Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey. Lera Kudryavtseva openly spoke about the reasons for breaking up with Sergei Lazarev

Well, the new issue of the Secret to a Million program will turn out to be very sharp, and even very unusual, because for the first time in the history of the show, the host Lera Kudryavtseva herself will be in the player’s chair. She will voice many personal facts, including the truth about parting with Sergei Lazarev.

While our readers are discussing, other interesting news from Russian stars appeared. So, on the last Saturday of the outgoing year, NTV will broadcast the most unusual release of the Secret in a Million program. Her main character will be a constant.

Her friends and colleagues will ask her questions:, Dmitry Malikov, Elena Vorobey. Therefore, we have to answer the most frank questions. Here's a teaser for the upcoming program.

The creators of the show are intriguing with a major revelation. In the studio "Secret to a Million" Lera Kudryavtseva will also meet with her former lover Sergei Lazarev, with whom they have been together for 4 years. Earlier, the singer spoke about, and now the presenter will tell why she broke up with Lazarev.

He never married me.

Not without funny moments. As it turned out, Lera Kudryavtseva got rid of Lazarev's gift: she sent the puppy he presented to live with her mother.

Lera invited the former elect to visit, to which he stated that he was no longer a “walker” in her house, because she was married to. The TV presenter spoke about the relationship with her new husband as follows.

Globally do not swear at all. Maximum - resentment over some little things. Five minutes - and everyone forgot. The first to reconcile is always me. Even if not to blame. Igor has such a character, from his mother, apparently, along the genetic line. He never admits that he is wrong. Then there may be an insight. But it's' too late.

Fans are already looking forward to the new Million Dollar Secret. Recall that recently.

Photo source: Millionth Secret program

Why did Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev break up? How sincere were their relationships? - The media are actively commenting on every step of the star couple, so fans will quickly find out the news about the personal life of their idols. A complicated story hides many secrets hidden behind the silence of Kudryavtseva and Lazarev. What is known about them?

Relations of Lera and Sergey

This novel was an unexpected surprise for many. Sergei is 12 years younger than his chosen one. This age difference seems like a huge chasm for building truly strong relationships. And yet the couple has been together for a long time. Despite the constant rumors that Kudryavtseva broke up with Lazarev, their relationship successfully continued from 2009 to 2012.

The artists met safely at star parties, relaxed on the seas, attended various events. Sometimes they allowed themselves to appear apart. In 2012, fans noted the manifestation of coquetry from Lera on Twitter to hockey player Alexander Radulov. It was enough a couple of times Kudryavtseva to attend parties without a lover, so that immediately a new wave of gossip arose.

In the midst of a discussion of the “gap”, the couple embarked on a joint journey through the US historical sites. Information on the blogs of each artist nullified all the rumors. A rich program of American relaxation included enjoying a Celine Dion concert, trips to all kinds of excursions and even a joint visit to an erotic show.

Photos from the Grand Canyon on the blog gathered a lot of comments from loyal fans. The TV presenter said about the great temptations around and her desire to increase the amount of fast food in the diet. The singer allowed himself to be photographed on camera with a glass of whiskey and cola, noting the wonderful habits of their family.

A visit to Vegas unexpectedly decorated meeting with ... Philip Kirkorov. The artists decided that this was a great occasion for a joint dinner and further shopping.

Until the end of February 2012, Lera and Sergey rested in the United States. Occasionally, a gym got into their program of the day. But most of the time was spent in complete relaxation and full enjoyment of the organized rest. A trip to Miami went on vacation, where the couple behaved like a family: they talked a lot, made jokes, ate and shared a bed together.

Why did your feelings fade?

A joint winter holiday reassured the vigilance of the fans for a while. In the summer, like a bolt from the blue, a message was heard about the separation of Lazarev and Kudryavtseva. At the music festival in Jurmala, the couple conducted the opening ceremony, and at the end of the event they issued an announcement on the termination of close relations.

The initiator of the breakup was Lera herself. While the relationship was guest in nature, she was happy with everything. But with age, an understanding began to come that it was time to change our values. The desire to build strong family relationships has come to the fore. Alas, Sergei did not fit in with the role of the future spouse.

The crazy rhythm of work increased the sensitivity of Kudryavtseva. The TV presenter began to react too nervously to Sergey’s actions and words, and then completely came to the idea of \u200b\u200bfading feelings. Given the level of their relationship, the separation took place in a fairly peaceful form. The couple sat down at the “negotiation table” and discussed the current situation.

