed that a mink coat should be short-haired, but like many trends, this is just a prejudice imposed by advertising. The choice is always yours.

Some people like a short-haired fur coat, others like a flat sheared surface, while others want to buy a mink with long hair.

First of all, it is a matter of your personal taste. Every season, fashion changes, including fur coats and accessories. If in winter 2014 long coats were in fashion, then already in the season of 2015, good styles of short women's fur coats attract more interest in fashion shows.

Long fur has always been in demand. Fur coats from a long-haired animal have their indisputable advantages. These clothes are undeniably warm enough. But there are also disadvantages, long-haired fur is very moody, and such a long spine can break.

But, despite the good thermal properties, for some reason, the mink is more used to seeing smooth, or even sheared.

How to choose a mink fur coat

Therefore, not many countries are ready to take up the production of fur coats from long-haired fur.

Short fur is perhaps more attractive, since it was appreciated by the bulk of fashionistas. Also it is more advertised from here and high demand and value.

Shorthair fur does not like friction. With products from such fur it is better not to use leather belts and other decor details. Handles of bags that are worn over the shoulder can also lead to wiping areas of fur. To prevent such damage, it is necessary to regularly comb the fur for hair growth.

If you compare all the qualities, then the choice of long-haired or short-haired fur is only your preference. The main thing is that the fur be of high quality. Your wardrobe will be ideal if there are two or more things in it, both from long-haired and from short-haired fur.

Today, there is a high demand for mink with low hair; most fur farms switch to shorthair mink cultivation.

Mink coats never go out of fashion, every year many women give preference to this fur. Mink mantles look chic and give a special status to their owners. Now on the market there are many offers from various manufacturers from different countries. Let's try to determine the best manufacturers of mink coats. According to numerous experts, the best mink coats are sewn in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Greece. These countries are unrivaled leaders in sewing fur coats on the Eurasian continent.

World manufacturers of mink coats


Russian manufacturers of mink coats know a lot about tailoring, because in our country the climate is much more severe and colder than the European one. And from ancient times, fur was a necessity for us to survive in the harsh Russian winters. Fur production is developed in Russia, we sew models designed for women of different ages and with different tastes and preferences. The industry leaders are:

  • Sagitta;
  • Elena Furs;
  • Kalyaev.


Italian manufacturers of fur coats sew models. These are full-length fur coats, and short fur coats, and swingers, and other models. The most famous fur tailoring factories:

  • Antonio Didone;
  • Felicci;
  • Rocabella.


Greece is one of the world leaders in sewing fur coats.

How to choose a quality fur coat?

Even in Russia, fur coats to this country have already become traditional. In Greece, high-quality fur coats of various styles are sewn from a wide variety of furs, while the prices of products are not high. Famous Greek factories:

  • Avanti;
  • Above
  • Chris;


The Germans are traditionally very sensitive to quality issues. Fur coats sewn in Germany are worn for a long time. German furriers also produce fur coats of various models. Some of the most famous companies for sewing fur coats:


Fur coats are also sewn on other continents. For example, in South America, one of the countries producing fur coats is Argentina. This country has already occupied its niche in the world market of fur products and has gained admirers of its products. The following Argentinean factories are well-known in the world:

Of course, the factories listed in this article are far from the only ones. There are many manufacturers of beautiful fur coats that are exported to world markets. The market for fur products in each country is very large. We are sure that among the variety of fur coats from different countries, every woman will be able to find exactly the fur coat that is ideal.

How to choose a mink coat across?

Fur coat is an alternative for those who are not ready to allocate a large amount of money to buy a fur coat, and also follows the fashion. Either the cheapness of the fur coat, or the original layout of the fur when sewing and the corresponding pattern became the reason for the fashion for such a fur coat, but the fact remains - even despite the expensive fur, such a fur coat is cheaper than a classic mink.

The essence of the transverse fur coat is that the fur is laid out transversely, and not longitudinally, and therefore pieces of fur are clearly visible on the product. This is especially noticeable on the back, if the tailoring itself does not imply narrow strips of fur, and is laid out, as it should, evenly, without decorative tricks.

How to choose a transverse mink coat?

The choice of a fur coat should come from the style, and then from the color.

  • "butterfly"   - medium length, flared from the chest and wide sleeves; very often it is a short mink fur coat, which has a more decorative purpose than a warming coat;
  • "Year"   - fitted coat with a hood, flared from the waist; Today, more and more often you can find this version of the cut in the form of a mink coat of transverse cross-section, where the sleeves, hood and even part of the hem are unfastened;
  • Cleopatra   - trapezoidal style with inserts on the hem and sleeves;
  • short fur coat   - This is a mink fur coat across the avtoledi - for women who drive a car;
  • fur coat   - long and straight, in this style the cross is most clearly demonstrated.

Today, there are three primary colors of fur coats:

  • black transverse mink coat- the most practical version of the fur coat, suitable for all color types and goes well with other colors in clothes and jewelry, since black is a neutral color that allows you to create contrast with other shades;
  • pastel mink fur coat- gentle pastel shades - from creamy white to mottled beige look nontrivial and show the overflow of fur as much as possible; this is the most successful color choice for a fur coat of transverse cut;
  • white transverse mink coat- a bright choice of a fur coat, one of the shortcomings - it is easy to get dirty, but the delicate white color convincingly distinguishes its owner from the gray urban architecture.

