New Year's greetings for the team comic. Funny greetings to colleagues a happy new year in verse, SMS fun for colleagues for the new year

The most favorite holiday of adults and children is just around the corner. A little more and will blow the real Christmas tree smell of the New Year.
  At first - in November or in the first mid-December - everything is calm. People wake up, go to work, work, return home and go to bed. And then - a boom! - and away we go. Running around from one store to another begins in search of counting out banknotes moving from wallets to cash registers and a real torture of the mind in the realm of fantasy - what beautiful words to choose for holiday cards, phone greetings.

Well, it would concern only close relatives and relatives. But you should not forget about your colleagues at work. Even about those of them who sometimes put you in the wheel and sticks caustically.

The most exhausting part in preparing for a corporate holiday is often the congratulatory part. The selection of the correct, disinterested, respectful and - most importantly - unique words for each employee sometimes becomes a difficult task.

In contact with

Funny Happy New Year to all colleagues at work.

The goal becomes completely unattainable if congratulations still need to be flavored with a touch of light humor. But if it is realized, the result exceeds all expectations.

  For instance:

“Dear colleagues, the New Year is coming, and I would like to wish you on this wonderful holiday tremendous success in the field of work, fabulous financial achievements and wonderful bosses with always a good mood.
  Let your skills become more expensive than any treasures of the world. But if someone suddenly decides to purchase them, bargain to the end! ”

You can also show your attitude to the team:

“I want to wish everyone a happy New Year with whom I share my joy and sorrow with each side of God’s labor day - this is our friendly team.
  I wish that the denezhek received much more, and labor spent on them much less. "

With a little imagination, you can cook up a story about an unusual dream:

“Dear colleague! Today I had an amazing dream: in it you win a huge amount of cash in the lottery, the boss gives you his place, and the most famous director gives you the main role in his film.
   “I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and wish that the dream be prophetic.”

Here is what happens when the soul is wide open:

“I love every weekday morning - I get up and go to work, like on a holiday, and absolutely hate the weekend, because these days I do not see the most pleasant, intelligent and sincere colleagues in the whole world!
  With all my heart I wish you in the New Year prosperity, success and as sincere comrades as I am. ”

For those who hope for something unusual:

“Colleague, do not wait for the New Year miracle, it will come to you and put things in order: it will“ solve ”problems in your personal life, make your boss increase your salary and give you the opportunity to fly on vacation to warm countries. In addition, it will protect against sidelong glances and vain meetings.
  Enormous success to you and unquenchable good luck in the New Year! ”

Funny wishes to female colleagues

It’s not an easy task to pick up. It is much more difficult to choose the right wording for congratulating beautiful ladies. The most important thing here is to observe the tact and not go far from the topic.

  For example, you can arrange everything this way:

“Dear beautiful colleagues! In the New Year, I want to wish you great enormous happiness and dizzying success in all areas of your life.
  So that your beauty blossoms every day, and brightens up our workdays.
  Have a happy weekend, fabulous adventures and fulfillment of your wildest desires! ”

Unmarried craft comrades can offer ladies such a congratulation:

“Dear women! You are all beautiful, like fabulous Snow Maiden. But I want to wish that in the coming year, unlike them, your hearts would be warmed by love for us men.
  Let's raise the glasses for our lovely and charming Snow Maidens! ”

What New Year's holiday without the participation of the protagonist? Light sparkling humor with the participation of "bearded grandfather":

"Dear ladies. In the coming year, I want to wish you that Santa Claus personally handed you a bank card with a positive balance for life and an unlimited limit. "

Continuing the monetary theme:

“In the New Year, I wish all the beautiful ladies happiness of paradise, a good mood
   and non-cash accounts in Switzerland, “cats” for a beautiful fur coat, and “birds” for trips to hot countries. ”

Fans of "bright" humor can congratulate you like this:

To please women with a congratulation, you do not need to reinvent the wheel, just hint how beautiful they are:

“Dear women! A new year without you is like baby champagne or non-alcoholic beer — tasty, but not drunk.
  I wish you to always remain as delightfully dizzying as today, so that the most beautiful and strongest Santa Claus will always take care of you and please you with countless gifts from your bag.
  Holiday greetings!".

Those who like to philosophize can express themselves as follows, seasoning the speech with a bit of pleasant words for the ears about female ears:

“The main magic of the season, New Year, is sneaking up to us. Everyone is waiting for something mysterious and unusual.
  For example, our women, in search of true female happiness, wait patiently when they are enveloped in warmth, love and care.
  Therefore, I sincerely wish the coming year to give you virgin beauty, pristine femininity, heavenly love and a caring prince.
  Happy New Year!".