Lera calls Sergey a perfectionist. His strong passion for work did not imply a change in his personal life. Is it possible to build a family when the first and second place is a career? In addition, the cooling of feelings could hardly become a good basis for family ties. The singer thought over the words of his chosen one and spoke out that he was ready to make a decision Lera. They agreed to call less immediately after the breakup and try to maintain friendly relations in the future.

In 2012, Kudryavtseva cautiously spoke about her new relationship, hiding until the last romance with SKA club striker Igor Makarov. But in 2013, active preparations for the wedding began and I had to withstand a barrage of public discussion of this event. The difference between the spouses at age 16 excited many fans that on the one, on the other. How their relations will develop in the future is unknown. Sergei also noted in social networks that he was happy for Leroux, who managed to find a match for “a real man” ...

On the last Saturday of the outgoing year, NTV will broadcast the most unusual issue of the Secret in a Million program. Her main character will be the permanent host of the project - Lera Kudryavtseva. Previously, she had never participated in such experiments, because she did not like to discuss personal life so openly.

Leading the show will be Lera's colleagues and friends: Nikolai Baskov, Dmitry Malikov, Irina Dubtsova, Elena Vorobey. Kudryavtseva will have to answer the most frank questions, and mother, sister and beloved husband will tell something that they have never told anyone else.

In the studio "Secret for a Million" Lera Kudryavtseva will also meet with her former lover Sergei Lazarev. For four years, from 2008 to 2012, celebrities were together. The presenter will tell why she broke up with the singer.

“He never called me to marry,” said Kudryavtseva.

In addition, ex-lovers found out other issues that were not previously discussed. In the program, Lazarev asks Kudryavtseva about the fate of the puppy that he gave her. “Where is the dog, Lera?” - says Sergey. “Mom,” Lera answers and laughs.

The TV presenter invited the ex-chosen one to visit, to which he stated that he was no longer “a walker” to her house, since now she is married to hockey player Igor Makarov.

In the program, Lera also remembered a painful breakup with her first husband, Sergey Lenyuk. “A girl began to come to our house and tell how she slept with my first husband,” the artist said.

Recall Lera Kudryavtseva married for the third time. The second husband of the star was businessman Matvey Morozov. But in 2007, they divorced. Hockey player Igor Makarov called the TV presenter down the aisle in 2013. Despite the age difference, the couple are happy together. Lera insists that any rumors about their separation are spread by spiteful critics. A number of sources even reported that they divorced.

“Globally we don’t swear at all. Maximum - resentment over some little things. Five minutes - and everyone forgot. The first to reconcile is always me. Even if not to blame. Igor has such a character, from his mother, apparently, along the genetic line. He never admits that he is wrong. Then there may be an insight. But it's already late, ”said Lera.

We went to Lera Kudryavtseva to ask her about the new novel. After all, announcing a breakdown in relations with Sergey Lazarev, the TV presenter immediately began to appear in the company of the 25-year-old handsome hockey player, SKA striker Igor Makarov. It seemed that this was the obvious reason for breaking up with her former lover. But the conversation with Leroy did not come out at all as we expected ...

- At the festival in Jurmala, after Sergey Lazarev was seen with strangers, it became clear that between you ran a black cat.

But then you all denied ...

The conversation, as a result of which we decided to leave, took place just on the eve of Jurmala. I said: “Serezha, we need to seriously talk.” We sat down, and I laid out to him everything that I had been preparing to say for several months. Put everything on the shelves! Finishing that, since the situation is hopeless, we need to leave. In response - stone silence. I was even afraid that Seryozha did not understand anything, that I could not convey my thoughts to him. Then I guessed: he understood everything, just trying to restrain his emotions. Finally he replied: "Well, if this is your firm decision, I cannot go against him." We went to Jurmala separately. But we have not yet gained the strength to announce this to the public.

Too everything was still alive!

- What did Sergey do so that you decided to leave?

Seryozha hasn’t done anything! Absolutely nothing! This is probably hard to believe, but it really is: I have no reason to blame him. I'm just tired - that’s the whole reason. It all started back in the winter, when Sergei and I returned from a vacation in Miami. For a month of vacation, I’m too used to being there constantly. Every day from morning to evening and from evening to morning! In Miami, we lived with him as it should be a couple with five years of experience - we divided everything into two: classes, conversations, thoughts, jokes, business, food, bed ... Perhaps we felt like a real family. You quickly get used to the good ... And then they returned to Moscow and again each went to his home.