Mink coat is an expensive pleasure. In the market of fur products, it costs at least 40 thousand rubles. Therefore, women choose a fur coat carefully. When choosing, you need to know by what criteria the quality of the fur and the fur product is evaluated.

The main parameters for determining the quality of outerwear by professional fur businessmen:

Before buying, find out about methods for determining the quality of mink fur. Do not trust sellers, since for them the main task is to sell the goods.

There are simple ways to determine the quality of the fur yourself:

  1. Run a hand over the fur against the growth of hairs, he will immediately restore its previous position. Here it should be noted that the pile does not stick out in different directions.
  2. Take a closer look at the fur. Under the core pile, there should be a fluff, shorter hairs. The reliability of a fur coat in severe frosts depends on them.
  3. Examine the fur coat with your hands. If the villi stick to the hands, the fur is of poor quality. Also, the seller must allow the fur to twitch, which will also help determine the quality of the fur.

Pile should not fall out. Otherwise, your fur coat will constantly shed and lose its appearance after the first months of wear.

  • Another way is the sense of smell. Smell the future fur coat. From it should not emit extraneous chemical odors, only natural.
  • Examine the fur coat from the inside. Lining fabric, sewing quality, size and evenness of stitches, the durability of the socks will depend on this.
  • If the mink is colored, we check the quality of the application. To do this, take a piece of light fabric, rub the pile. If traces remain on the fabric, tinting is of poor quality.
  • Check that there are no rust marks or faded areas on the coat.
  • When choosing a fur coat, choose the right size, model. Note that the mink product for winter, under it you have to wear warm clothes. When worn, it should be comfortable, not embarrassed, in line with modern fashion trends.

    Consider what types of minks make expensive fur coats:

    • Living in North America, Canada. Black mug blackglama is especially appreciated. Her fur is velvety and durable. Blackglam mink is sold at auction and has a very high cost.
    • Scandinavian. Lives in North America, Denmark, Finland. Cheaper than North American, but has a different color. From blue, gray, to brown and black.
    • Living in Russia. Bred new breeds of the North American mink, but with warmer fur and a long pile.

    When buying a fur product, find out information about the manufacturer, this is also very important. Manufacturers must be known in the fur market, in proven fur salons. In the salon, the seller must present a quality certificate to convince you of the authenticity of the mink product.

    Many couturiers sew a fur coat from another beast so that a simple housewife will not distinguish a mink from a groundhog or a rabbit. Here you need to know the structure of the fur. Mink fur is tougher and coarser to the touch than rabbit fur, and groundhog hairs generally prick.

    To achieve a unique resemblance between a rabbit and a mink, his fur is plucked in a special way. But when viewed firsthand, it is noticeable that the undercoat has a different length or it is the same length with the core pile. So - in front of you a rabbit.

    To distinguish a mink from a groundhog, you need to take the pile into a fist and slowly release it. If the fur flows one-dimensionally, it quickly takes its previous position - the mink, and if it leaves stripes that separate the lines of the pile from each other, and when it returns to its previous state it has a bruised feel, this is a groundhog.

    After the purchase, all methods can be carried out at home again to make sure 100% of the natural fur.

    When auctioning Blackham mink skins, they are checked for naturalness. A label indicating the type of mink is sewn to each skin. The label should be white with a black inscription, also when viewing it under ultraviolet rays, you can see an invisible word.

    Each label has a number printed on it. By serial number, you can determine the authenticity of the skin. Each number can be found in the register of crafted skins on the Blacklam website.

    Today, it is customary to chip coats. Chipping will reveal counterfeit goods. The barcode is applied to outer clothing if the product is lined with fur or the product itself. But if there is only fur trim (collar, sleeve, pocket), then the chip is not applied.

    Each fur coat has a KiZ chip attached. The chip determines the country of origin. If the chip is green - Russia, red - the fur coat was brought from European countries. Marking can be sewn into the seam of the product, sewn onto the main label.

    If an outerwear store sells goods not marked, then this is fraught with penalties, up to confiscation.

    Depositphotos / VictoriaAndr

    What is the standard of luxury, wealth, presentability for a woman? Of course, this is a mink coat. Chic fur with precious tints is able to decorate any lady. But how to choose a high-quality mink coat? What to pay close attention to?

    Fur color is an important indicator

    In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, every woman should know how to choose high-quality mink fur. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the color of the product. Of course, there can be no consensus. Some ladies like dark models. Other ladies are delighted with milky beige or silver shades. Still others have no particular preferences at all and are repelled only from fashion trends.

    However, it is worth noting a few points that indicate the quality of the fur. It is believed that too intense coloring of the pile indicates sewing of the product from old skins or dyeing. The latter is pretty simple to check.

    Not knowing how to choose mink fur, it is very important to remember the criteria for quality pile. Such fur coats are characterized by:

    • a light shade of mezdra;
    • its unique softness;
    • exquisite brilliance.