New Year's humorous greetings in prose for male colleagues

Making fun of fellow men is much easier than making fun of women. In the sense that you do not need to once again follow the language and make curtsies in front of a male audience.

  The first thing that comes to mind is funny associations on the topic "below the belt":

"Dear colleagues! On this wonderful holiday, we, your dear women, want to wish you that what protrudes your trousers grows and becomes thicker every year. We are talking about the wallet, if that. "

A slight hint on the same topic can be indicated in this congratulation:

"Dear Colleagues! We congratulate you on the upcoming holiday and wish you that the boss appreciates your successes, and after work your “virtues” are appreciated by your wives. ”

More shy and supportive female representatives can congratulate their colleagues like this:

“Dear men! Happy New Year. We wish you inexhaustible beer bottles, bottomless faceted glasses, accommodating and uncomplex women, loyal bosses and dream come true.

Continuing the theme of the implementation of material wealth, women can congratulate this:

"Dear Colleagues! Please accept my warmest congratulations on this wonderful New Year holiday.
  I wish you to always have fresh cold beer in your refrigerator, an executive housekeeper to work in a chic mansion, and the boss will give you a salary every day.
If you don’t have anything like this yet, then dream, and your wishes will come true. I swear by Santa Claus. ”

Funds about financial injections can be used in a holiday wish:

“Dear men! I wish you that in the New Year only a cotton beard from Santa Claus was false, and everything else - salary, monthly bonuses, bonuses, vacation pay - was the most real. Good luck in the upcoming! ”

Women know the secret of high labor productivity among men:

"Dear colleagues! We got you through. We know that a high salary and a solid position, for which you work tirelessly, are not your only goal.
  In fact, all this is in order to see the boss in a suit of Santa Claus, the crazy movements of an accountant on the dance floor, the broken stereotype of the secretary's ill-tempered teetotaler, real love between the inveterate employees and unforgettable photos and video surprises from a corporate party.
  We wish you an enchanting holiday and fulfillment of even more unthinkable desires. Happy New Year!".

Men in the team will approve of the festive statement regarding their strengths:

“Dear men! Let each of you in the coming year become an object of close female attention and receive as much money as there are snowflakes in the snowy winter.
  We wish you the best weather forecasts and exchange rates, festive mood and
   excellent good health. You need it today as needed. ”

The weaker sex perfectly represents what the strong half of humanity does during working hours:

“Dear men, on our behalf accept the warmest congratulations on the New Year.
  We wish you to always be near you who will do all the dirty work for you, so that you can properly relax in the workplace and not lose a penny from your salary.
  Let the upcoming holiday bring you a lot of unfading health, because it will come in handy for you to enjoy playing computer games on workdays. ”

Beautifully composed and expressively pronounced text on the corporate party is not the full key to the successful holding of the event.

Finally, the final touch at the stage of congratulating colleagues will be the delivery of small but pleasant gifts. But this is a completely different story ...

For some reason, every time when the next New Year is approaching, it seems that recently we took congratulations “Happy New Year”, exchanged gifts, opened champagne and made wishes ... And now, looking back at the past year of the Monkey and preparing surprises for the New Year of the Rooster , we recall all the events of the past 366 days. Yes, a leap year ends - according to popular belief, not too successful; the next cycle comes, already with 365 days. It is believed that troubles and failures will be less than a hundred times! At the same time, the number of pleasant news should increase. Passing Happy New Year greetings to colleagues 2017 , we wish each of them to forget about the problems, solve financial issues, fall in love for the first time or even do it again, finally go to the Czech Republic (Bulgaria, Italy, etc.) for a vacation, win the lottery ... But what can you say to colleagues? Probably, each of them cherishes his dream - basically, we wish them to be fulfilled. How to congratulate colleagues at work - this depends entirely on the team and the atmosphere in it. For example, fellow doctors love funny greetings. For some reason, lawyers, policemen, accountants are a little more serious. They prefer formal greetings in prose. Teachers and educators are most often congratulated by students and their pupils. That is why fellow teachers accumulate at home, probably the largest number of postcards with wonderful wishes.

Best congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 to colleagues at work - Unusual gifts and funny poems

If you have been working in a certain work team for several years now, you are probably used to the format of the New Year meeting with colleagues. The year 2017 of the Rooster in some creative groups will, in general, “meet” several times. Actors, singers, dancers, comedians ... These people are often ordered for corporate parties. They are lucky to meet the “few” New Years and exchange congratulations, perhaps with thousands of people! For them, the New Year is a real hard work, although, of course, related to entertainment. Colleagues on the Beau monde prefer glamorous greetings. They like to organize pranks for acquaintances, to give them unusual gifts, to compose original congratulatory verses. Things are simpler in the working groups of engineering workers. Usually, their imagination is aimed more at improving some mechanisms, developing parts, etc. For them, New Year greetings are more likely a formality, and sometimes not very pleasant. Computer colleagues, who for the most part are little tearing off the monitor screens, most often celebrate the New Year by knocking on the laptop keyboard. Congratulations online, virtual postcards and funny media files with cool videos are great for them.