And each of us was swallowed up by work with its crazy rhythm ... It seems that everything just returned to square one. But then I suddenly felt so alone! Little things began to hurt me - Serezha forgot to call, forgot to say some right words. And then apathy rolled over, and I began to catch myself thinking that I didn’t care anyway whether he would call or not. It became clear: our relationship has stalled. Unbeknownst to ourselves, we missed our love, did not allow it to develop naturally, and it began to decline. And it was too late to change something. I never dreamed of officially marrying Lazarev and never wanted to live with him in the same house. And if I were asked, say, two years ago, would I be happy with the version of the relationship that we had with Sergei, I would answer: absolutely!

We work in the same business, tour together, conduct some events together, we have an amazing community of interests! Well, yes, we live in different apartments, but several times a day we call up, correspond, and each knows in great detail what happens to the other. Moreover, such a guest version of the relationship allowed me to give work as much time as it required. I love my work, and my life is largely devoted to it! And what not to love her if the profession brought me much more joy than both of my official marriages combined ...

“Well, yes, both of your marriages were not very successful.” And if the first, with the musician of "Tender May" Sergei Lenyuk, broke up, as they say, in his youth and inexperience (both of you were about twenty, and here you still did not have a relationship with the mother-in-law, who had a great influence on her son), then the second marriage - with Matvey Morozov - turned into just some kind of thriller ...

The husband turned out to be not at all the person whom you believed him to be, deceived more than six hundred people, was convicted of fraud, for which he went to jail, and it turned out that he had already been charged with rape and robbery ...

In order not to delve into this topic - both of my marriages really brought me disappointment. For this reason, it seemed to me there was no need to strive again into this trap. I didn’t try! Until six months ago, I realized how tired I was of being alone! It turns out that I am not at all as progressive and independent as I thought.

It turns out that I, like most women, need someone's warmth, a man's shoulder. I want a man to be with me every night. I want to lie with him on the couch and watch movies. I want to cook borsch and have dinner together in the evening. I want to go to the country together. And, having realized this, I at the same time realized that I have nothing and never will have anything like that with Sergei Lazarev. But this is such a longing - to love someone, but not to see him, not to feel, not to touch! If you knew how tired I was of answering the question: “When will you have a wedding with Sergey?” What, one wonders, is a wedding when my beloved is never with me! He’s always absent from the city. And if he is, then I’m not ... And only on weekends (during our work it’s quite rare), on holidays, on holidays, we can afford the luxury of just being with each other! I don’t think teamwork is a special article.

When I explained all this to Seryozha, I did not even expect that he would propose to change something.

I understand perfectly that he has a career in the first place. Seryozha is a terrible perfectionist, he is just sick of his work, he is her fan! And before I liked it in him! But it always happens that way: for a long time something suits you, and then - bam! And for some reason it stops. So, the second place allotted to me ceased to suit me. After all, I understand that if Seryozha faces a choice: his new album or I with my problems, he will choose an album. And it would not even enter my head to ask him to do the opposite. In general, after five years of our romance, I suddenly realized that it was a train to nowhere. Despite the fact that we are very comfortable spent with him these five years! But the more comfortable it was to live together, the more difficult it is to part.

We had a wonderful, just amazing relationship. We almost did not quarrel with Sergei at all during this time. Well, there was one episode a few years ago, on “Song of the Year”, when we just quarreled in the trash behind the scenes, before going out. Because of some detail in the script - now I don’t even remember exactly because of which one. We were both just on the nerves, on adrenaline, after all, “Song of the Year” is a serious event! And so Seryozha and I sent each other to hell and did not talk for several weeks - although at the same time we continued to go on stage and smile at each other as if nothing had happened. Then it was ridiculous to recall all this ... Well, Seryozha once got angry with me that I was trying to get into his work when I tried to insert my five cents and advise him on his music.

All! Nothing more bad has ever happened between us. But there was a lot of good! I never laughed so much as with Lazarev! He is capable of turning any problem into a joke. It happened that we laughed with him the whole night, until morning. And I suspect that if someone had heard over what, they would not have understood. Our humor with him is very specific, individual, only for personal use. Yes there! These five years are generally full of the brightest memories - I have never had anything like this with anyone else! Now I just do that I recall some of our adventures with Sergei. I remember and smile through my tears! Here is how we, for example, were supposed to fly to a television project somewhere in either France or Argentina, but by mistake at the airport they somehow gave me an economy-class ticket, and Lazarev - a business-class ticket.