    The dyed product is distinguished by a dark, almost black, mezdra. Under the undercoat, you must also have a good look at the model.

    It is worth mentioning right away that dyeing a fur product in itself cannot be called a drawback. Indeed, every year fashion trends change, and sometimes red, blue, and purple models appear at the peak of popularity. Shades can be very different, which only competent coloring allows to achieve.

    Here the matter lies elsewhere. Unprincipled manufacturers often in this way try to pass off their products as exclusive.

    It is impossible to know everything about mink coats. However, one must remember that in nature there is no black mink. That is why you do not need to listen to scammers who offer similar models.

    Ladies should know how to choose a good fur coat and check the quality of its color. For experience, a simple handkerchief is usually sufficient. They need to lightly rub the fur. If there are no hairs and paint left on the fabric, then the product is made with high quality.

    The choice of the shade of the product is influenced by the question of the estimated time to wear a fur coat. Such a fur can be very wear resistant. It withstands 5 to 10 years of wear. If the model is purchased for a couple of years, then the shade can be absolutely anything. When the purchase becomes fundamental and is done for a long period, preference should be given to natural, natural colors. Classic out of fashion trends. This criterion applies not only to the choice of color, but also to the style of the product.

    Gloss and number of seams

    Shine is another key factor that should be considered for ladies who do not know how to choose the right mink coat. The fur should be refined, luxuriously poured. Such a game of halftones should be beautiful and traceable over the entire surface of the clothing, and not just in its individual areas. Moreover, both natural and dyed fur should shine and shimmer.

    How to choose a mink coat? To enjoy the luxurious replenishment of a winter wardrobe for a long time, it is very important to pay attention to the number of seams in the process of purchasing a fur product. It should be minimal on the back of the clothes. This criterion is responsible for maintaining the attractive appearance of the model for a long period.

    If the item is sewn from several small fragments, it is recommended to refuse such an acquisition. The thing is that such models literally sprawl after a couple of seasons.

    Not all ladies know how to choose a mink coat correctly: expert advice will help you make a bargain and enjoy it for many seasons.

    Mezra quality

    One of the important factors in choosing a fur product is the quality of the production of furs. It is necessary to evaluate the back of the skins. Mezdra should be not only soft, but also:

    • elastic;
    • elastic;
    • dense and integral, without cracks.

    When pressed, the back of the mink skins should not creak.

    Assessing the condition and quality of the dressing of Mezra is quite simple, given all the above criteria. As a rule, the responsible manufacturer does not sew the lining “tightly”. This indicates that he has nothing to hide. If the lining is sewn thoroughly, it is worth asking the seller to tear it a little. Usually stores that value their reputation and name go without a problem. After all, it is important for them to prove the high quality of the goods offered.

    Fur condition

    How to choose a good mink coat that will last several seasons? One of the basic rules of quality choice is to assess the condition of the pile. The fur should be stroked against the hairline. After that, it is recommended to evaluate how it will return to its original position. When the pile for a long time after such manipulation literally puffs and sticks out, not returning to its place, this is considered extremely low quality fur. It is worth refusing to make such a purchase, even if the price is very attractive.

    If a woman first buys a fur product and does not know how to choose a fur coat, she should visually thoroughly evaluate the model. During the inspection, it is recommended that you carefully pay attention to the area near the skin of the skins. There should be a small, barely noticeable fluff. Moreover, it should not cover individual sections of paintings, but the entire surface of the winter product. If such a gun was not found during the visual inspection, then the appropriateness of the purchase is called into question.

    Knowing how to choose a good mink coat, you should also test the product. What is a strength test? Nothing dangerous and scary! It is recommended to pull the liked model slightly by the pile. If the fur has sprinkled or, even worse, whole bundles remain in the fingers, you should refuse to buy such a fur coat. This indicates improper storage of the model or non-compliance with the rules and regulations for the manufacture of the product.

    Another test for those who do not know how to choose a mink coat is a simple procedure. Just shake the winter clothes a little. It is not recommended to give money for a thing that, as a result of such a manipulation:

    • strews;
    • cracking;
    • "Thunders."

    Such a fur new thing in an extremely short time will lose its attractive appearance, it will seem disheveled and shabby.

    How to choose a high-quality mink coat? What else should you pay close attention to? If there is doubt about the authenticity of the fur, then it is very important to evaluate the length of the pile. Over the entire surface of the fur product, the hairs should be the same size. This is precisely the first indication of the authenticity of the skins.

    Purchase after fitting

    Since a mink coat belongs to the category of far from the cheapest acquisitions, you should not buy it through the Internet. Such a thing must be tried on and walk in it before buying at least 5 minutes. Do not listen to the enthusiastic exclamations of sellers. This is not an indication that the product really goes to a potential buyer and sits well on it. You need to objectively look at yourself in the mirror.

    You need to try on several models, which will allow you to find the most convenient option for yourself.

    Knowing how to choose the right mink coat, and taking into account all the criteria, it is almost impossible to miscalculate. Taking into account the main factors will make a really profitable purchase.