May the New Year bring you
  Prosperity and income.
  May success be
  In order not to know interference.

May your health be strong
  The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
  In the world - the world, and in families - the way.
  Raising all salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
  Travel and tourism
  In the souls of sunny weather.
  All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Something itches my nose.
  Maybe frost is to blame?
  Or is it coming to us
  Merry New Year?

We need to prepare -
  To make the holiday a reward
  To break the table from dishes
  Santa Claus to be surprised.

Let's meet the coming year,
  Only happiness bears us!

They say how you will meet New
  You’ll spend the whole year.
  Far away then you will leave
  If you know what are you waiting for?

Year to watch TV,
  A year to cook, wash spoons,
  With a headache, with a gray nose,
  Walking with crumbs in the eyebrows ...

Well, I do not! Forgotten by us
  Both TV and Olivier ...
  Better with best friends
  A whole year to thump in a cafe!

Funny New Year 2017 greetings to colleagues - The most fun greeting poems for the Year of the Rooster

New Year is the most fun and most anticipated holiday in Russia. Probably, in no other country at the end of each December they accept and send such a huge number of congratulations as in Russia. Of course, it will not be so difficult for postal workers and all their colleagues in 2017 to work in the New Year. Most of the Rooster New Year's greetings will be sent not by "regular" mail, but by e-mail. Mobile phones will be torn from calls and SMS. Greeting cards, of course, will appear in mailboxes, but not in every family. Today, indeed, it’s easier to order a virtual greeting card than to use the services of the Russian Post - I don’t want kind words to be received late due to the huge flow of correspondence. A great option to congratulate colleagues at work is to purchase a ready-made cool postcard with funny pictures and write a fun verse of your own composition there. You can also use our selection of cool New Year greetings.

Happy New Year
  You, colleagues and friends,
  And I wish that we lived
  Friendly as one family.

Let luck be near
  Together with us a whole year,
  Salary increase
  And let our income grow.

So that we are one team
  They walked confidently forward.
  New Year is at the start,
  Distributes luck to everyone.

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
  And if something didn’t come true in the old,
  We do not diminish the desires of the bar,
  To prestress Grandfather Frost.

The coming year may be great
  The graph is growing upward,
  Income worthy and decent,
  And life is without turmoil and interference.

I wish you to increase and grow,
  Fewer delays and problems
  Complex issues are easy to solve.
  Happy New Year everyone! Happiness, peace to all!

In work - success, and at home - comfort,
  Let everything in your life be very cool.
  Career growth, wealth in your pocket,
  Apartment, car, suit from Armani!

And let there be as much money as winter snow,
  I sincerely wish you, colleague!
  All that is listed, let it bring
  New 2017 year!

Official Year of the Rooster for Russians - Greeting cards for colleagues in prose for the New Year 2017

On New Year's Eve, most of the work teams officially do not work. The exceptions, of course, are doctors, police officers, the Ministry of Emergencies, Ambulances, sellers of some convenience stores ... So it will be in the New Year 2017. Someone will take birth or give birth, others will catch New Year’s midnight to save a person’s life, others will simply forget about the coming of the Rooster next year ... No matter where the chimes strike us, in most cases you can always turn on the radio or TV and listen to the official president Russia to fellow citizens. Colleagues who, on duty, meet January 1 at work, can exchange greeting cards; to wish each other with all my heart good in prose. Each time, while preparing congratulations for the entire work team, be sure to consider the interests of each of your colleagues. Buy small souvenirs for them, for example, desktop figures of a rooster.

Dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you new creative plans, achievement of your goals, new achievements, interesting projects, mutual respect in the team, always feel close by the reliable shoulder of your colleague and, of course, material goods!

Merry Christmas greetings to colleagues New Year of the Rooster - Funny postcards with poems

The tradition of connecting the next coming year with the Eastern horoscope and with one of its twelve animals has quietly taken root in our country. Of course, many of us know that the beginning of this New Year on the Eastern calendar does not coincide with January 1. Each time his date changes. So the Chinese New Year will come in 2017 on January 28. Unlike the European holiday, it symbolizes the coming spring, the awakening of nature from hibernation. If you want to congratulate your colleagues in a special, original way, you can do this twice. For the first time, give them greeting cards for our New Year on December 31 or a little earlier. Give the second postcard with the image of the Fire Rooster on January 28, or also ... a little earlier - the Chinese New Year comes on Saturday, and it is unlikely that your colleagues will be at work on the weekend!