But these things were agreed in advance, and both of us under the contract relied business class. In general, Sergei and I freaked out and did not fly to the project. And then he says: “Listen, we are already at the airport anyway. And in their schedules, they have already been released several days anyway. So let's tear off somewhere to the sea where the first plane flies! ” And so we come to the scoreboard and see that in an hour the flight to Barcelona. And we are flying there. We have no hotel reservation, no idea where to live. But it was the season itself, all the hotels were jam-packed! But somehow we got out, found a hotel and spent near Barcelona a completely wonderful week at sea! But you never know, we had happy trips with him ... And what touching gifts he gave me, how he cared! Seryozha is generally very reverent. He is amazingly able to work as a nurse: laughs, cheers ... But what is there! I should have caught a banal cold and lay down at home with a temperature, as he rushed towards me with oranges, freshly squeezed juices, and woolen socks.

Of course he’s smart! And from him only support has always been. Oh, I'm already starting to think: why did I drive him away? What have I done? Serega became such a kindred to me, so close ... I know him all - from the top of his head to his heels. It often happened to him that he begins to express some thought, and I pick up and continue. We were absolutely on the same wavelength, breathing in unison! We liked the same food, music, clothes, entertainment. We were worried about the same problems in the world. It is simply amazing what harmony Seryozha and I managed to achieve in just five years! And with all this, it turns out that I must leave Seryozha! I must close this door and wait for some other to open after this.

Wow puzzle, huh? It would be much easier if something really negative happened between us. If someone cheated on someone, offended, pounded the frying pan on the head! We would have aversion to each other, and it would be easy and natural to part. Well, or at least there was some good reason to leave right now - for example, someone would have gone somewhere for several years. So no! When you, though deliberately, and reasonably, but emotionally, absolutely out of the blue, announce to your loved one that we supposedly need to try to live without each other, it hurts him and you. And then, of course, his hands itch to dial his number, talk to him. But Sergei and I agreed in advance not to do this. After all, what in our case means parting? We did not live together to pack our suitcases and leave, as is usually the case.

Not our option! Instead, we simply agreed not to communicate temporarily. Otherwise, it would not be clear what our separation is - we could have not seen each other for weeks! But over time, I hope we can communicate again - as friends.

- The information is already circulating on the Internet that Lera Kudryavtseva is meeting with a young hockey player, striker of the SKA club, tall and handsome Igor Makarov. The 25-year-old athlete himself posted several photos in his micro-blog where he gently hugs you ...

I have nothing to say on this subject. Too early. And then, in the five years of our relationship with Seryozha, when thousands of people watched each of our sneezes, quoted each of our messages to each other on some kind of social network, I’m so tired of all this that the second such test is probably just not I will withstand!

- But to quench the wave of interest in your new novel is not easy ...

Only the age of Igor Makarov excites the minds! Sergey Lazarev is 12 years younger than you, and Igor is 16 years younger!

Well, yes, in our country there is some kind of directly painful interest in the topic of age. Due to the fact that I’m 12 years older than Seryozha, for a very long time people did not believe that we had a real affair with him. Although now, as far as I know, the same people do not want to believe in our parting with Seryozha. For example, girls from our fan clubs. Previously, Lazarev and I had separate fan clubs, and some of his fans did not like, or even did not know me at all, and some of mine - Seryozha.

But they all agreed that we categorically do not fit each other! But in the end, our fan clubs came together, and now the girls just have universal ecstasy that we disagree with Lazarev. Somehow, apparently, after five years, everyone came to terms with our 12-year age difference, and she stopped looking like a serious obstacle. Stereotypes are all nonsense! When two people don’t feel the difference in age, then why should the public suddenly care? Lazarev never felt that I was older than him, and I - that he was younger. And how many stories are around when men live all their lives with women who are 20 years older than them, and even carry them on their hands! Just yesterday, I heard a similar story from my friends, how my husband could not bear the death of his wife, who is 19 years older than him, and very soon after she burned down. There are different things. You might think that if a man and a woman are of the same age, this guarantees them from parting.

The world is structured so that some people live together until the very end, while others diverge, some in three years, some in ten, and this has nothing to do with age.

- Sergey Lazarev wrote in the comments, where your new novel was discussed, that he was supposedly “happy for Kudryavtsev, who managed to find a“ real man ”. Do you think he is jealous of you?

Surely. I will not dissemble, and I am also jealous of him. Of course, I wonder where Seryozha is, with whom and how he has it. With my mind I wish him to find the man of my life ... But with emotions I don’t want to wish him that, as an egoist ... (Laughs.) I’m not ready yet to see Seryozha with someone and not be jealous!

I think, and he feels about the same. I know Seryozha well and understand how difficult it is for him now. He rather painfully accepted our break. It’s not the easiest period for both of us. But I simply did not see another way out of this situation. Now all that remains for me is to drive thoughts of Seryozha from me. Fortunately, I have girlfriends and friends. I try not to stay at home alone for a long time - otherwise you can get stuck in your feelings. On doubts and self-digging: was everything really so hopeless to cut like this, on a living? Maybe I dumped the fool, but you just had to wait? In general, I begin to load myself, and this does not lead to anything good. What has been done is done, and you just need to further build your life.

We thank the Baker Furniture Salon for their help in organizing the shooting


They both live in the world of show business. She is a talented actress and TV presenter, he is a famous Russian singer, artist, who began his vocal career with the music band "Fidgets". She is 12 years older than him, which is why their love from the very beginning was considered a PR. But their romance is not advertising, and they managed to prove it. Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev ... How did their love story begin?

They learned about each other's existence at one of the first musical projects that started to open up new talents - the competition “Jurmala. New Wave ”in 2002, where Sergey as part of the Smash group represented Russia and won. But, then, neither Lera nor Seryozha paid any attention to each other, because the singer was very young. Moreover, at that time there were rumors that he was gay, and Lera, already then experiencing pain and disappointment from her first novels, did not even think that she would once be in love with Sergey. The singer himself was of the same opinion. They did not even suspect what kind of gift a mischievous fate was preparing for them.

Further, everything happened as in a movie. The organizers of the already beloved contest decided to provide the opportunity to conduct an annual ceremony for Sergey and Lera. But if the girl was already a professional TV presenter, then Sergey was little informed in this matter. Prior to his unusual perfection, he was only a musical performer, although, without a doubt, incredibly artistic. When Lera and Sergey were announced that they would have to work together for the whole 6 days, the professional TV presenter was a little confused, it seemed to Sergey. Lera considered him too young to conduct such a grandiose musical competition, because she had to teach him all the subtleties, but oddly enough, the work on this project was quite fruitful and exciting.

After the joint work, Lera and Seryozha talked a lot, continued to work together, but never thought that they could have more than just friendship.

A miracle happened in Israel, and quite unexpectedly. Lera was supposed to announce the next artist, who turned out to be Sergey. Describing his merits, she suddenly admitted that she loved him, and he did not get confused and kissed her right in front of a multimillion-dollar audience.

Their secret romance continued in Jurmala, when Lera every morning found a bouquet of flowers under her door and told all her friends about a secret admirer, hoping that Sergei would betray himself with jealousy. But that did not happen.
Already in Moscow, the singer admitted to the talented artist that it was thanks to him that every morning she could see another bouquet of flowers under her door. Then they first realized that they could no longer live without each other. The guys often called up, met, gradually became relatives for each other, but did not dare to start a life together. Even now, Valeria and Sergei admit that they do not live together. Every day they come to each other, but about how to tie the knot or live together until they think it’s easier for them. Lera is afraid of family life, because she already had two unsuccessful marriages and believes that in order to strengthen relations, lovers do not have to live together.

Lera and Seryozha understand each other very well, not one of them wants to forget about work and put tight frames around a loved one. The singer considers her beloved to be a very wise, strong and strong-willed woman, therefore, agrees with her that with their heavy characters family life would become unbearable.

Perhaps this is because both Sergei and Lera had many unsuccessful novels. Sergei was once accused of being gay, and Lera, thanks to her first failed marriage, found solace in a glass of wine.

The fate of Valeria Kudryavtseva as a woman was rather difficult. When she was 18 years old, she married the musician of the band “Tender May”. It was crazy love, at least from the then naive girl, who believed that her husband was crazy about her. But, apparently, his career turned out to be more important for him, he always left somewhere, toured the country, and Lera was left alone. Soon she became pregnant, the birth was difficult, and Sergey soon left, leaving her alone with her son.   Every day in their house there were phone calls that belonged to fans who called a popular musician and constantly talked about their love affair with her husband. Lera was tired of all this, she was tired of everything, which is why she decided to leave her husband and break off all relations. A terrible depression fell upon her, as a result of which she recovered by 18 kilograms and found solace in alcoholic beverages, but, fortunately, she was able to come to her senses in time and start life anew.