Hurrah! Hurrah! HURRAH!
  New Year's Eve!
  We dress up the Christmas tree together
  The office is stylishly decorated!
  To a friendly team
  Cool to celebrate the New Year!
  For happiness to be with us
  So that we can cope with business!
  That the boss would love us
  Bonuses paid.
  So that the trade union doesn’t offend,
  If anything, then defended.
  And an accountant so as not to be greedy,
  Nice, kind and nice.

Congratulations to your colleagues.
I wish you creative victories
  So the boss doesn't get it,
  He gave money without stint.
  There will be a holiday, there will be a Christmas tree
  There will be dances, there will be vodka.
  Wives will freak out
  And husbands will thump.
  So celebrates the New Year
  At work, all the people.
  Well, if not so,
  A year goes by anyhow.

Preparing unusual and original Happy New Year greetings to colleagues 2017 , be sure to consider in which team you work. Of course, it will be inappropriate to amuse the Rooster for the New Year with jokes of serious fellow officers working in the police and play them at the workplace. Formal, solemn congratulations in prose are more suitable for them. If you work in a medical team, you can approach the design of New Year's wishes creatively, with humor. Presenting cards and souvenirs for the New Year, consider the interests of each person. Let your gift be small, but appropriate and very pleasant! Happy New Year and wish you all your most cherished dreams come true! I wish you happiness, great luck, peace of mind and peace in families!

Happy New Year for colleagues

Dear Colleagues!
Happy New Year to all. In the New Year, I wish you success in work, well-being in the family, and raising children. So that all desires are fulfilled, only kind and sympathetic people meet on the way, so that tears in their eyes are only from happiness, and a smile brings every new day, and it never leaves the face!

Happy New Year to colleagues in prose

There could be no question of any success if our team had not taken up the matter! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of a business plan ... but behind all the figures and calculations is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill we cannot conceive of a single process or a single idea. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! Let the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and dreams and goals will be realized! We wish peace and comfort to your families! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Happy New Year to fellow poetry writers

Accept happy new year greetings
And wishes for happiness and love.
In the future year, more patience for you,
Good luck fill your days.
Fair, smart and reliable partners,
Do not take the wrong path.
Contracts are profitable, and better more is possible,
And to the goal in order to come!

Happy New Year to colleagues from the authorities

Dear Colleagues!
I think that many of you will meet the coming year at the festive table in the circle of your closest people, because the New Year is a family holiday. I want to raise a festive glass for warmth and comfort in your home, for peace and prosperity in every family!
May the New Year 2011 be successful and fruitful for you! Happiness, festive mood, health, love to you and your loved ones!

Happy New Year in verses for colleagues

Let the problems all go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Along with happiness at the gate
Knocking on us - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements,
Only competent decisions!
And you have big incomes,
Days are good, labor!
At home - joy, warmth,
A lot of good!

Happy New Year to colleagues in French

Chers amis! Chers coll? Gues!
Nous vous pr? Sentons nos meilleurs v? Ux pour ce No? L qui s "annonce! Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d" optimisme et de bonne humeur, du bonheur, des succ? S dans tous vos projets et nouvelles grandes r? Alisations! Nous esp? Rons que l "ann? E qui s" annonce vous apportera assurance, s? R? Nit ?, chance et succ? S dans toutes vos entreprises.
In Russian, the congratulation sounds like this:
Dear friends! Dear colleagues!
Congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let me wish you optimism, good mood, happiness, creative success and new achievements! We hope that the coming year will give confidence, peace, luck and success in all endeavors.\u003d263977

Colleagues, we heartily congratulate you
With a wonderful New Year's celebration!
We wish you success, joy,
Let happiness fill your home!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompany in a life journey.
May it be happy - and never otherwise
Your mornings, nights, days pass by.

Happy New Year to colleagues in verse

Our team is small,
But with a huge soul
Friendly to celebrate the New Year,
What is knocking at the gate -
Santa Claus let not be stingy
For gifts. And seeks
Give an award to everyone for the year,
To be happy people.
To work team
In summer and winter
And so that everyone had the strength
Be yourself!

Funny congratulations Happy New Year to colleagues

We have worked fruitfully,
All year, as if they were at war.
And some results have been achieved,
We have earned the Sabantuy already.
So I wish you, my colleagues,
I have happiness in the coming year,
May success be systematic
In work, in relationships and in love.