Another unsuccessful novel for Valeria Kudryavtseva was relations with one of the most influential businessman, who began at the very beginning of her career in show business. He was a very serious and influential man, showering Leroux with gifts and jewelry for a whole year, and at some point she realized that she wanted to be with him. But his jealousy was simply pathological, it was expressed in constant monitoring of her, he listened to all her phone calls, often came to the Mosfilm studio and threatened her organizers. Thus, he did not allow his beloved self-fulfillment in the cinema. Among other things, he paid her to friends he knew for new information about her.Lera was constantly under his close supervision. Every man falling under his close attention, even if her colleague, was perceived as a potential fan, and in the evenings the girl was subjected to severe physical beatings from a "loving" man.

This story really was very scary. Lera tried many times to leave her “beloved” man, but he still found her, begged her to return, and asked for forgiveness on her lap. But soon she understood everything and decided to leave him completely, threatening him with prison.

It would seem that the young woman has endured a lot, endured a lot, but probably not as much as fate would have liked. Lera got married again. This time for the criminal Matvey Morozov, who had already been tried for rape and theft before meeting with Valeria. After leaving prison, he did not become a law-abiding citizen, but began to engage in fraud. So, together with his “buddies”, he opened a store called “Auto parts for all foreign cars”, where customers were asked to leave a request, select any part from the catalog and deposit the amount of the deposit, which most often amounted to the full cost of the goods, and sellers promised to bring the necessary part in the specified time. When this did not happen, buyers came to the store, tried to figure out the situation, and the managers came up with a beautiful fairy tale for them. For example, they said that the ship from the United States or Japan, on which the goods were located, crashed, which increased the waiting period, and when more impatient customers came to the store, they returned the part, but not the one they ordered.

Morozov could not constantly deceive customers, which is why his store very often moved from place to place. In one of them, the fraudster met Lera, from whom he did not arouse a bit of suspicion, as evidenced by their wedding, which took place literally after three months of meeting. Surprisingly, Matvey quickly found an approach to Jean - the son of Lera from his first marriage.They had a really very good relationship, which allowed the young to speed up the wedding, because for Lera, her child always remains the most important.

But happiness did not last long. When Lera returned from Thailand, where she was filming, which lasted about three months, Matvey volunteered to meet her at the airport, where he was arrested right in front of Lera. She was in shock.

After that, Lera and Matvey did not meet, but with the help of lawyers they talked on the phone for a year. In the process of this communication, Lera realized that he was not holding her, but rather was asking for forgiveness for her unfulfilled dreams and hopes. It turns out that then he already understood everything and wanted his beloved to live her own life.

Sergey Lazarev was also quite uneasy: crowds of fans, rumors about gay and real novels. Before starting a relationship with Lera, he met a girl whose name was not disclosed, since she is not a public person, although her father is a rather serious person. That is why she did not want to be in the center of public events.

Today, Leru Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev are called the most stylish and most successful pair of domestic show business. Together they conduct television shows, skate, and improve their careers. In order to show how well the couple knows each other, they agreed to take part in a new Russian television project called “You and Me”, where they showed the best result.

Of course, not every person will believe in the veracity of their history, in the sincerity of the relationship, but just look at them and you understand everything at once. Lera and Seryozha are very similar - they are both from the world of show business, both love their work, and yet in this tough world one wants to find a person who will support and understand you in everything. Both Sergei and Valeria have heavy characters: they are both stubborn, and none of them will agree to give up their work for their personal lives, but they never forget about each other's existence.

Yes, they do not live together, but is this a problem? It’s easier for them, they are both already tempted in love, and therefore they are afraid to lose each other, they are afraid to take some wrong step, and they know that everyday problems are much worse than romance, which can sometimes destroy everything. Yes, Lera is older than Seryozha! So what! After all, as you know, all ages are submissive to love ....

I want to believe these two lovers' hearts, if only because their life has already been badly battered, and they, like most ordinary people, just want to find their piece of happiness.

Lera and Sergey are worthy of happiness, love and respect, and perhaps their life together and honeymoon are just around the corner ....

Anna Kondratieva