Happy New Year to colleagues

My dear colleagues!
I had a great luck in my life - to work with you!
Happy New Year! I wish you on this holiday and every day:
labor - creative, successful finds, decisions - as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about your sense of humor in case of failure!
Do not be afraid at work - inspiration, surprise, experimentation, it's worth it!
But do not tear yourself away from reality, be unclaimed.
I wish you happiness and success!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Dear Sirs!
Our team cordially wishes you a Happy New Year and wishes you and your enterprise success and prosperity.
Your colleagues, (company name)

Happy New Year to colleagues in verse

A beautiful and fluffy bedspread
Winter has enveloped trees and fields!
But my soul became warmer
We are waiting for the New Year's joy, good!
May the New Year come soon
And he will bring a lot of happiness to us!
And may all that we dream come true come true
Let only the best in homes happen!

Dear, respectable colleagues!
Happy New Year to you!
And I wish you much success
Interesting, sincere work!
Promising and new projects,
And in career - great achievements,
Happy mood to all of you
And the great, biggest accomplishments!

Happy New Year in verses to colleagues

Happy New Year to your colleagues

How fast time runs away.
Suddenly - time! - and New Year again!
And today I wish you
Less worries.
And if it’s a hassle, then small ones.
So as not to touch you ailment.
And to slow down the arrows
Familiar completed the circle!

Original New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues! So another year came to an end! It’s a little pity, because those wonderful events that rallied our team are fading into the past. But do not be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to go through together! Let everything that comes in the New Year bring our team only changes for the better, well-being and income growth! Happy new year dear friends!

Santa Claus let it be cool
There will be a kaput crisis!
Everyone will be at work,
It will be all that we wanted!
Wait for a career growth,
It is all easy and simple!
Respect so rushing
And a couple of honor with him!
The boss smiles
The directions are all clear!
The cashier’s statement carries
And opposite to all surnames,
It’s worth the bonus in wonder!
In, however, we are lucky
Hello, the best New Year!

Funny Happy New Year to friends, colleagues

Good Santa Claus comes to the house,
He knows, we are waiting for him,
Wearing a festive fur coat
And the magic staff is with him!
He barely drags a bag of gifts,
Oh, he’s probably getting hot!
Well, we don’t care about all this,
We are waiting for surprises day and night!
Who craves money, wealth,
Someone wants it to be very sweet
Someone dreams on travels
And the whole world wants to travel around!
Someone is waiting for the love of a crazy night
And my friend really wants to get drunk,
My neighbor and my friends are going to the bathhouse,
To soar there to glory!
Well, I want only one thing
To have a lot and everything!
Happy New Year
And they will receive all the coveted gifts!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! We worked together, I will not hide
I’m happy to go to work
And I really want to tell you sometimes:
I will not find other such people anywhere!

May the New Year fulfill wishes,
Good luck - will not go around anyone!
We’ll fill all the glasses with champagne,
Drain them now for the New Year!

Happy New Year to colleagues in verse

Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart,
May the days and nights be good!
The bosses may be less worried
Let the bad go away soon!
In a career - growth and great inspiration,
Find successful solutions in everything!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Though snowdrifts prevent us from going,
Though a blizzard scares outside
Anyway, colleagues, congratulations
Happy New Year to you and Merry Christmas!
I wish you much success
And in work, and in matters of love,
Let it fill with life, happiness, laughter
The coming year is all hours and days.

Happy New Year to colleagues original

I wish that in the new year you will increase your salaries by 150%, and at the same time make more days off. I wish your work schedule this year to be like this: 12.00 - the beginning of the working day, 12.05-13.55 - lunch break, 14.00 - the end of the working day. Happy New Year!

Comic greetings to colleagues happy New Year

Colleagues! It just so happened that we have to congratulate each other on the New Year! Thinking, I thought about my wish and here’s what I decided: let the New Year give each of you what you most want! I am sure that then you will want even more, so make a guess right away so that there is everything, more and immediately. Let everything come true, but for now let's drink for the New Year and for all our dreams!

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With a new labor income!
With a new mood and fashion,

What the heart desires!

On a new trip we set off.

To have a successful new year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to colleagues

As streams and rivers run into the seas
So the past eternity has sunk a year ...
Happy New Year! Merry christmas colleagues
On a new trip we set off.
May you on different new paths
Waiting for discoveries of joyful delight,
May rich experience help you,
To have a successful new year

Original congratulations to colleagues a Happy New Year

Santa Claus let it be cool
There will be a kaput crisis!
Everyone will be at work,
It will be all that we wanted!
Wait for a career growth,
It is all easy and simple!
Respect so rushing
And a couple of honor with him!
The boss smiles
The directions are all clear!
The cashier’s statement carries
And opposite to all surnames,
It’s worth the bonus in wonder!
In, however, we are lucky
Hello, the best New Year!

Original greetings Happy New Year colleagues poems

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With a new labor income!
With a new mood and fashion,
With new joy and snowy weather!
With new happiness, with new freedom,
Admire the nature holidays!
May each of you achieve everything
What the heart desires!

Comic congratulations colleagues happy New Year

Colleagues! Well, one more year passed, when we all worked together gloriously!
I wish that in the New Year we not only gloriously worked, but also gloriously received money! Let them be exactly as much as each of us wants! Then we’ll see which of us is the most greedy! Happy New Year!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year! Happy new triumph!
May in the coming year
We have enough everywhere and everything -
If anything, I’ll bring more.
Let women smile with a smile
Let men believe in their success
Let the bosses next year
Praises for the work of all-all-all!

Happy New Year in verses to colleagues

In the New Year, I wish you, colleagues,
Let them blow it away soon, blizzards:
All problems are complex, tasks,
Let everyone have a summer residence!
Plans, numbers and reports,
Let worries leave soon!
New Year at the door
Open them soon!
Have fun from the heart
Happiness to the house hurries to all!

Original congratulations of business colleagues on a Happy New Year

I am what I think, my dear business colleagues! Let 364 days a year be profitable and only one day - unprofitable - this is when we all together celebrate the best and richest New Year! Let our business bring us solid income, and the costs will be so small that we won’t even talk about them! Happy New Year and Happy New Year to you gentlemen!

Comic Happy New Year to colleagues

Dear colleagues, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and wish each of you to finally turn from formidable tigers into affectionate cats and kitties! And then the team will be a continuous purr, which, as you know, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system! And that means that finally peace will prevail, which is not very good for work, but the situation in the team will be great! Happy New Year!

Funny Happy New Year to your colleagues

Colleagues, a minute of attention!
I will tell you my wishes.
May the New Year Coming to Us
Good luck to all of us.
May there be agreement with us,
In work, as in a feast now.
Let our business bloom rapidly
And bring profit to all of us!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues.

Day after day we worked hard,
Achieved fruits in the business.
We are worth the rest, of course
There is a reason - the New Year has come!
So put the reports aside,
Recall them only next year.
There will be only pleasant worries
This night. Colleagues, everything to the table!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues!
I wish in him
We are quite successful
In our business is big!
Let only the joy of victory
It will unite us forever!
We will leave all the troubles
Forever behind!

Happy New Year quatrains to colleagues

I will tear off the last calendar sheet,
I’ll briefly say to my colleagues!
Huge happiness to you in the New Year,
Fulfill any dream faster!

Happy New Year to fellow poetry writers

New Year's affairs
Dances, songs until the morning!
A tree was dragged into the office
And the table has already been laid!
Soon Santa Claus will come,
Wink with your right eye!
All colleagues wish
What he wants, he knows for sure!
Kindness, warmth, love,
Money - in the year of the cat. Look ...
There’s a round ball on the Christmas tree -
From him love fire!
In the heart burns with flame
The cat has an embarrassed look!
Humming you good
Tender passion until the morning
Every day or week ... ..
Of course I believe him!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues, friends!
This holiday promises us joy.
And you cannot believe in happiness,
After all, only a believer - let him see ...
So let's wait for the New Year
With new bread on a new table,
May he bring happiness to all of us
And success in hard work.

Happy New Year to colleagues in verses

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
With a new labor song!
Let's say together the year: “Hello!
Come visit us again! ”
May it bring us success
May it save us from troubles
Removes all interference
On the road and the way.

Funny congratulations Happy New Year for colleaguesNew Year on a sled rushes
A tiger harnessing suddenly!
The tiger is white and fluffy,
In the East they say!
He is the real protector
And I am very happy with him!
Toast I tell you guys
Many are not wise much!
May it bring you much happiness!
May your dream come true!

Happy New Year to friends, colleagues in verse

The table is set, candles shine
The Christmas tree is waiting for the apotheosis.
Outside a snowstorm and a cold,
Forty degrees of frost!
The holiday is waiting for the kids,
We will not sleep until morning.
By tradition, at twelve,
There is a clinking of glasses.
Beat, screams, round dance,
We broke into the New Year!

Happy New Year greetings toast colleagues

Happy new year friends! Our century is fleeting
I congratulate you again on a new one,

Collective greetings are always the most popular. A special role is always given to New Year's collective greetings. Our wishes portal offers Happy New Year to colleagues, which will strengthen the morale in the team. This congratulation carries warmth, lightness, sincere notes of a friendly mood and hope for stability in the future. Happy New Year to colleagues will be received with joy if it is not only printed on a card and presented to each employee, but also pronounced at the festive table for all colleagues.

People in higher positions always find themselves in a difficult situation, because, as a rule, ordinary employees, by virtue of respect, are not so frank with their bosses. That is why it is always more difficult for bosses to come up with congratulations for their employees.


Most often, subordinates expect from the boss for any holiday either bonuses or salary increases.

But if you want to do something special, then you can take a look at the list below and choose New Year greetings for your colleagues: witty and funny.

How to surprise your employees - congratulations in prose:

  • Sensual speech.

Dear, and, most importantly, my beloved colleagues. This year was difficult but productive, so today, on this special day, I want to remind you that each of you is a part of not just our company, but our family. You are all the cogs of one huge mechanism, without any of which everything will fall apart.

I want to congratulate you and sincerely wish you never to go astray, because only together we can change this world and make our important business unsurpassed.

  • Comic.

Dear colleagues, you all know why we are here today. On this day we want to celebrate the New Year approaching to us, namely, the upcoming year of the pig.

I would like to wish that next year we close all reports faster, so that in December we rest more and not run as if something is burning somewhere, and, of course, so that we do not feel as if the end of the world is approaching, but not new year.

And I also want to say that you do not look tomorrow or on the morning of the first of January, as a symbol of the coming year, because the second is for you all to work.

Of course, depending on what the company, enterprise, firm or government agency where you work does, you can add more specifics.

Congratulations in the verses:

  • A gentle and always appropriate congratulation.

This is a very gentle and warm poem that will delight your employees.

  • Congratulations, which will allow your colleagues to realize the whole path that they went this year.

Perhaps such a congratulation from the head will even make them cry.


The boss should always be an example and a model for all his employees, so it is very important to make a New Year's gift special and memorable.

For employees who are on the same plane, that is, they occupy roughly the same positions, it is always much easier to come up with each other various New Year's greetings to colleagues: witty and funny.


When you congratulate employees of the same “rank” as you, you can allow yourself more freedom, because for sure you have common jokes and jokes that you can certainly focus on.

You can surprise your colleagues with funny jokes, funny speeches, touching greetings or just kind words, and to see all this, refer to the list presented to you below.

Examples of congratulations:

  • Sincere and soulful words.

Dear colleagues and close friends, let today not December 31, but since we all gathered on this day, I want to heartily congratulate you and wish you to move forward only. The cozy team in which we work with you will always be responsive and sincere if each of you works with us.

It was not an easy year, and we all tried not only to do our job well, but also support each other, be a strong shoulder, a core and support for everyone. May the next year be a road to new successes and achievements for all of us.

  • Funny greetings.

Dear friends, I want to appeal to each of you with my congratulations and it doesn’t matter whether you have been working with us for a long time or just a little bit, because in one week at work we manage to go through all 12 stages that vaguely resemble the symbols of the new year . First, we are all hiding from the bosses like mice (roughly speaking to rats) when we are late or just mowing on Monday.

Then, like bulls, we bicker with each other, and in no way can we find a compromise. And after that, like tigers, we pounce on work and can’t get away from work, because at heart we are all hardworking and responsible. But when our ardent desire to contribute to the common cause declines, we become rabbits and go to rest.

But if someone disturbs our peace, we, like dragons, spew out fire and drive away the disturbing ones, and after that we hiss for a long time, like snakes. And when the anger passes, we again take up the matter and plow all day, like horses. And after that we feel like real sheep. Then all weekend, like monkeys, we fool around, and in the morning we try to get up as early as roosters. We get tired again like dogs, and on New Year we, like pigs, guess what we are doing? You are mistaken, we delight the mistress of the year and grunt with joy that all the reports and difficulties are already behind us and life begins "from scratch."

Words in prose always sound relaxed and free. And even if you prepared your speech in advance, you can tell it in such a way that no one will understand and think that you just got it out of the bowels of your soul.

Wrap your words and congratulations in verses:

  • Reminder of your favorite business.

Congratulate your colleagues on the New Year and do not forget to tell them about the significance of their work and ask them to continue in the same spirit, without stopping.

  • Lovely short poems.

If you know that you will have to entertain your colleagues throughout the evening, then these verses will certainly help you. There you can find good, sincere words that can be wedged effortlessly throughout the evening.

  • Comic congratulation. If you want to amuse employees, you will certainly find what you are looking for. These words will definitely make all your colleagues smile and, of course, will amuse them.
  • To not be bored. As mentioned earlier, when you congratulate employees who are in approximately the same position as you, you can afford a little more. Therefore, pay attention to this poem.

It will definitely amuse your colleagues and may make you feel like the soul of a company.

Congratulations in verses always look very sweet and sincere, therefore, if you chose this particular form for exposing your words to it, you can safely rush to the corporate party to congratulate your colleagues.

Especially for bosses

Preparing wishes for superiors is always a difficult part for someone who falls on their shoulders. You need to make sure that it is not too formal, so as not to offend the boss, but you must not overdo it so as not to violate subordination.


In your congratulations, do not try to flatter the chef too much so as not to appear to the rest of the team sneaky.

Wishes in prose:

  • Thank you.

Dear head of our wonderful team (you can just give the name of the boss), we want to congratulate you from the whole of our company on the upcoming New Year and thank you for working hard for the good of our company for all these twelve months and guiding us in the right direction.

With you, we feel in good hands, so we wish you always to remain the same strong and brave captain. May in 2019 you will be able to conquer all the waves that you meet on the way. Happy holiday!

  • The original.

Dear (name of the chef), in honor of the upcoming New Year, we want to contact you with words of gratitude and congratulate you on the holiday. We always think of you as our father, because our entire team is one big family. You do not just tell us what to do, and give orders.

You are helping us with good advice. And this advice can not always concern only work matters, therefore, under your wing we feel like children who are not afraid of anything when their dad is nearby. And today we thank you for this and wish that your children always only please you and lead you to victory.

Congratulating the boss in prose is the best option, because in this way you can express everything that you would really like to tell him and wish from the bottom of your heart, without using the quatrain quatrains and poems known to many. Of course, you can compose something yourself, and then it will be doubly pleasant.

Thus, if you read the text of this article, then the question for you is what kind of New Year greetings to your colleagues: witty and funny, definitely no longer worth it. Most importantly, do not forget that all the words that you prepare for employees must be from a pure heart, from the heart. In this case, you will certainly be heard.

Congratulations to your colleagues.
I wish you creative victories
So the boss doesn't get it,
He gave money without stint.
There will be a holiday, there will be a Christmas tree
There will be dances, there will be vodka.
Wives will freak out
And husbands will thump.
So celebrates the New Year
At work, all the people.
Well, if not so,
A year goes by anyhow.

The year was without rumors, bliss ...
Congratulations to you colleagues:
Enters the harbor steamboat -
Stylish white New Year!
What do you need to admit?
We live warm and friendly
A strong team is getting stronger
Forbidding drunkenness on weekdays!
But today we are in a circle
Let's drink, wishing each other:
May the New Year also pass
No storms and bad weather!

December came, arguing with the weather,
And on the threshold - New Year.
May success be the sea
And happiness is a complete garden.
Happy New Year to you!
Let it be sweeter than honey
May the departing old year
Take away adversity with you!
Colleagues! Joy increasing
Let luck grow
Health! Happiness! For long years
And new creative victories!

It's nice to work in such a team,
Where friendship and help will always be valid
Where the joy of communication will replace the scandal,
How lucky I was with work, I did not even know.
I hasten to congratulate you, I, Happy New Year.
May we be friends in life fun.
I wish you the sun under the sky!
Let me read a little congratulation.

Heartiest congratulations,
From the bottom of my heart
Tomorrow we will rush again
Yes, that's just to get dressed for the holiday!
Glad I congratulate you all today,
And especially - to give,
After all, this New Year’s holiday,
It’s generally accepted to give something!
My team is beautiful and cheerful
Glad everyone, no one hung his nose,
Respect your friends and songs!

Congratulations with all our strength.
Happy New Year office is cute,
All office people-people:
May the year be happy!
Let accountants think
Let the secretaries fly
The cook is happy at lunch,
And so it lasts for many years!
To all “servants” - friendship, fraternity,
Peace and love of wealth
Bucks a pack, not copper
Have your wallets!

Our dear colleagues!
The magic New Year is coming
And with him - oh miracle! - weekends,
Which is so lacking!
Let it be folding for everyone,
Successful, profitable, encouraging,
And may last year
With problems take away!
We wish each other
Happiness, money, long years,
Holding out each other's arms
Sing to the whole world:
“Happy New Year, Happy New Year!”
The clinking of glasses, as always,
And burns over the sky
Star of Bethlehem!

Happy New Year!
And with all our hearts we wish
So that on your Christmas tree
Among the festive animals
Flaunted from half a dozen
Multicolored bubbles,
And so Santa Claus is happy
Half drunk, squinting his eye,
The tastiest, sweetest treated
Champagne YOU!
Strongly you do not get drunk
And do not lie under the tree,
To the new Santa Claus
I didn’t carry it to the detoxification center
They will inform you of work and suddenly they will lose ...

Christmas tree holiday colors,
Colorful lights ...
We would all be kind and kind,
To really live, as in a fairy tale,
In the days to come!
And overhearing the blizzard
Comprehending the essence of life,
Wish each other
We are still ... Something!
He came, exciting souls,
This solemn turn:
Goodbye last year,
Hello hello new year
Happy New Year!

I hasten to congratulate you - because the New Year is coming soon!
Do not take care of worries and new adventures ...
Every new year brings with it
And the joy of new meetings,
And the pain of goodbyes
And the sadness of forgiveness.
I wish you to laugh and be sad
Dreaming - and may dreams come true! -
So that you can remember and forgive
The one who wrote you the wish ...